Carl hasn't been low tier for a while. He's been stuck at a solid 4th/5th tier being constantly interchangeable with Jin ever since SBO. I think Carl has been getting more players, and thus he's placing higher in ranking. People have started to notice how much power and potential he has. Based upon a character chart that I saw a while back, there were only 5 characters with a positive number of points, and Carl is one of them. All the others were either 0 or negative.
I've got the game and I've watched so many videos of Dio playing carl that I knew more or less what to do. When you first play seems impossible, but with practice u can do it too. The loop still hard to do, but when u get used to the character it is really fun speacially when the opponent is between carl and nirvana. Even though I don't think he is really strong against other chars, like arakune, V-13 (completely BROKEN).
actually theres enough hitstun to dash up 2C or airthrow if they tech. same goes for if they burst. this is an infinite on all but rachel (tech throw, wind out for free), hakumen (tech throw, parry), carl (tech throw, activate nirvana to eat 8D) and ragna (tech throw, dp, but hes probably eating another combo when he comes down).
Finally someone who made sense XD. I main Arakune and Carl, I notice the ease of cursing the enemy and setting up the endless links and the difficulty it is to just sandwich the enemy with Nirvana.
Well there's a new revision of the game coming out. It was announced probably a little over a week ago and it's called BlazBlue: Continuum Shift. From what I've heard, the loop is still IN the game, but Nirvana's health drops much more quickly in CS. Loketesters have said that nee-san will actually die in the first few repetitions of the loop. In other words, your loop will end very prematurely, leaving you without a puppet after minimal damage. Not good if you ask me.
Haha, so true. Every hit that connects, even if blocked, seems to trigger a full sentence. I think ArcSys wanted to make the relationships between characters to really show in battle. Even the victory phrases are different when you beat a specific character. I'll still probably keep the in-battle voices on, just lower than the BGM. It's what I've gotten used to, and I'm pretty much addicted to Arakune's beautiful laugh, haha.
if you were asking abt why Dio's burst didnt hit dora, its becos dora was doing a drive move into teleport. And some of his drive moves have some sort of invulnerability, autoblocks for a few frames.
I just have to say that I admire your attitude, haha! Having fun with a character is what it's all about. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any Gens online.. I wonder if it's because his two styles are hard to master? I've always felt natural playing Dhalsim, so I wouldn't know. But yeah, maybe going online with a half-finished Carl isn't such a great idea. Maybe you should keep him your secondary until you're set? Or then just train your heart out, haha!
@ofodao14 You're aware that DIO is like one of the 3 people in the world who can do the throw loop mid match? Even though it's non-intentional and it has been patched out in CS/CS2 ,(nirvana's bubble is air-unblockable but can be blocked using barrier, traditionally in CT you could not block it.) throw loop was ridiculously hard to pull off mid match and even harder to keep going, to the point of being a 1 frame link between throw-8D-8Dhits-throw.
Yeah, sorry to reply so late, but it's definitely worth it. Just the regular game is 60 bucks, so basically, all that extra kershizzle is free! I'd definitely recommend it. And with an online GS preorder, you'll get the artbook as well (even though they might've ran out of them by now).
@dragonbz4 i meant the micromanaging mentality when playing either one (ensuring that the second climber doesn't die and ensuring that nirvana can do things safely and doesn't die). either way, these four (the two climbers, carl and nirvana) are definitely the most difficult to learn/use/master in their respective games.
@janiekenzu If he had broke the grab it would have still left him in a position to be clap/throw looped and it would also reset the combo only making Dora take more damage. In a situation like that theres not all that much you can do.
It's not his only option. Carl has a good amount of mixup into ground damage. Against characters such as Rachel and Hakumen the loop is completely useless and it results in Carl having to use ground "loops" into resets/mixup back into more ground damage. /watch?v=LD9lns6pObg is a great example of how Carl can play without the throw loop.
face level, or higher. enough so that if the throw is teched they will eat air unblockable and get looped again. every throw here would have lead to that if teched.
