Blessings After the Haftarah ברכות אחרי ההפטרה

  • Опубликовано: 17 янв 2012
  • Learn the Blessings after the Haftarah as you sing with Hazzan Brian Shamash and enjoy following along with the text.
    Dedicated to the memory of Ruth Steinberg Zichrona Livracha.
    Ba-ruch a-tah, A-do-nai, E-lo-hei-nu, me-lech ha-o-lam, tsur kol ha-o-la-mim, tsa-dik b'chol ha-do-rot,
    Ha-Eil ha-ne-e-man, ha-o-meir v'o-seh,
    Ha-m'da-beir um-ka-yeim, she-kol d'va-rav e-met va-tse-dek.
    Ne'e-man, a-tah hu A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, ve-ne'e-ma-nim de-va-rei-cha, v'da-var e-chad mid-va-rei-cha
    A-chor lo-ya-shuv rei-kam, ki El me-lech ne'e-man v'rach-man a-tah.
    Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ha'El ha-ne'e-man be-chol de-va-rav.
    Ra-chem al-Tsi-yon, ki hi beit cha-yei-nu v'la-a-lu-vat ne-fesh to-shia bim-he-rah be-ya-mei-nu.
    Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, me-sa-me'ach Tsi-yon be-va-nei-ha.
    Same-chei-nu, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, b'E-li-ya-hu ha-na-vi av-de-cha,
    uv-mal-chut beit Da-vid me-shi-che-cha.
    Bim-he-rah ya-vo ve-ya-gel li-be-nu. Al kis'o lo ye-shev zar, v'lo yin-cha-lu od a-che-rim et k'vodo,
    Ki ve-shem kod-she-cha nish-ba-ta lo, she-lo yich-beh ne-ro le'o-lam va'ed.
    Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, ma-gen Da-vid.
    Al ha-Torah, v'al ha-a-vo-dah, v'al ha-n'vi-im, v'al yom ha-Sha-bat ha-zeh,
    She-na-ta-ta la-nu, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, lik-du-sha v'lim-nu-cha, l'cha-vod ul-tif-a-ret.
    Al ha-kol, A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu, a-nach-nu mo-dim lach, um-va-r'chim o-tach.
    Yit-ba-rach shim-cha b'fi kol chai, tamid, l'o-lam va-ed.
    Ba-ruch a-tah A-do-nai, m'ka-deish ha-Sha-bat.
    Blessed are You - the Lord our God, King of the universe, Rock of all ages, righteous in all generations, the faithful God, who says and does, who speaks and fulfils, for all His words are truth and righteousness.
    Faithful are You, O Lord our God, and faithful are Your words, and not one of Your words returns unfulfilled, for You are a faithful and merciful God and King.
    Blessed are You - the Lord, who art faithful in all His words
    Have compassion on Zion for she is the source of our life, and save her that is grieved in spirit speedily in our days
    Blessed are You - the Lord, who makes Zion rejoice through her children. Bring us joy, O Lord our God, through Elijah the prophet, Your servant, and through the kingdom of the house of David Your anointed. May he soon come and gladden our hearts. Let no stranger to sit upon his throne, nor let others inherit his glory; for by Your holy name You swore to him, that his light would never be extinguished. Blessed are You - the Lord, the shield of David.
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