Enterprise-D vs Andromeda Ascendant | Star Trek and Andromeda

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • In this video we will be looking at what would happen if the Enterprise D went against the Andromeda. In the begging of the video, we will look at the design of these two ships (Galaxy class and Glorious Heritage Class ship) and at the end we will create a scenario to see who would win.
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Комментарии • 255

    @XTINFILM 3 года назад +51

    Q would have to take Troi off the Enterprise, otherwise she would sense Hunt's confusion and hesitancy to attack, and there would be no fight.

    • @steveevans7188
      @steveevans7188 2 года назад +2

      My thoughts exactly ! A betazed can sence at great distances, she would have senced his as well the rest of the entire crew on Andromeda.
      As well lets not forget Andromeda was not without its own person whom could sence things.
      Both would have senced & possibly spoken to one another in a matter of time.
      It would then turn into a boring day for Q

  • @MtSpider
    @MtSpider 3 года назад +44

    best and most accurate comparison Ive ever seen:
    "There seem to be a lot of misconceptions about Andromeda in this thread.
    First off the Andromeda would win this match rather easily.
    Secondly for those who aren't familiar with the Andromeda series. What is seen on screen is only a visual representation of what is happening in the universe, it is not 100% canonical. This was stated by the producers and actors of the show on the special edition DVD's. Most of the technical information was provided by the All Systems University, the books, and the special edition DVD's.
    So how does this translate to Andromeda beat in the Enterprise?
    It's a simple matter of range and weapons.
    Andromeda fights in ship to ship combat not in the range of a few light seconds, but in the range of light minutes. The standard offensive missile for the Andromeda is the OM-5 Offensive kinetic kill missile that has an effective kill range of 8-10 light minutes. This missile travels at .9-.95 PSL (Percent of light) and hits the target with a kinetic impact of up to 40 megatons.
    The Andromeda is a Glorious Heritage class Heavy Cruiser, a ship of the line for the Commonwealth. It is equipped with 40 ESL missile tubes capable of launching 8 missiles per second each. Post Retrofit she was upgraded to 80 tubes but I'll stick with the standard 40 to prevent too much overkill.
    One second of a continuous salvo of OM-5 Missiles is a total of 320 missiles with an destructive impact of over 12.8 gigatons of a damage. Andromeda can maintain this rate of fire until it runs out of missles, which would take a while. In fact if the Andromeda was in an asteroid field it could maintain that rate of fire indefinitely because it would build more missiles using her nano-machines.
    So this is 12.8 gigatons of damage per second. No Star Trek shield can withstand that onslaught.
    Now Federation standard doctrine is to approach an enemy vessel at impulse speeds several light seconds out before entering combat range. On screen we've seen this range fall between 2-5 seconds and upwards to 30+ seconds before entering combat range. Combat range for a Galaxy Class starship ranges from 27 light seconds to under 1 light second. We know that on Voyager a Type VI torpedo has a range upwards of 8 million kilometers or 27 light seconds. Phaser Range on the Enterprises was stated in TNG episode the Die is cast as being at max 200,000 kilometers or .6 light seconds. How accurate it is at that range is debatable.
    We can likely assume that Torpedo range is higher that phaser range due to it's ability to use it's antimatter charge for propulsion. Let us say the Enterprise drops out of warp pots an intercept course to the Andromeda following their standard battle doctrine. Let us even assume it approaches the Andromeda at a range of about 30-40 light seconds giving it time to identify the target, change direction to intercept, and launch their torpedoes as soon as they get into outer range.
    What can the Andromeda do?
    The Andromeda would know what is coming it's way well before the torpedoes reach it, allowing her to launch it's DM-5 Defensive Missiles to intercept the torpedoes, destroy them before they reach the Andromeda, and counter attack with a full salvo of OM-5's. By now the Enterprise is likely within a few light seconds of the Andromeda giving it little time to move out of the way of these missiles.
    Could The Enterprise avoid some of them? Possibly. But you have to remember that Andromeda weapons are designed to fight against enemies far more maneuverable that the Enterprise is. The chances that the Enterprise can avoid a full salvo is slim to none. It will get hit, it will take a ton of damage, and it's shields will be blown to bits. It should be noted that the missiles are smart missiles controlled by an AI. They also receive telemetry data from sensor drones that are deployed during battle to extend the range of it's combat effectiveness.
    Let us say that by some miracle it survives and gets within 4 light seconds of Andromeda. Well now the Enterprise is within Andromeda's point blank range weapons that includes 12 Anti-proton canons that have a damage capacity of multiple gigatons and 12 point defense 50 Mw Lasers. Again this is more firepower than the Enterprise has even shown capable of handling.
    (Note: Anti-proton canons use anti-protons from the core and send them out in bursts of damage. Think of them as anti-matter canons)
    What about using Transporters as weapons?
    Transports are a real wild card. Andromeda has no transporters but it does deploy it's RCMG (Radiating Counter Measure Generators) defense system. RCMG deploys full spectrum active sensor jamming and multiple Anti-gravity fields to disrupt incoming enemy missiles. Can this system effect sub-space based sensors? Can this effect transporters that have show difficulty working during a simple lighting storm and strong EM fields? It would be reasonable to assume that they can work but you would have to be in point blank range to make them work effectively.
    This bring up another question. What is the range of Star Trek transports? As of the 24th century the range was around 40,000 kilometers for Federation Ships. -.-
    Let me repeat, 40,000 kilometers, or .13 light seconds. What good is using a transporter as a weapon if by the time you get into range you are already dead? Sub space transporters have very limited use and have only been shown to transport a person off a ship or station. They also normally utilize some large fixed installation at some point.
    What if the Enterprise uses warp jumps to get into range?
    The Andromeda counters with asymmetric warfare using predetermined lines of fire. This is a combat practice that it has utilized before. Most famously against an opponent that had ships that transported inside and outside of our reality at will to do strafing runs (Season 1 Episode 22). Valentine said it best, "Wait, you want to carpet bomb space?". That's exactly what they did.
    Basically it boils down to this. The Andromeda can dish out more firepower and at a much longer range than the Enterprise can. Any weapons the Enterprise can utilize against the Andromeda can be effectively neutralized before the Enterprise can get into Transporter range. Even if it gets into it's outer most range for transport the RCMG systems of the Andromeda would shorten that range even more to the point that the ships would have to scrape paint off each other to be effective. The Enterprise's FTL sensors are not effective in a combat situation when you consider that all Star Trek battles happen within a few light seconds of each other.
    I even have doubts on if the Enterprise could defeat a single Shrike fighter. They are equipped with AP cannons that can hit the Enterprise far beyond it's effective combat range. I would assume that the fighter would get in too close to the Enterprise at some point to allow them to transport the pilot off. If it was a remote controlled craft it would be more difficult. They could try to transport a torpedo on board but could they transport ii onto a craft maneuvering that fast? We've seen transporters struggle with rapidly moving objects before.
    One last thing that I think should be mentioned is that High Guard captains are trained military officers who are well versed in combat tactics and doctrine. Federation captains are rarely trained military officers. Oh sure they take combat training and do simulations in the academy. But that isn't the same as full rigorous combat training that the High Guard go through.

    • @crewband1701
      @crewband1701 3 года назад

      Most definitely numbers mater I find it very interesting that you overlooked one very important fact the same that the creator of the video did its the doctrine of both groups. Starfleet would not approach the Borg unless provoked which would give them time to scan from range and see it as a trap by Q, the knowledge gained even from a few seconds out gives the a huge tactical advantage that Andromeda just doesn't have. Point being the Andromeda can only fight and hit target at slower then light speed at range you have to see the target to hit it that doubles or triples the time to hit the target if at all, I'm not saying that the Andromeda would lose but it would cause both captains to realize that the enemy is not fighting in there normal manner. The tactic of carpet bombing space by Andromeda was only able to be done by a fleet over a small area just the size of a system is still huge "Sapce is big cargos ships are small" Captain Hunt. Even if we gave Andromeda unlimited missiles they could not stop a enemy ships from attacking the planet planets are to big of a target you cannot defend them with the resources of just 1 ship and its support craft you would need a fleet. Same goes for the Enterprise D if it was trying to defend a planet.

