Dear mr keder mayer of deredewa i use to have great respect for your social values but now you failed one important thing you forgot or you did not know or ignored deredawa is the first industrial city of ethiopia because of the folowing reasons ethiopia djibouti rail system which was built in 1896 served the country as getway to the outside world ethiopian products like coffee hide and skin agricultural products for export was done by this rails and as the same time import from more advanced countries to develope the country (the whole ethiopia) has done by this lines major contribution for the growth and advasement of the country it is 121 years old system and it is still functional the trees are also the same age you destroyed them the other factors what makes deredawa the cotton processing company called kotony ethio cement chemindres meat packing company cocakola botling company these are companies which gave three shift job for the local people probably one of your old relatves had workers in one of this organization there is no one city in ethiopia which have these number of companies during that time the city was built with a plan the trees are not indejenes all imported from another country which can adapt the climate of semidesert condition that is why they lived up to now this city is historicaly very significant you should not take the vaibrant value which eached in many peoples mind if you want to expand the city you have open space between sedo and melka dont destroy the ambiance of this old beutiful city you are cliaming you are the son of deredawa cuting trees is like burning a libreary or losing a child when he or she only 15 years old trees tale history they provide beuty shade climate control hold the soil from erossion give you oxygen after all how many songs has been sang about deredawa you are destroying the beutiful memories of million of people if you want to expand there is planty of space please dont touch the old deredawa it speakes volume from industralization old town well planed city very diverse ethink group exellent tasty frutes many more ... when i saw the damge of emderbabour in the name of development my heart cry i am sure this is equaly share by others as well please save deredawa i share the consern of the journalist deredawa do not need grass needs the old trees very sad your so called expert has no any kind of knowledge about plants hydrology he could not answer one question right asked by the reporter very sad the reporter mentioned about the nevada agrement that shows you water coservation which benefit deredawa and its people i hop deredawa will be restored the way it was land between melkam and sedo will be ideal for your growth and expansion the industrial park is not far from this place thanks
የድሬ ያፈራችው ንቁ እና ብቁ ጊዜውን የሚመጥን በሳል አመራር በርታ ፈጣሪ እንደ አንተ ያሉ መሪዎችን ያብዛልን ተባረክ!!
የድሬ ከተማ አስተዳዳሪ እጅግ የምንወድህ የምናከብርህ ወንድማችን እቶ ከዴር በርታልን እግዚአብሔር ይባርክ ያሰብከውን ሁሉ ለህዝብ ያሳካልህ : 👍🙏👍
ከድር ጀዋር ማለት ከማንም በላይ እውነተኛ መሪ ነው እሱ ነበር ጠቅላይ ማድረግ የኔ አንበሳ ኑርልን አቦ ከአ'አ
በጣም አደንቀሃለው ከባሕር ማዶ ሆኜ ስሰማ ኩራት ይሰማኛል በርታልን የድሬ ልጅ
The best leader May Allah bless you for ever you are on the right track keep up it
የኔ ጀግና በርታ
I like this Diredawa guy he is amazing. መልአክ አይወርድልህም
ስሜነህ ስለ ሳር የጠየከው ጥሩ ጥያቄ ነበር ምንም እንኳን የመጀመርያው ተጠያቂ አጥጋቢ መልስ ባይሰጥህም ከንቲባው በሚገባ መልሶልሃል እባክህ አትጨቅጭቀው ይሥራበት!!!!!
ሁሉም ከድሬ ከንቲባ ተማሩ።።።ሰውሰው የሚሸት አስተዳዳሪ ድሬዎች አላችሁ ።ደስ የሚል አመራርነው እድሜና ጤና ይስጥህ
Honest guy we neeeed him in Higher position💪💪
No Nooo it's not the time. Abiy will eat him. ይሰለቅጠዋል ደም የጠማው አብይ
በሊቢያ ነው የምኖረው RUclips ቻናሌ 1000 ከገባልኝ ወደ ሀገሬ ገብቼ ስራ እጀምራለሁ እና ከችግር ውስጥ ወጥቼ ለሀገሬ እንድበቃ እርዱኝ ወገኖቼ😭😭😭
አንተ ሀገሬ ነው ያልከው?ከየትኛው ሀገርህ?እረ ስደት በለኝ ሀገርህኮ ሰው መሰል ጅብና የሰው ደም የሚጠጣ ፍጡር ወሮታል እረ ተረጋጋ ጋይስ ከሰው አስክሬን ላይ ቁጭ ብሎ ዳቦ የሚገምጥ ባለስልጣን ባለበት ሀገር ተው ይቅርብህ
ድሬ ህዝቡ ምረጥ አሰዳደሩ መረጥ የአላህ መታደል ነው
የድሬ ከንቲባና አስተዳደሩ እንዲሁም የድሬ ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን አቻ የማይገኝላቸው የመልካም የቅን ሰዎች መገኛ ናችሁ እና ምስጋና ይገባችኋል ❤
Respect kada
የኛ ምርጥ ከንቲባ አይቀይርብን
በጣም የምወደው ከንቲባ❤
Mayor of Diredawa city is All time the best ever elected official of the city of Diredawa!!!
