I think the problem is not in the weapon itself but the ammo. In sawmill AIs usually take one or two hits into the chest with 855A1 but with 5.45 ammo it takes much more, like 6 to 8. I tried all the ammo available. 855A1 sometimes even perform better than 7.62x54R which is crazy and not real at all. The ammo needs complete overhaul in this game. EDIT: The same with vests. Bulletproof vest doesn't mean it won't hurt. In Iraq I was shot into my NIJ 4 vest with 7.62x39 from around 200 metres. It broke three of my ribs and I wasn't able to breathe for like 10s. In the game you just run away but in reality you can barely walk.
@@Goodbois1 I agree, in fact that is all I use and I do not buy ammo at all. You can get more than you can use and store in your locker by simply unloading clips from slain adversaries.
I also didn't know you could use M4 stocks on AK-Ns. I will have to see if the buttpad plus m4 stock is better than DD stock. This might be a hot take, but I feel like the 1-6 Zoom optics are less good than specter due to the cumbersome state of zoom mechanics atm.
@@Goodbois1 I find that in "fire-fight" situations, that after you reach low 20s in recoill control, the rest is just cake. Im not talkin about sniping with a huge scope as big as your weapon. Im talking about using something along the lines of a T1 or alternative. The amount of adjustment you use with your mouse is second nature and no need to go to extremes or cost to get a great working weapon.
Especially at the cost of 6k for this AK. Just run an M4 at that point. I will run my $1500 AK74N that’s got +33% recoil control if I wanna use a cheap kit I don’t care if I lose. Arm stamina runs out quick but man it’s a laser until you get there.
It is 100% the same build i am runnig if i use the AK. But the MOA from the AK is no comaprison Betwen a M4 20 Inch Barrel. The first shot accrucy is much better than by the AK. The AK is great and the recoil is controlable but only under 200m
@Goodbois1 alright I just misunderstood your one step, one item you said was best with + arm stamina. I don't use aks in game so maybe that is indeed the lowest arm stamina item in game for ak
That’s pretty interesting. I’ve had the opposite experience with ammo. The 855 and 855a1 have been great for me. I had several bad runs with the good AK ammo, and they just wouldn’t drop the enemies. At one point I put two rounds through an AIs head, and it didn’t drop him. He didn’t even have a helmet. I got so fed up, that I just sold all my AK items. I’ll give them another shot.
Just an FYI. You can get the best AK Stock that I know of easily with some kills at Midnight Hotel. You can get all the guns out in the wild and hey you earned them they are free. You can get the whole gun done for less than $1k and Yes I have two. I have a couple M4A1s as spares but I do not use them unless I lost my two mains AK74Ms. I realize its easier to do the video thru the Vendor shops but you can with a small amount of work get everything you need for this build. I agree it rocks. I use the PP ammo cuz it is easily picked up and is very effective.
I might incorporate more gameplay in future videos. And ammo is pretty straightforward in this game as of now. The more expensive the better and stay away from HP ammo
Is there a particular reason you don't use the dtk muzzle with 45% recoil reduction instead of the silencer other than the sound, which doesn't really matter because you can hear a silencer from over 50 m away? Im just curious, the 5.45 AKs ability to snipe at a long distance combined with it purchasable ammo type (unless youre farming 5.45 BP from the boss at FN) is not very good. That being said its a 50-100 metter gun and if youre gonna be using BIS build the DTK muzzle would be better not only for weight but also accuracy.
yes, you can use the DTK-1. But I don't use this as a general purpose gun. This is purely to hunt down other placers and the Silencer just makes it harder to exactly locate someone who is firing at you. Especially important when you are in a 1v2. DTK-1 for AI or super close range fights like YBL is fine but for most areas I prefer the silencer.
It’s called a suppressor. It’s just so you don’t blow out your ear drums. It’s not the suppressor that’s heard from over 200m, it’s the bullet breaking the sound barrier. Use subsonic rounds if you don’t want anyone to hear. They are labeled US in gray zone.