If they preform it correctly, the Nirvana will hit you as soon as you tech the grab, letting Carl dash in and restart the loop. It is a true infinite unless you barrier burst against most characters.
I'm a Carl player and even I think they should fix it. At least the throw clap loop. just the clap loop I think isn't so bad. There should be some damage modifier at least.
True words of wisdom. I've been trying to tell this to people for MONTHS, but maybe they'll take it from someone who's been in their shoes, haha. It's almost as if people refuse to believe this game actually takes skill, no matter how many times I say it. Good to hear you've experienced it though, haha!
dude hows your carl going ive been playing with carl for 3 days now and been getting my ass kicked by jins, noels and ragnas. carl is so hard to play with ={
@goldskarr As a counter-point, a good Carl knows ways to get Hakumen into the loop. Tiers say nothing about specific matchups. V-13 is considered the best. Tao is fourth worst. The matchup is 50-50. As for your "if a person is good with a character" argument...well yeah. That's how it works. Player skill always beats out character tier. But if a Haku and Carl of equal skill (The matchup is heavily in Carl's favor) fought, the Carl would win. Every time.
from what I understand carl has to work relatively hard for his damage, and its a 50/50 essentially since you have to predict when the opponent will tech. I personally am a tad skeptical about this. I hope carl doesn't end up as a sagat.
the throw IS techable...each time u see those 2 purple exclamation marks, those means it CAN be teched....if you choose to, haha. IMO teching is suicidal if the carl is good. There are ways to get out of it -depends on your char.I rmb reading on on dustloop.
DIO is so delicious. He will single-handedly guarantee that there will always at least be one Carl to fight when this finally hits consoles and online.
.. isn't that pretty much with every video game? sounds fine when you play it but, hearing all those noisy sound effects and endless BGM while doing something else is always a pain in the ass :P
the only thing going for bang really is the fact that those iron fists can block attacks. i just got the game so idk...nething really but i remember i beat the last boss simply because of those irn fists things blocking all those swords.
I never understood the point of tiers. High tier or no, it doesn't matter if you're GOOD with the character. A person who can use Hakumen can destroy Carl if he can figure out how to avoid the loop.
Yeah, I only use people I know online. Which person total. Hakumen is actually pretty good. Despite the magatama meter, he has massive power, an incredible air dash, and his reversal drive/distortion/astral are rather effective when you know how to use it.
@duo317 Also I'll give you CT/CS arakune being cheap, CT had airborne low attacks and corner traps while CS had 100% combo poration and 236C had no repeat move poration. In CS2 he isn't a problem, worry about Noel and makoto who will combo you from any random hit into 35% damage with no meter then gain 50heat from said combo and a corner carry.
idk about arakune. yea he's not the easiest to learn to play effectively. but u can definitely get by on nothing and becuz of that just having a decent amount of knowledge of what ur doing can make it hard for your opponent. but carl and especially tao having mean learning curves
Angel Character..? Wow, that's rape, haha. Her name is Dizzy. True, she was awesome as hell, but Rachel shares a few moves with her, so there's practically no need for that. And there MAY be some add-on packs, but no confirmation yet, and if there will be any, that's way in the future. The makers are totally pleased with the current roster for the time being. And among 12 characters, I'm sure you'll find your favorite too. =) I hope my answer pleases you and thanks for watching!
I understand that. But it's too powerful not to use. I even mentioned earlier that even as a Carl player myself I believe that it is too powerful... But we were discussing earlier about how even though Carl does have the loop, it isn't his only option. Dio clearly shows that in some of the later rounds. And it is clearly shown in plenty of other matches too.
It's not broken, the bang player doesn't know how to tech out of throws, see those exclamation points, thats when you cant tech out but bang player apparently...cant tech...
@goldskarr Nu is considered the best, yeah. Her zoning is almost perfect. I personally think that Rachel is much better, considering her zoning is just as good AND she can be an offensive rushdown character too. Easy to learn would be Ragna and Jin...and Bang to a certain extent. Characters you should stay away from are Taokaka, Carl and Arakune. They all have ridiculously steep learning curves.
