"When you're that far out, it just seems smart, to me, to have fuel." Shots fired, Matt! Editing to add: for future reference, Rory, that the little "A" with the arrow over it is the Ford setting for the auto start-stop. Fords will turn the engine off at stop lights and stop signs for fuel economy when the brake is fully depressed, and when you take your foot off the brake they restart. I would imagine in its battered state, crawling slowly on that trail with heavy brake usage, the computer was a little confused about when it should shutoff and restart.
This may just be an illustration of a really narrow minded old guy... but why the hell would anyone buy a vehicle that can screw up your day so thoroughly and leave you no control of it!!! Two of my three vehicles are 25+ years old and have never, nor will they ever pull any of that stupid crap an me. All of my "decrepit" old buggers have more than 100,000 miles on them and they drive like new cars should but rarely do. Of course, driver's brain fart's certainly do enter into the problem when they get waaaay out in the boonies and wonder why they get stranded. A very wise old man once told me, "you can't fix stupid so don't get your skivvies in a wad over something that has no solution!!" Rory, I think the best plan is to drag them back to "civilization" say "thank you" and hope the check clears... You guys are doing a great job... Keep up the good work and we'll keep watching!! 👍
So glad to see this video! We were biking the White Rim road and we came across this woman. She was from FL, probably in her 60s, and had rented that vehicle, she said she was stuck in the park for 3 days and all she had was 5 bottles of water. She actually tried to drive back to the Shafer trail on the donut and made it to the Murphy C camp spot (we were up the hill at Murphy B). Another group had a sat phone to call for help and rangers rolled in that night around 11:30 to take her out. She was also fortunate to have cooler temps as it rained the day before we came across her. I will say when I checked on her she was super chill, had it not been for the some luck and support of strangers it could be more than just a vehicle recovery...
Geez, why is it always people from FL?🙄 Y’all, I promise, most Floridians are normal, reasonable, sane folks. We just have terrible PR. Sounds like this woman never realized how much danger she was in or how lucky she was to have help from strangers & favorable weather.
He would just could that as part as the tank. Not as a reserve / emergency. It's not that he's forgetful. He deliberately gambles with fuel and is always under prepared, despite knowing better. That's why only the wrecker has an air compressor.
As long as there are places to go where people shouldn't, Matt, Rory, Robby and Paul will never be out of rescue work. They take us to places that cause us to lean and grab the chair arms.
You may not realize it but you educate a lot of people about how to go about doing things you're doing a great job please keep it up always looking forward to your next one
This was another episode of “just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it.” I don’t think some people realize how quickly a situation like this can go sideways.
That little donut held up better than I would have thought. The people probably didn't want to point it out to the rental company, because they were hoping nobody would notice, even though there was a shredded tire in the passenger seat.
I live in Moab and have driven the White Rim many times. To the eye it looked like it was as well maintained and smooth as i have ever seen it. The section they drove it out, from Murphy Hogback over Hardscrabble Hill is a long, and usually VERY rough section. The steepness of the grades doesn't come across on video. I am amazed they were able to get that little car out under it's own power. White Rim is not to be taken lightly. It is long, difficult and rough, but one of the most beautiful places you will ever see.
It’s amazing how often people try something stupid (or dangerous), get away with it, and then think to themselves “well gee, I guess that wasn’t really so stupid after all.” So they do it again, and again, sometimes others copy them, until someone finally winds up paying the price. I love your videos. But they’re not just entertaining. They are, well and truly, cautionary tales, for those smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others. I’m glad The Force was with you on this one. I wouldn’t have wanted to drive that little PoS on any part of the White Rim, especially with a spare on the front!
@UnkleMark Bills, whoever rented it better have paid for the supplement insurance. I met a guy who married my friend stepdaughter when they came for his other daughters wedding. They flew in and rented out the top of line 4x4 truck, then thrashed it on trail. We normally drive 4wheelers on its a creek bed rock, slate, gravel, water holes up to 8 or so foot deep with no bypassing. He was laughing about it. Crunched fenders rockers water inside.
The state of Utah should pay you for promoting tourism in the state. Amazing scenery!!! My son from SOuth Africa will be coming to see what you have shown me on your travels... Thank you.
I should be used to this by now, seems like years I've been watching your adventures. But some of those extreme drop offs, shelf roads, crazy high cliffs and loose ground still cause a flinch or or some grabbing on to the armrest of the loungeroom couch. Yet again, you guys do amaze. That broken little Edge did well to clamber out too. Well done!
I dunno how these Utah rental companies can stay in business... but I sure do know how you guys stay in business! Keep up the Awesome work! Love the rock every man can appreciate a good rock as well!
probably by suing the customer for breach of contract as it is quite likely that there are stipulations in their rental agreement that the customer is liable for all damages to the vehicle, recovery fees and that they are not allowed to take them off fully sealed roads. Nobody reads the fine print before signing.
That’s how they stay in business actually , any insurance even ours usually stop any coverage once you drive off road , so they send the repair bill to the renter and in many cases , they will charge rental fees for all the days the car spent in repair shop and was off their lot .
