I think Dkayed is overall good for Master Duel (cannot really speak for Yu-Gi-Oh! in general because that would include TCG/OCG too, which he doesn’t really touch that much on). I agree with you that he’s more like an anti-hero. I think TripleTacticsTim said it best when the drama came up about the 2024 MD World’s Championship deck being leaked. He said DKayed is a businessman first and foremost. Doing whatever it takes to drive traffic to his website to make money. Doesn’t matter if it’s moral or not, it is why he does what he does. I think other content creators sugar coat that purpose but Dkayed is more straightforward with it. That’s why he continues to leak new cards at the cost of him getting banned from participating in events (he also said he doesn’t want to compete in events anymore so he doesn’t care about the ban). I also like how he exposed how when he entered Worlds (when he used to play competitively) that other players were deck scouting. Funny how no one acknowledges this happens at tournaments or stays silent about it. The way he doesn’t BS around can be a double edged sword. Like the legally cheating stuff. It spreads awareness of the tactics so more people do it, but at the same time you are also aware of it and can play around it. In a way, it’s like he’s looking out for the player base by teaching people how the pros (using that word loosely here) abuse a strategy because the general population doesn’t know. I do like how he over explains things because you might have forgotten or are unaware of a ruling. Watching him commentate MD World Championship was way more entertaining than watching the official stream. Sometimes the commentators don’t even stay on topic or bother explaining something. Probably because they think you already know the interaction and doesn’t need an explanation. But that’s why we need commentary. Like watching sports, you need to explain so less knowledgeable people watching can understand and enjoy what’s going on. His explanations are also helpful because he emphasizes if a ruling/combo is exclusive to MD and if you play TCG you should pay attention to this interaction because it’s not legal in TCG. I do see his hardcore fans attacking other content creators and vice versa but that’s just something I can’t relate to. I don’t think you need to attack anyone on the internet in defense of another. Like the saying, “never meet your idol.” If you truly understand how they are in real life, you probably wouldn’t like them. Everyone has flaws. Farfa makes jokes on someone with a condition (think it was cancer? I forgot) and when a friend of that person made a joke back he got upset. Likes to dish out jokes but can’t take it. Distantcoder calls other content creators/players idiots, name calling (think he made a racist comment) and goes on unhinged rants. But you know what? I still watch all these content creators anyway.
Pinning this comment because this added alot of value to the convo. And we get to the same conclusion but the fun part is I both agree with you and disagree with some parts. TTTim is a great guy too I love him! The whole fateful adventure thing i truly think is what helped lead us to getting the text on screen of what effects are being used in MD. It's like when people discover a game breaking bug in video games that only a few know about there is an ethical delimma. Do you either: A) post it online publicly to raise awareness, bringing the ere of those currently using it, cteating thr even playing field and risking it being widespread in hopes its acted on faster. B) Don't post it and don't use it. C) Don't post it And use it for your advantage. D) Alert the bug silently to the bug team and risk nothing being done about it for some time. Of course it depends on the severity of the bug and the impact it has on the game because in certain situations I could see me doing all A,B,C, or D in differing scenarios by tweaking the specifics of the facts. So yeah alot of the things I may not have done but I can certainly understand the thought process behind it even if I were not going to do the same actions myself. But I am also just saying that who knows maybe in the heat of the moment I too would have behaved exactly the same way in same circumstances. It's easy for me to write and critique but when your in the moment it's another thing as well.
the "legal cheating" is just illegal and he would get a game loss for attempting it. How can you not call this being a villain? 1 dlmcoin has been deposited in your account for your comment though, good dog
the legal cheating is in the game itself its not illegal, if you remember all the cards already the you dont need the master duel meta website, he say what he need to say even though he is the one who getting the backlash, all information in mdm is public information same as what scout do.
Yes, Dkayed did mention in TCG if you attempt this you could get a game loss by withholding information on which effect you are using. Everyone nit picked on this TCG part specifically and Distantcoder got banned from events for trash talking Dkayed on this. But in MD, it is a “legal cheat” because you are deceiving the opponent. At that time there was no way to know for sure which effect they were using in MD. He is teaching people how to abuse this and at the same time teaching others how to counter it. It’s a gray area and people don’t like talking about these “tricks” that experienced player abuse. At least he talks about topics no one wants to cover. Before this Adventure legally cheating thing came up, he used the term legally cheating way before that. Such as when the opponent’s field lights up only when you attempt to add a card from deck to hand that they have Ash Blossom. Legally cheating is a click bait kind of term but you know 90% of the time what card they have in hand before they even use it. Calling someone a villain because they did a few immoral things but majority of the time do good things for the community is really up to you. That’s why I think he leans more towards an antihero. I’m not loyal to anyone so I don’t know why you would think I’m a dog (refer to my “never meet your idol” comment). I watch anyone who makes YGO content despite who they are.
People actually care about getting spoiled on Master Duel content? "Oh no, you've ROBBED me of the experience of opening up the app and finding out about the new cards there! The experience has been RUINED!" Do people actually think this? We're talking about a f2p app, not a damn movie or TV series.
I'm grateful for stuff like that in online games, especially MD. If I know what's coming I can choose to either hoard my gems for that upcoming pack or just spend them on ones that are already in the game if I don't care about the new cards.
Video didn't explain the problem well and calling it just a spoiler is a bit disingenuous. It's a leak of non-public information. Depending on your location, this can be illegal and Konami probably has clauses against it in their terms of use.
@@gravethestampede3454 Well I don't know if there's a source document or something that would explain what exactly people feel about it but at 5:45 there's just a screenshot of dkayed being banned by konami for this act which seems to imply the topic is the konami ban. Also the section title is "the ethics of leaked pack information" which per my comment, this is unethical. Also also, you could argue at least half of the topics in this video are not a problem for the player base. 1. use adblock 3. above 4. don't use his guides if you don't like em
Dkayed is a goat and undeniably an irreplaceable component of the Master Duel community. MasterDuelMeta alone puts him so far into the green that every other argument becomes irrelevant.
100% agreed that's why I wanted to make sure that one of the last things I said was that the good he did VASTLY outweighs and of the moral grey controversies.
7:51 Dkayed is an antihero. My opinion on the guy is he's fine for the most part... Sure he pissed off konami, but it's hard to be on their good side anyway. I know there was some controversy on him posting the WCQ decklists, though untapped had them and he just reposted their information... So whos fault was it really? Arguably not his, he was just reposting public information. He does care about the game, but he also runs a business. I would say he does more good than harm in the community, so I would say he's fine.
@@Camelotsmoon I heard it was available on untapped at first. Then it was published by ItsBradazHD & RandomPlox & Jadehex on masterduelmeta and Dkayed just talked about it. I don’t get why most people say it’s all his fault when there’s other people involved.
@@densai89it was and they came out and said it themselves. It’s all public. So whoever reports on it first gets the W tbh. If he don’t someone else will. It’s just business people too emotional. Dude got a great site for best decks most recent news ect and he got the game booming
someone on the internet mentioned it before, but the problem with that is that there can only be 1 winner.... and you're looking at it jokes aside i would love to watch that
The Nibiru vs Fateful Adventure analogy is totally different. With Nibiru, you are playing mindgames, with Fateful Adventure, you are purposefully being ambiguous with declaring your effects, and if a judge is called, they will rule against you for being so ambiguous and potentially give you a game loss because private information was revealed.
I agree but I think its also one of those things where thr game devs overlooked a QoL feature. If this lead to konami highlighting effects I think it was a good thing 😂
It's funny seeing everyone refereing to the "start" of Dkayed with the release of Master Duel, when he has a huge backstory withing the Duel Links community, in which he created Duel Links Meta which served as inspiration to all other websites he created, they even have the same strutcture, same colors, everything...
100% is should have mentioned he was drama free for all of duel links and him and Gunzblazing basically carried DL content. I just wanted to jump right in. In fact I am sure that the amount of good things he did is so large a person cannot accurately report on it. This is why at the end I say that the good he did VASTLY outweighs some of the couple of grey moral areas that made him so controversial.
For the untapped drama, Dkayed was way out of line on that one. Many of the players for the World Championship made choices in deck building believing their deck lists would be secret. Joshua Schmidt commented that his lists were not playing PSY-Framegear Gamma, but their opponents had to be weary of the card, because the punish would be huge if he were, so their opponents had to play differently never knowing which of their decks had it. If he knew his lists were going to be piblic, he said he would have just played the card. Also, another thing not mentioned is that not everyone's lists were actually leaked in a timely fashion, so the "levelling the playing field" argument doesnt work when your lists get leaked, but not your opponents.
@@Hawkeyes216 That doesn't justify the person that does the leaking in the first place or at least making it widely accessible. It shouldn't be happening reguardless. Doing it for the sake of "it'll level the playing field because the information is now open" is just self serving and done to drive traffic to his site. I'm a fan of dkayed's work but honestly the untapped stuff was just a bad move. He could have easily brought things up with untapped in private.
