А як як українець не бачу тут помилки, бо перші слова кажуть про саме полум'я яке приносить війна, а другі слова вогонь від рушниць, тому автор зробив на це акцент. А ти хочеш зробити масло масляне, тобто зробити не красиве самоповтооювання
Translating comment above me I, as Ukrainian, dont see an error, because first words say about fire that the war brings, and the second - fire from guns, that's why author made accent on that And you just want to make oil oily, and i mean by that ugly self-repetition
Is "fire" in Ukrainian also used to mean "shoot", like in many other languages (e.g. French, English)? If that's the case, with all due respect (i don't speak Ukrainian), but wouldn't it make more poetic sense given the context to mean the flames of (gun)fire, rather than the flames of literal fire?
Love Ukraine from Poland, forget the Past, we apologize for polonization in Ukraine during 16th century any I hope you do so for Volyn massacre. We must unite together against Russian imperialism. Poland will support Ukraine soon. 💪💪💪
I'm happy that Ukraine got good neighbors on the west. I hope the most of our people will forgive each other and unite to make russian Mordor staying behind its borders.🇺🇦❤️🇵🇱
@@valentyngrytsiuk9826 I will die for your sacred soil is Putin invades your great country. From the USA, we will support your war against imperialism!
Latin version: Zrodylyś my velykoji hodyny Z požež vijny, iz polym'ja vohniv Plekav nas biľ po vtrati Ukrajiny Kormyv nas hniv i zlisť na vorohiv. I my jdemo u boju žyttěvomu. Tverdi, micni, nezlamni mov hranit, Bo plač ne dav svobody šče nikomu A chto boreć, toj zdobuvaje svit. Ne chočemo ni slavy, ni zaplaty, Zaplata nam: ce radisť boroťby! Solodše nam u boju umyraty, Jak žyty v putach, mov nimi raby Dovoli nam rujiny i nezhody, Ne smije brat na brata jty u bij! Pid syńo-žovtym praporom svobody Z'jednajem veś velykyj narid svij Velyky pravdu, dlia usich jedynu Naš hordyj klyč narodovi nese: Vitčyzni ty buď virnyj do zahynu, Nam Ukrajina vyšče ponad vse! Vede nas v bij borciv upavšych slava, Dlia nas zakon najvyščyj i nakaz: "Soborna Ukrajinśka deržava, viľna j micna, vid Sianu po Kavkaz!" "Soborna Ukrajinśka deržava, viľna j micna, vid Sianu po Kavkaz!"
i am a Ukrainian and i learned this song from this channel. This song never fails to bring me to tears (even though the lyrics say it won't solve anything haha), it touches my soul in so profound way, the accent of the performers, the lyrics, omfg. My history teacher in school really knew what she was talking about, holy hell
@Hesmi Terafi Is this not Nazism? After all, something similar was said by the Nazis, only in otshoneshenie all German-speaking people. The Soviet Union did not recognize individual nations, it only recognized the "Soviet man", so what cities are you talking about? It is not possible for the existence in one country of absolutely all Slavs and. Not only. I understand that you are Russian and you miss the greatness of your country. But let other cities gain independence. Although it will be with Russia, let it be with the United States, let it be.
I am Breton (Celtic) with Irish blood by my ancestors. Ukraine is not Russia just as Ireland is not English and Brittany is not French. Long live the freedom of peoples !!! 
Je convoque la grande assemblée nationale des bretons et je t'excommunie tfou allykum. La Bretagne est française, c'est pas un rennais qui vit à Paris qui va casser les couilles. France and Britanny stand with Russia ! Donnbass and crimea are ethincally linguistically and culturally russian
For me, as a Ukrainian, the day was very typical. In the morning I prayed to Stepan Bandera, had breakfast of borscht with meat of Russian babies. In the afternoon I went to demolish the monuments to Lenin. And in the evening I went to cut down the Poles. Typical weekdays.
В загалі у ОУН входия Нхтігаль і Роланд (організації нацистів з місцевого населення) які вбивали євреїв і поляків, я вже не кажу про радянських партизан (до складу радянських партизан також входили українці). Це жахлива пісня... Ці люди на мали добрих намірів для нашої країни...
And nowadays Ukrainians freely come to my native Poland by hundreds of thousands, they work and study here and everyone is happy. Well, of course except of the survivors of all the massacres and forced relocations of people on both sides of the border and revanchist nationalists, but those guys are never happy. Lots and lots of blood was spilled there, a spiral of violence grinding for centuries- thank goodness we are at peace now.
Finally, a Polish guy with a sane position about OUN and UPA. There was just to much bloodshed from both sides, to easily assign, who is right or wrong here. At least, we can all agree that Nazis and commies are bloody bastards
@@mykhaylovarvarin9078 There is enough evidence to state who was responsible for massacring polish civilians in Volhynia and Galicia. Your government officialy esthablished on 04.11.2021 commemoration day of Dmytro Klaczkewski. He commanded in july 1943 ORGANISED cleanings of Poles. Dmytro Klaczkewski secret directive to UPA-North Group "We should undertake the great action of the liquidation of the Polish element. As the German armies withdraw, we should take advantage of this convenient moment for liquidating the entire male population in the age from 16 up to 60 years. We cannot lose this fight, and it is necessary at all costs to weaken Polish forces. Villages and settlements situated next to the large forests should disappear from the face of the earth" As a Pole I cannot have friendly attitude towards a state which honours criminals who butchered my ancestors. Dmytro is only an example, there are other war criminals who are hounoured in Ukraine. We can't build friendship between our nations on such conditions.
@@hubertwawrzyniak7710 there's a difference between not forgetting and not forgiving. It's not only from 1943, if you look at history it's basically us vs them ever since 1648- sometimes they kill us, sometimes we killed them. This cannot be forgotten, but I do think that we can be smarter than those before and just you know, not kill each other and you know, live in peace like normal people for a change? Right up until Chmielnicki then-Ruthenians and Cossacks and us Poles lived in harmony for centuries, so history also brings proof that it can be done. I say enough mistakes were made on both sides to just start anew.
@Tvrda Я бачу, що ти - радикальний націоналіст. Я вважаю, що у кожного має бути свобода слова та поглядів, а тому не можу засуджувати вищесказане. Тим не менше, я можу до нескінченності з цим не погоджуватись. По-перше, ЛГБТ та толерантність - це не аморальні рухи, скоріше, навспак - рухи ЗА мораль. Хіба люди за те, якого кольору в них шкіра, з ким вони сплять, чи за те, до якої нації вони належать, мають бути репресованими? Це не свідомий вибір людини. Ці люди - не нацисти/коммуністи/рашисти, що самі свідомо стали зрадниками. Тут зовсім інша ситуація. Що ж до кінця твого коментаря - можливо, це здасться тобі дивним, проте я вважаю, що «плювати в лице предкам» слід якнайчастіше, бо якби ми цього не робили, людство б досі жило у печерах і бігало б за мамонтами)
@Tvrda Бути лібералом та ліберастом - це зовсім різні речі. Прохання не переходити на особистості. Ти заперечуєш те, що ти - радикальний націоналіст, але хто ти тоді? Противник ЛГБТ, противник толерантності, прибічник абсолютного контролю держави, противник лібералізму... та, врешті-решт, в тебе на аватарці стоїть прапор іспанських фалангістів. То хто ж ти тоді? Немає жодного доказу того, що гомо/бісексуальність є психічним порушенням. Це визнала навіть ВОЗ. До того ж, визнала вона це не у 2021, а отже, заперечуючи нормальність гомосексуалізму, ти робиш «плювок у обличчя предкам») Свобода слова має бути саме свободою, а не анархією. Людей, що агітують за людожерські ідеології типу нацизму чи коммунізму слід зачиняти, проте завжди мають існувати декілька думок. Якщо існує лише одна, на виході з‘являється держава типу РФ чи навіть КНДР. А узагалі, якби ти уважно читав мій коментар, ти б зрозумів, що під свободою слова я мав на увазі право на існування ТВОЄЇ думки. Заперечуючи свободу слова, ти заперечуєш сам себе.
