@@Prince-gu8or unfortunately there are bad people in all walks of life, yes the church has a awful lot to answer for I agree of course, but my believe is in God, BTW I stopped going to church becouse of that, much respect 🌹
@@Alfieruben-j1l And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
I am a Catholic and I think the burke family very brave in fighting for the truth.shsme on the man trying to hit her and gag her. Disgraceful. Shame on the women in the seats moving away. Total cowards.
Enoch Burke is a Hero.. He stood up for his basic Freedom of Speech Rights👏 Shocking behaviour from the Church of Ireland Bishop's , they should be standing up for Enoch👍
Enoch Burke is a right wing religious nut who is sadly following in his mothers footsteps, very sadly. It will take them all down. Sadly for them. They Lacking in self-reflection has damaged the entire family, their inability to read the room and follow normal social norms.
He broke a court order. This is his problem. He can come out tomorrow if he complys with the order. Its time for him to end the stupidity of what is going on. The court will not back down.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 That is a demon inside the man. The higher you go up the political ladder, the more violent they will be. They are the descendents of those who tortured, burned, jailed, and raped the earlier "heretics". What Jesus said is true, but we have a hard time believing it.
Some christians resorting to violence when they don’t like the question being asked free Enoch Burke christians have as much rights as anyone else we used to understand that in this country Irish first 🇮🇪
Take your case to the European Court, the Burke family will not receive fair treatment,or judgement on this island of Ireland. Support the Burke family. Absolute disgrace that one person's view of themselves can outweigh another person's beliefs. I firmly believe that the Burke family will win ,in the European Court.
When you break a court order no judge will support you. The Burke family knows this. Enoch Burke can come home tomorrow if he gives a pledge to obey the court order
@@patcoughlan5638 Completely false. European Human rights laws are separate, they trump national laws in Europe. Whether their human rights have been denied is something I can't answer.
Iam the truth said the Lord. Go forth and speak the truth. Shame on you.... Typical bigots and hypocrites.... Vote for Enoch Staunch Citizen and son of Ireland.
What made the Burke's think that any church make the rules?, I'm sick hearing all of them, especially Mrs Burke. Like go away already all of you. And Enoch, you had one job, teach. That's it. If you could have just done that all would have been well
May this courageous family receive the fairness and justice they deserve. That is my prayer for them every day, especially Enoch whose liberty has been stolen from him. It’s ok for the Archbishop enjoying a luxurious life like they all do. He should be campaigning for justice for Enoch and all his family. God bless them all.
Why didn't anyone at that meeting help this family? The people at that meeting are supposed to be 'christians' arent they? Thats not christian behaviour😡 Shameful
The whole family are disruptive and appalling. They have been violent too, but hey if you believe everything they tell you go for it. Enoch was disruptive and abusive towards the principal that’s why he was suspended.
They're not just Christians but heads of the Christian churches in Ireland. Clearly, they are not for God or Jesus but for the left politics. Shameful indeed!
The reason why people didn't help is because people are ashamed of standing for the truth because they don't want to be mocked and laughed at by the majority but if the majority was on the woman's side they would turn the way of that majority. People these days are week and have become sheeple it's pathetic.... But who can really deny the truth ,maybe outwardly but inside they hear it and know and are guilty of rejecting it
@@lizroberts1569 Maybe I don't know about that but that teacher should not have been put in prison for standing up for what is correct,it shows that the law system is corrupted like everything else these days someone needs to take a stand for morality's sake if morals go then all manner of immorality will flood everything.....
As a Catholic, I support Enoch Burke's principled stance on the issue. There are only two genders, male and female. The Burke family and Enoch Burke have my full agreement and support on that point of principle.
The fact that you have to state that shows what a farce we are living in. NEVER ask pronouns. If someone asks yours tell them politely you don't partake in their foolish behavior.
She is a Christian and not a tr-nz or M-zl!m, so therefore it would not be considered an "Assault" by the Elites. Christians are becoming "fair game" in Irleand and UK as they are in Pakistan Sudan, Nigeria, middle east, or sub saharan africa!!
What else would one expect from Church officials, Enoch was defending his right to his faith belief would the Church of Ireland officials will not support him,
They have more to be worried about few faces maybe recognised from the meeting a few pdf files in full view hands on women can only imagine hands on kids when no camera cowards in cloth
@@civic23238 I suppose like the Catholic Church, they dont want to admit there is a problem, but have they no conscience about Enoch sitting in prison? I remember him standing up for his principles. Sermon on the mount says "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." So, God is with Enoch.
Quite right but this country is way past a slippery slope, Decency and Morals are gone, Christianity is gone.To lock up an Innocent Man is truly appalling, what I can't understand is why not 1 Legal Person would offer to help him, this injustice should be taken to EU Courts. Not even his Local TD's will offer help, why because they are from the Usual cut of Cloth, If I don't say nothing then nothing can happen me.
Imagine all the unvetted and all the criminal behaviour going on and a decent Christian Irishman in prison for standing for the truth for not calling a boy a girl , how far have they let the country sink.
How about he just accepts his contempt of court. Instantly freed on day one or two. Stop tespassing and harassing the pupils as they leave to go home And guess what he's back in prison again 😂
The mother is not fighting for her son. She is fighting for her own homophobic and transphobic beliefs... which she passed on to her imprisoned son and all her children. Its not like her son developed his sick religious beliefs on his own. She programmed him from childhood. As Freud said... if its not one thing its the mother! You can even see her sons nodding in agreement as she rants her poison in public. They have no thoughts but hers. Jesus must be awfully embarrassed by this family.
@@keepingitreal618 No son he wasn't protecting the pupils. That's the parents job. He was preaching aggressively and the parents had enough of him 💀 I love it when people don't even know anything about this case and hide behind their keyboards lol
@@axelfond8317 Why would the parents have enough of a teacher that's trying to educate the students on the realities of the world. MAKES NO SENSE what you are spewing.