Dkayed didn't leak the lists, untapped did. Literally anyone with a computer could see the lists by just installing untapped and viewing them in Master Duel. That's how it works and why some people only had one deck listed. A lot of these players who were going after him for this were SPONSORED by untapped. Literally their job to get people to download this cheating tool. Yet *he* gets the blame? Moreover, if there were players in this tournament who were cheating, even if didn't Dkayed post the lists leaked by untapped, they could just look at them themselves. And the non-cheaters wouldn't open his site nor untapped anyway. He had ZERO effect on cheaters and non-cheaters and the outcome.
dkayed is a good content creator but he has his fair share of controversy, honestly, it would all be ok if he at least apologized for the world championship drama. His guides are great for new players and his websites make it a lot easier to follow yugioh's trends when it comes to deckbuilding, so he actually has made great resources for the comunity
I used to play old-school Yu-Gi-Oh!, but when I started Master Duel, my knowledge of the modern game was practically zero. Honestly, his guide was a lifesaver-it’s super easy to follow and helped me understand the game so much better. To me, he’s like Vought International from The Boys. A lot of what he does feels like it’s for his own benefit, but hey, if it also makes the game better, I’m all for it. I already hate Konami, so I’ll gladly support anyone who can call them out. As for the “legal cheating” drama, I think people are blowing it way out of proportion. All he did was explain how bad players might exploit the system so others can be prepared if they ever run into it. It’s really not worth dragging this drama out further. Now about leaks-why does Konami even treat this like a big deal? Master Duel players already know what cards exist thanks to OCG/TCG, and leaks are super common in digital games to build hype. At least Konami has improved a bit by announcing new packs a week before release. That’s much better than when the Albaz secret pack (The 1st new Secret Pack) dropped out of nowhere after people had already crafted cards, thinking nothing new was coming. As for the tournament drama, I know it is very controversial, but I don’t like the tournament, so I don’t mind his actions. The 3v3 system is unfair and lazy-there are nine random coin tosses per round because of how poorly it’s structured. I do like the “shared cards” mechanic, but the way Konami manages the duels makes the whole thing feel luck-based. On the bright side, after the drama, Konami added a feature to view decklists from public replays, which used to require third-party tools like Untapgg. In conclusion, the biggest clown in all this is KONAMI. Dkayed wouldn’t even exist if Konami just did their job properly. His website is leagues ahead of the official Yu-Gi-Oh! site, and he had a “Deck import” feature from his Website to MD account long before Konami added it. How is the official developer so far behind? Konami needs a serious wake-up call to start doing better. They’ve ruined so much potential in this game through sheer laziness, and that’s why I absolutely despise the way they run things.
@@renaldyhaen Agreed. I don’t know why Konami hates leaks so much when it’s cards already released in TCG/OCG. If you don’t want others leaking then you have to leak the information way ahead so no one else can benefit from that info. They still announce new cards a couple days before the new packs are available in-game instead of a month ahead like how Dkayed does. My guess is they want you to be as inefficient as possible with how you spend your gems to get you to want to buy gems because you didn’t save gems for these new meta defining cards coming in the next 3 days. Also Konami literally bans you from events for years if you post a picture of an unreleased TCG card on social media and sends private investigators to knock on your door asking where it is, how did you get it, etc. That’s how much Konami hates leaks. They’ve been doing a better job in TCG announcing new cards way ahead of release date lately. Just apply that same effort to MD.
"legally cheat" is more accurately related to something common in games like poker... A tactic the film "Rounders" describes as "spotting a tell". On one hand, the opponent getting a prompt can inform you that they have something to stop you... But as you mentioned with turning responses on, it can also be used to bluff someone.
just like the Fateful Adventure, i remembered i use to do this but for isolde 🤣 if i knew they had ash in hand, i skipped the first effect to search card to hand, and went to using the 2nd effect right away to special summon from deck . (since everyone's mindset was not to ash the 1st effect) it felt like it worked liked 75% of the time if they weren't paying attention. the dead giveaway was dumping for cost but i was surprised how this was still able to work lol
As someone who doesn’t have any irl friends that play the TCG let alone MD, DKAYED has been the most influential creator that helped me get into the game. With out his content I would have never made it past day 2 of MD. His videos have taught me so so so much about chain linking, resource management, crucial chokepoints, deck building tips, etc….. if it weren’t for that man I would have never been able to enjoy the last year and a half of playing yugioh
I use that website all the time. Would be completely awful if i didn't mention how great the site was. The ads on mobile can be a bit overwhelming from time to time but its a trade that I am perfectly with.
It is the responsibility of both players to maintain and uphold an honest and legal gamestate. Trying to activate a card with multiple effects and not declaring which effect until you hurriedly start to resolve the effect your opponent didn't know you were trying to use is very much unsportsmanlike and problematic. Unless you are legitimately playing the same Deck and there's no ambiguity with how the effects worth, if your opponent is activating whatever they want and not clarifying until resolution, make them start clarifying what is happening during activation. Your opponent legally must answer truthfully what their cards do when asked, whether it be an effect, Level, ATK/DEF, anything. Technically, you can ask your opponent about any card that could be relevant to the Duel as long as it's not slow play or intended to distract from the Duel. If your opponent is playing a LIGHT Deck then you can ask something like "How much DEF does Neo the Magic Swordsman have?" and your opponent technically has to answer truthfully but when you fire off "How much ATK does Winged Kuriboh have?", "What Type is Maiden of the Moonlight?", "Is Cloudian - Sheep Cloud a LIGHT Monster?", then you are clearly doing it to distract the opponent and/or slow down the Duel which is not allowed. Point is, keep your opponent honest. This game goes far smoother for everyone involved if you and the opponent are honest with each other. You can flip up your backrow like you have an activation or whatever a handful of times but actively lying to the opponent is not it.
To me he's just a guy. He does a lot of good; he makes some mistakes along the way, but overall he's just doing his thing. I like using a lot of hyperbole when talking about himand what he does, but really he's just like you or me being passionate about content for the game.
I've never met the guy, it's unfair to assume he's a bad person based off sensationalism. It does seem like based on the recurring drama that seems to be magnetized to him that he values content more than the game and because of that he has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes. He has also been super helpful for a friend of mine who has been just getting back into the game and for whatever reason dkayed is the most digestible content for him. So just because I'm not going to get excited about him that doesn't mean I need to vilify him to all my peers.
"I am going to be totally unbiased about all of this. Anyway, Dkayed is an amazing person and has done nothing wrong." 12:03 He wasn't talking about in MD for that, he was solely talking about in TCG and purposely misrepresenting the gamestate to the opponent. MD should also tell you what effect your opponent is using anyway. 18:11 Not cool on mocking the poster like that. Honestly, the Untapped issue feels like a villain act here. They were unaware of the bug and wasn't public knowledge about how to view hidden lists. Meanwhile Dkayed just went ahead and visibly posted and brought attention to the lists later on his own site [which of course would boost the traffic to his site, so that's a boon to him from a business stand point.] He's a businessman first, before he's a player. And that skews his decisions towards making money. By creating drama, etc, he makes himself more visible, people talk about him, maybe check out his content, gain followers and so forth. Before the Fateful Adventure drama, I'd never heard of him and to me, all the negativity surrounding him outweighs the good he's done.
Dkayed hosts weekly tournaments for MD, which is consistent and is entertaining knowing about MD meta. Regarding controversies, it's minor overall, compared to actually major issues in society. The worse one is more the crypto stuff, but he quickly stopped those actions. When it comes to MD and ygo, offers more info about the game than any other content creator. Explains mechanics, strategies, and how decks work. You can tell he is passionate about this game and its gameplay. Overall, one of the best in teaching yugioh and supports the community with the weekly tournaments. Outside of that, as a person, he doesnt seem evil or bad at least to my knowledge.
I'd have never stuck around if his website didn't exist. Coming from zero experience playing the game except schoolyard games in the 2000s and now I've sank 3k hours on master duel. It was a vtuber that brought me to the game but dkayed that made me stick with it. My first attempt to play a meta deck was in season 5 with prank kids and I remember how detailed one of the guides were on his site, learned the deck and essentially got fast-tracked to understanding how the modern game works.
Honestly hes clearly passionate of Yugioh and its his livelyhood. There are way worse things people do in this world and Dkay seems he just wants to promote and play a card game he loves
I only played Duel Links for a week or two when it came out before I was like, this is some p2w cash grab BS, I'm out. So I never stuck around long enough to know who Dkayed was back then. I only know him from Master Duel, and I've been acutely aware of this unspoken controversy, that has made me think he must've done something basically cancellable at some point. But if all his controversies were covered in this video, then I really don't understand what all the fuss is about. On the whole, I think leaks in MD are a good thing. Above all, it lets players know whether they should save their gems and UR CP, instead of wasting them for the sake of it. The "Legally Cheat" 'controversy' isn't even a controversy imo. It's educational more than it is nefarious. The only reason anyone could really get mad about all that was if they were someone who wanted to abuse the mechanics that he was exposing. Or, they don't understand the oxymoron, and are triggered by the term because it contains the word "cheat. And I use MD Meta on mobile 99% of the time, and have adblock on PC for the other 1%. Nobody likes ads, but on mobile they aren't intrusive enough to detract from how user friendly and useful the website is. Good video. It was informative, well explained, and you took a lot of care to be objective, and were transparent about any biases you thought you might have. Knowing what I know now, the hate Dkayed gets is weird and unjustified imo. Idk if it's because the community is a bit too sensitive, or if they're just shilling for the faceless, money hungry corporation.
I started playing YGO for real for the first time 2years ago with MasterDuel (only played as kid)... for disclosure , I always use adblocks ... und you should too ...ust for your own safety! even google would say so, if they dont make >90%of their revenue from ads But without Dkayed it would be to hard for me to learn new decks and stay competitive , he has the best website and best streams for learning (competitive) MasterDuel. I dont really like leaks, in music, entertaining or here in YGO ... but I understand his POV someone would leak it anyway and its just an easy boost for his money and audience and yeah soe people watch/love him only for his leaks, soo... In conclusion, he mostly just does his job and he does it well (imo)! ...if he wouldnt be the most-known YGO teacher & comp channel , someone else would be it and I dont believe that the most people would do it better.