It definetly works, I just tried pve solo in Lagoon with PP rounds and i got just a little less sperformances of my meta m4 with m855a1. Pretty sure it works fine with BS rounds.
the problem with the AKM is that 1. The Ammo itself is heavier 2. Even BP struggles against 3+ armor 3. the AKM has higher recoil but generally. The same built can be put on an AKM yes :)
@@Goodbois1 762x39 BP is bugged and doesn't pen class III, PS has better pen and beats class III, there's a chart from testing done by players on the official GZW discord
You cannot buy it but id say the PT-3 is the best stock for the AK, i usually take some out of the looted ones. The major reason i use the AK is the DTK-1 Flash Hider and the ability to capture ammo ( The PP one ) easily from dead enemies in high lvl areas, i run it with a red dot and love clearing stuff with it.
the PT-3 can be bought by buying pre built guns but it is overall worse than mounting an AR stock :) (many people don't see the extra 2% recoil control you get from the buffer tube alone) + the good stats on the stock itself and +4% recoil control for the buttpad.
Im an AK guy on every game, unfortunately I cannot have success using aks in this game. I just cant. the moe is atrocious, and the enemies dont fucking die lol. I really hope they give the aks some boost.
@@SiNisterFPSI’ve used it in PvP with great success. Sooo many ppl think they’re hearing bots shooting at a player 😂 RPM and no suppressor really sells it. I’ve had so many death comms of “Awwww he got me that’s a PLAYER!!” 😂
Hey man, great video. I just wanted to drop by to make sure you know that weapon handling and arm stamina drain don't do anything right now. I even retested with the AFG-2 and the DD Vert before posting this comment to make sure it was still the same. After timing the ADS, target reacquisition, and how long you can shoulder the rifle (MK18 in this case), I've noticed the stats either don't change at all, or change so little they are within margin of error. I love running AKs as well, and I'm honestly super bummed with how they're performing at the moment, but there isn't a scenario where the AK is better than a M4/Mk18 platform. Running 1kg lighter doesn't make any tangible difference when you're running a 29-30kg kit, and currently there is no difference with collision distance between barrel lengths when clearing corners or breaching thresholds. Not to mention the major difference in MOA capability between the rifle platforms and the serious lack of efficacy in all 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 ammo. Good luck with future videos, cheers!
I am pretty sure target acquisition is different. Yes arm stamina drain currently is bugged but I hope this video will stay up to date for more than one hotfix. Collision distance with the longer barrel indeed makes a difference, you can test that in base by standing in front of a wall with different barrel lengths. And the difference in mobility between a 30kg loadout vs a 21kg loadout like this is pretty massive
@@Goodbois1 I was talking about the 1kg difference between running a M4/MK18 vs AK74. Obviously a 9kg difference would be huge, but that's not what we're talking about here. Also, the collision is only slightly different and makes zero tangible difference in tactical application. You still can't shoulder your weapon while standing perpendicular in a doorway. Hell, you get maybe an inch or so of further play between the 20" and the 10.5". Barely enough room to tap forward on your movement key to get closer to whatever is in front of you. Either way, they need to fix the gun economy in this game ASAP. It's getting boring loadout wise.
RK-1 is a better grip. weapon handling does nothing in this game so far and the rk-1 gives u more recoil control while also not beeing heavy on the arm stamina drain.
@@Goodbois1 but the dd only has 2% more recoil control while ruining your arm stamina drain. like i said the rk-1 isnt heavy on the arm stamina drain while also having high recoil control. and the rk-1 gives u double the recoil control than the afg-2 gives u. so sadly its not false
@@NoisR As I said in the video. I picked the AFG 2 for it giving a sizeable boost to all stats. The RK1 is just a middle of the road for when you don't want to commit to the DD grip. But IMO the DD is the much better option.
@@Goodbois1 weapon handling does nothing in the game. the dd grip ruins your arm stamina drain and all that for 2% recoil control which u dont even notice after hitting 30% recoil control isnt worth picking. and the afg is only good when youre someone thats scoped in for a long time. so in the end the u either pick the rk-1 or the afg-2 depending on playstyle. but the dd should be avoided. maybe the dd gets good once the weapon handling stat actually does something.
I tried using PS ammo on the AK but the bots at Ban Pa just eat the headshots. I know I can't be missing since I see a blood splatter. I want to love the AK, but the M4 lets me snipe bots like it's an M700.
i run PP and BP they one 1 tap HS close to medium range, i did full run of mall and fort narith with this ammo and ak build in video, id recommend staying away from other ammo except these two.