@@MaryKelly-ji8ve The masonic lodge determines their every thought word and deed. look up 1666, Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank on line, their salvation through sin ideology. Still alive in to days world of Godless , Cultural Marxism and their Critical Theory Ideology that came from the ''Intellectuals'' of the Frankfurt School, Greenberg, Benjaman, Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer and Fromm, going back to people like Rosa Luxenberg, Liebknecht, Lukacs and the founder of the Italian communist party Antonio Gramsci and his theory of ''Ideologic Hegemony'' the basis of the New World Order they want to impose on all of humanity. Look it up, joint he dots and bingo, all is revealed, it all started with the Bolshevik revolution and they have to this day never rested on their laurels.
The Church of Ireland has never been 'Godly'. It has been an agent of the state since it's invention back in the C16th and actively persecuted and oppressed the Irish people.
Those men assaulted that Mother. I hope God forgives them... To Enoch's Mother - I am sorry that nobody in that room could see your pain, but God sees you. Be strong in the Lord.
See all of the frightened little church mice turn tail and scurry away the minute Truth began to be spoken. Disgusting pathetic little creatures the lot of them.
Is it pain or more like attention seeking?? A normal family would never put themselves in this situation. The LGBT 🏳️🌈 community has nothing to do with them so they could just live their righteous holy lives in Castlebar and mind their own business
@@Lauren-vd4qe Home church??? Whaat ? I don’t think so. That’s a Protestant mindset the delusion that one can start their own church lol like the other 400,000 denominations of heretics . Instead of following the unchanging and unalterable word of God from the unaltered incorruptible scriptures laid down by the early church fathers. No thanks!!
Why? You break the law, you suffer the consequence. A business or school have the right to say who can and cannot be on thier premises as a home owner has the right to decide who they allow in thier home. I respect his right to his beliefs, it still doesn't give him the right to do what he likes in regards to the law.
Din punctul tău de vedere Burck iubește adevărul sau ipocrizia?...dar acei oameni grași care ; se vede clar că sînt încurcați de Burck în timp ce au probabil autoritate clericală( preoțească) foarte mare, iubesc adevărul sau SÎNT DINTRE CEI MAI IPOCRIȚI OAMENI DE PE PĂMÎNT ,pe care dreptul DUMNEZEU îi va judeca aspru?...nu vă înșelați oameni D-zeu nu se lasă batjocorit ; iar Burck și mama lui sînt martori împotriva celor ce disprețuiesc adevărul Lui D-zeu .în acest sens eu cred că orice om este dator să ia seama la ce este scris în scripturi în epistola către romani capitolul1:18-32 și capitolul 2 în integritatea lui(aceste două capitole sînt strîns legate unul de celălat) .Si vă rog cu insistență luați în considerare traducerea kjv...Mă uimește unde a ajuns Irlanda o tară atinsă din plin de vechea și mare reformă Luterana....
Legea țarii voastre Irlanda n-ar trebui să ia măsuri și împotriva celui ce-i dă peste gură mamei lui Burck ( eu mă tem că oameni ca el ar fi în stare să facă ce au făcut și inchizitorii în vremurile istorice)...? de ce ar fi nevoie să o lovească el peste gură?...sau n-aveți ochi să vedeți aceste amănunte?Ce caracter poți avea dacă lovești o femeie peste gură în asemenea circumstanțe?...Nici pe soția ta cînd e beată parcă n-ai vrea să o lovești așa de subtil,findcă știi că e femeia ta pe care o iubești;care-ți face mîncare,curățenie ,crește copii și îți dă iubirea ei...cu atît mai mult mama unui profesor care protestează pentru adevăr...împotriva destrăbălării.
Why would they support a bunch of unhinged individuals who can't seem to grasp that one of their family members is standing outside a school gate from morning to afternoon and harassing the other parents kids
As a Dublin Catholic, I have to say the Burke family are courageous in their Christian faith! The RC Church and COI in particular has gone to a sad state. Faith and Family is to protected above anything else..
It's no disgrace to our country Ireland didn't intern him a corrupt fake "judge" interned him Burke is a million times the man this perverted "judge" is and will ever be jilly he has misused his position and office to please his masters orders he's merely a compromised puppet.
They have always been low. This is the same "church" who benefitted from taxes forced from the native Irish people for hundreds of years. They were happy to take it while the Irish were dying.
That comment is not in good faith. Do I need to remind you of what the Catholic Church did to the most vulnerable Irish people during the whole of the last century? Babies dying of neglect and starvation, little children being abused by the very men and women of the cloth who were meant to help them, young women forced into slavery after their infants were ripped from their arms… that’s just a fraction of what Irish people did to their own in the name of religion.
As a Catholic in Tipperary I admire your stand as a family and your true beliefs the system in this country is in a terrible state at the moment if it helps you in any way the corruption within churches is unbelievable. We have a priest in Carrick on suir who stole a field which could be used as a retirement village and sold it for his own personal gain so corruption extends to all levels of society. I hope you're brother will be released soon it terrible that someone can be jailed indefinitely for their beliefs
Well if you haven't seen the decline in numbers and the amount of priests jailed and the amount of property belong to the people being sold for personal gain and the amount of young girls gone missing in VATICAN CITY well I give up
Are!Are...mare și multă legătură doar că sistemul catolic pervers ne stăpînește prin ipocrizie .De aceea nu mai pot oamenii să vadă LEGĂTURA....Ascultați pe fostul prof. universitar Walter Veith și veți putea înțelege destul de profund care este relația(relațiile ) dintre sistemul catolic și protestantism (un om deosebit de documentat pe acest subiect).
Actually, There was a time when just about everyone in Mayo laughed at them, so the Irish people have nothing to be proud of. Two years ago at the St Patricks parade in Castlebar, they had a float ridiculing and making fun of Enoch Burke. The people cheered and laughed!!. The Burkes have always stood up against the evil rot, even when the Irish people supported the Rot. When Ireland voted to legalize abortion and same s-x marriage, The Burkes and other bible believing Christians stood firmly against it. Ireland needs to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is the lesson we should all learn from the Burkes!!
They fear man, they do not have the fear of God they are false prophets, but you are right they are definitely hypocrites and they will have their part in the lake of fire known as hell as well
What is the reason for the church of Ireland not supporting Enoch Burke.?? Or any other church? Or the people who believe and supports him, This is truly a scandal, Free the young man.
