Couldn't agree more. Konstantin is a hard counter to any Undead, Demonspawn and Knight Revenant faction champ - Siphi, Duchess, Rotos, Kymr, UDK, Candy, etc... He is on par with Supreme Elhain and Ailil, but hits harder than Ailil. I have Vlad leveled and geared. Even after Vlad's buff I don't use them together. Konstantin is strong all by himself.
Thank you for doing and presenting the complete set of this series across all the affinities, NubRaids. Informative, entertaining and (almost) free of Hydra bias. Love it and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Vlad is one of the most slept on champions ever. His multipliers are pretty strong, and the utility he can provide is awesome, even if you don't have Konstantin (another big sleeper)
Vlad is my most used void still to this day since I fused him now I have him plus 1 he’s insane and hits insane hard either way his buff too he got way better at locking ppl out
You know I was really getting myself into this game and would love to listen to your list and then the 10× came around so I decided let's count my void Legos to see my possible mercy counter (been playing since Septemberish 2020) I HAVE 8 TOTAL ONLY PULLING TWO OF THEM MERCY MY FUCKING ASS
So I pulled Tramaria, built her in provoke, and run her in my main Hydra team as I missed the Nekmo event. I think she should probably be between A/B. She has some utility in Arena and in DT with her A2, but that does get turned off in Hydra. If you want to do a video on her I'd be happy to let you try her out.
Glad you showed Annie some love. Tank cracker supreme. The Heal Reduction can be relevant. Deletes Rotos. A2 on a 2 turn is nice, and the A3 is just mental.
I'd love a video on the "worse legendaries" and what kind of team you need around them to make them work. How did I come up with this idea? Well, my double leggo pull yesterday was Danag + Guurda. *sigh*
Pulled and built Tramaria, I use her with a one piece stone skin, high resist, high accuracy, ok speed. Her one role for me is to be my cut in champ against CC for live arena. So far, she has been insanely good for this, especially against Kymar. I have not lost against a Kymar team since I built her, it's pretty great. Haven't even booked her yet, but that AOE Stun is pretty clutch as well.
I have been smashing in live arena with Yakarl. I built him for CC, that turn meter steal and freeze is slick. Plus that aoe freeze and he hits. Ive actually got him in frenzy of all things, just more stats over set thing. If they do a Guaranteed for Graazur it will be like 2 days after a big 10x on another big champ, Acrizia, Baron, a proper void drainer
I got Konstatin a while ago and was not excited - but I finally build him and he does amazing, I pair him with his dark brother for normal/tag arena, but he is amazing in live arena because he is so underrated ... for me he is definitely A-Tier (his A3 is strong and the block revive is crucial for example on a duchess)
I recently got Tramaria. I get her to lv 60 and gave her masteries. I played few times in live arena team as anti-Kaymar weapon, and in those few fights she was decisive for my victory. However, I'm not sure will that role stand test of time. For now, Tramaria vs Kaymar is 3:0 in my matches.
The only void leggo I've pulled is Sir Nick - and I can agree that he is insane for progression. I used him everywhere. Hopefully one day I'll pull another void legendary. Two years and I still apparently haven't hit mercy. Knowing my luck I'll get somebody from the C tier.
Hey Nubster! I was so happy to hear your grades for Tuhanarak and Teumesia (though Tue should be A imo). However I think (dependent on account I'd assume) Supreme Kael is actually A tier. Not needing ACC and have debuffs upon put him in some fast relentless gear, build survivability and boost his attack and crit dmg as high as possible with the high speeds....he is RIDICULOUS!
I read Claidna does not function well in Sand Devil. Her passive prevents her from taking much damage but it won't prevent her HP from getting destroyed. Because she doesn't heal (overhealing doesn't count here) she also won't recover destroyed max HP. This leaves her very vulnerable. She's definitely a D-tier because she does not work well in the area she is exclusively designed for.
Man the shade you throw on Supreme kael is crazy. He is a beast on my account guaranteed poisons, weaken and decrease rez increases accuracy is the best because you don't need accuracy. Clan boss he's a beast in all my unkillable teams, he is awesome for doom tower hard poisons will take down all the tanky boys. He's great with maneater unkillable and pythion. He's actually good in live arena too his a2 with turn meter boost and a3 do surprisingly good damage since you don't have to focus on accuracy.