Rory I am impressed that they drove that car that far on the trail. I agree cars like that dont belong on the trails. Seeing you guys tie the car on top of the buggy would been something to see because if anyone could do that it would be you
Because the manufacturer markets and sells it as a SUV 4 wheel drive. Just think of all those stupid ads of people driving their SUV "off-road". You ask for a rental 4x4 and the cheapest is one of these soft-roaders. I had a hard time getting this through to one person on a stag-do at our 4x4 site. He had a vehicle that had "Super All Wheel Control" written in big letters across the back. It wasn't even 4wd. We call them faux-by-fours.
HEY! Hello Rory, Mike and Shawn! I actually am very impressed that the Ford Edge made it out of there on its own power with the donut spare tire on the front ! I think that I would have jacked the car up and would have got that spare onto the rear of the car. I know it is an AWD , but still it is more critical to have the front tires the same diameter as they do most of the driving/pulling. Most of the drive power goes to the front wheels.. But you got it out. I am sure that the renters of the car are going to be held responsible for a LOT of damages!
Those Edge’s are actually quite capable for what they are. I had a rental one in Utah, blasting up Provo Canyon in 6-8 inches of fresh snow. Followed a Taco up the canyon for about 30 miles at 45+ with no issues. Was actually quite impressed!
I agree, a simple way to improve the situation. The Front wheels take a lot more impact.Also, with more weight over the front suspension, it would be better to get that extra inch of radius.
wait, was 1:08 a light-hearted poking at Matt for always running out of gas? 🤣🤣 the comradery and soft puns are great. friendly poking at each other. that's what friendship and life is about. 🤪🤠🥳
Maybe you could teach Matt the extra fuel strategy/practice 😂🤣😂 Sure glad you do have the capacity to have safe/secure back up plans... and really shows the team work you Mike and Shawn have developed😊
I try to save all the “good” RUclips channels/videos for in the mornings when I’m relaxing and drinking my coffee. Rory, Sean and Mike are top 5 of that list. I’ll watch them before Donut, Sparks, Finnegan, SXS, 1320 etc etc…I just don’t want any interruptions when I’m watching Trail Mater. All those other channels I can pause and walk away from for awhile or what before I go to bed when I’m tired and only 1/2 paying attention. Rory is doing such a great job at making videos and really putting forth some effort it’s only fitting that I make some time to enjoy his content without distractions. Thanks Rory!
I love people like this. "It's 4wd, it can go there!" Then they call you to get it back, we get to see some great vistas at their expense. I wonder if they've learned anything?!?
Alpha you're exactly right Rory goes to a lot of beautiful places I wish you would talk more about the scenery at the places he goes it just doesn't seem like he appreciates the beauty of the environment he works in .
Awesome how you were able to drive that car right out of there! I would feel the same way Rory, if something bad is gonna happen, I would rather it happen to me than someone else! Great team effort on that recovery! Thanks for sharing
Dude you’re so versed on these trails I think you could drive a tour bus through them if it weren’t for the low overheads. I would be shittin bricks around each turn. You good bra.
Hi Rory, Shaun & Mike from Hampshire in the UK. I can’t believe the situations people get themselves into. It looks like I could do those trails in my stock LR3… but just because I could, doesn’t mean I would. All the best - love what you do. 😀
hi, from aus.. jeeps & LR anything,,are banned here.. i got a s/duty, 4.2tdi. 700nm.. 14 lt 100.. petrol is $2.10 lt.. 2 best 4x4rs are the gu nissan, & 80 series LC. nissan better choice.. im in moonta, s.a., i passed a series 1, 80'', green LR today,, i shivered.. i like the 110 or 130.. but,, price is not good.. for what you get..
I just can’t understand how this channel doesn’t have millions of subscribers. Rory Shawn and Mike are just good guys doing good stuff. Is there anything Rory can’t fix?
I was a little surprised that you didn’t swap the spare to the rear. In my AWD Subi any issues with traction resulted in a front wheel drive. So the last place I’d want a space-saver-spare is the front. Love your work, scenery is pretty spectacular too.
Hey Rory, I seldom think of anything I would do differently that is better than your methods but in this instance, I think it would have helped if you'd put the space saver wheel on the rear of the car. With a mostly FWD drivetrain, you'd get more traction and a lower likelihood of spinning the space saver which looks like was the main cause of ripping the tread off. I was taught to always put the space saver on the rear on road so if you have a blow out it's not a steerer, which is more likely to cause you to lose control, but I think it would help here too.
I was thinking the same but then they showed how mangled that wheel tub was and the clanking. Agreed with Cheshire cat the bigger wheel may have caused more issues and the spare was already trashed whereas the others seemed to be okay still. So from the perspective of the thrashed wheel tub no reason to throw one of the good wheels in place 🤙🙂🤙
You have to be impressed with the "wounded warrior" being able to drive out of there, almost makes you wonder how good it might be if it was designed for off-roading. Thanks guys, bit of superglue on the Dodge and good as new.
