Iliricum sacrum Fis mbi fis = une jam i pari =nuk do te thote qe fis mbi fis je i pari jane gjera pa kuptim qe ne si komb jemi nji nder kombet me te vjeter ne europe kjo dihet,por detyra e çdo patrioti,qytetari Shqiptar te shkruaj gjera te sakta dhe te bazuara nga autor antik te ndryshem me vlera albanologjike dhe hulumtues te huaj .Duhet te dijme te sakte ate qe shkruajme sepse bota neser nuk na beson edhe pse kemi te drejten e historise qe te tjeret mundohen te na pergenjeshtrojne me 1000 e ca genjeshtra sa qe te na mohojne se qenuri si popull por kjo nuk na intereson nejse.Pra ne vende te fjales fis do kisha vene fjalen AT = qe ne gjuhen Shqipe do te thote =LASH(TE) d,m,th i vjeter trashgimtar i te parit stergjysh BABE,I MOçEM, I VJETER, ANTIK me falni nuk desha tju nderhyj po ne emer te se vertetes pershendetje_______________________genova________________________italy.
I am albanian with brown hair but when i was born i had blonde hair due to mother's heritage which is polish and check. Everybody in school thought i was italian because my family lived in italy before coming to the united states. I was afraid to say i was not italian. Now i am proud to be albanian and american.
My neighbors are Albanians. They have 3 kids: Two youngest are blonds and the oldest with brown hair, all have green/blue eyes. Funny they don't look much alike at all and their parents make fun and laugh about it.
@@garyyakamoto2648 Roma Albanian I Know, slaw charakters, has never go to the Indian Albanian kingdom and Pakistan Albanobaktria - you dont Learn ? greckBatrian and Info greek Kingdom, every India People say that... No eduction ?
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
Albanians were invaded by the Turks for 500 yrs. still kept the language. Yes it does have some Turkish words, Latin, and romanic but its still unique and kept the roots.
@@buki0141 welche würzeln ?Albanisch ist eine indoeuropäische Sprache, bildet innerhalb der indoeuro- päischen Sprachen aber eine eigene Gruppe. Darüber hinaus ist das Albanische reich an Entlehnungen, vor allem aus dem Lateinischen, Griechischen, romani- schen sowie slawischen Sprachen und dem Türkischen.Bis 1.500 kannte keiner albanien. erst im 14 Jahrhunder würde albanien erst erwähnt... Ausserdem albanische sprache würde erst im 19 jahrhunder verbessert, vorher griechisch geschrieben, sogar das erste buch in griechisch mit albanisch, Die heutige sprache ist: Sie können gerne Googeln... aber nicht albanisch Google ;) Albanische sprache :Der albanische Wortschatz übernahm Lehnwörter aus dem Altgriechischen, danach aus dem Lateinischen und es folgten Entlehnungen aus dem Südslawischen, (Mittel-Neu)Griechischen und Türkischen, dem Italienischen und Französischen und anderen Sprachen so wie slawisch und romanisch . hinzu kommen zunehmend Anglizismen und Gräzismen, Die heutige albanische Schriftsprache wurde erst in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf der Grundlage der toskischen Dialektgruppe entwickelt. Mögliche Zwischenstationen des Albanischen auf dem Wege vom Indogermanischen sind bisher nicht eindeutig fassbar. Nicht zuletzt wegen der räumlichen Überlappung mit den historisch bekannten Illyrern versuchten viele Forscher, das Albanische mit diesem zu verbinden, was allerdings wegen völlig unzureichender Belege des Illyrischen kaum beweisbar bleibt...Zugehörigkeit zu einer balkan-indogermanischen Zwischenstufe vorgeschlagen, zusammen mit dem Griechischen und Armenischen...Es gibt im Albanischen zwei Sonderzeichen, die auch erst end des 19 Jahrhunderst sind. 'ç' und 'ë'. ç entspricht 'tsch' wie in 'Matsch' ë entspricht einem geschlossenen 'e' (in Richtung ö) ähnlich wie in 'Gebäude' Bitte beachten Sie: Ein 'ë' am Wortende wird meist nicht gesprochen. Aussprache von Lauten, die im Albanischen aus zwei Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind Zu den Lauten, die aus 2 Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind, zählen: dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh. dh entspricht 'th' (stimmhaft) wie im Englischen 'they' gj sollte man versuchen gleichzeitig auszusprechen 'g+j' ll entspricht 'l', z. B. Englisch 'bill' nj entspricht dem ñ der Spanier in 'Señor' rr gerolltes 'r' mit mind. 2 Anschlägen sh entspricht 'sch' (stimmlos) wie in 'Schule' th entspricht dem englischen th (stimmlos) wie in 'thunder' xh entspricht 'dsch' wie in 'Jeans' zh entspricht 'sch' (stimmhaft) wie in 'Garage' Albanisch und Deutsch: Unterschiede in der Aussprache Unterschiedlich zum Deutschen werden folgende Buchstaben ausgesprochen: c entspricht 'z' wie in 'Zoo' e entspricht 'ä' wie in 'Säbel' v entspricht 'w' wie in 'Wagen' s entspricht 's' (stimmlos wie in 'Fest') z entspricht 's' (stimmhaft wie in 'Hose') HIER EIN Paar Deutsche wörter die jetz im albanischen sind : Ganz frisch im jahre 2.000 Deutsche Lehnwörter im Albanischen Albanisch Deutsch ajzberg Eisberg alpinist Alpinist, Bergsteiger auspuh Auspuff banknotë Banknote baushtell Baustelle blic Blitz (beim Fotoapparat) blinker Blinker (Kosovo) dushkabin Duschkabine fabrikant Fabrikant feldmarëshal Feldmarschall (Kosovo)........Gjithë të mirat!
welche würzeln ?Albanisch ist eine indoeuropäische Sprache, bildet innerhalb der indoeuro- päischen Sprachen aber eine eigene Gruppe. Darüber hinaus ist das Albanische reich an Entlehnungen, vor allem aus dem Lateinischen, Griechischen, romani- schen sowie slawischen Sprachen und dem Türkischen.Bis 1.500 kannte keiner albanien. erst im 14 Jahrhunder würde albanien erst erwähnt... Ausserdem albanische sprache würde erst im 19 jahrhunder verbessert, vorher griechisch geschrieben, sogar das erste buch in griechisch mit albanisch, Die heutige sprache ist: Sie können gerne Googeln... aber nicht albanisch Google ;) Albanische sprache :Der albanische Wortschatz übernahm Lehnwörter aus dem Altgriechischen, danach aus dem Lateinischen und es folgten Entlehnungen aus dem Südslawischen, (Mittel-Neu)Griechischen und Türkischen, dem Italienischen und Französischen und anderen Sprachen so wie slawisch und romanisch . hinzu kommen zunehmend Anglizismen und Gräzismen, Die heutige albanische Schriftsprache wurde erst in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf der Grundlage der toskischen Dialektgruppe entwickelt. Mögliche Zwischenstationen des Albanischen auf dem Wege vom Indogermanischen sind bisher nicht eindeutig fassbar. Nicht zuletzt wegen der räumlichen Überlappung mit den historisch bekannten Illyrern versuchten viele Forscher, das Albanische mit diesem zu verbinden, was allerdings wegen völlig unzureichender Belege des Illyrischen kaum beweisbar bleibt...Zugehörigkeit zu einer balkan-indogermanischen Zwischenstufe vorgeschlagen, zusammen mit dem Griechischen und Armenischen...Es gibt im Albanischen zwei Sonderzeichen, die auch erst end des 19 Jahrhunderst sind. 'ç' und 'ë'. ç entspricht 'tsch' wie in 'Matsch' ë entspricht einem geschlossenen 'e' (in Richtung ö) ähnlich wie in 'Gebäude' Bitte beachten Sie: Ein 'ë' am Wortende wird meist nicht gesprochen. Aussprache von Lauten, die im Albanischen aus zwei Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind Zu den Lauten, die aus 2 Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind, zählen: dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh. dh entspricht 'th' (stimmhaft) wie im Englischen 'they' gj sollte man versuchen gleichzeitig auszusprechen 'g+j' ll entspricht 'l', z. B. Englisch 'bill' nj entspricht dem ñ der Spanier in 'Señor' rr gerolltes 'r' mit mind. 2 Anschlägen sh entspricht 'sch' (stimmlos) wie in 'Schule' th entspricht dem englischen th (stimmlos) wie in 'thunder' xh entspricht 'dsch' wie in 'Jeans' zh entspricht 'sch' (stimmhaft) wie in 'Garage' Albanisch und Deutsch: Unterschiede in der Aussprache Unterschiedlich zum Deutschen werden folgende Buchstaben ausgesprochen: c entspricht 'z' wie in 'Zoo' e entspricht 'ä' wie in 'Säbel' v entspricht 'w' wie in 'Wagen' s entspricht 's' (stimmlos wie in 'Fest') z entspricht 's' (stimmhaft wie in 'Hose') HIER EIN Paar Deutsche wörter die jetz im albanischen sind : Ganz frisch im jahre 2.000 Deutsche Lehnwörter im Albanischen Albanisch Deutsch ajzberg Eisberg alpinist Alpinist, Bergsteiger auspuh Auspuff banknotë Banknote baushtell Baustelle blic Blitz (beim Fotoapparat) blinker Blinker (Kosovo) dushkabin Duschkabine fabrikant Fabrikant feldmarëshal Feldmarschall (Kosovo)........Gjithë të mirat!
@@fotiskosmos3009 oh, respekt. Jemand der wissenschaft ernst nimmt. Es ist sehr schwer Albaner von ihrem alternativen geschichtsverständniss abzubringen.
@@MrGamerman16 Tesla was not an Albanian stop this fucking stupidities, neither was Alexander the great. Albanians were in the mountains to long to produce a man like Tesla. didnt even know how to create an alphabet or read mathematics and tesla was Albanian Sheppard
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
The word Center (eng), Centrum (Lat), Kentrum (Greek), Qendër (albanian), only in Albanian is meaningful: Që-është-ndër, thats mean: "something-in-the-middle" (exactly the meaning of the word), so the origin of word "Center" is from Albanian word "Qendër"
***** duh, express, is etymologically "ex-out, from without"+"press-to push", so literally "to push it out". Don't make yourself of an ignorant linguist.
+Alban JashAri Slavic word for Family isn't Family, nor does it come from Albanian, that's a word borrowed from Latin Familia, the Slavic word is Porodica, Rodov, Rodzina, Rodina etc. By linguistical analysis we can conclude that the generic word comes from a word Rod also meaning cousin, relative, offspring. Comes from the name of an old Slavic deity Rod, god of creation, life, nature, and offspring, hence the Po-Rod-ica, Rod-ov, Rod-ina. As Rod means cousin, relative, Po-rod means offspring, Pri-rod-a mens nature etc. As far as your analysis of words, it's, again, wrong. I told you this before, but seems it was in vain, words like Mama, Papa, Baba etc come from sounds babies make aka vocal reflex, and are common in almost all languages in the world. The word Brother comes from the Sanskrit word Brathar, spread via Proto Germanic Brothar, Greek Phrater, Old Church Slavonic Bratru etc and has the same meaning. Btw the word Express has two meanings, i/e fast and i/e representation (of thoughts, feelings), as former comes from Latin Exprimere - Expresus, borrowed via medieval Latin into Old French as Espres, becoming later Expres, while as latter comes from Latin Expressare and in Old French as Expresser (Ex-press -> to speak one's mind, to squeee out). Rubin Domi explained it quite well. Due to the fact that there's plenty of short words in Albanian, they are being used as syllables to form a connection thus forcing phonetic similarities that otherwise wouldn't exist. As such it's beyond ridiculous. [Edit] This pseudo-linguistics can be used to claim almost anything, which doesn't make it so.
Kosovo is midle age capital of Serbia,Pecka Patrijarsija,before 12 century Ad belong to Bizantium empire.Today you distroy churches and Monasteres to distroy history of Sebia.You call youself Iliraian but you are arab and Berber J genes abd E1b1b genes.
"If you want to discover the history before Christ and the sience of that time,you must study the Albanian language!" Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz German Philosopher
Shqipja eshte nje gjuhe dhe e vetmja dhe e ndryshme nga cdo gjuhe ne bote kjo do te thote thjesht qe Shqiperia ka nje histori dhe kulture te vecante dhe te veten ,kushdo qe fut logjiken dhe eshte i zgjuar mjafte e beson dhe e verteton kete edhe pse interpretohet nga shume persona te zgjuar e te edukuar ,pik kjo eshte e verteta.
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos (Albanian for "Missal") is the oldest published book in Albanian. The book was written by Gjon Buzuku, a Catholic cleric in 1555. The book contains 188 pages and is written in two columns. Meshari is the translation of the main parts of the Catholic Liturgy into Albanian. It contains the liturgies of the main religious holidays of the year, comments from the book of prayers, excerpts from the Bibleas well as excerpts from the ritual and catechism. It was written to help Christians pray daily religious services. The only original known copy of this book currently is in the Library of the Vatican. Excerpt from Meshari by Gjon Buzuku.
I agree with you, that there are blond, red and brown haired albanians. But, we all have the same facial features. We can recognize each other from 1 km. I've never seen such a nation, where people have the same features. Plus, MOST OF our children are blond for about 7-8 years since their birth. After 8 years, their hair tend to get darker. It happened to my brothers, father and many of my cousins. Some of my cousins even had blond hair till they were 14/16.
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos you are wrong, tendency to have dark skin the perpetrators are the Spaniards and the Portuguese, as well as the Greeks of southern origin, while the northern Greeks are whiter and mixed with Bulgarians, Albanians, Jews, and Vlachs. while in Albania the tendency to have darker skin is Durres and a large part of Tirana, because in those areas the Ottomans brought Egyptian Arab Turks as professors to teach Albanians Islam, but Albanians living in non-mainstream cities have a tendency to be whiter. The original Albanians are whiter than the Spaniards, Portuguese, southern Italians, and southern Greeks. I personally am Albanian with origins from Struga, my father's tribe are dark blonde and blue eyes and white skin, while from my mother's tribe are very black hair and long slender bodies I personally look very similar to Circassians , while my dad looks like he was Bulgarian (Bulgarian blonde) but we are neither Bulgarian nor Circassian, but we are 100% Albanian because even from our grandparents we always spoke Albanian so we can not say that all Mediterranean bands tend to be black.
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos its easy lets find the dna of the most ancient man i mediteran and then lets find whos language its the most old one...and du the test...and then we find who are most related?
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos They arent all with dark skin are you an idiot? Go to Spain you will see a lot of people with pasty white skin and more western type features, slightly influenced by med
What did Albanians 🇦🇱 have before the Ottoman invasion? 1. Albanians had a University in 1380 in Durrës. To give you an idea: Germany opened its first university, 6 years after Durrës (Heidelberg University). 2. Albanians had 6 fully developed cities as much as Florence, Venice, Marseille or Paris. (Durrës, Shkodra, Drishti, Lezha, Berat and Preveza). 3. Albanians had the aristocratic class with 8 noble families (Balshaj, Topiaj, Muzakaj, Kastrioti, Arianiti, Zebenishta, Spataj and Dukagjini) connected by marriage even with the Habsburgs and the Bourbons. 4. Albanians had the humanist philosophers, who with their genius ideas, were advisers to the imperial families in Hungary, Italy and Austria (Gjon Gazhuli, Pal Ungjëlli, Leonik Tomeo and Gjon Durrsaku). 5. Albanian cities had statutes and were governed by democracy while at the same time America for example it was governed by the Cherokee Indians or the Aztec tribes who still drank human blood and lived as cannibals. 6. In Durrës, intellectualism was so high that we have documented in the 12th century for the first time the note of protest of an Orthodox Metropolitan, who writes to Constantinople, against slavery, 300 years before it started as a debate in Europe. 7. In Durrës, trade was done even with Tunisia, Ukraine and France, since the 5th century. While at the same time for example the Scandinavian countries still lived by worshiping the tree or the mountain. 8. The Church of Albania had issued a Cardinal (and a cardinal was no small thing then). What happened next? The Ottomans just came and for 500 years made that every Albanian forgot who they really were.
@@vassilisbabaletakis3488ILIRET kishin shume Aleksadri Pirrua Skenderbeu Oto i Bavaris blodhi parlametin e pare ne peloponez flitej vetem shqip E dyta pse greket e kane derruhar gjuhen mbi tre kater here
@yvonne530 Lol 😂 from google What is the first university in Albania? The University of Tirana was founded in 1957 and it is the first university established in the Republic of Albania. It is comprised by 6 Faculties, one of which is the Faculty of Social Sciences with the Department of Political Sciences in it. The university you mention have nothing to do with Albanians. That was the university of Dyrrachium was a Venetian theological university and was crated by VENETIANS not Albanians. After 16 years they transferred it to Zadar. So don't say blst. Albania hasn't offered achievements to humanity. I never heard of spirit people, of any discovery in the medical, scientific field, or anything related.
@maggiemakeupnails1056 Romans were not Catholic! Justinian Emperor was Illyrian, Albanian. Byzantium was an Illyrian Empire. The Greek language and orthodoxy were created in Byzantium. They didn't exist before. Latein was created as an official language of the Catholic Church. The people spoke another language. After the Science Journal of July 2023, the Albanian Language is older than 8000 years, much older than Greek and Armenian languages.
@@yvonne530 First, you have nothing to do with the Illyrians. The Illyrians and Pelasgians were Greek tribes. You came from different regions and this is reported by many historical researchers such as the Turkish professor Ahmet Aydinli says that "today's Albanians have nothing to do with the Illyrians but from every angle they are proven to be fully Turks. Today's Azerbaijan was their cradle". A part of you came from Afghanistan. There is no Albanian language. What you Albanians speak today is a mixture of loanwords from Slavic, Turkish-Arabic, Greek and Latin words. You didn't even have an alphabet. Until 1900 you didn't have a written language, let alone an ancient one. That is why no ancient Albanian writing has ever been found. Only Greek until 1909 your minimum literature were in Greek, Italian and turk Arabic !!!
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
I belong to Burusho community. We speak Burushaski language, which is an isolated language in the world. We live in norhtern part of Pakistan. A mountainous region called Gilgit. I am finding any connection or similarities with other cultures.
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
Language comes from parents and speak by people… in gene pool it should be visible too. The question when groups of people merge which language is gonna survive? Usually the language of the majority.
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
@@marthoula1977 , similar to the English world Gnostic coming from Greek... even the Greek words comes from another called Albanian... ore you sound that for Egoistic reason prefer to say that the Both Albanian and Ancient Greek words come from Pelasgo-Ilirian. In ancient times some new languages could not pronounce the "nj" (like albanian) and turned it into "gn". Similarly, many Sounds / letters in Albanian Alphabet (which has 36 in modern, and 45 in ancient) ... have to be replaced when in Greek language which has 24 letters.
@@marthoula1977 , I did not say that te Greek word is not Greek, also I did not say that the English world is not English. But I say that there is an important connection that if anyone is interested to know... why not learn something more?
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos , So you "know history" because are Selectively Copying only the SerboRussian anti-Albanian Propaganda that eliminate the Academics who study about Albanian?!