@@gratver Dont know how big the difference but i remember going low on ammo had to pick up some BT from crate for ak it wasnt one taping HS in mall, which was surprising PP is better imo
i would replace the silencer for a choke (dtk-1) in case of PVE farming only (pvp silencer/suppressor is mandatory)... you get better handling and recoil control with them and AI still aggro the same as with silencer. at least for me
Yes, currently Silencers make no difference for the AI and that makes the DTK-1 a better choice (also is cheaper and saves even more weight) but this loadout is basically to hunt down other players, see lack of ammo (only 300) and no backpack for loot. :D
The AK is bugged, they are just immortal if you shoot them with AK ammo, regardless if it's AI or players. I even got unloaded by an AK from a player point blank, he hit me with all his shots and I was able to turn around and three shot him with M193. The only ones that can use AKs are NPC cause they straight up hit you in the head and because their damage output follows different rules from players.
@niceman3706 u didnt lol but even even if it was like that why would I pay for cheaper where it does less damage so I die more so I have to keep buying
Both do about the same while the BS is more accurate. If you want to magdump people in close quarters, the PP is obviously the better choice because it's cheaper.
Yeah but, you can shoot ai five time in the face with pp ammo and it still burst fires hitting every round. Ai flys up now then rubber bands back to the ground to one shot you. This isn’t just bad Ai, this is 1995 Ai, and the more I point this out, that we paid money for a trash game, I get this early release crap you should e of know better, I played scum for the last four years early release, it’s still broken. In fact I can’t think of a single early release that actually is not broken crap ass coding scam of a game. Please explain how we became game testers that pay the devs and then get roasted by the community if you critique said game…we have issue with a thirty dollar game that plays like twenty year old game with 2024 graphics, wtf am I missing?
Big game publishers gobbled up all the devs and funding with games like COD #47 and Fortnite. We’ve become niche genre players who have to support indie devs this way. High risk high reward. Don’t worry your favorite AAA game will try to implement the good mechanics from these games in 5 years in their annual freemium garbage.
Build your own "scam game" You talking like you invented AI top notch coding and if its easy like you running your mouth, then why haven't you build a fucking game that's better than what your whining about?
I mean you're playing a pre-alpha game, there's gonna be things that don't work as they should. If you don't have the patience for the process then don't play the game. Plus the devs are in the process of fixing these issues. How does no one remember tarkov back in 2016, and the dumpster fire it was. I get eight years is a long time, but man come on, tarkov still has so many bugs. A scav with a tanker helmet with stood two shots of m80 from me the other day. Streets is poorly optimized, at least 1/4 of the player base can't play it. I have a 4070 super and when I stand by the blown up convoy my fps drops to 40-50, and if I'm using a scope its laughable. The BTR on woods wasn't able to go on terrain and would lodge itself under the map. I payed $35 for this game and am having the time of my life, it looks waaaaay better then tarkov, and runs way better then tarkov did when it first dropped. Shit people got pissed off at tarkov cause they incorporated FSR and DLSS and it makes the game run fucking worse, GZW incorporated FSR and DLSS and people got mad that it works, make that make sense. But at the end of the day don't be mad at the devs, be mad at all the lil dick mf's that got upset they weren't invited to the play test, and when all the streamers said it needed months to cook in the crock pot, their monkey brains went "no, I want to play it now!". The way I see it which I understand most people wont see it from this perspective and that's fine, we all think differently, they gave us the privilege to play this game while they work on it and rely on us to give good constructive criticism, and help the game evolve. If you can't wrap your head around the fact that its pre-alpha and stuff isn't going to work correctly, then i'll say it agane, don't play the game, and ruin it for those that can comprehend that.
I thought I was good at AK-modding, but I difinitely learned a few new things to improve on from this video! Thanks a lot :)
Thanks for the kind words. You should subscribe so I can keep you updated on AKs in the future :P
I think the problem is not in the weapon itself but the ammo. In sawmill AIs usually take one or two hits into the chest with 855A1 but with 5.45 ammo it takes much more, like 6 to 8. I tried all the ammo available. 855A1 sometimes even perform better than 7.62x54R which is crazy and not real at all. The ammo needs complete overhaul in this game.
EDIT: The same with vests. Bulletproof vest doesn't mean it won't hurt. In Iraq I was shot into my NIJ 4 vest with 7.62x39 from around 200 metres. It broke three of my ribs and I wasn't able to breathe for like 10s. In the game you just run away but in reality you can barely walk.
