Guard Commander Inspection - Arlington National Cemetery
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Check out our new Coffee ASMR video! • Coffee Pour Over ASMR
An impeccably uniformed relief commander appears on the plaza to announce the Changing of the Guard at Arlington National Cemetery. Soon the new sentinel leaves the Quarters and unlocks the bolt of his or her M-14 rifle to signal to the relief commander to start the ceremony. The relief commander walks out to the Tomb and salutes, then faces the spectators and asks them to stand and stay silent during the ceremony.
The relief commander conducts a detailed white-glove inspection of the weapon, checking each part of the rifle once. Then, the relief commander and the relieving sentinel meet the retiring sentinel at the center of the matted path in front of the Tomb for the commencement of the changing of the guard ritual.
Filmed, Edited and Produced by KidsWithSticksProductions
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#Military #RifleInspection #DrillInspection
Check out our new Coffee ASMR video! • Coffee Pour Over ASMR
Yes....upon closer inspection, this appears to be a gun.
You fool 💀 😂
Rifle or weapon*
LilySnell shhh let us have this
You fool 😂😂😂
My friend: *gives me back the controller I lend to him two weeks ago*
That's a lie
There's no way your controller would be remotely that clean 2 weeks later
This comment is way too underrated.
1k likes lool
Do you think he imagines robot noises in his head while he moves like that
I'll be back
No you womt
Riosenta S oh shit
@@franz_. no he prolly can't do that with a straight face
Man, I was in the Army for 20 years and went through a lot of inspections. Never anything like this. I mean there is no room for even the slightest error. You literally have to be perfect.
It's an inspection which will never fail. It's just for show. The rifles they use at Arlington have never once chambered a bullet, are never used for anything other than being held still by a guard, flipped around for the changing of the guard ceremony, or stored until the next ceremony. (I mean, I guess they gotta dust it off at least.)
@@another-person-on-youtube well that busts a bubble or two. No problem though.... Story of my life.
@@archangelstormrider3695I mean, if it inspired your confidence in the US military and respect for the deceased, then it served its purpose. 😊
It's the symbolism that counts. It's clear the guards take it seriously, the rifles and uniforms truly are kept immaculate, and it obviously means a lot to them. (Even if it's just for show.)
P.S. that's why he keeps slapping and flinging it. It makes cool metallic rifle noises and makes the audience go "cooool 🤩"
@@another-person-on-youtube begging your pardon but I was 20 years in the army. So I know many things about the military service however I wasn't aware that the rifles had never chambered and all of that but it always did give me something to try and at least be as good as. My job was fixing radios and such all day while I was in the army but I wanted to be every bit as good at it as I could be even if it meant excelling to the level of a tomb guard.
@@another-person-on-youtubeThat's not true. They will and have failed inspections.
"Hmm yes, this rifle is made out of rifle"
Lol just making sure 🤣
Is baby powder made out of powder?
Huy The Poor Traveler no its made of babies
@@duo496 yeah made by the dust of the incenerated babies
Karaoshi 3000 we have to do something with the abortions
Imagine you two are bestfriends and just start to prevent from laughing while staring at each other
These guys are trained to remain still and emotionless. These guys are trained not to break for weeks, even months.
@@bluelynxworld4748 this makes me happy and sad at the same time.
Lmfao I would be the first one to fail
They will not laugh, because they are
in US army.
all it takes for two best friends is the slightest crack of a grin and both of you will loose it!
Her: Don't worry! My parents are so nice, it's gonna be ok ☺️
Her parents:
Her dad inspecting me and jr be like:
@@SenzuB3an Cock inspection be like:
@@DarkLordFromTheSecondAge kid i only have one comment about it, its perfect you're welcome to this family
@@SenzuB3an k
I feel like a lot of people fail to understand the importance of this inspection. Everything is ceremonial but it's to honor those that are lost but hopefully never forgotten. The US may have been involved in conflicts that I don't personally agree with but that doesn't stop us from honoring the sons and daughters who will never come home and never be buried
Exactly. You can disrespect the peoples who send all these soldiers in wars, but dont disrespect the poor guy sent in a foreign country to kill someone he doesnt even hate.
Well stated. You've sumed it up very well
So WW2 was a conflict u wouldnt agree with? k lmao
@@royale7620 was moreso talking about Vietnam The second Iraq war the war in Afghanistan but thanks for the condescension
Man idk why people are hating on this, some of the coolest stuff I seen. These are some bad mofos they should be showing some respect!
Girls before a date: “OMG Becky we’re gonna make you look SO GOOD”
Boys before a date:
The guy inspectioning the rifle is my friend
And the rifle is my pp
nice cock bro
Me after a date
"Make sure you fire it will all your might if she engages Private"
oh god
When the gun went
I felt thatвидео.html
Spanish La Legión.