I turned my back on the Church of Ireland many years ago. The introduction of Women clergy was definitely a big step in the demise of the Church. The New Testament was very clear concerning the Role of men to lead in the church, and for women to teach other women and children in the church. God Gifted women with compassion and empathy, but he gifted men with decision making when it comes to principles and Bible ethics. I will not be surprised if They will be having "Bambi Thug" special children services in the church soon!!
@@patcoughlan5638 2024 ... The year when our schools invite drag queens to enrich our children, and teach that boys could in fact be girls and vice versa. 2024 ... Where our "Modren" leaders in the Dail talk about healthcare for "Pregnant men". Yes this is 2024. Dream on in "Modren Oirland"
@@MIris44474 Breaking a court order to not trespass on school grounds has nothing to do with the church. Rules and laws are there for all the citizens irregardless of one's creed
The real shame of the C of I Synod is the vote not to baptise the children of unmarried parents. The laity voted to baptise. The clergy voted not to baptise. It's a lesson in how to drive members away.
Shame on the Church of Ireland Pharisees ! Enoch Burke is Ireland`s Persecuted Christian. Ireland is in a dark place spiritually. Stand firm Burke family, put on the full armour of GOD . We are praying for you Enoch. "Be strong & courageous, do not be afraid; for the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go". Joshua 1:9 Honor GOD and He will honor you: 1 Samuel 2:30
Her son's crime was.. not calling a student by their bulshit pronouns. And result of that suspended as teacher. Wouldn't leave his work. So ended up in jail.
Most certainly after over a hundred years of the partition of lreland l hope their proud of themselves and the disastrous troubles they all caused in the country.
@@TheGorehound101 😁 I went to the bookies to place a €5 bet on Enoch for MEP and they wouldn't except it!!!....thanks for the reminder I must try it again 🤓
@@countrichardvoncoudenhovek8855 😂! Was thinking of backing Harris to be The Shortest T~Shock in History at the Bookies too Richard 💚ps Have to check out your vid with Dr Waters ,,
It isn't only a case of getting out of a false Church, but getting the kids out of a corrupt school. All the Burkes are home schooled, and nearly all have postgraduate degrees, and they clearly show good breeding, wonderful manners, and strong Christian character.
@Paulghr750 Ah sorry that was mean of me but I'm so fed up of them Burkes and the way the state is actually mollycoddeling them.Enoch is in breach of a court order which the school were entitled to look for and obtained,as long as he refuses to comply he will stay there and I'm totally stunned that his Daddy isn't in the cell beside him for throwing that young female Garda against the radiator and hurting her.He pleaded not guilty ,denied it occurred, spent 11 hours in court fighting it and lost.If that was some young lad from a deprived area I guarantee he would get a spin to jail .They base their behaviour on the Lord ,I'm sure he wasn't impressed with Daddy assaulting that young girl ,she is someone's daughter you know ,but the Burkes only care for The Burkes.
Just talk to them for crying out loud, don't just sit there in stone silence. And the cowards scurring out of the room......my goodness why are people so weak and easily controlled?
I am not a Church of Ireland member, and the teachings may be different than those of the Catholic Church, but the Bible still ought to reign supreme. This is shocking and disgraceful. I am so sorry for your family, but applaud your Christian courage. God bless you.
The Pope hasn't covered himself with glory either with his fiducia supplicans. You can see all the holy people in the audience. One world religion on it's way plus persecution. The vast majority will follow like sheep as you can see here today. Enoch Burke has been made an example of. Keep quiet or else. The way he went about this when in school hasn't helped his case, but it demonstrates what happens when you go against the establishment.
@@tommercury3349 Thanks for your reply. To clarify I was highlighting the Catholic change of direction under Pope Francis, not the Church of Ireland under the stewardship of king Charles. There is a similar trend moving away from traditional teaching to embracing new ideologies.
@@brendanmackey6589 It is only the Church of England which has King Charles the Third as the ' Defender of the Faith'. If this is typical of the knowledge of some Protestants in Ireland then it's no wonder that one of your oldest schools is in such turmoil. I am an RC who has great affection and respect for the Anglican church.
Well done the Burke family each one of has been treated horrible by the state and people that should be on your side that so called man of God the Bishop should hold his head in shame to have watched you being assaulted
They know it, but they are too stupid to protect themselves. One day, when people wake up and are less prone to indifference, they will be judged, first here on earth and later in heaven.
@conniebrown7264 what is God's law? I'm not religious, and I believe in separation of church and state. The laws of the country need to be respected. We cannot have chaos.
@@mikeryan7213 I’m not religious either but to the best of my knowledge God never endorsed any of the sickness plaguing not only the churches but the world as a whole. But for those with the eyes to see we know it’s all part of an agenda.
At the end of the day, the church of Ireland is part of the Anglican church which is a state religion, so they will go with state law over God’s law if push comes to shove.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 Correct the Anglican Church is the Stste Religion in the UK but the UK has no jurisdiction over Ireland .I refer to Bunracht na Eireann Article 44, 2 .2 ,The State does not endow any religion ..
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 The British left in 1922.!Ireland left the Commonwealth in 1949.The majority of Irish in both parts of Ireland are Roman Catholic.
The Church of Ireland like most Christian Churches has Sold Out on this transgender issue Presbyterian may be the last to hold out on this and other issues
"Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid." - Aldous Huxley Good Luck!
Im a Roman Catholic, an I'm proud of your courage. God bless you and give you victory
The devil has a hold of everything in this world, plan to be seen,
Are you ashamed of what Ur believes done to woman and children of Ireland
@Prince-gu8or are u ashamed of supporting state totalitarianism, u seek ideological hegemony
@@Prince-gu8or unfortunately there are bad people in all walks of life, yes the church has a awful lot to answer for I agree of course, but my believe is in God, BTW I stopped going to church becouse of that, much respect 🌹
God help the Burke family.
Absolutely disgraceful carry on. They should be ashamed. The Church of Ireland is unrecognizable now.
Actually, they have a history of flagrant abuse. They should be in fear of eternal judgement.
The unrecognizable Church of Ireland's deviation started when the Church of Ireland no longer uses the Bible for all matters of faith and practice.
@@MegaGeorge1948 The church is one spoke in the conspiracy wheel.
Freedom of speech is important
Shame of the archbishop twofold who just sat there and looked on as a thug from the audience assaulted that woman.
Exactly… A true man of God there right 🙄
@@Alfieruben-j1l And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.