    • @KentuckyJoe
      @KentuckyJoe 3 года назад +2

      someone copied there post from comicvine.gamespot.com/forums/battles-7/andromeda-ascendant-vs-the-enterprise-1499269/ :P

    • @callum563
      @callum563 3 года назад +2

      Nothing wrong with what you said, but I try not to rely on TMs and “numbers” too much in cross franchise battles because they aren’t really true and accurate.
      Put simply, if I was to give Star Trek and Andromeda’s writers a lightbulb and told them to power it, the Trek writers might say it needs 10 Watts but Andromeda’s might say it takes 20 Watts. The lightbulb isn’t more powerful in one universe.
      I’m not that familiar with Andromeda’s universe so thanks for the information and links.

    • @chriscowey7464
      @chriscowey7464 3 года назад +2

      I was about to type some of the same info. The point is the andromeda, has more firepower and can attack from longer distances. The Enterprise would not get close.

    • @deinekes9
      @deinekes9 2 года назад +2

      Late to the party, but thought I'd still comment. One of the things that really messes me up in regards to Andromeda is kinetic energy calculations when using inertial dampeners to reduce the inertial mass of the ship/projectile when leaving the rest mass alone. Assuming there are inertial dampeners on the OM-5s, the missiles might travel at .95c, but the inertial mass would be reduced to peanuts (relativistic peanuts, but still). Unless I'm wrong or just missing something here, those missiles shouldn't have that much kinetic energy. Also, what about the potential of the Enterprise using point defense phaser fire?
      And, I'm not sure if the close in weapons matter that much. I don't know enough about Starfleet shields, but assuming that they are some exotic energy fields and not some baryonic pseudo-armor, then the anti-protons would just slide right off. I think this is the reason why Photon torpedoes have their anti-matter payload react with the torpedo's normal matter casing before it hits. Also, polarizing the Enterprise's shields would do quite a bit. As for the Andromeda's PDLs, Starfleet never seem to worry about lasers.
      All this aside, I still think Andromeda would win. The tech comparison is close enough that I think the human element would decide it. Pseudo-pacifist Starfleet officers trained to de-escalate versus High Guard veterans of the Magog wars trained to quickly wipe out their enemies......yeah, Andromeda would take it though it might be close. Late 24th Century giants like the Scimitar or post-Dominion war refit Enterprise-E could have an even fight though.
      There is one way that the Enterprise can win guaranteed: FTL combat. If warp is involve, Enterprise can shoot torpedoes from low warp. Andromeda may not be destroyed or even severely damaged but she will have to withdraw as there's nothing she can do about it. Truth be told, both forms of FTL would end the fight, but Andromeda is a full withdrawl while Enterprise can still fight in warp against sub-light enemies. But that's a boring scenario to consider.

  • @imkluu
    @imkluu 3 года назад +25

    This sounds about right. The Andromeda would have been able to destroy the Enterprise even if not fully crewed, but Captain Hunt would likely have tried to avoid this if possible and just disable and capture the ship. Fully crewed they likely would have captured it after destroying its shields and invaded it with High Guard marines. In the same regard, Pecard would not have used a transported anti-matter bomb into the ship unless it was the only way to stop the Enterprise from being destroyed if it were any other enemy, but believing them to be Borg, he would, the thing is he would have noticed that their tactics, and technology wasn't anything like the Borg, even tho their sensors said that it was, and would have his doubts especially knowing Q was fooling around with things. Hunt would notice the same thing with the supposed Magog Ship using completely different tactics and technology and so would be suspicious, which would give he reason to investigate and try and capture rather than destroy the ship outright.

    • @UtopianBroadcast1
      @UtopianBroadcast1  3 года назад +5

      True, Q would have to provoke the Andromeda to attack the Enterprise. I can't see any if the captains attacking each other unless they were fired upon first.

    • @JeanLucCaptain
      @JeanLucCaptain 3 года назад +5

      i have watched both shows and Andromeda does not have Sheilds or Tractor beams, it uses ACTUAL grappling hooks like the NX which is kind of amusing when you consider just how OP everything else on the ship is.

    • @Shard113
      @Shard113 Год назад

      Transportation might not be able to go through the radiating countermeasure generators.

    • @neganrex5693
      @neganrex5693 Год назад

      From what I have seen on both shows the galaxy class starships weapons do more damage so I think the galaxy class has this.

    • @stevevanzandt6784
      @stevevanzandt6784 Год назад

      What is the top ten andromeda spaceships?❤😊

  • @artembentsionov
    @artembentsionov 3 года назад +15

    We also mustn’t forget hand-to-hand combat. The Andromeda would have her full 800 Lancer complement, who are trained shipboard and ground combatants using force lances, which double as melee weapons, guided projectile launchers, and grenades. The Enterprise only has her security team with no dedicated military training. They typically have hand phasers or phase rifles. While those are more precise and faster then ballistic weapons, they are unguided, and the away team isn’t likely to be wearing jamming generators that interfere with force lance targeting systems. Even MACOs would have trouble fighting them.
    And speed-wise, slipstream is on average significantly faster than warp. In its heyday, the All Systems Commonwealth included systems from 3 galaxies, and a ship with a lucky pilot could get from one galaxy to another in under a day. It would take the Enterprise centuries, if not millennia, to cross the intergalactic divide

    • @FranksFilmEcke
      @FranksFilmEcke 2 года назад +1

      The problem with Slipstream it´s not capable of targeted Jumps on short disdances. It´s more of we jump from near one planed to the next planed device. And for more it would need Special Magical Star People.
      So even if slipstream is faster, it´s dependend on the slipstream routes.

    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 2 года назад +3

      @@FranksFilmEcke I think routes make trips faster, since the more a path is traveled, the more predictable and therefore faster it becomes. But they’re not necessary. You can technically jump from any system to any other system, but you have to be damn lucky to make it there within a reasonable amount of time.
      But yes, slipstream can’t be used for in-system jumps. That’s where warp has it beat (although some early works have ships get to outer system edges before going to warp)

  • @chriscowey7464
    @chriscowey7464 Год назад +3

    Alot of people are also overlooking Andromeda is set well over 5000 years in the future, the systems commonwealth was also spread over 3 galaxies, not just quadrants of one. They had over 1,000,000 plantets and the combined technology was put into their ships, the Andromeda being one of the most Advanced and Poweful warships they built. Their technological advances would be far greater than that of Trek, in fact I imagine the technology (other than transporters) in trek would be like play things to the commonwealth. (just like their technology is like kids toys for starfleet officers that come from the future)
    As for people saying armour vs shields remember when Voyager got fitted with her new armour, it could withstand the borgs weapons and was far far more effective than her shields could ever be. The armour andromeda is using is going to be much more advanced that. I could well imagine that it could probably absorb everything the enterprise fired at her without causing any damage. Likewise who is to say that armour lets transporters penetrate it? The enterprise could find its weapons are totally useless against Andromeda, I say could not that it would.
    Then there is also the fact of how advanced AI's are in Andromeda, they are basically living beings in themselves, who is to say Andromeda herself could not just hack her way into the enterprise and take total control of it. I mean in terms of computing power she leaves the enterprise standing (I believe the phrase whas she has the brain the size of a planet.). I mean just look at the computers we have now compared to the 70's and 80's and Andromeda is thousands of years ahead. I imagine she could have hacked in and taken control before anyone on the enterprise including data would even know what happened.

  • @maxdefire
    @maxdefire Год назад +2

    Commonwealth spaned 3 galaxies before it's falls. Andromeda is generations more advanced than anything Star Trek have shown. There's not a single chance for D.

  • @leaaronsanchez
    @leaaronsanchez 2 года назад +5

    The only problem is the Enterprise has to lower the Shields to use transporters, so transporting anything on Andromeda wouldn't be possible. The Borg could, but not Enterprise.

  • @descendinguniverse666
    @descendinguniverse666 3 года назад +15

    guess, i`m first
    As much as I like ship comparisons, I`d like to watch Worf vs Tyr 🙃

    • @andythomason5576
      @andythomason5576 3 года назад +1

      But Worf always loses any fight that matters. That trait aside my money would be on Tyr any way.

    • @tamaspapp225
      @tamaspapp225 3 года назад +2

      @@andythomason5576 Worf effect activate. XD

    • @descendinguniverse666
      @descendinguniverse666 3 года назад +2

      @@andythomason5576 well he didn`t lose to Gowron but I get your point, anyway seeing him resentful should be fun

    • @howardlanus8467
      @howardlanus8467 3 года назад +1

      My money is on Tyr, because he would have no qualms about fighting dirty.

