Dark Girls: New Documentary From Producer Bill Duke Tackles Colorism In The Black Community

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • We often talk about racism and bigotry toward African-Americans in this country, but there is an ism within our communities that we could shy -- we shy away from, and that's colorism. For as long as we've lived in this country, there has been a separation -- conscious or unconscious -- between light-skinned and dark-skinned African-Americans. "Dark Girls" is a powerful documentary on this issue. And before we talk to producer Bill Duke, here's a short preview showing just how early this prejudice begins.

Комментарии • 77

  • @Ms123Jen
    @Ms123Jen 12 лет назад +15

    So nice to hear men being honest about this problem instead of telling black women that it's all in their heads and it's there fault men of the own race dont value them. I am not African American but it is so sad to see how men of the same race devalue their own women from their hair to their noses, skin colour, i mean just look on youtube no other race of men take time out of their lives to put down their own women as much as black men do and put women of other races on a pedestal.

  • @amodingoluka
    @amodingoluka 11 лет назад +4

    I am shocked by this information, I am Black and from the African Continent but the country I come from - its about how big your hips are or how strong you are a woman as opposed to skin -color. We are all black and love it! Growing up I always wanted to be darkskinned so that I could have flawless skin... You have to know that the darker you are the less wrinkles you will get as you grow older. My mother is 61 and dark skinned and she has no wrinkles or grey hair, thicker melanin is the best!

  • @Cassandra0411
    @Cassandra0411 11 лет назад +2

    By no means am I saying we do not face challenges, but to say I ever felt less than a white person or less than a light-skinned black person, I cannot. I LOVE being a BLACK WOMAN. I feel POWERFUL in my SKIN - I LOVE ME. For me, it is irrelevant what capacity other people revere me in correlation to my chocolate complexion, what's relevant is how I revere myself, how I present myself to the world, and what standard I hold myself.

  • @afroindia42
    @afroindia42 12 лет назад +2

    I know Bill Duke as an actor, I had no idea he was a director film/maker. It's awesome to see one of many hats he wears and to see him bring an issue to film that we still need to work on today, as a people. Kudos~

  • @MrBlacknosugar
    @MrBlacknosugar 11 лет назад +4

    Our people are sooooo beautiful, and part of that beauty has always been the various hues we come in.

  • @ladydon50
    @ladydon50 11 лет назад +2

    I guess you have to define yourself because i don't have a problem with my color ,i love it and i'm told by blacks and white that i am attractive. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. my skin is dark however my mom and her grandmother where listed as mulatto in the us census i'm the darkest in my family and no one ever made me feel less attractive in my family.

  • @MultiRat21
    @MultiRat21 11 лет назад +3

    I remember going through that as a young boy and even now. I was overlooked and ignored by the light skinned sisters. You didn't have to say anything..they would give you that "you're too black" stare. Like i said, many of them wouldn't even give me the time of day. They are taught early in life that if your going to get anywhere in this society, unless he's black and doing something, don't deal with them. I learned to hate myself very early in life.

    • @sufundasamuels2313
      @sufundasamuels2313 2 года назад

      🥺....I'm sorry to hear that, but situations like yours happens way to often and I'm a chocolate woman that LOVES dark chocolate men....that is their loss, not yours my king.

  • @commonman80
    @commonman80 12 лет назад +2

    I'm a student of The Black Panthers of 1968. Newark New Jersey Branch. They taught me way before I Experienced people who have Self Hate, To Love Me, My Color, and My People. So I Never learned to grasp the Concept of Light Skinned, and Dark Skinned African Americans. Till this Very day I DON'T GET IT... My Grandmother was Light Skinned. Who I Truly Loved. Who gave Birth to my Mother. "Dark Skinned" Aunts and Uncles of All different Hues of African Decent. Who I Truly Love. I just don't get it..

  • @Cassandra0411
    @Cassandra0411 11 лет назад +2

    I stayed up to the wee hours watching this documentary last night and was saddened by the number of black women interviewed that are conflicted by societies’ indictment against brown and black skin. Thank God my family did not perpetuate this fraud of black being inadequate and not beautiful. Within my family, while attending predominately white Southern schools, and as an adult in this diverse world, I never felt less than white people or light-skinned black people.