Could you do a quick vid on the new sell artifacts options? I obviously can't figure it out as none of my gear is getting automatically sold even though I don't have any of the toggles set to keep. Thanks
I remember pulling Angar and was so excited, wow A VOID LEGENDARY, never before has that level of excitement been crushed so hard and so fast. I did pull both Gnut and Graazur during the champion chase for Gnut's fusion though. Is there any use at all for having 2 Gnuts?
I tried ailil for a long time in live arena. He just doesn't bring enough damage and is a huge sheep risk. S+ tier kit with c tier damage. Put him in low b tier.
It kinda sucks that free champions get overlooked or underrated. Visix for f2p players is huge. Got her a week ago and she has decreased the time in pretty much all my dungeon teams. And for the first time I have no problem clearing doom tower hard waves now. I’d definitely put her A tier
when you've been playing for 4+ years and only have a siphi and 2 warlords from S tier (obviously have all the 'free' ones too) but hard to compete anywhere when you don't have the top champions
Try Tramaria with Nobel, Morigain, Vlad and a speed increase champ that might decrease turn meter too if you can. Morigina faster than nobel (I personally use relentless on all of them), she need to open with true fear, nobel will alternate A3, A2. Vlad prioritise A2 for turn meter. Even DT hard cannot take a turn, it's crazy, if they do get a turn they are true fear (nobel, morigain) and block active skills (Vlad), that's not scary!
great list and totally aligned outside Konstantin. He is very underatted, his recent passive change made him super viable for arena. his only downside is that he needs increase attack to get to outputs that will secure a kill in this insane shield buff meta whilst others like Candy, Trunda, Rotos can one shot anyone without the need for increase attack
I think youre sleeping on Khoronar for Hydra.. he's on Krisk level for my NM Hydra team in provoke set. Mischief tanks, perma provokes, void dec atk and dec def, WM dmg like crazy with AOE a1... Massive champ :) Also Inithwe OP for live
I think Supreme Kael as B-tier is a big miss. Even right now, the fact he brings irresistable dec resist and increase resist for the whole team, ON THE SAME SKILL, for 2 turns on a 3 turn cooldown with turn meter fill for himself on placing dec resist, means you can ignore building him with accuracy, focus more on speed so he gets back around to use the skill to keep it up 100% of the time for the team, and allow other champs in the team to essentially reduce their accuracy requirements by 65% and allow them pump up other damage stats, is huge value even right now. Definitely should be A-tier right now, with potential for S-tier in the future.
I pulled him. But I don’t know where to use him. He didn’t cut in any of my team. You really can’t build one champion with less accuracy becoz he will not be usable in other areas where you don’t use supreme kael. As it is right now, he is definitely B-tier champion. But he really got potential for future contents.
Ash Likes Teamaria quite a bit. She can deal some damage too. I have 2 If her. I used her for Stum before i got Armanz. I think she is Close to deserviing a Buff. The atun IS in a 4 Turn Cooldown when many Champs allready have a 2 Turn. Many Options to get her better. Would be great,If she would be mune to fear or srun or both. Or having a inreaistable atun or BE the first champ to have an AOE 2 Turn stun.
Supreme kael shines everywhere where accuracy requirements are tough. Iron twins (extend geo burn!), Sand devil beast, Dt bosses, hydra nightmare, dragon hard, spider hard. Its messed up supreme kael hasnt been spotlighted because late game players use all the crazy gear and champ comps to clear stages. Anyone that struggles getting champs to accuracy levels and/or wants to extend debuffs this champ literally helps you destroy content. Also will dominant harder content as it releases.
My voids after 3 years. Lydia and arbiter, and dark elf that l dont remember the name of who has dmg block revive and mr Vampire from fusion. 1 lego void pulled and still no renegade, but 6 seers. And l feed miss tank. In 6 weeks mithrala
Best ez shameless content: Tier lists. We cant resist em, you can't help but make em. Watch 95% of viewers skip to the last 10 seconds to see the full list.
Not too useful in arena that way as she is going to get outsped by lots of champs in the higher ranks. I don’t think she needs immortal since she has a heal in her kit.
@Tommyboy she's tough to kill and tends to get back to her revive before they kill her. She obviously won't do anything in Platinum, but for tag arena and all other content, it's perfectly fine. Also, I pair her with a faster lyssandra or my faster arbiter when I really need the speed.
