I agree. Geo is number 1 for me. Great in Iron Twin, Hydra, Clan Boss and also Spider. He is the big boss killer. He is so good for early game, late game, every level of the game. He is basically the cheat code.
My thoughts: 1) Skullcrusher probably deserves to be on this list if Toragi is this high on it. 2) Doompriest is probably my most notable omission. Truly a fantastic champion in a lot of places in the game, from doom tower to hydra to a faction war carry (doing the last boss without her is a nightmare when progressing through it). 3) Deacon probably should be above seeker given your general emphasis on dungeon and progression content. 4) Tagoar at least deserves a shout out. I think he's a tossup with some of the names at the bottom of list, but it's definitely an argument. 5) Overall a pretty good list and enjoyable watch, and thanks for all that you do!
would be interested in seeing a faction series where you do a bunch of separate faction videos covering the top 3 of each role for faction wars to make a viable team to complete it
Great list and video. A couple of honourable mentions for me would be fayne for damage in unkillable cb and a personal favourite Archmage Hellmut for all round utility.
Love these lists. Venomage, Khatun, Skraank, Maneater carrying me through early-ish to mid-game. They are all so useful everywhere in the game. Skraank is even a great arena nuker/follow-up single damage dealer. Love that weirdo.
Magnarr should have been on the list. Depending on when you get her but Skullcrown was my campaign farmer, arena nuker, wave clearer for so long in the beginning. Honorable mentions to Psylar/Achak/Mordecai/Jareg who all could be in that 20-25 range.
Actually using Fatman and Husk in Reflex on Magmadragon together with UDK and Coldheart. Keeps the dragon locked down really well. Grats on getting Kael this rotation. Looking forward to the guide =)
Great comprehensive list that I can recommend to all newer players! Definitely some snubs since there are so many good epics out there, but I wouldn't move things around here and agree with the picks
Great video. Some surprises tbh, which I don't necessarily agree with. I value late/end-game viability very highly, and some of the epics in this list may hard-carry you through early/mid game just to never see the light of day in late game. E.g. for me champs like High Kathun just don't belong here. Especially compared to someone like Shamael (who is behind her in this list), who many late game players do use in hydra (and some end game players even use him in live arena as a niche pick)
Ooh the Fat Man. I would move him up. Never thought he would add 15 M to my UNM clan boss team. Whether he is the stun target or not, he brings the pain!
Fun! Perhaps Archmage Helmut could get an honorable mention. Great picks, and nice to see High Khatun and Fenax get some love. Your recommendations help me a lot in knowing who to invest in. Much thx.
I found Geo to be crazy good in live arenas (at least at my level, I am nowhere near end game) but putting the burn on the opponent's nuker (they usually have lower RES), either the opponent will use an ability to cleanse it or when anyone deals damage to the team, that nuker melts away!! :) sooo satisfying!
Also worth mentioning that Shamael will counterattack an enemy with his A1 for every debuff that enemy places on your team, and each hit has a 50/50 of decreasing enemy buff duration. Its a nuts 'passive' for an A1
Really cool video :) as actully pretty much always Me personally idk where i would put them but Zargela, Gorgorab, Whisper, Genbo and i think when talking about top 25 even Gala Longbraids Where champions i was kinda missing
44:31 just pulled my Geo a couple weeks ago. Took me from 80% 2key CB first chest hydra to laughably ez 2key UNM and EZ max chest on normal hyrda. Also went up to lvl 12 on every affinity in twins
Getting a lot of these champs in later game really changes your perspective on them. So many just sit in my vault because I already have substitutes for them. I would LOVE if they put more uniqueness in each kit to resurrect them.
I've been doing some completely NUTTY things in Hard Spider with Akemtum... Putting together comps with him, Te'o, Venomage, Tyrant Ix... The burns, poisons, pops... It's SO MUCH FUN!!
Hahaha... I do only floor 2 hard spider and Akemtum is not fully built up yet, but him and Urticata! They use each other's hex for MASSIVE damage... sooo fun!
I think that HH has pigeon holed Madam as an arena only champ, which has severely underated her abilities. She is viable in every game mode. Maybe not the best, but still viable.