ምርጥ ሰዉ በርታ አላህ ያግዚ ሁሉም ክልል ያሉ መሪዎች እንዲማሩበት አድርገውና አሳያቸው
He deserved higher position.
አቦ አጨቅጨቀው አይ ምንድነው የሚለው።
A city needs people living in it. Without town houses , the city is just an empty concrete jungle.
አሜሪካ እድሜ እና ጤና ::
በእውነት ስሜነህ ባይፈርስ ትለያለህ ሣላደንቅህ አላልፍም ።እንደ አቶ ከድር ያሉትን አመራሮች ያብዛልን!! እድሜና ጤና ሰጥቶ ያቆይልን!!
ማስቲች ስለሚስቡ ህጻናት የጐዳና ልጆች ትኩረት ተሰጥቶ ማስቆም ቢቻል ምክንያቱም ነገ ወደ ልጆቻችን መዛመቱ ስለማይቀር እንደ ሀሺሽ ነው እየተጠቀሙ ያሉት
አይ ስሜ ነህ ልፋ ብሎህ ነው የምትደናቆረው ሰው ሳይጠጣ ሳር ይጠጣ
ሳር እኮ ግዴታ አስፈላጊ አይደለም ... ለምን ሌሎቹ ላይ ትኩረት አታደርግም
አቦ ለምን ታሰጨንቀዋለህ የድሬ ሰው ጭንቀት አይመቸውም ፈታ ያለ ሕዝብ ነው ለቀቀ አርገን የድሬ ልጅ ሰለሆንኩኝ ነው ከባሕር ማዶ
😂💯ዶሮን ሲያታልሏት፣ውሀው የሚሞቀው ለገላሽ ነው አሏት።
ምንም ጥሩ ብትሰራ ከአሜት አተርፍም
ስሜነህ ክቡር አቶ ጀሀርን ባይመለከትም ወያኔ ከፍተኛ መስና የሰራበት አንድ ከፍተኛ ጀኒኔተር መተከሉን አስታውሳለሁ ምክንያቱም እንዲህ አይነት ችግር ሲገጥም እንዲያገለግል ነበር አሁን በምን ሁኔታ ላይ እንዳለ ጠይቅልኝ።
Jgena. ❤
በጣም ጋጠወጥ ጥያቄ ነዉ የምትጠይቀዉ ለራስ እንዲመች አድርገህ
አንበጣ ጀርባ ውሀ ሚመጣው በአመት 3ቴ ወይም አራቴ ነው ለዚያውም ጭቃ😢
ምነው ጥያቄ ጠፍብህ እንዴ
ስሜነህ ስትነሳ ኔጌቲሽ እይታ አይኑርህ እኔ ምን ሰራሁ በል መጀመሪያ አጀንዳ ካለህ ግልጽ አድርግ እውቅና ሊሰራበት እንጂ ሰው ሊጎዳበት አይደለም እንለወጥ ይበቃናል !
❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰🥰ትክክል ነው ጅግና
ክፍተት ለምሸፈን አትጋጋጥ ጋዜጠኛው ያነሳው ትክክል ነው። ልማታችሁ በጥናት ላይ የተመሰረተ ይሁን
ይህ ጋዜጠኛ በእጅጉ ጋጠወጥና አጉራ ዘለል ነው፡፡ አጠያየቁ ሁሉ ከመጀመሪያ ጀምሮ የመጣበትን ሁኔታ አመላካች ነው፡፡ አንድን ከንቲባ ተብሎ የተሰየመን ሰው ይቅርና ለተራ የቀበሌ አመራር የማይመጥን አጠያየቅ ነው፡፡ ከንቲባውን መጥላትም መውደድም በሰራው ስራ ማመስገንም ሆነ መንቀፍ መብት ነው፡፡ ፈፅሞ ግን ክብረ ነክ በሆነና ዝቅ በሚያደርግ መንገድ መጠየቅ የተጠያቂውን ሳይሆን የጠያቂውን ማንነት የሚገልፅ ነው፡፡
ፋኖ የአማራ ህዝብ ሰራዊት ነው ህዝብን ያሽነፈ መንግስት በአለም የለም የአብይ መንግስትም ከደርግ ከወያኔ አልተማረም መጨረሻው ግን የሁለቱንም መንግስት እጣ ነው የሚገጥመው::
Dear mr keder mayer of deredewa i use to have great respect for your social values but now you failed one important thing you forgot or you did not know or ignored deredawa is the first industrial city of ethiopia because of the folowing reasons ethiopia djibouti rail system which was built in 1896 served the country as getway to the outside world ethiopian products like coffee hide and skin agricultural products for export was done by this rails and as the same time import from more advanced countries to develope the country (the whole ethiopia) has done by this lines major contribution for the growth and advasement of the country it is 121 years old system and it is still functional the trees are also the same age you destroyed them the other factors what makes deredawa the cotton processing company called kotony ethio cement chemindres meat packing company cocakola botling company these are companies which gave three shift job for the local people probably one of your old relatves had workers in one of this organization there is no one city in ethiopia which have these number of companies during that time the city was built with a plan the trees are not indejenes all imported from another country which can adapt the climate of semidesert condition that is why they lived up to now this city is historicaly very significant you should not take the vaibrant value which eached in many peoples mind if you want to expand the city you have open space between sedo and melka dont destroy the ambiance of this old beutiful city you are cliaming you are the son of deredawa cuting trees is like burning a libreary or losing a child when he or she only 15 years old trees tale history they provide beuty shade climate control hold the soil from erossion give you oxygen after all how many songs has been sang about deredawa you are destroying the beutiful memories of million of people if you want to expand there is planty of space please dont touch the old deredawa it speakes volume from industralization old town well planed city very diverse ethink group exellent tasty frutes many more ... when i saw the damge of emderbabour in the name of development my heart cry i am sure this is equaly share by others as well please save deredawa i share the consern of the journalist deredawa do not need grass needs the old trees very sad your so called expert has no any kind of knowledge about plants hydrology he could not answer one question right asked by the reporter very sad the reporter mentioned about the nevada agrement that shows you water coservation which benefit deredawa and its people i hop deredawa will be restored the way it was land between melkam and sedo will be ideal for your growth and expansion the industrial park is not far from this place thanks
Hasabuma demographic mekeyer new... Lemma megersa adama lay sebeseba siderg anestotal ko... You planned it and we know.
ስለ ሳሯና ' ( Oxygen, Carbohydrate), 😂😂😂😂 ያወራህው ትንሽ.... የከንቲባችንን የእውቀት ደረጃ እንድጠራጠር አደረገኝ
Beta new yamudaw seu malte ate ne
እኔ ደግሞ ለምን ሀገር በወጣት አትመራም እያልኩ ነበር በብልፅግና መርዝ የተመረዘ ወጣቱም አዛውንቱም የወረደ መሆኑን በአንተ አየሁት አባየ የድሮ መሪዎች ተበድረው አምጥተው ቅድሚያ ከታች ያለውን ሀገር ተረካቢ የደሀ ልጅ ይመግቡ ነበር አሁን ለግብረሰዶሞች ያመች ዘንድ ከተማ ማሳመር ነው የያዛችሁት መብራት፣ፎቅ፣መንገድ ቢያምር ደሀው አርሶ አደር በሰላም ካላመረተ ያራችሁትን መልሳችሁ ትመገባላችሁ ጠብቁ ምን የመሰለ የብልፅግና የመጨረሻ ልጅ ነው እባካችሁ ደሀን የረሳ
@vftygyyi4799 በጉማ ለየኮ በግ በአውሬ እየተበላች አሰማም ለምን በግ ሆነችና የበግ ጭንቅላት በአንጎል ከልክ በላይ የተሞላ ስለሆነ ለራሱዋም አታውቅም ቀበሮ ላቷን እየበላት እሷ የፊቷን ሳር ትበላለች ግን ላቷን ሲጨርስ ከአንጀቷ መድረሱን አታውቅም ለምን በግ ሆነችና አቶ ሰው መሳይ በጉ
ስንት የገጠር ህዝብ የመጠጥ ውሃ የማያገኝበት፣ መብራት ቅንጦት በወነበት ሀገር ስለ ኮሪደር ልማት ማውራት አይጋጭም። የኢትዮጵያ poverty index 72%..ነው።
የተቀረውን ደግሞ አንተ ስራ
@@genetyilma7717እስቲ ሰው ሥራ አሱሩ ፍተላ ትታችሁ !!!!