@@markmarlatt1105 I wouldn’t mind a second arbiter. I would probably put her in stone skin though if I did. My fast arbiter runs great in all other content including my UNM CB team, my NM hydra team, and all three arena types.
I would say that one more additional SS-tier is needed for Taras, Marichka and perhaps Nekhret. The first two we know why (😏🤑), Nekhret is a necessary and indispensable condition for today's arena. Unfortunately..
Great list. Taras, Marichka maybe even Acrizia could be in an SS tier imo. Otherwise we are in alignment. Konstantin seems to be getting some love in the comments but have not used him.
I dont get this Krisk vs Graazur thing, they re completely different op champs, they both extend buffs so what, they would go perfectly well just togheter.
Im sad everyone digs on raglin. The second i got her i full booked her and equipped her in a defense / resistance set. She stays alive and resses a group resser. Quite literally shes in almost every team i have. She cannot do any wrong. Do i wish her team cleanse + heal was 2 or 3 turns instead of 4? Yes. Is it good the way it is? Also yes. I feel like shes more an A tier then people will give her credit for. That a1 tm boost is big.
Probably bias because I pulled Venus in my first two months of playing. But she is a damage dealing de-buffing monster. I could see her not getting S+ but A feels disrespectful. Her 100% defense down and weaken are key to my 15 second spider 20 time.
Wow would not have put Teumesia in A tier with a stun or a decrease speed and the HP push the turn meter control on her A3 and decrease def on a1. A tier is I guess ok but I would honestly say S as she is one of the best aeo hp burn champs being that she is void. Walking tome being MAYBE better just due to his HP. Also she can smack pretty hard for PVE content and if your creative she can go into arena to help farm lower tiers for metals.
Constantin is an easy a tier champ and arguably s if you try hard enough. Hes damage is similar to a half health Leo with the block Res passive. Really cool
I don´t get the hype around leorius, never did. He´s harcountered by block buffs and worse than most other nukers then, especially with might ukko around. A Tier for me. That said I don´t own him. Maybe I´ve come across to many leorius not properly built. I guess because of polymorph he is at the top. Vlad and Constantine are A tier to me. Vlad is main main nuker, often against arbiter team he just nukes twice and wipes the floor 100%, since his buff his A3 is just too good. Lockout and decrease defence on a Nuker that hits THAT hard? SURE! I´d put ultimate Kael and Galek one tier up, servicable arena champs with exceptional PvE kits.
Ithos is 10 x times more useful than Elhain , at the moment he is in most Hard DT bosses teams and ofc 12 6 nightmare farmer. I really regret wasting 10 lego books on Elhain.
Am I crazy or does polymorph seem so bad for the game? So many champs are not viable or take a huge hit because that garbage exists in the game for only the biggest of whales.
Your c tier is really D tier, those voids are garbage. As for who's c tier, half of the current b tier would easily be a c tier. Not a solid ranking system.
Blind Seer not a great champion?? Decrease turn meter a1, block debuffs and shield a2, and revive and block damage a3. I may agree that she has been power crept by newer champs, but to say that she's not a great champion is absurd Nub.
Claidna is "D" or "F" tier, along with Angar. Wurlim should move up to "B" tier (his A3 with Inc Def and Strengthen is amazing). Rakka should move down to "B" tier, maybe "C". Riho might be "S" tier.
Ithos is A and Angar is B. Easily. Tier lists are so favoured to the CC who made the video. Angar rekt everything when he joined my squad. Couldn't believe the hate he was receiving.
This might be the last comment on your vids for the forseeing future as I will unsubscribe... Love(d) your vids and your personality (and personal stories). I love to see you back again at full speed and also at a better level for your health! However... I'm tired on looking at goofy faces from thumbnails with less than 10% value for my current account (4 year old veteran). You did so great with your Hydra start - same like Shini atm with LA. And I do understand that you want/need to make this a living and need to follow the YT algorithm. And that Hydra only vids won't do that... But I myself just can't do it to watch videos which are on really low value for my account status. And I don't have any other Raid subscriptions atm. So you're competing with all other topics out there... For sure will see you as suggested vids and will watch one or the other every now and then. Or for a live stream for CvC!!! But my "Nubs journey" will unfortunately end today... Best of luck for you!
