Is the Great Commission for Every Individual Christian?

  • Опубликовано: 5 июл 2024
  • Ask Pastor John
    Episode: 1179

Комментарии • 81

  • @TheMojoShift
    @TheMojoShift 5 лет назад +15

    We are to share our faith and win souls for the kingdom! Mathew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples.

    • @metapolitikgedanken612
      @metapolitikgedanken612 Год назад +4

      Said Jesus to his 11 disciples (apostles, which means messenger)... Any of the groups that push to make each and every believer/Christians to 'be missionaries' is suspect.

  • @angloaust1575
    @angloaust1575 9 месяцев назад +3

    The elect will be saved from
    Every nation!

  • @allanmoyo1747
    @allanmoyo1747 3 года назад +8

    Disciple making requires spiritual maturity and wisdom to rightly divide God's word to be able to "teach all nations." James 3:1 ""NOT MANY OF YOU SHOULD BECOME TEACHERS, my fellow believers, because you know that WE WHO TEACH WILL BE JUDGED MORE STRICTLY."

  • @jackjones9460
    @jackjones9460 2 года назад +2

    Wherever I’ve been there have Always been people who needed to hear and believe the Gospel. Inside each church building, neighborhood, store, and workplace as well as “over there” far away. I’ve not done a good job of teaching people here but I’m restarting myself to focus on it again! Are you?

  • @josefernandez-leon4024
    @josefernandez-leon4024 4 года назад +10

    The GC was given to the 11 at first and then to Paul, the 12th Apostle, if you read the verse in context. Furthermore, Paul says over and over again that the Gospel in his day had been (past tense) taken to all the world already. Most Christians cannot know how to evangelize anyone, yet we are told to be ready to give an answer to everyone that asks the reason for the joy in us, of the hope we have, that is the blessed hope.

    • @codyclark5995
      @codyclark5995 8 месяцев назад +1

      Mattias was the 12th disciple

  • @haronouma6961
    @haronouma6961 5 лет назад +36

    EVERYONE is called to be part of the great commission to go and make disciples.

    • @Romans8-9
      @Romans8-9 Год назад +2

      That is the over-simplified answer. The great commission was to travel to other nations and evangelize and make disciples. We are not all called to do that. Do you think a Christian woman with 5 children is required to leave her kids and travel overseas to evangelize?

    • @mattyskipp2703
      @mattyskipp2703 Год назад +3

      @@Romans8-9 you over complicated that answer. She is supposed to share the great news to everyone. Her kids, at the grocery store... doesn't matter, the gospel is the gospel period. Tell everyone
      To the nations? You can reach ethnicities today just by going to grocery store...

    • @Romans8-9
      @Romans8-9 Год назад +2

      @@mattyskipp2703 There is a massive difference between sharing the gospel with people in her vicinity and actively going out and making disciples of all nations. And the text says nothing about ethnicity. It specifically mentions people of all nations, not one nation. Indeed, there were varying ethnicities in Jesus' time, but the command was clearly to travel (as Paul did) not preach locally.

    • @Testifydesignfactory
      @Testifydesignfactory Год назад +1

      @@Romans8-9 you should examine your heart to see if you are in the faith. Jesus call those like yourself who desire to sit on their hands and do nothing for him, WICKED!
      I guarantee you have not experienced the New Birth according to John 3:3-7. Discerning your spirit alone, its obvious that you have not the Holyghost who come to those whose heart has been regenerated as a result of the New Birth. You are speaking as a natural man lead by his intellect and not the Spirit of King Yeshua.

    • @Romans8-9
      @Romans8-9 Год назад

      @@Testifydesignfactory That is a straw man + ad hominem argument.

  • @gordonsavage3135
    @gordonsavage3135 6 лет назад +16

    As a faith missionary serving on the other side of the world. It is sad to see so many Christians will not support this work to the unreached. Yet God always seems to show up for us to continue. Commitment and faith are two words that seem some have forgotten or changed the meaning.

