Neil Diamonds+1, When I see you face2face & cheek2cheek...

  • Опубликовано: 3 авг 2024
  • 🐝
    Thinking a bunch of Malpractice cases but with intent to cause harm & premeditated it the thru conspiracy & contempt!
    Would like all Drs in same courtroom together with a polygraph hook up on the stand cause they lie! Bee cool to have the stand wired with electricity so when lie get
    a Jolt! They will attempt am sure beecause such a simple case to see! I would even allow them to talk to each other so that they can attempt to align their lies just to see them jump out of the hot seat when Jolted! THERE WILL BEE SOME WHO WILL LIE AM SURE SO SURE THING TO WATCH THEM GET SHOCKED! HELLO COURT TV HOW YOU DOIN?
    "Somebody get me a Doctor"!
    ~*Van Halen
    Pulk all medical records from hospitals that I visited & paper trail is my whole case! Drs can check back records but not forward records! Figuring that they will try to bribe to attain those records thus creating witnesses cause they do not have a leg between all of them to stand on! 75%
    One black female Dr was out of area per DUI that took me out if Lebanon! She was not part of the other Drs but am thinking that she was threatened & that's why she dropped me! I can read them well per set them up to do so! Automatic just like the black out that protected brain from further damage until could process it properly! The female Dr is
    a Child Psychologist also & she diagnosed the slight Autism after about 5months! She got excited when she found it & told me that it hides! Jefferson ER Dr crossed Autism off in a few minutes telling me that I DO NOT have Autism! Feel that Child Psychiatrist who found in 5months more valid per her experience & she is Published also! This should lay out like a big box of Dominos really!

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