  • @VLuvBeauty
    @VLuvBeauty 12 лет назад +2

    This is not just a Black/African issue...This is a world issue. This goes on in many other countries with other ethnic groups too. People unconsciously believe that darker is not as attractive as light, and that many European(white,caucasian) facial features look better than broader black African-like facial features. I don't know how or when this comes about as we grow up, but it does.

  • @AfricanThinker86
    @AfricanThinker86 11 лет назад +1

    Also if you watched the documentary it covered the issue on a global scale not just among the African community here in america.

  • @Vaniteez
    @Vaniteez 11 лет назад +2

    Powerful documentary....and just love Bill Duke!

  • @estherspirit
    @estherspirit 11 лет назад

    This movie discusses a much needed topic. To me, it is sad that this particular in-fighting and portrait of self-hate is still relevant in 2013. I look forward to seeing the documentary, and believe it will be showing on the OWN Network on June 23rd.


    seriously this issue could damage your outlook on life and your inner man..it has tried to damage mine..random folk saying "no dark babies ugh" and because i too have overheard family members and others talking ill of my complexion... even a grandma stating "ugh he so dark like his mom"..I shall prevail and overcome! Its about self esteem and knowing who you are, we are all fearfully and wonderfully made..I definitely understand the struggle with this.. God touch us and heal us all...much love..

  • @hr1002atverizondotne
    @hr1002atverizondotne 11 лет назад +1

    Race has been going on since Biblical time...because in the Song of Solomon, Queen Sheba and king Solomon where she state that "I am dark"..but also the Bible talks about confidence in Psalm 139:13-16...so we have to encourage our young people.

  • @crystalblur3
    @crystalblur3 12 лет назад +1

    DestineeStarz Im saddened by the fact that you feel guys ignore you. You are young so you have plenty of time to learn to love yourself first. I too have felt invisible in high school,and i am a fair skinned mixed girl.

  • @tonyblair999
    @tonyblair999 10 лет назад +1

    that's why it's imperative to instill 'Love of the Dark Hue' at an early age of at least one year of age. when they are beginning to communicate and understand communication because the INDOCTRINATION is pushed on them through cartoons unbeknownst to MOST, if not ALMOST all parents. #THEBLINDINGLIGHTOFMISINFORMATIONMUST

  • @mochalove1973
    @mochalove1973 11 лет назад +1

    Black shadeism goes all the way back to slavery. It really was beneficial back then to be light skinned. black people kept that mentatlity because it continued to work for them. It was about survival. We as black people need to change it, but white people indoctrinated that image in our pysches a long time ago. They get a lot of the blame in my opinion but we need to take responsibility NOW. We have to change our view of each other in regards to skin shade in the black community.

  • @mizbehavinations
    @mizbehavinations 12 лет назад

    this is not a strictly african-american issue at all. being an african, more dark-skinned than most of my familymembers, i grew up hearing that the lighter the better. i have traveled extensively around africa, and in some countries i was considered light-skinned compared to the "natives" and therefor highly attractive. in other countries i was quite dark-skinned compared to the people there, and therefor "unattractive":....we need to grow outta this stuff!!

  • @77summertime
    @77summertime 11 лет назад +1

    Not true. I was always attracted to men with dark eyes. When I first met my husband, I didn't think I could even date him because his eyes were too light. I "grew out" of that and learned to love him, light eyes and all. Happy I woke up.

  • @LadyCharity
    @LadyCharity 11 лет назад +1

    It is unfortunate to watch the preview; I couldn't stand watching it to be honest I grew sick to my stomach to see the child choose white over what looked most like her. There are darker skin women who are accepting of themselves and confident. I am one of them, I'm told I look like a Christie doll (black barbie). Blacks need to come to come together and embrace ALL shades of beauty, not just uplifting one over the other. Black woman you don't know you have it all, so please LOVE yourself!

  • @Cassandra0411
    @Cassandra0411 11 лет назад

    God and my parent’s rearing allowed me to define ME, not the perpetuated colonialized concepts of beauty, and certainly not the skewed opinions of people (black and white) who may attempt to devalue me because they need a platform to elevate themselves above their own inadequacy.