It has such way with moves, it changed my life
It’s like a cheat code
I felt that too
i’ve seen this in person. its crazy how solid these guys are. they don’t move a millimeter when they’re guarding.
It’s genuinely interesting yeah, it’s an experience that a lot of people should see.
It think they give them a two years training to make sharp moves
Well I can tell you it isn t easy standing totaly still for that long :/
They can say bye to their spines and knees after they reach 40
The amount of precision and fluidity of their movements and the thoroughness and exactness with which he examines the rifle would make a samurai impressed
The problem of this, most of the commentaries don't understand the sequence of this, here, I'm gonna explain a bit.
1. 0:02 to 0:05 - The composture of the soldier and nerves control. When the commander snaps the rifle, checks first the reaction of the soldier.
2. 0:08 to 0:10 - The commander checks the vertical shape of the rifle, 0°.
3. 0:10 to 0:13 - The commander checks the stock's butt's metal balance, 45° to 50° while making a 80° to 90° line to form the perfect arc, so the stock gets no unproper failing in the shooting.
4. 0.13 to 0:18 - Checks wood's texture and checks the weight balance in the rifle, with the purpose of solid aiming.
5. 0:18 to 0:26 Texture checking, different hit and position along with the bayoneta's hold, Perfect straight lined, dust checking at the end, Soldier's proof of neat.
6. 0:26 to 0:32 Trigger, forestock and barrel's inspection. Rusting not allowed.
7: 0:32 to 0:35 Rear sight checking, to check if there's no deflection.
8. 0:35 to 0:41 Rifle's lock checking, lock and unlock; Sling's possible defects checking. The lock must have a normal function, emergency needed. Sling needed to hold tight for soldier's movement, needed to be strong and still functional.
9. 0:41 to 0:46 Barrel straight lined, perfect 90°
10. 0:46 to 0:49 Bolt checking. No bullets, shaking needed for powder/dust accumulation.
11. 0:49 to 0:53 Bayoneta straight lined 90° must be same straight parallel lined as the barrel.
12. 0:53 to 0:57 Pushing barrel confirming, weapon well built and not flaw.
13. 0:57 to 0:59 Opposite side checking.
14. 0:59 to 1:04 Bolt inner checking, hit in the butt plate, clicks, no bullet stuck or metal inner marking.
15. 1:04 to 1:10 Fore-end to trigger guard checking. Body flaws inspection.
16: 1:10 to 1:15 Stock-to-Butt Metal measuring, 90° marking.
17. 1:15 to 1:21 Downside inspection along with 90° marking.
18. 1:21 to 1:30 Soldier focus controlling eye contact signal - rifle recieving.
The rest is checking the position and pulse relaxed in rifle's hold. Hope you got entertained reading this. Nice day.
Adding: The neck cracking is used to provoke sensitive noise to the soldier to check for possible flinch.
Andres Perez thx i was interested in what all the reasons for the holds and positions was
Thanks for the explanation.
I already understood that by watching, but I still think this is a ridiculous show.
Andres why does he hit the butt plate to force the bolt closed? Wouldn't that damage the integrity of the bolt assembly?
Derrick B Because he's not taking risks of it not closing and no, no it wouldn't damage it
Their so sharp and precise with their motions, they look like robots
R6 Man they do practice it a lot so it becomes muscle memory
Basically. That's the point. The one thing i hate about the regular army is when they tell you to do marching movements, so you do them correctly, and they get mad at you because you do them correctly. I had a CSM tell me to do some stuff, and he said do it like a normal person. And i just looked at him and said "rgr SGM, yes SGM". I then i did it incorrectly and he said "that was much better". I'm just like dude. It feels so wrong to not do movements correctly.
They are fucking robots with no brains that's why they call them grunts
They are robots man...shoot first ask questions later....eventually they will be replaced by combat robots anyway....
@@christopherhumphreys7052 you served?
I wanna see a version where the captain sees an error.
I think he will point out the errors in his room, a punch for every rifle error, and a kick for a uniform error
If the Soldier fails inspection at the end The inspector will face soldier; explain all errors and send soldier back to locker room
@@JayceHadre I pictured there was mustard on the guy's uniform and smoke starts coming out of the inspector's ears "This... does... not... compute!"
If the error is almost nothing most likely the inspector will fix it himself, once i saw an inspector touching the guard belt while innspecting his back.
I saw this in person. It’s absolutely amazing seeing how careful and smooth each movement is
The men in the background were 10 years old when they started watching this ceremony.
HAAHAHA nice one!
0:24 - This sound was normal before 2020
LOL i almost died laughing too.