It is understandable why the Serbs and Greeks claim that Albanians aren't decedents of Illyrians. Kosovo, Southeast Of Albania where Yanina is and a lot of other lands that where invaded on the 19th and 20th Centuries. If you didn't belong there you have no right of claim. This started with the Serbs claim that George Kastrioti was Serb because his mother was of the Slavic decent . The Greeks endorsed that theory by claiming that his father Jon Kastrioti was Greek. With 75% of Albanians being muslims and under the Turkish Empire until 1912 and later after the Second World War under a North Korea style communist government , it was easy to make these claims. Albania was a country pillaged by foreign invaders and with no recorded history. If we know anything about history it's written by those who invaded, pillaged and hung the heroes of that country. In a few words, the burden of proof is upon those who claim that Albanians were brought there by an other power or migrated. A united great Albania would be a super power in the Balkan . George Kastrioti an Albanian ( see the Vatican documents) with 10000 troops most of the times held against multiple Turkish attacks , even the Sultan himself numbering up to 200000 troops for over 25 years. In a few words: if you want to write your own history go and change it. To the winner go the spoils.
It is already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt not only by recorded history but also evidenced through language, etymologies, toponyms and in particular onomastics. Georgios Kastriotis was an Epirote never an Albanian and Epiroteans were and are historically Greeks. There was no Albania during that time and no Albanian named George or John.
@KONSTANTIN XXX Good bye fake Gayreek history and Fake Slavo-Greek propagandaвидео.html &видео.html 😏 also you found that info of Albanians in Wikipedia didnt you than look a bit down its says Albania of Caucasus and Albania of Balkan have no known similarity also name Albania came from Illyrian tribe Albanët(Albanoi)that was in nowdays Albania that got visited by a british historian in that time 😉
he is talking about albania without having any knowledge about the language ... is completely the other way around . is way deeper then what he is explaining .
Since 1908 Albanian has been based on the Latin alphabet, but before that the same language could be and was written in 4alphabets: Latin, Greek, Turkish Arabic and Cyrillic (96). ... The Albanian language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages. It is one of the oldest languages, yet different from the others.
@@buki0141 Yes, I was in a real school, high school in Germany. and 8 semesters of history in England. And you read Mickey Mouse in Albania? land without nothing ? go to a real school
shqiptar or shqiperia does not come from word land of eagle this means to speak,communicate. to say,This is something albanians should know,it does not mean land of eagles at comes from the word shqiptoj meaning to speak, this is why we are called shqiptar because it is for our people whom speak same language an to identify our people as one an really shqiperia mean to speak,come on albanians should know this..
shqipetari shqipetaret .sons of eagle,pirro dhe egle and his soldiers ,sons of the eagle .the simbol of the eagle was not inventet from bizantines.was only taken faward .dont forget the bigest familis ho rule the biznant wor albanians .
Shqiptoj, eshte krijim i vone shoku, ne kohen e Rilindjes. Eshte thjesht folja e emrit "shqip". Gjuha shqipe, shkurtuar si "shqip". Nuk mund te marresh rregullat gjuhesore te formuara para gati 2 shekujsh, e t'i perdoresh per qellime etimologjike. Thjesht nuk pi uje. Eshte idiotesi.
@Lo Ba yes of course the whole family has serbian names not a single albanian .. but everything is albanian, history is albanian, look for another planet to tell it, turkish, sopjians, albanians have such propaganda and fake news the number 1- for ffake Neva/ Alsche information, crime, and nothing to eat... And lying without end... Everyone in this world knows that...
The answers are already there, just use the right formula. It's very easy to analyze the Albanian language anyone can do it. Just have any Albanian-English vocabulary (Italian, German or other), and start counting the syllables of the Albanian language. Remember that a tonal language, for example, the syllable (BA) has 3 different meanings depending on the tone (or accent). The syllables are of two types; Biphonetics 285 (BA) and trophonics more than 3600 (BAN) You will find just under 4000 syllables.
How come every study in languages only shows loan words from other languages into the Albanian language but if it was an old language why can’t there be loan words from the Albanian language into other languages? Could it be possible that some of the loan words aren’t loan words and came from the Albanian language?
KONSTANTIN XXX do you know how DNA works? I don’t think you do. Cause why doesn’t Albanian DNA show it comes from Caucasus region Mr. Historian? Albanians don’t share the same DNA with people from Caucasus.
KONSTANTIN XXX History books are changing all the time. Especially with newer technologies. You might wanna throw some of those history books out or use it as toilet paper.
KONSTANTIN XXX are you trying to convince me Alexander the Great was Greek cause I could care less about that. That’s not the topic of conversation. You are straying off topic. Focus! You seem to be more of a racist against Albanians then a truth seeker. Think clearly and if you wanna answer my questions from before then be my guest but if you are gonna talk about things that have nothing to do with the conversation and accusations I have never claimed my self then don’t respond.
@KONSTANTIN XXX what do you know about history ? cuz the only comment you make is : you came from caucas,you dont know history,i dont talk to you. man if you enter in a debate you should writte facts not your imagination.lets start from ancient times.was dardan grandfather of troy ? dardania is the ancient name of kosovo nowdays.coincidence ? i dont think so.lets go forward.pyrrhus was helped to get the throne by glaucias,he was 12 at that time ,tell me how it is possible that he could understand glaucias language ? have u ever heard of mesapik mosaic? i dont think you is translated to albania and it is 6th century can you explain me that ? so you imaginary theory for albanians from caucas is irrelevant.
This is not to much information about Albania. That it is true that a lot of Albanian living in Italy they still talk Albanian language, but didn’t happen in Greece , because they got killed.
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
Caucasian Albanians were a people inhabiting an ancient state which was called (Caucasian) Albania retrospectively, situated in the Southern Caucasus. They are not related to modern Albanians in the Balkans - their name ‘Albania’ is a modern exonym, and was not used by the Caucasian Albanians themselves. Caucasian Albanians originally called themselves and their country Aghwank and Aluank. Today, the Caucasian Albaniana still exist as an ethnicity - they are called the Udi. The modern Udi, like their ancient ancestors in Aghwank, speak a Lezgic language. The Lezgic languages are a branch of the Northeast Caucasian languages. These languages are not related to the Indoeuropean languages. Modern Albanian meanwhile constitutes it’s own independent branch among the Indoeuropean languages, being distantly related to almost all other European, as well as the Indo-Aryan languages. It is fully unrelated to the Lezgic languages, and descends from one of the Paleobalkanic languages of the ancient Balkans - Illyrian or Thracian. Most modern scholars agree on Albanian probably being the last remaining descendant of the Illyrian languages, while having been somewhat influenced by the Thracian languages. The only more closely related language to modern Albanian seems to be Messapic, the only Illyrian dialect that is partly preserved today, having been attested in ancient Apulia. Albanians today have their name from an Illyrian tribe attested in North-Albania in 150AD by Ptolemy, the Albanoi. So, to conclude: No, Caucasus Albanians have nothing to do with Balkan Albanians, besides sharing a similar exonym - a coincidence, supported by another ancient region in Caucasus being called ‘Caucasus Iberia’ - which of course has nothing to do with modern Spain and Portugal. An interesting side-note is that Scotland was called ‘Albania’ in early medieval times as well, and Great Britain ‘Albion’. Interesting is the predecessor city of modern Rome as well, ‘Alba Longa’. These examples have nothing to do with modern Albanians either, who, as I said, adopted a latinized Illyrian endonym in the early centuries AD. The name ‘Alba-’ was quite common among Indoeuropean languages (the Alp mountains being one example), which historically caused some confusion.
I respect your willingness to research our people but I categorically disagree with your notions on the “assumed” origins of the Albanians. The Albanian & Romanian commonalities are due to Illyrian & Thracian interaction and their common pre- Indo-European ancestors. There is also no documented case of Slavic people from “thousands of villages” going through a process of Albanianization. Lastly the reason for Albanian having more in common with Latin than Greek linguistically is not due to a migration, but a historical over exaggeration of the Greek language and its dominance over the eastern Mediterranean. Similarities between Greeks and Southern Albanians are very apparent in music, dress, cuisine, and even physical appearance. Indicating a long history of interaction dating millennia.
put it shortly: Albanians are descendants of partly romanized Paleo-Balkanic tribes of antiquity. We have our own language tree, 60% Roman loanwords from the Roman conquest of the Balkans, and our name is derived from the Illyrian ‘Albani’ tribe, mentioned by Ptolemy in Central and North Albania in 150AD. Albanian and Romanian share multiple hundred common words, some of them are pre-Roman old-Balkanic. There has never been any recorded migration of Albanians whatsoever, we just ‘appear’ in the North Albanian, hardly accessible mountains in 1043 as the ‘Albanoi’ tribe mentioned by Ptolemy nearly 1000 years prior. In our own language, we called ourselves ‘Arberësh’ at that point, and our country ‘Arbëria’, which are thought to be connected with the latin/greek name ‘Albani’. There are another 50 points I could list about the two Albanian dialects having formed before the Slavic migration into the Balkans near the Shkumbin river, and the Illyrian tribal names that are provingly connected to Albanian words (Dardani, Dalmati, Taulanti etc.). There are a lot of arguments regarding Albanian origin. Now tell me: what are the two major options of Albanian origin? Exactly: Illyrian, or Daco-Thracian. There are no other people groups that lived in the ancient Balkans (beside Hellenics obviously). Only these two. That’s why all modern scholars working on Albanian origin argue wether Albanians are Illyrian or Dacian. There is not enough evidence about either of these two languages to fully say which is right. All we know is that, due to geographical reasons, the Albanian-Illyrian tribal names, the Albanian connection to the Messapic-Illyrian dialect of Apulia and the name of Albania being of Illyrian origin, Albanians are considered as the likely remnants of Illyrian mountain tribes by mainstream historians. If you Wanna compare Croats (or other slavs) with Romans, its wrong, for one reason: Croats speak a Slavic language, while Albanians have their independent language that is the last survivor of a language family which is mostly extinct. And there are two language families in the ancient Balkans that are extinct today; Illyrian and Dacian-Thracian. No wonder scholars consider Albanian the survivor of one of these two.
they come from Thracian Iliri, Albania and Romania have many words with the same meaning, strange, no??? (Cioban, flutur, frica; and many other words with the same meaning, rightly so if we have to analyze Albanian popular language, with Romanian popular language, there are many sentences with the same meaning 🇦🇱🇷🇴 sister languages
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
How come the oldest language has more letters. Logically the root language has less letters. Explained with ease aMIKus= MIK=friend ,hoSPItum =SHPI=house, CIviTATem=CYTET=city,....etc.. The root language is always the one that explains a word with less letters. In albanian you can talk all day with words composed of only 2 or 3 leters ,
Georg Kastrioti was Albanian from both parents his mother come frome tribal clan, which mean three clans joint together in one. As for his name Scanderbeg is given name from ottoman empire to honor his Albanian ansestor Aleksander the great. As for the bisantine flag bisanin got the flag from Constantine the Great the illyrian emporer/bisantin was boren in Illyria Nasus there for Bisantin flag is Albanian. Greek name is no where to fund bifor 1800.
Leaving aside the fact that Kastrioti is a Greek name without question, his genealogy is also well known, because his grandfather was a Greek Byzantine prefect for Kastoria and Emathea, in mainland Greece, before the Ottomans. By the way the principalities still exist in Greece under the same names Kastoria and Emathea. There are no doubts about any of that. The Skanderbeg nickname comes from the Ottoman attributed Skender-bey which is the Turkish equivalent of Alexander-"Sir", also attesting his Greek Byzantine origin as also recognised by the Turks. Same is the story for the Serbian prince who aligned with him, he's also called Skender-bey also given to him by the Turks. For both of them converting to Islam came with renaming to Skender and keeping their Byzantine status and privileges under the Ottomans given the title "Bey". Which is what the Ottomans did everywhere to all whom they occupied anyway. You play along with them they get along with you. All that aside you may notice that none of the names or heritage references related to George Kastrioti have anything to do with Albania or Albanian language or onomatopoeia except failed efforts to imitate pronouncing his name as best they could, ending up calling him Skanderbeg. Couldn't even cope with the guy's actual name(s). Nor is it a surprise that the Albanian flag is a copy of the Byzantine Greek one, nor was it coincidentally chosen to be a Greek Byzantine one by George Kastrioti. At the very least anyone who is not completely brain dead can understand that since the Albanian flag was branded in the 15th century and the Byzantine pre-existed by about a millennium. Nor does it take a genius to notice the difference between and Albanian name like Enver Hoxha and a Geek one like George Kastrioti. These are all simple facts, that are only lost to nationalists and Enver Hohxa followers.
Very interesting research. Makes a lot of sense to me that the Proto Albs and Proto Rom having same/similar ancestry, especially because of the Aromanian connection (which is not only linguistic). But how come all of the examples of Latin borrowings are shorter in Albanian? Is there a name for this in linguistics?
Kenneth Leon Nordtvedt "In the 5th century BC The Serbian language was dominant in whole of Europe" in the Old Latin language exists many words wich are of Serbian origin.
@@greatpower8147 It can't possibly be. Serbians at that time were either in what's now Poland or further east. 4 centuries later when first slavic tribes appeared, even Romans lost a lot Latin. Roman downfall coincides with Slavic rise in balkans.
@@garyyakamoto2648 but the only source you chew is the false document of "De administrando imperio" and says the following "According to the" List of Nations "attributed to the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus," Serbs immigrated to the Balkans during the reign of Emperor Heraclius (610-641)" so before that there was not a single Serb anywhere in the Balkans. But we have Serbian tribes who started an uprising the Peloponnese in the year 587, so several decades before the Serbs immigrated to the balkans, Serbs were already living in today's southern Greece. the story of the immigration of Serbs to the Balkans is a simply lie, and only since the Berlin Congress of 1878 until today that story exists, but before the Berlin Congress, Serbs were known as natives of the Balkans, and that names such as Illyrians Thracians, Dacians, Dardanians Paeonians Macedonians and so on were only different names for the Serbian people. The first dictionary of the Serbian-German language, published in Vienna in 1853, dedicated to Prince Mihailo Obrenović, is entitled Ilirischen und deutschen Sprache. 25 years before the falsification of Serbian history, Serbs were known as the natives of the Balkans, as Illyrians. The father of German philology and German studies, Jakob Grimm, he wrote in 1815: "Serbs are more correctly called what is otherwise called Illyrians, the Slavic national branch." 63 years before the falsification of Serbian history. but there is a lot of evidence and quotes that non-Serbs said about the autochthony of Serbs in the Balkans. so we have John Kinamos from the 12th century and who says. "the Serbs, who are as a people Dalmatians, built a fortress of Ras" The present-day historiography is false, because the Westerners also created "Ancient Greece", so that the Shiptars (Albanians) are of Illyrian origin. but I have nothing more to tell you, believe in the lie, I do not believe in the story of how the Serbs immigrated, in the seventh century, that is nonsense, Serbs (Slavs) are the greatest in Europe, and both Greek and Latin cultures were created on the basis of Serbian culture, because Serbs lived long before the Greeks in Greece, and on the Apennine Peninsula, because before Rome, Serbs lived for centuries in today's Italy, there were our Serbian tribe the Raseni (Etruscans), who gave language and script to stupid Latins, even when the Romans came to the Serbian territory (In Illyria) they could communicate with the Serbs without an interpreter, because the ancient Latins spoke a Serbian dialect, and in the work of Pliny the Elder you have a document mentioning 27 Illyrian names, of which about 20 exist today among Serbs. so that will tell a lot about who the Romans had a fight with. I will not go any further, Serb haters believe in child story, anyone has the right to believe what he or she want, but if that story is the truth, thats another story. have a nice day.
Yes and than they say servus came from latin, dont come say to me that romans called them selfs barbarians, there was no slavic migration to the balkans, the name slavs came in the 6th century, but the name SERBI, is 2000 years before Christ, its a lie about albanian-illyrian origin,
+TheusZeusDeus ahaha Documents and evidence to support your argument ? I'm sorry for you, but documents concerning the Albanian immigration in the Balkans NOT exist , unlike the slave migrations .
+SerbHistory yugovic 2000 years before Christ ? Hahaha no you're wrong Serbs in the Balkans by millions or perhaps billions of years . Haha stop with this nationalist propaganda
+TheusZeusDeus Perhaps it is as you say , but the evidence regarding the Albanian emigration does not exist . Your are only insinuations, but no one knows for sure how long the Albanians residing in the Balkans .
+TheusZeusDeus Then I do not mean that your hypothesis is wrong regardless, I'm not interested nationalism, but in the absence of evidence, all other assumptions made by the experts are plausible. The Illyrian ancestry remains plausible as well as that of the ancient Dacian. There are many important linguists and anthropologists that confirm the antiquity of the Albanian language, among all the Italian Cavalli-Sforza (recognized as one of the best in its field) even claimed that albanian is the oldest language in Europe together Armenian. Anyway this language remains an enigma.
@Gabriel Ileri put it shortly: Albanians are descendants of partly romanized Paleo-Balkanic tribes of antiquity. We have our own language tree, 60% Roman loanwords from the Roman conquest of the Balkans, and our name is derived from the Illyrian ‘Albani’ tribe, mentioned by Ptolemy in Central and North Albania in 150AD. Albanian and Romanian share multiple hundred common words, some of them are pre-Roman old-Balkanic. There has never been any recorded migration of Albanians whatsoever, we just ‘appear’ in the North Albanian, hardly accessible mountains in 1043 as the ‘Albanoi’ tribe mentioned by Ptolemy nearly 1000 years prior. In our own language, we called ourselves ‘Arberësh’ at that point, and our country ‘Arbëria’, which are thought to be connected with the latin/greek name ‘Albani’. There are another 50 points I could list about the two Albanian dialects having formed before the Slavic migration into the Balkans near the Shkumbin river, and the Illyrian tribal names that are provingly connected to Albanian words (Dardani, Dalmati, Taulanti etc.). There are a lot of arguments regarding Albanian origin. Now tell me: what are the two major options of Albanian origin? Exactly: Illyrian, or Daco-Thracian. There are no other people groups that lived in the ancient Balkans (beside Hellenics obviously). Only these two. That’s why all modern scholars working on Albanian origin argue wether Albanians are Illyrian or Dacian. There is not enough evidence about either of these two languages to fully say which is right. All we know is that, due to geographical reasons, the Albanian-Illyrian tribal names, the Albanian connection to the Messapic-Illyrian dialect of Apulia and the name of Albania being of Illyrian origin, Albanians are considered as the likely remnants of Illyrian mountain tribes by mainstream historians. If you Wanna compare Croats (or other slavs) with Romans, its wrong, for one reason: Croats speak a Slavic language, while Albanians have their independent language that is the last survivor of a language family which is mostly extinct. And there are two language families in the ancient Balkans that are extinct today; Illyrian and Dacian-Thracian. No wonder scholars consider Albanian the survivor of one of these two.
@@serbianpride6176 We are Shpitar indigenous in the Balkans, even though you’ve tried a century to ethnic cleansed us, We are still here and we will be here. You like it or not. You are Slavs, and you don’t belong in the Balkans. You are invaders genocidal state. Go back to hell where you came from.
Konstantinos K They didn't speak albanian that is sure. I don't know of which nationality was Homer, but he had no greek descendants the greek language was a second language to him. Just like Alexander the Great he learned greek his mother language was Not greek that's sure he learned it from Aristotle. Back than Epirus was considered a unit of barbarian tribes they spoke an unknown language to hellenes, and greeks used to fight them. Alexander's mother was epirotan(in this case not greek) and his father was macedonian not a slav! But the fact is that the greek Macedonia was created after Alexander's death and not before. So that's why we albanians think that Alexander the Great was half Illyrian(albanian) and half old macedonian(not greek-not slav)
encyclopedy of the great greek (1132 ) 19th page 873 Albanians are Pellazg whou lived in the bigest part of knouwn of that time , they built colosale thing and left behinde for the human !
you are not Albanian, other people callss you albanian,, becouse of Caucasian albania ;, you are sqipetar wich means highlander Caucasian shepherds,, still dreamin
@KONSTANTIN XXX hahahhahahahhahahaha from Caucasian 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lol have you seen Albanians DNA testers 😎 Europeans but what with Greeks more than 30% Assian DNA not bad my friend 😉
Alexander The Great spoke an old Albanian dialect with his soldiers. He conquered the world with his 25 thousand illirian(Albanian) soldiers The men who marched to Babylon, Persia and India were the ancestors of the Albanians, Wadham Peacock 1913...