PP and BS ammo have performed fine for me as well. I agree that the performance of M855A1 is insane.
@@Goodbois1 I agree, in fact that is all I use and I do not buy ammo at all. You can get more than you can use and store in your locker by simply unloading clips from slain adversaries.
AI accuracy should suffer heavily when shot. I think the long range super accuracy is meant to keep snipers from clearing them out too easily 🤷
I agree, the game needs urgrnt balancing. Also playing with shotgun is no-sense atm, and why do Ak74 60 rounds magazines don't exist?
Thanks I actually didn't know you could put M4 Stocks on AKs and that RK-3 was the best Pistol Grip
I also didn't know you could use M4 stocks on AK-Ns. I will have to see if the buttpad plus m4 stock is better than DD stock. This might be a hot take, but I feel like the 1-6 Zoom optics are less good than specter due to the cumbersome state of zoom mechanics atm.
There is no use to the AK if you can play the M4 ... neither in penetration values now in recoil and accuracy...
Actually with the DTK-1 mounted, the AK has less recoil than the M4
@@Goodbois1 I find that in "fire-fight" situations, that after you reach low 20s in recoill control, the rest is just cake. Im not talkin about sniping with a huge scope as big as your weapon. Im talking about using something along the lines of a T1 or alternative. The amount of adjustment you use with your mouse is second nature and no need to go to extremes or cost to get a great working weapon.
@@halrichard1969 oh you absolutely can build a cheap weapon and still be fine. But if you have the money to spare, this will be better
Especially at the cost of 6k for this AK. Just run an M4 at that point. I will run my $1500 AK74N that’s got +33% recoil control if I wanna use a cheap kit I don’t care if I lose. Arm stamina runs out quick but man it’s a laser until you get there.
Great build for the AK, definitely underrated
It can be built for cheaper with a run in Forth Narith, you can drop some of the needed parts there pretty commonly
Oh wow didnt know about the ak 74n trick to put moe stock on it, thank you !
It is 100% the same build i am runnig if i use the AK. But the MOA from the AK is no comaprison Betwen a M4 20 Inch Barrel. The first shot accrucy is much better than by the AK. The AK is great and the recoil is controlable but only under 200m
Uh, you do realize + to arm stamina drain is bad. That means you will drain arm stamina faster
Yes, thats why the AK i built has - to arm stamina drain
@Goodbois1 alright I just misunderstood your one step, one item you said was best with + arm stamina. I don't use aks in game so maybe that is indeed the lowest arm stamina item in game for ak
Been a fan of AKM for a while now, PP ammo has been way better for me than 855 and 855a1 at times.
I think you are mixing up AKM and AK74 :D
@@Goodbois1 oh yeah whoops the 74
That’s pretty interesting. I’ve had the opposite experience with ammo. The 855 and 855a1 have been great for me. I had several bad runs with the good AK ammo, and they just wouldn’t drop the enemies. At one point I put two rounds through an AIs head, and it didn’t drop him. He didn’t even have a helmet. I got so fed up, that I just sold all my AK items. I’ll give them another shot.
For PVE, is better to have muzzle break with better stats than silencer.
Just an FYI. You can get the best AK Stock that I know of easily with some kills at Midnight Hotel. You can get all the guns out in the wild and hey you earned them they are free. You can get the whole gun done for less than $1k and Yes I have two. I have a couple M4A1s as spares but I do not use them unless I lost my two mains AK74Ms. I realize its easier to do the video thru the Vendor shops but you can with a small amount of work get everything you need for this build. I agree it rocks. I use the PP ammo cuz it is easily picked up and is very effective.
Yes, you can always go around and loot. You can build every weapon for free if you search hard enough.
But that wasn't the point of the video :P
Thank you i will give it a try 😊
Thank you for the video. But no gameplay, to see the gun in action. Even the recomondation for the best ammo typ would be great, or did i miss that?
I might incorporate more gameplay in future videos. And ammo is pretty straightforward in this game as of now. The more expensive the better and stay away from HP ammo
TRy DTK1 instead of silencer on both AKM or AK74 . it is -40% recoil. It will make the gun more accurate, with less recoil and even lighter
it's actually -45% :P
@@Goodbois1 Yup, it is !