Becuase this is 2020
In all seriousness, this is actually really impressive
It is indeed
ah yes, self discipline: holding a gun.
only thing impressive is how they didnt laugh
@@jrthethepro6019 mplpp ko ML p momok km om l km l om ll oli ll mmpp p plll oli ppll om pp om lpp "non l ini lllp ko ML lmp p om om pp km pllpp ML ppl"plpppppmomok pl oli pm. Lplll ini km ppmllp ko oli lpl omni llplp om lpplplpll kok p kan ini m Imp m ML llllplll kok om lpll Imp"ppmlppmlom lm olok lllp ML l pllml om llm om p koko ll PMI lmll om pl om l om plp mmpp oli PMI p km ko lp om ko lp mol ppp pmlpm om lpll mmpp ijo ikut p no lp plin l ko lmpl ko kmu l km pl ol lplpm".l ko mlpl om ol l.pkop lplm mol om l koki m ko lpmppp p no pllp kopi km ol p km om l pplmlp ko km lmpl km llp olok om ll pink pm olok l Imp p non lpm om p kok pp km ml m om pllm kmu plp ko pm om lp kop mllplp mmpp p lpml lppp Imp iklim p ol ko p ikon km ol llpl om p ML lpl kok l km p om ppp kok om mll lplp ML lm km p Imp ko ML l om ko l om ll ada lm km lpp ko ml ML lp om p om p ML l om l ada om l l om m km lp om l om pll. L PMI pmlmllpl om pp l oli ol kolom lmp ko m blm pll kpn pl olok lplpp plpm kalo ppmp ML mlplml ko ml om om lllp. Plpl ini. P lplp ko. Km olok lp"mmpp pllll llpp om.plll.plllllpkm plin monopoli om mmpp ML om pllmlmllp mmpppmllml koko. L ko l lplplpppmp ini l PMI. L om m km ikut ppp km l om om mp Imp m km. P om mlmpm km p mmpp ML om p km om om ML p ML PMI ko mol l om km p ol ML pll om Imp ml ya ko ML p p ikon l ML om lml om l mpmll mmpp lmp ML m km oli om lllllm om non ML p om m om mll PMI mlppm ikon om llplplp ML plm l ko ML llpmp no ML mpl ko mpp ML m om l ML om om mlm km pmp om p. Mllmlml Imp ikon omni mpml ko ML ko no m kok p ml koko mol l om kok oli pl om l koko pll ikon. Okk pl mmpp pl ko ML ppl. Om p. Plpp ll om mlmppm om pplpm om pkl. Om pmp ol m ol pmp kok mmpp mlplpl mmpp mmpp m km pm lplpl oli om pm om lpl olok kok l kok pm pkl plp ML om p ko m om p. Pllpl mol oli m km oli. Lppp om lm lp lmpplp ko pp ko om olok m km p. Okk plp om om
P. Lp ko ini km p km pmp km p mmpp ml om p km p PMI pmlpplp ppmlpmmm km opmllp km p jln km oli pp. mmpp l km plmmp om l om p olok ol mlppmpl om p km pp ML PMI m om om pp km p ol m km ml. M kok l no mmpp mlpmp km p mol mp.. L ko Imp ko pmpm p non ppplpll om p. Km mmpp plp ko m ko mlppp ko p km plp ko kok lp om ml mmpp lpl la p no pink no mmpp om. Mpm om mp ML llpm ko pplp m. Om l lllppl om p oli. PMI mmpp ml om mmm km plp mmpp ML p plmp om pp aja plpm om pmp ko p oli ll ML mmpp pmllml mmpp ML om ML momp ko lp. Pm om om ppp om p mmpp lp iya ko mp ko pl om 0lp om ML p. Lmll.llmmini om pm om om ko m non non l lm. Plplmplp ko pll om ko ngga plplp ikon ML ko om pll. Pmmpp lpl om l p ko p km mp ko llpmp ko om p om p om omlppmlp om plm. Pp lpmm om mplppm ML om km oom om p kok p ML mplpllm ini. P ko ML mppp om lmm olok llpmpm mmpp km mlp pmllp pkl m ol mmpp ol pm om om lm. Lplpm om llpp om mmpp mop ll ini m ML pmmm. P lmp ML p. P km ppllpm9p ML pp. Lllpp m om pp. Lmpl. Pm ini mpml oli ML pplp. Lp. Ml. Plin.. L om p mmpp mmlmp ya plllpplppppl km p Okk l p itu omplp. p. P ML mlp. Pplp mmpp mmpp l ML Imp plm ko mpllpp mmpp m om plm olok pl om l pm om lpp ko pppp mmpp mmpp. P ko PMI p mmpp m ko m ko pllp. Ppplplp. P. Ppp. Lm mol pmlpm p. Mmpp mmpp p. Lp p p ML mol pm ko m km ko lmp km pp ko pppp. Lp ko m km miliki om m oli km m koko l mol lplplpl non pllll ko ML pm. Mpm olok m plmplp. L om ko lpp om ppp. Ppmlp km mp pkl mp ini pl km mini m om ppll p itu pp kp mm om plpp. P. Ppplm km mol pp mmpp ppp lppp om om