As far as I have read Macedonians (including Alexander the Great) spoke a dialect of Dorian(greeks claim they were greek) who derived from pellasgians.
Greeks have also been claiming Skanderbeg. They are trying so hard to steal history and before the 20 century with the help of Bitch European Powers they succeded somehow. They dont have actual heroes thats why they have been creating mythology wiht fairytales.
@@albodomi1979 it doesn't matter what random greeks in the youtube comments claim, its historians you should be listening to not some salty greeks that comment on any video relevant to Albanians/Illyrians.
@@rudiru2092per shendetie greket keshtu kane predetuhar ter jeten cfar zbulohet nga toka jane greke dhe cfre fluturon ne ahjer haet thote greku dhe ti e beson Aleksadri dhe Pirrua ishin kushurinje dhe flisnin gjuhen ilire
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
What did he say at 10:40 ? "Albanians just escaped becoming romans language but maybe 100 years more and it will become" What is that supposed to mean? That in 100 Years Albanian language will become romans language? Am i right?
Nobody will like my words because we all think we are unique, but this is only half truth. The more you go back with the millennia, the less differences you will find. The differences were not there, the differences we have created with the millennia. How many of you do not like your relative? behold, this is how a nation is born. we are all seeds of a single plant, we have things that accumulate in us inherited from the same plant, and we have differences that we have created with the formations of large groups of people, and we have called nations. Do the Albanians look like Greek or Turkish? certainly, and also the Greeks and Turks are in part Albanian, as all are part of the world. Personally I do not care where to come but where to go. I will be happy to have constructive people around me who want to collaborate all over the world and stay away from the destructive people of all nations without exception, because the nations are just an invention, only humanity is real.
Yes, Albanian is a unique language. I moved to Sweden and speak 4 languages good: Albanian, Serbian/Croatian, Swedish, English, plus quite a bit German and French, and little Italian as well. From Swedish I understand Danish and Norvegian, but find many similarities between Swedish and - English and German, but even Dutch. I understand Dutch words just from Swedish. I find similarities between French and Italian - with English which seem to have a lot of Latin words although it´s counted as a Germanic language. And I understand a lot of Polish even Russian words from Serbian/Croatian. But I find Albanian unique. Similarities in words between Albanian and French are more than between Albanian and Italian. Words like: "dog" - chien (French) and qen (Albanian), "month" - mois (French pronounced mua) and muaj (Albanian also pronounced muaj), "me" - moi (French pronounced mua) and mua (Albanian pronounced mua), "must/have to" - dois (French pronounced dua), which in Albanian "dua" meaning changes into "want". "Green" - vert in French in Albanian is "gjelbër,", but in spoken Gheg Albanian, green is called "verdh" almoust as French "vert"... However, despite of the similarities of the words; the construction of the language, the grammar, the words which are distinct or which bend and the melodies is what makes languages differ most...
kosovo/albania AKA dardania/epirot/illyria its al the same place and again we are no slavs we are no turks we are allyrians blood brothers of the ancient greeks
Wrong, totally wrong the truth wil come out, becouse we CANNOT escape the truth. Your language is a shepherds language, the ones who were professional shepherds, from the caucasus, in ancient time there were only Serbs and Greeks, on helm (balkans), you calls your self skipetars, wich means highlanders, arabs calls you Arnauts, the ones who never returned back, ILIR,ILIRI,ILIRIJAN, is just a synonyme for Serbs,
Hahhahah a idiot who never go to school. I am starting to think that analbanians don't have schools :D just look Anatoly Klosov reasurch fucking moron.
Serbilirika - come on man . We all know that Albanians pelasgo/illyrians are the first people in Balkans . Turks called us arnaut because in wars we were the first ones and we never came back meaning we didn’t have fear . We all know that serbs came after . Balkan belongs to Albanians , we have the oldest language in Europe with no branches of it . “Tribes over tribes , we were here the first ones , when the sun and the moon didn’t exist, we were the first ones to call GOD “
The main thing that those scholars don't get is that Indo-European language is only a term to deny the fact that the only language that connect and explain the spoken and written language from India to Europe, is the Albanian language. You can't talk about Albania or Albanian language if you don't know at least the Albanian language. The words in Albanian language are more shorts not because they have lost the suffix, but just because the Albanian words is the root for creating all the other languages, and these words had even today sense to the Albanian language.
The history of language is based on opinions. The evidence says completely the opposite: There were only Albanians from the place called Greece today to the place called Slovenia today, from the place called Albania today to to place called Turkey today. Their language is much more complicated the linguists think it is. They simply do not know it.
my friend is not me saying that, there loads of historians have doubted the link between ancient and modern greek even your own historians included ... the number of slavic vallachians and albanian races in greece in medival times confirms that the number of ancient greeks was very small at that point
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
How can albanian language be the oldest in the balkans when it's an indo european language? There may be some pre indoeuropean elements in albanian language, but the main core of the albanian language is indo european
because most languages are very different from the older version of them, like for example ancient english or proto english is extremely different from modern english, but the albanian language has remained unchanged.
My father Dna Is Haplogroup G1 also called Haplogroup G-M285 maybe my father roots are Arbreshe Just my surname Ercolino or written Ercolano, my father and his father they was born on Gargano Mount in Northern Apulia in front of Balkans
can it also be that albanian influenced latin for example and not latin albanian. because for instance it would make more sense that the word „mik“ become „amicus“ then the opposite, or am I thinking wrong?
Albanian language is the same with Ancient Etruscan language many words are the same YL from Etruscan in Albanian is YJ that in English means stars na in Etruscan and Albanian is the same that na I English means us Albanians were Pelasgians the first civilization on Europe and Pelasgian language was same with Etruscan and Pelasgians were before Hellenics in Greece and pelasgians helped Hellas they learned them everything Pelasgians were the first civilization in Europe and Ilyrians (Albanians) are they sons.
@@makedonistoi very possible, PELLASGIANS lived there and the epirotes were PELLASGIANS as well. Once upon a time. Also Athenians had PELLASGIANS roots and possibly the Dorians.
@@makedonistoi till this day, we use the word Gaia for Earth and Pellagos for sea. They say erdhe for Earth and shpella for water. PELLASGIANS were people of the land and sea. Albanians call them pellagz , I don't know if I make sense to you but it's basic words that we have till this day in our language.
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
I don't want to go nuts on this cause I have just spend my whole day doing these all over the B.S. videos on you tube...but I am just going to mention one thing, and then you look it up, you can find it really easy, and then once you realize that you are B.Sing yourself, then please do us all a favor and STUDY WELL next time.. Mik comes from Mikos - Illyrian God before LATIN.. it was God of relationship.. friend or foe.. Mik or Armed Mik - armik... Latin comes from Illyrian, and not the other
Not Ilyrios, Not Illyrer, Not Illyrian but ILIR = that means in Gjuhé Shqipe (eng. Laguage of the Eagels) free man or free Person. Furthermore Dardania is means Land of Pears, Dalmatia is means Land of sheeps, Bosna ist from the river Bosona, that means in Ghegh Albanian "buson"= spring of water Laberia comes from the Tribe Labeaté, Cham called the farmer, owner of big land. It exist a wordplay "cham-a-lam" like a foul name that means Cham or Lam. Lamé it means in Ghegh Albanian the yard..
I think that the Albanians are mainly of Dardanian-Illyrian origins and the origin land is Northern Albania. Albanian is a mixture of Illyrian-Greek-Latin-Turkish , only my opinion.
There was also an ancient Albanian Kingdom in the Caucuses. The call it Caucuses Albania not to confuse the two. Apparently, they have not found any connection between the two.
I found historian connection from early age (300- 826 AD) at Caucasian Albania , than war with Byzantium 826- 1043 at Sicily (with Arabs who were your ruler...You lost the war ,,banished and, from Sicily, landed by ships on the territory of Prince Vladislav of Dukljan, with the promise that they would stay temporarily. Without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever until this days. Albanians origin are from Caucuses. Read historical evidence from old Rome empire, Azerbaijan , Armenia, Georgia, Hungarian, Russia(Dagestan), Arabia, Turkey , Greek, Italy (Sicily), and Great Britain CAUCASUS ALBANY WAS NEVER INDEPENDENT , BUT ALWAYS PART OF OTHER KINGDOM., Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgia , Hun empire (Great Khazaria), Arabs and Turkey. Finally there were assimilated by Azerbaijan, Arabs and Turkey. As a part of Arabs troops they went a long war with Bysantine for their teritory at Sicily between 826 year to 1043 year ( ),lost the war,banished and, from Sicily, landed by ships on the territory of Prince Vladislav of Dukljan, with the promise that they would stay temporarily. Without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever..Of course, since they are thieves and people without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever. ASK YOUR BROTHERS from AZERBAIJAN WHO YOU ARE. THEY KNOW YOU VERY MUCH. YOUR CAPITOL QABALA(KABALA) IS THE MOST FAMOUS TOURIST DESTINATION IN AZERBAIJAN. But you rather still History from Serbia, Monte Negro, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Italy, Hungarian, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey.
Concrete proof of the Illyrian-Pelasgian origin of Albanians is provided by the study of the Albanian language. Despite some points of similarity in structure and phonetics, the Albanian language is entirely distinct from the languages spoken by neighboring natonalities. This language is particularly interesting as the only surviving representative of the alleged Thraco-Illyrian group of languages, which formed the primitive discourse of the inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula. However, great difficulties, as, owing to the absence of the first literary monuments, no certainty can be reached regarding its previous forms and subsequent events. Eventually the Albanian language was permeated by a large number of foreign words, mainly from ancient Greek or Latin, which is younger than the Albanian language, but there is some indication that the early Illyrian language manifested some degree of influence on the grammatical development of the languages now spoken in the Balkan Peninsula. There is, however, one very striking peculiarity in this entire question: that the Albanian language allows a reasonable explanation of the meaning of the names of ancient Greek Gods as well as the rest of the mythological creations. The explanations are so convincing to confirm the opinion that ancient Greek mythology had been borrowed, in its entirety, from the Illyrian-Pelasgians. As it was mentioned before, Zeus survives as "Zot" in the Albanian language. The invocation of his name is the common form of oath among modern Albanians. Athena (Latin Minerva), the goddess of wisdom as expressed in speech, should obviously derive its derivation from the Albanian "E Thëna," which means "simply speech". Thetis, the goddess of waters and seas, would seem to be only Albanian "Det" which means "the sea". It would be interesting to note that the word "Ulysses", if in its Latin or Greek form "Odysseus", means "the traveler" in the Albanian language, according to like the word "udhë", that stands for "the route "and" the journey ", is written with" d "or" l ", both forms being in use in Albania. Such examples can be provided ad libitum (libitum). No such facility is, however, permitted by the ancient Greek language, unless the explanation is an obligatory and distorted one; but in many cases even a mandatory and distorted so is not available at all. Moreover, we must not forget the fact that Zeus was God Pelasgian par excellence, his original religious building being Dodona. proof that we are Illyrians. The queen who reigned in the Balkans was called Teuta and this is a 1000% Albanian name and the country illir means free. Proof that we are also the ancient Greeks: out of 2 Examples of names of gods and deities prehellenic derived from Albanian - pelasgic. Apart from any prejudice, the etymology of names which we are going to present here, conforms strictly to an interpretation based on the conn growth of ancient languages, and especially of the Albanian. The only one to give the correct meaning to the names of certain gods, considered Greek without being never such. The examples which have just been presented here, confirm the importance of the langu Albanian as a language which can give a reasoned answer to the questions of pre-Hellenic paleography, where the names of the gods Pelasgians had been Greekized and pronounced without being able to give them an interpretation valid. Follow the etymolog below ie appropriation of the names of the gods through the Albanian language. Rhea. Zeus' mother was Rhea, which derives from the Albanian word " re ”, And means cloud. What can give birth the cloud, if not the storm, lightning and thunder? So the mighty voice of the cloud sky them from the Universe, the voice = zë or za, hence the Ze (us) = (the Voice), in Albanian Zot (God). Ze us derives from the Albanian "za or ze" = voice. Thunder is the voice of God, it is Ze (us) = Ze - Za = the Voice, Zot (the God) of the Albanians. Athena in albanian Athin at : this name derives from the Albanian "e thena" = to say, in the sense of the Word, the Word of God, hence the goddess of wisdom. Another Albanian etymology of Athina = Ati (father) + n / A (mother), hence the protective goddess, Athina (father - mother) in this sense. Kron (bone), der ive of the Albanian words Koh (time) + r ron (lively), or Ke + r r we (that live) in the sense than hard (durable) to give a sense of the perpetuity of time. Ouran (bones) of the Greeks, Vran (bone) = sky, derived from Albanian vran = cloudy; that is to say the earth (Téa, G éa) produced the clouds, the cloudy, vran - uran , in the sense of Heaven. You should know that the Albanians pronounce the "V" like "U" (or), and vice - versa, hence Vran = Uran (Ouran). By adding the particle " os ”the Greeks made their Uran + os, Uranos, its ns be able to explain the etymological meaning. Thea or Gea, earth, derives from Albanian Dhè = earth, hence the synonym tokë also maintains the root of T'héa. The T (is), from Thét + is (Greek suffix), derives from Albanian Det = sea, registered Deti = the m er. The Albanian etymology results from it very clear, as in all the aforementioned names. Themis , goddess of justice, her name derives from the verb alb. te mys = I kill you, hence the Latin verb "timeo" (I'm afraid) that we represent with a scale in the ma in the left and a sword in the right hand. It was the law of the heel, the justice of the time, which executed after having judged: eye for eye, tooth for tooth and blood for blood. Hermes , was a god recognized as essentially Pelasgius. Hermès, derives from the Alban ais err (darkness) + my s (mus) or mes = to kill, in the sense, "I kill the darkness", hence Hermes the god who dispels the darkness. Demeter, (Dhimitris) goddess of agriculture, deriving from Albanian: Dhè (earth) + metre (mother), hence Demeter = Mother Earth. Demeter was the fourth wife of Zeus. From their union was born Kora, goddess of harvests, from the Albanian verb "korr" = to harvest from where të korra = harvest. Ha (bone) (Chaos), derives from the Albanian Ha = to eat, devour, or from Hap, Hapsine = in the sense of openness, the vid e, the abyss, from where Ha (os) (Chaos), the void that devours everything, absolute disorder, etc. Of Ha os, removing the Greek suffix os = Ha , was born Tartarus, called by the Greeks ( Ereb us) = Erèbe, We find the root of this word in the Albanian language, err, errsi = darkness, u err , it's dark, hence ferr = dark hell. Ghig (as), was one of the most remarkable giants, born from the union of Heaven and Earth, of a stature colossal, strong, proud, fierce. The Northern Albanians, still retain at no s days the name of Gheg. They still have a remnant of the high stature of the giant Ghig (without the Greek suffix "as") which points them out among the other inhabitants of Albania. Atlas, derived from Albanian words At (father) + the ace (lasht) = old hence At i lasht = AT tlas = old father. Aphrodhit (is), derived from Albanian words afer (close) + said (day) hence in Albanian Aferdita (close to day), the name they gave to the morning star, the planet Venue, Aphrodhit (is), goddess of beauty and love. Atlas , At + weary in Albanian, Aphrodhitis , Afro - dhitis At (father) + las (old) from Albanian Afer - said from where Atlas = Old father close - day, the morning star, Aferdita (the planet Venus)
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
history of doric race Vol. I London: John Murray, Albemarle Street. 1839. 3. The Macedonians. 3. In the fashion of wearing the mantle and dressing the hair,3 and also in their dialect, the Macedonians bore a great resemblance to the Illyrians; whence it is evident that the Macedonians belonged to the Illyrian nation.4
Albanians are pure blood of illyrians: -tribe : arber . The Illyrian-Dardan tribe were all in present Kosovo to presheva and provinces to the Skupi (Shkupi- illyrian city). The word (dardans/dardhans) means dardhë. The Albanian language is a part of the Indo-European language family (roots) Which indicates that it is a root that includes tongues from a certain part of Europe to India
@KONSTANTIN XXX I didn't say shit about Illyria I said the first book in Albanian was written in 1555, and if you don't believe me I can read it to you because it's clear and intelligible Albanian Also the first record of our existence was in 150 BC, described as Albanoi living in the adriatic coast north of greece. You can dispute whatever you want, but those are written facts. What happened after is a different story.
Arber has been called Albania in the times of Skanderbeg.They spoke Albanian.500-600 years ago!Those who traveled from albania thoe times now days are all around the globe as Tribes,they speek the Skanderbeg's language,and only we can understand them even the language has changes a lot.The language that ilyrians has spoken is close to the language of Arberia.Pelazgic language its been closer to Ilyrian language.Here comes that old greek language has been pelazgic,which its successor is Albanian.
Michiel, check the translation of the world "familia" from latin, it doesn't correspond to "femije" in albanian. "familia" in latin means "family+other meanings like servants.
O mik..për ne veriorët,familja si kuptim parësor nënkupton fëmijët ,vazhdimësinë.Për ata që s,kanë fëmijë nuk u themi familje.Themi ""të met"" të mbetur..
Only Albanian language its connected to Illyrian heritage like names toponyms etc have only meaning in albanian language non of other language can even spell them correctly
@ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ is МАКЕДОНИЈА Look at this the Bulgarian who speaks Slavic and claims to be an ancient Macedonian descendant is talking about the Albanian language based on some biased articles. Everyone agrees that the Albanian language is an Indo-European language and the Bulgarian who thinks is Macedonian says the Albanian language is not an Indo-European language on RUclips comments! Hahaha haha go back in your cave and don't come out again.
Just a university teachers that knows lots and doesn't know everything like any history teacher in every country so bravoooo for some info and study more for the uncovered ones
Big surprise, languages evolve when exposed to new rulers and migrations!!!!! Does it come as a surprise that Albanian absorbed words from Latin and Turkish, after centuries of occupations? The question was "where does Albanian come from", the lecturer skims right through the answer. Instead of saying that there's no clear ancestor to the Albanian language, why didn't he show pros and cons to the 3 predecessors? There are clear similarities between the fragments of Illyrian and Ancient Greek to Albanian. Why didn't he dispute those, to the least? I'm sorry, but this presentation was shallow and not so informative.
***** you use words such as related and thus, but improperly. I can link you to pages and pages of Illyrian words which are perfectly understood in Albanian but not in modern Greek.
+TheusZeusDeus You say "they may have Illyrian DNA, they live in the same region, their language might be traceable to Illyrian, but that doesn't mean they're their descendants!" You could have had a point if this were only a language debate. That's only proof of the hegemony of the Roman Empire. About smelling coffee, if it sounds like a coffee maker, it smells like coffee, it tastes like coffee, it looks like coffee, it probably is coffee. Same with Albanians and Illyrians. Austrians or the British and French had no advantage making "propaganda" as you call it. The Albanian neighbors who want to eat up Albanian lands do. Where lies the true bias? Nobody is saying that cultures do not evolve, and neither that Albanians are the only descendants [by DNA, Albanians are Illyrians for over 40% of their most isolated groups - this DNA is shared by Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, and minorities in Greece and Macedonia]. You cannot deny or undermine the origin of Albanians. In the Balkans especially, between the Roman, Bizantine, and Ottoman Empire that united the region for two millennia, EVERY culture and population mingled with little restrictions. That is why defining borders in the Balkans is so difficult. Nationalist sentiments arose along with independence movements against monarchies across Europe, and with the weakening of the Ottoman Empire, Greece (with incalculable help from Albanian leaders) gained independence, later joined by the Slavs. Albanians were the last to gain independence partially for economic reasons, but also because nationalism wasn't part of the culture until much later. The reason to focus on the mountaineers is because they remained the most isolated of all. They're considered backwards even by Albanians. Albania has no maritime culture? For a population living with highest densities on the coast? You know so little of this nation. Or are you among the conspiracy theorists believing Albanians were "imported" from the East, because a name written on a map is more important than a plethora of evidence telling you otherwise? Stop denying the existence and heritage of all people, in the Balkans or elsewhere.
