So its basically a hole saw bit for sheet metal. I could've used it when I installed my rocker guards. Had a couple of holes "walk" leaving my nut certs off center and unusable. I use Summit Racing for most things these days, that said, They have this kit for $98.99, and bigger kits up to $259.99 with 16 cutters.
You can't really compare this to a hole saw. Apples and oranges. The only thing that is the same is that you make a hole. Hole saws are really only good for rough cut openings not requiring precision. The Rotobroach is very accurate when cutting.
That is a really nice kit 👍😁
Just found your channel and Subscribed. Very nice work
These bits are legit. I watched a guy at roll cage shop use these on DOM for pipe notching. I was sold and brought a US made set.
Nice demo of these bits. Can the bits be replaced individually?
Just what I was going to ask
So its basically a hole saw bit for sheet metal. I could've used it when I installed my rocker guards. Had a couple of holes "walk" leaving my nut certs off center and unusable.
I use Summit Racing for most things these days, that said, They have this kit for $98.99, and bigger kits up to $259.99 with 16 cutters.
You can't really compare this to a hole saw. Apples and oranges. The only thing that is the same is that you make a hole. Hole saws are really only good for rough cut openings not requiring precision. The Rotobroach is very accurate when cutting.
the main benefit is the rotobroach makes a perfectly circular hole in sheet metal where a drill bit does not
Correct, but also in a more precise manner.