om pllmlm om l pkl ppm. Om p. L ppl ko plppplolpl ML m km llpm km. Kok p no p ppmp ko om lmlp ol mp km ppml om blm ko mmpp mmpp p ini p. Pp om ppp. Mmpp ml mmpp om om blm ini plin pp ol ppppm.pom ppmppplp PMI plpplp kiki pppmp om plmpp. P non ppp. Pppp. P kok om om lppmp kolom blm om lmp ppp om p km lpm m ol ML pml om ll om pppl om mol pm om plppppl blm lpp. Om pppppp. Plm ML pmml km 9l ko mlplmlml om pm PMI pmompll ko ml mmpp lm om plp lp90mlpp ko lpmm. Plm om lp mmpp p lplp km mp om pkl plp mmpp o mmpp mlm om om pl lmp. P ini. L ol plp.. Ppp km p pp om mmpp ML mm Nikon pm ini mp nih om ini mpml. Op pl om pkl pm om ppl ngga llp ko mm om om pp km pmppplp km. Pl injili mm mol mpp ko mmpp om kkokpp mlpllp. P mmpp ko ml pkl pm km mmpp p. P km l no om om kok km mllppl om 9mpmmol. Lmpmpm. Pp. ML plpl pkl ll km km om pppplppp ada PMI mmpp p no. Om ppppp om IBM ppm pkl mmpp pmlp km link p m om p ol m oli pp. M om ml lmpmlppp Imp plml om ppmpp di mmp ML llll ko kmu p. Mlm Okk p ini mini p ko mlmpop km om om cm kolek p mmpp pmppp.ppppppcm mlpm km om mpmom om PMI ko mlmplm om lml ML om PMI p mmpp pm ML ml om ML. Okk pl om mllpplp. mpmmpp. pmppml om PMI p ML p. L Imp mlpo om om plin pppmppp ko mmpp plppp. Om p. Km pmmlp km om ol om mlpmm mini mmpp plm omni km ko ML pl ko mmpp PMI. Lplpplm mmpp lpmll mmpp lllmp kpn mppmp ML m om lp koko ML pm di plllml koko lppp om l mpl non lp. Pm om pm plin p. M ML p ko mmp non m om plmp mmpp. Ppppmlpppppml ko p om di p om om PMI mmpp pllpl om mmpp pmomoplppmmlmmlppm om om lpml plin om mp l ML p mmpp l no mlppl. Plin m om ml ko p.. Om om om om p. P. Pop lpl iga m ko m om oli m mmpp llml. P om pllm km llpppp km ppll ML pm om. M om pmpmlmp om pmpp IBM pmpp om p. L. Lll om oli ll. P ML p. P.plppmnon kok omlpmlmpppp. Pp. L ML m km p ML m om l. M ko ml l. Ll om lp mmpp m om pmp ko p iya om ini ppp om om l no mlplpm p. Om ppplmmll pommm km ML om om p non ko mlmlmppp. P ini p olok iming lml jl om pp pkl pmp om lpm ko l non ppompm om mmplpp. Pmmp oli lp non pmlpmmmplpmppppmplm mm km pp. Om om lm ol minggu pmppllp ko om m mmpp ML plmmm om ML mini mllpp om mplp km om m om mmpp m ikon plp.p.plmlpmpmllomloplpom m ko mmpp p. Lpp. Mp om plp km pkl lmmp mmpp mol l minggu pm mini mplp ko mmpp p nih pmll ko mmpp l IBM mppplpplplmpmp mi l ppmllomp. L. Om pplmpom no om m ikon ml om ll om pmlmp. P km mo mmpp mmpp mmpp mp mmpp pkl pp boko m om om l ML pl plin PMI p ML p PMI mmpp oli mp. Lppmlpmommmplplpmlp Okk ML o ko pmpp.mlppko lppmlpl. L om m mol mlmllml Imp llpplp oli m0. Om plmplp ko pp olok om Imp lpmpp iklim ppp nih mmpp om ppppmllppll ko m0lp mini m om om Imp PMI pp olok lomlpml itu p jomblo lm km ko ML pl om om mmpp momok ppmompmpp. L. Plpmppp km l om mm PMI mm ko p mmpp mlppl. 9p ko mini l om lmp ML m om p ML p km plmpl pkl p cm p. Mmpp m ikon om p MMLp om ppl omni minggu.mlom mm9ol mmpp om pppppp llpmlp.. Mpml ko HP. P om blm l ML injili. Om ppp plpp itu.. Pppplpl mmpp m om pm nol ommp ini ngga l no mmp om p om p om mlp mmpp om om km di om mmpp ML ini oli no pm km m om ko mmpp ppplmmlpplmppmpmmpll pkl p. Llmpllpml pp. Non ini p. Mpm kok kok mol ML p kok ll km m km pp ko ML pl. M kok omlplplp mmpp om om om pkl p om pmlmlpl om pp. Plppm Okk pppp. Oli p mmpp om pip ko ko mpmp. M Okk pm ML injili mp0l. ko omlm ini om p. P mmpp pppm. Om ko mlplm plin Okk l om lplp om p ini pml momok lmm om ikon ko mll ujung p ol ll mmpp m pkl lm ya p. Ll om p ko om ppp ikon ko mllm mmpp m ol p ko ML ko m kolong v HP bimbingbbb
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유튜브 아니었으면 이런영상 볼수도 없었을걸..