***** I see that you're apt with rhetorical tricks, but your claims are just as unsubstantiated as you claim mine to be. So don't waste my time, unless you back up your statements with reliable sources.
***** This isn't a matter of opinions, I am looking for evidence that will lead me to the truth. If it turns out that Albanians aren't Illyrians, so be it, as long as the research isn't biased, and it isn't used to legitimize occupation claims, or to insult one side or the other. I work on a different field, so I'm genuinely asking for reliable sources on history, linguistics, or genetics. So wherever you found your information, please share, because my readings up till now had me convinced that Albanians were Illyrians. From a history course I took on the Middle East, the Ottoman Empire's military was made up of foreigners, little children bought from poor families in the central balkans, who then returned to their motherland after retirement, often with Anatolian wives and children. Before that, asiatic hoardes ravaged the country and raped women. I thought this explained the (at times) darker skin tones. Islamization followed due to the heavy taxation imposed on the non-Muslims. "There were there's the sword, there lies religion", goes an Albanian saying. For the height, it is not yet fair to make the comparison. North Koreans are some say 3 inches shorter than South Koreans, due to malnutrition caused by a savage communism. Lord Byron commented on the beauty and height of Albanian people in the late 18th century. Insisting on the lack of Illyrian maritime words, while claiming that all Balkans were hellenified... that's how globalization works. Italian dialects have been disappearing after unification in the late 19th century. The Balkans were unified under the Bizantine empire for an entire millennium. The official language shifted from Latin to Greek (even though they all called themselves Latin, and acquired national pride only during the 18/19th century with the advent of neoclassicism in the west). Don't you think that's long enough to have any Illyrian native words replaced by the much more frequent Greek words, due to the close trading nets? In my language, which is Italian, in my lifetime alone we've seen a significant Anglicization of our terms, even where we used to have the Italian version. What could a millennium do? And the oldest Albanian text dates to the 11th century, a manuscript by Theodore of Shkodra, recently discovered in the Vatican.
My grandfather, Xheffari came from Albania in 1907 while it was still under Ottoman rule. Koritza Albania. The town is a different name these days. Illyrian is the original language from what I understand.
There was a population of Aromuns migrting towards Albania. This is how borrowed words became a part of Albanian. Also, a recent study has proven that words that exist in Romanian, previously thought to be borrowed from Slavic languages are in fact of Thracian origin existing in both Romanian (as Dacian, including North Thracian) and old Slavic (now including North East and SouthThracian).
This is a quasy sciense, as Thracian language as Romanian,Thracian, Ilirian , Dacian languages were not preserve, they do not exist.Romanians are not Thracians they came after 6AD maybe even 12AD. in 6AD was attack on TRacia from Avars Romanians are not Avars must be11- 12AD with the fall off Constantinopol in to hands off Latine.And the truth population were manly slaugter.Only Gypsie were left, they are truth Byzantinum.
+sonja Totic "as Thracian language as Romanian,Thracian, Ilirian , Dacian languages were not preserve, they do not exist" They DID exist! The language spoken by Gauls and Iberians, Celts etc., they don't exist anymore too just like Thracian, Illyrian and Dacian . So what's your point? Romanian language does exist! It is the language that we, Romanians, speak today! How can you say that Romanian language was not preserved and doesn't exist?! "Romanians are not Thracians " Romanian people is the result of a process of ethnogenesis like all European peoples! Dacians were conquered by the Roman Empire in 106 AD, then Dacia was heavily colonized with Roman colonists from the whole Roman Empire ("ex toto orbe romano", say the ancient sources) and in time they created a new ethnicity. Later, in Dacia arrived the Slavs, they stayed here for a little while and then the majority (but not all of them) crossed the Danube. As a result, the Balkans were Slavicized (the majority of Latinized Thracians were assimilated by Slavs) and the Slavs who remained North of the Danube (in Dacia) have been assimilated by early Romanians. So the main components of our ethnicity are: Dacians, Roman colonists (from the whole Roman Empire, not only from Italy) and Slavs (with some small additions, some migratory tribes which settled in Dacia) The same process of ethnogenesis happened in France (French people = Gauls + Roman colonists + German tribes), Spain, Portugal (Iberians, Celts + Roman colonists + Germans), in Balkans (Thracians + Romans + Slavs [+ Bulgars in the case of Bulgarians] ) etc
+sonja Totic "Romanians are not Thracians they came after 6AD maybe even 12AD." Where did we come from in your opinion? Can you provide us evidence for your statement? Documents, primary sources? Can you show us evidence? Show us documents, primary sources that say Romanians migrated from somewhere (where from?) And what happened with Dacians who inhabited Dacia if you say we are not Thracians? "must be11- 12AD with the fall off Constantinopol in to hands off Latine" That happened in the 13th century: "And the truth population were manly slaugter" What population was "manly slaugter"? The population of Constantinople? Romanian people was formed and lived and still lives in Dacia. About the history and inhabitants of Constantinople, you can read here: "Only Gypsie were left, they are truth Byzantinum." This is silly, sorry lol Tell that to Greeks lol About Gypsies and their migration: "In 1322 a Franciscan monk named Simon Simeonis described people in likeness to the "atsingani" living in Crete and in 1350 Ludolf von Sudheim mentioned a similar people with a unique language whom he called Mandapolos [...] Around 1360, a fiefdom (called the Feudum Acinganorum) was established in Corfu." So they are first recorded in Europe in the 14th century.
4. The Thessalians, as well as the Macedonians, were, as it appears, an Illyrian race, who subdued a native Greek population; but in this case the body of the interlopers was smaller, while the numbers and civilization of the aboriginal inhabitants were considerable
Jemi shqiptar jemi krenar.ësht vendi ku ësht më i ëmbël balta se mjalta...ëstht vendi i shqiponjës i bekuar nga zoti.gjuha më e pastër dhe më e pasur dhe më e vjetër në evrop!
I heard this, but this scholar's conclusion cannot be accepted according to me; as far as I understood, the author has conduct his research only in one regional zone, and more precisely in the south-center Albania, somewhere in the area between Scampini river and the Berat/Permet area... In the middle age (XII sec. ca), this area was invaded by the Bulgarian empire which left buildings, traditions, and some influence in the regional dialects and costumes. This just to point out that the conclusions of the author cannot be extend to the whole Albanian speaking territories
ancient greeks and ancient albanians wher onces called the pelesgians, we are no turks we are a ancient pelesgian tribethat almost lost everything incleuding langeuses and culture slavs came many centuries lather and that fact alone should close this subject ones and for al
Everyone speaks the same language, the difference and that some groups have evolved this language and others do not. The more you come back, the less differences you will find among the languages. The first cause of different linguistic evolution is metonymy.
right it comes from proto cuchitic african langage who is the ancestor of sumerian and ancient ethiopian and ancient egyptian and berber from which evolve other langages
*IT APPEARS, DR. MICHIEL DE VAAN, HAS NOT DONE HIS HOME WORK REGARDING THE ORIGINS OF ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE. IT IS NOT TRUE THAT ALBANIANS HAVE CHANGED THEIR LANGUAGE SEVERAL TIMES DURING THE LAST MILLENIA. THIS IS A HISTORICAL AND LINGUISTIC LIE. THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS NOT CHANGED IN ITS CORE FOR 10 THOUSAND YEARS, BUT OF COURSE HAS EVOLVED FROM AN OLD ALBANIAN TO A MODERN ALBANIAN. IT IS NOT TRUE AT ALL THAT ALBANIAN LANGUAGE HAS BORROWED A LOT OF LOANWORDS FROM LATIN, GREEK OR TURKISH. THE OPPOSITE IS TRUE. LATIN LANGUAGE (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE), AS WELL 'GREEK' (WHICH IS A NON-ETHNIC LAB CREATED LANGUAGE) AND TURKISH LANGUAGE HAVE BORROWED A LOT OF LOADWORDS FROM ANCIENT ALBANIAN AS WELL THE MODERN ALBANIAN. READ BELOW MR. DE VAAN, TO LEARN A BIT MORE IN DEPTH ABOUT ALBANIANS AND THE ALBANIAN LANGUAGE.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *THERE WERE NO "GREEKS" IN ANCIENT TIMES, IT'S ALL A SCAM FROM CON AND PLANTED "HISTORIANS" - THERE WERE ANCIENT ILLYRIAN AND PELASGIAN KINGDOMS/CONFEDERATIONS IN ANCIENT TIMES, FALSELY PRESENTED AS "GREEK" BY CON AND PLANTED HISTORIANS* The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania. All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites). Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian. Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities. Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago). Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians. The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”. Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians". The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians". The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”. There is no such thing as “Greece”. Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite"). This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019. The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India). This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country. If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today. This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940. Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania. Source: YOUNG ALBANIAN - AMERICAN SCIENTISTS NEW YORK - WASHINGTON DC, January. 2022 =====================================================================================================================
They bought the place there for 60 golds! It is named as Albanian Tower and on the tomb of Gjon Kastrioti is written "...the Duke of Yllirians..! Read better and try again...
@@yotuberrednblack4888 and whom are those Illyrians if in Austria Habzburg state Illyrian was Serbian?! I am really not nationalist I want to know thruth according to historical facts, nothing else
Serbs are Illyrians? Is this a serious idea? Hahaha! But, serbs came in the 6th Century to Balkans... Illyrians were here much more before - centuries B.C, come on ppl!
There is only one possibility and only one explanation... "when slavs came to Balkans and settled... maybe they mixed with some tribes in the area... this is a bit hard to believe (to be love at first sight hahaha). So the might be a small percetage of Illyrian descendants...
The Albanian language, as well as the Albanians, Albanians, Arberesh, Arvanites, and further Illyrians or Pelasgians, have the most unique language in the world, the words of the Albanian language, can not find meaning or origin from any other language, as Albanian as a language has a special key, the Symbolic Algorithm, this means that the Albanian language gives the meaning of the thought expressed in the word, and there is no, but no other language in the world has this key, also Albanians are autochthonous as much as man himself on this land, this is confirmed by the toponymy of the names of most of Europe up to Asia Minor,
🌳🌟🌞🌝🌕🌖🌜🌛🌗🌘🌙🌔💫⭐️🌟✨⚡️🌈 (1)Lengua in the European region was Albanian (Geg) #2 LenguaTosk Arvanits Albanian # 3 Lengua Hellenic # 4 Armenian Lengua 🇦🇱🤝🙌👐 🇺🇸
There are only three white genes in Europe or Europeans genes. These genes make you white. They are: I2a Dinaric - Balkanci of South Slavs. R1a West and East Slavs, Luthunians, Latvians and Prussians.R1b Gernanic haplogroup mosly West Europeans, Spaniards, Scots, Velshs, Irish and English. Scandinawians haplogroup and subclades of I1 originated in Balkan. All others like Westen Siberians like Finns and Estonians N1 and N2.All others like Šhqiptaret carry African haplogroups that mutated in Caucasus E3b1a-V13; Near East and Medle East Haplogroups J1 and J2;Q haplogroups or Nazive Americans. H haplogroup of Roma people in Europe. Si Šhqiptaret you Are not among Europeans and white. Even od you kill your selh you Can not reed of your Africans gene and African shaoe of your skulls In Kosovo 49% of this African haplogroup among Šhqiptaret.
Bravo Shkrlzen, the alien part was funny because I understand why you said it. My knowledge is too much to type in a comment. I've studied ethnology for many years and am of both Gheg and Tosk. I speak both dialects and understand the language and history better than this professor. I can answer a lot of questions. So just message me. Because you're missing a lot of information.
Albanian is not a indo european language it's'a semitic language closed to aramean. It's'rather a proto aryan language All albanese students agree with it
@@valonkamberi5199 sorry albanian is a mix of pelasgian and illyrian langage pelasgians come from natoufians people the first palestine people whose origins is berber, natoufians divide into many peoples the semites and the asianic peoples the asianic people were the pelasgians , the saracatsanes and the zarzians ( ancestors of the georgians ) and north and east caucasian peoples( circassians, hattis, abkhazians , kaskis,nakhs , hurrites, urartians and nakh dagestanians) the pelasgians were indigenous of turkey and not indoeuropeans the main of anatolian peoples were of this stock (proved by the fact lydians were pelasgians and other anatolian langages cognate with it ) except kaskis which are ancestors of abkhazians and adygeans and are of natoufian origin too and the hittites who are mix of caucasians , pelasgians and indo europeans according to their langage ilyrians are themselves indo europeans and adopt pelasgian langage
Greeks were called Graeci only after the Ionnian settlent oi the area. Ionninas were semitic/hebrew. Dorians were Illyrian tribes that dwelt in Sparta. Leonidas were a Dorian living in Sparta. Illyrians and Epiroans were considered by Greeks as barbarous tribes. Whatever was barbarus was not Greek. Greece idnetity is based on a Setmitc ideology called Orthodoxy. Greece is a mixture of ethnicites (Arbanites, Vlahs, Slavs, Egyptians, Turks)
Fis mbi fis , un jam i pari
un jam ktu, kur s'kish as bar , diell e han mbi ket tok ,
un i pari thirra Zot
na jemi illiria, kta glupat ne youtube jan me ja qi at non ne pidh
Kosovo Jon
Hahahahaaahhahahaaah 👍💪
Iliricum sacrum Fis mbi fis = une jam i pari =nuk do te thote qe fis mbi fis je i pari jane gjera pa kuptim qe ne si komb jemi nji nder kombet me te vjeter ne europe kjo dihet,por detyra e çdo patrioti,qytetari Shqiptar te shkruaj gjera te sakta dhe te bazuara nga autor antik te ndryshem me vlera albanologjike dhe hulumtues te huaj .Duhet te dijme te sakte ate qe shkruajme sepse bota neser nuk na beson edhe pse kemi te drejten e historise qe te tjeret mundohen te na pergenjeshtrojne me 1000 e ca genjeshtra sa qe te na mohojne se qenuri si popull por kjo nuk na intereson nejse.Pra ne vende te fjales fis do kisha vene fjalen AT = qe ne gjuhen Shqipe do te thote =LASH(TE) d,m,th i vjeter trashgimtar i te parit stergjysh BABE,I MOçEM, I VJETER, ANTIK me falni nuk desha tju nderhyj po ne emer te se vertetes pershendetje_______________________genova________________________italy.
@@nastradinimax9594 e greku cfar ka te sakte? Nga burimet e saja jo te sakta, zoti patriot.
I am albanian with brown hair but when i was born i had blonde hair due to mother's heritage which is polish and check. Everybody in school thought i was italian because my family lived in italy before coming to the united states. I was afraid to say i was not italian. Now i am proud to be albanian and american.
half has been sold?
My neighbors are Albanians. They have 3 kids: Two youngest are blonds and the oldest with brown hair, all have green/blue eyes. Funny they don't look much alike at all and their parents make fun and laugh about it.
@@garyyakamoto2648 Roma Albanian I Know, slaw charakters, has never go to the Indian Albanian kingdom and Pakistan Albanobaktria - you dont Learn ? greckBatrian and Info greek Kingdom, every India People say that... No eduction ?
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
@@fotiskosmos3009 stop doin drugs buddy
Albanians were invaded by the Turks for 500 yrs. still kept the language. Yes it does have some Turkish words, Latin, and romanic but its still unique and kept the roots.
No romanic words do not offend us
@@buki0141 welche würzeln ?Albanisch ist eine indoeuropäische Sprache, bildet innerhalb der indoeuro- päischen Sprachen aber eine eigene Gruppe. Darüber hinaus ist das Albanische reich an Entlehnungen, vor allem aus dem Lateinischen, Griechischen, romani- schen sowie slawischen Sprachen und dem Türkischen.Bis 1.500 kannte keiner albanien. erst im 14 Jahrhunder würde albanien erst erwähnt... Ausserdem albanische sprache würde erst im 19 jahrhunder verbessert, vorher griechisch geschrieben, sogar das erste buch in griechisch mit albanisch, Die heutige sprache ist: Sie können gerne Googeln... aber nicht albanisch Google ;) Albanische sprache :Der albanische Wortschatz übernahm Lehnwörter aus dem Altgriechischen, danach aus dem Lateinischen und es folgten Entlehnungen aus dem Südslawischen, (Mittel-Neu)Griechischen und Türkischen, dem Italienischen und Französischen und anderen Sprachen so wie slawisch und romanisch . hinzu kommen zunehmend Anglizismen und Gräzismen, Die heutige albanische Schriftsprache wurde erst in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf der Grundlage der toskischen Dialektgruppe entwickelt. Mögliche Zwischenstationen des Albanischen auf dem Wege vom Indogermanischen sind bisher nicht eindeutig fassbar. Nicht zuletzt wegen der räumlichen Überlappung mit den historisch bekannten Illyrern versuchten viele Forscher, das Albanische mit diesem zu verbinden, was allerdings wegen völlig unzureichender Belege des Illyrischen kaum beweisbar bleibt...Zugehörigkeit zu einer balkan-indogermanischen Zwischenstufe vorgeschlagen, zusammen mit dem Griechischen und Armenischen...Es gibt im Albanischen zwei Sonderzeichen, die auch erst end des 19 Jahrhunderst sind.
'ç' und 'ë'.
entspricht 'tsch' wie in 'Matsch'
entspricht einem geschlossenen 'e' (in Richtung ö) ähnlich wie in 'Gebäude'
Bitte beachten Sie:
Ein 'ë' am Wortende wird meist nicht gesprochen.