    • @devinptacek9122
      @devinptacek9122 5 лет назад +3

      Gordon savage how do I join

    • @thinkingitthrough6776
      @thinkingitthrough6776 4 года назад +6

      Surely Paul was a tent maker, he worked to be a burden to no one. The vast majority are unreached in our own cities, who will go for them?

    • @crevyn
      @crevyn 2 года назад +1

      @@thinkingitthrough6776 I agree with you :) I would like to add that Paul was a tent-maker for a time, and each time had a specific purpose. Paul also was fully supported by churches and individuals to be fully on mission for a time (and notably the majority of his time as a missionary was as a supported missionary).
      It is true we are called to reach our co-workers and communities (everyone in our spheres of influence). Some feel called to travel long-distance and transplant their spheres of influence in areas of little Christian influence. (Food for thought: some missionaries are coming to the US from around the world to reach the lost here. We may not think of ourselves as the “uttermost” of Acts 1:8, but it is true enough that we might be another culture’s “uttermost”.)
      That said, I am encouraged by those who are faithfully committed to reaching those that God has placed within their sphere of influence, wherever that sphere may be.

    • @crevyn
      @crevyn 2 года назад +1

      If you haven’t heard it lately, Gordon, thank you for faithfully serving Jesus to reach the unreached.
      It is a sad thing when people in “Christian” cultures or living in areas with Christian-rich heritage know little or nothing about Jesus, and it is heartbreaking that there are still areas that have been untouched by the Gospel.

    • @mariadonkova2759
      @mariadonkova2759 Год назад +2

      Dude we can support but no everyone has to leave family and travel to Africa just to share the gospel stop trying to make people feel guilty

  • @petergunn1701
    @petergunn1701 6 лет назад +21

    That this is even a question is sad...

    • @mattyboyahoy2326
      @mattyboyahoy2326 6 лет назад +12

      Well when you are a teacher , you have to sometimes talk about things that may be silly to us, it is being selfless and thinking about the babes in christ

    • @mattyboyahoy2326
      @mattyboyahoy2326 6 лет назад +1

      Also things have much deeper explanations than others, not everyone is correct, everyone has flaws in their understanding at some point varying in degrees, if that was not the case , we wouldn’t need god, we are just men, and our flesh is weak, and everyone has more weakness in different areas, we are commanded to spread the gospel and ito teach is a great responsibility, one must be able to teach a message all different degree of Christians, meaning from a brand new Christian to a mature in Christ follower..and every single one of them I say still weak to their flesh, some think they know more than they do and need to be reproved, etc etc

    • @salmonella1073
      @salmonella1073 5 лет назад

      @@mattyboyahoy2326 your comment alludes to that if humans didn't have flaws, we wouldn't need God. read Genesis again. you might come you realize Adam and Eve were created perfectly, both mentally and physically.everything was perfect in the garden of Eden until when? that's right, the bible clearly shows the only sin the perfect (flawless) Adam and Eve committed, was choosing to eat from the only tree forbidden to them. which tree? the tree of knowledge of good and evil. remember what Satan told Eve about her eyes being opened if she ate the fruit?that's right, that she would be just like God and therefore decide for herself what's good and evil. in other words, not rely on God for direction anymore. what has been the result? well, as we all know today, apart from being alienated from our creator, human history ever since has mainly been agonizing misery of wars, sickness,oppression and death.So in conclusion, even though they didn't have flaws, they still needed God and should have continued living under God's higher standards versus their own. The wisest thing any human can do with their relatively short life is read the BIBLE in its entirety in the language they slowly, deeply and pray to the almighty creator to give full understanding not just of the words, but the context of what he meant.

    • @austin1470
      @austin1470 4 года назад +2

      Seriously the gospel is for all people

    • @dick29662
      @dick29662 2 года назад

      @@salmonella1073 Wwhere do Adam and Eve get God's higher standards from? There was only one standard, do not eat from the tree......