Is there a particular reason you don't use the dtk muzzle with 45% recoil reduction instead of the silencer other than the sound, which doesn't really matter because you can hear a silencer from over 50 m away? Im just curious, the 5.45 AKs ability to snipe at a long distance combined with it purchasable ammo type (unless youre farming 5.45 BP from the boss at FN) is not very good. That being said its a 50-100 metter gun and if youre gonna be using BIS build the DTK muzzle would be better not only for weight but also accuracy.
yes, you can use the DTK-1. But I don't use this as a general purpose gun. This is purely to hunt down other placers and the Silencer just makes it harder to exactly locate someone who is firing at you. Especially important when you are in a 1v2. DTK-1 for AI or super close range fights like YBL is fine but for most areas I prefer the silencer.
@@Goodbois1 I use the DTK-1 in PVE and switch to the PB silencer for PVP. You can have both. Have your cake and eat it too.
It’s called a suppressor. It’s just so you don’t blow out your ear drums. It’s not the suppressor that’s heard from over 200m, it’s the bullet breaking the sound barrier. Use subsonic rounds if you don’t want anyone to hear. They are labeled US in gray zone.
@@chagew8966 while you are correct #1 this is a video game add #2 you still wouldn't hear it over 100 m away
It definetly works, I just tried pve solo in Lagoon with PP rounds and i got just a little less sperformances of my meta m4 with m855a1. Pretty sure it works fine with BS rounds.
Over longer distances M4 wins tho.
Works with the akm aswell and run BP ammo
the problem with the AKM is that
1. The Ammo itself is heavier
2. Even BP struggles against 3+ armor
3. the AKM has higher recoil
but generally. The same built can be put on an AKM yes :)
@@Goodbois1 762x39 BP is bugged and doesn't pen class III, PS has better pen and beats class III, there's a chart from testing done by players on the official GZW discord
@@srymisclick 🤔 interesting.
i perfer the rk4 frontgrip and zhukov or pt 3 stock, also i take of the whole dustcover if i go irons .. but pretty close to my build.
Bro I’m still in the starting zone.
then use the M4. The AKs are not really viable until later in the game.
The AK just looks way better. Thats the only reason I need ^^
You cannot buy it but id say the PT-3 is the best stock for the AK, i usually take some out of the looted ones. The major reason i use the AK is the DTK-1 Flash Hider and the ability to capture ammo ( The PP one ) easily from dead enemies in high lvl areas, i run it with a red dot and love clearing stuff with it.
the PT-3 can be bought by buying pre built guns but it is overall worse than mounting an AR stock :) (many people don't see the extra 2% recoil control you get from the buffer tube alone) + the good stats on the stock itself and +4% recoil control for the buttpad.
@@Goodbois1 ohhh gotcha!
@@Goodbois1 You can get a few PT-3 stocks with just one run thru Midnight Hotel. The adapter is cheap like $17 .
Don’t we want negative “arm stamina drain”?
Less drain means it drains less stamina, right? + drain would be more drain.
well yeah, thats why it has -12% arm stamina drain
Im an AK guy on every game, unfortunately I cannot have success using aks in this game. I just cant. the moe is atrocious, and the enemies dont fucking die lol. I really hope they give the aks some boost.
Holy shit you play Gray Zone?!?!?!?!?!
ugh i hate the look of AR stocks on AK's
I might have to give this ago tbh
And if you don't care about silencers, you can put the DTK-1 on there and have a laserbeam gun that weighs even less
@@Goodbois1 yeah I would most probably rock DTK and have it as a close quarters gun I think
@@SiNisterFPSI’ve used it in PvP with great success. Sooo many ppl think they’re hearing bots shooting at a player 😂 RPM and no suppressor really sells it. I’ve had so many death comms of “Awwww he got me that’s a PLAYER!!” 😂
can you add the as val to the game?
I wish
@@Goodbois1 just do it smh
Hey man, great video. I just wanted to drop by to make sure you know that weapon handling and arm stamina drain don't do anything right now. I even retested with the AFG-2 and the DD Vert before posting this comment to make sure it was still the same. After timing the ADS, target reacquisition, and how long you can shoulder the rifle (MK18 in this case), I've noticed the stats either don't change at all, or change so little they are within margin of error.