27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.
28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;
29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.
30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
@@johnhennessy8903 Amen ! As a Catholic I say that priest has No Fear of the Lord. Woe unto them 🙏🥲
@@Alfieruben-j1l they are vampires..ruclips.net/video/_Ke7vDxSQTk/видео.html,./
@@Alfieruben-j1l bastards on here blocking mostof comnts C ,M;y V ,I de0s!!!!
I am a Catholic and I think the burke family very brave in fighting for the truth.shsme on the man trying to hit her and gag her. Disgraceful. Shame on the women in the seats moving away. Total cowards.
That elderly man was hitting the lady with glasses. That's assault - PSNI need to be involved. Report this guy.
@djboyle5607 - Sorry, I think the case happened in Republic of Ireland so wouldn't be psni involved but an gardaí.
@Mary-hh3ahs Armagh is not in the republic, it's under the psni.
The best bit is psni station is less than 100 yards away
نعم انت على حق. انه خبيث خائن
Outrageous ! Who is that Bully? hitting a Woman in Public!!!
Enoch Burke is a Hero.. He stood up for his basic Freedom of Speech Rights👏 Shocking behaviour from the Church of Ireland Bishop's , they should be standing up for Enoch👍
Enoch Burke is a right wing religious nut who is sadly following in his mothers footsteps, very sadly. It will take them all down. Sadly for them. They Lacking in self-reflection has damaged the entire family, their inability to read the room and follow normal social norms.
He broke a court order. This is his problem. He can come out tomorrow if he complys with the order. Its time for him to end the stupidity of what is going on. The court will not back down.
Church love little boys. They stand with rainbows
Hes a mammys boy bender
And he's broke 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The way he attempted to cover her mouth and then grabbed her! Shocking
And he flicked her hair in a really contemptible fashion.
It is called assualt and he will be allowed to walk free by the corrupt government.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 That is a demon inside the man. The higher you go up the political ladder, the more violent they will be. They are the descendents of those who tortured, burned, jailed, and raped the earlier "heretics". What Jesus said is true, but we have a hard time believing it.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 shocking
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255disgraceful behaviour from a man toward a woman(if one could call him a man)
Absolutely disgraceful from that bishop.#freeenochburke
If he did not receive his Bishopric from the Pope he is no more a bishop than I am the King of China's maiden aunt - which I am not....
Fake bishop
Some christians resorting to violence when they don’t like the question being asked free Enoch Burke christians have as much rights as anyone else we used to understand that in this country Irish first 🇮🇪
When free Enoch Burke meet freemasons
Enoch is a feckin eejit 😂
They're not Christians.
Yes he is evangelical Christian but it really doesn’t matter what he is he has as much right to his beliefs as anyone
@@Antoward is English your first language?
Take your case to the European Court, the Burke family will not receive fair treatment,or judgement on this island of Ireland. Support the Burke family. Absolute disgrace that one person's view of themselves can outweigh another person's beliefs. I firmly believe that the Burke family will win ,in the European Court.
When you break a court order no judge will support you. The Burke family knows this. Enoch Burke can come home tomorrow if he gives a pledge to obey the court order
They will lose. When you break a court order no judge will support you. End of story
But but God is the real law - so gay
Completely false.
European Human rights laws are separate, they trump national laws in Europe.
Whether their human rights have been denied is something I can't answer.
@@patcoughlan5638you obviously have someone In your family who thinks it's normal chopping it's Cockrell off 😂😂😂😂😂
Iam the truth said the Lord.
Go forth and speak the truth.
Shame on you....
Typical bigots and hypocrites....
Vote for Enoch
Staunch Citizen and son of Ireland.
This young man is being treated disgracefully...Church of Ireland shoild be imprisoned...they assaulted these people..where are the police
The whole church?
Police should be in prison too.
They are a joke 😢😢😢
What made the Burke's think that any church make the rules?, I'm sick hearing all of them, especially Mrs Burke. Like go away already all of you. And Enoch, you had one job, teach. That's it. If you could have just done that all would have been well
Protecting these corrupted people.
May this courageous family receive the fairness and justice they deserve. That is my prayer for them every day, especially Enoch whose liberty has been stolen from him. It’s ok for the Archbishop enjoying a luxurious life like they all do. He should be campaigning for justice for Enoch and all his family. God bless them all.
Why and how was his liberty stolen?
@@haribokey look up Enoch Burke
Which god are you praying to too tu
Why didn't anyone at that meeting help this family? The people at that meeting are supposed to be 'christians' arent they? Thats not christian behaviour😡
The whole family are disruptive and appalling. They have been violent too, but hey if you believe everything they tell you go for it.
Enoch was disruptive and abusive towards the principal that’s why he was suspended.
They're not just Christians but heads of the Christian churches in Ireland. Clearly, they are not for God or Jesus but for the left politics. Shameful indeed!
The reason why people didn't help is because people are ashamed of standing for the truth because they don't want to be mocked and laughed at by the majority but if the majority was on the woman's side they would turn the way of that majority. People these days are week and have become sheeple it's pathetic.... But who can really deny the truth ,maybe outwardly but inside they hear it and know and are guilty of rejecting it
Maybe I don't know about that but that teacher should not have been put in prison for standing up for what is correct,it shows that the law system is corrupted like everything else these days someone needs to take a stand for morality's sake if morals go then all manner of immorality will flood everything.....
@@Timo09timo So tell me why he was imprisoned according to yourself? I can guarantee you that you'll be incorrect.
As a Catholic, I support Enoch Burke's principled stance on the issue. There are only two genders, male and female. The Burke family and Enoch Burke have my full agreement and support on that point of principle.
The fact that you have to state that shows what a farce we are living in. NEVER ask pronouns. If someone asks yours tell them politely you don't partake in their foolish behavior.
Thank you for standing up for the lives of young people. God bless you and keep you
Jesus our LORD will judge these Church of Ireland false preachers . LORD heavenly father i pray for your help for Enoch Burke.
@@md7999you still got your Cockrell sweetie
I just witnessed an assault on that young lady, that’s disgraceful, I’m deeply shocked.