Psylar in a stun set is my most used epic not on this list, mostly for DT hard waves, FK, Dark Fae and Spider, AoE Drop Speedand Turn meter pushback, lets someone with Crowd Control come back around if she doesn't stun them herself. She was the first epic I booked on my account and her and apothecary let Kael, Warmaiden and Elhain beat up waves that'd have killed them if they got a turn
I initially had Psylar in stun too, but didn’t have the stats for Dark Fae. I regeared her and got dark fae done without Alure, and now I have a Hydra hard/brutal champ. Definitely could have been top 25
Great shoutouts for epics not in the meta. Especially like the Madame Serris consideration. Got her early on a f2p and has been part of my Arena teams ever since. Also pinch hits (American baseball term) in a lot of PvE content with that A3 def/atk down. Some quick trivia. I watched LeilaFox's RSL Lore channel and found out Fenax and Talia are a couple. Sacred Order is stacked with power couples. Romeo and Juliet. Cupid and Venus. Fenax and Talia. How about Plarium do some 5 min animations covering their stories 😍 Elhain and Kael have already shown RSL champs are BOTH lovers and fighters. Its cool that i have more than half of all the listed epics. Not so cool that many of them haven't been fully built or even levelled up yet. Working on it but its slow. Like, got skraank almost a year ago, but he's still not rank 6, or even level 50 rank 5. And Venomage and Dhuuk are chilling at 50 rank 5. But those epics built and equipped with my current best gear, they have been transformative. Aniri, Demytha, Geo, Guard, High Khatun, Serris, all have propelled my account in leaps and bounds. Of your list, my most wanted is definitely Seer. Thanks again for the video.
Toragi is legit. He can basically full heal himself from 1hp. His passive does fair damage, especially on multi hitting enemies. His ally protect combos with his reflect damage to help him put out damage so crit rate on him is useless. All he needs is accuracy, HP and speed.
I love the Toragi representation. I got him early in my main account, so I used him everywhere. The guy can solo Arcane Potion tower and Minotaur, among other places.
on dhukk, you also have to keep in mind that he is a attack down defense down debuffer with an 2 hit a1 who gets his damage off though defense, madam and stag both need you to either sacrifice their damage or sacrifice their survivability, just going to say, I dont think he was rated to high, I think he was never called out enough for how good he is due to his high survivability on any dungeon, in any arena where poly has not taken over the meta, he will likely live to get his skills off, and not be a wasted space to boot.
Totally agree geo as good as an epic as heartseeker as good as a rare. They one of a kind and worth building multiple copies of. Me myself have 2 geos and 2 hs built.
14:35 Allure’s a 2 is fantastic for my Fae team. My speed booster is Deacon, but he is so fast that even after the turn meter boost, the enemy Deacon takes a turn before my biker who is built relatively slow for my go second arena team. So Deacon puts out the drop defense, Alure then sleeps everyone immediately so the enemy deacon looses a turn and the run is safe from there
I got everyone on the list barring Godseeker, Dark Kael (obviously) Madame Serris, Toragi Akemtum and the much coveted Geo. But Skraank and Fylja carried me through the earlygame, I still use Demytha and Venomage in my CB team and Uugo, Seeker, Dhukk Stag Knight Deac and Fahrakin are staples on most of my teams. Seer is super useful but I feel like she's a tad overrated here and would bump her down a few spots, while Dhukk would rise several spots higher but to each their own. There are so many other cool Epics like White Dryad Nia, Fayne, Fodbor and Sandlashed, I genuinely like using them more than Leggos
Agree with most of that but Seer is awesome. She just nukes her way up the DT and any other waves. In new turn based tournaments she will be essential for non whales.
Geo is good for live arena. The turn meter reduction followed by the buff steal/removal get them every time. Plus the reflect damage pretty much insta kill most nukers lol
Ha!! I posted the same before I saw your comment (posted before me!)! Well met!! I have had so much fun in Live Arenas with him! The cornerstone is a high ACC and decent SPD :)
Rector Drath's Kit is pretty well a Void Affinity Kit even though she's Force Affinity. And the only flack you'll get from me about Fenax is that he should've been higher on the list. Hits like Ike Turner! Love me some Dark Kael as well. It's all about that Support Mastery Tree! The High Elven Royal Guards are top-tier, too! I have two copies of both Vogoth and Husk ... time to build the dupes! And the Godseeker?! She's in a league of her own. Use her in Live Arena as a trump. Uugo is SUPERGOOD, not SuperBad! Big T, what it do, nephew!? Toragi the Frog was on of my first Epic Summons alongside Fenax. I vouch for Toragi! I have a dupe of Geo' as well!!! Time to build him out ... Oh, where to find the time!?