Glad I have learned enough to know the difference from being lucky vs being okay (off road driving skills). Now I am working on improving my off road driving skills. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah my old Subaru Impreza was a bit of a pain the couple of times I got a puncture. The space-saver wheel had to go on the rear (puncture was always on the front of course) and I had to fitz around in the fuesbox and remove a fuse to disable the AWD system - so it became front wheel drive only. All, as you said, because these systems really don't like having one wheel a different size to the others. Other than that it was great, but there's no way I'd have taken it on anything worse than a smooth gravel road. Awesome fun in the winter though, with proper tyres 😀
Auto then. Can't pull that trick on the manuals. Though opposite trick. You can bridge the sensor on the autos to force it to lock the transfer unit up off road
Yes indeed it was an auto. Slightly more sophisticated awd than the manuals, but a more leisurely drive (ie slower 😅) I miss the car for the way it drove, but not for the way it drank petrol..
why don't car rental leases have a clause saying: " do NOT use off road"!!! But, I'm selfish now because the lack of it sure gives us some funny videos, lol. Thanks Rory and crew for another wonderful video with unbelievable scenery views. Hugs from Belgium.
Hi team Trail mater, great job. People need to learn the difference between AWD and 4WD, and why do AWD manufacturers put space saver wheels on their vehicles knowing the system won’t like it if you have to fit it. Keep up the good work. 😎🇬🇧
Always great to have people willing to provide entertainment driving vehicles to locations like that! So many questions though! 🤣Still amazed that it didn't loose all it's oil...
I remember my very first time at Moab with my 2006 Nissan Xterra 4x4 on 33's (but otherwise stock) I went to Gemini Bridges trail and was not sure if my vehicle was equipped well enough to do that trail (because I'd never been there before and didn't know how easy or hard Moab trails would be)...I'm about 15 minutes into it and I had to move over to let a Ford Windstar minivan pass by going the opposite direction back towards the highway and I'm thinking to myself "how the fuck did that thing make it up here?!?"...once I got to the Gemini Bridges area and finished the rest of the trail, I realized they'd come in from the Canyonlands/Dead Horse side on gravel roads and likely had no fucking clue what was waiting for them heading out that direction...
Another time I made it up to Hurrah Pass on my way to Chicken Corners and parked to get out and admire the view when a Porsche Cayenne came up the trail from Chicken Corners and was heading back out the way I was coming in...to be fair, that one actually had some lift to it and some form of small all-terrain tires and skid pans on it, but it's still like taking a Subaru Forester out on trails...
@@AJvsEverything Hey, don't knock Subies. They've got great clearance and traction control. Only things I think they lack is armor and tire size, which can be fixed.
Did an early AM solo Gemini bridges run in a stock '19 Tacoma a couple years ago, also unsure what the trail was and what I was actually getting into... constantly repeating to myself "don't break anything that makes you call Rory, you've got to drive this back to Washington still" Good times
@duder9752 I drove down from Minnesota in 2019 to go to see the land speed racing event at the Bonneville Salt Flats and it got rained out, so I wound up driving to Moab for the first time...best decision of my life...I've been back there 4 times since that first trip, and I'd love to go again...
Howdy Rory!! I'm always AMAZED at the places people take those "rental" cars😵💫 (Sure not a great advertisement for purchasing a "used" car from one of their fleet!!) You, WisconsinMike and Shawn are the perfect moden day "Three Muskateers"... Y'all sure keep me laughing at the shenanigans you get into!!😂😂 Safe travels, friends ❤❤ Stay FROSTY... Keep your powder dry and your head on a swivel... 🇺🇸🇺🇸WWG1WGA🇺🇸🇺🇸NCSWIC🇺🇸🇺🇸
Oh my God what are these people thinking! What a mess the Trail Mater team got into with this recovery. And of course nobody told Rory they ruined a tire and rim and the donut is on it's last leg. Anyway they recovered the Ford and drove it out! Beautiful scenery!
Hey RORY & The ""SHAWN & MIKE SHOW "" !!!! ""CONGRATS"" 🙃😉🙂 👍👍👍👍👍 as once again you show what NOT to do with a ""RENTAL "" car !!! Guess the days of the ""OL"" Military Jerry Cans have gone BYE BYE as ONLY can find plastic cans now !!! 🤔🤔🙄
the one thing i like about your videos is how people really under estimate what their vehicles can do, the Other great thing i like is the beautiful areas that you drive in when you guys are out and about
Rory, @1:33, seeing you sitting in that open cage 4x4, in that comfy looking bucket seat, with the hat backward, with the sun on your face, and the spectacular view! Envy!!!!