마치 의식처럼 총기검사.복장검사..
순직하신 분들에 대한 최대한의 예의를 다하는 모습이군요..
영면하신분들이 매일매일 든든하시겠어요..
이것이 미국의 최대 장점이지요
He's just like my dad,
Able to find dust from that corner I cleaned 100 times.
@@rockegaming1891 😆😆
Sounds like your dad needs to get laid.
The most relatable comment I've ever seen lmaooooooo
@@jondorsey1715 thanks mate!!
0:36 Coolest gun manipulation move.
Until he kills someone!😂
@@Canadian-Asian-dude Whoops👀👀👀
Don't forget the trigger discipline.
Asperger Plays: suuuure, way better than killing people.
🤦♂️ It's unloaded you dense ass 🤡.
When you meet your girlfriend's dad for the first time
Did you inspect him or he inspect you?
Hmm nice Conq bro
I think that era died so long ago
@@beastmodejelly8654 Dont think it ever really existed. Just a myth to scare teenage boys into behaving like gentlemen.
It worked... the first time :P
@@ClaytonQ45 it should be back now that there's so many perverts,cops aren't enough.
"lemme just..."
0:26 Damn I felt that slap
ouch dude hits with his nails to the rifle very hard. My hand's hurts.
Its so smooth
"Mmm yes. Clean, smooth wood"
"A stock, good shape"
"Good, a bayonet, just gotta clean it with my fingers"
"Good clip, just gotta adjust it there..."
"Barrel made put of... Barrel, yes, very good."
*2 minutes of inspection later*
"I have finished with inspection. I can confirm that this is a rifle."
you missed the whole point in this...discipline...something you dont know about
@@restlessbeing1398 You have missed the whole point in this thing called... a joke... something you don't know about.
@@restlessbeing1398 r/woooosh
fetus deletus.
@@goldenfreddycl2 damn what a comeback....
Soldier: Here's my rifle si-
I think he’s like a Staff Sergeant or something. I honestly don’t know. I learned the insignia rank from the Marines. Correct me if I’m wrong.
@@sirethanthegreat4069 yep, he's a staff sergeant
@@airbus_a320neo yay. And I found this after a LONG time.
I'm puzzle if thats intentional or if the other guy handled the gun wrong
@@terencepaul7475 no, they always do the same thing 🤔 looks kinda rude tho
This is really an awesome sight to watch if you've never had the chance Very fascinating.
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
1. How many steps does the guard take during their walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and why?
21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.
2. How long do they hesitate after their about face to begin their return walk and why?
21 seconds for the same reason as answer number 1
3. Why are their gloves wet?
Their gloves are moistened to prevent losing their grip on the rifle.
4. Do they carry their rifle on the same shoulder all the time and if not, why not?
They carry the rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.
After their march across the path, they execute an about face and move the rifle to the outside shoulder.
5. How often are the guards changed?
Guards are changed every thirty minutes, twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year.
6. What are the physical traits of the guard limited to?
For a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, they must be between 5' 10' and 6' 2' tall and their waist size cannot exceed 30.' Other requirements of the Guard:
They must commit 2 years of life to guard the tomb, live in a barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on or off duty.
They cannot swear in public and cannot disgrace the uniform or the tomb in any way. After two years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on their lapel signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only a little over 600 presently worn.
The guard must obey these rules while serving as guards or for the rest of their lives if they choose.
The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to keep the heat and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that extend to the top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come to a halt.
There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform.
Guards dress for duty in front of a full-length mirror.
The first six months of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor watch TV.
