My great great grandfather and my great great great uncle both of the 32nd Tennessee Infantry CSA fought at Kennesaw Mountain June 27 1864 A sad and a terrible day for both sides
Johnston did a good job during this campaign. Both Grant and Sherman said they would have done the same thing. The Confederacy had to make the war long and bloody until the North threw in the towel. Sherman was a competent commander. When Lee had his big victories in Virginia earlier in the war, the Northern army was led by incompetent commanders. Sherman wanted the Confederates to come out in the open and attack him so he could crush them. But, Grant told Sherman that the Confederate army was his objective, not places. You could argue that Sherman disobeyed that order. Johnson was very good and picking strong defensible positions. Sherman was always smart enough to flank those positions until Kennesaw Mountain, which some historians see as a mistake because the Confederates were so strongly entrenched. Sherman never admitted it was a mistake but never repeated it either.
My great great grandfather and my great great great uncle both of the 32nd Tennessee Infantry CSA fought at Kennesaw Mountain June 27 1864 A sad and a terrible day for both sides
Johnston did a good job during this campaign. Both Grant and Sherman said they would have done the same thing. The Confederacy had to make the war long and bloody until the North threw in the towel. Sherman was a competent commander. When Lee had his big victories in Virginia earlier in the war, the Northern army was led by incompetent commanders. Sherman wanted the Confederates to come out in the open and attack him so he could crush them. But, Grant told Sherman that the Confederate army was his objective, not places. You could argue that Sherman disobeyed that order. Johnson was very good and picking strong defensible positions. Sherman was always smart enough to flank those positions until Kennesaw Mountain, which some historians see as a mistake because the Confederates were so strongly entrenched. Sherman never admitted it was a mistake but never repeated it either.