Thank you for the stream Roberu Great adlibbing of both a rude person and a good person. 01:03 Start 02:27 New Game - Wants to enter in a name, accidentally adds in 2 keke at the end, naming himself Kuzukeke - 03:19 Finds out how to delete characters, makes a weird noise 05:08 Roberu getting into character 05:45 (Puts on shades) 09:12 Roberu laughing at the text and seeing the www's 11:28 Such realistic sleeping sounds 19:01 "Thank youuuuu, you're welcoooooome" 20:42 (Not this voice again lol) 23:49 Roberu notices his character is max level and stats 25:58 Roberu's reaction to one shotting the demon lord 28:17 Game finished (Roberu's silence is strong) 29:02 New Game - Names himself いいひと☆ (Good Guy☆) - Adlibs the whole game's story this time as if he's a good guy this time 42:19 Game finished, again. 43:14 Ending stream talk
0:01:03 開始
0:03:57 ゲーム開始
0:05:08 聞こえへんかったかなあ?
0:05:29 なんぼ
0:06:01 サングラス装着
0:06:04 出してみいや
0:06:19 当たり前だよな?
0:06:55 つっかえ
0:07:52 あんなあ
0:08:41 知るか
0:09:15 ええなあ、キミ
0:10:08 だる
0:10:43 イラネ
0:11:52 だっる
0:12:15 知るかいな
0:12:47 飽きた
0:13:02 行ってくるわ
0:13:43 ――すんじゃねえぞ
0:14:07 ぐちゃぐちゃ
0:15:05 うまそうやんけ
0:15:58 武器防具屋
0:16:39 公益性
0:17:35 履歴書
0:18:50 はよ寄越せや
0:19:36 だれや
0:20:07 ついてへんのかあ?
0:20:33 NDK
0:20:41 コウメ
0:21:06 もっかい言ってみいや
0:21:15 爽快
0:21:37 か~~
0:21:52 ちゃんと喋ってや
0:23:39 ほんだら
0:24:11 こんにちは
0:24:49 なんか言うた?
0:25:20 やったな!
0:25:52 ほらよ
0:26:15 なんか言うことあるんちゃうの?
0:26:41 さあて、
0:27:42 足りひん
0:28:05 へっへっへっへ
0:28:49 任された
0:29:27 はい、勇者です
0:30:16 もちろん
0:30:21 なにをびっくりしてるんですか
0:31:04 いや、そんな
0:31:33 ぜんぜん思ってないですよ
0:32:20 よく考えてみてください
0:32:49 いいんですよ、ぜんぜん
0:33:14 いいのかなあ
0:33:32 ただいま!
0:34:07 おやすみ
0:34:17 おはよう!
0:34:39 素敵な朝だなあ
0:35:06 そろそろ
0:35:37 ――しないでよ
0:35:44 少年!
0:36:20 ちょっと待って!
0:36:41 武器防具屋
0:37:12 このままだと危ないですよ
0:37:40 よくないですよね
0:38:08 持ちきれないんですけど
0:38:24 愛してるよ
0:38:34 あなただって生きてるんですよね
0:38:53 そっかあ
0:39:06 えーいっ
0:39:20 あまりにも目立っていたものですから
0:39:40 跡形もなく
0:39:48 喉、渇いていますよね
0:40:12 さようなら
0:40:30 間取りは
0:40:45 こんにちは!
0:40:55 ね!
0:41:17 あれ?
0:41:31 いいんですよ、ぜんぜん
0:41:43 どちらかと言うと
0:42:15 難しかったなあ
01:03 はじまり
29:02 まさかの2週目
Thank you for the stream Roberu
Great adlibbing of both a rude person and a good person.
01:03 Start
02:27 New Game
- Wants to enter in a name, accidentally adds in 2 keke at the end, naming himself Kuzukeke
- 03:19 Finds out how to delete characters, makes a weird noise
05:08 Roberu getting into character
05:45 (Puts on shades)
09:12 Roberu laughing at the text and seeing the www's
11:28 Such realistic sleeping sounds
19:01 "Thank youuuuu, you're welcoooooome"
20:42 (Not this voice again lol)
23:49 Roberu notices his character is max level and stats
25:58 Roberu's reaction to one shotting the demon lord
28:17 Game finished (Roberu's silence is strong)
29:02 New Game
- Names himself いいひと☆ (Good Guy☆)
- Adlibs the whole game's story this time as if he's a good guy this time
42:19 Game finished, again.
43:14 Ending stream talk
Debut "Good Guy" Roberu turns out to be far scarier than Actual Scumbag Roberu.
ストリームをありがとう ❤️
I really love hearing his voice even when i don't understand most of his talking T^T
Thank you for the stream, nice improve on the game!
Sasuga our winning son!
Thank you for the stream Son!
Who is this good guy ?
He is so polite
but twisted beyond recognition
Thank you for the stream!!
vtuber's avatar,, pretty,,,