All off-duty time is spent studying the 175 notable people laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. A guard must memorize who they are and where they are interred.
Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe E. Lewis (the boxer) and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, (the most decorated soldier of WWII) of Hollywood fame.
Every guard spends five hours a day getting their uniforms ready for guard duty.
In 2003 as Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington , DC , our US Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the hurricane, the military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment.
They respectfully declined the offer, 'No way, Sir!' Soaked to the skin, marching in the pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding the Tomb was not just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be afforded to a serviceperson.
The tomb has been patrolled continuously, 24/7, since 1930.
Thank you for such a detailed insight.
1:52 i thought that neck crack
Would've hurt a lot
I think it did
Those are his shoes, they have metal parts on the inner parts and you click them together at certain times during the ceremony
Me too 😂😂😂
Oh damnn
The war vets in the background are saying, "I remember the good ol' days when they needed only one look at it." lol
@@mausersps4195 I mean where they say in the video?
@@YzaesDuo r/wooosh
That Kiddie
The most r/wooosh thing I’ve ever read on RUclips. Lol
I love how the older veterans sitting back and enjoying the show
even while the rifle is occasionally pointed at them
@@cochleyabe bruh they used to face a MG42 and a few tanks bruh.
@@pumpkinut5314 either way gun safety is still very fucking important
@@ceccenio apparently you don't know guns very well, do you?
@@HakuMegurine-117 he said "they're used to mg42's in their face" i told him either way who wants to be in front of the barrel of an m14. im a marine 2013-2017 0331
I had the privilege to see this and the changing of the guard in person on a trip to DC. AMAZING.
1:52 it sounds like his neck broke
His boots?
@@myhand4272 hopefully...
The shoes and echo do person it sounds close to the same
my hand no his neck
Ok I’ve confirmed it’s his boots. This a another video that shows itвидео.html
Old man with red cap look like stan lee
Omg IKR!
Mike Espresso Do you have to be that rude?
Chun Jie Chen Even though its may or may not be stan lee.Stan lee death is after this date.
Stan Lee keeps making cameos even after death
"He-here's my gun..."
Ama0a q⚡☠️☠️☠️🌚🎉🌚🎉⚡🎉😂🎉🌚😺🎉💩💩😺🎉⚡😺☠️💖💖💖😽☠️☠️☠️💩😶🤪😐🤬😐😶😐🤐😐🤨🤐💫⭐🤡🤡🤡🤡💨⭐😽
The inspector is a terminator, his movements are so precise
u'd know wouldnt u stalin? xddd
@@royale7620 yes sir
Me: i did My homework.
Teacher: let me See Them
Me: okay, There You go
So true though
I don’t get it
@@marlongalvezsalao9939 the teacher can't believe that the student actually did the homework so she/he inspects it like this
@@aalirillazz5558 No, you don't understand. The student brought a gun to school because this is AMERICA
Its like my wifes father inspection during first dinner
I know how you feel I was taking a friend of mine out for coffee and the dad wanted to meet me I was so nervous and was like I hope this ain’t the day I get shot
Underrated comment.
Typical Ladd my nigga...
he's just like a NPC when he inspect him in the end
Underrated comment.
Im a Npc Or A Robot.
Terminator 2 vibes
Respect to these guys for the hard training and its results!
*''My my what a nice gun you have there. Mind if I take quick looksie.''*
Zy Dn
It's not a gun it's a rifle
Theirs always that one guy and its definitely you😂😂😂
*guard 1*
Inspects the gun
*Guard 2*
Tries not to poop his pants
Yeah dude I would’ve shat my pants right there and then
Dad: You’re a disappointment son
Me: 1:39
This had me giggling like a maniac
U made my night
crunchwrap supreme 😂
He is inspecting him
I love the scene where they check the guns 💕 It makes me feel refreshed just watching it. And the soldiers are so cool.❤
Hmmmm yes, the weather is nice today
Indeed sir
Yessir Indeed
0:42 ah yes, her favorite part
@@CreativeHandleOrSomething whats your psn?
Fukcin fuxing
me: Mom, I cleaned my room like you asked
My mom:
Forget about the inspection for a moment. Let's appreciate those veterans on ♿️. My respect to them all.
When i blinked the other person already got the gun
Sierra so true jaja
Big Prick r/woosh
thunnie u got he’s ass
0:23 the sound is so perfect 🤣🤣🤣
😂 🤦♂️
I thought it was the COD M1911 reload sound effect
0:51 Damn son, where ya get this beauty
I've been to several other "Tomb of the Unknown's" around the world and I can tell you most assuredly that no other Country does this with the precision that the US Army 3rd Infantry "Old Guard" does! One of the most impressive demonstrations of Military Drill & Ceremony that a person can ever witness and a fitting tribute to all the men & women who gave their lives for what they believed in more than anything...our freedom and way of life here.