  • @EBJ0424
    @EBJ0424 12 лет назад

    In fact using skin lightning cream is very popular with women in different Asian countries. In their minds light skin is associated with success, being beautiful, and the darker your skin is associated with being poor, and ugly. Would you put the blame on Asian men for this? Stop making it seem like black women don't have these issues as well when it comes to them judging people.

  • @michaelfagbemiro
    @michaelfagbemiro 11 лет назад

    Dark skinned people can be colorist too. Anyone can be a colorist. Anyone. Because a person looks a certain way different from you does not mean you have to place them under prejudice and false expectations. Europeans are a race they have different color of hair, eyes, and even facial variations, You don't see them trying to oppress each other over genes and traits. In Africa people are forced to hate themselves becos they don't fit a certain appearance mold. Prejudice is wrong. Lets end it now.

  • @kevinscott1547
    @kevinscott1547 9 лет назад +4

    Let's not forget the paper bag test

  • @econgloberfan
    @econgloberfan 11 лет назад

    I don't hate being Planetary, Black, African American.. I am just myself. Heck I dont' care. I noticed years ago that Black people have issues so I stopped dating Black Guys and just dated OTHER races or cultures. Now I don't care. So I always hear black guys and friends say, "you're so kool I wished I had a wife like you or even friend." Then I realized it's not our SKIN it's our attitude. We have to change our mentality and be happy with our natural hair. I have TWISTED Dread like hair

  • @econgloberfan
    @econgloberfan 11 лет назад

    Bill Duke produced this??? What?? he's a great actor too. Awesome Villian.

  • @witchplease9695
    @witchplease9695 12 лет назад +1

    I wish I was lightskinned. If I was then guys in my high school wouldn't ignore me

    • @Stargazer3131
      @Stargazer3131 2 года назад

      At least you are being openly honest, I for sure know that's what you wish you was!😏

  • @LadyCharity
    @LadyCharity 11 лет назад

    My cousin who is light skin always calls me barbie lol i think its sweet of her.
    My bro was picked on a lot for being dark skin, much more than me.
    Sometimes I wonder is that why he married outside his race? He doesn't want kids though so idk. I always wished my skin was rich and smooth like his he is the color of the two men on the panel. He is very handsome.

  • @godagesilrex2954
    @godagesilrex2954 Месяц назад

    The actual root of "colorism" is the old Code Noir in place under French and Spanish rule in New Orleans. It prevented intermarriage between mixed race blacks and full blooded blacks. Its funny how the black "experts" don't even know their own history. This separation by law of mixed race and full blooded, gave the former group a feeling of superiority over the darker blacks from the Caribbean or Africa. It persists today through out black culture as demonstrated by Duke's documentary. Look at any commercial or TV show starring blacks. The women are all lighter skinned and the men are darker. Yet they look to blame whites. Sure we started slavery, but once we gave a rung up on the ladder to those mixed blood blacks fathered by the white owners of their mothers they never looked back. They looked down at their darker skinned sisters and brothers and still do, apparently, today.

  • @AfricanThinker86
    @AfricanThinker86 11 лет назад +1

    That has to do with white supremacy.

  • @mizbehavinations
    @mizbehavinations 12 лет назад

    are you sure? i've lived in ghana, and i sure could tell there was this kind of thinking there....

  • @aaronjoseph1630
    @aaronjoseph1630 7 лет назад

    It's not only in america,it's all over I grew up under that system,but as I grew up I change my mentality an fell in love with my dark self,an when I made my children I made sure I intellectual in them that you are beautiful,my daughter loves her bark self an her beautiful hair,an am real good she travels all over the world an no one can intimidate her ,she no who she is all to well

  • @kheir03
    @kheir03 2 года назад

    If yall recall, this was done to Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" album. She looked like a ghost. They lighten her up in her videos. *SMH*
    NOTE: I've never had boys or men say that they didn't like me because of my complexion. I know that lighter Brothas like me cause I'm dark....Go figure.

  • @raychatu
    @raychatu 5 лет назад

    This child has low self esteem and she is very lovely

  • @econgloberfan
    @econgloberfan 11 лет назад

    Roland this is a GREAT show! Interesting topic.