Is Skullcrusher a top 50, or arguable top 25 with the team counterattack? I’m surprised to not see Sepulcher Sentinel on the list either. Great list though, tough to narrow all the champs to a top 25
Looks like a solid update. It would be great if they add the champion filter to the gallery because then one can view champions that they may not own, which have the specific characterics they are filtering for.
High Khatun is meh. Aox the Rememberer is so good and does so much. His kit is very similar to the Dark Kael you are obsessing over (arguably better but more support and less damage) but it also has turn meter reduction and very powerful aoe heal along with the debuff increase length, decrease attack, decrease crit and poison. I use Frozen Banshee + Aox in my clan boss and I couldn't see replacing either for Dark Kael.
There are many very good epics but these I use in a variety of content Doompriest, Flyja, Gwynneth, Mordecai, Rian, Urogrim (even after nerf), Ursala and Whisper just off the top of my head. Seems like most rares should be commons in todays Raid.
Oh, don't sleep on Vogoth for early DT waves,too. On my baby account (totally FtP) he's ensuring the auto-climb doesn't fail by forcing the A1. His Provoke and skill cooldown passive work great together.
I didn´t have Geo for the longest time, but now I got three, and about to 60 my second one. Some say it´s worth building even 3, but I´m not sure? 2 must be enough? Also, Demytha is one of my favorites! Still waiting for my Seer! (2+ years in)
HH, Can you please check if they have changed Ai for 12-7? I can't get the paragon cheese to work. They keep targeting the strongest character and ignoring my paragon
The one problem with Rector - She makes runs take SOOO much longer. If they made the animation of a veil heal 20 times faster I'd use her more. Still love her though.
Madame is in my high Gold V arena team. She's awesome in that role. But I think she's basically just an arena champ. But I never bring her (nearly never) in my live arena team; she just doesn't do damage, which I need a debuffer to do, or bring something else like Ukko. And Seeker is in my live and regular arena GO FIRST teams. He's SO annoying for people in live arena because he's actually my fastest (around 350 spd) instead of Arbiter (because everyone bans Arbiter), and with accuracy he's constantly provoking your opponent's scariest champion.
Can you please do a list for early game? I'm fairly early game so obviously this list where everyone is fully booked/best gear etc It would be great to know who champions are who doesn't need specific x set with specific x stats on each gear at level 16. Like if you have this champion you don't have to book them and they're good enough right out the box.
Shieldguard, Saurus, Armiger, Sniper wouldn't hurt but would wait til the others were done (all Uncommon). Saurus and Armiger are even endgame viable so I would start with them. DO buy dupes of those two from the market til they're booked. DON'T buy dupes or even singles of any others that you didn't draw or farm AND you aren't keeping. Warmaiden, Valerie (til you get something better so don't take her above 50), Spirithost (again, til you get a better champion), Executioner, all are farmable rares. By the time you've acquired and leveled these champions, you should have a firm enough grasp of the game to move on by yourself. Enjoy!
Miracle Heal works with Rector's Drak's Passive too. She needs acc to garantee the Dec Attk but it does land occ w/o any. She been a strong carry for my team since I started.
I agree with most of them but for many of them it depend in when u pull them. For me personally in moment I pulled champs like Meaneater, Demytha, Venomage they are in my vault cos I have no use for them. If I pulled them earlier it would be must build. I would add champs like: Psylar (I don't have but if I pull her I max her) Archmage Hellmut Magnarr
Been playing for 23 days. I got deacon from the starter code 'SUPERPOWERS' and i pulled maneater from ancient i think my first few days and used him for food. Heard its really good but it isnt as beneficial for a early early game player. Regret yes
On my free to play my first 2 Ogryn epics was maneater and skullcrusher and in dwarfs my first epic was Geo. BUT!!! On my main, which was started the 1st year Raid came out I still don’t have Geo or Maneater or Godseeker or the Cat or Skraank, So damn frustrating not pulling Geo and Godseeker tho. I have 100 Legos but no damn Geo 😞
Genbo, Doompriest, Conellia, Morag, are all top tier Epics that are auto builds. But I guess the question becomes, who would you swap out on Hades’ list for those champs. Tough call.
