@First-v8k I'm so sorry you're in a stressful situation too. After two spontaneous hemorrhage events and a biopsy with extensive necrosis, I had a partial nephrectomy 4 months ago. My mass turned out to be a very rare PEComa of the kidney with epithelioid cells. I am grateful to report that I'm cancer free now and mostly recovered - by some miracle no necrosis was found in the gross pathology and post surgery scans were all clear so far. If you have a normal angiomyolipoma I am certain you will be okay, and probably won't need surgery like I did
Thank you for not blowing off the young woman 😭 I have a LARGE mass currently being dismissed due to my age, it's very stressful
@First-v8k I'm so sorry you're in a stressful situation too. After two spontaneous hemorrhage events and a biopsy with extensive necrosis, I had a partial nephrectomy 4 months ago. My mass turned out to be a very rare PEComa of the kidney with epithelioid cells. I am grateful to report that I'm cancer free now and mostly recovered - by some miracle no necrosis was found in the gross pathology and post surgery scans were all clear so far. If you have a normal angiomyolipoma I am certain you will be okay, and probably won't need surgery like I did