She is a Christian and not a tr-nz or M-zl!m, so therefore it would not be considered an "Assault" by the Elites. Christians are becoming "fair game" in Irleand and UK as they are in Pakistan Sudan, Nigeria, middle east, or sub saharan africa!!
He didnt harm her, bit of a hug, no more.
The church should be ashamed she's right in what she's saying
May God bless you for your great courage for speaking out against the evil that has become more and more evident in our society. Well done. 👍
Violent Thugs, how dare they treat a woman as such.
They don’t see her as a woman, and that is the problem
And this is the liberal people who preach peace and understanding. Sure!!
@@sweeteternalreader5912 only if you are a drag queen or you follow a certain religion from Arabia!!
Looking to display amd signal their virtue! Shameless.
@@hairyspud7449 hope that grammar drove ya nutsssss
Fair play we as a country should all stand up for her son
That would be so gay
When we don't Stand and Act for Truth and Justice!
We will suffer under the man of perdition ( Satan) when he is revealed!
@@williambyast7791 or under a false banner being Enoch
So sorry your family are going through this .
The world is upside down
Kind regards
What else would one expect from Church officials, Enoch was defending his right to his faith belief would the Church of Ireland officials will not support him,
Church of ireland is like the government, woke woke woke
@anthonyfarrelly8303 No they are all from the POPE down all faiths under WEF Globalist Communist rule.
It has been infiltrated and bought by marxists and globalists, look it up.
Facial expressions of defiance to the Truth (Gods Word).☝🏻
Absolutely they think it's normal for a Man to get pregnant 😂😂😂😂😂
Next they'll be declaring that they can't declare Eve was a woman
British Government or Irish Government
Absolutely disgraceful behaviour from the Church of Ireland. Archbishop should be ashamed of this behaviour.
They are not to tolerate fanatical religious psychopaths. Burkes are a curse of God/
They have more to be worried about few faces maybe recognised from the meeting a few pdf files in full view hands on women can only imagine hands on kids when no camera cowards in cloth
@@civic23238 I suppose like the Catholic Church, they dont want to admit there is a problem, but have they no conscience about Enoch sitting in prison? I remember him standing up for his principles. Sermon on the mount says "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." So, God is with Enoch.
Quite right but this country is way past a slippery slope, Decency and Morals are gone, Christianity is gone.To lock up an Innocent Man is truly appalling, what I can't understand is why not 1 Legal Person would offer to help him, this injustice should be taken to EU Courts.
Not even his Local TD's will offer help, why because they are from the Usual cut of Cloth, If I don't say nothing then nothing can happen me.
For the Demonic SHAME is a VIRTUE.
Imagine all the unvetted and all the criminal behaviour going on and a decent Christian Irishman in prison for standing for the truth for not calling a boy a girl , how far have they let the country sink.
It's absolutely sad 😢
A true mother, fighting for her son. Well done, to the Burke family, standing by their honourable family member.
How about he just accepts his contempt of court. Instantly freed on day one or two. Stop tespassing and harassing the pupils as they leave to go home
And guess what he's back in prison again 😂
The mother is not fighting for her son. She is fighting for her own homophobic and transphobic beliefs... which she passed on to her imprisoned son and all her children. Its not like her son developed his sick religious beliefs on his own. She programmed him from childhood. As Freud said... if its not one thing its the mother! You can even see her sons nodding in agreement as she rants her poison in public. They have no thoughts but hers. Jesus must be awfully embarrassed by this family.
@@axelfond8317you mean protecting the pupils which obviously you wouldn't do. You would be giving them trans story books and inviting them in
@@keepingitreal618 No son he wasn't protecting the pupils. That's the parents job. He was preaching aggressively and the parents had enough of him 💀
I love it when people don't even know anything about this case and hide behind their keyboards lol
@@axelfond8317 Why would the parents have enough of a teacher that's trying to educate the students on the realities of the world. MAKES NO SENSE what you are spewing.
Awful behaviour from people who are suppose to be Christians and to assault that woman who was looking for help for her innocent brother ,shocking!
This is sad.
These men are supposedly godly men? Not by their actions. Shame on them for abandoning the People.
Masons in sheep clothes.
No they are gangs of cults
@@MaryKelly-ji8ve The masonic lodge determines their every thought word and deed. look up 1666, Sabbatai Zevi, Jacob Frank on line, their salvation through sin ideology. Still alive in to days world of Godless , Cultural Marxism and their Critical Theory Ideology that came from the ''Intellectuals'' of the Frankfurt School, Greenberg, Benjaman, Marcuse, Adorno, Horkheimer and Fromm, going back to people like Rosa Luxenberg, Liebknecht, Lukacs and the founder of the Italian communist party Antonio Gramsci and his theory of ''Ideologic Hegemony'' the basis of the New World Order they want to impose on all of humanity. Look it up, joint he dots and bingo, all is revealed, it all started with the Bolshevik revolution and they have to this day never rested on their laurels.
The Church of Ireland has never been 'Godly'. It has been an agent of the state since it's invention back in the C16th and actively persecuted and oppressed the Irish people.
A woman just wanted answers, A man that claim's to be a spokesman for Jesus sat there and said nothing, nothing at all.
Absolutely disgraceful the way that family are treated..put in jail for correct beliefs.. an did nothing wrong..an tugs walking the streets 😢😢😢😢😢
His contempt was palpable
Those men assaulted that Mother. I hope God forgives them... To Enoch's Mother - I am sorry that nobody in that room could see your pain, but God sees you. Be strong in the Lord.
See all of the frightened little church mice turn tail and scurry away the minute Truth began to be spoken.
Disgusting pathetic little creatures the lot of them.
Shame on the church of ireland I can't believe it I feel so sorry for that family
I agree. They could have at lease conversed with the burkes as a religious group.
@sarahmurphy-nf4yl there is no talking to the burkes, they are fanatics
Is it pain or more like attention seeking?? A normal family would never put themselves in this situation. The LGBT 🏳️🌈 community has nothing to do with them so they could just live their righteous holy lives in Castlebar and mind their own business
I can’t go to my church anymore, mainly, because of this issue.
No longer believe that the ministers/priests believe in the Word of God.
Theirs a few Saintly priests still but unfortunately they’re being cancelled and are among the vipers 👺
start your own home church!! READ the BIBLE, sing hymns!