    • @tomasr.
      @tomasr. 2 года назад

      Or Data vs. Rommie 😀

  • @poslednisoud
    @poslednisoud 2 года назад +9

    The problem with comparing ships from different universes is that the level of technology is all over the place and you can't tell what would or wouldn't work against the other ship. Can Andromeda's armor resist phaser that can blow up a mountain (as seen in Enterprise)? If it can, how and could it be used to block transporter? How many shots would Andromeda need to deplete Enterprises shield? 10, 1000, 1? Would everybody from Star Trek just die if Andromeda crew deploys nanobots? Would everybody from Andromeda just die if Enterprise crew uses their Blue oval of convinience (the thing on the bottom front of the ship they always shoot plot solutions into space anomalies from) to do something sciency Andromeda would need a shield to block?
    There is just way too many variables.

    • @CrazyOasisKitty
      @CrazyOasisKitty 2 года назад +1

      Possibly would the Andomeda just anhilate the Enterprise... Ship to Ship combat in the commonwealth can run over vast distances with massive missle salvos and capital anti-proton cannons... The later are in fact shooting kinda antimatter. Andromeda has at least 12 of these big cannons. A few volleys should happily terminate the galaxy class in close to mid range. The Enterprise relies heavily on her shields. She aint thickly armored. And her 10 all around placed phaser stripes would not be abel to shot down a full wave salvo of MIKV ( Multiple Independant Kill vehicle) missels from andromeda. Glorious Heritage Class Heavy Cruisers uses these Missels to overhelm the PDLs ( Point Defence Lasers) of enemy capital ships... Even of multiple targets at once. Plus the missle system has a range of 150-450 million km (depends on missel type). In Star Trek combat ranges go up to ranges in the up to 300.000 km if I remember correctly by most tng aera ships. Not to stop there. The missle system on the glorious heritage class can shot launch waves in a matter of a few seconds. That are usual 3-5 salvos from the main 40 Missel tubes... If MIKV (the main armament besides standart kinetic kill missels) are selected than we speak of an hailstorm of missiles. Each MIKV can hold up to a dozen smart missels of diffrent payload types. That makes up to 2400 missiles in total for such an standart wave attack. So if Captain Hunt goes all out "Its mine or their ass", then the enterprise would be blown out of the universe ... Not to start with electronic warfare, the drones, 124 slipfighters of difrent types wich can also carry missle pods or bombs besides their guns and all the glorious shit from the commonwealth cookbook of war. If we take hunt and picard aside. And set a standart galaxy class against a standart glorious heritage class ship... Then the normal war veteran commonwealth captain might just vaporize the alien ship, log it as unnown space pirates and go about with his so important mission to defend the golden commonwealth... Never forget ... the commonwealth was an big ruthless warmonger empire wich expanded through force before their ways changed dramatical. And this change lead to their downfall... Commonwealth was for a short time picards utopia. And every low haning fruit gets pick'd when its not defended at all costs at one point. xxx Feri

  • @LoreReloaded
    @LoreReloaded 3 года назад +9

    Interesting concept to look at

    • @jaredcolon4535
      @jaredcolon4535 3 года назад

      It is, how ever the type 12 phasers did not get installed on federation ship until ds9 episode paradise lost enterprise d was already destroyed. They also did not have the additional phasers until the dominion war

    • @UtopianBroadcast1
      @UtopianBroadcast1  3 года назад +3

      Wow, Lore Reloaded. I didn't expect to see a comment from you. I've been watching your video ever since dominion vs borg video.
      Thanks for the info, Jared :)

    • @emekaidigbe9000
      @emekaidigbe9000 3 года назад

      @@UtopianBroadcast1 It is definitely a very good match up but I think the weapons range of both ships are similar and the Andromeda is seen fighting at longer ranges more often than federation ships. The defensive AG field, A.I reaction time ,insane maneuverability, and electronic warfare suits of the Andromeda would also be huge factors. Quite frankly a full salvo of missiles from Andromeda could cripple the Galaxy class. However, like you pointed out a CQB could be very advantageous for the Galaxy class.

  • @hitandruncommentor
    @hitandruncommentor 2 года назад +4

    Thing is, the Andromeda wins. There's lots of stats and lore and so on here but well, the Andromeda has fought entire fleets of enemies, alone. The Andromeda is a ship of war made for a military. The enterprises were multi tasks ships and to be honest none of them but E are not impressive battle ships and often have issues with one on one fights, never mind the twenty or thirty on one fights the Andromeda wins easily.

  • @milamber142
    @milamber142 2 года назад +5

    There is no comparison between the Enterprise D and Andromeda, both are completely different

  • @Zahgurym
    @Zahgurym 2 года назад +2

    Picard: "Open a channel... This is Captain Jean Luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise."
    Hunt appears on screen: "I'm Captain Dylan Hunt... Have you seen my Force-Lance?"
    Worf: "Magnificent."
    Picard: "Helm, maximum warp...get us out of here!"

  • @artembentsionov
    @artembentsionov 3 года назад +3

    Here’s some dialog from the episode “The Prince”
    “So, how many can she fire again?”
    “Forty missile launchers, each firing eight rounds per second.”
    “Nineteen thousand, two hundred rounds per minute. At twenty megaton payloads?”
    “Well, give or take. A Glorious Heritage class cruiser like the Andromeda could completely depopulate a world like Ne'Holland in under two minutes. More tea?”
    FYI, some brief calculations actually put 2 minutes as being very generous to the planet

    • @forMacguyver
      @forMacguyver 2 года назад +2

      That's my girl, you don't want to piss her off !

    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 2 года назад +1

      @@forMacguyver “I’m a warship, and I don’t like running away from a fight!”

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад

      Nuclear missiles and lasers won't even penetrate the Enterprises navigational shields, though due to saturation they would rise the main shields as a precaution.

    • @artembentsionov
      @artembentsionov 2 года назад

      @@Thurgosh_OG those missiles are moving at 90% of the speed of light. That’s a SHIT-ton of kinetic energy. A nuke can only dream of producing this much destructive energy

    • @mbpaintballa
      @mbpaintballa 2 года назад +1

      @@artembentsionov what missiles in the series travels at 90% light speed?

  • @reedallen4613
    @reedallen4613 Год назад +1

    I agree with you COMPLETELY dude. The Enterprise-D (or even the Enterprise-E for that matter) would have absolutely NO chance in a 'head-to-head (or to quote Commander Adama from the Original Series Battlestar Galactica "toe-to-toe slugging match") against the Andromeda Ascendant.
    The Andromeda was simply TOO POWERFUL in terms of weapons capability.
    PLUS people HAVE to take into account the fact that Captain Dylan Hunt was a trained MILITARY officer from a government that was DEFINITELY military in origin, and would have been trained accordingly.
    Just my own personal opinion anyway.

  • @michaelhunter7040
    @michaelhunter7040 2 года назад +2

    Trekkies: muh shields. In this case Andromeda wins out.
    One, she's an actual war ship, great armament, defensive weapons, thick hull and self repairing. Enterprise has shields, good weapons but a paper thin hull.
    2nd, the weapons range of the Andromeda far surpasses that of the enterprise. If she releases her drones her weapons range becomes an entire star system so the enterprise is always in her weapons fire.
    Everyone always says muh shields! They are not impenetrable by any stretch. Shields are used to disperse energy. The fallout of firing 19k missiles, even if it were just nuclear, the energy output expanding and multiplying would overwhelm the enterprise shields causing them to fail and with a paper thin hull not much protection after that.
    Phasers would not stop the Andromeda in this sense. If she can take point blank hits from the point singularity weapon of the magog that has the power source from a sun, she's taking phaser fire without missing a beat. She might just chuckle at that. Pretty sure the energy outout from that psw far surpasses the most power phaser the federation can throw at it.
    Now if the enterprise could get ose enough for transporters that would help but if they get close couldn't Andromeda just open a slipstream portal right on top of them as well?
    I know Trekkies thinks the federation can just beat anyone but truth is they can't. They would never beat the Andromeda. Could beat BY without the first ones but would never beat Stargate esp with Asgard beam weapons and shields.