10:56 I don't know that model precisely, but that button you turned off - that's the symbol Ford uses for their engine stop-start feature. Now, when you stop at the traffic lights in the middle of the desert, the engine should now continue to burn fuel. 😁
Another good rescue there Rory my only problem is the customer who rented that car will be paying the entire price of that car imagine that customer will probably be in debt for about $50,000 because the noise is that car was making obviously the transfer case is dust obviously the transmission is dust the engine is probably eating up as well look at the undercarriage on that car we're just talking about stupid people with cars not designed to go off road and also SUVs not to go off-road either and that SUV fell into that category 😢 . As always Rory you going to some beautiful places and this rescue was no exception .😅
With all the awesome scenery you have shown lately, you need a mix video showing all the cool places you go. I think it was monument a while back, wow! thanks
I love it when some nit-wit brags that is 4X4 vehicle can go anywhere. NOTHING can't get stuck. I saw a Caterpillar D-9 dozer get stuck in deep mud up to the top of the tracks. I was a firefighter fighting a 250 tons of baled hay fire in two barns for over 20 hours in 1967. Several fire department pumpers were pumping thousands of gallons of water on that fire and the dozer was trying to break up the bales. His machine suddenly just sank. The operator just shut it off and said he'd come back for it in a few days when the mud dried and drive it out.
That little car was WAY out there.
I thought you did look pretty good in it though.
That tire looked like it was a Van Halen hotel room.
Well, maybe before 5150 album 🙂 say 1980s
@@DB-yj3qc you do realize 5150 came out in ‘86 right? Agreed the Van-Hagar years were pretty tame though.
You guys are showing your age with these comments
@@cognitivedissonancecamp6326 using Van Halen as your reference kind of dates you as well doesn’t it?
"When you're that far out, it just seems smart, to me, to have fuel."
Shots fired, Matt!
Editing to add: for future reference, Rory, that the little "A" with the arrow over it is the Ford setting for the auto start-stop. Fords will turn the engine off at stop lights and stop signs for fuel economy when the brake is fully depressed, and when you take your foot off the brake they restart. I would imagine in its battered state, crawling slowly on that trail with heavy brake usage, the computer was a little confused about when it should shutoff and restart.
This may just be an illustration of a really narrow minded old guy... but why the hell would anyone buy a vehicle that can screw up your day so thoroughly and leave you no control of it!!! Two of my three vehicles are 25+ years old and have never, nor will they ever pull any of that stupid crap an me. All of my "decrepit" old buggers have more than 100,000 miles on them and they drive like new cars should but rarely do.
Of course, driver's brain fart's certainly do enter into the problem when they get waaaay out in the boonies and wonder why they get stranded. A very wise old man once told me, "you can't fix stupid so don't get your skivvies in a wad over something that has no solution!!"
Rory, I think the best plan is to drag them back to "civilization" say "thank you" and hope the check clears...
You guys are doing a great job... Keep up the good work and we'll keep watching!! 👍
So glad to see this video! We were biking the White Rim road and we came across this woman. She was from FL, probably in her 60s, and had rented that vehicle, she said she was stuck in the park for 3 days and all she had was 5 bottles of water. She actually tried to drive back to the Shafer trail on the donut and made it to the Murphy C camp spot (we were up the hill at Murphy B). Another group had a sat phone to call for help and rangers rolled in that night around 11:30 to take her out. She was also fortunate to have cooler temps as it rained the day before we came across her. I will say when I checked on her she was super chill, had it not been for the some luck and support of strangers it could be more than just a vehicle recovery...
WOW!!! the rest of the story!!
I wouldn't have guessed a lady in her 60's would disrespect a rental car to that level...
Geez, why is it always people from FL?🙄 Y’all, I promise, most Floridians are normal, reasonable, sane folks. We just have terrible PR. Sounds like this woman never realized how much danger she was in or how lucky she was to have help from strangers & favorable weather.
@@lopin890 I read that in Paul Harvey’s voice
.....that's how I wrote it!!! Glad it came through as such❤❤
I think you might need to give Mat that little piece of advice about the gas can, and how much of a priority it is for you.
I would think that would be part of your rescue equipment but that's just me I agree with what you're saying
He would just could that as part as the tank. Not as a reserve / emergency.
It's not that he's forgetful. He deliberately gambles with fuel and is always under prepared, despite knowing better. That's why only the wrecker has an air compressor.
Matt doesn't think he needs to be a good rescue person. He is always thinking about RUclips content.
These days I feel much of Matt's YT content is staged. It's why I really enjoy this channel - it's all honest stuff - including the mistakes!
Matt's not receptive when it comes to Rory...🚫 Who wants to prove they pulled it off on fumes...🗝
As long as there are places to go where people shouldn't, Matt, Rory, Robby and Paul will never be out of rescue work. They take us to places that cause us to lean and grab the chair arms.
You may not realize it but you educate a lot of people about how to go about doing things you're doing a great job please keep it up always looking forward to your next one
This was another episode of “just because you can do it, doesn’t mean you should do it.” I don’t think some people realize how quickly a situation like this can go sideways.
Define "sideways" is that just before it tips up and becomes a temporary 2 wheeler or just after when the roof is supporting the whole car?
Rory just makes things look easy and simple.