Also, I don't see much potential with Bang. I mean, his counter is good, and Bradry made a video of him countering an entire super, then knocking out Carl with the same counter,, I just don't like him. I prefer Hakumen and the other two I mentioned.
Nu is considered the best? Hmm. I was playing as her earlier and saw nothing special about her. I prefer a somewhat easy to learn character that still has good potential. Like Sol and Ky/Ragna and Jin.
whys that extra round in here to prove the loop is broken especially against bang. Prove me wrong anyone please. If it can kill the best Bang player with little effort and simplisity is it not a easy win
yea, its not easy to play Carl. Dio makes him look easy, lol. Carl's bread and butter loops needs negative edging, which is hella confusing and not easy to do at all.The bounce loop needs excellent timing / positioning. His hp is meh, and hes quite vulnerable to excessive zoning by chars like v-13/rachel/arakune
I know tiers count but I dont think they do that much, if you look at Mike Z who uses tager who is low on a lot of peoples list he totally crushes people. I like carl because he is unique, but he is super cheap and low tier, there are not many people that will be able to do what dio did in this video. Like I said I like carl but he has an unnatural amount of glitches that make him effective (2 a degree), and its starting to make him look like a fruity little magic kid
Nu has the some of the highest damaging combos of out the cast. not only that but she has full screen mixup/control, jump cancel any of her drives, farthest/fastest backdash, a command dash that can crossup/run away tool Nu can dominate the match as soon as it starts. and she is fairly easy to learn lol use D... alot. all her supers can be comboed into and she gets a combo after them too. just watch a tager/v13 match. you'll see by no means is she perceft: 10000 HP and poor defensive options
Dude a glitch is something the developer didnt intend to make it in the game, and to the best of my knowledge infinites are not a desirable thing to find in a game if your a developer, because they can destroy the balance between the character capable of them and those not capable. I dont think that is the case with Blazblue as it is fantastically made. infinites are flaws a game developer in most cases would find as a unwanted mistake therefore making it a glitch.
Yeah, I plan to use him as a secondary until I'm confident. I used Sakura before Gen. She was as simple as any other shoto, (but not as good to most). Still fun though.
Not his drive reversal. Eh, I find him useful anyway. I obviously don't go online with him because of all the Jin and Noel spammers, so I can't say anything about that. >_>
@SoraJustSora I'm sorry, but you shouldn't just find one combo. By the way, its pointless commenting on a video more than a year old, seeing as though they probably took this loop out. There are dozens of combos in all fighting games that you can use with each character in each of the said fighting games, and if you don't utilize those combos or at least know of all of the moves the character can do, you're not good at that said fighting game. Although there are different variants of skill...
When blazblue first came out, people were saying "eeh, whats this carl guy, sucks, shit defense, shit health, shit damage, no dash!" "His antiair sucks! and the doll is so slow!" "Carl is definitely at the bottom of the tier list!" ....and now hes in the top five.
THANK YOU! most people are like uhh he needs it cus im a lazy player. no since sandwiching isnt that hard and can be done for 5k or 6k if done correctly.
I can already tell that there won't be many Carl's online. Which is too bad, since he looks exciting to fight/play. But I play characters because I like them. I'm like the only Gen player that I've seen in SFIV, and I have fun. Of course, I wouldn't have fun if I was flat-out awful, so I probably won't be playing Carl online for a while.
If you tech the throw you get hit with the clap, then get thrown again, if you tech again, you get hit with clap again, ect ect... If you don't tech you get hit with the grab and the clap at the same time over and over
He was considered low, yeah. Not as low as Bang, IIRC. The bottom 3 have remained the bottom three since the game's release. Tager and Haku have switched once, but that's about it.
He went up, but it's still not enough. Sure he has the loops but with Carl you always have to be on the offensive since he really doesn't have any defensive options. You can see in other matchvids that even when he gets them down to a sliver, if he doesn't maintain offense, then it's really hard for him to win. That being said, either you see Carl raping people, or you see him being raped.
