We will put another video in the list to create for the converting parts to sheet metal. Here is a basic video on the process - ironcad.academy/tutorial/solid-part-to-sheetmetal-part#sheet-metal. Another method is importing 2D DWG and using the sketch bend to fold up into sheet metal. Faces disappearing - Can you send an example to support@ironcad.com for us to look at the case?
This doesn't adress how to convert to sheetmetal, It often fails when converting parts to sheetmetal, and unfold causes faces to disappear
We will put another video in the list to create for the converting parts to sheet metal. Here is a basic video on the process - ironcad.academy/tutorial/solid-part-to-sheetmetal-part#sheet-metal. Another method is importing 2D DWG and using the sketch bend to fold up into sheet metal. Faces disappearing - Can you send an example to support@ironcad.com for us to look at the case?