No, in fact, there are many Chinese people in China who, like me, are dissatisfied with the centralized government and oppose wars of aggression. However, we are closed to the internet and it is difficult to speak up, and it is difficult for you to know our existence@@Polekraine
@@单v535 I`m from Russia and I`m sorry for Chinese people who get punished for their free thinking ❤🩹. I hope you support independent Taiwan as a piece of Chinese civilization that lives in democracy
@Artur Robert And what about the fact that the concentration camps in Poland got so massive and deadly because of poles giving out jews ?) What about the fact that Poland used concentration camps before the WWII ?) Who is a nazi now, huh ?
Very nice as always! Pretty nice pictures of UPA. As a Ukrainian I suggest you to make another ukrainian folk song "Ikhav Kozak za Dunaj"(The Cossack rode over the Danube)
Від синього Дону до Сивих Карпат Чи то буря чи то грім Там на горі на Маківці Гей ви стрілці січові А льон цвіте синьо Ой на горі тайжинці жнуть Пісня про Петлюру Під Києвом під Крутами
@@TheGreatLiberator1209 No he didn't. I tried to rewatch it in my RUclips history, and it showed a warning saying it was banned for hate speech, not that the original uploader deleted it. If RUclips deleted it themselves, it means people reported it, as there are many other videos of the anthem.
@@БогданЛитвинов-з9ы Как вы можете быть оккупантом или захватчиком, если вы берете только то, что принадлежит вам по праву? Великая Россия возвращает себе то, что исторически принадлежит ей.
It is a flag of OUN, when it still was one organisation and of OUN (M). This song was written in 1929, so it belongs to the whole OUN. On the other hand, there is just not enough cool OUN photos from before WW2
@@arsenavagyan2486 Ну вот к чему это, объясни? Я тебя спрашивал чей Крым??? Или тебе ли ж бы устроить очередной срач что ли? Вот объясни, зачем эти слова? Прошу удалить твой ответ, иначе я пожалуюсь на него и его всё равно удалят! Ну просто человеку надо обязательно устроить срач!
I stand with Ukraine too. But I believe this must be Republic of China's flag, right? Don't look like PRC's flag. But I hope more 中国人would support Ukraine. PRC is one of the largest trading partners of Ukraine.
@@zadokthestoryteller6590 Because The ROC(Taiwan) is a nation with democracy, freedom and Chinese traditional virtues,🇹🇼is the real China. On the other hand, the CCP 🇨🇳is a regime with dictatorship and violence, It's not a real motherland for Chinese people.
So interesting how those "mass massacres" was done mostly even not by ukrainians, not even mentioning ukrainian rebel army.... also funny how many of those was done by actual russian NKVD pretending to be ukrainians... all this story it is like "she was dressed like this so i did it, i am the real victim not her!", and the fact she dressed like this was a year after he did it just does not matter. So double faced bruh
@Fil M Greek politicians are foolish. They have destroyed our nation. Turks are just insidious. Soviets helped turks to destroy Anatolia in 1922. Also there were many Greeks in Crimea, but stalin kicked them, like Ukranians and then russians settled it. Also stalin sent to gulag thousands of Greeks (mainly Pontics) who went to soviet union, after the genocide of Pontic Greeks. Today, I think, there are Greeks, only in Mariupol.
@Artur Robert I like it when some Russians and Poles call the then Poland innocent and weak before Ukrainian nationalists and the Reich, forgetting to take into account the fact that a huge number of Polish citizens, politicians and experts held important positions in the General Government of Poland and the Reich, talk about magic numbers killed Poles in Volyn, forgetting how Poland banned the Ukrainian language, closed Ukrainian schools and used the Ukrainians of Poland as a slave force in their camps, how Poland banned the concept of "Ukrainians", calling them "Rusyns", how it carried out repressions on the territory of the former ZUNR (UNR). Therefore, consider the Volyn tragedy a blood feud.
@@shahanshahpolonium But you said "SLAVA Ukrain" which isnt neutral at all. Thats supporting the US. Like how the guy said, you do not represent all Indians. 🇮🇳🇷🇺. Long live Russia, India's greatest friend.
@@bummer7736 i will also say Slava Rossia. why should we hate a country just because they are our friend's enemy? USA is good with pakistan, russia is good with china
Як мені подобається читати коментарі поляків про Волинь😁 Мені цікаво, до них колись дійде що Волинь це Україна з 10 століття? Вони взагалі розуміють на якій території їх вбивали та за що? Таке відчуття що вони не вчать історію взагалі...
@@olek5903 навіщо мені щось читати, якщо в Іпатьєвському літописі написано що Галич та Волинь це "Україна". А ще написано про Галицько-Волинське князівство, яке чомусь хотіло визволить українську Русь, а не увійти у склад поляків🤡
@@olek5903 да ти казочки можешь скільки завгодно розповідати. Факт у тому що з часів Київської Русі, по сьогоднішній день, Галич та Волинь це Україна, де живуть українці, а Львов якій подобні тобі нацисти хочуть вкрасти взагалі був збудований українським князем Данилом Галицьким😁
@@olek5903 я в принципі завжди розумів що Польша та Україна ніколи не зможуть стати друзями, через таких хворих імперців як ти, які хочуть тільки красти чуже. Ви не дуже сильно відрізняєтесь від росіян, такі самі нацисти, просто вам всі по лицю дають, і у вас нічого не виходить👌 Цікаво що з 16 по 20 століття весь Львів був заселений поляками, а всі села поряд були українськими, що це за магія?🤡 І ще дуже цікаво чому було стільки повстань на території Львова, якщо там всі так хотіли у вашу Польшу? Ммм? Чому наприклад УПА створилась саме там????🤡 Раджу тобі не відкривати рота, а то в нас теж є територіальні претензії до Польщі😁
@@Crypteddd People will have to learn to live together only when there are no threats. Meanwhile some are forced to defend what is theirs when they are threatened. That's the reality otherwise they will always live under the yolk of their occupier!
La Nato è una organizzazione terroristica. Non c'è follia più grande di buttarsi in questa avventura bellica voluta e pianificata dalla politica avventata statunitense.