Past videos of his twitch streams are locked behind a paid subscription. If you want to hear his thoughts about the world's decklist situation when it happened out of his own mouth, I have compiled most of it into a video on my channel. No commentary, just cut clips. I have the whole stream recorded with twitch chat and its 17GB in size
Imagine you play against ice barrier (very predictable to waste your ash/impermanence), but imagine you play against a katshira with special summon to search... would you negate thinking its a pure katshira or would you wait for ice barrier? we are in the scenario of having no spoilers and you are going first. Who would guess every katshira player plays also ice barrier? The surprise factor is fun, even more if rogue arctypes are in the game when going first against the player. There will be no surprise in the second and eventually the thid game, but a "win by a surprise factor" still a win. Like a trap card in 2000's you risk to be a magic card bluff and its not. But if you have benefit of going first, it's also disadvantage. You will have mindset to counter archtypes that are common and with build very oriented to the meta, you will have certain handtraps at set number for certain predictable searchers and effects on the field. If a "fake searcher" is summoned, you used your resource. Not spoiling benefit who does second but highly gives impresion you will be punished by wasting your handtraps in the second turn.
I don't think Dkayed is hated as a content creator. He is hated for his personality. Bro is a Manchild, toxic, pushing his oppinions onto people. He might be good for the community with guides and the website, but I will not be able to appreciate any of that because it's hard to look past his behaviour.
I feel he is more about chaos than being good or bad... he is like the chaos monsters requiring both light and dark monsters... Realistically though, he tends to only sway one way or another because of outside influence even if it isnt public, and he is pretty generally smart and importantly he and his streams can be quite entertaining
Youre so right Jesse dkayed has sunk so much money into tournaments and his website FOR the community he loves yugioh and players shouldnt be so uptight about his short comings because the game is a lot better with him than without him. We Love dkayed!
personally i always took the whole "legally cheating" thing as more of an example rather than a call to conduct cheating. I'm sure he knows many of his viewers also play the TCG so he wanted to give an example of what he's describing to those players and people misinterpreted him. Additionally I think the blacklash was the far greater crime, the person leading the drama against Dkayed burned so many bridges with his own friends fighting dkayed and many youtubers came out the wood works for their own self gain
TL;DR: Hero, anyone that hates him is just envious. As a casual, i never knew about untapped. Dkayed published the leaked deck lists and it brought light to the problem. "Legally Cheat" is the same, a problem being exploited that needed to be resolved. About leaking new cards, i thing Konami is wasting promotional material, people are curious and Dkayed are providing what they want. Spoiling what cards comes in the next pack does not impact the gameplay experience today. Master Duel Meta and r/masterduel: not a monopoly, no one is forced to go there and anyone is free to do better than Dkayed and his team.
He is both hero and villain. He’s done a LOT for the scene, but also what he did during the WCS was truly scummy. Leaking cards in players decks that they didn’t even draw or play! That was a massive L on his part. Still, i try to believe that he’s more good than bad overall.
i hate hoe yugiohmeta shows x2 or x3 on top of the card rather than showing 2 or 3 copies of said card like every other deck visual. it's harder to visualize the deck as a whole. everything blurs together even. when you have 3 copies of each card, you can see which ones are more important at a glance. youre not overwhelmed with 20+ different artworks, they're more spaced out and you can visualize the deck better. it's also more work to see if a deck is 40 cards exactly bc you have to look for that information instead of just glancing at the entire deck.
Dkayed is definitely an anti hero. I learned to love Yugioh because of Dkayed. I used to watch him when I was starting out (Harpy meta in DL) and I moved together with him when he switched his focus to MD. He might not be the best competitive content creator out there but he's the most entertaining in my opinion. His meta weekly is always fun to watch along with his live commentaries and bit of information. His leaks are peak and it gives excitement to MD players knowing what are in the packs they are going to pull next. I also think that he is somewhat related to Konami and they just play good and bad cop.
In the opponent's turn I'd turn my interactions off and turn it on the moment the summon the fifth time too lmao. They get so scared that they'd go straight to Baronne or some other Omni negate to stop my "Totally Real Nib That I Totally Have In My Hand 100% Real No Cap" and end their turn just to find out that I'm playing Labrynth or Runick.
Hello Jesse, I found your channel recently and I like it. I would like to leave a recommendation here. Try to make this type of content more clear, condense and organized. Also the background music gets anoying you can lower it a little or remove it. But this is my opinion, you do you of course.
Maybe the thing with Untappd was Dkayed finding a dangerous bug, telling them, and they wouldn't fix it, so he showed them how big a deal it was while presuming to take the fall for them if anything happened (though this scenario is a product of my imagination). But my point is that no one really knows But really, I wanted to hear what you had to say about masterduelmeta being a force that imposes homogenization upon the deck lists you come across in the game, and that discourages experimentation in general
I followed Dkayed after I had already followed other yugitubers. There is a lot of hate towards him because he's not apart of their clic. He's growrh was insane on both the duel links side and the MD side. He's a hero of the people with selfish tendencies. "Legally cheating" is just a phrase he came up with to describe getting an edge in a duel online. Everyone does it. There was a slight delay? Oh that means my opponent has a response. I bet it's imperm. Damn I'm cheating crazy. Leaking the MD decklists for worlds? They were already leaked. Dkayed merely exposed the fact they were out there. Exposing the information was highly beneficial for him. Dude is a good dude, just selfish. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with that
the legal cheating drama was about him saying you can use it in tcg which is false and illegal. But i'm sure he will give you a dlmcoin for your comment, good dog
@akkimessiah3219 you technically can. If I say effect to search and my opponent says sure and they're shocked by what I searched that's not my fault. They should have asked for what.
@@akkimessiah3219 The lagal cheating drama was coder looking for more drama to start to get cloud for him to go all in on content creation. I highly respect both coder and dekayed but he jsut got chought in the crossfire there (it also was the third coder drama in like 2 month at that point).
@@ALdragon4 No it's not on them to make your intention clear, it's on you and that's part of the rules. Trying to cheat to make the game state ambiguous or bluffs is cheating. 1 dlmcoin has been deposited to your account dkayed dog, you've been a good boy
@@akkimessiah3219 My intentions are very clear. If you're not bright enough or too shy to ask, hey that's on you. I'm not cheating or being ambiguous. I'm letting you know I'm trying to search. These are higher level strats and if you can't keep up, it's ok. The conversation ends here for me
Dkayed is definitely good for the community overall. He was way out of line with the releasing of the world championships list, and he shouldn't have made the comments either about Judeo wanting to scout other decks and what not. Other than that though, I think he has pretty much only done good for the game.
This is why Dkayed stays to himself, to avoid all this. I enjoy his videos and his website. Overall he's a great guy. Hate seeing these videos that try to make him look like a villain.
@@Cobracouncil duel links days. Started a crypto called dlmcoin and spent every stream telling people to invest in it. That's when i stopped watching him
Dkayed is a villain in my view. Some people defend what he did. But it's wrong. Those decklists that were leaked during the World Championships were not supposed to be public information. The players were not supposed to know what their opponents were playing before their matches started. The players spend all this time and energy building strategies for success only to have them leaked out by some jackass who couldn't wait after the tournament to post decklists. Dkayed is wrong and needs to be punished.
Yeah idk man I think he's pretty fuckin cool. I don't watch his streams because his chat's kinda much but as a guy who works a lot and tries to enjoy MD on the side whenever I can... I like him 👍 EDIT: and I fuckin love master duel meta site, it's so damn helpful, very easy to navigate and easy to figure out decks/deck planning and all
ppl complying about proxys in mtg is stupid, this is almost on this level, what are the official Yugioh rules on looking at deck list use that, if it's legal, it's legal. Dk is like a meta guy keeping both the MD and DL alive for Competitive ppl.also set spoilers are a good thing so i know what is in a set and to get hype for it as well, it makes no seance do it like how mtg has it, it's random and vary unexpected, it makes sets forgetful.
about the "legal cheat" around min 12/13 u can't do that, if anyone has ever bothered to open the log on the right u will actually see what effect is declared, technically u don't even have to open the lof o nthe right as a prompt will briefly appear on top right corner to let u see what oppo choose as an effect, all that stuff is just a bad excuse for someone being lazy and willingly open to missplays
Before the master duel update that also fixed the issue the log would only say "Effect of X card activated" and wouldn't actually list the exact effect being used.
What was even the point of making this video?? This seems way too off of what the chanel is about (interesting and unexplored gimmicks) There is no such thing as being evil or a hero, the dude is just another person that makes videos and content about yugioh, you might like or dislike the things that he does but thats it
Coming from TCG side and tried MD, i wouldn't consider dkayed to be very knowledgeable. And i wouldn't call his guides to be helpful to any competent TCG player who's looking to play master duel. This is because his guides/decklists that he have are generally taken from TCG top decklists, with his plays mirroring that of what TCG player discovered. The deck has already been solved by competent TCG players and he's just putting others work into his own guides with a few tweaks. However i will give his guides credits towards new players who wish to get into MD. But for any competent players his guides are hardly helpful usually.
That's an interesting perspective that I haven't really considered. His latest "leak" guides do usually showcase some other youtubers showing a combo and him just talking about it rather than his own.
@@JessePerezStrategyGaming yeah he does that a lot actually. I think that is part of the reason why many who dislike him are from the TCG side. But honestly some his fans dont help either. I have seen multiple times his fan attacks TCG content creators, especially those who works with Konami like Farfa or Joshua Schmidt. Using very insulting languages like calling them corporate shills, butt lickers ect.