@@KUT-N-GO oh yeah knowing the terrain is helpful, more importantly Rory knows not to bring a car on a trail.
That little donut held up better than I would have thought. The people probably didn't want to point it out to the rental company, because they were hoping nobody would notice, even though there was a shredded tire in the passenger seat.
It went longer than I understand they guarantee them for here in Australia.
The temporary tire is the MVP of this episode.
It is supposed to only use on roads for less than 50 miles. Some of dumbasses I've seen driving cars on multiple ones... on I-state and hwys. 😳
I live in Moab and have driven the White Rim many times. To the eye it looked like it was as well maintained and smooth as i have ever seen it. The section they drove it out, from Murphy Hogback over Hardscrabble Hill is a long, and usually VERY rough section. The steepness of the grades doesn't come across on video. I am amazed they were able to get that little car out under it's own power. White Rim is not to be taken lightly. It is long, difficult and rough, but one of the most beautiful places you will ever see.
It’s amazing how often people try something stupid (or dangerous), get away with it, and then think to themselves “well gee, I guess that wasn’t really so stupid after all.” So they do it again, and again, sometimes others copy them, until someone finally winds up paying the price. I love your videos. But they’re not just entertaining. They are, well and truly, cautionary tales, for those smart enough to learn from the mistakes of others. I’m glad The Force was with you on this one. I wouldn’t have wanted to drive that little PoS on any part of the White Rim, especially with a spare on the front!
Yeah sure they could have stranded and killed themselves but they have a fun story now!
I do wonder how the rental company will deal with this?
They will not be happy with the bill they get. People have no idea of the dangers they expose themselves to.
Bills, whoever rented it better have paid for the supplement insurance.
I met a guy who married my friend stepdaughter when they came for his other daughters wedding. They flew in and rented out the top of line 4x4 truck, then thrashed it on trail. We normally drive 4wheelers on its a creek bed rock, slate, gravel, water holes up to 8 or so foot deep with no bypassing. He was laughing about it. Crunched fenders rockers water inside.
The state of Utah should pay you for promoting tourism in the state. Amazing scenery!!!
My son from SOuth Africa will be coming to see what you have shown me on your travels...
Thank you.
I should be used to this by now, seems like years I've been watching your adventures. But some of those extreme drop offs, shelf roads, crazy high cliffs and loose ground still cause a flinch or or some grabbing on to the armrest of the loungeroom couch. Yet again, you guys do amaze. That broken little Edge did well to clamber out too. Well done!
A treat to see both ends of the human decision making/performance curve in one video! Another great effort by you all!
Pointing out the rain cloud is priceless.
I dunno how these Utah rental companies can stay in business... but I sure do know how you guys stay in business! Keep up the Awesome work! Love the rock every man can appreciate a good rock as well!
" do you want the insurance"
probably by suing the customer for breach of contract as it is quite likely that there are stipulations in their rental agreement that the customer is liable for all damages to the vehicle, recovery fees and that they are not allowed to take them off fully sealed roads. Nobody reads the fine print before signing.
@@greevous The tire alone will give them ample cause to go after them for damages. That tire show clear neglect in care for the car.
I read my rental contract once, and it stated no off road use.
That’s how they stay in business actually , any insurance even ours usually stop any coverage once you drive off road , so they send the repair bill to the renter and in many cases , they will charge rental fees for all the days the car spent in repair shop and was off their lot .
Rory I am impressed that they drove that car that far on the trail. I agree cars like that dont belong on the trails.
Seeing you guys tie the car on top of the buggy would been something to see because if anyone could do that it would be you
Adventure comes in all shapes and sizes. In the end, someone has a story to tell. Thanks for sharing!
The real MVP here is that Donut temporary spare tire 😆💪
The ignorance of some people never ceases to amaze me. Why someone would take that car on that road is beyond me.
IMO, the road doesn't look that bad on camera. That's part of the problem.
Because the manufacturer markets and sells it as a SUV 4 wheel drive. Just think of all those stupid ads of people driving their SUV "off-road". You ask for a rental 4x4 and the cheapest is one of these soft-roaders.
I had a hard time getting this through to one person on a stag-do at our 4x4 site. He had a vehicle that had "Super All Wheel Control" written in big letters across the back. It wasn't even 4wd. We call them faux-by-fours.
It takes skill, guts, and brains to negotiate that terrain. The rental driver had neither. Great scenes, and excellent recovery.
I like the colors of the buggy. It's like Grave digger and a Jeep had a child! Love it
Great recovery, also Fantastic Cinematography
Cheers Rory and Team
I bet so many people that watch these guys wish they had a work environment like that, great work guys!
HEY! Hello Rory, Mike and Shawn! I actually am very impressed that the Ford Edge made it out of there on its own power with the donut spare tire on the front ! I think that I would have jacked the car up and would have got that spare onto the rear of the car. I know it is an AWD , but still it is more critical to have the front tires the same diameter as they do most of the driving/pulling. Most of the drive power goes to the front wheels.. But you got it out. I am sure that the renters of the car are going to be held responsible for a LOT of damages!