    • @AndrewCZ47
      @AndrewCZ47 Год назад

      Nukes are pretty much pointless in Andromeda, given their missile speed. Something the size of an AMRAAM travelling at 95% lightspeed would impact with the kinetic energy of 7 gigatons, that's several times more than every nuke ever built on Earth combined.

  • @scottwalker6947
    @scottwalker6947 2 года назад +8

    No contest. A Glorious Heritage Class can de-populate a world in seconds.

    • @Elthenar
      @Elthenar 2 года назад +1

      A Starfleet ship can do the same. They just...don't. They don't normally carry them but any Starfleet ship could fit a gravimetric secondary charge to a regular photon torpedo that one torpedo would have enough power to blow up a large planet.

    • @chriscowey7464
      @chriscowey7464 Год назад +1

      @@Elthenar ah but the andromeda can do it using conventional weapons. If we are bringing weapons of mass destruction into it, ie nova bombs, andromeda can take out the entire solar system, planets, sun and all......actually she only needs 1 novabomb to do that and carries 40, so 40 solar systems including their sun. Totally different league of destruction to any ships in starfleet, even the borg do not have that kind of firepower.

    • @Elthenar
      @Elthenar Год назад

      @@chriscowey7464 Yeah, so can a Starfleet ship. It was a major plot point in both the Generations movie and a Deep Space 9 episode.

  • @RCTPatriot75
    @RCTPatriot75 2 года назад +3

    Systems Commonwealth was 1000's of years ahead of the Federation.

  • @MrLOLCraftLP1
    @MrLOLCraftLP1 2 года назад +4

    Hey buddy i have to correct something. The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D wasn't built in the 25th century but in the mid 24th century.

    • @UtopianBroadcast1
      @UtopianBroadcast1  2 года назад +1

      Thanks for the correction. :)

    • @MrLOLCraftLP1
      @MrLOLCraftLP1 2 года назад +1

      @@UtopianBroadcast1 No problem. The video was great

  • @aurumvale9908
    @aurumvale9908 2 года назад +3

    did they ever actually use the Transporters to plant bombs on other ships?
    seems an obvious tactical use but given its star trek ...

    • @Spacefrisian
      @Spacefrisian 2 года назад

      I think they arent allowed to use such tactics.

  • @thelordofcringe
    @thelordofcringe Год назад +1

    I think theres a fundamental misunderstanding of technology in these comments. Andromeda is from human civilization far more advanced than Trek. They literally have a civilization that's spread across 3 entire galaxies. Simultaneously, the lore bridges a somewhat fantastical setting where incorporeal beings much like Q are feuding and using entire clusters of galaxies as their pawns, and a grounded world where teleportation isn't really feasible (like fr, how exactly is a shuttle computer handling the repackaging of billions or trillions of atoms and molecules, in their exact atomic positions, directly into a matter stream that maintains its field strength over thousands of kilometers and instantly reassembles people? It's so much more advanced than anything else in star treks lore, it's almost laughably out of place)
    Now, as for what technology the Andromeda has that makes this fight interesting, is their armor is not just fancy metal alloys. The entire hull has an energy field routed through the inner layers of the armor, which disperses not just directed energy weapons but even beams of high energy particles (which is more or less what phasers are). In fact, the cannons that the Andromeda uses (antiproton cannons) are much more advanced than almost anything the Enterprise ever faced. They did, however, once face a very similar weapon: the ship created by the reality bender they found posing as an old man who, with his wife, were the only survivors of an attack on an entire Federation colony. The usage of those weapons was considered immensely advanced.
    In star trek discovery, a ship uses anti-proton cannons but we can safely assume the writers had no idea what they were talking about because in TOS, a weaponized and scaled up anti-proton beam is so advanced they didn't believe it was possible.
    As for power generation, it's safe to say the Enterprise is primitive in comparison. The Andromeda weighs less than a kilogram. Because one of the (smaller!) dedicated portions of energy output is to the anti-gravity system. Compare this to the gravity plating in star trek vessels and their constant issues with gravitational shearing and so on.

  • @RafaleC77th
    @RafaleC77th 2 года назад +3

    Defector shields - a defensive energy field that just f's off in the middle of a fight. Aside from that, great video!

  • @wolverinebite1126
    @wolverinebite1126 Год назад +1

    The Andromeda would SMOKE the Enterprise. No difficulty whatsoever. The simple fact is that if the Andromeda thought they were targeting goons, they would do it from a range FAR surpassing the Enterprise D’s. A more battle oriented Enterprise would be more fair, but again, the range of Star Trek ships is simply too limited. The Andromeda’s weapons can strike way too far, too fast, and too hard for the D to contend with. No diff. Enterprise D and Andromeda are my favorite ships of all time, and I have a model of both on my shelf, but the D is not meant for fighting ships like the Andromeda.

  • @andrewglackin3852
    @andrewglackin3852 2 года назад +1

    the only way the fight would happen is if andromeda got taken to alternate violent star trek universe and andromeda would wipe the walls with enterprise.

  • @nosorab3
    @nosorab3 6 месяцев назад

    I think it's telling that during the Dominion War Galaxies were rushed out of drydock only 60% complete and suffered absolutely no loss of overall performance. This means _40%_ of the ship's systems were superfluous to the actual running of the ship, much less its combat systems. Imagine what kind of _absolute beast_ the Federation could make if the space/power taken up by those optionals were dedicated to combat and survivability. Secondary, tertiary, even quaternary redundant systems, additional phasers/torpedo launchers, additional shield projectors/energy management, ablative armor, you name it, they could stuff all that in with room to spare.
    Yeah, yeah, the Federation ethos and such, but a Terran Empire variant of the Galaxy Class would be a terrifying thing to behold... if the Terran Empire was still around at the time, that is.

  • @redstupid2002202
    @redstupid2002202 2 года назад +13

    It's unknown how much damage would Andromeda's weapons do to the shield's of any galaxy class ship and let's say it's defense would eliminate most if not all photon torpedoes. But claiming they would just like that somehow avoid the phaser fire (which was in some episodes used with point defence speed and accuracy) is a nonsense. Phasers are extremely accurate and controllable - arguably that is the main reason why federation uses them. I do give speed and maneuverability (sublight) advantage to Andromeda however, I am not sure if she has any rear or broadside weapons - probably not, hence the need for maneuverability. Galaxy class does not have such blindspots. In my opinion, a galaxy class ship would take damage but with quick phaser salvos could quicky and seriously cripple Andromedas offensive capabilities, as the beam travels at the speed of light and the commonwealth ship has no defense against this kind of attack. Even it's Nova bombs are launched from regular missile tubes, unless I'm mistaken. In terms of sheer firepower, Andromeda wins, but tactically it's for a more interesting debate. Also in theory, Andromeda's missiles also never faced anything like a tractor beam which could be used as a defensive measure.

    • @briansmith5579
      @briansmith5579 2 года назад +3

      Agreed, the phasers could take down a ton of the missiles given the FTL sensors the Enterprise has and the pinpoint precision and rapid firing of the phasers. Not to mention the phasers are ridiculously OP when you think about it. Hand phasers can vaporize almost anything up to a small vehicle, ship grade phasers would punch a hole in a ship without shields. The Andromeda is very militarized compared to the Enterprise, but the differences in tech is just too extreme.

    • @phoenixx913
      @phoenixx913 2 года назад +6

      Given that the Andromeda can fire up to 19,200 missiles per minute at a range of 126,000,000 kilometers would it even matter?
      And those missiles are flying toward you are moving at a percentage of light speed. And when they explode they vaporize everything around them including air into plasma which then fly's through the enemy ship like a blowtorch at near light speeds. And each missile creates a blast the size of a 40 megaton warhead. And that's just the standard kill missiles. Nova bombs aren't the only strategic weapons on board either it's also got negative energy bombs which are comparable in terms of destructive force.
      It's point defense weapons have a max range of about 1.2 million kilometers.

    • @hitandruncommentor
      @hitandruncommentor 2 года назад +2

      Actually the Andromeda does have port and aft weapon arrays. What's also left out is the truly bewildering number of fighters Andromeda houses, sure the phasers kill them but it's more trouble. Then you add in the ships AI. It'd likely note the power of the point defense and phasers and dump tens if not hundreds of thousands of dormant, silent missiles into space and then activate them all at once to overwhelm the few phasers the enterprise has. Then there's speed and maneuverability, which could just be showy show stuff but well AA had the enterprise beat here too. Lastly there's size, which matters in terms of damage absorption, Andromeda is a bigger ship.