Konstantin is defenitly underrated on this tier list. He counters 80% of current arena meta with his passive.
Couldn't agree more. Konstantin is a hard counter to any Undead, Demonspawn and Knight Revenant faction champ - Siphi, Duchess, Rotos, Kymr, UDK, Candy, etc... He is on par with Supreme Elhain and Ailil, but hits harder than Ailil.
I have Vlad leveled and geared. Even after Vlad's buff I don't use them together. Konstantin is strong all by himself.
I use him over Elaine. He is best attack nuker that I own. I got both.
My main live arena nukers are: Taras, Ronda, Rotos & Konstantin
Without the condition second hit on his Aoe he just scratch and as every Attack based nukers hard to keep alive.
Overrated champ. Underpowered for a void lego
Thank you for doing and presenting the complete set of this series across all the affinities, NubRaids.
Informative, entertaining and (almost) free of Hydra bias.
Love it and thoroughly enjoyed it!
Vlad is one of the most slept on champions ever. His multipliers are pretty strong, and the utility he can provide is awesome, even if you don't have Konstantin (another big sleeper)
Vlad is my most used void still to this day since I fused him now I have him plus 1 he’s insane and hits insane hard either way his buff too he got way better at locking ppl out
I'd love to see you put each tier with the same # of champs. It might force those hard 'is this champ better than that one' discussions
You know I was really getting myself into this game and would love to listen to your list and then the 10× came around so I decided let's count my void Legos to see my possible mercy counter (been playing since Septemberish 2020) I HAVE 8 TOTAL ONLY PULLING TWO OF THEM MERCY MY FUCKING ASS
So I pulled Tramaria, built her in provoke, and run her in my main Hydra team as I missed the Nekmo event. I think she should probably be between A/B. She has some utility in Arena and in DT with her A2, but that does get turned off in Hydra. If you want to do a video on her I'd be happy to let you try her out.
Man I love when people under estimate Konstantin and vlad they don't ban them then instinctively regret it
Glad you showed Annie some love. Tank cracker supreme. The Heal Reduction can be relevant. Deletes Rotos. A2 on a 2 turn is nice, and the A3 is just mental.
I'd love a video on the "worse legendaries" and what kind of team you need around them to make them work.
How did I come up with this idea? Well, my double leggo pull yesterday was Danag + Guurda. *sigh*
Pulled and built Tramaria, I use her with a one piece stone skin, high resist, high accuracy, ok speed. Her one role for me is to be my cut in champ against CC for live arena. So far, she has been insanely good for this, especially against Kymar. I have not lost against a Kymar team since I built her, it's pretty great. Haven't even booked her yet, but that AOE Stun is pretty clutch as well.
I have been smashing in live arena with Yakarl. I built him for CC, that turn meter steal and freeze is slick. Plus that aoe freeze and he hits. Ive actually got him in frenzy of all things, just more stats over set thing. If they do a Guaranteed for Graazur it will be like 2 days after a big 10x on another big champ, Acrizia, Baron, a proper void drainer
I got Konstatin a while ago and was not excited - but I finally build him and he does amazing, I pair him with his dark brother for normal/tag arena, but he is amazing in live arena because he is so underrated ... for me he is definitely A-Tier (his A3 is strong and the block revive is crucial for example on a duchess)
I recently got Tramaria. I get her to lv 60 and gave her masteries. I played few times in live arena team as anti-Kaymar weapon, and in those few fights she was decisive for my victory. However, I'm not sure will that role stand test of time. For now, Tramaria vs Kaymar is 3:0 in my matches.
i don't have her, but her kit sounds amazing to me, would love to try her in live arena
The only void leggo I've pulled is Sir Nick - and I can agree that he is insane for progression. I used him everywhere.
Hopefully one day I'll pull another void legendary. Two years and I still apparently haven't hit mercy. Knowing my luck I'll get somebody from the C tier.
Hey Nubster! I was so happy to hear your grades for Tuhanarak and Teumesia (though Tue should be A imo). However I think (dependent on account I'd assume) Supreme Kael is actually A tier. Not needing ACC and have debuffs upon put him in some fast relentless gear, build survivability and boost his attack and crit dmg as high as possible with the high speeds....he is RIDICULOUS!