Those Edge’s are actually quite capable for what they are. I had a rental one in Utah, blasting up Provo Canyon in 6-8 inches of fresh snow. Followed a Taco up the canyon for about 30 miles at 45+ with no issues. Was actually quite impressed!
But not quite the amount of tire sidewall for this experimant.
I agree, a simple way to improve the situation. The Front wheels take a lot more impact.Also, with more weight over the front suspension, it would be better to get that extra inch of radius.
Coming to a Copart near you folks… make sure to check the carfax 🙃
What ever happened to common sense with some people??
Great video!!!
Hey Rory Shawn and Mike!!! Mineral bottom, hard scrabble, felt like a new adventure😂💚❣️ Luck of the Irish🍀
wait, was 1:08 a light-hearted poking at Matt for always running out of gas? 🤣🤣
the comradery and soft puns are great. friendly poking at each other. that's what friendship and life is about. 🤪🤠🥳
15:00 Dear g0d, I couldn't walk that let alone drive it. It seems that if you're in a rental, you're bullet proof.
Maybe you could teach Matt the extra fuel strategy/practice 😂🤣😂 Sure glad you do have the capacity to have safe/secure back up plans... and really shows the team work you Mike and Shawn have developed😊
I try to save all the “good” RUclips channels/videos for in the mornings when I’m relaxing and drinking my coffee. Rory, Sean and Mike are top 5 of that list. I’ll watch them before Donut, Sparks, Finnegan, SXS, 1320 etc etc…I just don’t want any interruptions when I’m watching Trail Mater. All those other channels I can pause and walk away from for awhile or what before I go to bed when I’m tired and only 1/2 paying attention. Rory is doing such a great job at making videos and really putting forth some effort it’s only fitting that I make some time to enjoy his content without distractions. Thanks Rory!
I love people like this. "It's 4wd, it can go there!" Then they call you to get it back, we get to see some great vistas at their expense. I wonder if they've learned anything?!?
Keep up the good work on the video's and recoveries. Shout to all of you for the excellent scenery shots. I just love the view out there
Alpha you're exactly right Rory goes to a lot of beautiful places I wish you would talk more about the scenery at the places he goes it just doesn't seem like he appreciates the beauty of the environment he works in .
I prolly would have swapped the donut onto the rear. Keeping my best tires on the steer axle. But you did it - props!
Awesome how you were able to drive that car right out of there!
I would feel the same way Rory, if something bad is gonna happen, I would rather it happen to me than someone else! Great team effort on that recovery! Thanks for sharing
You are literally the MOAB EXPERTS, I wouldn't question anything that you say. Good job getting this one out!
Great adventure!
You guys are living the life!
Enjoy the time you get to work and play together because, unfortunately, nothing lasts forever.
Thanks from England (and the interlude from concreting the garage floor).
Driving all of that an a donut that wasn't in great shape to begin with, in an environment like that, seems to be a new fear of mine
My Wife, and I appreciate You and Your team, Shawn, Mike, and those Bad ass trucks, jeeps. They serve You well.
Love how you can find some humor in these types of situations. Love the laughs. Love you guys.
I cannot thank you enough for not putting music in your videos. Outstanding, carry on.
Great video for keeping the seat pinching going . Amazing car, and better recovery with all thing considered.
Dude you’re so versed on these trails I think you could drive a tour bus through them if it weren’t for the low overheads. I would be shittin bricks around each turn. You good bra.
Hi Rory, Shaun & Mike from Hampshire in the UK. I can’t believe the situations people get themselves into. It looks like I could do those trails in my stock LR3… but just because I could, doesn’t mean I would. All the best - love what you do. 😀
hi, from aus.. jeeps & LR anything,,are banned here.. i got a s/duty, 4.2tdi. 700nm.. 14 lt 100.. petrol is $2.10 lt.. 2 best 4x4rs are the gu nissan, & 80 series LC. nissan better choice.. im in moonta, s.a., i passed a series 1, 80'', green LR today,, i shivered.. i like the 110 or 130.. but,, price is not good.. for what you get..
You need to cone out with us guys your not to far away for a epic day out!!!😎👍
I'm impressed that the Escape made it out of there. I have an Escape and love the capability of the vehicle. That area is beautiful and breathtaking.
Damn, you guys do good work and work great as a team. Cheers boys 🍺 😎
The scenery at Canyonlands is amazing, thanks for taking us along for the adventure!
Glad you’re channel is growing Love your content 👍
You definitely know your business. Impressive!!!
that wounded dog still had a lot of fight left lol love it
Different trail. Kinda scary but beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!
I just can’t understand how this channel doesn’t have millions of subscribers. Rory Shawn and Mike are just good guys doing good stuff. Is there anything Rory can’t fix?
I was a little surprised that you didn’t swap the spare to the rear. In my AWD Subi any issues with traction resulted in a front wheel drive. So the last place I’d want a space-saver-spare is the front.