    • @tlsnodgrass1
      @tlsnodgrass1 2 года назад +1

      don't photon torpedoes have there own small warp drive and therefore travel at faster than light speed so how would andromeda intercept something they could not see comming at them.

    • @aaronmaxwell7475
      @aaronmaxwell7475 2 года назад +2

      @@tlsnodgrass1 no, they have the ability to sustain warp when launched from a platform at warp but they cannot achieve warp themselves.

  • @dagonfell1566
    @dagonfell1566 3 года назад +3

    legend of galactic heroes vs. mobile suit gundam (fleet only)

    • @JeanLucCaptain
      @JeanLucCaptain 3 года назад +1

      Actually expanse vs MSG would be a surprisingly fair battle as both use realistic ship design without magic gravity.

    • @dagonfell1566
      @dagonfell1566 3 года назад

      @@JeanLucCaptain expanse without the blue goop plot device, and with some ARMOR would be a good match for let's say gundam 00 without celestial being and their solar furnace gn drives...

  • @Connor.SG-1Ring
    @Connor.SG-1Ring 3 года назад +3

    MCRN (The Expanse)
    United Colonies (Battlestar Galactica)

    • @UtopianBroadcast1
      @UtopianBroadcast1  3 года назад +1

      Interesting comparesent and their weaponry is very similar.

    • @Connor.SG-1Ring
      @Connor.SG-1Ring 3 года назад +1

      @@UtopianBroadcast1 Hope that you consider doing a video on it.

  • @jeancaron9325
    @jeancaron9325 11 месяцев назад +1

    I say have Q vist Dylan hunt and thank him for his help in teching the UFP a lesson.

  • @chrisdufresne9359
    @chrisdufresne9359 2 года назад +1

    Just leave the Andromeda in a desperate enough situation to launch a Nova Bomb and watch the light show

  • @jaredcolon4535
    @jaredcolon4535 3 года назад +2

    Picards enterprise d was not build with type 12 phasers type 12 phasers got introduce after the enterprise d destruction

  • @TeutonicGuardian
    @TeutonicGuardian 2 года назад +1

    Just an honest opinion/guesstimate:
    It would be stalemate in this specific situation(depending on if Q keeps their respective FTL offline)(and as much as I'd want to give the Andromeda a win, considering how much I like that ship).
    First off: While we have official real-world approximation of energy conversions and such in Andromeda, which does, to my knowledge, not exist for Star Trek. The best we have are educated guesses by fans, which does not mean they are wrong, just that they might not be correct.
    Second, engagement range: Star Trek's engagement range, both torpedos and phaserbanks, are usually measured in Lightseconds at most. Even if we give them a generous 30 Lightseconds for better torpedoes, that would be about 1/20th of the maximum engagement range of the Andromeda. The Enterprise would not be in range to fire any weapons in this situation.
    Third, Speed: Using the Warp-Factor-Scale for TNG, Warp 0.5 is about 0.09~c, which is apparently the maximum a Starfleet ship can move, without activating their warp drive. That is less than a quarter of the speed the Andromeda can move without killing her crew, as her MagnetoPlasmaDynamicDrives can easily sustain a speed of 0.4c. At these respective speeds, the Enterprise can not close the distance between them.
    Fourth, Defenses: Mere armoring would go to the Andromeda, as she can easily sustain the impacts that on Starfleet ships are handled by navigational shields. That being said, Deflector shields on a Galaxy-Class should be able to withstand dozens of Photon-Torpedo impacts at the same time, a few times in a row. That should be several HUNDRED gigatons with each impact, if calculations done by fans of the series are correct, so even if the Enterprise were only to be able to take out a handful of Andromeda's missiles, they would do nothing at all. On the other hand, since we established that the Enterprise can't get into combat range, Andromeda's defensive missiles, PDLs and other countermeasures would not get tested at all.
    Fifth, Weapons: While Andromeda has a shitload of weapon systems, her main offensive power comes from her missiles, which we already know are ineffective against Deflector Shields. Which would leave us with the Antiprotoncannons, which from my best comparison/guessed, are pretty much equal to low yield photon-torpedoes. They do however, have a range of only 4 lightseconds, which is basically knifing range for the Andromeda. Well within range of Enterprises Torpedoes, which, if they do get through, would pretty much one-shot the Andromeda. So while they could theoretically get through enterprises' shields with enough sustained fire, it would take an extremely long time, which would increase the chance of a torpedo going through the net, and killing the andromeda. If the Enterprise were to ever get close enough to fire her Phaserbanks, she would quickly cut through Andromeda. I'm not going to go into Nova-Bomb territory here.
    Sixth, Commanders: Both ships have CO's that would rather deal with things diplomatically, than use raw force, though both are willing to apply said force if necessary. However, both of them would quickly realise that combat is useless, as the Andromeda doesn't have the capabilities to get through the Deflector Shields on the Enterprise, and the Enterprise is simply incapable of getting into range to fire anything at all.
    Neither side can win in this specific situation.
    They would remain far away from each other, eventually ceasing hostile actions, unless Q keeps forcing it.
    Both sides would actually gain from this encounter:
    Systems Commonwealth that there are things like Shield technology out in the universe, which could lead to an improvement to weapons and defensive technology.
    Starfleet learning that there are enemies out there that can simply outrange them and keep at distance, if Warp-Speed is not available.

  • @RetroRobotRadio
    @RetroRobotRadio 2 года назад +1

    The Andromeda universe is basically a distopian future of Star Trek after the Federation falls.
    In the Andromeda Universe there are no common place shields, teleportation or tractor beams.
    On the upside Andromeda Universe has lots of drones, one man fighters, mechs, missiles and nanite weapons. Plus all the ships have AI and androids.

  • @jonathansands3304
    @jonathansands3304 2 года назад +2

    Reminds me of a ST:TNG / BSG crossover fanfic I read back in college in the 90s. At one point, the Enterprise-D is being attacked by Cylon fighters from a Basestar. The phasers are like using a sledgehammer against a fly; very effective when it hits, but not efficient against a swarm of them. Meanwhile the Cylon weapons, while individually weak, are wearing down the shields en masse. It takes the Colonial Vipers’ ability to dogfight the Cylons to get them off the Enterprise and let it take on the Basestar, where its powerful single target weapons shine.

    • @saliston
      @saliston Год назад

      did you not see the tng eipisode where it was attached by small craft it fired rapidly and destroyed them all. No fighter would have a chance and the enterprises phasers have a range of tens of thousands of miles. Its like this guy knows nothing about the enterprise.

  • @WritingRebel82
    @WritingRebel82 2 года назад +1

    Or you can do play Bridge Commander and have both of these ships really fight each other instead of this because there is an Andromeda mode.

  • @pharaohsovereign7547
    @pharaohsovereign7547 8 месяцев назад

    The decision to use the Enterprise D as the most comparable technology doesn't resonate well for me. If Andromeda's weapons are so plentiful, then a more fair comparison would clearly be the Enterprise E or the F. Both have more comparable armaments than the D.

  • @tonyweiss2492
    @tonyweiss2492 2 года назад +4

    I have to agree star treck is mostly a exploratory group using diplomacy rather than fire power. Where the common wealth ruled with powwerful weapons

  • @robertclark7144
    @robertclark7144 2 года назад

    I believe you're spot on with that

  • @howardlanus8467
    @howardlanus8467 Год назад

    In all honesty if Andromeda and Enterprise did make contact it would make for a VERY interesting contact scenario. Hunt and Picard are quite similar in their approaches and their mindsets, but they would disagree on several issues, like the Prime Directive and the presence of families aboard their ships. Hunt would see it as reckless and grossly negligent towards civilians, and Picard would dismay at the militaristic purpose of the Andromeda.
    Perhaps the biggest divide, however, would be Rhade and the Nietzscheans. The Federation has an all-out ban on genetic enhancement due to Khan and the Augments, which are exactly what the Nietzscheans are. The Enterprise crew would be uneasy with the Nietzscheans for their augmented strength and abilities, as well as their very competitive and self-centered philosophy. Moreover, I could imagine the whole crew being on-edge because genetic engineering is fairly ubiquitous in the Systems Commonwealth. Hunt's mother was a High-gravity Worlder, giving him augmented strength and durability, and various populations have been altered to better fit their particular environments. At one point, it was said that the MAJORITY of humans were genetically altered to one degree or another. If a dozen Augments or so could cause Starfleet a lot of problems, imagine their reaction to hundreds of millions of Nietzscheans.

