Can you do another video on what to do to eliminate whites/grey's please? And what do you do yourself to maintain the non grey/white hair? Do you really never have vitamin deficiencies? I personally hate this, I started taking Arey a supplements specific for these.
I work with my GP who is also an endocrinologist every 6 months to do a full battery of vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and hormone tests. I do this to stay in remission with my various autoimmune conditions, but I believe it has helped keep my overall health in good shape, which has led to positive knock on effects with hair. While supplements like Arey or Primeadine spermidine can be good, the best first step will always be to discover what your unique deficiencies or imbalances might be. Think of it like you would a high end car. If it doesn't have any gas in the tank, no amount of expensive tires or engine oil will make a difference in whether it can drive. With cars we have dashboards to tell us what is wrong. With humans, we need to run tests to understand what is happening inside.
What do you think of Overtone and SuryaBrasil hair dyes ?
I wish i could have your hair..i tried your spearmidine supplement a couple of months and it didn't work.
Can you do another video on what to do to eliminate whites/grey's please?
And what do you do yourself to maintain the non grey/white hair?
Do you really never have vitamin deficiencies?
I personally hate this, I started taking Arey a supplements specific for these.
I work with my GP who is also an endocrinologist every 6 months to do a full battery of vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and hormone tests. I do this to stay in remission with my various autoimmune conditions, but I believe it has helped keep my overall health in good shape, which has led to positive knock on effects with hair. While supplements like Arey or Primeadine spermidine can be good, the best first step will always be to discover what your unique deficiencies or imbalances might be. Think of it like you would a high end car. If it doesn't have any gas in the tank, no amount of expensive tires or engine oil will make a difference in whether it can drive. With cars we have dashboards to tell us what is wrong. With humans, we need to run tests to understand what is happening inside.