I noticed he does reference a lot of RUclips combo videos lately when it comes to his leaks and it does seem a bit lazy. At least he credits where he’s learning it from. I do like how he emphasizes that a certain card/combo is exclusive to MD because some cards used in the combo are banned in both TCG/OCG. There are also gameplay mechanics that he emphasizes for players to show the difference between TCG and MD/OCG like chain blocking using your own cards in your hand compared how you cannot do that in MD/OCG (ex: TCG Chain link 1 Robina normal summon effect, chain link 2 Simorgh, Bird of Perfection in-hand effect to chain block verses MD/OCG opponent has a chance to respond). People say he “over explains” but I think it’s a good reminder for people to understand the differences between these games. I wouldn’t blame him entirely on MD trying to transition to TCG and realizing it’s very different and him being a bad guide. During the Konami shareholders meeting someone said their friend loved MD and tried to get into the physical card game (OCG) and found out it was very different and difficult to learn and how to address this problem. Automated simulators hold your hand and when you remove the training wheels, it’s a completely different experience. I do see fan bases attacking each other and I would never understand why you need to defend anyone else on the internet.
Outside of the leaks most of the guides and decklists are user submitted? If yall want to hate that's fine but don't just make shit up lol. Gonna hide this channel yall meatspinning
Some people don't wanna hear that 10:32 guess that would be me :D Tho I appreciate certain things on dkayed guides. Even if the overall argument is wrong the details, explanation of mechanics and that sort of stuff is quite on point (not to a degree of a judge but quite accurate) and he explains in a way that beginner would understand. Legally cheat thing was overall beneficial to community because now we have specifications on which effect of the card is activated. In terms of whether legally cheating was to be blamed on perpetrator or not? I would say it was konamis fault and its a competitive game so if you get a legal advantage then people are going to take it. To Konami's credit they fixed the issue. If it was a company like bandai namco they wouldn't fix it. The deck reveal thing he was %100 for blame. Here is the thing as a media Dkayed doesn't have the right to use anything thats outside of public domain. So him putting those decks in website or video is use of unauthorized material. It is like if someone leaked coca cola's recipe and facebook put it on the mainpage of everyone. He didn't get in trouble only because its a card game and your decks are not considered trade secrets which they should be tbh if this game is going to be considered competitive moving forward. What should he have done on leaked decks? Well he should have made a video that he was not gonna put them on his video or website but the information is leaked and the tournament is already ruined. Now the dude who put that comment was obv very pissed at the situation and already hated dkayed but there are some valid points there as i mentioned. This was a little out of the "content type" but great vid bro keep it up :)
Without him, his community and the website this game is gonna be dead at launch. Launching was so bad newbie and return player keep getting clap by the dumb drytron and herald. The guy stop making DL and I bet many ppl stop playing DL because there are no good content to watch like usual. You can say there are other content creator but not on his level. His chat is funny and he explain everything very clear in the shortest way possible without making a dumb 10 minutes video about something you should only talk in a minute. Ye he leak stuff left and right but who cares? If not him other will and everyone have access to those stuff. Leaking new card help hype up the game. Done more good than harm in my oppinion. It's funny when he got ban from something he don't even care about then other CC start sucking fame out of it haha ( and I don't mean you, I'm not watching your content this video pop up randomly and I see you making a point of him doing good and doing bad stuff. Respect. Unlike some other CC start trash talking instantly I don't even know they exist xD )
Unless yugioh becomes a card game where everyone else is using different deck, no mirror Match, then the website is a problem, if not, then it's good, normal people appreciate the website, the ads is not that bad, it's free what you expect 😂
I was not aware of it at ALL and I have been following yugioh and meta trends for a while. Apologies I will have to look into it and report back after I am able to properly formulate a opinion. My general stance is I do not like crypto and I have a no tolerance policy against crypto scams . If it turns out he was trying to hatch or promote such a thing with the intention to scam public at large he immediately gets villian status.
Your camera setup is crooked, just fyi. Love your videos. I recommend upgrading your background. Make it more inviting for people to look at. Good luck and god bless
These comments are probably my favorite as it actively helps me improve as a content creator. Funny enough I was shopping around in the stores looking at Xmas gifts for the family when I stopped to try to see if I can find an upgrade for the camera. I after the holidays So this pretty much confirmed it. Thank you so much!
I don't think you explained the "spoiler" issue very well. It's more of an issue of leaking non-public information of a corporation. Depending on your location, it can be illegal. While I don't think that would apply to him but to the source of the information, he's benefiting from that illegal act which is definitely unethical.
How is it unethical? Konami(master duel) hasn’t given him a single warning about his leaks which indicates they don’t really care but on the contrary Konami allows his leaks because it basically is free advertisement, not to mention Konami can get rid of him in the MD scene if they wanted to(Leak wise).
@Cobracouncil there's literally a screenshot in the video of him getting banned for it. Also leaking is inherently unethical not considering extenuating circumstances. I need content so I can make money is not extenuating
I don’t not want leaks in the tcg at least. I wanna know what’s coming since you literally have to spend money on physical cards. It’s not a crime to plan spending lol
dkayed overview always does well, but his guides leave a lot more to be desired imo... he gives off the vibe that he doesnt care about the actual game, like he just catalogs it for revenue, and its been like that ever since his drama with distant coder surfaced. I only unsubbed to him and went over to ygoprodeck after he spoiled the worlds decklists, please dont think i have something against the guy, i just dont want to take risks with his content anymore
The only thing I hate tht dkayed does is the floodgates guides. He always states he hates floodgates but the easy floodgates guide he showcases he claims is good for beginners but the fact really is in most cases it's not beginners who use those decks most the times. It's incompetent intermediate duelist. When he does showcase a deck ur almost garenteed to face said deck several times per play session for few days if not weeks
@@SF17777Yeah, but not nearly as many people knew about it before he spread the message. He didn't igmite the fire, but he sure added alot of gasoline to it.
Guys it’s me dkayed on my pet dog account I am good guy trust I like hotdogs and mangos. I summon tearlamenrs Kevin hart or whatever thanks for the support.
Regarding the "legally cheating", the examples you gave where you act like you have nibiru, etc., are not really comparable to what you paraphrased which is basically giving incomplete information to your opponent and hoping they misinterpret you/don't follow up when you're supposed to give full information. Your examples are supplemental to the game. You're just acting.
Dkayed milks the yugioh fanbase because he knows its full of whales. his website is useful for basic information and his tournaments used to be a lot better and more consistent in the duel links days. He uses the website to imbed viewers into his streams to fool his sponsors. He is a complete scoundrel that may have single handedly shown konami than MD would be viable.
Depends on what u think of him personally I think he's a jackass giving leaks and spoilers pretty much ruins the entire game of Yu-Gi-Oh and him doing it makes him a jackass
See I don't like Dkayed for 1 reason and 1 reason alone. His wording when covering games and what people do saying things like "legal cheat" and the like which is just 100% wrong and disingenuous because if you tried to do any of the stuff in a real game and a judge get's called it won't end well for ya, and will get you a reputation around locals n stuff from people. its one thing to have have people misplay and get advantage thru that. its another thing to try and be deceptive and confuse people. and this isn't the first time he's said "legally cheat" he'd been doing it since day 1 of covering MD stuff and that just isn't kool
I think Dkayed is overall good for Master Duel (cannot really speak for Yu-Gi-Oh! in general because that would include TCG/OCG too, which he doesn’t really touch that much on). I agree with you that he’s more like an anti-hero.
I think TripleTacticsTim said it best when the drama came up about the 2024 MD World’s Championship deck being leaked. He said DKayed is a businessman first and foremost. Doing whatever it takes to drive traffic to his website to make money. Doesn’t matter if it’s moral or not, it is why he does what he does. I think other content creators sugar coat that purpose but Dkayed is more straightforward with it. That’s why he continues to leak new cards at the cost of him getting banned from participating in events (he also said he doesn’t want to compete in events anymore so he doesn’t care about the ban). I also like how he exposed how when he entered Worlds (when he used to play competitively) that other players were deck scouting. Funny how no one acknowledges this happens at tournaments or stays silent about it.
The way he doesn’t BS around can be a double edged sword. Like the legally cheating stuff. It spreads awareness of the tactics so more people do it, but at the same time you are also aware of it and can play around it. In a way, it’s like he’s looking out for the player base by teaching people how the pros (using that word loosely here) abuse a strategy because the general population doesn’t know.
I do like how he over explains things because you might have forgotten or are unaware of a ruling. Watching him commentate MD World Championship was way more entertaining than watching the official stream. Sometimes the commentators don’t even stay on topic or bother explaining something. Probably because they think you already know the interaction and doesn’t need an explanation. But that’s why we need commentary. Like watching sports, you need to explain so less knowledgeable people watching can understand and enjoy what’s going on. His explanations are also helpful because he emphasizes if a ruling/combo is exclusive to MD and if you play TCG you should pay attention to this interaction because it’s not legal in TCG.
I do see his hardcore fans attacking other content creators and vice versa but that’s just something I can’t relate to. I don’t think you need to attack anyone on the internet in defense of another. Like the saying, “never meet your idol.” If you truly understand how they are in real life, you probably wouldn’t like them. Everyone has flaws. Farfa makes jokes on someone with a condition (think it was cancer? I forgot) and when a friend of that person made a joke back he got upset. Likes to dish out jokes but can’t take it. Distantcoder calls other content creators/players idiots, name calling (think he made a racist comment) and goes on unhinged rants. But you know what? I still watch all these content creators anyway.
Pinning this comment because this added alot of value to the convo. And we get to the same conclusion but the fun part is I both agree with you and disagree with some parts.
TTTim is a great guy too I love him!
The whole fateful adventure thing i truly think is what helped lead us to getting the text on screen of what effects are being used in MD.
It's like when people discover a game breaking bug in video games that only a few know about there is an ethical delimma.