HOW in the hell is Archmage Helmet not on this... He is way better than High Khatun... Helmet is a fantastic first DT Normal champ. You can get him and he does some great dps and CC in Doom tower for a long time
I would really love to see Fenax in an arena team if it’s classic, or live arena if anyone has found a good clip of this. The RUclips videos I’ve seen so far of him in arena fights were underwhelming. I want to believe in him! I’m tossing up whether to build him or not.
25. Rector Drath @1:08
24. Madame Serris @2:51
23. Fenax @4:40
22. Inquisitor Shamael @6:35
21. Dhuuk the Pierced @8:14
20. High Khatun @9:36
19. Skraank @10:46
18. Alure @12:40
17. Fahrakin @14:44
16. Husk @16:00
15. Venomage @17:14
14. Dark Kael @19:40
13. Royal Guard @21:42
12. Vogoth @23:57
11. Godseeker Aniri @26:55
10. Uugo @28:20
9. Akemtum @30:07
8. Stag Knight @31:58
7. Toragi the Frog @32:55
6. Deacon Armstrong @34:33
5. Seeker @35:55
4. Maneater @36:53
3. Demytha @38:27
2. Seer @39:33
1. Geomancer @41:41
Apologies for the spelling
You, my good, sir, are a man of the people
Hanks for the timestamps😊
Timestamps are not on time.
@@benlaurie249 They're a couple seconds before each one.
Only one Epic I got in this whole list. Fucking hell experience for me
I agree. Geo is number 1 for me. Great in Iron Twin, Hydra, Clan Boss and also Spider. He is the big boss killer. He is so good for early game, late game, every level of the game. He is basically the cheat code.
My thoughts:
1) Skullcrusher probably deserves to be on this list if Toragi is this high on it.
2) Doompriest is probably my most notable omission. Truly a fantastic champion in a lot of places in the game, from doom tower to hydra to a faction war carry (doing the last boss without her is a nightmare when progressing through it).
3) Deacon probably should be above seeker given your general emphasis on dungeon and progression content.
4) Tagoar at least deserves a shout out. I think he's a tossup with some of the names at the bottom of list, but it's definitely an argument.
5) Overall a pretty good list and enjoyable watch, and thanks for all that you do!
You had to be that guy. Thank God you gave us the correct list. I'm so glad you shared your thoughts even though no one asked.
I got all of them except Akemtum (which i dont have) at level 60. So i pretty much agree with the list 👍🤗 Good work mr Hades!
Me too
would be interested in seeing a faction series where you do a bunch of separate faction videos covering the top 3 of each role for faction wars to make a viable team to complete it
Yeah I'd love to see that too
Great list and video. A couple of honourable mentions for me would be fayne for damage in unkillable cb and a personal favourite Archmage Hellmut for all round utility.
Love these lists. Venomage, Khatun, Skraank, Maneater carrying me through early-ish to mid-game. They are all so useful everywhere in the game. Skraank is even a great arena nuker/follow-up single damage dealer. Love that weirdo.
Magnarr should have been on the list. Depending on when you get her but Skullcrown was my campaign farmer, arena nuker, wave clearer for so long in the beginning. Honorable mentions to Psylar/Achak/Mordecai/Jareg who all could be in that 20-25 range.
No Ursala ? She carried me through everything when i got her early, super underrated.
I paid her with Valk all the time..
I like videos like this. Its like a refresher course on epic skills. I totally forgot Royal Guard does turn meter...and I have 2 built.
Actually using Fatman and Husk in Reflex on Magmadragon together with UDK and Coldheart. Keeps the dragon locked down really well.
Grats on getting Kael this rotation. Looking forward to the guide =)
Great comprehensive list that I can recommend to all newer players! Definitely some snubs since there are so many good epics out there, but I wouldn't move things around here and agree with the picks
One more thing to highlight on Toragi: Same as Rector his decrease ATK also applies when hitting weak (saw it happening many many times)
Great video. Some surprises tbh, which I don't necessarily agree with. I value late/end-game viability very highly, and some of the epics in this list may hard-carry you through early/mid game just to never see the light of day in late game. E.g. for me champs like High Kathun just don't belong here. Especially compared to someone like Shamael (who is behind her in this list), who many late game players do use in hydra (and some end game players even use him in live arena as a niche pick)
Ooh the Fat Man. I would move him up. Never thought he would add 15 M to my UNM clan boss team. Whether he is the stun target or not, he brings the pain!