@@zorbamartialis1256 Se vuoi una risposta onesta, è in parte vero quel che dici. Essendo io di destra, se fosse per me apposto di NATO o CSTO ci sarebbe l'italia stessa, ma siccome ancora le magie non le sappiamo ancora fare, dobbiamo scegliere. Con la NATO possiamo contare un minimo, anche se solamente in parte, la nostra sovranità viene comunque mantenuta un minimo anche in rispetto alla nostra potenza militare, ma sopratutto economica. Se la Russia tratterebbe in modo migliore i suoi alleati, anche minori, perche è quello di cui si tratta, sarebbe la mia scelta primordiale, ma siccome rimango un nazionalista fino al midollo, con la Russia non avrei la sicurezza che l'italia verrebbe trattata in modo giusto da parte dei Russi, potremmo essere un Semplice "Nuovo Donbass" per loro. Comunque, si è una pazzia attaccare direttamente la Russia, ma almeno intervenire in Ucraina stessa, usando qualche scusa da " i profughi" fino al resto, sarebbe un idea decente, considerando che l'ucraina stessa collaborerebbe più tosto che rimanere sotto la Russia. Spero d'essermi spiegato.
Yeah, it except its the official march of the murderous Fascist organization which committed a Genocide against Jewish and Polish people in the most barbaric ways and then collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded the USSR.
It's difficult for a patriotic song/march to send me into "patriot mode", but after hearing just the first part of this managed to do that. Glory to Ukraine
@@nikolasmaillis6862 This song is not meant to be a "anti-russian gotcha" like the songs of the IRA, it's meant to be a call to action saying "Ukrainians: Rise up or your descendants will damn you for eternity!"
@@joelthorstensson2772 yeah but liveliness helps with soldiers morale a slow song wouldn't help with morale having been in the army good music especially patriotic music really helps
@@Ярик-ш4я Посмотрим ещё, посмотрим дружок пирожок). В конце концов когда небудь надеюсь Коммунистический Китай прекратит тоталитарную риторику во внутренней политикея и пройдут выборы, а там уже кто победит, тот победит!
@Andrew Krasnov ya they are brought together, over there hate for putin Edit: after that failed attempt to kill the Ukrainian president this will probably age like wine
@@ghastlucukwer2708 This song was written when Hitler was homeless on the streets of Austria and didnt have his own political party. How do you relate this to Nazism?
@Accelerator serrano There are some of us who actually do support Ukraina, despite our govt do and says. A part of Serbs who are freedom loving, antiimperialists. I wish u all the luck and happiness in the world!
don't show this map to Putin, he'll get a heart attack
from which year is this map
@@X3N4_pro 1919
@Aleksander after the collapse of the empire, different countries fought against each other. And in the end Lviv is polish, Ukraine communist
@Aleksander Yes they did, In 1919 they even Held Kholm. Search up "The Ukrainian people's republic 1918"
When it has more comments than likes you know things are getting spicy
when ingen like your comment, you're sure things are getting spicy
*bots intensive, go brrrr*
Going to get more spicy when Russia invades
It doesnt.
"Бо плач не дав свободи ще нікому,а хто борець,той здобуває світ"
Як багато сенцу в цих рядках.
На жаль не всі асимільовані народи РФ цього розуміють
@@Dniprovskyy27 какие асимилированые народы в Рф ты знаешь?
@@georgtrakl1627 татары)
@@georgtrakl1627 украинцы
@@georgtrakl1627 Тувинці, тунгуси, наприклад. (це перекладено Google, вибачте за будь-які помилки.)
«Бо плач не дав свободи ще нікому,а хто борець той здобуває світ»в цих рядках дуже багато сенсу
I am a Ukrainian and saw one translation error:
0:14 - It is not gunshots, its "flames of fire"
overall, good translation!
А як як українець не бачу тут помилки, бо перші слова кажуть про саме полум'я яке приносить війна, а другі слова вогонь від рушниць, тому автор зробив на це акцент. А ти хочеш зробити масло масляне, тобто зробити не красиве самоповтооювання
Translating comment above me
I, as Ukrainian, dont see an error, because first words say about fire that the war brings, and the second - fire from guns, that's why author made accent on that
And you just want to make oil oily, and i mean by that ugly self-repetition
Is "fire" in Ukrainian also used to mean "shoot", like in many other languages (e.g. French, English)? If that's the case, with all due respect (i don't speak Ukrainian), but wouldn't it make more poetic sense given the context to mean the flames of (gun)fire, rather than the flames of literal fire?
@@CosmicTeapot yes jt is also use as "shoot". And you're right just author of this post didn't think about it
@@onescore5483 Great, thanks for the info, much appreciate it!
Love Ukraine from Poland, forget the Past, we apologize for polonization in Ukraine during 16th century any I hope you do so for Volyn massacre. We must unite together against Russian imperialism. Poland will support Ukraine soon. 💪💪💪
I'm happy that Ukraine got good neighbors on the west. I hope the most of our people will forgive each other and unite to make russian Mordor staying behind its borders.🇺🇦❤️🇵🇱
@@valentyngrytsiuk9826 I will die for your sacred soil is Putin invades your great country.
From the USA, we will support your war against imperialism!
Невже є нормальний поляк, а не нацик, який буде втирати про те, який поганий Бандера і Хмельницький.
@@VolunieProductionsOfficial невже це тебе дивує?
@@panzerthatjager с чего кто-то взял что РФ будет нападать на Украину
Latin version:
Zrodylyś my velykoji hodyny
Z požež vijny, iz polym'ja vohniv
Plekav nas biľ po vtrati Ukrajiny
Kormyv nas hniv i zlisť na vorohiv.
I my jdemo u boju žyttěvomu.
Tverdi, micni, nezlamni mov hranit,
Bo plač ne dav svobody šče nikomu
A chto boreć, toj zdobuvaje svit.
Ne chočemo ni slavy, ni zaplaty,
Zaplata nam: ce radisť boroťby!
Solodše nam u boju umyraty,
Jak žyty v putach, mov nimi raby
Dovoli nam rujiny i nezhody,
Ne smije brat na brata jty u bij!
Pid syńo-žovtym praporom svobody
Z'jednajem veś velykyj narid svij
Velyky pravdu, dlia usich jedynu
Naš hordyj klyč narodovi nese:
Vitčyzni ty buď virnyj do zahynu,
Nam Ukrajina vyšče ponad vse!
Vede nas v bij borciv upavšych slava,
Dlia nas zakon najvyščyj i nakaz:
"Soborna Ukrajinśka deržava,
viľna j micna, vid Sianu po Kavkaz!"
"Soborna Ukrajinśka deržava, viľna j micna, vid Sianu po Kavkaz!"
Thank you brother! Love from the Philippines 🇺🇦🤝🇵🇭
Я переклав цей текст перекладачем на українську, переклад зовсім не схожий на оригінал, але ти добре постарався!
@@Коля2009-й2ъ Потому что переводчик считает этот текст словацким, а это транслит украинского всего лишь
Slava Ukraina!
From Greece
Glory to hero 💪 btw thanks 🇺🇦❤️🇬🇷
Slava Ukraine🇺🇦❤
Слава Нації!
Geroyam slava!
Heroyam Slava! 🇺🇦♥️
The Japanese support Ukraine. Glory to Ukraine. 🇯🇵💪🇺🇦
@@fiatlux4058 он не поддерживает россию, он поддерживает украину.
@@fiatlux4058Fascist russkies bot. Cope
@@okularenxd6431 вообще-то я из Украины 🤣
@@fiatlux4058 Well do you support your own country or is it just because this song and OUN and UPA ?