Do you either:
A) post it online publicly to raise awareness, bringing the ere of those currently using it, cteating thr even playing field and risking it being widespread in hopes its acted on faster.
B) Don't post it and don't use it.
C) Don't post it And use it for your advantage.
D) Alert the bug silently to the bug team and risk nothing being done about it for some time.
Of course it depends on the severity of the bug and the impact it has on the game because in certain situations I could see me doing all A,B,C, or D in differing scenarios by tweaking the specifics of the facts.
So yeah alot of the things I may not have done but I can certainly understand the thought process behind it even if I were not going to do the same actions myself.
But I am also just saying that who knows maybe in the heat of the moment I too would have behaved exactly the same way in same circumstances. It's easy for me to write and critique but when your in the moment it's another thing as well.
the "legal cheating" is just illegal and he would get a game loss for attempting it. How can you not call this being a villain? 1 dlmcoin has been deposited in your account for your comment though, good dog
the legal cheating is in the game itself its not illegal, if you remember all the cards already the you dont need the master duel meta website, he say what he need to say even though he is the one who getting the backlash, all information in mdm is public information same as what scout do.
@@akkimessiah3219 do you even know what legal cheating meaning in his video? or you just spouting nonsense?
Yes, Dkayed did mention in TCG if you attempt this you could get a game loss by withholding information on which effect you are using. Everyone nit picked on this TCG part specifically and Distantcoder got banned from events for trash talking Dkayed on this. But in MD, it is a “legal cheat” because you are deceiving the opponent. At that time there was no way to know for sure which effect they were using in MD. He is teaching people how to abuse this and at the same time teaching others how to counter it. It’s a gray area and people don’t like talking about these “tricks” that experienced player abuse. At least he talks about topics no one wants to cover. Before this Adventure legally cheating thing came up, he used the term legally cheating way before that. Such as when the opponent’s field lights up only when you attempt to add a card from deck to hand that they have Ash Blossom. Legally cheating is a click bait kind of term but you know 90% of the time what card they have in hand before they even use it.
Calling someone a villain because they did a few immoral things but majority of the time do good things for the community is really up to you. That’s why I think he leans more towards an antihero. I’m not loyal to anyone so I don’t know why you would think I’m a dog (refer to my “never meet your idol” comment). I watch anyone who makes YGO content despite who they are.
People actually care about getting spoiled on Master Duel content?
"Oh no, you've ROBBED me of the experience of opening up the app and finding out about the new cards there! The experience has been RUINED!"
Do people actually think this? We're talking about a f2p app, not a damn movie or TV series.
I'm grateful for stuff like that in online games, especially MD. If I know what's coming I can choose to either hoard my gems for that upcoming pack or just spend them on ones that are already in the game if I don't care about the new cards.
Video didn't explain the problem well and calling it just a spoiler is a bit disingenuous. It's a leak of non-public information. Depending on your location, this can be illegal and Konami probably has clauses against it in their terms of use.
@@ktktktktktktkt I mean, that's all true but it's not a problem for we, the playerbase.
@@gravethestampede3454 Well I don't know if there's a source document or something that would explain what exactly people feel about it but at 5:45 there's just a screenshot of dkayed being banned by konami for this act which seems to imply the topic is the konami ban. Also the section title is "the ethics of leaked pack information" which per my comment, this is unethical.
Also also, you could argue at least half of the topics in this video are not a problem for the player base. 1. use adblock 3. above 4. don't use his guides if you don't like em
@@ktktktktktktkt Illegal, not immoral.
Dkayed does more for the game than Konami
Honestly, I still play Master Duel because of DKayed, his weekly coverage and his website. It is very useful for me.
Wow I'm early.. we done analysing YGO cards now we analysing people.. 😂😂😂
I know it's mainstream to hate on Dkayed now, but this guy single handedly carried the whole scene on his shoulders back around 2018-2019.
not even that,since launch of Duel links to now master duel hes been the biggest creator
Hell no wtf? Where's integrity.
The whole scene? Buddy he only played duel links back then.
He basically did nothing for the actual game in 2018-19.
Dkayed is a goat and undeniably an irreplaceable component of the Master Duel community. MasterDuelMeta alone puts him so far into the green that every other argument becomes irrelevant.
100% agreed that's why I wanted to make sure that one of the last things I said was that the good he did VASTLY outweighs and of the moral grey controversies.
Any person who got money could do that. He is replaceable.
7:51 Dkayed is an antihero. My opinion on the guy is he's fine for the most part... Sure he pissed off konami, but it's hard to be on their good side anyway. I know there was some controversy on him posting the WCQ decklists, though untapped had them and he just reposted their information... So whos fault was it really? Arguably not his, he was just reposting public information. He does care about the game, but he also runs a business. I would say he does more good than harm in the community, so I would say he's fine.
Your mind is going to be blown when you get to the conclusion of the video lol. :D
@JessePerezStrategyGaming lmao, that is funny. Exactly what I was thinking at the end, you're right.
@@Camelotsmoon great minds think alike lol
@@Camelotsmoon I heard it was available on untapped at first. Then it was published by ItsBradazHD & RandomPlox & Jadehex on masterduelmeta and Dkayed just talked about it. I don’t get why most people say it’s all his fault when there’s other people involved.
@@densai89it was and they came out and said it themselves. It’s all public. So whoever reports on it first gets the W tbh. If he don’t someone else will. It’s just business people too emotional. Dude got a great site for best decks most recent news ect and he got the game booming
I’m surprised Dkayed and Coder didn’t settle their beef with a publicized duel (scripted or real). Would’ve been peak content.
someone on the internet mentioned it before, but the problem with that is that there can only be 1 winner.... and you're looking at it
jokes aside i would love to watch that
The Nibiru vs Fateful Adventure analogy is totally different.
With Nibiru, you are playing mindgames, with Fateful Adventure, you are purposefully being ambiguous with declaring your effects, and if a judge is called, they will rule against you for being so ambiguous and potentially give you a game loss because private information was revealed.
Agreed. There is a big difference between bluffing versus misrepresenting your action that intentionally distorting the game state
the guy who made the video is obviously a dkayed shill. How can you not call this act being a villain lmao
I agree but I think its also one of those things where thr game devs overlooked a QoL feature. If this lead to konami highlighting effects I think it was a good thing 😂
@@BlueHawkPictures17 dkayed said you could do it in tcg, the master duel part of course is fine.
It's funny seeing everyone refereing to the "start" of Dkayed with the release of Master Duel, when he has a huge backstory withing the Duel Links community, in which he created Duel Links Meta which served as inspiration to all other websites he created, they even have the same strutcture, same colors, everything...
100% is should have mentioned he was drama free for all of duel links and him and Gunzblazing basically carried DL content.
I just wanted to jump right in. In fact I am sure that the amount of good things he did is so large a person cannot accurately report on it. This is why at the end I say that the good he did VASTLY outweighs some of the couple of grey moral areas that made him so controversial.
For the untapped drama, Dkayed was way out of line on that one. Many of the players for the World Championship made choices in deck building believing their deck lists would be secret.
Joshua Schmidt commented that his lists were not playing PSY-Framegear Gamma, but their opponents had to be weary of the card, because the punish would be huge if he were, so their opponents had to play differently never knowing which of their decks had it. If he knew his lists were going to be piblic, he said he would have just played the card.
Also, another thing not mentioned is that not everyone's lists were actually leaked in a timely fashion, so the "levelling the playing field" argument doesnt work when your lists get leaked, but not your opponents.
There should know risks of potential leaks. Just like playing in paper. It happen on paper to.
@@Hawkeyes216 That doesn't justify the person that does the leaking in the first place or at least making it widely accessible. It shouldn't be happening reguardless. Doing it for the sake of "it'll level the playing field because the information is now open" is just self serving and done to drive traffic to his site. I'm a fan of dkayed's work but honestly the untapped stuff was just a bad move. He could have easily brought things up with untapped in private.
@6jeewon well image playing in tcg. Friend scouting out someone's decks at a table. It's like the same thing practically.
Dkayed didn't leak the lists, untapped did.
Literally anyone with a computer could see the lists by just installing untapped and viewing them in Master Duel. That's how it works and why some people only had one deck listed.
A lot of these players who were going after him for this were SPONSORED by untapped. Literally their job to get people to download this cheating tool. Yet *he* gets the blame?
Moreover, if there were players in this tournament who were cheating, even if didn't Dkayed post the lists leaked by untapped, they could just look at them themselves. And the non-cheaters wouldn't open his site nor untapped anyway.
He had ZERO effect on cheaters and non-cheaters and the outcome.
i honestly would have quite master duel a long time ago if it wasn't for master duel meta. SUPER helpful website.
Fr my fluffal deck wasn’t cutting it anymore 😂
dkayed is a good content creator but he has his fair share of controversy, honestly, it would all be ok if he at least apologized for the world championship drama.
His guides are great for new players and his websites make it a lot easier to follow yugioh's trends when it comes to deckbuilding, so he actually has made great resources for the comunity
I used to play old-school Yu-Gi-Oh!, but when I started Master Duel, my knowledge of the modern game was practically zero. Honestly, his guide was a lifesaver-it’s super easy to follow and helped me understand the game so much better.
To me, he’s like Vought International from The Boys. A lot of what he does feels like it’s for his own benefit, but hey, if it also makes the game better, I’m all for it. I already hate Konami, so I’ll gladly support anyone who can call them out.
As for the “legal cheating” drama, I think people are blowing it way out of proportion. All he did was explain how bad players might exploit the system so others can be prepared if they ever run into it. It’s really not worth dragging this drama out further.