  • @afroblack1000
    @afroblack1000 12 лет назад

    Maybe in Ghana, but never in Nigeria

  • @Trinidancr
    @Trinidancr 12 лет назад

    Does anyone know if this film will be released on DVD? I missed the chance to view the oakland screening and would love to view this film

  • @te4888
    @te4888 12 лет назад

    well obama sure does love his brown sugar michelle. and that makes me proud as a brown girl.

  • @afroblack1000
    @afroblack1000 12 лет назад

    I don't think such issues exist in Nigeria cuz I lived there

  • @linux750
    @linux750 12 лет назад

    what? that makes no sense. Explain what you are trying to say.

  • @ironmike-putsallkindavideo7840
    @ironmike-putsallkindavideo7840 11 лет назад

    That's the Black Cop from the movie - (Menace To Society), who said - "YOU KNOW YOU DONE FUCKED UP RIGHT" ??, LOL 0.0 :D

  • @nitrodubs5109
    @nitrodubs5109 8 лет назад +1

    Richard Spencer

  • @Stargazer3131
    @Stargazer3131 2 года назад

    Sophia Nelson is gorgeous!
    And as for Beyonce, she's naturally LS so why are black people so jelious of what she is BIOLOGICALLY?!🙄🙄🙄

  • @mscamille44
    @mscamille44 11 лет назад

    u just stated the same mess this documentary is talking about! You were upset because the face on the doll was very dark...SMH!!

  • @benlewis9615
    @benlewis9615 11 лет назад +1

    How can we have a panel, with a the only black women up there with hair as blonde and European looking as anything!

  • @cbman739
    @cbman739 12 лет назад

    I never thought it about. Maybe because my relatives cover the full spectrun
    Maybe because I had wonderful relationship with beautiful limbo dancer from the Island of
    Trinidad. What's that saying the darker the berry...

  • @Chocolatensexy72
    @Chocolatensexy72 12 лет назад


  • @tonyblair999
    @tonyblair999 10 лет назад

    Roland is my new Homeboy!!! #theblindinglightofmisinformationmustend

  • @lisapeters2450
    @lisapeters2450 10 лет назад

    Hey Roland, we still are chasing our tails about who we are as an internal battle. If we only knew I believe we would not only love our color, we would almost worship it. Almost. Has anyone ever researched the word 'black"? Try dictionaries written in the 1800's. You will be surprised of the definition. We are in such a web. Me, I am grateful for my color and I wish I were darker. I prayed my children would have more than I and some of them did. Our nation is so duped that our heads are spinning. Who were the people who came and took over this land? Who were they. We must explore history and etymology in order to understand the game that has been played on us. Until we do, we will continue in self hate, prison, curses, etc. We are a great people of identity theft. Somebody stole it and does not want us to know who we are. When we find out it will all make since. Duet. 28 and Psalm 83. We will continue to get spanked until we wake up!

  • @stellawilliamson1693
    @stellawilliamson1693 2 года назад

    It's the same thing over and over. I'm to black she yellow and gets all the fellows that's the biggest lie I've heard..

  • @EBJ0424
    @EBJ0424 12 лет назад

    Stop speaking on what people of other cultures do in private, or public because you have no clue. What do you documentaries like this are about? They are about the ways that people, and others view themselves because of certain things in society. Take responsibility that you're just as brainwashed as the next person in this world can be. The skin tone issue is a big deal in many countries, not just among black people in America.

  • @witchplease9695
    @witchplease9695 12 лет назад

    Damn Obama has a nice voice, He shold sing more often ;D

  • @afroblack1000
    @afroblack1000 12 лет назад

    agree with a 100%, it's a disgrace

    • @stellawilliamson1693
      @stellawilliamson1693 2 года назад

      Afro black it is a disgrace it's shameful how most blacks feel about color black. I believe God is looking at these people how foolish they are . Sad and shameful

  • @linux750
    @linux750 12 лет назад

    oh. yeah this is a shame.

  • @Jakerockw3ll
    @Jakerockw3ll 10 лет назад

    One answer Willie Lynch syndrome

    • @jeffcadet82
      @jeffcadet82 5 лет назад

      Jakerockw3ll willie Lynch is a myth dumb ass

  • @MrBlacknosugar
    @MrBlacknosugar 11 лет назад

    I love some chocolate.....hmm mm m.....lol