Love your work, scenery is pretty spectacular too.
Not a bad idea
There not experts in those silly onroad imports.
You're most welcome Rory! We love watching and supporting your team.
Keep up with the good work love watching you on RUclips god bless
That bed turned out really slick on the second gen, keep up the crazy fabrication and dedication
Hey Rory, I seldom think of anything I would do differently that is better than your methods but in this instance, I think it would have helped if you'd put the space saver wheel on the rear of the car. With a mostly FWD drivetrain, you'd get more traction and a lower likelihood of spinning the space saver which looks like was the main cause of ripping the tread off.
I was taught to always put the space saver on the rear on road so if you have a blow out it's not a steerer, which is more likely to cause you to lose control, but I think it would help here too.
Space saver was being trashed by the damaged inner wheel arch. Putting a larger tyre there wouldn't be a good idea.
I was thinking the same but then they showed how mangled that wheel tub was and the clanking. Agreed with Cheshire cat the bigger wheel may have caused more issues and the spare was already trashed whereas the others seemed to be okay still. So from the perspective of the thrashed wheel tub no reason to throw one of the good wheels in place 🤙🙂🤙
Good point.
meh the fender liner was hanging down. You're wrong
My thoughts exactly.
The sightseen It is really amazing..... beautifull!
I love what you guys do! Keep it up!
Skipped right from 200k to 204k. Congrats on your success, and thanks for bringing us along.
Insurance company: We don't cover off-road damage; Customer: Oh shit!!!🙁
Driving the hell out of it thinking insurance will cover it.might even catch some legal issues
I think it's technically a 'road'
You have to be impressed with the "wounded warrior" being able to drive out of there, almost makes you wonder how good it might be if it was designed for off-roading. Thanks guys, bit of superglue on the Dodge and good as new.
You gotta have some sort of luck for that donut spare to make it out intact....👍🇺🇲❤️
I am impressed with that car and Rory driving it out.
Rental cars for sale : Low miles, one owner, new tires all around.
Rory and the guys work in the most beautiful “office” in the world. ❤❤❤
I think they got all the temporary use out of that tire.
Glad I have learned enough to know the difference from being lucky vs being okay (off road driving skills). Now I am working on improving my off road driving skills. Thanks for sharing.
Yeah my old Subaru Impreza was a bit of a pain the couple of times I got a puncture. The space-saver wheel had to go on the rear (puncture was always on the front of course) and I had to fitz around in the fuesbox and remove a fuse to disable the AWD system - so it became front wheel drive only. All, as you said, because these systems really don't like having one wheel a different size to the others. Other than that it was great, but there's no way I'd have taken it on anything worse than a smooth gravel road. Awesome fun in the winter though, with proper tyres 😀
Auto then. Can't pull that trick on the manuals.
Though opposite trick. You can bridge the sensor on the autos to force it to lock the transfer unit up off road
Yes indeed it was an auto. Slightly more sophisticated awd than the manuals, but a more leisurely drive (ie slower 😅) I miss the car for the way it drove, but not for the way it drank petrol..
subaru,, we had one in our old fogies 4x4 club,, for a day,, never came back.. ???.... different size tyres,, let one down...
Getting about 32mpg from my 2002 impreza wrx, but it is tuned. And manual so yeah... Not getting far on a donut.
why don't car rental leases have a clause saying: " do NOT use off road"!!! But, I'm selfish now because the lack of it sure gives us some funny videos, lol. Thanks Rory and crew for another wonderful video with unbelievable scenery views.
Hugs from Belgium.
Honestly how do you keep it together dealing with stupid people I would lose my mind and go crazy and say you're very bad things
Think of it like this; stupid people are keeping him in business and paying the bills. 😅
I like that you narrate more about the trials, the trucks, the techniques, ...... than the people. I learn something everytime I watch. Thanks!
Great job guys.....way to nurse that crippled car back to where it should be.....pavement !!..... thanks for sharing this with all of us !
Hi team Trail mater, great job. People need to learn the difference between AWD and 4WD, and why do AWD manufacturers put space saver wheels on their vehicles knowing the system won’t like it if you have to fit it. Keep up the good work. 😎🇬🇧
You got very lucky 🍀
That tire did not blow
WTF was that guy thinking
O he wasn’t
Good job guys! 👏👏👏
Looks like an amazing trail... Gonna leave my Rubicon at home and try it in my Lexus ct200h fsport... Anyone want to meet up?
I'm convinced. You guys could have a great time at a funeral. Thanks for taking us along.
Show me that a man told you not to drive your vehicle there without telling me a man told you not to.
Always great to have people willing to provide entertainment driving vehicles to locations like that! So many questions though! 🤣Still amazed that it didn't loose all it's oil...