I love running AKs as well, and I'm honestly super bummed with how they're performing at the moment, but there isn't a scenario where the AK is better than a M4/Mk18 platform. Running 1kg lighter doesn't make any tangible difference when you're running a 29-30kg kit, and currently there is no difference with collision distance between barrel lengths when clearing corners or breaching thresholds. Not to mention the major difference in MOA capability between the rifle platforms and the serious lack of efficacy in all 5.45x39 and 7.62x39 ammo.
Good luck with future videos, cheers!
I am pretty sure target acquisition is different. Yes arm stamina drain currently is bugged but I hope this video will stay up to date for more than one hotfix. Collision distance with the longer barrel indeed makes a difference, you can test that in base by standing in front of a wall with different barrel lengths. And the difference in mobility between a 30kg loadout vs a 21kg loadout like this is pretty massive
@@Goodbois1 I was talking about the 1kg difference between running a M4/MK18 vs AK74. Obviously a 9kg difference would be huge, but that's not what we're talking about here. Also, the collision is only slightly different and makes zero tangible difference in tactical application. You still can't shoulder your weapon while standing perpendicular in a doorway. Hell, you get maybe an inch or so of further play between the 20" and the 10.5". Barely enough room to tap forward on your movement key to get closer to whatever is in front of you.
Either way, they need to fix the gun economy in this game ASAP. It's getting boring loadout wise.
Cool video but i hate building guns in this game...its so unintuitive tbh i have no idea how to asemble one...
I think they just tried to make it realistic. If you’re familiar with firearms irl it’s extremely intuitive
Yes keep using aks, theyre very good. Im just gonn keep using 5.56 myself. Because, reasons...
Sometimes, using other weapons is just a choice of fun :)
no 60 rnd mag tho
RK-1 is a better grip. weapon handling does nothing in this game so far and the rk-1 gives u more recoil control while also not beeing heavy on the arm stamina drain.
that is sadly false as the DD grip offers more recoil control if you really want to min max the recoil control.
@@Goodbois1 but the dd only has 2% more recoil control while ruining your arm stamina drain. like i said the rk-1 isnt heavy on the arm stamina drain while also having high recoil control. and the rk-1 gives u double the recoil control than the afg-2 gives u. so sadly its not false
@@NoisR As I said in the video. I picked the AFG 2 for it giving a sizeable boost to all stats. The RK1 is just a middle of the road for when you don't want to commit to the DD grip. But IMO the DD is the much better option.
@@Goodbois1 weapon handling does nothing in the game. the dd grip ruins your arm stamina drain and all that for 2% recoil control which u dont even notice after hitting 30% recoil control isnt worth picking. and the afg is only good when youre someone thats scoped in for a long time. so in the end the u either pick the rk-1 or the afg-2 depending on playstyle. but the dd should be avoided. maybe the dd gets good once the weapon handling stat actually does something.
@@NoisR I disagree.
There's one thing you didn't mention. AK ammo is terrible.
5.45 AK ammo works decent.
7.62 AK ammo is pretty trash right now, but that's not for the gun I am talking about herr
I tried using PS ammo on the AK but the bots at Ban Pa just eat the headshots. I know I can't be missing since I see a blood splatter. I want to love the AK, but the M4 lets me snipe bots like it's an M700.
i run PP and BP they one 1 tap HS close to medium range, i did full run of mall and fort narith with this ammo and ak build in video, id recommend staying away from other ammo except these two.
@@Mr3Nice1Guy9 Is there a big difference between BT and PP ammo?
Wanted to try the ak build too, but have no idea about the ammo yet
@@gratver Dont know how big the difference but i remember going low on ammo had to pick up some BT from crate for ak it wasnt one taping HS in mall, which was surprising PP is better imo
@@Mr3Nice1Guy9 Ah ok Will try both and see. Tnx for the answer.
cool but 3.2 MOA in this game is brutal sadly
Yes, but still good enough for most non-sniper engagements :)
U.S. military standards for an M4 barrel is 4 MOA 💀
I use the mosin SD or SKS.
i would replace the silencer for a choke (dtk-1) in case of PVE farming only (pvp silencer/suppressor is mandatory)... you get better handling and recoil control with them and AI still aggro the same as with silencer. at least for me
Yes, currently Silencers make no difference for the AI and that makes the DTK-1 a better choice (also is cheaper and saves even more weight) but this loadout is basically to hunt down other players, see lack of ammo (only 300) and no backpack for loot. :D
but 3.22 MOA the best AK so badly i think so in real AK better than M4 becuse low recoil and short distance: 300-500m better accuracy
I built mine the same way but Im using the shift foregrip for it.