You misspelled oil
Humans had no idea the T-800 was inspecting them.
There are a number of people buried in Arlington cemetery who were guilty of war crimes.
American high school history text books barely speak about what happened with the Native Americans genocide and slavery. They definitely do not go into detail about women being raped, children being murdered.
@@이순신-z3h wtf does this have to do with Terminators?
Titan lmaoooo
@@이순신-z3h I didn't see this coming lol
Much respect to our country’s warriors always. These guys are on a different level of self discipline. I wish I was good enough for this job. These are some top quality soldiers. I don’t even comprehend how one could even become this squared away.
Warriors who have never won a war 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@nishant62834 There's no winners in war.
Anglo-saxons are not warriors in spirit. Just the bullies with nukes :)
Americans don’t even know how to march...
0:42 Damn I felt that
You need one comment so here you go
Saw this in person….almost didn’t want to see it because I was terrified something bad would happen. I have ADHD and….I forgot to take my medication so on the bus ride over I flat out told the teacher….”yeah I can’t do this…” despite that…I still went and it was a truly eye opening and amazing experience. Every single movement of the guards is mapped to the smaller detail, and every motion is planned with the utmost precision and coordination.
These guys, guarding freedom. You… worried on a bus ride.
@@enjoyer6201this is what our next gen is lol
@@enjoyer6201 you, insulting kids in a yt comment section
@@enjoyer6201imagine acting like a cunt to someone with adhd and acting all smug lmao. honestly pathetic.
@@enjoyer6201You, spending too much time on the internet
I cant wait to be doing this soon. It takes much practice and precision. It takes a lot of finesse actually. It seems very robotic but there is a certain way to do it to make it seem less rigid if that makes sense. These guys know how to make it look CLEAN
i believe in you bro
How did it go?
@@Kallixede i went to Yokota Japan
@@hillierutopia4554 Did you learn how to do the inspection like in the video?
@@hillierutopia4554 nice how's yokota I know the airforce got a base out there
It looks like he’s a badly humanized video game character
Hit man
Mark Zuckerberg be like
Those men dont have scales
My teacher looking at my homework that I finished early be like:
isn't your homework done on a cellphone these days??
Some of the best asmr I've heard today
0:36 That was awesome
When he said “ “ I felt that
I've watched this dozens of times, and I just realized that at 0:25 it isn't the hand making that noise, it's the other sentinel clicking his shoes
Why was he clicking his shoes?
@@paulocalinao2267 If you've seen the sentinels on duty, everytime they reach the end of their path, they turn and click their heels. It's a bit for show.
@@halrold7369 These guys do these almost artistic things mostly for show, brings the army closer to the people. But they're combat ready, if needed
Can we also mention how nicely this video played? Such crisp and clean resolution and framerate, excellent job recording!
Why do "we" need to mention it? You just did. What else do you want, a bloody medal?
ah yes, excellent job camera! Perfect resolution and framerate.
@@Anvilshock jeez who tf hurt you?
2:05 That's the second time he inspected his ass.
He can't help it, he's got a fine ass
Lmao he got a nice ass
He has to make sure its cleaned.
It was too damn thicc he had to step back to have it all in sight
Nice ass
The military dating scene is weird..
5chr4pn3ll but did anybody notice Stan lee in the back in the red hat ?
Love is love regardless
idk. he checks out the other guy's tool before he checks the rest of him out. that sounds about right ;-)
hey man, don't be jealous. I'm sure you'll find a guy of your own soon.
Jawn Oh fuck off, fun is fun but they're guarding the graves of fallen soldiers, at least SOME of them were good men. Have some respect.
Imagine they being buddies and laughed out at a old joke.
This is the only video that actually makes me feel the asmr tingles the whole way through
1:30 "Error, restarting".
T-800 operational, first directive: inspect John Connor
*Windows xp noises*
*Wen He take a peep @ Yo dik* 01:39
@@theonefrancis696 Detroit become human?
This almost feels like ASMR
these guys are robots, The noise at 1:52 was a cog moving in his neck
I think that’s was he boots or the camera
@@smallboto it was a joke
@@goneboy4948 i thought you were serious.
@@smallboto Nah. Thats the small dial on the rifles scope that made the clicking noise.
They never blink. They are definitely robots
Absolutely amazing how they glide forward as if on tracks!
I've never seen something so perfect from humans seem so inhumane. This is perfection.
Weirdest mating ritual I've ever seen..
god this is funny.... this comment is excellent :-D
The inspection is so smooth, it really makes you appreciate all the work they must do to get here.