Aussprache von Lauten, die im Albanischen aus zwei Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind
Zu den Lauten, die aus 2 Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind, zählen:
dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh.
dh entspricht 'th' (stimmhaft) wie im Englischen 'they'
gj sollte man versuchen gleichzeitig auszusprechen 'g+j'
ll entspricht 'l', z. B. Englisch 'bill'
nj entspricht dem ñ der Spanier in 'Señor'
rr gerolltes 'r' mit mind. 2 Anschlägen
sh entspricht 'sch' (stimmlos) wie in 'Schule'
th entspricht dem englischen th (stimmlos) wie in 'thunder'
xh entspricht 'dsch' wie in 'Jeans'
zh entspricht 'sch' (stimmhaft) wie in 'Garage'
Albanisch und Deutsch:
Unterschiede in der Aussprache
Unterschiedlich zum Deutschen werden folgende Buchstaben ausgesprochen:
c entspricht 'z' wie in 'Zoo'
e entspricht 'ä' wie in 'Säbel'
v entspricht 'w' wie in 'Wagen'
s entspricht 's' (stimmlos wie in 'Fest')
z entspricht 's' (stimmhaft wie in 'Hose') HIER EIN Paar Deutsche wörter die jetz im albanischen sind : Ganz frisch im jahre 2.000 Deutsche Lehnwörter im Albanischen
Alpinist, Bergsteiger
Blitz (beim Fotoapparat)
Blinker (Kosovo)
Feldmarschall (Kosovo)........Gjithë të mirat!
welche würzeln ?Albanisch ist eine indoeuropäische Sprache, bildet innerhalb der indoeuro- päischen Sprachen aber eine eigene Gruppe. Darüber hinaus ist das Albanische reich an Entlehnungen, vor allem aus dem Lateinischen, Griechischen, romani- schen sowie slawischen Sprachen und dem Türkischen.Bis 1.500 kannte keiner albanien. erst im 14 Jahrhunder würde albanien erst erwähnt... Ausserdem albanische sprache würde erst im 19 jahrhunder verbessert, vorher griechisch geschrieben, sogar das erste buch in griechisch mit albanisch, Die heutige sprache ist: Sie können gerne Googeln... aber nicht albanisch Google ;) Albanische sprache :Der albanische Wortschatz übernahm Lehnwörter aus dem Altgriechischen, danach aus dem Lateinischen und es folgten Entlehnungen aus dem Südslawischen, (Mittel-Neu)Griechischen und Türkischen, dem Italienischen und Französischen und anderen Sprachen so wie slawisch und romanisch . hinzu kommen zunehmend Anglizismen und Gräzismen, Die heutige albanische Schriftsprache wurde erst in der Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts auf der Grundlage der toskischen Dialektgruppe entwickelt. Mögliche Zwischenstationen des Albanischen auf dem Wege vom Indogermanischen sind bisher nicht eindeutig fassbar. Nicht zuletzt wegen der räumlichen Überlappung mit den historisch bekannten Illyrern versuchten viele Forscher, das Albanische mit diesem zu verbinden, was allerdings wegen völlig unzureichender Belege des Illyrischen kaum beweisbar bleibt...Zugehörigkeit zu einer balkan-indogermanischen Zwischenstufe vorgeschlagen, zusammen mit dem Griechischen und Armenischen...Es gibt im Albanischen zwei Sonderzeichen, die auch erst end des 19 Jahrhunderst sind.
'ç' und 'ë'.
entspricht 'tsch' wie in 'Matsch'
entspricht einem geschlossenen 'e' (in Richtung ö) ähnlich wie in 'Gebäude'
Bitte beachten Sie:
Ein 'ë' am Wortende wird meist nicht gesprochen.
Aussprache von Lauten, die im Albanischen aus zwei Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind
Zu den Lauten, die aus 2 Buchstaben zusammengesetzt sind, zählen:
dh, gj, ll, nj, rr, sh, th, xh, zh.
dh entspricht 'th' (stimmhaft) wie im Englischen 'they'
gj sollte man versuchen gleichzeitig auszusprechen 'g+j'
ll entspricht 'l', z. B. Englisch 'bill'
nj entspricht dem ñ der Spanier in 'Señor'
rr gerolltes 'r' mit mind. 2 Anschlägen
sh entspricht 'sch' (stimmlos) wie in 'Schule'
th entspricht dem englischen th (stimmlos) wie in 'thunder'
xh entspricht 'dsch' wie in 'Jeans'
zh entspricht 'sch' (stimmhaft) wie in 'Garage'
Albanisch und Deutsch:
Unterschiede in der Aussprache
Unterschiedlich zum Deutschen werden folgende Buchstaben ausgesprochen:
c entspricht 'z' wie in 'Zoo'
e entspricht 'ä' wie in 'Säbel'
v entspricht 'w' wie in 'Wagen'
s entspricht 's' (stimmlos wie in 'Fest')
z entspricht 's' (stimmhaft wie in 'Hose') HIER EIN Paar Deutsche wörter die jetz im albanischen sind : Ganz frisch im jahre 2.000 Deutsche Lehnwörter im Albanischen
Alpinist, Bergsteiger
Blitz (beim Fotoapparat)
Blinker (Kosovo)
Feldmarschall (Kosovo)........Gjithë të mirat!
No romanic, but LATIN words!
@@fotiskosmos3009 oh, respekt. Jemand der wissenschaft ernst nimmt. Es ist sehr schwer Albaner von ihrem alternativen geschichtsverständniss abzubringen.
A lot of greeks and serbs in comment section. This video speaks about Albania, what are you doing here!?
making sure you guys stay in line and stop brainwashing the rest of the world with your bulllshit
skenderbeu eshte serb
@@leonsparta or more like you trying to spread propaganda about Albanians not to mention this historian in this video is DUTCH and not even albanian.
@@donbrasco676 и никола тесла је албански
@@MrGamerman16 Tesla was not an Albanian stop this fucking stupidities, neither was Alexander the great. Albanians were in the mountains to long to produce a man like Tesla. didnt even know how to create an alphabet or read mathematics and tesla was Albanian Sheppard
I am half Albanian and I am very proud of it 😎😎😎.
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
The word Center (eng), Centrum (Lat), Kentrum (Greek), Qendër (albanian), only in Albanian is meaningful: Që-është-ndër, thats mean: "something-in-the-middle" (exactly the meaning of the word), so the origin of word "Center" is from Albanian word "Qendër"
that's not quite how historical linguistics works
***** duh, express, is etymologically "ex-out, from without"+"press-to push", so literally "to push it out". Don't make yourself of an ignorant linguist.
Frosiana G Lol, he's not realizing the cent-thing, perhaps he should first learn latin before make such a fool of himself.
+Alban JashAri You are still going with this pseudo-linguistics?
+Alban JashAri Slavic word for Family isn't Family, nor does it come from Albanian, that's a word borrowed from Latin Familia, the Slavic word is Porodica, Rodov, Rodzina, Rodina etc. By linguistical analysis we can conclude that the generic word comes from a word Rod also meaning cousin, relative, offspring. Comes from the name of an old Slavic deity Rod, god of creation, life, nature, and offspring, hence the Po-Rod-ica, Rod-ov, Rod-ina. As Rod means cousin, relative, Po-rod means offspring, Pri-rod-a mens nature etc.
As far as your analysis of words, it's, again, wrong. I told you this before, but seems it was in vain, words like Mama, Papa, Baba etc come from sounds babies make aka vocal reflex, and are common in almost all languages in the world.
The word Brother comes from the Sanskrit word Brathar, spread via Proto Germanic Brothar, Greek Phrater, Old Church Slavonic Bratru etc and has the same meaning.
Btw the word Express has two meanings, i/e fast and i/e representation (of thoughts, feelings), as former comes from Latin Exprimere - Expresus, borrowed via medieval Latin into Old French as Espres, becoming later Expres, while as latter comes from Latin Expressare and in Old French as Expresser (Ex-press -> to speak one's mind, to squeee out). Rubin Domi explained it quite well.
Due to the fact that there's plenty of short words in Albanian, they are being used as syllables to form a connection thus forcing phonetic similarities that otherwise wouldn't exist. As such it's beyond ridiculous.
[Edit] This pseudo-linguistics can be used to claim almost anything, which doesn't make it so.
Gjuha jone sa e mire !
Sa e embel,sa e gjere !
Sa e lehte,sa e lire !
Sa e bukur,sa e vlere !
Naim Frasheri
Kosovo is midle age capital of Serbia,Pecka Patrijarsija,before 12 century Ad belong to Bizantium empire.Today you distroy churches and Monasteres to distroy history of Sebia.You call youself Iliraian but you are arab and Berber J genes abd E1b1b genes.
@@verplichtduzanduznik go fuck yourself
@@verplichtduzanduznik serbians cilled more then 5000 albanian childs in less then one years you piece of shit
@Otrant Illyria Just Beautiful!!!!❤❤❤
"If you want to discover the history before Christ and the sience of that time,you must study the Albanian language!"
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
German Philosopher
Shqipja eshte nje gjuhe dhe e vetmja dhe e ndryshme nga cdo gjuhe ne bote kjo do te thote thjesht qe Shqiperia ka nje histori dhe kulture te vecante dhe te veten ,kushdo qe fut logjiken dhe eshte i zgjuar mjafte e beson dhe e verteton kete edhe pse interpretohet nga shume persona te zgjuar e te edukuar ,pik kjo eshte e verteta.
Robert Granbeck edhe un kshu mendoj !
Ata që janë të zgjuar nuk u besojnë përrallave të Shqipërisë...
@ALDO DR Ju mund të ëndërroni për kulturën greke ...
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos Grapsta sta albanika na to katalawi....
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos (Albanian for "Missal") is the oldest published book in Albanian. The book was written by Gjon Buzuku, a Catholic cleric in 1555. The book contains 188 pages and is written in two columns. Meshari is the translation of the main parts of the Catholic Liturgy into Albanian. It contains the liturgies of the main religious holidays of the year, comments from the book of prayers, excerpts from the Bibleas well as excerpts from the ritual and catechism. It was written to help Christians pray daily religious services. The only original known copy of this book currently is in the Library of the Vatican.
Excerpt from Meshari by Gjon Buzuku.
I agree with you, that there are blond, red and brown haired albanians. But, we all have the same facial features. We can recognize each other from 1 km. I've never seen such a nation, where people have the same features. Plus, MOST OF our children are blond for about 7-8 years since their birth. After 8 years, their hair tend to get darker. It happened to my brothers, father and many of my cousins. Some of my cousins even had blond hair till they were 14/16.
Thats so true especially with the hair and recognizing each other
True, I was born blonde brown eyes and I right now I got Light brown hair and red beard.
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos
you are wrong, tendency to have dark skin the perpetrators are the Spaniards and the Portuguese, as well as the Greeks of southern origin, while the northern Greeks are whiter and mixed with Bulgarians, Albanians, Jews, and Vlachs. while in Albania the tendency to have darker skin is Durres and a large part of Tirana, because in those areas the Ottomans brought Egyptian Arab Turks as professors to teach Albanians Islam, but Albanians living in non-mainstream cities have a tendency to be whiter. The original Albanians are whiter than the Spaniards, Portuguese, southern Italians, and southern Greeks. I personally am Albanian with origins from Struga, my father's tribe are dark blonde and blue eyes and white skin, while from my mother's tribe are very black hair and long slender bodies I personally look very similar to Circassians , while my dad looks like he was Bulgarian (Bulgarian blonde)
but we are neither Bulgarian nor Circassian, but we are 100% Albanian because even from our grandparents we always spoke Albanian
so we can not say that all Mediterranean bands tend to be black.
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos its easy lets find the dna of the most ancient man i mediteran and then lets find whos language its the most old one...and du the test...and then we find who are most related?
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos They arent all with dark skin are you an idiot? Go to Spain you will see a lot of people with pasty white skin and more western type features, slightly influenced by med
What did Albanians 🇦🇱 have before the Ottoman invasion?
1. Albanians had a University in 1380 in Durrës. To give you an idea: Germany opened its first university, 6 years after Durrës (Heidelberg University).
2. Albanians had 6 fully developed cities as much as Florence, Venice, Marseille or Paris. (Durrës, Shkodra, Drishti, Lezha, Berat and Preveza).
3. Albanians had the aristocratic class with 8 noble families (Balshaj, Topiaj, Muzakaj, Kastrioti, Arianiti, Zebenishta, Spataj and Dukagjini) connected by marriage even with the Habsburgs and the Bourbons.
4. Albanians had the humanist philosophers, who with their genius ideas, were advisers to the imperial families in Hungary, Italy and Austria (Gjon Gazhuli, Pal Ungjëlli, Leonik Tomeo and Gjon Durrsaku).
5. Albanian cities had statutes and were governed by democracy while at the same time America for example it was governed by the Cherokee Indians or the Aztec tribes who still drank human blood and lived as cannibals.
6. In Durrës, intellectualism was so high that we have documented in the 12th century for the first time the note of protest of an Orthodox Metropolitan, who writes to Constantinople, against slavery, 300 years before it started as a debate in Europe.
7. In Durrës, trade was done even with Tunisia, Ukraine and France, since the 5th century. While at the same time for example the Scandinavian countries still lived by worshiping the tree or the mountain.
8. The Church of Albania had issued a Cardinal (and a cardinal was no small thing then).
What happened next? The Ottomans just came and for 500 years made that every Albanian forgot who they really were.
University in Durres? in 1380? the lessons were given in Albanian language? Oh, that was really funny! Tell us some more jokes.
@@vassilisbabaletakis3488ILIRET kishin shume Aleksadri Pirrua Skenderbeu Oto i Bavaris blodhi parlametin e pare ne peloponez flitej vetem shqip E dyta pse greket e kane derruhar gjuhen mbi tre kater here
@yvonne530 Lol 😂 from google What is the first university in Albania?
The University of Tirana was founded in 1957 and it is the first university established in the Republic of Albania. It is comprised by 6 Faculties, one of which is the Faculty of Social Sciences with the Department of Political Sciences in it.
The university you mention have nothing to do with Albanians. That was the university of Dyrrachium was a Venetian theological university and was crated by VENETIANS not Albanians. After 16 years they transferred it to Zadar. So don't say blst.
Albania hasn't offered achievements to humanity. I never heard of spirit people, of any discovery in the medical, scientific field, or anything related.
@maggiemakeupnails1056 Romans were not Catholic! Justinian Emperor was Illyrian, Albanian. Byzantium was an Illyrian Empire. The Greek language and orthodoxy were created in Byzantium. They didn't exist before. Latein was created as an official language of the Catholic Church. The people spoke another language.
After the Science Journal of July 2023, the Albanian Language is older than 8000 years, much older than Greek and Armenian languages.
@@yvonne530 First, you have nothing to do with the Illyrians. The Illyrians and Pelasgians were Greek tribes.
You came from different regions and this is reported by many historical researchers such as the Turkish professor Ahmet Aydinli says that "today's Albanians have nothing to do with the Illyrians but from every angle they are proven to be fully Turks. Today's Azerbaijan was their cradle".
A part of you came from Afghanistan. There is no Albanian language. What you Albanians speak today is a mixture of loanwords from Slavic, Turkish-Arabic, Greek and Latin words. You didn't even have an alphabet. Until 1900 you didn't have a written language, let alone an ancient one. That is why no ancient Albanian writing has ever been found. Only Greek
until 1909 your minimum literature were in Greek, Italian and turk Arabic !!!
Anywhere where albania is mentioned there are more comments that likes 👍
You all know the truth, we were, are and will be exceptional 👊
WoW you have Now 2.000.000 Likes , hahahahaha
@@fotiskosmos3009 sa Lek te paguajn? Tet behem edhe un shok, ha......ha
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
I belong to Burusho community. We speak Burushaski language, which is an isolated language in the world. We live in norhtern part of Pakistan. A mountainous region called Gilgit. I am finding any connection or similarities with other cultures.
Burresh= the men
Pamire= nice view
Kalash= Castle
Hunza Valley= nose shape Valley
You are welcome
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
Language comes from parents and speak by people… in gene pool it should be visible too. The question when groups of people merge which language is gonna survive? Usually the language of the majority.
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
Gnostic/Gnosis = njohes (njoh osht) in Albanian that translate 'knowledge' in English.
gn nj, similar to 'align' (read "ëlanj')
Wtf gnostic and gnosis are pure Greek languages... γνώσης (sounds gnosis) and γνωστικός (sounds gnosticos). Stop claiming our everything.
@@marthoula1977 , similar to the English world Gnostic coming from Greek... even the Greek words comes from another called Albanian... ore you sound that for Egoistic reason prefer to say that the Both Albanian and Ancient Greek words come from Pelasgo-Ilirian.
In ancient times some new languages could not pronounce the "nj" (like albanian) and turned it into "gn".
Similarly, many Sounds / letters in Albanian Alphabet (which has 36 in modern, and 45 in ancient) ... have to be replaced when in Greek language which has 24 letters.
@@benweb1105 these words are Greek. Just Google it. Etymology...if you know what Etymology means, because I know. Even Etymology is a Greek word
@@marthoula1977 , I did not say that te Greek word is not Greek, also I did not say that the English world is not English.
But I say that there is an important connection that if anyone is interested to know... why not learn something more?
@Konstantin Trehagyrevopoulos , So you "know history" because are Selectively Copying only the SerboRussian anti-Albanian Propaganda that eliminate the Academics who study about Albanian?!
It is understandable why the Serbs and Greeks claim that Albanians aren't decedents of Illyrians. Kosovo, Southeast Of Albania where Yanina is and a lot of other lands that where invaded on the 19th and 20th Centuries. If you didn't belong there you have no right of claim. This started with the Serbs claim that George Kastrioti was Serb because his mother was of the Slavic decent . The Greeks endorsed that theory by claiming that his father Jon Kastrioti was Greek. With 75% of Albanians being muslims and under the Turkish Empire until 1912 and later after the Second World War under a North Korea style communist government , it was easy to make these claims. Albania was a country pillaged by foreign invaders and with no recorded history. If we know anything about history it's written by those who invaded, pillaged and hung the heroes of that country. In a few words, the burden of proof is upon those who claim that Albanians were brought there by an other power or migrated. A united great Albania would be a super power in the Balkan . George Kastrioti an Albanian ( see the Vatican documents) with 10000 troops most of the times held against multiple Turkish attacks , even the Sultan himself numbering up to 200000 troops for over 25 years. In a few words: if you want to write your own history go and change it. To the winner go the spoils.
It is already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt not only by recorded history but also evidenced through language, etymologies, toponyms and in particular onomastics. Georgios Kastriotis was an Epirote never an Albanian and Epiroteans were and are historically Greeks. There was no Albania during that time and no Albanian named George or John.
@@cauzeofdeath LMAO , you get fed lies on a daily basis
@@enard.h00 prove me wrong then
cauzeofdeath go and research Epirus means = Albania
@KONSTANTIN XXX Good bye fake Gayreek history and Fake Slavo-Greek propagandaвидео.html &видео.html 😏 also you found that info of Albanians in Wikipedia didnt you than look a bit down its says Albania of Caucasus and Albania of Balkan have no known similarity also name Albania came from Illyrian tribe Albanët(Albanoi)that was in nowdays Albania that got visited by a british historian in that time 😉
he is talking about albania without having any knowledge about the language ... is completely the other way around . is way deeper then what he is explaining .
Since 1908 Albanian has been based on the Latin alphabet, but before that the same language could be and was written in 4alphabets: Latin, Greek, Turkish Arabic and Cyrillic (96). ... The Albanian language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages. It is one of the oldest languages, yet different from the others.
Albania has never had its own language, only in the last few years...
@@fotiskosmos3009 do you learn history at school?
@@buki0141 yes in albania exists school ?
85 / 5.000
@@buki0141 Yes, I was in a real school, high school in Germany. and 8 semesters of history in England. And you read Mickey Mouse in Albania? land without nothing ? go to a real school
shqiptar or shqiperia does not come from word land of eagle this means to speak,communicate. to say,This is something albanians should know,it does not mean land of eagles at comes from the word shqiptoj meaning to speak, this is why we are called shqiptar because it is for our people whom speak same language an to identify our people as one an really shqiperia mean to speak,come on albanians should know this..
shqipetari shqipetaret .sons of eagle,pirro dhe egle and his soldiers ,sons of the eagle .the simbol of the eagle was not inventet from bizantines.was only taken faward .dont forget the bigest familis ho rule the biznant wor albanians .
Shqiptoj, eshte krijim i vone shoku, ne kohen e Rilindjes. Eshte thjesht folja e emrit "shqip". Gjuha shqipe, shkurtuar si "shqip". Nuk mund te marresh rregullat gjuhesore te formuara para gati 2 shekujsh, e t'i perdoresh per qellime etimologjike. Thjesht nuk pi uje. Eshte idiotesi.
Kastriotis Greek Serbian... Psssttttt
@Lo Ba Hahahaha Galvani kai istoria oute sta Onora hahahaha
@Lo Ba yes of course the whole family has serbian names not a single albanian .. but everything is albanian, history is albanian, look for another planet to tell it, turkish, sopjians, albanians have such propaganda and fake news the number 1- for ffake Neva/ Alsche information, crime, and nothing to eat... And lying without end... Everyone in this world knows that...