  • @prabhakararaorajarapu429
    @prabhakararaorajarapu429 6 лет назад +3


  • @gabrielg3617
    @gabrielg3617 4 года назад +2


  • @teachersallyPH
    @teachersallyPH 3 года назад


  • @lauraanderson7358
    @lauraanderson7358 5 лет назад

    that all may be church. one faith. this is the great commission.

  • @pkpapers
    @pkpapers Год назад +1

    As usual, "teaching them to OBEY [or "observe"] everything I have commanded." It is astonishing how Believers (those who assent to propositions) are opposed to the idea of Followers.

  • @crevyn
    @crevyn 2 года назад +3

    The Great Commission is about cross-cultural missions work, while also being not exclusive to it.
    “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” All nations = every people-group-from those who share your neighborhood to those who have never heard about Jesus around the world. This is clarified in Acts 1:8b: “…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Wherever we go, as we go, we are all called as Christians make disciples.
    What does making disciples look like? “…[B]aptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Disciple-making is defined here as evangelism (immersing others in who God is) and discipleship (teaching Jesus’s commands/teachings, and encouraging how to walk in them, to those who desire a relationship with Jesus as their Lord). I believe it’s safe to say that “all [Jesus] commanded” also includes this final command: the Great Commission.
    How each and every Christian participates in the Great Commission should look different since we are all one body (Christ’s church) with many members, but the call is still to all who follow Jesus their Lord.
    As we go, we Christians have been called to make Christ known (through evangelism) and to build up other Christians (through discipleship).
    Whether we are Jesus’s witnesses “specifically” to the spheres of influence that are most ideologically and geographically close with us, or to those who are not, ultimately we are called to both.
    For some, missionary work looks like receiving support, like Paul, to reach far off and foreign people. For some, missionary work looks like working a 9-5 job, like Paul, reaching those in their workplace and communities both on and off the job. (Fun fact: both are still called to support church/mission work financially, but that’s another topic.)
    “All nations” is not exclusive. “To the ends of the earth” leaves no one behind. We may not all be “called” to travel long distance to make disciples of Jesus, but we all as Christians must recognize that Jesus shows no partiality. Jesus may be calling us to cross cultures by crossing national borders, and he may be calling us to cross cultures by crossing our street. Jesus is calling us not only reach people who look like us, talk like us, act like us, etc., but also to reach out to anyone and everyone-whether we choose to travel long distances to reach them or not-whether we receive support to do so or not.
    His heart is, has been, and will always be, for the whole world. And though each person in whichever culture/people-group we encounter must make the decision to follow Christ for themselves, we have this great assurance: “And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
    Jesus is with us. His Spirit works through us. All of us have everything we need to join the greatest invitation ever given-one of the greatest commandments ever given-His Great Commission!
    We have Jesus, and the world needs Him.

    • @dick29662
      @dick29662 2 года назад

      Much damage has been done by overzealous untrained people trying to spread the good news of Christ Jesus. They get mixed up talking about hell and eternal punishment. They don't know Greek and other very important languages. People like me have to deal with the results. Suicide and depression are two. They fail to talk enough about the Love of God.
      And yes drug abuse trying to get their failures out of their thoughts..
      Just my experience. Whisky, beer and wine. Oh ye of little knowledge spread a trail of destruction.

    • @crevyn
      @crevyn 2 года назад

      @@dick29662 Could you clarify what you mean a little more?
      What sort of work do you do?
      How have you seen people get mixed up about hell/eternal punishment?

    • @rockytv7393
      @rockytv7393 6 месяцев назад

      I think your comment is not right, because Jesus Christ did not say that. What you are basing is what Apostle says about spitirual gift, that is refering to every members in the church . In evangelism, there is what we called E1, E2, E3 and E4. E1 or evangelism 1 is preaching the gospel with in your community. E2 is preaching the gospel in different community. E3 is preaching the gospel within your country. And E4 is refering to preaching the gospel in other country or cross cultural. That is the where I learned in YWAM. Meaning, every christian is not excuse to be part in the great commission. All who loves Jesus Christ loves to share the salvation that he discover in his life. Therefore, every believers must be part of great commission.