@@fiatlux4058 That is not SS Galichina that is on the footage but UPA
May Ukraine survive what is soon coming, glory to Ukraine 🇺🇸💪🏻🇺🇦
Слава Україні!
@@cyganskadywizjapiechoty Героям слава!
@@kihnijnmkk ТАК
Вы и в правду считаете что Америка союзник Украины
@@Arkesilay неа
Stay strong and safe, Ukrainian people! Kazakhstan is with you! Hope this pointless war will end as soon as possible🇰🇿🇺🇦
Month had passed, but thanks anyway!
@@deucedwayne no problem, it's the least I can do. Hope you're safe!
@@pietrominute7618 #ProofOrItDidntHappen
@@deucedwayne #ZelenskyWarCriminal
Glory to Ukraine! Love, 🇮🇩🤝🇺🇦
Героям слава.
Don't you know what OUN did to Poles in 1943?
@@apollomoonberg1112 its indonesian
@@apollomoonberg1112 it's indonesian dude
@@apollomoonberg1112 Ale ty jesteś głupi to głowa mała ahahahahahah ,,patriota" co nie zna flagi swojego kraju
Respect from.... Poland
to hymn banderowców
@@stanisaw-yq4gw Tak, a o co chodzi ?
@@Tommy-ii8eb lepiej pod filmem hymnu ukraińskiego jak już coś
@@stanisaw-yq4gw Nie dlaczego?
@@stanisaw-yq4gw Ale też jak najbardziej.
Когда узнал что ты на 0.001% украинец:
Я люблю конфеты Рошен, но еще больше я люблю карать Донбасс
Не знаю. На территории СНГ такое явление все же распространено гораздо меньше.
@@scandited2763 база
я на 15%
i am a Ukrainian and i learned this song from this channel. This song never fails to bring me to tears (even though the lyrics say it won't solve anything haha), it touches my soul in so profound way, the accent of the performers, the lyrics, omfg. My history teacher in school really knew what she was talking about, holy hell
These guys mass murdered Poles and Jews btw
I'm just interested, what accent do the singers have ?
@@wszyscyzginiemy854 вроде украинский, не уверен.
Не бейте меня, мне лень в переводчик зайти)).
@@wszyscyzginiemy854 Ukrainian South-Western
Δοξα στην Ελλαδα! Δοξα στην Ουκρανια! 🇬🇷☦🇺🇦
При чём тут вообще Греция?
Ты ведь в Украине живёшь.
@@waragque you kid!
@@waragque you 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
На західній Україні живуть греко-католики (католицька конфесія)
@@Sinjoro_Blato а до чого тут ці лицеміри? Розумію, що оунівці переважно були уніатами, але ж коментар написав я - чел з наддніпрянщини
Дужа прыгожая песня! Слава братам украінцам і іх Радзіме! Кахаем вас з Беларусі!⚪🔴⚪❤️🇺🇦
Живе Беларусь! ⬜️🟥⬜️✌🏻
Жыве Беларусь!🤍❤🤍 Слава Україні!💙💛
Дякую Білорусам, ЖИВЄ Бєларусь!
Жыве Беларусь!
@Hesmi Terafi Is this not Nazism? After all, something similar was said by the Nazis, only in otshoneshenie all German-speaking people. The Soviet Union did not recognize individual nations, it only recognized the "Soviet man", so what cities are you talking about? It is not possible for the existence in one country of absolutely all Slavs and. Not only. I understand that you are Russian and you miss the greatness of your country. But let other cities gain independence. Although it will be with Russia, let it be with the United States, let it be.
I am Breton (Celtic) with Irish blood by my ancestors. Ukraine is not Russia just as Ireland is not English and Brittany is not French. Long live the freedom of peoples !!!

Je convoque la grande assemblée nationale des bretons et je t'excommunie tfou allykum.
La Bretagne est française, c'est pas un rennais qui vit à Paris qui va casser les couilles. France and Britanny stand with Russia ! Donnbass and crimea are ethincally linguistically and culturally russian
I agree, Imperialism killed a lot of peoples, Therefore, the Peoples need Freedom
Please, can the anthem of the Belarusian People's Republic 1918-1920 "Ваяцкі марш" ❤️ Long live Belarus! Жыве Беларусь!⚪🔴⚪
It's Ва*я*цкі марш btw
also damn this brings me back, I requested this in their Discord server around May-June 2020
🇺🇦💕⚪🔴⚪🤜🏻 lukashenko
@@rostyslavgarmatiy7070 no, Lukashenko good 🇧🇾
@@BelarusLukashenko how lukashenko is good? 🤔
@@BelarusLukashenko not surprised that someone named Vladimir Putin likes people who put their own citizens in consantration camps
For me, as a Ukrainian, the day was very typical. In the morning I prayed to Stepan Bandera, had breakfast of borscht with meat of Russian babies. In the afternoon I went to demolish the monuments to Lenin. And in the evening I went to cut down the Poles. Typical weekdays.
True story. Same stuff.
@Chef Movkta One day, poland will be ukrainian clay and russia will be a vassal to ukraine. Just wait
А я за день вісімсот тисяч раз за годину сказав "Слава Україні!" й отримав три гектара землі да два шахтаря у подарунок
@Chef Movkta plus milions of young Ukrainians leave Ukraine and go to much richer Poland XD
да живей украйна, поздрави от македония и българия!
Завжди будемо пам'ятати як допомогали вам з албанцями в Македонії!
@@Dniprovskyy27 Можна посилання?
@@juzernejm4308 вторжение в Македонию в 2001. Украина отправила свой Ленд-Лиз тогда. Говорят что это изменило ход войны. Но я не Македонец
Sláva Ukrajině! 🇨🇿❤️🇺🇦
this song represented the ukrainans that love to do genocides against other ethnics
Sláma u Kravína
@@jaroslavpenkava5525 🐷🐶 заспокойся)
@@jaroslavpenkava5525Помовч, москалику.
Love from Poland 🇵🇱❤🇺🇦
Спасибо друг, надеюсь в этой войне Поляки и Украинцы будут воевать бок о бок против преступного режима России. Героям слава!
your greek friends from golden dawn are supporting putin and the russian invasion of ukraine....what do you say?
@@dpapaioannow they are not our friends, we don't make friendship with fascists and neo-nazis
@@NattFalkenhausen dziwnie to wygląda gdy piszesz "slava Ukraini" pod hymnem OUN tbh Ingen już wrzucił hymn ukrainy i tam możnaby im życzyć powodzenia
what happened?cat ate your tongue?did you see the pics that you've just removed?hehehhe....naughty naughty
ukrainians dont fight like heroees , heroes fight like ukrainians
Nice copy of what Churchill said for greeks at WW2
@@aggelos.k.7 maybe not a copy, but a free interpretation
@@abaxoth1488 it have to be a copy tho
@@aggelos.k.7 it's a the best copy
stealing russian tanks with a fucking tractors
Slava Ukraine from Croatia 🇭🇷🇭🇷🇺🇦🇺🇦
Jebać OUN i Ustasze z Polski
Nazi ustase and Bandera
@@nitrrogen2628 Ustashe and SS Galizien
@@olek5903 yeah lmao
Love from the Philippines 🇵🇭🤝🇺🇦
your greek friends from golden dawn are supporting putin and the russian invasion of ukraine....what do you say?