Carl hasn't been low tier for a while. He's been stuck at a solid 4th/5th tier being constantly interchangeable with Jin ever since SBO. I think Carl has been getting more players, and thus he's placing higher in ranking. People have started to notice how much power and potential he has.
Based upon a character chart that I saw a while back, there were only 5 characters with a positive number of points, and Carl is one of them. All the others were either 0 or negative.
I've got the game and I've watched so many videos of Dio playing carl that I knew more or less what to do. When you first play seems impossible, but with practice u can do it too. The loop still hard to do, but when u get used to the character it is really fun speacially when the opponent is between carl and nirvana. Even though I don't think he is really strong against other chars, like arakune, V-13 (completely BROKEN).
actually theres enough hitstun to dash up 2C or airthrow if they tech. same goes for if they burst. this is an infinite on all but rachel (tech throw, wind out for free), hakumen (tech throw, parry), carl (tech throw, activate nirvana to eat 8D) and ragna (tech throw, dp, but hes probably eating another combo when he comes down).
Finally someone who made sense XD.
I main Arakune and Carl, I notice the ease of cursing the enemy and setting up the endless links and the difficulty it is to just sandwich the enemy with Nirvana.
Well there's a new revision of the game coming out. It was announced probably a little over a week ago and it's called BlazBlue: Continuum Shift.
From what I've heard, the loop is still IN the game, but Nirvana's health drops much more quickly in CS. Loketesters have said that nee-san will actually die in the first few repetitions of the loop.
In other words, your loop will end very prematurely, leaving you without a puppet after minimal damage. Not good if you ask me.
Haha, so true. Every hit that connects, even if blocked, seems to trigger a full sentence. I think ArcSys wanted to make the relationships between characters to really show in battle. Even the victory phrases are different when you beat a specific character.
I'll still probably keep the in-battle voices on, just lower than the BGM. It's what I've gotten used to, and I'm pretty much addicted to Arakune's beautiful laugh, haha.
if you were asking abt why Dio's burst didnt hit dora, its becos dora was doing a drive move into teleport. And some of his drive moves have some sort of invulnerability, autoblocks for a few frames.
YIKES!!! Loops ftw.
And nobody should complain about Carl. His loops, traps and combos are the best thing he's got.
I just have to say that I admire your attitude, haha! Having fun with a character is what it's all about. Now that I think about it, I haven't seen any Gens online.. I wonder if it's because his two styles are hard to master? I've always felt natural playing Dhalsim, so I wouldn't know.
But yeah, maybe going online with a half-finished Carl isn't such a great idea. Maybe you should keep him your secondary until you're set? Or then just train your heart out, haha!
@ofodao14 You're aware that DIO is like one of the 3 people in the world who can do the throw loop mid match? Even though it's non-intentional and it has been patched out in CS/CS2 ,(nirvana's bubble is air-unblockable but can be blocked using barrier, traditionally in CT you could not block it.) throw loop was ridiculously hard to pull off mid match and even harder to keep going, to the point of being a 1 frame link between throw-8D-8Dhits-throw.
Yeah, sorry to reply so late, but it's definitely worth it. Just the regular game is 60 bucks, so basically, all that extra kershizzle is free! I'd definitely recommend it. And with an online GS preorder, you'll get the artbook as well (even though they might've ran out of them by now).
its suggested in the dvd that comes with the game though, on the carl tips part
@dragonbz4 i meant the micromanaging mentality when playing either one (ensuring that the second climber doesn't die and ensuring that nirvana can do things safely and doesn't die). either way, these four (the two climbers, carl and nirvana) are definitely the most difficult to learn/use/master in their respective games.
WOOOOW. I just played this game for the first time last weekend and had a strong suspicion it was unbalanced. This confirms those suspicions tenfold.
@rmnhn no because on smash bros. the second ice climber just copies, while you have to command carl's doll
Why didnt dora when stuck in the corner try to get out or use the 50% heat forward push?
Thats exactly what I was saying. The grab resets the damage, therefore making it more damaging like I said in the original comment.