  • @haroldcarfrey4206
    @haroldcarfrey4206 2 года назад +1

    Andromeda was envisioned as the end of the Federation and was changed for production

  • @stevevanzandt6784
    @stevevanzandt6784 Год назад +1

    What are the top ten 😊andromeda spaceships?

  • @shanenolan8252
    @shanenolan8252 3 года назад +1

    Thanks. Fyi was was rewatching an older video of yours this week and the like I gave it originally was missing I quickly amended that

  • @tomasr.
    @tomasr. 2 года назад +4

    Andromeda was originally intended to be a TREK series, set after the fall of the Federation, what in Discovery series happened in 32. century. Btw Andromeda's Commonweath was founded in the same year as Star Trek's Federation.
    I read she was originally called Phoenix Rising. Strength of Andromeda's weapons (and perhaps her size) would be more comparable to the Enterprise-J.

  • @patricko1563
    @patricko1563 3 года назад +2

    How about a video of Andromeda vs LEXX :)

  • @The_Zilli
    @The_Zilli 2 года назад +1

    Andromeda would destory Enterprise and probably most of the Federation fleet lol

  • @borcilaradu
    @borcilaradu 2 года назад +1

    Andromeda would lose. Andromeda has no defense against Entreprise wapons and Entreprise shield and fazees can deal with Andromeda wapons with ease.

  • @Kioth7
    @Kioth7 2 года назад

    I am getting really sick of trek people saying "we will just use a transporter to put a torpedo on their ship" they can't do that and never can do that. Kelvin timeline doesn't count because it isn't real trek . Every trek argument they oh they can do that completely voids any argument

  • @ShaokanPanda
    @ShaokanPanda 3 года назад +3

    The only problem with launching a Nova bomb at the Enterprise is it really wouldn't do much. They need to be fired at a sun for the full effect of the Nova bombs to work properly. My husband and I had discussed this at length, not against the Enterprise but...I can't remember what situation the Andromeda was in and I had suggested a Nova bomb. My husband explained the the hydrogen of a sun is really what activates the Nova bomb's true destructive potential.

    • @CalvinWilliamsCayon1
      @CalvinWilliamsCayon1 2 года назад

      Did you and your husband missed the first episode where the ship fired the nova bombs at a black hole

    • @tomaskops7119
      @tomaskops7119 2 года назад

      @@CalvinWilliamsCayon1 Its nor realy agains it, this black hole thing. As black hole "suck" all near, there must me hydrogen and / or other elements on way to the horizon, so this could use Nova bombs as fuel or something like this

    • @CrazyOasisKitty
      @CrazyOasisKitty 2 года назад

      Black Holes creates alot gravity... nova bombs mess with that factor big time . So it works in a way.

  • @JeanLucCaptain
    @JeanLucCaptain 3 года назад +1

    How about TOS CYLON empire vs Galactic Empire?

  • @dougtarbox2428
    @dougtarbox2428 2 года назад +1

    I don't recall Andromeda having shields

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад

      And that is where this hypothesis fails. The Enterprise can take anything that Andromeda throws at her (Nova Bombs excluded as it would destroy both vessels).

  • @amolchan001
    @amolchan001 10 месяцев назад

    Better comparison would either be the Enterprise E or The U.S.S. Prometheus

  • @the_flyattractor8656
    @the_flyattractor8656 3 года назад +10

    Andromeda was a Wacky & Weird Show but it was a Fun One to Watch! Sad it didn't get more love.

  • @keeptv1918
    @keeptv1918 2 года назад +3

    This is a great comparison! I’d really like to know how the odyssey from stargate would do against either the enterprise or andromeda.

    • @Doublebarreledsimian
      @Doublebarreledsimian 2 года назад +4

      Any Stargate ship armed with Asgard tech would destroy the Enterprise D even E as well as own the Andromeda. Neither of those two ships have the fire power to penetrate Asgard shields that at full working order can deflect a CME from a Star.

    • @keeptv1918
      @keeptv1918 2 года назад +3

      @@Doublebarreledsimian true, Asgard shields are some strong space voodoo

  • @tiagopatricio3805
    @tiagopatricio3805 4 месяца назад

    Only the Scimitar would have any chance against Andromeda with her hundreds of railguns and more than 6 dozen missile launchers and we are not even talking about the Nova Bombs (at least 2 by the end of the show) or the Hyper Realistic IA Romie that controls the ship only by thought and through the show said several times that would destroy anything in it's path it Dylan was killed

  • @wcresponder
    @wcresponder Год назад

    Umm you forgot the impulse engines on the enterprise.
    Also the Captains Yacht and a fleet of shuttles.

  • @TheRealSpiderMew
    @TheRealSpiderMew 2 года назад +5

    If it had its warp drive, the Picard Maneuver would have let them get close enough to transport, and the phaser banks can hit a lot of targets at once, the fighters and missiles would be useless if they just divert power to the phasers.

  • @nannunbgd
    @nannunbgd Год назад

    Try next to put federation in front with a new enemy,Red plague from Andromeda. Will be nice.

  • @ChildePC
    @ChildePC 2 года назад

    Andromeda was basically the sandbox of stng

  • @martykarr7058
    @martykarr7058 4 месяца назад

    And then you have their "non-canon" "lovechild" the Vesta class.

  • @james8449100
    @james8449100 11 месяцев назад

    As long as Dillon Hunt is not busy with a nice creampie. Genuine quaot from Andromeda "I'll have a nice creampie"

  • @dannyboi1975
    @dannyboi1975 2 года назад +7

    I have watched both shows from start to finish multiple times. I'm not sure that the Enterprise would fare so poorly. Picard himself is not only a brilliant strategist, but he is a diplomat as well. Also, the Enterprise D is highly maneuverable for a ship of that size, as has been shown in several episodes. Not to mention neither captain is known to make snap decisions in the face of hostilities. While Andromeda may be a top-of-the-line ship, armed to the teeth, her weapons and defense capabilities are more in the range of early Starfleet(ie, the early 2200s) or the reimagining of Battlestar Galactica. The Enterprise's shields would be something The Commonwealth has never encountered before, so getting through them is going to take a lot more in the way of firepower even with her overwhelming armament. I think it would end up being a much more even match.

    • @Stronghand-yw1lk
      @Stronghand-yw1lk 2 года назад +1

      Very well stated.

    • @doctorbrainenstein2973
      @doctorbrainenstein2973 2 года назад +1

      Two words: Nova Bombs.

    • @chrisaguirre5988
      @chrisaguirre5988 Год назад +1

      1. Andromeda is far more maneuverable than the Enterprise-D. The ship can literally do a corkscrew maneuverable on a dime. Meanwhile the Enterprise's idea of evasive maneuvering is moving to the side like a beached whale.
      2. A standard Kinetic Kill warhead from the Andromeda has a yield of 20MT. It can launch 6 of these per second per launch tube from each of the ship's 40 launch tubes. That's 240 missiles per second with a total yield of 4800 MT per second. This is the same as dozens of quantum torpedos per second. That is far more than what the Enterprise's shields can handle. It will just get shredded by a short volley.
      3. Lastly the Andromeda vastly out ranges the Enterprise-D. Andromeda can engage at a range of 8 light minutes. The Enterprise has to get within 3 light seconds. That is such a stupid gap in range that it isn't even funny.
      The Enterprise gets curbstomped.

  • @kevinwestrom4775
    @kevinwestrom4775 3 года назад +3

    While the Enterprise does have shields & transporters over the Andromeda, the Andromeda has one massive advantage aside from weapons over the Enterprise,.. the Andromeda has a fully sentient AI likely able to take over the Enterprise computer systems, so the Andromeda doesn't even have to fire a single shot. The Enterprise-D might have a chance in that conflict, if Data was the computer system, and his android self was only a ship avatar, in the same way Romi is the ship AI & has her own avatar on-board. However since Data is fully self-contained AI in his android body & not within the computer systems, Andromeda has a very strong chance of overwhelming the Enterprise's computer defenses to take it over and take full control of the internal forcefields and everything on-board.