Now about leaks-why does Konami even treat this like a big deal? Master Duel players already know what cards exist thanks to OCG/TCG, and leaks are super common in digital games to build hype. At least Konami has improved a bit by announcing new packs a week before release. That’s much better than when the Albaz secret pack (The 1st new Secret Pack) dropped out of nowhere after people had already crafted cards, thinking nothing new was coming.
As for the tournament drama, I know it is very controversial, but I don’t like the tournament, so I don’t mind his actions. The 3v3 system is unfair and lazy-there are nine random coin tosses per round because of how poorly it’s structured. I do like the “shared cards” mechanic, but the way Konami manages the duels makes the whole thing feel luck-based. On the bright side, after the drama, Konami added a feature to view decklists from public replays, which used to require third-party tools like Untapgg.
In conclusion, the biggest clown in all this is KONAMI. Dkayed wouldn’t even exist if Konami just did their job properly. His website is leagues ahead of the official Yu-Gi-Oh! site, and he had a “Deck import” feature from his Website to MD account long before Konami added it. How is the official developer so far behind? Konami needs a serious wake-up call to start doing better. They’ve ruined so much potential in this game through sheer laziness, and that’s why I absolutely despise the way they run things.
@@renaldyhaen Agreed. I don’t know why Konami hates leaks so much when it’s cards already released in TCG/OCG. If you don’t want others leaking then you have to leak the information way ahead so no one else can benefit from that info. They still announce new cards a couple days before the new packs are available in-game instead of a month ahead like how Dkayed does. My guess is they want you to be as inefficient as possible with how you spend your gems to get you to want to buy gems because you didn’t save gems for these new meta defining cards coming in the next 3 days. Also Konami literally bans you from events for years if you post a picture of an unreleased TCG card on social media and sends private investigators to knock on your door asking where it is, how did you get it, etc. That’s how much Konami hates leaks. They’ve been doing a better job in TCG announcing new cards way ahead of release date lately. Just apply that same effort to MD.
They could never make me hate you Dkayed
when feinting nibiru, shroedinger's cat is still in the box.
when activating fateful, the cat's destiny has already collapsed
"legally cheat" is more accurately related to something common in games like poker... A tactic the film "Rounders" describes as "spotting a tell".
On one hand, the opponent getting a prompt can inform you that they have something to stop you... But as you mentioned with turning responses on, it can also be used to bluff someone.
I come to find I dislike the people who dislike Dkayed
Agreed 💯👍
Bro's tournaments are actually crazy that it inspired me to make experimental decks from meta weekly, perfect banlist, etc.
He's just a chill guy trying to play yugioh online
just like the Fateful Adventure, i remembered i use to do this but for isolde 🤣 if i knew they had ash in hand, i skipped the first effect to search card to hand, and went to using the 2nd effect right away to special summon from deck . (since everyone's mindset was not to ash the 1st effect) it felt like it worked liked 75% of the time if they weren't paying attention. the dead giveaway was dumping for cost but i was surprised how this was still able to work lol
As someone who doesn’t have any irl friends that play the TCG let alone MD, DKAYED has been the most influential creator that helped me get into the game. With out his content I would have never made it past day 2 of MD. His videos have taught me so so so much about chain linking, resource management, crucial chokepoints, deck building tips, etc….. if it weren’t for that man I would have never been able to enjoy the last year and a half of playing yugioh
I can't stand him or his values but there's no denying how helpful his websites can be.
I use that website all the time. Would be completely awful if i didn't mention how great the site was. The ads on mobile can be a bit overwhelming from time to time but its a trade that I am perfectly with.
I mean I still like Dkayed. His guide on Duel Links helped me a lot when I started getting into yugioh in 2020, and I still watch him cuz he cool
Agreed, his guides have been instrumental in helping players learn specific combos and decks.
It is the responsibility of both players to maintain and uphold an honest and legal gamestate.
Trying to activate a card with multiple effects and not declaring which effect until you hurriedly start to resolve the effect your opponent didn't know you were trying to use is very much unsportsmanlike and problematic.
Unless you are legitimately playing the same Deck and there's no ambiguity with how the effects worth, if your opponent is activating whatever they want and not clarifying until resolution, make them start clarifying what is happening during activation. Your opponent legally must answer truthfully what their cards do when asked, whether it be an effect, Level, ATK/DEF, anything.
Technically, you can ask your opponent about any card that could be relevant to the Duel as long as it's not slow play or intended to distract from the Duel. If your opponent is playing a LIGHT Deck then you can ask something like "How much DEF does Neo the Magic Swordsman have?" and your opponent technically has to answer truthfully but when you fire off "How much ATK does Winged Kuriboh have?", "What Type is Maiden of the Moonlight?", "Is Cloudian - Sheep Cloud a LIGHT Monster?", then you are clearly doing it to distract the opponent and/or slow down the Duel which is not allowed.
Point is, keep your opponent honest. This game goes far smoother for everyone involved if you and the opponent are honest with each other. You can flip up your backrow like you have an activation or whatever a handful of times but actively lying to the opponent is not it.
To me he's just a guy. He does a lot of good; he makes some mistakes along the way, but overall he's just doing his thing. I like using a lot of hyperbole when talking about himand what he does, but really he's just like you or me being passionate about content for the game.
I've never met the guy, it's unfair to assume he's a bad person based off sensationalism. It does seem like based on the recurring drama that seems to be magnetized to him that he values content more than the game and because of that he has lost a lot of credibility in my eyes. He has also been super helpful for a friend of mine who has been just getting back into the game and for whatever reason dkayed is the most digestible content for him. So just because I'm not going to get excited about him that doesn't mean I need to vilify him to all my peers.
Without dkayed i cant compete in MD Challenger Cup, My Regional MD tourney etc.
"I am going to be totally unbiased about all of this. Anyway, Dkayed is an amazing person and has done nothing wrong."
12:03 He wasn't talking about in MD for that, he was solely talking about in TCG and purposely misrepresenting the gamestate to the opponent. MD should also tell you what effect your opponent is using anyway.
18:11 Not cool on mocking the poster like that.
Honestly, the Untapped issue feels like a villain act here. They were unaware of the bug and wasn't public knowledge about how to view hidden lists. Meanwhile Dkayed just went ahead and visibly posted and brought attention to the lists later on his own site [which of course would boost the traffic to his site, so that's a boon to him from a business stand point.]
He's a businessman first, before he's a player. And that skews his decisions towards making money. By creating drama, etc, he makes himself more visible, people talk about him, maybe check out his content, gain followers and so forth.
Before the Fateful Adventure drama, I'd never heard of him and to me, all the negativity surrounding him outweighs the good he's done.
Dkayed is a legend and nobody can tell me otherwise. He has given me so many free resources (MDM, DLM, Videos) over the years.
Dkayed hosts weekly tournaments for MD, which is consistent and is entertaining knowing about MD meta. Regarding controversies, it's minor overall, compared to actually major issues in society. The worse one is more the crypto stuff, but he quickly stopped those actions.
When it comes to MD and ygo, offers more info about the game than any other content creator. Explains mechanics, strategies, and how decks work. You can tell he is passionate about this game and its gameplay.
Overall, one of the best in teaching yugioh and supports the community with the weekly tournaments. Outside of that, as a person, he doesnt seem evil or bad at least to my knowledge.
I'd have never stuck around if his website didn't exist. Coming from zero experience playing the game except schoolyard games in the 2000s and now I've sank 3k hours on master duel. It was a vtuber that brought me to the game but dkayed that made me stick with it. My first attempt to play a meta deck was in season 5 with prank kids and I remember how detailed one of the guides were on his site, learned the deck and essentially got fast-tracked to understanding how the modern game works.
I never skip a Dkayed video, love his style, one of the best on the scene. Keep the leaks coming.
I've learned more interactions from his videos than the actual game
Honestly hes clearly passionate of Yugioh and its his livelyhood. There are way worse things people do in this world and Dkay seems he just wants to promote and play a card game he loves
I only played Duel Links for a week or two when it came out before I was like, this is some p2w cash grab BS, I'm out. So I never stuck around long enough to know who Dkayed was back then. I only know him from Master Duel, and I've been acutely aware of this unspoken controversy, that has made me think he must've done something basically cancellable at some point. But if all his controversies were covered in this video, then I really don't understand what all the fuss is about.
On the whole, I think leaks in MD are a good thing. Above all, it lets players know whether they should save their gems and UR CP, instead of wasting them for the sake of it.
The "Legally Cheat" 'controversy' isn't even a controversy imo. It's educational more than it is nefarious. The only reason anyone could really get mad about all that was if they were someone who wanted to abuse the mechanics that he was exposing. Or, they don't understand the oxymoron, and are triggered by the term because it contains the word "cheat.
And I use MD Meta on mobile 99% of the time, and have adblock on PC for the other 1%. Nobody likes ads, but on mobile they aren't intrusive enough to detract from how user friendly and useful the website is.
Good video. It was informative, well explained, and you took a lot of care to be objective, and were transparent about any biases you thought you might have. Knowing what I know now, the hate Dkayed gets is weird and unjustified imo. Idk if it's because the community is a bit too sensitive, or if they're just shilling for the faceless, money hungry corporation.
I started playing YGO for real for the first time 2years ago with MasterDuel (only played as kid)...
for disclosure , I always use adblocks ... und you should too ...ust for your own safety! even google would say so, if they dont make >90%of their revenue from ads
But without Dkayed it would be to hard for me to learn new decks and stay competitive , he has the best website and best streams for learning (competitive) MasterDuel.
I dont really like leaks, in music, entertaining or here in YGO ... but I understand his POV someone would leak it anyway and its just an easy boost for his money and audience
and yeah soe people watch/love him only for his leaks, soo...