@@Lauren-vd4qe Home church??? Whaat ? I don’t think so. That’s a Protestant mindset the delusion that one can start their own church lol like the other 400,000 denominations of heretics . Instead of following the unchanging and unalterable word of God from the unaltered incorruptible scriptures laid down by the early church fathers.
No thanks!!
So many people are behind this family now .. stay with it burke family
Lovely to see what the church of Ireland is really about
What would you expect from the brits
Who are those thugs in the audience? Assaulting and punching that woman in the face whilst a ‘Bishop’ sits and looks on?? Disgraceful behaviour.
Free masons
No manners, no one ever taught them.
Cowards and bullies.
Godless Cultural Marxists who have declared they will make Western Culture, Society and Christianity so corrupt it will STINK.
These church of ireland are sickos they need investigating. What are they hiding 😳
The church of Ireland obviously doesn’t believe in its own ethos
It disgraceful that Enoch Burke is in jail. We should be shouting about this
Why? You break the law, you suffer the consequence. A business or school have the right to say who can and cannot be on thier premises as a home owner has the right to decide who they allow in thier home. I respect his right to his beliefs, it still doesn't give him the right to do what he likes in regards to the law.
@@seanalan100Nu înțeleg de ce ar fi școala a celorlalți și a lui Burck nu...(scuze ptr. că nu știu să scriu în engleză...)
Din punctul tău de vedere Burck iubește adevărul sau ipocrizia?...dar acei oameni grași care ; se vede clar că sînt încurcați de Burck în timp ce au probabil autoritate clericală( preoțească) foarte mare, iubesc adevărul sau SÎNT DINTRE CEI MAI IPOCRIȚI OAMENI DE PE PĂMÎNT ,pe care dreptul DUMNEZEU îi va judeca aspru?...nu vă înșelați oameni D-zeu nu se lasă batjocorit ; iar Burck și mama lui sînt martori împotriva celor ce disprețuiesc adevărul Lui D-zeu .în acest sens eu cred că orice om este dator să ia seama la ce este scris în scripturi în epistola către romani capitolul1:18-32 și capitolul 2 în integritatea lui(aceste două capitole sînt strîns legate unul de celălat) .Si vă rog cu insistență luați în considerare traducerea kjv...Mă uimește unde a ajuns Irlanda o tară atinsă din plin de vechea și mare reformă Luterana....
Legea țarii voastre Irlanda n-ar trebui să ia măsuri și împotriva celui ce-i dă peste gură mamei lui Burck ( eu mă tem că oameni ca el ar fi în stare să facă ce au făcut și inchizitorii în vremurile istorice)...? de ce ar fi nevoie să o lovească el peste gură?...sau n-aveți ochi să vedeți aceste amănunte?Ce caracter poți avea dacă lovești o femeie peste gură în asemenea circumstanțe?...Nici pe soția ta cînd e beată parcă n-ai vrea să o lovești așa de subtil,findcă știi că e femeia ta pe care o iubești;care-ți face mîncare,curățenie ,crește copii și îți dă iubirea ei...cu atît mai mult mama unui profesor care protestează pentru adevăr...împotriva destrăbălării.
Disgraceful behaviour from that church of lreland. Enoch and his family are superb human beings of our land
The church are more interested in money , and they should be standing up for Mr burke
Bunch of West Brits loyal to a pdf file
They are the church who have him in jail
The churches today are very weak, they don't, follow the bible at all only for the money .
Why would they support a bunch of unhinged individuals who can't seem to grasp that one of their family members is standing outside a school gate from morning to afternoon and harassing the other parents kids
@@tommercury3349Roman Catholic Church supports them the Church of Ireland is in friendly terms with them.
As a Dublin Catholic, I have to say the Burke family are courageous in their Christian faith! The RC Church and COI in particular has gone to a sad state. Faith and Family is to protected above anything else..
100% correct.
Shame on them this disgraceful behaviour free Enoch Burke
Burke is a real man of principle. He is like the kid who shouts, "the emperor has no clothes."
The man should not be in jail , it is a disgrace on our country.
It's no disgrace to our country Ireland didn't intern him a corrupt fake "judge" interned him Burke is a million times the man this perverted "judge" is and will ever be jilly he has misused his position and office to please his masters orders he's merely a compromised puppet.
It is within his gift to be free, just purge his contempt and stay away from the school.
It's because of gutless wonders like you@@mikeryan7213 that Ireland's in the state it's in are you up to date with your boosters Micky?
But that would be the same as saying the school is within its rights to ban the teacher over his beliefs.
@marynadononeill except of course he was not banned for hos beliefs. Read up on why he was dismissed.
I would not send my children to a school like that. I would rather homeschool them
The church of Ireland has really sunk low. Not surprised though. Stay strong Burke family, especially Enoch.
It's freemasonry.. Mainly. Straight from Jewry/depths of hell
Enoch that reminds me of a free country 😢😢😢😢
Jesus loves you enoc those clergy we now know are desicples of satan
They have always been low. This is the same "church" who benefitted from taxes forced from the native Irish people for hundreds of years. They were happy to take it while the Irish were dying.
That comment is not in good faith. Do I need to remind you of what the Catholic Church did to the most vulnerable Irish people during the whole of the last century?
Babies dying of neglect and starvation, little children being abused by the very men and women of the cloth who were meant to help them, young women forced into slavery after their infants were ripped from their arms… that’s just a fraction of what Irish people did to their own in the name of religion.
Absolutely disgusting treatment of his family and not one member of that top table prepared to engage with them or Enoch
Must admit I'm disgusted by the way these people were treated it could have been handled a bit more sensitive ably
Sure they're the ones who put him in jail. Judge is even worse. Where are his rights to his views and free speech.
As a Catholic in Tipperary I admire your stand as a family and your true beliefs the system in this country is in a terrible state at the moment if it helps you in any way the corruption within churches is unbelievable. We have a priest in Carrick on suir who stole a field which could be used as a retirement village and sold it for his own personal gain so corruption extends to all levels of society. I hope you're brother will be released soon it terrible that someone can be jailed indefinitely for their beliefs
What's this got to do with the Catholic church, it's the church of Ireland, not the Catholic church
Well if you haven't seen the decline in numbers and the amount of priests jailed and the amount of property belong to the people being sold for personal gain and the amount of young girls gone missing in VATICAN CITY well I give up
Are!Are...mare și multă legătură doar că sistemul catolic pervers ne stăpînește prin ipocrizie .De aceea nu mai pot oamenii să vadă LEGĂTURA....Ascultați pe fostul prof. universitar Walter Veith și veți putea înțelege destul de profund care este relația(relațiile ) dintre sistemul catolic și protestantism (un om deosebit de documentat pe acest subiect).