These tierlists feel like, how good said champ is in plat arena, or hydra
Well thought out list, well done one of the best void tier lists
I read Claidna does not function well in Sand Devil. Her passive prevents her from taking much damage but it won't prevent her HP from getting destroyed. Because she doesn't heal (overhealing doesn't count here) she also won't recover destroyed max HP. This leaves her very vulnerable. She's definitely a D-tier because she does not work well in the area she is exclusively designed for.
I like you've put in the effort in designing lists but isnt there a website prebuilt for tier lists?
Man the shade you throw on Supreme kael is crazy. He is a beast on my account guaranteed poisons, weaken and decrease rez increases accuracy is the best because you don't need accuracy.
Clan boss he's a beast in all my unkillable teams, he is awesome for doom tower hard poisons will take down all the tanky boys. He's great with maneater unkillable and pythion.
He's actually good in live arena too his a2 with turn meter boost and a3 do surprisingly good damage since you don't have to focus on accuracy.
I think people are underrating Belanor a lot. I use him everywhere. Great debuffer, but adds some solid dmg as well. He is even pretty solid in arena.
Could you do a quick vid on the new sell artifacts options? I obviously can't figure it out as none of my gear is getting automatically sold even though I don't have any of the toggles set to keep. Thanks
I remember pulling Angar and was so excited, wow A VOID LEGENDARY, never before has that level of excitement been crushed so hard and so fast. I did pull both Gnut and Graazur during the champion chase for Gnut's fusion though. Is there any use at all for having 2 Gnuts?
Inithwe is A tier with live arena imo. I'm the proud owner of Claidna. Haven't used her one bit and my account is void lego starved
I tried ailil for a long time in live arena. He just doesn't bring enough damage and is a huge sheep risk. S+ tier kit with c tier damage. Put him in low b tier.
100% he's been a huge disappointment for me.
It kinda sucks that free champions get overlooked or underrated. Visix for f2p players is huge. Got her a week ago and she has decreased the time in pretty much all my dungeon teams. And for the first time I have no problem clearing doom tower hard waves now. I’d definitely put her A tier
I'm in the Konstantin fan club nub he's gotta get some love on the full combine list A tier all the way
when you've been playing for 4+ years and only have a siphi and 2 warlords from S tier (obviously have all the 'free' ones too) but hard to compete anywhere when you don't have the top champions
I played for 4+ years too and I pulled 10 b tier 3 c tier and only 1 a tier
Try Tramaria with Nobel, Morigain, Vlad and a speed increase champ that might decrease turn meter too if you can. Morigina faster than nobel (I personally use relentless on all of them), she need to open with true fear, nobel will alternate A3, A2. Vlad prioritise A2 for turn meter. Even DT hard cannot take a turn, it's crazy, if they do get a turn they are true fear (nobel, morigain) and block active skills (Vlad), that's not scary!
great list and totally aligned outside Konstantin. He is very underatted, his recent passive change made him super viable for arena. his only downside is that he needs increase attack to get to outputs that will secure a kill in this insane shield buff meta whilst others like Candy, Trunda, Rotos can one shot anyone without the need for increase attack
I think youre sleeping on Khoronar for Hydra.. he's on Krisk level for my NM Hydra team in provoke set. Mischief tanks, perma provokes, void dec atk and dec def, WM dmg like crazy with AOE a1... Massive champ :) Also Inithwe OP for live
Angar should be D for sure, I mean he is worse than Umbral. Maybe even worst void lego in game. Other than that nice list :)
I love you weekend warriors you keep me going. God speed sir.
I'd like to see supreme athel paired with gurptuk in FK hard. I wonder if her passive procs when she takes dmg from the self poison of gurptuk
I think Supreme Kael as B-tier is a big miss. Even right now, the fact he brings irresistable dec resist and increase resist for the whole team, ON THE SAME SKILL, for 2 turns on a 3 turn cooldown with turn meter fill for himself on placing dec resist, means you can ignore building him with accuracy, focus more on speed so he gets back around to use the skill to keep it up 100% of the time for the team, and allow other champs in the team to essentially reduce their accuracy requirements by 65% and allow them pump up other damage stats, is huge value even right now. Definitely should be A-tier right now, with potential for S-tier in the future.
I pulled him. But I don’t know where to use him. He didn’t cut in any of my team. You really can’t build one champion with less accuracy becoz he will not be usable in other areas where you don’t use supreme kael. As it is right now, he is definitely B-tier champion. But he really got potential for future contents.