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад

      While this is an interesting scenario, I can't find any evidence that Andromeda's AI can take control of another ship, particularly from a different technology base. So not likely to happen.

    • @kevinwestrom4775
      @kevinwestrom4775 2 года назад +2

      @@Thurgosh_OG Sure, however the writers of the Andromeda series wouldn't focus on anything of the sort, it being rather boring i'd guess to the average series audience viewer, and would consume not only time but also resources and cost a good amount of money in production time, equipment & personnel if they were to have depicted that scenario, however any good battle commander would use any potential type of attack to disable an opponent's attack capabilities, to use the "force multiplier" idea that militaries use. In-universe, to keep within the normal options & tactics Starfleet uses, they would first try to negotiate with the potential adversary & would equally likely try to discuss talks as Captain Picard & Captain Dylan Hunt would become friends and allies.

    • @CrazyOasisKitty
      @CrazyOasisKitty 2 года назад +1

      Let Harper do his magic... or go full argosy special operations and that scenario would happen easy.... Rommy is an C3 ship and has the fitting capabilitys...

  • @mr.t3p370
    @mr.t3p370 2 года назад

    Enterprise D freezer range is 300,000 km.
    The atrometers real gun range is just a tad short of 1.2 billion kilometers.
    The Enterprise d would not be able to get into Fraser range.

    • @stephenblevins3829
      @stephenblevins3829 2 года назад

      I would have to disagree. You forget that the Federation has FTL communication, sensors, and weapons. All the Enterprise D would have to do is detect the Andromeda on her long range sensors, drop out of warp within transporter range, transport several anti-matter bombs aboard, and then jump back to warp. Then, they could safely watch the ship explode on their long range sensors.

    • @mr.t3p370
      @mr.t3p370 2 года назад

      @@stephenblevins3829 hit and run tactics yes the Enterprise would win; the scenario on the other hand is the ships slugging it out going toe to toe the problem with this is enterprises weapons including the transporter doesn't have the range.

  • @borg111
    @borg111 2 года назад

    The Enterprise D was build in the 24th Century..

  • @northternsoll7649
    @northternsoll7649 2 года назад +1

    glory to andromeda

  • @saliston
    @saliston Год назад

    The enterprise doesnt have to get close The Type X Phaser Array found on many ships, starting with the Galaxy class and subsequently the Intrepid class, have an effective tactical range of 300,000km.

  • @MultiMagnis
    @MultiMagnis 2 года назад

    ur missing a great number of items from the enterprise and yes every shuttle has weapns

  • @worldtravellerkamil2942
    @worldtravellerkamil2942 5 месяцев назад

    Make please a video from star trek discovery against Haatack from star gate

  • @tricky2258
    @tricky2258 2 года назад

    I got another matchup for you Andromeda Ascendant vs Babylon5 Excalibur ship...who would win??

  • @scottshapiro6721
    @scottshapiro6721 Год назад +1

    Well probably the reason that this hasn't been done before is because nobody watched Andromeda. It's a super cheesy horrible show how it made five seasons is beyond me.

    • @scottshapiro6721
      @scottshapiro6721 Год назад +1

      Not only that but the Enterprise would fly right up to the Andromeda one torpedo it's over.

  • @thebatt6183
    @thebatt6183 2 года назад

    Roddenberry came up with dilan hunt andromeda and commonwealth that's how much he wrote

  • @haroldcarfrey4206
    @haroldcarfrey4206 2 года назад

    There are two andromeda universe warships even bigger and more powerful vessel

  • @ArgonTheAware
    @ArgonTheAware 2 года назад

    Just think if the Enterprise had a Lwaxana avatar like Andromeda had a Romy avatar, what a disaster that would be, after all remember what problem Kirk had when they gave his computer a personality

  • @trazyntheinfinite9895
    @trazyntheinfinite9895 2 года назад +6

    You know that the Galaxy class goes faster sublight, has magnitudes more power available due to having an actual matter/anti matter reactor and is both armed with charged particle beam weapons and torpedoes (missiles) armed with am/m reaction warheads.
    Sorry, the andromeda would get crippled.

    • @Doublebarreledsimian
      @Doublebarreledsimian 2 года назад

      Yeah the guy who made this video didn't take into account how far behind the Andromeda universe is on Technology. No FTL sensors, remember they were gauging enemy contacts in light minutes. No FTL coms, No shields, everything was point defense. No tractor beams, their sublight engines were dependent on anti grav and mass negation. Star Trek never had those problems but they also knew how to do those. It's how they moved DS9 into the mouth of the wormhole. The only advantage that the Andromeda has is its FTL.

    • @ML-yn9yu
      @ML-yn9yu Год назад +1

      Nah im sorry , but the shear amount of firepower and range is on Andromeda's side 19k+ missiles/s at 744k miles away (4ls) vs only 186k miles away. Plus she moves faster 40% psl vs 25%psl (full impulse).

  • @racspartan1
    @racspartan1 2 года назад +1


  • @krisguntner4805
    @krisguntner4805 2 года назад +4

    The enterprise would win for several reasons,ftl sensors would enable them to see andromeda's weapons in slow motion by simply falling back granting great advantages,phaser range is what is still considered effective against star treks advanced shields and armor which means they can effect weaker materials at longer ranges,warp is limited in system due to risk on impacts to the ship something torpedoes have no concern with so they can be used at warp destroying the andromeda with no difficulty.

  • @andyo393
    @andyo393 Год назад

    Nova bombs are fired at sun's not ships

  • @davidragan9233
    @davidragan9233 2 года назад

    At the end Q should have brought over Dylan Hunt to meat Picard to show Picard that they were really Humans with a different political philosophy other than Space-Socalism(Propped up by Replicators)

  • @phoenixx913
    @phoenixx913 2 года назад +2

    Given that I know just how powerful the Andromeda Ascendant actually is I would have to give it to her she would win if it came down to a fight she would win and do it easily.
    In terms of ship capabilities Andromeda is a really, really powerful ship and extremely well designed for more then most sci-fi ships when it comes down offensive and defensive, technical.

  • @jupamoers
    @jupamoers 2 года назад

    2:59 built in the 25th century? ehm nope

  • @ravenmoon5111
    @ravenmoon5111 2 года назад +2

    If this question was Andromeda vs. a Star Destroyer I would go with Andromeda. Vs a federation starship?
    No way Andromeda wins. Her weapons and sensors are too primitive

  • @stevencolborne6845
    @stevencolborne6845 2 года назад

    Amdromida has a crew member who can see the future.

  • @bartlester1667
    @bartlester1667 2 года назад

    To be quite honest if you are going to compare a federation starship to the Andromeda ascended I would suggest comparing the Enterprise e two Andromeda instead of the d model because the d model is built within a different time frame the e model was built during both the board and the Dominion war and has a more war mentality in which the Andromeda send it was pretty much purely built for considering it is the systems Commonwealth flagship

  • @Anarchist86ed
    @Anarchist86ed 2 года назад

    Wow, the galaxy class was built in the 25th century, then travelled back in time to operate in the 24th century. That's some starfleet nonsense for ya. Build 'em later, send 'em back.

  • @michaelgodbee5361
    @michaelgodbee5361 2 года назад

    Andramada has better weapon range she can stay out of enterprise range an hit them

  • @burniejarvis9298
    @burniejarvis9298 2 года назад

    Laughs In imperium of man.

  • @davidgiles4681
    @davidgiles4681 2 года назад

    Here you have two ships with the same combat concept (a large ship that can be on its own and operate on its own)
    If this had been SW, things were different.
    Andromeda is a warship - pure and simple. She is born for war. Her crew is war trained. That means much when fighting.
    Enterprise D - is an enormous ship (that can go to war (if needed)). But, it is not designed to go to war.
    Andromeda has much more weapons than Enterprise D. I do find this scenario accurate.
    Had it been SW (Empire) v Andromeda - I do not know. Again, you have two ships designed for war (with a war mentality).

  • @StarFleet_Tech1701
    @StarFleet_Tech1701 3 года назад +2

    Andromeda is a warship. Enterprise is not a warship it is a ship of exploration. Enterprise-D was built in the 24th century NOT 25th century!