Some of the Burkes should be running for elections, EU or for independent TD.
They'd be surprised how much of the population support them. 👍
Actually, There was a time when just about everyone in Mayo laughed at them, so the Irish people have nothing to be proud of. Two years ago at the St Patricks parade in Castlebar, they had a float ridiculing and making fun of Enoch Burke. The people cheered and laughed!!. The Burkes have always stood up against the evil rot, even when the Irish people supported the Rot. When Ireland voted to legalize abortion and same s-x marriage, The Burkes and other bible believing Christians stood firmly against it. Ireland needs to return to the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is the lesson we should all learn from the Burkes!!
@@seclros4134it wasn't castlebar, it's Barry's castle . only a tiny part of mayo
I don't have much time for the chuch of Ireland school shame on them hypicates
They fear man, they do not have the fear of God they are false prophets, but you are right they are definitely hypocrites and they will have their part in the lake of fire known as hell as well
Get out of fake churches!
And defund them!
What is the reason for the church of Ireland not supporting Enoch Burke.?? Or any other church? Or the people who believe and supports him, This is truly a scandal, Free the young man.
Why would they support him, they're the ones who have him in jail.
He followed the church, but the church doesn't follow him, absolute disgrace. It's no wonder so many have turned their back on the church
I turned my back on the Church of Ireland many years ago. The introduction of Women clergy was definitely a big step in the demise of the Church. The New Testament was very clear concerning the Role of men to lead in the church, and for women to teach other women and children in the church. God Gifted women with compassion and empathy, but he gifted men with decision making when it comes to principles and Bible ethics. I will not be surprised if They will be having "Bambi Thug" special children services in the church soon!!
We are in 2024 not 1924.
@@patcoughlan5638 2024 ... The year when our schools invite drag queens to enrich our children, and teach that boys could in fact be girls and vice versa. 2024 ... Where our "Modren" leaders in the Dail talk about healthcare for "Pregnant men". Yes this is 2024. Dream on in "Modren Oirland"
@@patcoughlan5638 It doesn't matter what "24 we are in. The Bible never changes.
@@MIris44474 Breaking a court order to not trespass on school grounds has nothing to do with the church. Rules and laws are there for all the citizens irregardless of one's creed
Very sad times God bless you all
An absolute disgrace the man was locked up in the first place. We're certainly in the times of the signs. God bless all the Burke family.
You know we are on the pressie of a huge chastisement when Bambi Thug is celebrated in Ireland and Enoch Burke is jailed.🙏🙏🙏
I agree with you completly
Shocking that this young man is still in prison
@nelled6240 he could be free anytime if he purges his contempt, totally within his own gift.
Church of Ireland Guilty as Sin, Purge for what, calling a man a man and a woman a woman. Winifred Thompson. Northern Ireland. @@mikeryan7213
@@mikeryan7213maybe you bow to your masters...dont write stupid comments the system is corrupt think before you comment use some logical thinking.
The real shame of the C of I Synod is the vote not to baptise the children of unmarried parents.
The laity voted to baptise. The clergy voted not to baptise.
It's a lesson in how to drive members away.
Fair play to the burkes,it just goes to show what them other people are made of.
Keep up the great work. Our thoughts and prayers are with Enoch and your family 🙏 God Bless you ❤️🙏
Assaulting women!
well. dis assault not upsettin me
@@HenryGray7401why ?
@@Bluersilk555 Green is a troll and is normally pestering the patriot channels a mental health issue there.
The assaultees are old British army types. Your sort of people!
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255Pathetic desperate little person
He shouldn’t be in prison! It’s wrong
Shame on the Church of Ireland Pharisees ! Enoch Burke is Ireland`s Persecuted Christian. Ireland is in a dark place spiritually. Stand firm Burke family, put on the full armour of GOD . We are praying for you Enoch. "Be strong & courageous, do not be afraid; for the LORD your GOD is with you wherever you go". Joshua 1:9 Honor GOD and He will honor you: 1 Samuel 2:30
Great to see someone who backs up his words with scripture!!
The Burkes are not getting enough support! They have been abandoned! 😢
Shame on them all .
Release him now ...
This is why people turn away from the church 😢
Thanks for your courage and for defend the Word of God and our children! We will pray for you!
What a disgrace the church of ireland need to take a good look at themselves bishop says nothing what a coward.
Disgraceful ,God bless this family
The Church should be ashamed the government should be ashamed .
The church of Ireland should be ashamed of themselves
They don't do shame.
Why, they have asked for her son to be jailed
Her son's crime was.. not calling a student by their bulshit pronouns. And result of that suspended as teacher. Wouldn't leave his work. So ended up in jail.
@@michaelosullivan2305 suspension by the church of Ireland run school, Anglican church asked the court to ban him
Most certainly after over a hundred years of the partition of lreland l hope their proud of themselves and the disastrous troubles they all caused in the country.
I am Catholic and I am so proud of Enoch and his dignified family. Shame on the Church of Ireland!!!
Enoch for Europe....run as an MEP
That’s a great idea Richard 👍😎
@@TheGorehound101 😁 I went to the bookies to place a €5 bet on Enoch for MEP and they wouldn't except it!!!....thanks for the reminder I must try it again 🤓
@@countrichardvoncoudenhovek8855 😂! Was thinking of backing Harris to be The Shortest T~Shock in History at the Bookies too Richard 💚ps Have to check out your vid with Dr Waters ,,
@@TheGorehound101 😁.......it could be a good double 👍
@@countrichardvoncoudenhovek8855 Touché Richard !!!!😁👍☘️
Bloody sickening!! You keep going! Uncover the corruption tell the truth! God is with you so am I 👍🙏🇬🇧🏴
Free Enoch Burke now
Tell him to check his pockets ,the door key is there ,cancel the prison break.