I think B teir is about right, maybe A teir. His kit is pretty good but also pretty niche. He'd be a vault champ for me.
Supreme kael shines everywhere where accuracy requirements are tough. Iron twins (extend geo burn also!),
Ash Likes Teamaria quite a bit.
She can deal some damage too.
I have 2 If her.
I used her for Stum before i got Armanz.
I think she is Close to deserviing a Buff.
The atun IS in a 4 Turn Cooldown when many Champs allready have a 2 Turn.
Many Options to get her better.
Would be great,If she would be mune to fear or srun or both.
Or having a inreaistable atun or BE the first champ to have an AOE 2 Turn stun.
been waiting for this.... lets go......
Supreme kael shines everywhere where accuracy requirements are tough. Iron twins (extend geo burn!), Sand devil beast, Dt bosses, hydra nightmare, dragon hard, spider hard. Its messed up supreme kael hasnt been spotlighted because late game players use all the crazy gear and champ comps to clear stages. Anyone that struggles getting champs to accuracy levels and/or wants to extend debuffs this champ literally helps you destroy content. Also will dominant harder content as it releases.
You should defintely wait until the free login leggo before you do massive list
Duchess is so freaking broken! I pulled her on day 78 on my F2P account for 2023 & she skyrocketed my account!
My voids after 3 years. Lydia and arbiter, and dark elf that l dont remember the name of who has dmg block revive and mr Vampire from fusion. 1 lego void pulled and still no renegade, but 6 seers. And l feed miss tank. In 6 weeks mithrala
Whoever is saying Grazuur is the next void guarantee is smoking some prettu good stuff
Best ez shameless content: Tier lists. We cant resist em, you can't help but make em. Watch 95% of viewers skip to the last 10 seconds to see the full list.
how is nekhret helping georgid and baron??? you mean just shielding them or ? cant they just stoneskin?
I'm only hoping to pull Vlad Nightborne because I have a 5 star perfect soul sitting in my altar for him.
I have a second arbiter thats about 300 speed in full immortal gear. She is fantastic anywhere built that way.
Not too useful in arena that way as she is going to get outsped by lots of champs in the higher ranks. I don’t think she needs immortal since she has a heal in her kit.
@Tommyboy she's tough to kill and tends to get back to her revive before they kill her. She obviously won't do anything in Platinum, but for tag arena and all other content, it's perfectly fine. Also, I pair her with a faster lyssandra or my faster arbiter when I really need the speed.
@@markmarlatt1105 I wouldn’t mind a second arbiter. I would probably put her in stone skin though if I did. My fast arbiter runs great in all other content including my UNM CB team, my NM hydra team, and all three arena types.
I would say that one more additional SS-tier is needed for Taras, Marichka and perhaps Nekhret. The first two we know why (😏🤑), Nekhret is a necessary and indispensable condition for today's arena. Unfortunately..
Nekhret is not as great in live arena. Still good but often times UDK is a better pick.
@@tom-f5k Everything is individual, I see Nekhret much more often than UDK and he gives me much more problems than the skeleton.
Graazur looks like he skinned Krisk and wears him as armour.
Great list. Taras, Marichka maybe even Acrizia could be in an SS tier imo. Otherwise we are in alignment. Konstantin seems to be getting some love in the comments but have not used him.
i believe ramantu is perfect in S tier since Acrizia is there too and she is only used for dungeon, not arena
Can't Angar be a good provoke/mischief tank in hydra? takes care of 2 heads
Plarium nerfed 2/3s of their champs into the ground by introducing polymorph as strong as it is right now
I dont get this Krisk vs Graazur thing, they re completely different op champs, they both extend buffs so what, they would go perfectly well just togheter.
Baron S tier? But he only works in arena, I put him in A tier.
Think this needed more tiers
Im sad everyone digs on raglin. The second i got her i full booked her and equipped her in a defense / resistance set. She stays alive and resses a group resser.
Quite literally shes in almost every team i have. She cannot do any wrong.
Do i wish her team cleanse + heal was 2 or 3 turns instead of 4? Yes. Is it good the way it is? Also yes. I feel like shes more an A tier then people will give her credit for. That a1 tm boost is big.
