Well thankyou chopin65, you have redifined my view of the beauty of poetry and the creative talent of poets. You CLEARLY know your stuff. You can also read minds it would appear. You also appear to lack that human flaw, the want for occasional recognition. What a person. Wait... what's that sound? Sounds like John Keats, Charles Bukowski, Raymond Carver and Patrick Kavanagh turning in their graves. Get (and I truly mean this with no irony or sarcasm) a life.
Charles Simic is one of my favorite poets. I love "Country Fair." And he reads his poems very well, so it's nice to have videos of him to watch.
Ben's Poetry Channel yea he’s incredible poet..
Terrific, always love your work
I love this poet!!
Well thankyou chopin65, you have redifined my view of the beauty of poetry and the creative talent of poets. You CLEARLY know your stuff. You can also read minds it would appear. You also appear to lack that human flaw, the want for occasional recognition. What a person. Wait... what's that sound? Sounds like John Keats, Charles Bukowski, Raymond Carver and Patrick Kavanagh turning in their graves. Get (and I truly mean this with no irony or sarcasm) a life.
Simic is an American. He was born in the former Yugoslavia, but came to the US in 1954.
I'm Serbian, but I totally agree in this case.
My favorite poet
There are always introductions. It's pretty standard. Eight minutes is not such a long time.
Lack of portentous stuff and thick and mysterious. But what of that jacket thing he is wearing?
Canibus should receive a poet laureate!