It isn't only a case of getting out of a false Church, but getting the kids out of a corrupt school. All the Burkes are home schooled, and nearly all have postgraduate degrees, and they clearly show good breeding, wonderful manners, and strong Christian character.
Home schooling is far superior. You just have to look at the state of many teachers 🙄
Release Enoch he should not be in jail
Are you a bit slow,he has the key in his pocket 🤔
@@bobwhite894 Have you not got a Telly 🤔
If he was a nonce the coi would b hiding him in other parishes
@kimble0602 yep i am..but regardless he should be released he is no threat to society
@Paulghr750 Ah sorry that was mean of me but I'm so fed up of them Burkes and the way the state is actually mollycoddeling them.Enoch is in breach of a court order which the school were entitled to look for and obtained,as long as he refuses to comply he will stay there and I'm totally stunned that his Daddy isn't in the cell beside him for throwing that young female Garda against the radiator and hurting her.He pleaded not guilty ,denied it occurred, spent 11 hours in court fighting it and lost.If that was some young lad from a deprived area I guarantee he would get a spin to jail .They base their behaviour on the Lord ,I'm sure he wasn't impressed with Daddy assaulting that young girl ,she is someone's daughter you know ,but the Burkes only care for The Burkes.
The man if he assaulted you should be charged.
I support the Burkes all the way this a joke Church of Ireland should stand and be counted have they any principles
They are the church that can release her son
It is unconscionable the high court of Ireland put someone who practices his faith in prison.
The Burke family have more support than you think amongst the Irish people.
nah. they're industrial grade irritants
@@HenryGray7401 So say those who think Bambi Thug is the voice of "Modren Oirland"
Not just you lot, I'm in NZ and don't support this pronoun nonsense and pushing drags and trans down children's throats.
@@HenryGray7401I believe in Adam and Eve and definitely not Steve. No to pronoun nonsense Annette
@@keepingitreal618 oh ok
Just talk to them for crying out loud, don't just sit there in stone silence. And the cowards scurring out of the room......my goodness why are people so weak and easily controlled?
Enoch should be released and compensated. Then he should receive funding from the COI to start his own school.
Enoch is the teacher most parents want to teach their children.
Wow.. I grew up in that church.. I’m disgusted by their treatment and lack of support for the Burkes..
The church of Ireland putting the sin into sinad
I am not a Church of Ireland member, and the teachings may be different than those of the Catholic Church, but the Bible still ought to reign supreme. This is shocking and disgraceful. I am so sorry for your family, but applaud your Christian courage. God bless you.
God bless the Burke family. ❤
Why is an Englishman telling her to go away?
Look at all the “good”. Christians running away!!!
Snivelling cowards the lot of them.
This is a total disgrace to put someone in prison for freedom of speech
The Pope hasn't covered himself with glory either with his fiducia supplicans. You can see all the holy people in the audience. One world religion on it's way plus persecution. The vast majority will follow like sheep as you can see here today. Enoch Burke has been made an example of. Keep quiet or else. The way he went about this when in school hasn't helped his case, but it demonstrates what happens when you go against the establishment.
This is not about the pope, it's the king who is head of this church,
@@tommercury3349 Who's the King?
@@brendanmackey6589 king Charles
@@tommercury3349 Thanks for your reply. To clarify I was highlighting the Catholic change of direction under Pope Francis, not the Church of Ireland under the stewardship of king Charles. There is a similar trend moving away from traditional teaching to embracing new ideologies.
It is only the Church of England which has King Charles the Third as the ' Defender of the Faith'.
If this is typical of the knowledge of some Protestants in Ireland then it's no wonder that one of your oldest schools is in such turmoil.
I am an RC who has great affection and respect for the Anglican church.
Where is the support for standing up for Christian values?
As the disco-singer from the '70's, Donna Sommers, said "God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve!"
Well done the Burke family each one of has been treated horrible by the state and people that should be on your side that so called man of God the Bishop should hold his head in shame to have watched you being assaulted
And the leaders will bring the people into he'll with them you will all be judged in the end god bless you Mary and your family praying for you all ❤
May god protect you 🙏 and your family and Jesus cover you with his most precious blood from all the evil people in this Country 🙏 ❤️
They all will meet their maker, no amount of money can save them. And they know it.
They know it, but they are too stupid to protect themselves. One day, when people wake up and are less prone to indifference, they will be judged, first here on earth and later in heaven.
I'm a Roman Catholic and I think its a disgrace that young man is imprison
So you think it's acceptable to flout the law without repercussions?
He's going by his Christian beliefs
@@mikeryan7213but you have no problem with the “church” flouting God’s law!!!!!!!!!
@conniebrown7264 what is God's law? I'm not religious, and I believe in separation of church and state. The laws of the country need to be respected. We cannot have chaos.
@@mikeryan7213 I’m not religious either but to the best of my knowledge God never endorsed any of the sickness plaguing not only the churches but the world as a whole. But for those with the eyes to see we know it’s all part of an agenda.
At the end of the day, the church of Ireland is part of the Anglican church which is a state religion, so they will go with state law over God’s law if push comes to shove.
If you look up Bunracht Na Eireann you will note there is no state religion in Ireland.
The Anglican Church is the state religion of the UK. The British establishment still have a strong presence in Ireland.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 Correct the Anglican Church is the Stste Religion in the UK but the UK has no jurisdiction over Ireland .I refer to Bunracht na Eireann Article 44, 2 .2 ,The State does not endow any religion ..
The British establishment retained an element of control in the new Irish state, via the Freemasons for example.
@@paddymurphy-oconnor8255 The British left in 1922.!Ireland left the Commonwealth in 1949.The majority of Irish in both parts of Ireland are Roman Catholic.
I hope the police arrested that man for attacking a woman? No? Disgusting.
The Church of Ireland like most Christian Churches has Sold Out on this transgender issue Presbyterian may be the last to hold out on this and other issues
Thank you for unmasking hypocrites
"Reality cannot be ignored except at a price; and the longer the ignorance is persisted in, the higher and more terrible becomes the price that must be paid." - Aldous Huxley
Good Luck!
A woeful shame hangs over these so called Church leaders. May The Lord Bless And Sustain Enoch and the whole Burke family 🙏✝️🕊