Probably bias because I pulled Venus in my first two months of playing. But she is a damage dealing de-buffing monster. I could see her not getting S+ but A feels disrespectful. Her 100% defense down and weaken are key to my 15 second spider 20 time.
Everyone constantly sleeping on supreme kael
You need to add a D tier for fortus. Absolutely pish.
Man why does everybody hate Wurlim lol. He was my first void leggo. After his buff he hits pretty hard! And he's so cool! lol.
Wow would not have put Teumesia in A tier with a stun or a decrease speed and the HP push the turn meter control on her A3 and decrease def on a1. A tier is I guess ok but I would honestly say S as she is one of the best aeo hp burn champs being that she is void. Walking tome being MAYBE better just due to his HP. Also she can smack pretty hard for PVE content and if your creative she can go into arena to help farm lower tiers for metals.
Constantin is an easy a tier champ and arguably s if you try hard enough. Hes damage is similar to a half health Leo with the block Res passive. Really cool
Hearing you bash on Claidna makes me even more sad that she was my last void lego along with a dupe Arbiter. Voids are not kind to my account at all
My Marichka agrees with her rating 😅
However my +1 Cruetraxa is currently killing it in both live and classic arena…she is my secret weapon no one sees coming 😊
i would put Ramantu in A tier and i would change positions between Constantin and Sup. Elhain
tramaria in ss is usable in arena
Ailil has been a huge disappointment as his damage is extremely underwhelming for what he's supposed to accomplish.
Wurlim is he last void lego i pulled...sad
I don´t get the hype around leorius, never did. He´s harcountered by block buffs and worse than most other nukers then, especially with might ukko around. A Tier for me. That said I don´t own him. Maybe I´ve come across to many leorius not properly built. I guess because of polymorph he is at the top.
Vlad and Constantine are A tier to me. Vlad is main main nuker, often against arbiter team he just nukes twice and wipes the floor 100%, since his buff his A3 is just too good. Lockout and decrease defence on a Nuker that hits THAT hard? SURE!
I´d put ultimate Kael and Galek one tier up, servicable arena champs with exceptional PvE kits.
Ithos is 10 x times more useful than Elhain , at the moment he is in most Hard DT bosses teams and ofc 12 6 nightmare farmer. I really regret wasting 10 lego books on Elhain.
almost correct. arbiter not S tier tho
I think Baron is A tier now. He's still amazing but not top meta
Am I crazy or does polymorph seem so bad for the game? So many champs are not viable or take a huge hit because that garbage exists in the game for only the biggest of whales.
Your c tier is really D tier, those voids are garbage. As for who's c tier, half of the current b tier would easily be a c tier. Not a solid ranking system.
Frustrating one set n one awakening to constitute champs obsolete
I think, almost all streamer overrated the arena champions :/
Blind Seer not a great champion?? Decrease turn meter a1, block debuffs and shield a2, and revive and block damage a3. I may agree that she has been power crept by newer champs, but to say that she's not a great champion is absurd Nub.
Claidna is "D" or "F" tier, along with Angar. Wurlim should move up to "B" tier (his A3 with Inc Def and Strengthen is amazing). Rakka should move down to "B" tier, maybe "C". Riho might be "S" tier.
Ok ive stopped watching after seeing yakarl turvold and elhain rated higher than konstantin
Ithos is A and Angar is B. Easily. Tier lists are so favoured to the CC who made the video. Angar rekt everything when he joined my squad. Couldn't believe the hate he was receiving.
Jingwon probably F tier btw
Konstantin > Elhain easy
Tramaria is C tier she's trash. Any void leggo vault gaurdian is C
This might be the last comment on your vids for the forseeing future as I will unsubscribe...
Love(d) your vids and your personality (and personal stories).
I love to see you back again at full speed and also at a better level for your health!
However... I'm tired on looking at goofy faces from thumbnails with less than 10% value for my current account (4 year old veteran).
You did so great with your Hydra start - same like Shini atm with LA.
And I do understand that you want/need to make this a living and need to follow the YT algorithm. And that Hydra only vids won't do that...
But I myself just can't do it to watch videos which are on really low value for my account status.
And I don't have any other Raid subscriptions atm. So you're competing with all other topics out there...
For sure will see you as suggested vids and will watch one or the other every now and then. Or for a live stream for CvC!!!
But my "Nubs journey" will unfortunately end today...
Best of luck for you!