In conclusion, he mostly just does his job and he does it well (imo)!
...if he wouldnt be the most-known YGO teacher & comp channel , someone else would be it and I dont believe that the most people would do it better.
Past videos of his twitch streams are locked behind a paid subscription. If you want to hear his thoughts about the world's decklist situation when it happened out of his own mouth, I have compiled most of it into a video on my channel. No commentary, just cut clips.
I have the whole stream recorded with twitch chat and its 17GB in size
Back to fortnite!
Dkayed is the hero we need, not the hero we deserve.
Imagine you play against ice barrier (very predictable to waste your ash/impermanence), but imagine you play against a katshira with special summon to search... would you negate thinking its a pure katshira or would you wait for ice barrier? we are in the scenario of having no spoilers and you are going first. Who would guess every katshira player plays also ice barrier?
The surprise factor is fun, even more if rogue arctypes are in the game when going first against the player.
There will be no surprise in the second and eventually the thid game, but a "win by a surprise factor" still a win. Like a trap card in 2000's you risk to be a magic card bluff and its not.
But if you have benefit of going first, it's also disadvantage. You will have mindset to counter archtypes that are common and with build very oriented to the meta, you will have certain handtraps at set number for certain predictable searchers and effects on the field. If a "fake searcher" is summoned, you used your resource.
Not spoiling benefit who does second but highly gives impresion you will be punished by wasting your handtraps in the second turn.
I don't think Dkayed is hated as a content creator. He is hated for his personality. Bro is a Manchild, toxic, pushing his oppinions onto people.
He might be good for the community with guides and the website, but I will not be able to appreciate any of that because it's hard to look past his behaviour.
Bro stop the nonsence hate,he is a good man
@@CrimsonDemon311 that's 🧢.
I feel he is more about chaos than being good or bad... he is like the chaos monsters requiring both light and dark monsters... Realistically though, he tends to only sway one way or another because of outside influence even if it isnt public, and he is pretty generally smart and importantly he and his streams can be quite entertaining
Youre so right Jesse dkayed has sunk so much money into tournaments and his website FOR the community he loves yugioh and players shouldnt be so uptight about his short comings because the game is a lot better with him than without him. We Love dkayed!
Whew I wouldn’t know what to do if dkayed was a villain
personally i always took the whole "legally cheating" thing as more of an example rather than a call to conduct cheating. I'm sure he knows many of his viewers also play the TCG so he wanted to give an example of what he's describing to those players and people misinterpreted him.
Additionally I think the blacklash was the far greater crime, the person leading the drama against Dkayed burned so many bridges with his own friends fighting dkayed and many youtubers came out the wood works for their own self gain
I also think it was said on the fly in a live stream and he didn't really intend to get the traction that he thought he would get on that bit.
TL;DR: Hero, anyone that hates him is just envious.
As a casual, i never knew about untapped. Dkayed published the leaked deck lists and it brought light to the problem.
"Legally Cheat" is the same, a problem being exploited that needed to be resolved.
About leaking new cards, i thing Konami is wasting promotional material, people are curious and Dkayed are providing what they want. Spoiling what cards comes in the next pack does not impact the gameplay experience today.
Master Duel Meta and r/masterduel: not a monopoly, no one is forced to go there and anyone is free to do better than Dkayed and his team.
why does he have to be anything, bro just wants to play games online, the yugioh community is so weird
He is both hero and villain. He’s done a LOT for the scene, but also what he did during the WCS was truly scummy. Leaking cards in players decks that they didn’t even draw or play! That was a massive L on his part.
Still, i try to believe that he’s more good than bad overall.
i hate hoe yugiohmeta shows x2 or x3 on top of the card rather than showing 2 or 3 copies of said card like every other deck visual. it's harder to visualize the deck as a whole. everything blurs together even. when you have 3 copies of each card, you can see which ones are more important at a glance. youre not overwhelmed with 20+ different artworks, they're more spaced out and you can visualize the deck better. it's also more work to see if a deck is 40 cards exactly bc you have to look for that information instead of just glancing at the entire deck.
Dkayed is definitely an anti hero.
I learned to love Yugioh because of Dkayed. I used to watch him when I was starting out (Harpy meta in DL) and I moved together with him when he switched his focus to MD. He might not be the best competitive content creator out there but he's the most entertaining in my opinion. His meta weekly is always fun to watch along with his live commentaries and bit of information. His leaks are peak and it gives excitement to MD players knowing what are in the packs they are going to pull next.
I also think that he is somewhat related to Konami and they just play good and bad cop.
In the opponent's turn I'd turn my interactions off and turn it on the moment the summon the fifth time too lmao. They get so scared that they'd go straight to Baronne or some other Omni negate to stop my "Totally Real Nib That I Totally Have In My Hand 100% Real No Cap" and end their turn just to find out that I'm playing Labrynth or Runick.
Hello Jesse, I found your channel recently and I like it. I would like to leave a recommendation here.
Try to make this type of content more clear, condense and organized. Also the background music gets anoying you can lower it a little or remove it. But this is my opinion, you do you of course.
1. Dkayed
2. Jesse Perez
3. Skilled Yugi tubers (Joshua, Jesse, SamuraiX)
4. Yugi grifters (Farfa, mbt, cimo, distantCoder, ect...)
Never heard of this dkayed card
Maybe the thing with Untappd was Dkayed finding a dangerous bug, telling them, and they wouldn't fix it, so he showed them how big a deal it was while presuming to take the fall for them if anything happened (though this scenario is a product of my imagination). But my point is that no one really knows
But really, I wanted to hear what you had to say about masterduelmeta being a force that imposes homogenization upon the deck lists you come across in the game, and that discourages experimentation in general
I followed Dkayed after I had already followed other yugitubers. There is a lot of hate towards him because he's not apart of their clic. He's growrh was insane on both the duel links side and the MD side.
He's a hero of the people with selfish tendencies. "Legally cheating" is just a phrase he came up with to describe getting an edge in a duel online. Everyone does it. There was a slight delay? Oh that means my opponent has a response. I bet it's imperm. Damn I'm cheating crazy.
Leaking the MD decklists for worlds? They were already leaked. Dkayed merely exposed the fact they were out there. Exposing the information was highly beneficial for him.
Dude is a good dude, just selfish. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with that
the legal cheating drama was about him saying you can use it in tcg which is false and illegal. But i'm sure he will give you a dlmcoin for your comment, good dog
@akkimessiah3219 you technically can. If I say effect to search and my opponent says sure and they're shocked by what I searched that's not my fault. They should have asked for what.
@@akkimessiah3219 The lagal cheating drama was coder looking for more drama to start to get cloud for him to go all in on content creation. I highly respect both coder and dekayed but he jsut got chought in the crossfire there (it also was the third coder drama in like 2 month at that point).
@@ALdragon4 No it's not on them to make your intention clear, it's on you and that's part of the rules. Trying to cheat to make the game state ambiguous or bluffs is cheating. 1 dlmcoin has been deposited to your account dkayed dog, you've been a good boy
@@akkimessiah3219 My intentions are very clear. If you're not bright enough or too shy to ask, hey that's on you. I'm not cheating or being ambiguous. I'm letting you know I'm trying to search. These are higher level strats and if you can't keep up, it's ok. The conversation ends here for me
agreed. Nothing more to say
Dkayed is definitely good for the community overall. He was way out of line with the releasing of the world championships list, and he shouldn't have made the comments either about Judeo wanting to scout other decks and what not. Other than that though, I think he has pretty much only done good for the game.
This is why Dkayed stays to himself, to avoid all this. I enjoy his videos and his website. Overall he's a great guy. Hate seeing these videos that try to make him look like a villain.
not gonna talk about how he scammed a bunch of people with dlmcoin? you sound pretty biased
When did that happen ?
@@Cobracouncil duel links days. Started a crypto called dlmcoin and spent every stream telling people to invest in it. That's when i stopped watching him
It has been NINE(9) days since akkimessiah3219 was asked to elaborate on what the dlmcoin scam was.
Proceeds to pop up a spright.
The sprite joke was well done, love your videos Jesse !
Definitely a villian
Hero of the people
Villain for the Karens
PS: You look like a nerd version of mr. beast xd that's hilarious
If it wasnt for him, I wouldnt be playing MD as simple as that
Dkayed is a villain in my view. Some people defend what he did. But it's wrong. Those decklists that were leaked during the World Championships were not supposed to be public information. The players were not supposed to know what their opponents were playing before their matches started. The players spend all this time and energy building strategies for success only to have them leaked out by some jackass who couldn't wait after the tournament to post decklists. Dkayed is wrong and needs to be punished.
Bluffing isn't cheating. The fateful adventure effect is different because it is outright lying/misrepresenting the game state.
Yeah idk man I think he's pretty fuckin cool. I don't watch his streams because his chat's kinda much but as a guy who works a lot and tries to enjoy MD on the side whenever I can... I like him 👍
EDIT: and I fuckin love master duel meta site, it's so damn helpful, very easy to navigate and easy to figure out decks/deck planning and all
ppl complying about proxys in mtg is stupid, this is almost on this level, what are the official Yugioh rules on looking at deck list use that, if it's legal, it's legal. Dk is like a meta guy keeping both the MD and DL alive for Competitive ppl.also set spoilers are a good thing so i know what is in a set and to get hype for it as well, it makes no seance do it like how mtg has it, it's random and vary unexpected, it makes sets forgetful.
about the "legal cheat" around min 12/13 u can't do that, if anyone has ever bothered to open the log on the right u will actually see what effect is declared, technically u don't even have to open the lof o nthe right as a prompt will briefly appear on top right corner to let u see what oppo choose as an effect, all that stuff is just a bad excuse for someone being lazy and willingly open to missplays
Before the master duel update that also fixed the issue the log would only say "Effect of X card activated" and wouldn't actually list the exact effect being used.
the sprite ad joke was quite funny
What was even the point of making this video?? This seems way too off of what the chanel is about (interesting and unexplored gimmicks)
There is no such thing as being evil or a hero, the dude is just another person that makes videos and content about yugioh, you might like or dislike the things that he does but thats it
Between him and all the people who cause drama with him he's the only one I can stand watching.