  • @KentuckyJoe
    @KentuckyJoe 3 года назад +2

    my thoughts on this while not backed by any direct info, only my opinion are that the Andromeda would win. Its overwhelming firepower mixed with its small fighter craft practically make it a fleet on on its own. Though if enterprise did light speed hit and run tactics it may be able to take it.

    • @mazash2066
      @mazash2066 2 года назад

      No shields, 1 photon torpedo and goodbye

  • @reginaldkelly4269
    @reginaldkelly4269 2 года назад

    Should have compared it to the Enterprise E

  • @warrenreid6109
    @warrenreid6109 2 года назад

    The enterprise-e would've been a bettet matchup.

  • @yankee52119
    @yankee52119 3 года назад

    How about the Vorlons vs 40k Imperium of Man. Wonder what a space marine would see if they see a Vorlon out of their suit

    • @JeanLucCaptain
      @JeanLucCaptain 3 года назад

      Undine vs Vorlons? im pretty sure the Undine are the Trek descendant of the Vorlons LOL.

    • @jacobw1647
      @jacobw1647 3 года назад +1

      The space marine would see the Emperor.

    • @yankee52119
      @yankee52119 3 года назад

      @@jacobw1647 and wonder how much they would misuse that

  • @eddyeroyal6024
    @eddyeroyal6024 Год назад

    Star Trek entrprise D it wont fair any better than Enterprise F, that was done by a another RUclipsr

  • @suelynch
    @suelynch 2 года назад

    A battle between Enterprise D and Andromeda would have been over in one minute. Andromeda is capable of launching 1.5k of missiles per minute. Enterprise D shields couldn't stand up to that kind of punishment.

    • @trazyntheinfinite9895
      @trazyntheinfinite9895 2 года назад

      The enterprise would not need to. Just go full impulse and let the missiles eat dust.

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад

      @@trazyntheinfinite9895 But she wouldn't need to as none of those nuclear missiles could dent her shields. It would just be a light show for the Enterprise.

    • @CrazyOasisKitty
      @CrazyOasisKitty 2 года назад +1

      @@trazyntheinfinite9895 Might be that some missile types are still faster. If I remember correct from the handbook then the enterprise has an max of 0,92c while andomedas missiles can go up to 0,95c. Anyway. It would be an very intresting scenario with alot to take into acount for the outcome.

  • @tamaspapp225
    @tamaspapp225 3 года назад +2

    Hello, its a good video, but I see a few mistakes or left out info.
    1, The Andromeda dont have 200 Electromagnetic Launch System. In the start of the show they only have 40 and later upgrade the ship to have 60. The 200 ELS comment is in a later season where everything become a little wacky and probably just a script fluke. I think Hunt wanted to say to prepare launching 200 missiles and not launching from the 200th tube.
    2, The range is heavily on the Andromeda's side, something at least 4 times the range advantage. Like the Phasers is range some 300k km, but the Andromeda is energy weapons is range is 4 light second. And in the Andromeda universe the common tactic is to fight with enemies well over the visual range. This is why they have so many surveillance and sensor drones.
    3, Even if the Enterprise can go near enough the transporters maybe wouldnt work. The Andromeda have a very massive Anti-gravity(AG) field all the time and transporters very unreliable when we speaking about a wide vareity of things. Also a thing what is not really used in the Star Trek universe is electronic countermeasure. That just only happens when the plot demands and characters can easily trick other ships sensors with a last minute technobabble. In the other hand the Andromeda universe ships build and standardly use ECM to mask their sensor visibility, use drones to create ghost images and burst a high amount of radiation to blind others sensors.
    Also I just need to agree with the outcome. The Enterpise is an exploratory luxury ship, the Andromeda is a top to the bottom build warship.

    • @UtopianBroadcast1
      @UtopianBroadcast1  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for the info. Always learning something new. Yeah, the Enterprise is a very advanced ship but the federation didnt really start building warship until the DS9, so Andromeda would win.

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад +1

      Point 1 agree.
      Point 2 Andromedas weapons have a max range of 4 light seconds which is 745130 miles. Photon Torpedoes from TNG max range is 2.5 million kilometers. Photon torpedoes can travel at almost 0.5c (depends on the speed of the launching ship and of course Warp speed is not available in this scenario). Andromedas point defence lasers are not going to affect a photon torpedo. The reason the Federation doesn't need ECM or ECCM is that their sensors are superior to most ST races they encounter and are vastly superior to Andromedas. Visual range in both series is just for effect and they can both fight at well beyond that range.
      Point 3 There are zero examples of anti-gravity having any effect on a Transporter in canon or beyond. Regards ECM, I refer you to my above answer. Nothing in the Andromeda universe shows any likelihood of defeating Federation sensors; they are just that much better. Only the most advanced cloaking technology (which is an extreme version of ECM) works and Andromedas tech is not at that level. In fact apart from slipstream drive (which is an alternative and riskier version of FTL) none of the tech in the Andromeda-verse comes close to ST tech.

  • @trazyntheinfinite9895
    @trazyntheinfinite9895 2 года назад +1

    Oh btw: the andromedas defenses can not shoot down a phaser beam, nova bombs are fired at stars (to force them to go super nova) and you have zero apreciation of what trek shields are capable of and have to endure.

    • @Thurgosh_OG
      @Thurgosh_OG 2 года назад +1

      Agreed. There are many Andromeda fanboys in these comments and though I like both series, the Andromeda has no weapons system (Nova bombs excluded) that would have any damage potential on Enterprises shields. Add that the Runabout alone could warp around the system being unable to be targeted or shot at and wipe the floor any Andromeda support vessel and could even dump a Photon torpedo into Andromedas engines. Enterprise could literary drive up to point blank and cream the Andromeda because even it's navigational shields would prevent the majority of potential damage getting through. Shields win this fight every time. Q would have to disable so many Trek technologies to make this a losing fight for Enterprise.

    • @ravenmoon5111
      @ravenmoon5111 2 года назад

      Totally agree

    • @CrazyOasisKitty
      @CrazyOasisKitty 2 года назад

      @@Thurgosh_OG Dont temp Q.. Hes always in for nasty suprises...

  • @stevevanzandt6784
    @stevevanzandt6784 Год назад +1

    Q stinx bad

  • @ElzariusUnity
    @ElzariusUnity 2 года назад

    I don't like Generation Tech. Compared to others their ideas and theories always come off as childish and immature

  • @ravenmoon5111
    @ravenmoon5111 2 года назад +3

    I think there are a lot of posters here who lack knowledge about how Federation shields, drives and weapons work.
    First of all, unshielded fighters of any kind won’t last against the Enterprise’s phasers. Such an attack was illustrated in TNG and the phasers quickly one shotted them with rapid phaser fire. Blink and it was over.
    Second. No amount of physical, kinetic weapons will ever punch through Enterprise’s shields. Even the low power, navigational deflectors are designed to protect the ship from asteroid impacts while the ship is underway under Impulse power. The Impulse engines on their own can propel the ship at almost light speed. Therefore, Andromeda’s ‘massive’ missile attacks will be considered as no more dangerous that the Enterprise cruising at impulse speeds. The threat is basically inconsequential even if Enterprise never even raises its shields. With the shields up, kinetic missile attacks are useless.
    Third. Photon Torpedoes travel at warp speeds. They can be fired from a ship traveling at warp speed. That means they are trans light and Andromeda will not pick them up on their sensors not be able to track them or shoot them down. Even the Borg cannot do that.
    Fourth. Without defensive shielding, phasers will carve the Andromeda up rather quickly.
    Fifth. Even the TOS Enterprise commonly fought while traveling at warp speed. As with the Torpedos, Andromeda won’t be able to track it at that speed.
    Sixth. As referenced in the TOS episode Balance of Terror, Kirk ordered a high warp speed retrograde against a warp speed capable plasma torpedo. During his fall back he stated that of the phasers had not been damaged, he could detonate the torpedo while traveling at warp speed.
    Seventh. Transporters. Andromeda has no defense at all.
    Enterprise wins in a curb stomp.

  • @M1Ndl3Ss_as_it_gets
    @M1Ndl3Ss_as_it_gets 3 года назад

    and Q showed up in Andromeda but as a normal human. Andromeda would wreck Picard and