@@dpapaioannow y tho
@@dpapaioannow i searched "golden dawn philippines" and saw no correlation between the two aforementioned keywords....what do you say?
@@dpapaioannow dum
@@stealtho Hes probably a russian troll
Support ukraine from Germany🇩🇪❤️🇺🇦
Democratic Germany 🤢
Glory to Ukraine from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿♥️🇺🇦
@Fil M
"There is nothing wrong being gay"
Said the same person who said that the massacres of Poles in Galicia and Wolyn were deserved
@Fil M So you killed your own people? nice
@James Hawksworth what were unarmed women and children doing that kept down the nation?
admit it ukranian nationalists just love to praise murderers
Slava Ukrajini 🇺🇦❤️🇭🇷
Za Dom Spremni🇺🇦❤🇭🇷
@@denis.makovskyi Za Dom Spremni🇺🇦🇺🇦❤️❤️🇭🇷🇭🇷
Always brothers
Напомнить про вырез Сербов?
Heroyam slava. Героям слава
All support to our brothers and sisters in Ukrajine 🇸🇰♥️🇺🇦
A SS Galitzien mordujące Powstańców Słowackich w Żylinie , nie przeszkadza już ci ?To byli ci z OUN .
based serb love to serbija from ukraine
@lenyt9662 that's slovakia but 🇷🇸❤️🇺🇦
Such a beautiful song. Long live to Ukraine, Long live to the Ukrainian people.
Obrigado. Agora eu sou considerando fazer uma tradução portuguesa deste canção.
В загалі у ОУН входия Нхтігаль і Роланд (організації нацистів з місцевого населення) які вбивали євреїв і поляків, я вже не кажу про радянських партизан (до складу радянських партизан також входили українці). Це жахлива пісня... Ці люди на мали добрих намірів для нашої країни...
@Fil M Це не випрадоаування і не факт. Ніхто крім нацистів і фашистів євреям шкоди не надавав, що тут говорити про гіноцид.
@Fil M Це не випрадоаування масового знищення
And nowadays Ukrainians freely come to my native Poland by hundreds of thousands, they work and study here and everyone is happy. Well, of course except of the survivors of all the massacres and forced relocations of people on both sides of the border and revanchist nationalists, but those guys are never happy. Lots and lots of blood was spilled there, a spiral of violence grinding for centuries- thank goodness we are at peace now.
Finally, a Polish guy with a sane position about OUN and UPA. There was just to much bloodshed from both sides, to easily assign, who is right or wrong here. At least, we can all agree that Nazis and commies are bloody bastards
@@mykhaylovarvarin9078 +
@@mykhaylovarvarin9078 There is enough evidence to state who was responsible for massacring polish civilians in Volhynia and Galicia. Your government officialy esthablished on 04.11.2021 commemoration day of Dmytro Klaczkewski. He commanded in july 1943 ORGANISED cleanings of Poles.
Dmytro Klaczkewski secret directive to UPA-North Group "We should undertake the great action of the liquidation of the Polish element. As the German armies withdraw, we should take advantage of this convenient moment for liquidating the entire male population in the age from 16 up to 60 years. We cannot lose this fight, and it is necessary at all costs to weaken Polish forces. Villages and settlements situated next to the large forests should disappear from the face of the earth"
As a Pole I cannot have friendly attitude towards a state which honours criminals who butchered my ancestors. Dmytro is only an example, there are other war criminals who are hounoured in Ukraine. We can't build friendship between our nations on such conditions.
@Artur Robert I did mention unhappy revanchist nationalists, didn't I?
@@hubertwawrzyniak7710 there's a difference between not forgetting and not forgiving. It's not only from 1943, if you look at history it's basically us vs them ever since 1648- sometimes they kill us, sometimes we killed them. This cannot be forgotten, but I do think that we can be smarter than those before and just you know, not kill each other and you know, live in peace like normal people for a change? Right up until Chmielnicki then-Ruthenians and Cossacks and us Poles lived in harmony for centuries, so history also brings proof that it can be done. I say enough mistakes were made on both sides to just start anew.
Respect our Ukrainian brothers from Georgia!!
@Tvrda Чим тобі не подобається лібералізм?
@Tvrda Я бачу, що ти - радикальний націоналіст. Я вважаю, що у кожного має бути свобода слова та поглядів, а тому не можу засуджувати вищесказане. Тим не менше, я можу до нескінченності з цим не погоджуватись.
По-перше, ЛГБТ та толерантність - це не аморальні рухи, скоріше, навспак - рухи ЗА мораль. Хіба люди за те, якого кольору в них шкіра, з ким вони сплять, чи за те, до якої нації вони належать, мають бути репресованими? Це не свідомий вибір людини. Ці люди - не нацисти/коммуністи/рашисти, що самі свідомо стали зрадниками. Тут зовсім інша ситуація.
Що ж до кінця твого коментаря - можливо, це здасться тобі дивним, проте я вважаю, що «плювати в лице предкам» слід якнайчастіше, бо якби ми цього не робили, людство б досі жило у печерах і бігало б за мамонтами)
@Tvrda Бути лібералом та ліберастом - це зовсім різні речі. Прохання не переходити на особистості.
Ти заперечуєш те, що ти - радикальний націоналіст, але хто ти тоді? Противник ЛГБТ, противник толерантності, прибічник абсолютного контролю держави, противник лібералізму... та, врешті-решт, в тебе на аватарці стоїть прапор іспанських фалангістів. То хто ж ти тоді?
Немає жодного доказу того, що гомо/бісексуальність є психічним порушенням. Це визнала навіть ВОЗ. До того ж, визнала вона це не у 2021, а отже, заперечуючи нормальність гомосексуалізму, ти робиш «плювок у обличчя предкам»)
Свобода слова має бути саме свободою, а не анархією. Людей, що агітують за людожерські ідеології типу нацизму чи коммунізму слід зачиняти, проте завжди мають існувати декілька думок. Якщо існує лише одна, на виході з‘являється держава типу РФ чи навіть КНДР.
А узагалі, якби ти уважно читав мій коментар, ти б зрозумів, що під свободою слова я мав на увазі право на існування ТВОЄЇ думки. Заперечуючи свободу слова, ти заперечуєш сам себе.
The story of Ukraine in the 1920's-1940's is underrated
+, but more accurate it would be from 1917 to 1940s
@@Von327 True
history of killing civilians? you want this to be appreciated
Being a German puppet twice?
@@nitrrogen2628 by the way, nobody cares about your opinion + didn't ask
Long live a free and independent Ukraine!
As part of the Russian Empire
@@NotNormal654 aperantly you don't know english he said independent
free my ass, it's another blackrock colony.
Thank you for supporting Ukraine, thank you very much
Ohh nice thank you Ingen 😊 🇺🇦💙💛✊
The Ukrainian language isn't too Similar to Serbo-Croatian. :/
I could only understand like, 5 words.
Love from Herzegovina! 🇧🇦🇭🇷💞🇺🇦!
@Fil M So Ukrainians deserve Holodmor?
Many words are similar but has absolutely another meaning. Good example is word "domovina" which in Ukrainian means "coffin".
Despite this your language has 68% common vocabulary with Ukrainian. Russian, which most Ukrainians speak fluently, has only 60%.