Gonna buy that game as soon as it comes out though wont ya'?
Wow, mad props to the guy being able to pull that off with Carl.
from what i know, the 100% loop only works on tager and bang (so far)
I don't know too much about Carl but is 0:40 an absolute loop even if he broke the grab?
If he had broke the grab it would have still left him in a position to be clap/throw looped and it would also reset the combo only making Dora take more damage. In a situation like that theres not all that much you can do.
You may have found out by now, but if you play as carl in story mode, Bang becomes carl's "mentor" in a way in match 4 I think.
It's not his only option.
Carl has a good amount of mixup into ground damage. Against characters such as Rachel and Hakumen the loop is completely useless and it results in Carl having to use ground "loops" into resets/mixup back into more ground damage.
/watch?v=LD9lns6pObg is a great example of how Carl can play without the throw loop.
face level, or higher. enough so that if the throw is teched they will eat air unblockable and get looped again. every throw here would have lead to that if teched.
you can't reverse air throws if I remember correctly
bang had a few options to get out of that . He didnt use them and also fail bursted twice
If they preform it correctly, the Nirvana will hit you as soon as you tech the grab, letting Carl dash in and restart the loop. It is a true infinite unless you barrier burst against most characters.
what's the move Bang uses at 1:07 that gets rid of 50% heat? looks like a counter
@GatlingSmash I don't understand why people can't see how hard it is to control Carl
I'm a Carl player and even I think they should fix it. At least the throw clap loop. just the clap loop I think isn't so bad. There should be some damage modifier at least.
yeah, it doesnt matter if you tech the throw or not , he can still continue it.
do think people will find a way out of that combo near the end? man that's dangerous stuff lol
True words of wisdom.
I've been trying to tell this to people for MONTHS, but maybe they'll take it from someone who's been in their shoes, haha. It's almost as if people refuse to believe this game actually takes skill, no matter how many times I say it. Good to hear you've experienced it though, haha!
dude hows your carl going ive been playing with carl for 3 days now and been getting my ass kicked by jins, noels and ragnas. carl is so hard to play with ={
As a counter-point, a good Carl knows ways to get Hakumen into the loop.
Tiers say nothing about specific matchups. V-13 is considered the best. Tao is fourth worst. The matchup is 50-50.
As for your "if a person is good with a character" argument...well yeah. That's how it works. Player skill always beats out character tier. But if a Haku and Carl of equal skill (The matchup is heavily in Carl's favor) fought, the Carl would win. Every time.
from what I understand carl has to work relatively hard for his damage, and its a 50/50 essentially since you have to predict when the opponent will tech. I personally am a tad skeptical about this. I hope carl doesn't end up as a sagat.
You can put the voices on mute or switch to English lol
the throw IS techable...each time u see those 2 purple exclamation marks, those means it CAN be teched....if you choose to, haha. IMO teching is suicidal if the carl is good.
There are ways to get out of it -depends on your char.I rmb reading on on dustloop.
how do you select the color from the menu...on ps3?
I can totally understand the difficulty with being Carl. It is hard to multitask between Carl and Nirvana's commands and still guard at the same time.
Yeah, anyone'd get desperate to get out of that. Once the loop starts, you're basically cooked.
DIO is so delicious. He will single-handedly guarantee that there will always at least be one Carl to fight when this finally hits consoles and online.
There was a lot more skill involved in that than just spamming. That was a ferocious Carl player!
.. isn't that pretty much with every video game? sounds fine when you play it but, hearing all those noisy sound effects and endless BGM while doing something else is always a pain in the ass :P
the only thing going for bang really is the fact that those iron fists can block attacks. i just got the game so idk...nething really but i remember i beat the last boss simply because of those irn fists things blocking all those swords.
I don't think you understand what a glitch is.
I never understood the point of tiers. High tier or no, it doesn't matter if you're GOOD with the character. A person who can use Hakumen can destroy Carl if he can figure out how to avoid the loop.