Fun! Perhaps Archmage Helmut could get an honorable mention. Great picks, and nice to see High Khatun and Fenax get some love. Your recommendations help me a lot in knowing who to invest in. Much thx.
I found Geo to be crazy good in live arenas (at least at my level, I am nowhere near end game) but putting the burn on the opponent's nuker (they usually have lower RES), either the opponent will use an ability to cleanse it or when anyone deals damage to the team, that nuker melts away!! :) sooo satisfying!
Also worth mentioning that Shamael will counterattack an enemy with his A1 for every debuff that enemy places on your team, and each hit has a 50/50 of decreasing enemy buff duration. Its a nuts 'passive' for an A1
Really cool video :) as actully pretty much always
Me personally idk where i would put them but Zargela, Gorgorab, Whisper, Genbo and i think when talking about top 25 even Gala Longbraids
Where champions i was kinda missing
I would like to mention Archmage Hellmut.
Really good general purpose epic.
I wish had something to spice up his A1
44:31 just pulled my Geo a couple weeks ago. Took me from 80% 2key CB first chest hydra to laughably ez 2key UNM and EZ max chest on normal hyrda. Also went up to lvl 12 on every affinity in twins
"Fahrakin the fat! This dude brings a lot to the table."
Evidently he doesn't leave a lot on the table once he's finished lol
Getting a lot of these champs in later game really changes your perspective on them. So many just sit in my vault because I already have substitutes for them. I would LOVE if they put more uniqueness in each kit to resurrect them.
Great list. I would find a way to include Whisper on that list. Her kit in particular her passive is very unique and very powerful.
I've been doing some completely NUTTY things in Hard Spider with Akemtum... Putting together comps with him, Te'o, Venomage, Tyrant Ix... The burns, poisons, pops... It's SO MUCH FUN!!
Hahaha... I do only floor 2 hard spider and Akemtum is not fully built up yet, but him and Urticata! They use each other's hex for MASSIVE damage... sooo fun!
@@xypho6468 I do something similar with Michinaki! I was going to use Mithrala but Michi is better with his drop defense aoe
@@murmustafa I do not have Michi, but I would try some shenanigans with any decent hexer, for sure :)
Rector got buffed too! Her passive got sped up tons!
Very good list - I agree with most of these especially at the top end.
I think that HH has pigeon holed Madam as an arena only champ, which has severely underated her abilities. She is viable in every game mode. Maybe not the best, but still viable.
_Nobody can see me behind the screen and through the cold text..._
_...But I do appreciate HH taking the time to make these vids !_
The way you say Shraank's name cracks me up. thank you for the list
Demytha is number 1 for me. Takes your most important team(clan boss) to its full potential
Psylar in a stun set is my most used epic not on this list, mostly for DT hard waves, FK, Dark Fae and Spider, AoE Drop Speedand Turn meter pushback, lets someone with Crowd Control come back around if she doesn't stun them herself. She was the first epic I booked on my account and her and apothecary let Kael, Warmaiden and Elhain beat up waves that'd have killed them if they got a turn
I initially had Psylar in stun too, but didn’t have the stats for Dark Fae. I regeared her and got dark fae done without Alure, and now I have a Hydra hard/brutal champ. Definitely could have been top 25
Great shoutouts for epics not in the meta. Especially like the Madame Serris consideration. Got her early on a f2p and has been part of my Arena teams ever since. Also pinch hits (American baseball term) in a lot of PvE content with that A3 def/atk down.
Some quick trivia. I watched LeilaFox's RSL Lore channel and found out Fenax and Talia are a couple. Sacred Order is stacked with power couples. Romeo and Juliet. Cupid and Venus. Fenax and Talia. How about Plarium do some 5 min animations covering their stories 😍 Elhain and Kael have already shown RSL champs are BOTH lovers and fighters.
Its cool that i have more than half of all the listed epics. Not so cool that many of them haven't been fully built or even levelled up yet. Working on it but its slow. Like, got skraank almost a year ago, but he's still not rank 6, or even level 50 rank 5. And Venomage and Dhuuk are chilling at 50 rank 5. But those epics built and equipped with my current best gear, they have been transformative. Aniri, Demytha, Geo, Guard, High Khatun, Serris, all have propelled my account in leaps and bounds.