Як українець можу сказати що мені вельми зрозуміла Сербо-хорватська. Вітаю з Ўкраїни
@@МаксимМельничук-п9щ OH MY-
"Domovina." means "Homeland." in Serbo-Croatian........
Slava Ukraini from China💙💛
-15 social credit
Rare Chinese
No, in fact, there are many Chinese people in China who, like me, are dissatisfied with the centralized government and oppose wars of aggression. However, we are closed to the internet and it is difficult to speak up, and it is difficult for you to know our existence@@Polekraine
@@单v535 I`m from Russia and I`m sorry for Chinese people who get punished for their free thinking ❤🩹. I hope you support independent Taiwan as a piece of Chinese civilization that lives in democracy
God bless Ukraine from the United States. We’ll always support you. 🇺🇸 ❤️🇺🇦
Дякую 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@@acknodbikes5051 because... Ukraine is in war against Russia... Which is like, the third or fifth more powerful nation of the world...
@@acknodbikes5051 Because we need to justification to increase our military expenditure
@@its_sisha_not_chair505 that's all? Strange
🇺🇦🇯🇵 Japanese are also standing with Ukraine 🇺🇦🇯🇵
awesome. still waiting when you guys will send eva 01 to us or maybe akira .(just joking, have a good day)
and one tuned ae-86 for the needs of volunteers plsss😆
Love Ukraine from Bulgaria 🇧🇬❤️🇺🇦 black sea neighbors
@Artur Robert And what about the fact that the concentration camps in Poland got so massive and deadly because of poles giving out jews ?) What about the fact that Poland used concentration camps before the WWII ?) Who is a nazi now, huh ?
@Artur Robert why are you mad?
@Fil M Only the Russians don't care
Слава Україні!Героям слава!
З Японії 🇺🇦🤝🇯🇵
Hirohito is based
Główno prawda bez Polski nigdy was by nie było a zdrajcy bagnet w plecy biliście w 39 witajcie ruskich teraz banderowcy
@@ukaszgrzelak2349 A mówi to ktoś, kto sam brał udział w okupacji
You might be a brother. 兄弟じゃないでしょうか?
We love you, dear brothers. Stay strong. Love from 🇧🇬❤️🇺🇦
don’t worry bro, at the age of 12 I’m already lifting 60 kilograms
We need more Ukrainian songs! 🇺🇦🇺🇦♥️
I would be careful with OUN/UPA songs..They murdered their own as well..
@@jackie.s2569 bullshit.
@@jackie.s2569 When?
Very nice as always! Pretty nice pictures of UPA. As a Ukrainian I suggest you to make another ukrainian folk song "Ikhav Kozak za Dunaj"(The Cossack rode over the Danube)
Or "Гей Степами". Very beautiful song
Від синього Дону до Сивих Карпат
Чи то буря чи то грім
Там на горі на Маківці
Гей ви стрілці січові
А льон цвіте синьо
Ой на горі тайжинці жнуть
Пісня про Петлюру
Під Києвом під Крутами
Націоналісти раз два
Хороший вибір пісні, Інген
Good choice of a song, Ingen
Ok facist
@@tsaralexis9459 look who’s talking. i don’t even have a flag in my username. also *fascist
@@str_ the organization this song is for is fascist and also what does having a flag have to do with being fascist
@@tsaralexis9459 never said i support ukrainian fascism
@@str_ ok I suppose but can you atleast comment on actual pro ukraine song and not ultranationalist organizations
To the mf that reported the BUF video: the voices will never leave you.
I'm pretty sure Ingen himself deleted it.
Either that or a YT bot.
Edit: deleted
@@TheGreatLiberator1209 No he didn't. I tried to rewatch it in my RUclips history, and it showed a warning saying it was banned for hate speech, not that the original uploader deleted it. If RUclips deleted it themselves, it means people reported it, as there are many other videos of the anthem.
BUF? British Union of Fascists?
Why is Giovinezza still on but BUF was taken down
@@trident3720 Yes. 3 days ago I think, Ingen uploaded the anthem of the British Union of Fascists, and a day later it was reported and deleted.
May God help Ukraine during these times
God is on Russia's side. The only genuine nation state. Ukraine & Belarus is a creation of ZOG. Your comment reeks of "Western ignorance".
Mosley Gaming
@@Sidek0 How are "zionists" behind Ukraine and Belarus?
And how is Russia the "only genuine nation state"?
@@Sidek0 то есть ты хочешь сказать что бог на стороне убийц и оккупантов ? В таком случае я разочарован
@@БогданЛитвинов-з9ы Как вы можете быть оккупантом или захватчиком, если вы берете только то, что принадлежит вам по праву? Великая Россия возвращает себе то, что исторически принадлежит ей.
*Glory and Respect* 🇻🇳🤝 🇺🇦
💙💛x ❤️⭐️❤️
Respect to all peoples who yearn to be free
Flag of OUN in video is from 1929-39, but photos are from times of WW2, when flag of OUN was black-and-red.
Isn't this one the flag of the OUN-B, as opposed to the one in the video which belongs to the OUN-M?
It is a flag of OUN, when it still was one organisation and of OUN (M). This song was written in 1929, so it belongs to the whole OUN. On the other hand, there is just not enough cool OUN photos from before WW2
@Fil M мельниківців теж час від часу гестапівці чистили
So, interesting, but what about belarusian national songs? For example "У гушчарах"
"Ахвяруем Табе мы сабою. Кожны дзень, кожны час, Беларусь!"
Жыве Беларусь! Вітання з України.
Скоро мы увидим эти очертания на современной карте 🇰🇿💛💙🇺🇦
Не, ну Беларусь и Польшу не надо трогать)
да прям) может ещё казахстан возродиться монгольскую империю а великобритания вернёт свои колонии?
@@aoc2950 Ты из КНР?
Нам чужого не надо) разве что с востока можно немного территорий для буферной зоны с дикарями)
@@mishamatiukha9708 без слез
🇺🇦😭😭😭💪💪Great Ukrainian song
Hail to Ukraine
What hail...
@@experiencaled sieg hail I think
@@experiencaled Long live this alternative concept
@@fedorvonbock7665 Yes or Hail = Salute. Real nationalists support Ukraine ! Slava Ukraini ! WP !
@@jobloluther ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА
Glory to Great Ukraine!!!🇺🇦🔥🔥✊✊
Eternal glory!
Героям Слава
Слава Нації
@@songsandanthemsinthischann9990 смерть ворогам!
It🇺🇦 has never been, is not and will never be great. This is crap. 🇺🇦They can only destroy.
За Україну за її волю за честь за славу за народ!
О Укрїно! О люба ненько! Тобі вірненько присягнем!
@@illia1488 Серце кров,і любов, все тобі,віддати в боротьбі
UPA fascists all over the place
@@oiliililil187 “fascists”
@@unclenurgle no.
The Batak people firmly stands with Ukraine! 🇮🇩🇺🇦
Tambah orang Betawi
Thank you, Ingen!
I've been waiting for this song!
@@arsenavagyan2486 Крим Татарска
@@arsenavagyan2486 Ну вот к чему это, объясни? Я тебя спрашивал чей Крым??? Или тебе ли ж бы устроить очередной срач что ли? Вот объясни, зачем эти слова? Прошу удалить твой ответ, иначе я пожалуюсь на него и его всё равно удалят! Ну просто человеку надо обязательно устроить срач!