  • @Zword316
    @Zword316 5 месяцев назад

    I like to use the phrase “we are the church”.

  • @lucag5742
    @lucag5742 2 месяца назад

    Well, i think that we should take a look at James, talking about a living vs a death faith. A sincere faith will bear fruit and will result in works in other words also the great Commission. We have the story about the talents as well where the servant gets called unfaithful by God because he do nothing and just keep the truth for himself.
    There is a law in my country saying that if you are witnessing a person in danger, you must help the person or you will go to prison for not doing so.
    We have the truth and we know what will happen to the persons, we know that their afterlife is at stake, in other words their lifes is in danger - take action!

  • @briankelly1240
    @briankelly1240 8 месяцев назад +1

    So it is individual Christians but *not* individual Christians at the same time? The answer confused me.

  • @thinkingitthrough6776
    @thinkingitthrough6776 4 года назад +2

    Jesus did not say 'come' 'get everyone, to come to church' if he did how's that working!! Each of us need to work out what our 'go' means.

  • @aaronabraham5029
    @aaronabraham5029 4 года назад +3

    What does he mean when he says "The Church at large" ?

    • @gideoncheung8731
      @gideoncheung8731 3 года назад

      I like how Pastor John keeps on calling it “church at large” lol

    • @crevyn
      @crevyn 2 года назад +1

      “The Church at large” is the concept of the group consisting of all of the followers Jesus in the world (like Paul describes in 1 Corinthians, chapter 12). Since we also typically call our own individual congregations (or sometimes our denomination), “church,” a need for distinguishing between the two is necessary.

  • @hollyharte7831
    @hollyharte7831 9 месяцев назад +1

    Jesus is Lord

  • @booyaka870
    @booyaka870 6 месяцев назад +1

    Do you let each verse in the bible speak in the light of all the other verses? What will the meaning of the verse you're chewing on take in light of the totality? You begin with 100 ideas. Verse 1 says the ideas 51-100 are rotten. You are now left with the ideas 1-50. Verse 2 says ... hopefully you get down to just one idea or a couple that mean the same. This is what John Piper is doing here. He lets the bible interpret itself. He lets the bible limit the meaning of itself. If you do this it is quite easy to come to a sound understanding and heresies and lies and bad arguments will start glaring in your face.

  • @FeedTheWormhole
    @FeedTheWormhole 6 лет назад +3

    I was lucky i was born into a christian household, if i wasnt i dont know if id know christ not a single person has ever came and told me about christ.

    • @richardbourestontn
      @richardbourestontn 5 лет назад +8

      Nothing lucky about it. It was God's sovereign Means of Grace to you.

    • @azazelsgoat
      @azazelsgoat 2 года назад

      @@richardbourestontn or just down to where one is born.

    • @Romans8-9
      @Romans8-9 Год назад

      @@azazelsgoat Luck is determined by God. That would include where one is born. Proverbs 16:33

    • @azazelsgoat
      @azazelsgoat Год назад

      @@Romans8-9 If you're worshipping the god of good luck you're not a Christian.

    • @Romans8-9
      @Romans8-9 Год назад

      @@azazelsgoat there is no "god of good luck". The triune God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit controls/ determines luck.