Coming from TCG side and tried MD, i wouldn't consider dkayed to be very knowledgeable. And i wouldn't call his guides to be helpful to any competent TCG player who's looking to play master duel. This is because his guides/decklists that he have are generally taken from TCG top decklists, with his plays mirroring that of what TCG player discovered. The deck has already been solved by competent TCG players and he's just putting others work into his own guides with a few tweaks. However i will give his guides credits towards new players who wish to get into MD. But for any competent players his guides are hardly helpful usually.
That's an interesting perspective that I haven't really considered. His latest "leak" guides do usually showcase some other youtubers showing a combo and him just talking about it rather than his own.
But for the newer player community it's good which in a lot of respects that's what the guides are for.
@@JessePerezStrategyGaming yeah he does that a lot actually. I think that is part of the reason why many who dislike him are from the TCG side. But honestly some his fans dont help either. I have seen multiple times his fan attacks TCG content creators, especially those who works with Konami like Farfa or Joshua Schmidt. Using very insulting languages like calling them corporate shills, butt lickers ect.
I noticed he does reference a lot of RUclips combo videos lately when it comes to his leaks and it does seem a bit lazy. At least he credits where he’s learning it from.
I do like how he emphasizes that a certain card/combo is exclusive to MD because some cards used in the combo are banned in both TCG/OCG. There are also gameplay mechanics that he emphasizes for players to show the difference between TCG and MD/OCG like chain blocking using your own cards in your hand compared how you cannot do that in MD/OCG (ex: TCG Chain link 1 Robina normal summon effect, chain link 2 Simorgh, Bird of Perfection in-hand effect to chain block verses MD/OCG opponent has a chance to respond). People say he “over explains” but I think it’s a good reminder for people to understand the differences between these games. I wouldn’t blame him entirely on MD trying to transition to TCG and realizing it’s very different and him being a bad guide. During the Konami shareholders meeting someone said their friend loved MD and tried to get into the physical card game (OCG) and found out it was very different and difficult to learn and how to address this problem. Automated simulators hold your hand and when you remove the training wheels, it’s a completely different experience.
I do see fan bases attacking each other and I would never understand why you need to defend anyone else on the internet.
Outside of the leaks most of the guides and decklists are user submitted? If yall want to hate that's fine but don't just make shit up lol. Gonna hide this channel yall meatspinning
Some people don't wanna hear that 10:32 guess that would be me :D Tho I appreciate certain things on dkayed guides. Even if the overall argument is wrong the details, explanation of mechanics and that sort of stuff is quite on point (not to a degree of a judge but quite accurate) and he explains in a way that beginner would understand. Legally cheat thing was overall beneficial to community because now we have specifications on which effect of the card is activated. In terms of whether legally cheating was to be blamed on perpetrator or not? I would say it was konamis fault and its a competitive game so if you get a legal advantage then people are going to take it. To Konami's credit they fixed the issue. If it was a company like bandai namco they wouldn't fix it.
The deck reveal thing he was %100 for blame. Here is the thing as a media Dkayed doesn't have the right to use anything thats outside of public domain. So him putting those decks in website or video is use of unauthorized material. It is like if someone leaked coca cola's recipe and facebook put it on the mainpage of everyone. He didn't get in trouble only because its a card game and your decks are not considered trade secrets which they should be tbh if this game is going to be considered competitive moving forward.
What should he have done on leaked decks? Well he should have made a video that he was not gonna put them on his video or website but the information is leaked and the tournament is already ruined. Now the dude who put that comment was obv very pissed at the situation and already hated dkayed but there are some valid points there as i mentioned.
This was a little out of the "content type" but great vid bro keep it up :)
i think there are a lot of master duel features actually implemented because of him
Without him, his community and the website this game is gonna be dead at launch. Launching was so bad newbie and return player keep getting clap by the dumb drytron and herald. The guy stop making DL and I bet many ppl stop playing DL because there are no good content to watch like usual. You can say there are other content creator but not on his level. His chat is funny and he explain everything very clear in the shortest way possible without making a dumb 10 minutes video about something you should only talk in a minute. Ye he leak stuff left and right but who cares? If not him other will and everyone have access to those stuff. Leaking new card help hype up the game. Done more good than harm in my oppinion. It's funny when he got ban from something he don't even care about then other CC start sucking fame out of it haha ( and I don't mean you, I'm not watching your content this video pop up randomly and I see you making a point of him doing good and doing bad stuff. Respect. Unlike some other CC start trash talking instantly I don't even know they exist xD )
Unless yugioh becomes a card game where everyone else is using different deck, no mirror Match, then the website is a problem, if not, then it's good, normal people appreciate the website, the ads is not that bad, it's free what you expect 😂
I was waiting to see of the video would mention the dlm coin debacle, but either this person is not aware of it or is willing to ignore it.
I was not aware of it at ALL and I have been following yugioh and meta trends for a while.
Apologies I will have to look into it and report back after I am able to properly formulate a opinion.
My general stance is I do not like crypto and I have a no tolerance policy against crypto scams . If it turns out he was trying to hatch or promote such a thing with the intention to scam public at large he immediately gets villian status.
Dkayed is good in my books.
Your camera setup is crooked, just fyi. Love your videos. I recommend upgrading your background. Make it more inviting for people to look at. Good luck and god bless
These comments are probably my favorite as it actively helps me improve as a content creator. Funny enough I was shopping around in the stores looking at Xmas gifts for the family when I stopped to try to see if I can find an upgrade for the camera. I after the holidays
So this pretty much confirmed it. Thank you so much!
I don't think you explained the "spoiler" issue very well. It's more of an issue of leaking non-public information of a corporation. Depending on your location, it can be illegal. While I don't think that would apply to him but to the source of the information, he's benefiting from that illegal act which is definitely unethical.
How is it unethical? Konami(master duel) hasn’t given him a single warning about his leaks which indicates they don’t really care but on the contrary Konami allows his leaks because it basically is free advertisement, not to mention Konami can get rid of him in the MD scene if they wanted to(Leak wise).
@Cobracouncil there's literally a screenshot in the video of him getting banned for it. Also leaking is inherently unethical not considering extenuating circumstances. I need content so I can make money is not extenuating
I don’t not want leaks in the tcg at least. I wanna know what’s coming since you literally have to spend money on physical cards. It’s not a crime to plan spending lol
dkayed overview always does well, but his guides leave a lot more to be desired imo... he gives off the vibe that he doesnt care about the actual game, like he just catalogs it for revenue, and its been like that ever since his drama with distant coder surfaced.
I only unsubbed to him and went over to ygoprodeck after he spoiled the worlds decklists, please dont think i have something against the guy, i just dont want to take risks with his content anymore
The only thing I hate tht dkayed does is the floodgates guides. He always states he hates floodgates but the easy floodgates guide he showcases he claims is good for beginners but the fact really is in most cases it's not beginners who use those decks most the times. It's incompetent intermediate duelist. When he does showcase a deck ur almost garenteed to face said deck several times per play session for few days if not weeks
Also hate the adds on masterduelmeta on mobile
I don't dislike him i just don't like him revealing players decks at tournaments.
They were already able to be found publicly if I remember right he just pointed it out.
@@SF17777Yeah, but not nearly as many people knew about it before he spread the message.
He didn't igmite the fire, but he sure added alot of gasoline to it.
He was cool when he did Master dual and duel links but now that he's trying to act like he knows more than that it's kind of whack
Back to fortnite
Guys it’s me dkayed on my pet dog account I am good guy trust I like hotdogs and mangos. I summon tearlamenrs Kevin hart or whatever thanks for the support.
Dekayed is competative. Farfra and the boiis are not so they chill af. So i see no issue
Regarding the "legally cheating", the examples you gave where you act like you have nibiru, etc., are not really comparable to what you paraphrased which is basically giving incomplete information to your opponent and hoping they misinterpret you/don't follow up when you're supposed to give full information. Your examples are supplemental to the game. You're just acting.
all his haters uses his website daily
I kinda agree with this Mr. Beast video
Dkayed milks the yugioh fanbase because he knows its full of whales. his website is useful for basic information and his tournaments used to be a lot better and more consistent in the duel links days. He uses the website to imbed viewers into his streams to fool his sponsors. He is a complete scoundrel that may have single handedly shown konami than MD would be viable.
Anti-hero, he is something like anti-meta
Depends on what u think of him personally I think he's a jackass giving leaks and spoilers pretty much ruins the entire game of Yu-Gi-Oh and him doing it makes him a jackass
No his not bad, the thing is tap screw up and made those replays accessable and didnt even acknowledge it and most player shill that product
See I don't like Dkayed for 1 reason and 1 reason alone.
His wording when covering games and what people do saying things like "legal cheat" and the like which is just 100% wrong and disingenuous because if you tried to do any of the stuff in a real game and a judge get's called it won't end well for ya, and will get you a reputation around locals n stuff from people.
its one thing to have have people misplay and get advantage thru that.
its another thing to try and be deceptive and confuse people.
and this isn't the first time he's said "legally cheat" he'd been doing it since day 1 of covering MD stuff and that just isn't kool