@Artur Robert Poles killed Ukrainians and Ukrainians took revenge
@@nidd42 Did the Poles launch a mass genocide on 100,000 Ukranian civilians?
Support from Venezuela to Ukrainian brothers against Russian Imperialism!!!!
Whenever there is Ukraine, there will be people who will remember Russia. Glory to the Russian Empire. Glory to Rod
@@Cukvel Russian Empire>>>>>>>>>>>> Present-day Russia
@@Cukvel Russian empire = 🏳️🌈
It's funny when it's written from a gay Europe.
@@Cukvel I’m not the one supporting aristocracy and nobility which are by nature supporters of the most esoteric philosophies in the world.
Stand with Ukraine from Mainland China🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
I stand with Ukraine too. But I believe this must be Republic of China's flag, right? Don't look like PRC's flag. But I hope more 中国人would support Ukraine. PRC is one of the largest trading partners of Ukraine.
@@zadokthestoryteller6590 Because The ROC(Taiwan) is a nation with democracy, freedom and Chinese traditional virtues,🇹🇼is the real China. On the other hand, the CCP 🇨🇳is a regime with dictatorship and violence, It's not a real motherland for Chinese people.
@@逆仙 CCP is an ally of Russia and Putin, an alliance of two dictatorships. Taiwan for Democratic Peace.
@@逆仙 thanks. we love no autocracy, but we appreciate freedom. one day China will be free, and I'm convinced: Ukrainians will help you in your fight.
@@逆仙 hello president xi we got a western spy
Fun fact: OUN-B and Poles collaborated in 1945-1947 against the soviets.
Long live Ukraine 🇪🇦🤝🇺🇦
You're wrong. I love my Homeland (🇷🇺)
@@Venom-jk9rr I can understand that you love Russia, but the fall of Putin has begun, and may a new era of democracy come in
@@aspn-ender645 It's not a big deal. Everything will be OK when it's over.
@@Venom-jk9rr I hope so
So interesting how those "mass massacres" was done mostly even not by ukrainians, not even mentioning ukrainian rebel army.... also funny how many of those was done by actual russian NKVD pretending to be ukrainians... all this story it is like "she was dressed like this so i did it, i am the real victim not her!", and the fact she dressed like this was a year after he did it just does not matter. So double faced bruh
We only want to have freedom, without NKVD or poland or another country, death for all our enemies!
Клячківський was NKVD agent? I didn't know.
@@НастасієнкоІванАндрійович Say it out loud when you will be cleaning my toilet in Poland.
How beautiful and sad at the same time. Thank you ♥ ️
Greetings from Ukraine🇺🇦
This version is more deep than the modern ones
Support to Ukraine 🇺🇦 from South Africa 🇿🇦
Слава Україні!Вічна слава її героям!
Азербайджан з вами🇦🇿🤝🇺🇦🤜🇷🇺
Азербайджан верная собака россии
@@009Alik ахаххаха,чем докажешь?
@@009Alik quite the opposite
Azerbaijan only buys some munitions when Russia wants to have business, but many volunteers are azeri
Слава Украине! Slavă Ucrainei! 🇲🇩🤝🏻🇺🇦
Героям слава.
Slava Ukraini! 🇮🇸❤️🇺🇦
As part of the Russian Empire
@@NotNormal654 as independent. Russia is part of Ukraine
@@NotNormal654 sigma
Confirmed from St. Petersburg!
Oh no Ingen deleted Comrades the voices, it was the gamers' national anthem!
Sad ending
I don't think Ingen intentionally deleted it, must've gotten removed by RUclips or smth
It got took down by youtube because youtube says it violates the german anti terrorist law
@@red1004 Then why they censor in other countries??
If it's german law, it must be just in Germany
@@klavsong9326 Its RUclips so I am not surprised
Hold strong Ukraine you shall overcome the Russian horde once again!!!!!
Слава Україні!!!!
God save you brothers. Greetings, from your greek beloved brothers...
@Fil M Greek politicians are foolish. They have destroyed our nation. Turks are just insidious. Soviets helped turks to destroy Anatolia in 1922. Also there were many Greeks in Crimea, but stalin kicked them, like Ukranians and then russians settled it. Also stalin sent to gulag thousands of Greeks (mainly Pontics) who went to soviet union, after the genocide of Pontic Greeks. Today, I think, there are Greeks, only in Mariupol.
Thank you, orthodoxy brother.
Glory for ukraine from Portugal and all our army!✊
слава україні!🇵🇹♥️🇺🇦
Нарешті ще одна Українська пісня 👏👏👏
@Artur Robert no one cares
@Иван Распутин based based based baseddd
@Fil M we didn't do it but they deserved it (c)
@Artur Robert I like it when some Russians and Poles call the then Poland innocent and weak before Ukrainian nationalists and the Reich, forgetting to take into account the fact that a huge number of Polish citizens, politicians and experts held important positions in the General Government of Poland and the Reich, talk about magic numbers killed Poles in Volyn, forgetting how Poland banned the Ukrainian language, closed Ukrainian schools and used the Ukrainians of Poland as a slave force in their camps, how Poland banned the concept of "Ukrainians", calling them "Rusyns", how it carried out repressions on the territory of the former ZUNR (UNR). Therefore, consider the Volyn tragedy a blood feud.
SLAVA Ukrain
From India
You do not represent all Indians I have to say 🇮🇳🇷🇺
@@spiko-ou3bp i also used to support russia, but after bucha and izyum massacres, now i am neutral
@@shahanshahpolonium But you said "SLAVA Ukrain" which isnt neutral at all. Thats supporting the US. Like how the guy said, you do not represent all Indians. 🇮🇳🇷🇺. Long live Russia, India's greatest friend.
@@bummer7736 i will also say Slava Rossia. why should we hate a country just because they are our friend's enemy? USA is good with pakistan, russia is good with china
@@bummer7736 i see u genocide lover
Слава Україні 🇷🇸❤️🇺🇦
Фашист чтоли?
@@matfbvvv436 не фашист
@@serbianpatriot8703 а тогда зачем ты говоришь этот лозунг?
@@matfbvvv436 то украинский националистический лозунг, не фашистский
Слава Украјини 🇷🇸♥️🇺🇦. Хвала Богу па је још неко од Срба свестан праве истине.
Як мені подобається читати коментарі поляків про Волинь😁
Мені цікаво, до них колись дійде що Волинь це Україна з 10 століття? Вони взагалі розуміють на якій території їх вбивали та за що? Таке відчуття що вони не вчать історію взагалі...