The AK is bugged, they are just immortal if you shoot them with AK ammo, regardless if it's AI or players. I even got unloaded by an AK from a player point blank, he hit me with all his shots and I was able to turn around and three shot him with M193. The only ones that can use AKs are NPC cause they straight up hit you in the head and because their damage output follows different rules from players.
AKM (7.62x39) indeed has lots of issues right now.
But this is an AK-74 (5.45x39) which uses different ammo.
It's double the price and less accurate and the ammo dousnt hit the same as m4 yea no thx
its not double the price of a similar M4. the scope is pretty expensive regardless of M4 or AK build.
Meta m4 costs 6.5k at low end while meta AK will cost you 1.6k (if I did my math right)
@Goodbois1 okay lol still leaves the fact that 5.45 by 39 dousnt go through 3+ like 855a1 or even 855
@niceman3706 u didnt lol but even even if it was like that why would I pay for cheaper where it does less damage so I die more so I have to keep buying
@@45atanner but it does
Remove the M4 front and rear iron sight ,you wont use them and they are just adding weight,it makes ADS faster
The M4 I showed off does not have iron sights.
PP ammo is better than BS, Turncoat lvl 3 is bugged and sells 7.62 BP instead of 5.45 BP which is the best for AK-74
He isnt bugged
Both do about the same while the BS is more accurate. If you want to magdump people in close quarters, the PP is obviously the better choice because it's cheaper.
@@Goodbois1 PP penetrates more than BS
There is nothing wrong with the AK in the game (with FMJ ammo)! 5.45 is overrated!
Yeah but, you can shoot ai five time in the face with pp ammo and it still burst fires hitting every round. Ai flys up now then rubber bands back to the ground to one shot you. This isn’t just bad Ai, this is 1995 Ai, and the more I point this out, that we paid money for a trash game, I get this early release crap you should e of know better, I played scum for the last four years early release, it’s still broken. In fact I can’t think of a single early release that actually is not broken crap ass coding scam of a game. Please explain how we became game testers that pay the devs and then get roasted by the community if you critique said game…we have issue with a thirty dollar game that plays like twenty year old game with 2024 graphics, wtf am I missing?
So start giving a real critique, rather than all that whining you're doing.. you're part of the problem 😂😂
Return the game
Big game publishers gobbled up all the devs and funding with games like COD #47 and Fortnite. We’ve become niche genre players who have to support indie devs this way. High risk high reward. Don’t worry your favorite AAA game will try to implement the good mechanics from these games in 5 years in their annual freemium garbage.
Build your own "scam game" You talking like you invented AI top notch coding and if its easy like you running your mouth, then why haven't you build a fucking game that's better than what your whining about?
I mean you're playing a pre-alpha game, there's gonna be things that don't work as they should. If you don't have the patience for the process then don't play the game. Plus the devs are in the process of fixing these issues. How does no one remember tarkov back in 2016, and the dumpster fire it was. I get eight years is a long time, but man come on, tarkov still has so many bugs. A scav with a tanker helmet with stood two shots of m80 from me the other day. Streets is poorly optimized, at least 1/4 of the player base can't play it. I have a 4070 super and when I stand by the blown up convoy my fps drops to 40-50, and if I'm using a scope its laughable. The BTR on woods wasn't able to go on terrain and would lodge itself under the map. I payed $35 for this game and am having the time of my life, it looks waaaaay better then tarkov, and runs way better then tarkov did when it first dropped. Shit people got pissed off at tarkov cause they incorporated FSR and DLSS and it makes the game run fucking worse, GZW incorporated FSR and DLSS and people got mad that it works, make that make sense. But at the end of the day don't be mad at the devs, be mad at all the lil dick mf's that got upset they weren't invited to the play test, and when all the streamers said it needed months to cook in the crock pot, their monkey brains went "no, I want to play it now!". The way I see it which I understand most people wont see it from this perspective and that's fine, we all think differently, they gave us the privilege to play this game while they work on it and rely on us to give good constructive criticism, and help the game evolve. If you can't wrap your head around the fact that its pre-alpha and stuff isn't going to work correctly, then i'll say it agane, don't play the game, and ruin it for those that can comprehend that.