Yeah, I only use people I know online. Which person total. Hakumen is actually pretty good. Despite the magatama meter, he has massive power, an incredible air dash, and his reversal drive/distortion/astral are rather effective when you know how to use it.
you can, it's just if you do it in that situation, you actually take MORE damage.
@duo317 Also I'll give you CT/CS arakune being cheap, CT had airborne low attacks and corner traps while CS had 100% combo poration and 236C had no repeat move poration. In CS2 he isn't a problem, worry about Noel and makoto who will combo you from any random hit into 35% damage with no meter then gain 50heat from said combo and a corner carry.
He was counting on Dio to screw up. Its actually easier and gives the combo more damage when you grab break.
just tap carl really. stops his doll. dunno if bang has any really fast frame jabs so hes might not be hte best to get out of that
holy shit, dio's defense is nearly flawless throughout this match
idk about arakune. yea he's not the easiest to learn to play effectively. but u can definitely get by on nothing and becuz of that just having a decent amount of knowledge of what ur doing can make it hard for your opponent.
but carl and especially tao having mean learning curves
@HJaySC yes because even if he breaks he gets hit by the shock wave
Angel Character..? Wow, that's rape, haha. Her name is Dizzy. True, she was awesome as hell, but Rachel shares a few moves with her, so there's practically no need for that.
And there MAY be some add-on packs, but no confirmation yet, and if there will be any, that's way in the future. The makers are totally pleased with the current roster for the time being. And among 12 characters, I'm sure you'll find your favorite too. =) I hope my answer pleases you and thanks for watching!
I understand that. But it's too powerful not to use. I even mentioned earlier that even as a Carl player myself I believe that it is too powerful...
But we were discussing earlier about how even though Carl does have the loop, it isn't his only option. Dio clearly shows that in some of the later rounds. And it is clearly shown in plenty of other matches too.
It's not broken, the bang player doesn't know how to tech out of throws, see those exclamation points, thats when you cant tech out but bang player apparently...cant tech...
thx for the info, everyone have it or just Bang?
@goldskarr Nu is considered the best, yeah. Her zoning is almost perfect.
I personally think that Rachel is much better, considering her zoning is just as good AND she can be an offensive rushdown character too.
Easy to learn would be Ragna and Jin...and Bang to a certain extent. Characters you should stay away from are Taokaka, Carl and Arakune. They all have ridiculously steep learning curves.
Also, I don't see much potential with Bang. I mean, his counter is good, and Bradry made a video of him countering an entire super, then knocking out Carl with the same counter,, I just don't like him. I prefer Hakumen and the other two I mentioned.
Because of his complexity. I main him too =]. A lot of his setups take massive skill and timing to pull off, which is why barely any1 tries him.
Nu is considered the best? Hmm. I was playing as her earlier and saw nothing special about her. I prefer a somewhat easy to learn character that still has good potential. Like Sol and Ky/Ragna and Jin.
whys that extra round in here to prove the loop is broken especially against bang. Prove me wrong anyone please. If it can kill the best Bang player with little effort and simplisity is it not a easy win
This DIO person is like my new hero.
I want to be a Carl player now.
yea, its not easy to play Carl. Dio makes him look easy, lol. Carl's bread and butter loops needs negative edging, which is hella confusing and not easy to do at all.The bounce loop needs excellent timing / positioning. His hp is meh, and hes quite vulnerable to excessive zoning by chars like v-13/rachel/arakune
I'm also interested in Carl, i just hope i can adapt to him even if he's hard to use.
how does this game work is that 2v 1 ?
Actually, that's not spam.. Those are called loops, and they're exactly why Carl is pretty fearsome when you get between him and Nirvana, haha.
I know tiers count but I dont think they do that much, if you look at Mike Z who uses tager who is low on a lot of peoples list he totally crushes people. I like carl because he is unique, but he is super cheap and low tier, there are not many people that will be able to do what dio did in this video. Like I said I like carl but he has an unnatural amount of glitches that make him effective (2 a degree), and its starting to make him look like a fruity little magic kid
Most of the best fighters have infinite loops like these(Marvel VS Capcom 2, Guilty Gear, it can go on), its what make these games so fun to master.