The answers are already there, just use the right formula. It's very easy to analyze the Albanian language anyone can do it. Just have any Albanian-English vocabulary (Italian, German or other), and start counting the syllables of the Albanian language. Remember that a tonal language, for example, the syllable (BA) has 3 different meanings depending on the tone (or accent). The syllables are of two types; Biphonetics 285 (BA) and trophonics more than 3600 (BAN)
You will find just under 4000 syllables.
Mark Eljan
The Albanian language is descended from the ancient Illyrian language, which in turn was ultimately evolved from the Paleo balkan family.
@@giovannicastriotascanderbe1116 hahahahahaahahaah maybe walt disneykastriotis
Excerpt from Meshari by Gjon Buzuku.
and what do you think about it? Your opinion ? thank you
@@giovannicastriotascanderbe1116 hahahahaha Learn and Write...
Very well analyzed and said. Nothing less, nothing more. Thank you for sharing.
How come every study in languages only shows loan words from other languages into the Albanian language but if it was an old language why can’t there be loan words from the Albanian language into other languages? Could it be possible that some of the loan words aren’t loan words and came from the Albanian language?
KONSTANTIN XXX do you know how DNA works? I don’t think you do. Cause why doesn’t Albanian DNA show it comes from Caucasus region Mr. Historian? Albanians don’t share the same DNA with people from Caucasus.
KONSTANTIN XXX History books are changing all the time. Especially with newer technologies. You might wanna throw some of those history books out or use it as toilet paper.
KONSTANTIN XXX are you trying to convince me Alexander the Great was Greek cause I could care less about that. That’s not the topic of conversation. You are straying off topic. Focus! You seem to be more of a racist against Albanians then a truth seeker. Think clearly and if you wanna answer my questions from before then be my guest but if you are gonna talk about things that have nothing to do with the conversation and accusations I have never claimed my self then don’t respond.
KONSTANTIN XXX That really wasn’t a good or smart response.
@KONSTANTIN XXX what do you know about history ? cuz the only comment you make is : you came from caucas,you dont know history,i dont talk to you. man if you enter in a debate you should writte facts not your imagination.lets start from ancient times.was dardan grandfather of troy ? dardania is the ancient name of kosovo nowdays.coincidence ? i dont think so.lets go forward.pyrrhus was helped to get the throne by glaucias,he was 12 at that time ,tell me how it is possible that he could understand glaucias language ? have u ever heard of mesapik mosaic? i dont think you is translated to albania and it is 6th century can you explain me that ? so you imaginary theory for albanians from caucas is irrelevant.
This is not to much information about Albania.
That it is true that a lot of Albanian living in Italy they still talk Albanian language, but didn’t happen in Greece , because they got killed.
This is not a professor presentation... this is like first grade homework.
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
Above all ..your effort its admirable ....its the last mystery of Europe.... well done contagious...
Caucasian Albanians were a people inhabiting an ancient state which was called (Caucasian) Albania retrospectively, situated in the Southern Caucasus. They are not related to modern Albanians in the Balkans - their name ‘Albania’ is a modern exonym, and was not used by the Caucasian Albanians themselves.
Caucasian Albanians originally called themselves and their country Aghwank and Aluank. Today, the Caucasian Albaniana still exist as an ethnicity - they are called the Udi.
The modern Udi, like their ancient ancestors in Aghwank, speak a Lezgic language. The Lezgic languages are a branch of the Northeast Caucasian languages. These languages are not related to the Indoeuropean languages.
Modern Albanian meanwhile constitutes it’s own independent branch among the Indoeuropean languages, being distantly related to almost all other European, as well as the Indo-Aryan languages. It is fully unrelated to the Lezgic languages, and descends from one of the Paleobalkanic languages of the ancient Balkans - Illyrian or Thracian. Most modern scholars agree on Albanian probably being the last remaining descendant of the Illyrian languages, while having been somewhat influenced by the Thracian languages. The only more closely related language to modern Albanian seems to be Messapic, the only Illyrian dialect that is partly preserved today, having been attested in ancient Apulia. Albanians today have their name from an Illyrian tribe attested in North-Albania in 150AD by Ptolemy, the Albanoi.
So, to conclude: No, Caucasus Albanians have nothing to do with Balkan Albanians, besides sharing a similar exonym - a coincidence, supported by another ancient region in Caucasus being called ‘Caucasus Iberia’ - which of course has nothing to do with modern Spain and Portugal.
An interesting side-note is that Scotland was called ‘Albania’ in early medieval times as well, and Great Britain ‘Albion’. Interesting is the predecessor city of modern Rome as well, ‘Alba Longa’. These examples have nothing to do with modern Albanians either, who, as I said, adopted a latinized Illyrian endonym in the early centuries AD. The name ‘Alba-’ was quite common among Indoeuropean languages (the Alp mountains being one example), which historically caused some confusion.
This sounds like he needs a good meal and coffee,
Albania is really ancient and unique.
@KONSTANTIN XXX 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 omg stupidity on maximum
@KONSTANTIN XXX I am history bye 🤫
@KONSTANTIN XXX you are a stupid fact I am a brilliant fact that's a big difference don't reply more 😂
@KONSTANTIN XXX your facts are so weak
Bro then what is the truth?
I respect your willingness to research our people but I categorically disagree with your notions on the “assumed” origins of the Albanians. The Albanian & Romanian commonalities are due to Illyrian & Thracian interaction and their common pre- Indo-European ancestors. There is also no documented case of Slavic people from “thousands of villages” going through a process of Albanianization. Lastly the reason for Albanian having more in common with Latin than Greek linguistically is not due to a migration, but a historical over exaggeration of the Greek language and its dominance over the eastern Mediterranean. Similarities between Greeks and Southern Albanians are very apparent in music, dress, cuisine, and even physical appearance. Indicating a long history of interaction dating millennia.
put it shortly: Albanians are descendants of partly romanized Paleo-Balkanic tribes of antiquity. We have our own language tree, 60% Roman loanwords from the Roman conquest of the Balkans, and our name is derived from the Illyrian ‘Albani’ tribe, mentioned by Ptolemy in Central and North Albania in 150AD. Albanian and Romanian share multiple hundred common words, some of them are pre-Roman old-Balkanic. There has never been any recorded migration of Albanians whatsoever, we just ‘appear’ in the North Albanian, hardly accessible mountains in 1043 as the ‘Albanoi’ tribe mentioned by Ptolemy nearly 1000 years prior. In our own language, we called ourselves ‘Arberësh’ at that point, and our country ‘Arbëria’, which are thought to be connected with the latin/greek name ‘Albani’.
There are another 50 points I could list about the two Albanian dialects having formed before the Slavic migration into the Balkans near the Shkumbin river, and the Illyrian tribal names that are provingly connected to Albanian words (Dardani, Dalmati, Taulanti etc.). There are a lot of arguments regarding Albanian origin.
Now tell me: what are the two major options of Albanian origin? Exactly: Illyrian, or Daco-Thracian. There are no other people groups that lived in the ancient Balkans (beside Hellenics obviously). Only these two. That’s why all modern scholars working on Albanian origin argue wether Albanians are Illyrian or Dacian. There is not enough evidence about either of these two languages to fully say which is right.
All we know is that, due to geographical reasons, the Albanian-Illyrian tribal names, the Albanian connection to the Messapic-Illyrian dialect of Apulia and the name of Albania being of Illyrian origin, Albanians are considered as the likely remnants of Illyrian mountain tribes by mainstream historians.
If you Wanna compare Croats (or other slavs) with Romans, its wrong, for one reason: Croats speak a Slavic language, while Albanians have their independent language that is the last survivor of a language family which is mostly extinct. And there are two language families in the ancient Balkans that are extinct today; Illyrian and Dacian-Thracian. No wonder scholars consider Albanian the survivor of one of these two.
I attended this event and I can say for sure that it was very superficial , rudimentary and sometime I found it a bit mediocre.
they come from Thracian Iliri, Albania and Romania have many words with the same meaning, strange, no??? (Cioban, flutur, frica; and many other words with the same meaning, rightly so if we have to analyze Albanian popular language, with Romanian popular language, there are many sentences with the same meaning 🇦🇱🇷🇴 sister languages
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
How come the oldest language has more letters. Logically the root language has less letters. Explained with ease aMIKus= MIK=friend ,hoSPItum =SHPI=house, CIviTATem=CYTET=city,....etc.. The root language is always the one that explains a word with less letters. In albanian you can talk all day with words composed of only 2 or 3 leters ,
Why dont including ancient Macedonia,Epirus,Dardania,Dalmatia etc?!
Are the same race and the same language.
Epirus and macedonia not same not even same language with the other you mentioned illiterate choban
11:38 the guy is wrong , these words belong to the common substatum (Ilyrian /Dacian) of both Albanian and Romanian , these are not borrowings.
Georg Kastrioti was Albanian from both parents his mother come frome tribal clan, which mean three clans joint together in one. As for his name Scanderbeg is given name from ottoman empire to honor his Albanian ansestor Aleksander the great. As for the bisantine flag bisanin got the flag from Constantine the Great the illyrian emporer/bisantin was boren in Illyria Nasus there for Bisantin flag is Albanian. Greek name is no where to fund bifor 1800.
Serbian and Greek, All the Family Names ar Greek and Serbian...
Leaving aside the fact that Kastrioti is a Greek name without question, his genealogy is also well known, because his grandfather was a Greek Byzantine prefect for Kastoria and Emathea, in mainland Greece, before the Ottomans. By the way the principalities still exist in Greece under the same names Kastoria and Emathea. There are no doubts about any of that. The Skanderbeg nickname comes from the Ottoman attributed Skender-bey which is the Turkish equivalent of Alexander-"Sir", also attesting his Greek Byzantine origin as also recognised by the Turks. Same is the story for the Serbian prince who aligned with him, he's also called Skender-bey also given to him by the Turks. For both of them converting to Islam came with renaming to Skender and keeping their Byzantine status and privileges under the Ottomans given the title "Bey". Which is what the Ottomans did everywhere to all whom they occupied anyway. You play along with them they get along with you. All that aside you may notice that none of the names or heritage references related to George Kastrioti have anything to do with Albania or Albanian language or onomatopoeia except failed efforts to imitate pronouncing his name as best they could, ending up calling him Skanderbeg. Couldn't even cope with the guy's actual name(s). Nor is it a surprise that the Albanian flag is a copy of the Byzantine Greek one, nor was it coincidentally chosen to be a Greek Byzantine one by George Kastrioti. At the very least anyone who is not completely brain dead can understand that since the Albanian flag was branded in the 15th century and the Byzantine pre-existed by about a millennium. Nor does it take a genius to notice the difference between and Albanian name like Enver Hoxha and a Geek one like George Kastrioti. These are all simple facts, that are only lost to nationalists and Enver Hohxa followers.
@@fotiskosmos3009 of course everyone who has an orthodox name is either Greek or Serbian, right? your brainwashed ortho🦮 😅
Very interesting research. Makes a lot of sense to me that the Proto Albs and Proto Rom having same/similar ancestry, especially because of the Aromanian connection (which is not only linguistic).
But how come all of the examples of Latin borrowings are shorter in Albanian? Is there a name for this in linguistics?
Kenneth Leon Nordtvedt
"In the 5th century BC The Serbian language was dominant in whole of Europe"
in the Old Latin language exists many words wich are of Serbian origin.
@@greatpower8147 Lmfaoooooooooooo
@@greatpower8147 It can't possibly be. Serbians at that time were either in what's now Poland or further east. 4 centuries later when first slavic tribes appeared, even Romans lost a lot Latin. Roman downfall coincides with Slavic rise in balkans.
but the only source you chew is the false document of "De administrando imperio"
and says the following
"According to the" List of Nations "attributed to the Byzantine emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus," Serbs immigrated to the Balkans during the reign of Emperor Heraclius (610-641)"
so before that there was not a single Serb anywhere in the Balkans.
But we have Serbian tribes who started an uprising the Peloponnese in the year 587, so several decades before the Serbs immigrated to the balkans, Serbs were already living in today's southern Greece.
the story of the immigration of Serbs to the Balkans is a simply lie, and only since the Berlin Congress of 1878 until today that story exists, but before the Berlin Congress, Serbs were known as natives of the Balkans, and that names such as Illyrians Thracians, Dacians, Dardanians Paeonians Macedonians and so on were only different names for the Serbian people.
The first dictionary of the Serbian-German language, published in Vienna in 1853, dedicated to Prince Mihailo Obrenović, is entitled Ilirischen und deutschen Sprache.
25 years before the falsification of Serbian history, Serbs were known as the natives of the Balkans, as Illyrians.
The father of German philology and German studies, Jakob Grimm, he wrote in 1815: "Serbs are more correctly called what is otherwise called Illyrians, the Slavic national branch."
63 years before the falsification of Serbian history.
but there is a lot of evidence and quotes that non-Serbs said about the autochthony of Serbs in the Balkans.
so we have John Kinamos from the 12th century and who says.
"the Serbs, who are as a people Dalmatians, built a fortress of Ras"
The present-day historiography is false, because the Westerners also created "Ancient Greece", so that the Shiptars (Albanians) are of Illyrian origin.
but I have nothing more to tell you, believe in the lie, I do not believe in the story of how the Serbs immigrated, in the seventh century, that is nonsense, Serbs (Slavs) are the greatest in Europe, and both Greek and Latin cultures were created on the basis of Serbian culture, because Serbs lived long before the Greeks in Greece, and on the Apennine Peninsula, because before Rome, Serbs lived for centuries in today's Italy, there were our Serbian tribe the Raseni (Etruscans), who gave language and script to stupid Latins, even when the Romans came to the Serbian territory (In Illyria) they could communicate with the Serbs without an interpreter, because the ancient Latins spoke a Serbian dialect, and in the work of Pliny the Elder you have a document mentioning 27 Illyrian names, of which about 20 exist today among Serbs. so that will tell a lot about who the Romans had a fight with.
I will not go any further, Serb haters believe in child story, anyone has the right to believe what he or she want, but if that story is the truth, thats another story.
have a nice day.
@@greatpower8147 why your language is similar to other slavic tongues, do a research about it and then come back here
Slavs arrived in 6th century in Ballkan as a servant Serbia in Greek language b is for v serbia in greek servia as a serv servant
Yes and than they say servus came from latin, dont come say to me that romans called them selfs barbarians, there was no slavic migration to the balkans, the name slavs came in the 6th century, but the name SERBI, is 2000 years before Christ, its a lie about albanian-illyrian origin,
+TheusZeusDeus ahaha Documents and evidence to support your argument ? I'm sorry for you, but documents concerning the Albanian immigration in the Balkans NOT exist , unlike the slave migrations .
+SerbHistory yugovic 2000 years before Christ ? Hahaha no you're wrong Serbs in the Balkans by millions or perhaps billions of years . Haha stop with this nationalist propaganda
+TheusZeusDeus Perhaps it is as you say , but the evidence regarding the Albanian emigration does not exist . Your are only insinuations, but no one knows for sure how long the Albanians residing in the Balkans .
+TheusZeusDeus Then I do not mean that your hypothesis is wrong regardless, I'm not interested nationalism, but in the absence of evidence, all other assumptions made by the experts are plausible. The Illyrian ancestry remains plausible as well as that of the ancient Dacian. There are many important linguists and anthropologists that confirm the antiquity of the Albanian language, among all the Italian Cavalli-Sforza (recognized as one of the best in its field) even claimed that albanian is the oldest language in Europe together Armenian. Anyway this language remains an enigma.
There are so many miss information in this video,it makes it obsolete.
im an albanian with blue eyes and blond hair and white as the snow!
You cant be etnic Shiptar you can be only Albanised Serb or Macedonian.
@Gabriel Ileri put it shortly: Albanians are descendants of partly romanized Paleo-Balkanic tribes of antiquity. We have our own language tree, 60% Roman loanwords from the Roman conquest of the Balkans, and our name is derived from the Illyrian ‘Albani’ tribe, mentioned by Ptolemy in Central and North Albania in 150AD. Albanian and Romanian share multiple hundred common words, some of them are pre-Roman old-Balkanic. There has never been any recorded migration of Albanians whatsoever, we just ‘appear’ in the North Albanian, hardly accessible mountains in 1043 as the ‘Albanoi’ tribe mentioned by Ptolemy nearly 1000 years prior. In our own language, we called ourselves ‘Arberësh’ at that point, and our country ‘Arbëria’, which are thought to be connected with the latin/greek name ‘Albani’.
There are another 50 points I could list about the two Albanian dialects having formed before the Slavic migration into the Balkans near the Shkumbin river, and the Illyrian tribal names that are provingly connected to Albanian words (Dardani, Dalmati, Taulanti etc.). There are a lot of arguments regarding Albanian origin.
Now tell me: what are the two major options of Albanian origin? Exactly: Illyrian, or Daco-Thracian. There are no other people groups that lived in the ancient Balkans (beside Hellenics obviously). Only these two. That’s why all modern scholars working on Albanian origin argue wether Albanians are Illyrian or Dacian. There is not enough evidence about either of these two languages to fully say which is right.
All we know is that, due to geographical reasons, the Albanian-Illyrian tribal names, the Albanian connection to the Messapic-Illyrian dialect of Apulia and the name of Albania being of Illyrian origin, Albanians are considered as the likely remnants of Illyrian mountain tribes by mainstream historians.
If you Wanna compare Croats (or other slavs) with Romans, its wrong, for one reason: Croats speak a Slavic language, while Albanians have their independent language that is the last survivor of a language family which is mostly extinct. And there are two language families in the ancient Balkans that are extinct today; Illyrian and Dacian-Thracian. No wonder scholars consider Albanian the survivor of one of these two.
@@serbianpride6176just shut up😂
@@serbianpride6176 We are Shpitar indigenous in the Balkans, even though you’ve tried a century to ethnic cleansed us, We are still here and we will be here. You like it or not. You are Slavs, and you don’t belong in the Balkans. You are invaders genocidal state. Go back to hell where you came from.
The only mad people here are those that claim Homer and Alexander the Great were Albanians and spoke Albanian.
Konstantinos K They didn't speak albanian that is sure. I don't know of which nationality was Homer, but he had no greek descendants the greek language was a second language to him. Just like Alexander the Great he learned greek his mother language was Not greek that's sure he learned it from Aristotle. Back than Epirus was considered a unit of barbarian tribes they spoke an unknown language to hellenes, and greeks used to fight them. Alexander's mother was epirotan(in this case not greek) and his father was macedonian not a slav! But the fact is that the greek Macedonia was created after Alexander's death and not before. So that's why we albanians think that Alexander the Great was half Illyrian(albanian) and half old macedonian(not greek-not slav)
encyclopedy of the great greek (1132 ) 19th page 873
Albanians are Pellazg whou lived in the bigest part of knouwn of that time ,
they built colosale thing and left behinde for the human !
you are not Albanian, other people callss you albanian,, becouse of Caucasian albania ;, you are sqipetar wich means highlander Caucasian shepherds,, still dreamin
did you eat to much cous-cous ..... ahahahahahahahah...... koekwous
Please don’t use Wikipedia for your history good here read this much better
Please don’t use Wikipedia for your history read this instead True facts .
Yes our language romanian is very similar to albanian language 😊. I am from Chisinau Moldova 🇲🇩 🇷🇴 🇦🇱
Grreek is up to 60% slavic
@KONSTANTIN XXX hahahhahahahhahahaha from Caucasian 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Lol have you seen Albanians DNA testers 😎 Europeans but what with Greeks more than 30% Assian DNA not bad my friend 😉
@Aquila Romana beser Turk Alz sllaw,skaveka.