This is unintentional ASMR, as well as the best change I’ve ever seen
0:01-0:05 "sir here is my rif.."
0:06 " give me that".
Not a sir
Learn from their discipline
@@shashidharbagewadi6614 this type of discipline is a joke
I'd hate to see how this guy looks over dinner at home before he eats
Al Guien i swear to christ barbara if there is a single dust molecule on that lasagna it's your ass
Well, I bet its unexpectedly normal
@The Ranter why the hell can I imagine this
Al Guien he’s like gordon ramsay
Soldier: * slaps rifle 300 times *
Rifle: *hArDeR dAdDy*
I really like how the comment seccion of my commet makes everything even better
Excuse me.
Pero q pedo we
That actually made me laugh XD
Thas pretty sus
I visited their quarters in 1962 when they were preparing for their next tour. Amazing preparation. You only see the result but there is so much more.
0:40 lemme just give my rifle a little tickle
Lol X)d
I hate myself for laughing
The second I saw the tickle I burst out laughing
Rifle: *giggles a bit* oh sh-
Old Guard: *triggered*
this is weirdly relaxing and satisfying
This is so cool, I was given the honor a few weeks ago of being chosen from my 8th grade class on our DC trip to lay the wreath at the tomb of the unknown soldier. I saw this, and it was incredible to watch. Coming across this now was so cool, I got geared up at the ceremony realizing how many people have died fighting for the freedom of kids who will never even think of them or remember them.
Wife and I with our 3 year old went and did a Virginia tour for 2 weeks. Did 2300 miles from michigan and back. Stops along the way. This was the reason we stopped in Arlington. She understood after we went why I had to go
When your sims autonomy stops working 1:26
Militar academy: 1 year military training. 4 years robot act dance training
That’s about right
A dance? That's kinda rude tbh
@@shyryTsr2k what's so rude about dancing lmao, literally dancing is one of the most important things on our species like seriously some idiots did some sort of magic dance but actually ended up understanding how to precisely throw spears
What a chad that dumb ape
@@deus2570 these guys are performing a sacred duty of guarding the tomb, something that not many people are able to do at all and you call it a dance. See what I mean? And they are not throwing spears now are they? I don't mean to be rude about it but these soldiers deserve all of our respect.
Me when I found a cool looking stick in the backyard.
Look at the veterans in the wheel chairs watching on with awe and admiration.
Respect man...we will never know how they maintain their professionalism...hat's off...respect and love from 🇮🇳
My friend: "Dude check out that girl over there, but don't make it obvious"
Me: 1:30
Three seconds later, nice shlong dude
she is looking at us dude, act natural 2:29
@@alrn1282 Oh shit she looked we gotta run 2:30
I can tell you standing perfectly still takes total discipline and these men and women are disciplined.
I saw an interview with one of the “new men” in the regiment. He said that the unknowns not only sacrificed their lives but they also sacrificed their identity. If that’s possible they were left with even less than those troops that lost their lives. This is the reason these men and women go for absolute perfection in their uniforms, rifle drill and maintenance and the way they walk and change the guard. The honor guard badge is the second rarest army badge apart from the astronaut badge. Well done ladies and gentlemen.
0:24 look at his hand perfect timing
*cough cough*
It's impressive how mechanical their movements are.
I always wonder why 🤔
@@Tony-eq7cs tf?
Do something long enough and it becomes muscle memory.
@@BobRobie1 It shows discipline.
@BobZombie Another guy said it but yeah its basically just because it shows the utmost discipline. ZERO movement is wasted that isn't precisely relevant to the drills they are performing. Therefore it looks robotic.
The sexual tension here is incredible
Just kiss already uwu
@@ertoliart What the fuck
@@ertoliart Right ??
Between the two men or the man and the rifle)
This is probably the most skilled and elegant sergeant at Arlington by far
"Hehe i got new weapon"
"Gimme... It's mine"
1:52 that sound from his neck is creepy 😦
Christy Pathrose that’s the sound of his shoes. Their shoes are designed to have clickers that click when they snap their heels together
@@andrewtrang364 Which is the most German thing ever.. why do they have this?
DeutscherSoldat1871 not sure. I guess they do it just for the aesthetic of “clicking to attention”
@@Marco-bf4uu Because it is extremely impressive when you hear 80-150 soldiers do it in sync.
Also why is it "german"?
Girls in sleepovers :
"OMG Jessica you should go on a date with brad! both of you are so sweet."
Boys in sleepovers:
brad and jason:
Stop stealing comments u daft prick
"Nice cock Josh"
@@justanotherbrit2030 I aint stealing you...... PUnk 😱😱😱
As a e member of a family that's served our country since the revolution (and the Rebel army, too), it chokes me up seeing how closely those veterans watch. They know.