Of your list, my most wanted is definitely Seer. Thanks again for the video.
Solid list (maybe Toragi a bit too high). The only I'd add would be Genbo - a bit squishy, but man, smacks harder than most legos.
Toragi is legit. He can basically full heal himself from 1hp. His passive does fair damage, especially on multi hitting enemies. His ally protect combos with his reflect damage to help him put out damage so crit rate on him is useless. All he needs is accuracy, HP and speed.
When you went to Barbarians I really thought you had changed your mind on Woad Painted with her buff taking her in to top 25😊
I love the Toragi representation. I got him early in my main account, so I used him everywhere. The guy can solo Arcane Potion tower and Minotaur, among other places.
on dhukk, you also have to keep in mind that he is a attack down defense down debuffer with an 2 hit a1 who gets his damage off though defense, madam and stag both need you to either sacrifice their damage or sacrifice their survivability, just going to say, I dont think he was rated to high, I think he was never called out enough for how good he is due to his high survivability on any dungeon, in any arena where poly has not taken over the meta, he will likely live to get his skills off, and not be a wasted space to boot.
Have all of the non-void epics on this list (and almost all of them in the game) except geo
:( been waiting years for him
Just pulled me a rector yesterday, excited to build her out for hydra and more, didnt have veil previously
Genbo and Magnar needs to be on this list.
Not only on the list, but probably in the top ten!
Venomage was the champ that got me past the annoying Siphi/Rotos waves in hard DT, she rocks!
When magnar isn’t in the list, me and other players: *HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEE* 😂 great video HH lmao 💀💀💀
Since I pulled Nekmo High Katun has took a back seat but she was my speed engine until that point, great champ.
Totally agree geo as good as an epic as heartseeker as good as a rare. They one of a kind and worth building multiple copies of. Me myself have 2 geos and 2 hs built.
14:35 Allure’s a 2 is fantastic for my Fae team. My speed booster is Deacon, but he is so fast that even after the turn meter boost, the enemy Deacon takes a turn before my biker who is built relatively slow for my go second arena team. So Deacon puts out the drop defense, Alure then sleeps everyone immediately so the enemy deacon looses a turn and the run is safe from there
Venomage is so cool! I appreciate that there are a lot of strong and visually cool Epics. As a new F2P player, it helps a lot.
I got everyone on the list barring Godseeker, Dark Kael (obviously) Madame Serris, Toragi Akemtum and the much coveted Geo.
But Skraank and Fylja carried me through the earlygame, I still use Demytha and Venomage in my CB team and Uugo, Seeker, Dhukk Stag Knight Deac and Fahrakin are staples on most of my teams.
Seer is super useful but I feel like she's a tad overrated here and would bump her down a few spots, while Dhukk would rise several spots higher but to each their own.
There are so many other cool Epics like White Dryad Nia, Fayne, Fodbor and Sandlashed, I genuinely like using them more than Leggos
Agree with most of that but Seer is awesome. She just nukes her way up the DT and any other waves. In new turn based tournaments she will be essential for non whales.
Deacon, Toragi and Tagoar were early pulls for my account. As a ftp player these have been awesome for me.
Geo is good for live arena. The turn meter reduction followed by the buff steal/removal get them every time. Plus the reflect damage pretty much insta kill most nukers lol
Ha!! I posted the same before I saw your comment (posted before me!)! Well met!! I have had so much fun in Live Arenas with him! The cornerstone is a high ACC and decent SPD :)
I loved most of your choices but my only question is why no Miscreated Monster?
finally got my Geo last week, never maxed a champ so fast LOL
I love thease videos I watch them during my breaks
I thought Spider would be on that list. I use him in my Doom Tower (Hard) runs, Spider and Arena. very underrated champion.
Rector Drath's Kit is pretty well a Void Affinity Kit even though she's Force Affinity. And the only flack you'll get from me about Fenax is that he should've been higher on the list. Hits like Ike Turner! Love me some Dark Kael as well. It's all about that Support Mastery Tree! The High Elven Royal Guards are top-tier, too! I have two copies of both Vogoth and Husk ... time to build the dupes! And the Godseeker?! She's in a league of her own. Use her in Live Arena as a trump. Uugo is SUPERGOOD, not SuperBad! Big T, what it do, nephew!? Toragi the Frog was on of my first Epic Summons alongside Fenax. I vouch for Toragi! I have a dupe of Geo' as well!!! Time to build him out ... Oh, where to find the time!?