Ca karin po thu?
KONSTANTIN XXX albanians are thracians
@Aquila Romana huh?we have our own culture and albanian language has its own branch completely isolated from other languages what u on ???
actually the proffesor is saying they come from illyrian tribes and they have an illyrian tribe name
No he does Not, and they do Not, either
Alexander The Great spoke an old Albanian dialect with his soldiers.
He conquered the world with his 25 thousand illirian(Albanian) soldiers
The men who marched to Babylon, Persia and India were the ancestors of the Albanians, Wadham Peacock 1913...
As far as I have read Macedonians (including Alexander the Great) spoke a dialect of Dorian(greeks claim they were greek) who derived from pellasgians.
Greeks have also been claiming Skanderbeg. They are trying so hard to steal history and before the 20 century with the help of Bitch European Powers they succeded somehow. They dont have actual heroes thats why they have been creating mythology wiht fairytales.
@@albodomi1979 it doesn't matter what random greeks in the youtube comments claim, its historians you should be listening to not some salty greeks that comment on any video relevant to Albanians/Illyrians.
@@rudiru2092per shendetie greket keshtu kane predetuhar ter jeten cfar zbulohet nga toka jane greke dhe cfre fluturon ne ahjer haet thote greku dhe ti e beson Aleksadri dhe Pirrua ishin kushurinje dhe flisnin gjuhen ilire
In the field of comments we see the Albanian delusion of desperate Albanians who, wanting to get out of historical non-existence, create on their own fairy tales that only they believe. The global scientific community laughs at it and so does the rest of the world.
What did he say at 10:40 ?
"Albanians just escaped becoming romans language but maybe 100 years more and it will become"
What is that supposed to mean? That in 100 Years Albanian language will become romans language? Am i right?
Skenderbeg *would have
Nobody will like my words because we all think we are unique, but this is only half truth. The more you go back with the millennia, the less differences you will find. The differences were not there, the differences we have created with the millennia. How many of you do not like your relative? behold, this is how a nation is born. we are all seeds of a single plant, we have things that accumulate in us inherited from the same plant, and we have differences that we have created with the formations of large groups of people, and we have called nations.
Do the Albanians look like Greek or Turkish? certainly, and also the Greeks and Turks are in part Albanian, as all are part of the world.
Personally I do not care where to come but where to go. I will be happy to have constructive people around me who want to collaborate all over the world and stay away from the destructive people of all nations without exception, because the nations are just an invention, only humanity is real.
All Albanians think like you but there are some countries that think everybody else should be beneath their feet 🤣
When was written the first albanian dictionary?
He spent 1/3rd the time talking about irrelevant bs. He only gets on point past 7+ minutes.
That's all you have to say. Very convincing and intellect!
Have you heard about this people?
in every language there are some similarities but Albanian language is an unique language as is greek language
@@legioromanaxvii7644 Very unlikely.
Yes, Albanian is a unique language. I moved to Sweden and speak 4 languages good: Albanian, Serbian/Croatian, Swedish, English, plus quite a bit German and French, and little Italian as well.
From Swedish I understand Danish and Norvegian, but find many similarities between Swedish and - English and German, but even Dutch. I understand Dutch words just from Swedish.
I find similarities between French and Italian - with English which seem to have a lot of Latin words although it´s counted as a Germanic language. And I understand a lot of Polish even Russian words from Serbian/Croatian.
But I find Albanian unique. Similarities in words between Albanian and French are more than between Albanian and Italian. Words like: "dog" - chien (French) and qen (Albanian), "month" - mois (French pronounced mua) and muaj (Albanian also pronounced muaj), "me" - moi (French pronounced mua) and mua (Albanian pronounced mua), "must/have to" - dois (French pronounced dua), which in Albanian "dua" meaning changes into "want". "Green" - vert in French in Albanian is "gjelbër,", but in spoken Gheg Albanian, green is called "verdh" almoust as French "vert"...
However, despite of the similarities of the words; the construction of the language, the grammar, the words which are distinct or which bend and the melodies is what makes languages differ most...
Ecclesia comes from Greek not latin... How could he use this well known fact as an example of Latin in Albanian?
Klama==Clama==thirrje,përgjërim. Eclama==Klitha==E klitha==Eklithia==Eklisia. Kështu vjen fjala kishë në greqisht për ata që kuptojnë shqipen.
kosovo/albania AKA dardania/epirot/illyria its al the same place and again we are no slavs we are no turks we are allyrians blood brothers of the ancient greeks
Wrong, totally wrong the truth wil come out, becouse we CANNOT escape the truth. Your language is a shepherds language, the ones who were professional shepherds, from the caucasus, in ancient time there were only Serbs and Greeks, on helm (balkans), you calls your self skipetars, wich means highlanders, arabs calls you Arnauts, the ones who never returned back, ILIR,ILIRI,ILIRIJAN, is just a synonyme for Serbs,
ya and why you call Albanian in Romanian lenguege means white even thanks to Romanians you have I country with name Albania and last check you atehem
Hahhahah a idiot who never go to school. I am starting to think that analbanians don't have schools :D just look Anatoly Klosov reasurch fucking moron.
gabim ti ta shlova .nuk esht dedikur per ty .
Serbilirika - come on man . We all know that Albanians pelasgo/illyrians are the first people in Balkans . Turks called us arnaut because in wars we were the first ones and we never came back meaning we didn’t have fear . We all know that serbs came after . Balkan belongs to Albanians , we have the oldest language in Europe with no branches of it . “Tribes over tribes , we were here the first ones , when the sun and the moon didn’t exist, we were the first ones to call GOD “
The main thing that those scholars don't get is that Indo-European language is only a term to deny the fact that the only language that connect and explain the spoken and written language from India to Europe, is the Albanian language.
You can't talk about Albania or Albanian language if you don't know at least the Albanian language.
The words in Albanian language are more shorts not because they have lost the suffix, but just because the Albanian words is the root for creating all the other languages, and these words had even today sense to the Albanian language.
Albanian Language are 60 % Not albanisch.. Google and Learn..
I m proud i m 🇦🇱
The history of language is based on opinions. The evidence says completely the opposite: There were only Albanians from the place called Greece today to the place called Slovenia today, from the place called Albania today to to place called Turkey today. Their language is much more complicated the linguists think it is. They simply do not know it.
Koffie tijd 😂
The way you explain Looks like you wanna go home soon as possible.
If u wanna do something, do it right or let it be.
my friend is not me saying that, there loads of historians have doubted the link between ancient and modern greek even your own historians included ... the number of slavic vallachians and albanian races in greece in medival times confirms that the number of ancient greeks was very small at that point
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
Albanian lenguaege ist 100% pelasgian illirians albanian autoctonus.
How do you say earth and sea in Albanian?
leonsparta Tokë- Earth
Det- Sea
@@leonsparta what's this stupid question?
@@pkakull5474 thanks Pk
How can albanian language be the oldest in the balkans when it's an indo european language? There may be some pre indoeuropean elements in albanian language, but the main core of the albanian language is indo european
because most languages are very different from the older version of them, like for example ancient english or proto english is extremely different from modern english, but the albanian language has remained unchanged.
My father Dna Is Haplogroup G1 also called Haplogroup G-M285 maybe my father roots are Arbreshe Just my surname Ercolino or written Ercolano, my father and his father they was born on Gargano Mount in Northern Apulia in front of Balkans
can it also be that albanian influenced latin for example and not latin albanian.
because for instance it would make more sense that the word „mik“ become „amicus“ then the opposite, or am I thinking wrong?
Albanian language is the same with Ancient Etruscan language many words are the same YL from Etruscan in Albanian is YJ that in English means stars na in Etruscan and Albanian is the same that na I English means us Albanians were Pelasgians the first civilization on Europe and Pelasgian language was same with Etruscan and Pelasgians were before Hellenics in Greece and pelasgians helped Hellas they learned them everything Pelasgians were the first civilization in Europe and Ilyrians (Albanians) are they sons.
is that why makedonias capital in alexander time was called PELLA,cause makedons are from PELASGIANS....means giants from pella
@@makedonistoi very possible, PELLASGIANS lived there and the epirotes were PELLASGIANS as well. Once upon a time.
Also Athenians had PELLASGIANS roots and possibly the Dorians.
@@leonsparta -i dont understand how albanians try to usurp greek and makedon history when is already written and in bible too
@@makedonistoi till this day, we use the word Gaia for Earth and Pellagos for sea. They say erdhe for Earth and shpella for water.
PELLASGIANS were people of the land and sea. Albanians call them pellagz , I don't know if I make sense to you but it's basic words that we have till this day in our language.
@@makedonistoi blagodariam
Hey professor did you read Man?
Did you read Schneider?
Did you read Yokl?
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
I don't want to go nuts on this cause I have just spend my whole day doing these all over the B.S. videos on you tube...but I am just going to mention one thing, and then you look it up, you can find it really easy, and then once you realize that you are B.Sing yourself, then please do us all a favor and STUDY WELL next time.. Mik comes from Mikos - Illyrian God before LATIN.. it was God of relationship.. friend or foe.. Mik or Armed Mik - armik... Latin comes from Illyrian, and not the other
You are stupid Milk word comes from word Mlekas wich comes from Vedas, Mlekas were people.Serbian call MIlk -Mleko.
@AUTQCHTHQNQUS 2Q2Q hahahagaahaaaa
@Ahmet Zogu nuk vdes kurr umë; edhe nga bota tj tvi tgjej
@@713ca ...Po çka ka Lidhje këtu Ahmet zogu..!!...
@Fredrik You are FOOOOOOL !
Not Ilyrios, Not Illyrer, Not Illyrian
but ILIR = that means in Gjuhé Shqipe (eng. Laguage of the Eagels) free man or free Person.
Furthermore Dardania is means Land of Pears,
Dalmatia is means Land of sheeps,
Bosna ist from the river Bosona, that means in Ghegh Albanian "buson"= spring of water
Laberia comes from the Tribe Labeaté,
Cham called the farmer, owner of big land. It exist a wordplay "cham-a-lam" like a foul name that means Cham or Lam. Lamé it means in Ghegh Albanian the yard..
I think that the Albanians are mainly of Dardanian-Illyrian origins and the origin land is Northern Albania.
Albanian is a mixture of Illyrian-Greek-Latin-Turkish , only my opinion.
Well... This is not a matter of opinions and u got it wrong. Don't create opinions without informing urself
Albanian are the Pre-Greeks and Pre-Latins! Some of Albanian predecessors created the Greek, Latin and other known civilizations around Mediterranean.
Ben Web 👽✌🏼👍🏼✌🏼👊🏼
Yes Illyrians Thracians Dacians
🇦🇱 🇷🇴 🇲🇩
poor presentation , poor research and show clear luck of knowledge about Albania and Ilira , Pollaz and so on... anyway, scholars nowadays .....
There was also an ancient Albanian Kingdom in the Caucuses. The call it Caucuses Albania not to confuse the two. Apparently, they have not found any connection between the two.
I found historian connection from early age (300- 826 AD) at Caucasian Albania , than war with Byzantium 826- 1043 at Sicily (with Arabs who were your ruler...You lost the war ,,banished and, from Sicily, landed by ships on the territory of Prince Vladislav of Dukljan, with the promise that they would stay temporarily. Without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever until this days.
Albanians origin are from Caucuses. Read historical evidence from old Rome empire, Azerbaijan , Armenia, Georgia, Hungarian, Russia(Dagestan), Arabia, Turkey , Greek, Italy (Sicily), and Great Britain
CAUCASUS ALBANY WAS NEVER INDEPENDENT , BUT ALWAYS PART OF OTHER KINGDOM., Armenian, Azerbaijan, Georgia , Hun empire (Great Khazaria), Arabs and Turkey.
Finally there were assimilated by Azerbaijan, Arabs and Turkey.
As a part of Arabs troops they went a long war with Bysantine for their teritory at Sicily between 826 year to 1043 year ( ),lost the war,banished and, from Sicily, landed by ships on the territory of Prince Vladislav of Dukljan, with the promise that they would stay temporarily. Without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever..Of course, since they are thieves and people without face, they did not respect the agreement, but stayed forever.
But you rather still History from Serbia, Monte Negro, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Italy, Hungarian, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkey.
Concrete proof of the Illyrian-Pelasgian origin of Albanians is provided by the study of the Albanian language. Despite some points of similarity in structure and phonetics, the Albanian language is entirely distinct from the languages spoken by neighboring natonalities. This language is particularly interesting as the only surviving representative of the alleged Thraco-Illyrian group of languages, which formed the primitive discourse of the inhabitants of the Balkan Peninsula. However, great difficulties, as, owing to the absence of the first literary monuments, no certainty can be reached regarding its previous forms and subsequent events. Eventually the Albanian language was permeated by a large number of foreign words, mainly from ancient Greek or Latin, which is younger than the Albanian language, but there is some indication that the early Illyrian language manifested some degree of influence on the grammatical development of the languages now spoken in the Balkan Peninsula.
There is, however, one very striking peculiarity in this entire question: that the Albanian language allows a reasonable explanation of the meaning of the names of ancient Greek Gods as well as the rest of the mythological creations. The explanations are so convincing to confirm the opinion that ancient Greek mythology had been borrowed, in its entirety, from the Illyrian-Pelasgians. As it was mentioned before, Zeus survives as "Zot" in the Albanian language. The invocation of his name is the common form of oath among modern Albanians. Athena (Latin Minerva), the goddess of wisdom as expressed in speech, should obviously derive its derivation from the Albanian "E Thëna," which means "simply speech". Thetis, the goddess of waters and seas, would seem to be only Albanian "Det" which means "the sea". It would be interesting to note that the word "Ulysses", if in its Latin or Greek form "Odysseus", means "the traveler" in the Albanian language, according to like the word "udhë", that stands for "the route "and" the journey ", is written with" d "or" l ", both forms being in use in Albania. Such examples can be provided ad libitum (libitum). No such facility is, however, permitted by the ancient Greek language, unless the explanation is an obligatory and distorted one; but in many cases even a mandatory and distorted so is not available at all.
Moreover, we must not forget the fact that Zeus was God Pelasgian par excellence, his original religious building being Dodona.
proof that we are Illyrians. The queen who reigned in the Balkans was called Teuta and this is a 1000% Albanian name and the country illir means free. Proof that we are also the ancient Greeks:
out of 2
Examples of names of gods and
derived from Albanian
Apart from any prejudice, the etymology of names which we are going to present here, conforms
strictly to an interpretation based on the conn
growth of ancient languages, and especially of the
Albanian. The only one to give the correct meaning to the names of certain gods, considered Greek without being
never such. The examples which have just been presented here, confirm the importance of the langu
as a language which can give a reasoned answer to the questions of pre-Hellenic paleography, where
the names of the gods Pelasgians had been Greekized and pronounced without being able to give them an interpretation
valid. Follow the etymolog below
ie appropriation of the names of the gods through the Albanian language.
Zeus' mother was Rhea, which derives from the Albanian word "
”, And means cloud. What can give birth
the cloud, if not the storm, lightning and thunder? So the mighty voice of the cloud sky
them from the Universe, the
voice = zë or za, hence the Ze (us) = (the Voice), in Albanian Zot (God).
us derives from the Albanian "za or ze" = voice. Thunder is the voice of God, it is
(us) = Ze
Za = the
(the God) of the Albanians.
in albanian
: this name derives from the Albanian "e thena" = to say, in the sense of the Word, the Word
of God, hence the goddess of wisdom. Another Albanian etymology of
(father) +
n / A
hence the protective goddess, Athina (father
mother) in this sense.
(bone), der
ive of the Albanian words Koh (time) +
ron (lively), or Ke + r
we (that
live) in the sense
hard (durable) to give a sense of the perpetuity of time.
(bones) of the Greeks,
(bone) = sky, derived from Albanian
= cloudy; that is to say the earth (Téa,
éa) produced the clouds, the cloudy,
, in the sense of Heaven. You should know that the Albanians
pronounce the "V" like "U" (or), and vice
versa, hence Vran = Uran (Ouran). By adding the particle "
os ”the Greeks made their Uran + os, Uranos, its
ns be able to explain the etymological meaning.
earth, derives from Albanian
= earth, hence the synonym tokë also maintains the root
of T'héa.
The T
(is), from Thét + is (Greek suffix), derives from Albanian
= sea, registered Deti = the m
The Albanian etymology results from it very clear, as in all the aforementioned names.
, goddess of justice, her name derives from the verb alb. te mys = I kill you, hence the Latin verb "timeo"
(I'm afraid) that we represent with a scale in the ma
in the left and a sword in the right hand.
It was the law of the heel, the justice of the time, which executed after having judged: eye for eye, tooth for tooth and blood
for blood.
, was a god recognized as essentially Pelasgius. Hermès, derives from the Alban
my s
(mus) or mes = to kill, in the sense, "I kill the darkness", hence Hermes the god who dispels the darkness.
(Dhimitris) goddess of agriculture, deriving from Albanian:
(earth) +
(mother), hence
Demeter = Mother Earth.
was the fourth wife of Zeus. From their union was born
goddess of
harvests, from the Albanian verb "korr" = to harvest from where
të korra
= harvest.
(Chaos), derives from the Albanian Ha = to eat, devour, or from Hap, Hapsine = in the sense of openness, the
e, the abyss, from where
(os) (Chaos), the void that devours everything, absolute disorder, etc.
os, removing the Greek suffix os =
, was born Tartarus, called by the Greeks (
us) = Erèbe, We
find the root of this word in
Albanian language,
= darkness,
u err
, it's dark, hence
= dark hell.
(as), was one of the most remarkable giants, born from the union of Heaven and Earth, of a stature
colossal, strong, proud, fierce. The Northern Albanians, still retain at no
s days the name of
still have a remnant of the high stature of the giant Ghig (without the Greek suffix "as") which points them out
among the other inhabitants of Albania.
derived from Albanian words
(father) +
the ace
(lasht) = old hence At i lasht =
= old father.
(is), derived from Albanian words
(close) +
(day) hence in Albanian
(close to
day), the name they gave to the morning star, the planet Venue,
(is), goddess of beauty and
At + weary
in Albanian,
At (father) + las (old)
from Albanian Afer
from where
= Old father
day, the morning star,
(the planet Venus)
hahahahaha which culture ? the greek ancient Fotos ? what a big komplex of tjsi country
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
serbian turks invaded the Albanian Illyrian native European lands and we serbs are proud for this
history of doric race
Vol. I
John Murray, Albemarle Street.
3. The Macedonians.
3. In the fashion of wearing the mantle and dressing the hair,3 and also in their dialect, the Macedonians bore a great resemblance to the Illyrians; whence it is evident that the Macedonians belonged to the Illyrian nation.4
I would be very interested to know what would ur name mean in your language?
an interesting coincidence: Albanian "mirupafshim" (good bye!) = "mir - upavshim!" (=peace to the fallen!)- why is that?
peace is paqe, and goodbye is lamtumirë.
Very dull.... Professor? Not very good or captivating in conveying information.
Albanians are pure blood of illyrians: -tribe : arber .
The Illyrian-Dardan tribe were all in present Kosovo to presheva and provinces to the Skupi (Shkupi- illyrian city). The word (dardans/dardhans) means dardhë.
The Albanian language is a part of the Indo-European language family (roots) Which indicates that it is a root that includes tongues from a certain part of Europe to India
this guy has no idea what is talking about
Gjon Marka Gjoni The albanian mafia are payed to him to speek. Poor guy
@@decembergbh what a fucking you saying you bitch from serbia
@KONSTANTIN XXX the first albanian document was in 1555
@KONSTANTIN XXX I didn't say shit about Illyria
I said the first book in Albanian was written in 1555, and if you don't believe me I can read it to you because it's clear and intelligible Albanian
Also the first record of our existence was in 150 BC, described as Albanoi living in the adriatic coast north of greece. You can dispute whatever you want, but those are written facts. What happened after is a different story.