I remember my very first time at Moab with my 2006 Nissan Xterra 4x4 on 33's (but otherwise stock) I went to Gemini Bridges trail and was not sure if my vehicle was equipped well enough to do that trail (because I'd never been there before and didn't know how easy or hard Moab trails would be)...I'm about 15 minutes into it and I had to move over to let a Ford Windstar minivan pass by going the opposite direction back towards the highway and I'm thinking to myself "how the fuck did that thing make it up here?!?"...once I got to the Gemini Bridges area and finished the rest of the trail, I realized they'd come in from the Canyonlands/Dead Horse side on gravel roads and likely had no fucking clue what was waiting for them heading out that direction...
Another time I made it up to Hurrah Pass on my way to Chicken Corners and parked to get out and admire the view when a Porsche Cayenne came up the trail from Chicken Corners and was heading back out the way I was coming in...to be fair, that one actually had some lift to it and some form of small all-terrain tires and skid pans on it, but it's still like taking a Subaru Forester out on trails...
@@AJvsEverything Hey, don't knock Subies. They've got great clearance and traction control. Only things I think they lack is armor and tire size, which can be fixed.
@@Vagitarian01 Subarus are great on the road in all weather conditions and for things like rally racing, but they don't belong on 4x4 trails...
Did an early AM solo Gemini bridges run in a stock '19 Tacoma a couple years ago, also unsure what the trail was and what I was actually getting into... constantly repeating to myself "don't break anything that makes you call Rory, you've got to drive this back to Washington still"
Good times
@duder9752 I drove down from Minnesota in 2019 to go to see the land speed racing event at the Bonneville Salt Flats and it got rained out, so I wound up driving to Moab for the first time...best decision of my life...I've been back there 4 times since that first trip, and I'd love to go again...
Robbie can fix the inappropriate touching, tyres only half worn-out and I just love your landscape (your office)😂😅
Howdy Rory!!
I'm always AMAZED at the places people take those "rental" cars😵💫
(Sure not a great advertisement for purchasing a "used" car from one of their fleet!!)
You, WisconsinMike and Shawn are the perfect moden day "Three Muskateers"...
Y'all sure keep me laughing at the shenanigans you get into!!😂😂
Safe travels, friends ❤❤
Stay FROSTY...
Keep your powder dry and your head on a swivel...
Oh my God what are these people thinking! What a mess the Trail Mater team got into with this recovery. And of course nobody told Rory they ruined a tire and rim and the donut is on it's last leg. Anyway they recovered the Ford and drove it out! Beautiful scenery!
Hey RORY & The ""SHAWN & MIKE SHOW "" !!!! ""CONGRATS"" 🙃😉🙂 👍👍👍👍👍 as once again you show what NOT to do with a ""RENTAL "" car !!! Guess the days of the ""OL"" Military Jerry Cans have gone BYE BYE as ONLY can find plastic cans now !!! 🤔🤔🙄
Kinda brings new meaning to drive it like you stole it. They apparently got it out to the middle of nowhere and all that was left was to strip it😂
the one thing i like about your videos is how people really under estimate what their vehicles can do, the Other great thing i like is the beautiful areas that you drive in when you guys are out and about
Rory, @1:33, seeing you sitting in that open cage 4x4, in that comfy looking bucket seat, with the hat backward, with the sun on your face, and the spectacular view! Envy!!!!
10:56 I don't know that model precisely, but that button you turned off - that's the symbol Ford uses for their engine stop-start feature. Now, when you stop at the traffic lights in the middle of the desert, the engine should now continue to burn fuel. 😁
Rory it would be hilarious to build an Edge as a recovery vehicle. Or another bone head rental found on the trails.
Spring time potholes in the cities around here look worse than 99% of the trail shown in this video.😉
Well sleep is over-rated Thanks for another awesome adventure to watch. Moab 2023 can't wait.
My vertigo was screaming even though I watched that video on my hands and knees!
Another good rescue there Rory my only problem is the customer who rented that car will be paying the entire price of that car imagine that customer will probably be in debt for about $50,000 because the noise is that car was making obviously the transfer case is dust obviously the transmission is dust the engine is probably eating up as well look at the undercarriage on that car we're just talking about stupid people with cars not designed to go off road and also SUVs not to go off-road either and that SUV fell into that category 😢 .
As always Rory you going to some beautiful places and this rescue was no exception .😅
You got it out!
I’ll keep watching!
All I can say is WOW that beats any sprinter van recovery
Another great recovery by the team 💪💚
With all the awesome scenery you have shown lately, you need a mix video showing all the cool places you go. I think it was monument a while back, wow! thanks
I am totally amazed that temporary tire made it that far in those conditions.
Loved the occasional pull outs to view the reasons people drive out to see
Thank you
I love it when some nit-wit brags that is 4X4 vehicle can go anywhere. NOTHING can't get stuck. I saw a Caterpillar D-9 dozer get stuck in deep mud up to the top of the tracks. I was a firefighter fighting a 250 tons of baled hay fire in two barns for over 20 hours in 1967. Several fire department pumpers were pumping thousands of gallons of water on that fire and the dozer was trying to break up the bales. His machine suddenly just sank. The operator just shut it off and said he'd come back for it in a few days when the mud dried and drive it out.