Poczytaj o Grodach Czerwieńskich Geniuszu
@@olek5903 навіщо мені щось читати, якщо в Іпатьєвському літописі написано що Галич та Волинь це "Україна". А ще написано про Галицько-Волинське князівство, яке чомусь хотіло визволить українську Русь, а не увійти у склад поляків🤡
@@SuperJenya Lędzianie są starsi od państwo Mołopolska i Wołynia
@@olek5903 да ти казочки можешь скільки завгодно розповідати. Факт у тому що з часів Київської Русі, по сьогоднішній день, Галич та Волинь це Україна, де живуть українці, а Львов якій подобні тобі нацисти хочуть вкрасти взагалі був збудований українським князем Данилом Галицьким😁
@@olek5903 я в принципі завжди розумів що Польша та Україна ніколи не зможуть стати друзями, через таких хворих імперців як ти, які хочуть тільки красти чуже. Ви не дуже сильно відрізняєтесь від росіян, такі самі нацисти, просто вам всі по лицю дають, і у вас нічого не виходить👌
Цікаво що з 16 по 20 століття весь Львів був заселений поляками, а всі села поряд були українськими, що це за магія?🤡
І ще дуже цікаво чому було стільки повстань на території Львова, якщо там всі так хотіли у вашу Польшу? Ммм? Чому наприклад УПА створилась саме там????🤡
Раджу тобі не відкривати рота, а то в нас теж є територіальні претензії до Польщі😁
Дякую вам ! 😊
Я не знаю, чий це прапор, але дайте нам зброю❤
True ukrainian borders.
No morehahahahahahha
Even the kievan rus didnt have such borders lmao
@@ЧылгычыОндар-ю1о true it was bigger, but we are optimistic now
@Polonus 🔰 no imo troche za bardzo ja zachod, ale ten wschod jest baza
They fought for Freedom then and are forced to fight for it even now. Glory to Ukraine and its people!
glory to the peoples of the earth! i hope one day we will all unify
@@Crypteddd People will have to learn to live together only when there are no threats. Meanwhile some are forced to defend what is theirs when they are threatened. That's the reality otherwise they will always live under the yolk of their occupier!
Republic of Taiwan Military supports the OUN !
What is taiwan?
Republic of Taiwan? That’s a funny way to say China 🇹🇼
This language is a slavic treasure.
@World and global mapper Yes
@Algerian nationalist maps Yes
@Algerian nationalist maps Yes
@Algerian nationalist maps Yeeees
@Algerian nationalist maps The fly is a repeater
I send to you support fron Italy, and i Hope that NATO will intervean against the authoritarian threat.
La Nato è una organizzazione terroristica.
Non c'è follia più grande di buttarsi in questa avventura bellica voluta e pianificata dalla politica avventata statunitense.
@@zorbamartialis1256 Se vuoi una risposta onesta, è in parte vero quel che dici.
Essendo io di destra, se fosse per me apposto di NATO o CSTO ci sarebbe l'italia stessa, ma siccome ancora le magie non le sappiamo ancora fare, dobbiamo scegliere.
Con la NATO possiamo contare un minimo, anche se solamente in parte, la nostra sovranità viene comunque mantenuta un minimo anche in rispetto alla nostra potenza militare, ma sopratutto economica.
Se la Russia tratterebbe in modo migliore i suoi alleati, anche minori, perche è quello di cui si tratta, sarebbe la mia scelta primordiale, ma siccome rimango un nazionalista fino al midollo, con la Russia non avrei la sicurezza che l'italia verrebbe trattata in modo giusto da parte dei Russi, potremmo essere un Semplice "Nuovo Donbass" per loro.
Comunque, si è una pazzia attaccare direttamente la Russia, ma almeno intervenire in Ucraina stessa, usando qualche scusa da " i profughi" fino al resto, sarebbe un idea decente, considerando che l'ucraina stessa collaborerebbe più tosto che rimanere sotto la Russia.
Spero d'essermi spiegato.
Героям слава
Slava Ukraini
Volim vas braćo
Pozdrav iz Hrvatske
Hvala na podršci braća!
You see how this song doesn't have a single word about russia, instead it talks about patriotism and not giving up. Glory to Ukraine!
Yeah, it except its the official march of the murderous Fascist organization which committed a Genocide against Jewish and Polish people in the most barbaric ways and then collaborated with the Nazis when they invaded the USSR.
@@Rustycaddy17 Look at Gaza right now.
Слава Украïне!
Жыве Беларусь!
Героям Слава! Вічно Живе Білорусь!
@Fil M 👍👍👍👍
@@rosintruder6867 🇺🇦🤝⚪🔴⚪
Класна аватарка, пане.
@@muzhyk_z_jajciamy на украінскай Вікіпедыі знайшоў
It's difficult for a patriotic song/march to send me into "patriot mode", but after hearing just the first part of this managed to do that.
Glory to Ukraine
you do know this is a anthem for a faccist organisation who committed the holocaust in ukraine in 1943 killing over 100k+ poles and jews.
song is written in 1921, is still relevant in 2022.
I feel like it needs more music and liveliness so it just needs some touches to me
@@nikolasmaillis6862 This song is not meant to be a "anti-russian gotcha" like the songs of the IRA, it's meant to be a call to action saying "Ukrainians: Rise up or your descendants will damn you for eternity!"
@@joelthorstensson2772 yeah but liveliness helps with soldiers morale a slow song wouldn't help with morale having been in the army good music especially patriotic music really helps
- Алло, это комментарии?
- Да
- Что у вас там горит?
Жапы кремлеботов:)
Putin simps
Слава України!!
Greeting from Taiwan 🇹🇼🇺🇦
Thank you 🇺🇦❤🇹🇼
Taiwan must prepare for war againts Chinese communist. Greeting form Thailand.
Героям слава, друг из легитимного Китая. Да здраствует Китайская Республика🇺🇦🇹🇼!
@@PanVoron216 Тайвань это Тайвань как бы не хотелось но легитимное правительство Китая с большим шансом не вернётся на материковый Китай((((
@@Ярик-ш4я Посмотрим ещё, посмотрим дружок пирожок). В конце концов когда небудь надеюсь Коммунистический Китай прекратит тоталитарную риторику во внутренней политикея и пройдут выборы, а там уже кто победит, тот победит!
Respect from Georgia 🇬🇪🤝🇺🇦🔴⚫
That’s you 🇬🇪❤️🇺🇦🤜🇷🇺
@Andrew Krasnov своей агрессией сближает страны от которой они пострадали
@Andrew Krasnov ya they are brought together, over there hate for putin
Edit: after that failed attempt to kill the Ukrainian president this will probably age like wine
DIAKUIU Gruzia!🇺🇦♥️🇬🇪
Glory to Ukraine - Glory to the heroes 🇺🇦
ukrainan nationalists is more into nzism (for example is this song)
@@ghastlucukwer2708 worst example existing man. Try again
@@ghastlucukwer2708 This song was written when Hitler was homeless on the streets of Austria and didnt have his own political party. How do you relate this to Nazism?
@@sleendon4205 they committed genocides against other ethnics that didnt really oppose them but they still did it anyways
To actual tensions Ukraine needs to stay strong...Slava ukrayini
@Accelerator serrano No, i just wish good luck to ukraine, lol
@Accelerator serrano There are some of us who actually do support Ukraina, despite our govt do and says. A part of Serbs who are freedom loving, antiimperialists. I wish u all the luck and happiness in the world!
Slava Ukrajině 🇺🇦❤️🇨🇿
Slava Ukraini, Slava ZSU, Slava Geroyam!!!!
Glory to Ukraine!
Respect ukraine from italy
Greetings Brothers ! 🇸🇰🤝🇺🇦
Thank you brother!
Finally another Ukrainian song 🇺🇸💙🇺🇦
Украинский народ обязательно выстоит в борьбе за свою свободу!