Thank you very much Dr. de Vaan for this excellent explanation.
Arber has been called Albania in the times of Skanderbeg.They spoke Albanian.500-600 years ago!Those who traveled from albania thoe times now days are all around the globe as Tribes,they speek the Skanderbeg's language,and only we can understand them even the language has changes a lot.The language that ilyrians has spoken is close to the language of Arberia.Pelazgic language its been closer to Ilyrian language.Here comes that old greek language has been pelazgic,which its successor is Albanian.
Michiel, check the translation of the world "familia" from latin, it doesn't correspond to "femije" in albanian. "familia" in latin means "family+other meanings like servants.
O mik..për ne veriorët,familja si kuptim parësor nënkupton fëmijët ,vazhdimësinë.Për ata që s,kanë fëmijë nuk u themi familje.Themi ""të met"" të mbetur..
Only Albanian language its connected to Illyrian heritage like names toponyms etc have only meaning in albanian language non of other language can even spell them correctly
@ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ is МАКЕДОНИЈА Look at this the Bulgarian who speaks Slavic and claims to be an ancient Macedonian descendant is talking about the Albanian language based on some biased articles. Everyone agrees that the Albanian language is an Indo-European language and the Bulgarian who thinks is Macedonian says the Albanian language is not an Indo-European language on RUclips comments! Hahaha haha go back in your cave and don't come out again.
90% of Albanian language are loanwords from Latin and Greek. 🇬🇷🇮🇹 Keep dreaming you are Illyrians 😂
@@GrecoByzantine1821 i know u dont like the facts gaygreek but u are also Albanian damaged spermatosoide check your DNA
Just a university teachers that knows lots and doesn't know everything like any history teacher in every country so bravoooo for some info and study more for the uncovered ones
Big surprise, languages evolve when exposed to new rulers and migrations!!!!! Does it come as a surprise that Albanian absorbed words from Latin and Turkish, after centuries of occupations? The question was "where does Albanian come from", the lecturer skims right through the answer. Instead of saying that there's no clear ancestor to the Albanian language, why didn't he show pros and cons to the 3 predecessors? There are clear similarities between the fragments of Illyrian and Ancient Greek to Albanian. Why didn't he dispute those, to the least? I'm sorry, but this presentation was shallow and not so informative.
***** you use words such as related and thus, but improperly. I can link you to pages and pages of Illyrian words which are perfectly understood in Albanian but not in modern Greek.
+TheusZeusDeus You say "they may have Illyrian DNA, they live in the same region, their language might be traceable to Illyrian, but that doesn't mean they're their descendants!"
You could have had a point if this were only a language debate. That's only proof of the hegemony of the Roman Empire. About smelling coffee, if it sounds like a coffee maker, it smells like coffee, it tastes like coffee, it looks like coffee, it probably is coffee. Same with Albanians and Illyrians. Austrians or the British and French had no advantage making "propaganda" as you call it. The Albanian neighbors who want to eat up Albanian lands do. Where lies the true bias?
Nobody is saying that cultures do not evolve, and neither that Albanians are the only descendants [by DNA, Albanians are Illyrians for over 40% of their most isolated groups - this DNA is shared by Kosovo, Bosnia, Albania, and minorities in Greece and Macedonia]. You cannot deny or undermine the origin of Albanians.
In the Balkans especially, between the Roman, Bizantine, and Ottoman Empire that united the region for two millennia, EVERY culture and population mingled with little restrictions. That is why defining borders in the Balkans is so difficult.
Nationalist sentiments arose along with independence movements against monarchies across Europe, and with the weakening of the Ottoman Empire, Greece (with incalculable help from Albanian leaders) gained independence, later joined by the Slavs. Albanians were the last to gain independence partially for economic reasons, but also because nationalism wasn't part of the culture until much later.
The reason to focus on the mountaineers is because they remained the most isolated of all. They're considered backwards even by Albanians. Albania has no maritime culture? For a population living with highest densities on the coast? You know so little of this nation.
Or are you among the conspiracy theorists believing Albanians were "imported" from the East, because a name written on a map is more important than a plethora of evidence telling you otherwise?
Stop denying the existence and heritage of all people, in the Balkans or elsewhere.
***** I see that you're apt with rhetorical tricks, but your claims are just as unsubstantiated as you claim mine to be. So don't waste my time, unless you back up your statements with reliable sources.
***** This isn't a matter of opinions, I am looking for evidence that will lead me to the truth. If it turns out that Albanians aren't Illyrians, so be it, as long as the research isn't biased, and it isn't used to legitimize occupation claims, or to insult one side or the other.
I work on a different field, so I'm genuinely asking for reliable sources on history, linguistics, or genetics. So wherever you found your information, please share, because my readings up till now had me convinced that Albanians were Illyrians.
From a history course I took on the Middle East, the Ottoman Empire's military was made up of foreigners, little children bought from poor families in the central balkans, who then returned to their motherland after retirement, often with Anatolian wives and children. Before that, asiatic hoardes ravaged the country and raped women. I thought this explained the (at times) darker skin tones. Islamization followed due to the heavy taxation imposed on the non-Muslims. "There were there's the sword, there lies religion", goes an Albanian saying.
For the height, it is not yet fair to make the comparison. North Koreans are some say 3 inches shorter than South Koreans, due to malnutrition caused by a savage communism. Lord Byron commented on the beauty and height of Albanian people in the late 18th century.
Insisting on the lack of Illyrian maritime words, while claiming that all Balkans were hellenified... that's how globalization works. Italian dialects have been disappearing after unification in the late 19th century. The Balkans were unified under the Bizantine empire for an entire millennium. The official language shifted from Latin to Greek (even though they all called themselves Latin, and acquired national pride only during the 18/19th century with the advent of neoclassicism in the west). Don't you think that's long enough to have any Illyrian native words replaced by the much more frequent Greek words, due to the close trading nets?
In my language, which is Italian, in my lifetime alone we've seen a significant Anglicization of our terms, even where we used to have the Italian version. What could a millennium do?
And the oldest Albanian text dates to the 11th century, a manuscript by Theodore of Shkodra, recently discovered in the Vatican.
My grandfather, Xheffari came from Albania in 1907 while it was still under Ottoman rule. Koritza Albania. The town is a different name these days. Illyrian is the original language from what I understand.
Korca the most intelligent people in the world come from here
Romanian didn't borrow from Albanian! Those are words from substrata (Dacian)!
There was a population of Aromuns migrting towards Albania. This is how borrowed words became a part of Albanian. Also, a recent study has proven that words that exist in Romanian, previously thought to be borrowed from Slavic languages are in fact of Thracian origin existing in both Romanian (as Dacian, including North Thracian) and old Slavic (now including North East and SouthThracian).
This is a quasy sciense, as Thracian language as Romanian,Thracian, Ilirian , Dacian languages were not preserve, they do not exist.Romanians are not Thracians they came after 6AD maybe even 12AD. in 6AD was attack on TRacia from Avars Romanians are not Avars must be11- 12AD with the fall off Constantinopol in to hands off Latine.And the truth population were manly slaugter.Only Gypsie were left, they are truth Byzantinum.
+sonja Totic
"as Thracian language as Romanian,Thracian, Ilirian , Dacian languages were not preserve, they do not exist"
They DID exist! The language spoken by Gauls and Iberians, Celts etc., they don't exist anymore too just like Thracian, Illyrian and Dacian . So what's your point?
Romanian language does exist! It is the language that we, Romanians, speak today! How can you say that Romanian language was not preserved and doesn't exist?!
"Romanians are not Thracians "
Romanian people is the result of a process of ethnogenesis like all European peoples! Dacians were conquered by the Roman Empire in 106 AD, then Dacia was heavily colonized with Roman colonists from the whole Roman Empire ("ex toto orbe romano", say the ancient sources) and in time they created a new ethnicity. Later, in Dacia arrived the Slavs, they stayed here for a little while and then the majority (but not all of them) crossed the Danube. As a result, the Balkans were Slavicized (the majority of Latinized Thracians were assimilated by Slavs) and the Slavs who remained North of the Danube (in Dacia) have been assimilated by early Romanians.
So the main components of our ethnicity are: Dacians, Roman colonists (from the whole Roman Empire, not only from Italy) and Slavs (with some small additions, some migratory tribes which settled in Dacia)
The same process of ethnogenesis happened in France (French people = Gauls + Roman colonists + German tribes), Spain, Portugal (Iberians, Celts + Roman colonists + Germans), in Balkans (Thracians + Romans + Slavs [+ Bulgars in the case of Bulgarians] ) etc
+sonja Totic
"Romanians are not Thracians they came after 6AD maybe even 12AD."
Where did we come from in your opinion? Can you provide us evidence for your statement? Documents, primary sources? Can you show us evidence? Show us documents, primary sources that say Romanians migrated from somewhere (where from?)
And what happened with Dacians who inhabited Dacia if you say we are not Thracians?
"must be11- 12AD with the fall off Constantinopol in to hands off Latine"
That happened in the 13th century:
"And the truth population were manly slaugter"
What population was "manly slaugter"? The population of Constantinople? Romanian people was formed and lived and still lives in Dacia. About the history and inhabitants of Constantinople, you can read here:
"Only Gypsie were left, they are truth Byzantinum."
This is silly, sorry lol Tell that to Greeks lol
About Gypsies and their migration:
"In 1322 a Franciscan monk named Simon Simeonis described people in likeness to the "atsingani" living in Crete and in 1350 Ludolf von Sudheim mentioned a similar people with a unique language whom he called Mandapolos [...]
Around 1360, a fiefdom (called the Feudum Acinganorum) was established in Corfu."
So they are first recorded in Europe in the 14th century.
History you idiot, you are Vlahs.
4. The Thessalians, as well as the Macedonians, were, as it appears, an Illyrian race, who subdued a native Greek population; but in this case the body of the interlopers was smaller, while the numbers and civilization of the aboriginal inhabitants were considerable
Jemi shqiptar jemi krenar.ësht vendi ku ësht më i ëmbël balta se mjalta...ëstht vendi i shqiponjës i bekuar nga zoti.gjuha më e pastër dhe më e pasur dhe më e vjetër në evrop!
Who is this clown 🤡 talking about ALBANIAN lol
I heard this, but this scholar's conclusion cannot be accepted according to me; as far as I understood, the author has conduct his research only in one regional zone, and more precisely in the south-center Albania, somewhere in the area between Scampini river and the Berat/Permet area... In the middle age (XII sec. ca), this area was invaded by the Bulgarian empire which left buildings, traditions, and some influence in the regional dialects and costumes. This just to point out that the conclusions of the author cannot be extend to the whole Albanian speaking territories
ancient greeks and ancient albanians wher onces called the pelesgians, we are no turks we are a ancient pelesgian tribethat almost lost everything incleuding langeuses and culture
slavs came many centuries lather and that fact alone should close this subject ones and for al
+Bashkim Kelmendi You are talking the truth my friend. Greeks and Illyrians(Albanians) are pelasgian.
+panos sotiriou greek are NOT Pellazgian , greeks are afro azian .... Helens are Pellazgian , far away from greek's
SerbHistory yugovic Holy Roman Empire, was a german one you dumbshit. What a class of ignorants.
Calin calinn Oh Frate! Cum est? gini gini??
Everyone speaks the same language, the difference and that some groups have evolved this language and others do not. The more you come back, the less differences you will find among the languages. The first cause of different linguistic evolution is metonymy.
right it comes from proto cuchitic african langage who is the ancestor of sumerian and ancient ethiopian and ancient egyptian and berber from which evolve other langages
The so-called “Greece” is a made-up and fake country - made out of ethnic cleansing, racism, holocaust and ethnocide against Albanians (Arvanites and Chams) of Lower Albania.
All (100%) leading and senior commanders of the 1821 revolution in the Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today - a name without any factual and historical meaning), where Albanians (Chams and Arberors/Arvanites).
Up until 1832, all that region (called “Greece” today) spoke only Albanian.
Out of 100% of the people living there in that region up until 1832, about 92-95% were Albanians (Arvanites and Chams), the rest were minorities.
Albanians are the descendants of Pelasgians and Illyrians (since 10,000 years and more ago).
Alexander the Great -was a Pelasgian King of Illyrian/Pelasgian Confederation of Macedonia, falsely presented as "Greek" by con and "planted" historians.
The Trojan War - was a war between Pelasgians and Illyrians - both ancient Albanian kingdoms/confederations, falsely represented as “Greek” by con and planted “historians”.
Homer's "Iliad and Odyssey" epic poems are Pelasgian era poems - falsely represented as "Greek" by con and planted "historians".
The Thermopylae Battle - was a battle between Pelasgian army (Sparta - a Pelasgian city) and Persian army, falsely represented as "Greek" battle against Persians by con and planted "historians".
The Koine/”Greek” language (a made-up religious language of Roman Empire times - same as Latin language was a religious language for the western part of the Roman Empire), was forced onto Albanians of that region (Arvanites and Chams) after 1832, through ethnic cleansing, holocaust and ethnocide by European powers (through racist Prince Otto of Germany), Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult called “Anadolli Orthodox Church”.
There is no such thing as “Greece”.
Greece is a scam country, artificially created by 1832, from the mafia type collusion of corrupt European powers of that time who brought Prince Otto of Germany to power in that region, Russian Empire of that time, and the dangerous anti-Christian sect/cult of so-called Anadolli Orthodox Church (expelled by Turks from Anatolia of that time, 1832, together with its followers of "Greek religious rite").
This country so-called “Greece”, has gone entirely bankrupt and belly-up five times from 1832 through 2018, has changed the “official language” of the country two times, and has changed the national flag three times from 1832 through 2019.
The latest and current national flag of this “Greece” being a blue-color replica of the East India Company flag (the British company who ruled and controlled all trade to and from India during the British rule in India).
This is enough to tell all, who this made-up country really is - a country with no real and true national identity, a zombie country.
If it was not for the free money from Germany, Russian Empire and European powers of that time (1832) and European Union now being poured every year to this “Greece” since 1832 through present, this kind of country would cease to exist tomorrow. And the big joke is, that this “Greece” is in a state of war with Albania today.
This “Greece” has officially declared war against Albania since October 1940 - through the Law of the Declaration of War against Albania, approved by the “Greek” parliament and the foreign powers’ installed King for “Greece” on October 1940.
Freedom and full human and national rights to 9 million Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today).
Freedom to Albanians of Lower Albania (called unjustly “Greece” today). Albanian should be the official language of the Lower Albania, and the country should be officially called and internationally recognized as Lower Albania.
I just remember a tomb of brother and mother of Skenderbeg in H ilandar.. enjoy your origin albanians :)
luda glava yeah and how its called ? "arbanaski pirg", dumbass which means albanian tower
They bought the place there for 60 golds! It is named as Albanian Tower and on the tomb of Gjon Kastrioti is written "...the Duke of Yllirians..! Read better and try again...
@@yotuberrednblack4888 and whom are those Illyrians if in Austria Habzburg state Illyrian was Serbian?! I am really not nationalist I want to know thruth according to historical facts, nothing else
Serbs are Illyrians? Is this a serious idea? Hahaha! But, serbs came in the 6th Century to Balkans... Illyrians were here much more before - centuries B.C, come on ppl!
There is only one possibility and only one explanation... "when slavs came to Balkans and settled... maybe they mixed with some tribes in the area... this is a bit hard to believe (to be love at first sight hahaha). So the might be a small percetage of Illyrian descendants...
The Albanian language, as well as the Albanians, Albanians, Arberesh, Arvanites, and further Illyrians or Pelasgians, have the most unique language in the world, the words of the Albanian language, can not find meaning or origin from any other language, as Albanian as a language has a special key, the Symbolic Algorithm, this means that the Albanian language gives the meaning of the thought expressed in the word, and there is no, but no other language in the world has this key, also Albanians are autochthonous as much as man himself on this land, this is confirmed by the toponymy of the names of most of Europe up to Asia Minor,
🌳🌟🌞🌝🌕🌖🌜🌛🌗🌘🌙🌔💫⭐️🌟✨⚡️🌈 (1)Lengua in the European region was Albanian (Geg) #2 LenguaTosk Arvanits Albanian # 3 Lengua Hellenic # 4 Armenian Lengua 🇦🇱🤝🙌👐 🇺🇸
Frank Kola dhe Arberesh
There are only three white genes in Europe or Europeans genes. These genes make you white. They are: I2a Dinaric - Balkanci of South Slavs. R1a West and East Slavs, Luthunians, Latvians and Prussians.R1b Gernanic haplogroup mosly West Europeans, Spaniards, Scots, Velshs, Irish and English. Scandinawians haplogroup and subclades of I1 originated in Balkan. All others like Westen Siberians like Finns and Estonians N1 and N2.All others like Šhqiptaret carry African haplogroups that mutated in Caucasus E3b1a-V13; Near East and Medle East Haplogroups J1 and J2;Q haplogroups or Nazive Americans. H haplogroup of Roma people in Europe. Si Šhqiptaret you Are not among Europeans and white. Even od you kill your selh you Can not reed of your Africans gene and African shaoe of your skulls In Kosovo 49% of this African haplogroup among Šhqiptaret.
The Pelasgus Teaches the first Greeks to live upon acorns;
The Ancient History, Volume 10 page 496 Charles Rrollin.
Correct my friend, greetings
Could it be possible that "Alban" came from " Avar"? With the interchange between V and B?
Avatar =avar and so no connection to avatar and Albos i gusss lol
Avatar is Albanian
Bravo Shkrlzen, the alien part was funny because I understand why you said it. My knowledge is too much to type in a comment. I've studied ethnology for many years and am of both Gheg and Tosk. I speak both dialects and understand the language and history better than this professor. I can answer a lot of questions. So just message me. Because you're missing a lot of information.
Okay, of course you have the questions from Walt Disney Books? A question which booklet is it exactly? I can’t remember.
Albanian is not a indo european language it's'a semitic language closed to aramean. It's'rather a proto aryan language
All albanese students agree with it
@@valonkamberi5199 sorry albanian is a mix of pelasgian and illyrian langage
pelasgians come from natoufians people the first palestine people whose origins is berber, natoufians divide into many peoples the semites and the asianic peoples
the asianic people were the pelasgians , the saracatsanes and the zarzians ( ancestors of the georgians ) and north and east caucasian peoples( circassians, hattis, abkhazians , kaskis,nakhs , hurrites, urartians and nakh dagestanians)
the pelasgians were indigenous of turkey and not indoeuropeans
the main of anatolian peoples were of this stock (proved by the fact lydians were pelasgians and other anatolian langages cognate with it ) except kaskis which are ancestors of abkhazians and adygeans and are of natoufian origin too and the hittites who are mix of caucasians , pelasgians and indo europeans according to their langage
ilyrians are themselves indo europeans and adopt pelasgian langage
Greeks were called Graeci only after the Ionnian settlent oi the area. Ionninas were semitic/hebrew.
Dorians were Illyrian tribes that dwelt in Sparta. Leonidas were a Dorian living in Sparta.
Illyrians and Epiroans were considered by Greeks as barbarous tribes. Whatever was barbarus was not Greek.
Greece idnetity is based on a Setmitc ideology called Orthodoxy. Greece is a mixture of ethnicites (Arbanites, Vlahs, Slavs, Egyptians, Turks)
u have so much idea maybe 0,00 % or ( - 0,00 % )
@@fotiskosmos3009 the tuth hurt
Ancient Greeks are known at least from the 14 century BC.