  • @chesterroj3008
    @chesterroj3008 2 месяца назад

    The apostles could only share what Jesus Christ has taught them and he had ministered on the Earth. at the time of his ascension. ,The gospel of Grace was not yet revealed until some 14 years later actually 17 years years later when Paul returned to Jerusalem with the mysteries that God taught him, so what did the apostles teach for those first 17 years salvation by baptism and you will receive the Holy Spirit .change we are all saved by grace ,faith in Jesus Christ. water baptism is now an appeal to God for a good conscience

  • @gabrielg3617
    @gabrielg3617 4 года назад +1


  • @jailahbryel305
    @jailahbryel305 Год назад

    We all have sinned and fell short of the glory to God. The problem is, that God is holy and doesn’t live with sin. So we all deserve to go to hell, but Jesus paid the price so you don’t have to. All you have to do is confess Jesus as your savior and repent (turn from ALL sin) and you can have eternal life!

  • @bettylewis1563
    @bettylewis1563 3 года назад +1

    Great Commission Baspt.Church

  • @pj3062
    @pj3062 Год назад +3

    No. It's for the apostles not the church. False doctrine. Different mesaage to apostle paul. That's what happens when one doesn't rightly divide the scriptures and denies the direct revelation of christ given to paul.
    What a disaster the church is in. Many false teachers

    • @chesterroj3008
      @chesterroj3008 2 месяца назад

      You have read and studied your Bible👍

  • @daniellesroberts2854
    @daniellesroberts2854 3 года назад


  • @gospideygo6061
    @gospideygo6061 5 лет назад

    U can tell he’s joking cuz it’s April 1

  • @dustinlawrence7957
    @dustinlawrence7957 4 года назад +1

    If you love me you will keep my commandments. When Christ COMMANDED the apostles (which were disciples making disciples) to GO and MAKE disciples and TEACH them to obey. Those 3 verbs are imperative verbs. Imperative verbs are verbs that create an imperative sentence (i.e. a sentence that gives an order or command).
    Read ACTS 2; specifically around verse (44) - And all who believed were together and had ALL THINGS IN COMMON.
    How can you say some people are exempt from his commands when God repeatedly demands that you keep his commandments. This logic and interpretation is flawed.
    I can't help but to think of Matthew 7:21-23 (I never knew you) & Romans 5:19 (For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous.)

    • @dustinlawrence7957
      @dustinlawrence7957 3 года назад

      @@ururzu4irduzjjz God doesn't need me to justify his word I would fail trying if I did. Therefore, I won't go circles with you on this. I will just say if you are led to believe one thing and I another may we both pray on it for God to reveal truth; at the end of the day I want others to go to heaven; but for myself I really want to go. I know Christ warns of look warm Christians and the signs that would follow those who truly believe; casting out demons, speaking in tongues, healing the sick. These signs I have seen and can't deny the power of Christ in those obedient to His word. I use to pick verses out of the Bible and argue till I was blue just to justify my own sins and that I could continue in my sin and enmity with God. Until I couldn't find anywhere in the bible saying "once saved always saved", then I woke up. Christ died for all so they could continue in their sin till the next time they repented? I just refuse to believe that personally. I'll leave you to have the last word.

  • @vampfoxilli7127
    @vampfoxilli7127 4 года назад

    pastor John, but what about being a Disciple? If all nations are meant to be disciples then then in effect all christians should be disciples? Jesus disciples, Paul's disciples John's disciples all followed them as they taught them. Does Jesus then not call us all to be disciple makers and not just inactive Sunday church goers? How many? well why not aim for 12 whom we teach what we learn from our leader and so causing a movement that is held accountable up and down. and is not restricted by just "THE CHOSEN FEW"

  • @AL-ri6bk
    @AL-ri6bk 4 года назад

    Living the christian life is such a journey?

  • @jaypatchy7723
    @jaypatchy7723 5 лет назад +8

    If you love Jesus you will serve him to preach The Great Commission if you are a pastor ,missionary ,evangelist or just another person . Sitting in church every Sunday clapping hands and praising God won't get to heaven . Get out of your comfort zone and go and serve God in the world . JOHN 21. : 17. Jesus asked Peter three times if loved him .Threes times Peter said Yes .Three times Jesus said feed my sheep . At the cross Peter betrayed Jesus YOU ARE PETER FROM THE BIBLE