I pulled two maneaters, and I only use one of them for clan boss but both of them together is a hard carry through faction wars.
I’m such a sucker for great epic poisoners and burners. Even if I don’t need their kit per say, I still build them.
No Doompriest? I mean, i guess since i can't decide who to replace but, i really thought she would be on here. Thanks HH!
11:00 I was struggling for damage on ogre 19 and Skraank pushed me right through to a clear.
Alure is definitely alluring, especially because you'll never get a chance with her.
true, i got her from a sacred which kinda upset me bc mercy was pretty close at the time.
@@nathantodd8951 epics don’t reset mercy mate
dang that's deep homie lol
Get your coat
@@bakiyaro4452 they dont, but mercy was high enough for extra chance at lego. got a lego 2 shards later, but that took awhile.
Is Skullcrusher a top 50, or arguable top 25 with the team counterattack? I’m surprised to not see Sepulcher Sentinel on the list either. Great list though, tough to narrow all the champs to a top 25
Looks like a solid update.
It would be great if they add the champion filter to the gallery because then one can view champions that they may not own, which have the specific characterics they are filtering for.
High Khatun is meh. Aox the Rememberer is so good and does so much. His kit is very similar to the Dark Kael you are obsessing over (arguably better but more support and less damage) but it also has turn meter reduction and very powerful aoe heal along with the debuff increase length, decrease attack, decrease crit and poison. I use Frozen Banshee + Aox in my clan boss and I couldn't see replacing either for Dark Kael.
There are many very good epics but these I use in a variety of content Doompriest, Flyja, Gwynneth, Mordecai, Rian, Urogrim (even after nerf), Ursala and Whisper just off the top of my head. Seems like most rares should be commons in todays Raid.
I got it in my sec acc. And its my nr as well. I watched the video and waited wheres the gromancer🔥
Oh, don't sleep on Vogoth for early DT waves,too. On my baby account (totally FtP) he's ensuring the auto-climb doesn't fail by forcing the A1. His Provoke and skill cooldown passive work great together.
I didn´t have Geo for the longest time, but now I got three, and about to 60 my second one. Some say it´s worth building even 3, but I´m not sure? 2 must be enough? Also, Demytha is one of my favorites! Still waiting for my Seer! (2+ years in)
I've got 2 built and it is pretty enough
Alure and Geo are the only ones missing on my account. Playing for almost 2 years, but did pull them. Hopefully next fusion they will be in 10x.
HH, Can you please check if they have changed Ai for 12-7? I can't get the paragon cheese to work. They keep targeting the strongest character and ignoring my paragon
Have a lvl 71 account, still can't get 12-7 done
Runekeeper Dazduk honorable mention? Lil dude helped me through Demon Lord Nightmare.
The one problem with Rector - She makes runs take SOOO much longer. If they made the animation of a veil heal 20 times faster I'd use her more. Still love her though.
They did remove the animation a month ago, kinda went under the radar, but the animation isn't there anymore
@@Historicalgamer2002 Oh for real, damn, I'll be sure to test this out. I have maxed out rector that I barely use for that reason alone.
I needed this
Good video but you seem to have mistakenly place High Kutune in the spot for Magnar.
Madame is in my high Gold V arena team. She's awesome in that role. But I think she's basically just an arena champ. But I never bring her (nearly never) in my live arena team; she just doesn't do damage, which I need a debuffer to do, or bring something else like Ukko. And Seeker is in my live and regular arena GO FIRST teams. He's SO annoying for people in live arena because he's actually my fastest (around 350 spd) instead of Arbiter (because everyone bans Arbiter), and with accuracy he's constantly provoking your opponent's scariest champion.
love Fenix, he is so great
Can you please do a list for early game?
I'm fairly early game so obviously this list where everyone is fully booked/best gear etc
It would be great to know who champions are who doesn't need specific x set with specific x stats on each gear at level 16. Like if you have this champion you don't have to book them and they're good enough right out the box.