Nu has the some of the highest damaging combos of out the cast. not only that but she has full screen mixup/control, jump cancel any of her drives, farthest/fastest backdash, a command dash that can crossup/run away tool
Nu can dominate the match as soon as it starts. and she is fairly easy to learn lol
use D... alot. all her supers can be comboed into and she gets a combo after them too.
just watch a tager/v13 match. you'll see
by no means is she perceft: 10000 HP and poor defensive options
wtf a halfway infinite combo?
that was badass
1:56 to the end of the round is amazing.
Dude a glitch is something the developer didnt intend to make it in the game, and to the best of my knowledge infinites are not a desirable thing to find in a game if your a developer, because they can destroy the balance between the character capable of them and those not capable. I dont think that is the case with Blazblue as it is fantastically made. infinites are flaws a game developer in most cases would find as a unwanted mistake therefore making it a glitch.
Scariest thing about "low-tiers" in Blazblue is that they're still dangerous in the right hands!!!
This video has inspired me to use Carl, and just for the hell of it ima nickname the puppet DIO! Take that, religion!
wow that second round was complete lock down.
Yeah, I plan to use him as a secondary until I'm confident. I used Sakura before Gen. She was as simple as any other shoto, (but not as good to most). Still fun though.
Not his drive reversal. Eh, I find him useful anyway. I obviously don't go online with him because of all the Jin and Noel spammers, so I can't say anything about that. >_>
What do you mean? Have they patched it?
The clap loop this carl performed could of been teched from and escaped . Carl needs to be at nirvana's face level
so...playing carl clover is like playing the ice climbers in the smash bros. game?
@neekdiamonz15 Dio beat Kaqn in the last video I saw. Just type Carl Clover in the search box and click on the first video.
@SoraJustSora I'm sorry, but you shouldn't just find one combo. By the way, its pointless commenting on a video more than a year old, seeing as though they probably took this loop out. There are dozens of combos in all fighting games that you can use with each character in each of the said fighting games, and if you don't utilize those combos or at least know of all of the moves the character can do, you're not good at that said fighting game. Although there are different variants of skill...
Man, that was vicious.
When blazblue first came out, people were saying
"eeh, whats this carl guy, sucks, shit defense, shit health, shit damage, no dash!"
"His antiair sucks! and the doll is so slow!"
"Carl is definitely at the bottom of the tier list!"
....and now hes in the top five.
And Dora believes that Bang has no negative matchups.
THANK YOU! most people are like uhh he needs it cus im a lazy player. no since sandwiching isnt that hard and can be done for 5k or 6k if done correctly.
I can already tell that there won't be many Carl's online. Which is too bad, since he looks exciting to fight/play.
But I play characters because I like them. I'm like the only Gen player that I've seen in SFIV, and I have fun.
Of course, I wouldn't have fun if I was flat-out awful, so I probably won't be playing Carl online for a while.
Eh, I know Carl is hard to use, but abusing the Clap Loop is no excuse.
If you tech the throw you get hit with the clap, then get thrown again, if you tech again, you get hit with clap again, ect ect...
If you don't tech you get hit with the grab and the clap at the same time over and over
Why does he remind me of Eddie from Guilty Gear?
He was considered low, yeah.
Not as low as Bang, IIRC.
The bottom 3 have remained the bottom three since the game's release. Tager and Haku have switched once, but that's about it.
He went up, but it's still not enough. Sure he has the loops but with Carl you always have to be on the offensive since he really doesn't have any defensive options. You can see in other matchvids that even when he gets them down to a sliver, if he doesn't maintain offense, then it's really hard for him to win. That being said, either you see Carl raping people, or you see him being raped.
Other than the opening, which is J-rock, and Bang's Furinkazan theme, everything is pretty much "metal".
it becomes meanlingless if you are that strong
why the hell did u get thumbs down for this??? It's true; that's EXACTLY how people were acting...
Man that Bang must've felt like being devoured by Piranhas!!