Shieldguard, Saurus, Armiger, Sniper wouldn't hurt but would wait til the others were done (all Uncommon). Saurus and Armiger are even endgame viable so I would start with them. DO buy dupes of those two from the market til they're booked. DON'T buy dupes or even singles of any others that you didn't draw or farm AND you aren't keeping. Warmaiden, Valerie (til you get something better so don't take her above 50), Spirithost (again, til you get a better champion), Executioner, all are farmable rares. By the time you've acquired and leveled these champions, you should have a firm enough grasp of the game to move on by yourself. Enjoy!
Honestly surprised Hellmut didn't make the list
I only have 8 out of the 25. I really need more of these epics for my account by shards are hard to come by.
Nice. 310 days in as FTP and I have 8 of those champs. :D
Miracle Heal works with Rector's Drak's Passive too. She needs acc to garantee the Dec Attk but it does land occ w/o any. She been a strong carry for my team since I started.
She's trash. Her A1 doesn't land enough.
Toragi's Attack down A1 also applies on weak hits too, or it did when I used him in my clan boss team
FYLIJA - I primarily use in spider fireknight doom tower and arena - under rated over looked
Good list but I believe you really undervalued Godseeker Aniri
I agree with most of them but for many of them it depend in when u pull them.
For me personally in moment I pulled champs like Meaneater, Demytha, Venomage they are in my vault cos I have no use for them.
If I pulled them earlier it would be must build.
I would add champs like:
Psylar (I don't have but if I pull her I max her)
Archmage Hellmut
All I’m saying is godseeker is in my best teams for sand devil, iron twins, bombal and hydra. She’s just so versatile
I do not have godseeker, so I am only farming floor 13 sand devil with torturehelm and 4 food...
Been playing for 23 days. I got deacon from the starter code 'SUPERPOWERS' and i pulled maneater from ancient i think my first few days and used him for food. Heard its really good but it isnt as beneficial for a early early game player. Regret yes
Rector Drath at 25? I feel personally attacked lol. She's been the basis of so many of my teams, it's ridiculous!
Hope you make a comprehensive guide on how to use HH site damage efficiency calculator esp. for enemy max hp dmg dealers. TIA
I think chani is so underrated and so slept on
On my free to play my first 2 Ogryn epics was maneater and skullcrusher and in dwarfs my first epic was Geo.
BUT!!! On my main, which was started the 1st year Raid came out I still don’t have Geo or Maneater or Godseeker or the Cat or Skraank,
So damn frustrating not pulling Geo and Godseeker tho. I have 100 Legos but no damn Geo 😞
Fenax does go crazy in live arena I agree👍🏻can make ppl quit after their udk is gone🤣
Seer is number 1 for me but that might just be me being bitter that I don't have a Geomancer lol
do you think plarium has nerfed clan boss rewards yet?
Genbo, Doompriest, Conellia, Morag, are all top tier Epics that are auto builds. But I guess the question becomes, who would you swap out on Hades’ list for those champs. Tough call.
Toragi + Urost = crazy stuff.
I always forget about godseeker extra heals part of her passive
Got rector drath as my first epic and a year and a half later she still is awesome
HOW in the hell is Archmage Helmet not on this... He is way better than High Khatun... Helmet is a fantastic first DT Normal champ. You can get him and he does some great dps and CC in Doom tower for a long time
Inquisitor Shamel, I have him in Toxic because why not.. but wouldn't CURSED set be brilliant for him?
Really surprised he did not include Morag!
I would really love to see Fenax in an arena team if it’s classic, or live arena if anyone has found a good clip of this. The RUclips videos I’ve seen so far of him in arena fights were underwhelming. I want to believe in him! I’m tossing up whether to build him or not.
Ice golem is where he shines.
I would put Demytha at #1 for me. She's so incredibly versatile. Can take your team to the next level. I've always thought she was so good.
In doom tower bosses can you elaborate how she can help in every situation
Nah Geomancer way better. As end game player demytha only useful in clan boss. But geo is rocking: - hydra, hard tower bosses, clan boss, iron twins.
@@KozyKoti I never said she could help in every situation, so there is no need to elaborate
@@Sollo-gaming I don't have him, so I can't put him as MY #1. Unfortunately,
@@WhatDemocracy no I'm asking in situations she can help as i have her😇 n as a f2p would loke to use ger as much as possible