「Libertango 〜空に願う」coba solo tour 2020 The Accordion 宮崎公演より(for J-LODlive)

  • Опубликовано: 10 сен 2024
  • このソロコンサートは 2020 年 3 月にリリースされた 新作ソロアルバム「The Accordion」をフィーチャーするライブで、当初、2020年 3 月から全国 47 都道府県を巡る予定でしたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大のため延期を余儀なくされていました。
    その後、お客様の安全を第一に考えたツアーとして2020年10 月富山県を皮切りに満を持してスタート、2021 年の12月まで全国 47 都道府県で50公演を開催します。いずれの会場も新型コロナウイルス感染対策を徹底的に行うことで、お客様が安心してコンサートを楽しめる場をご提供しています。cobaがアコーディオン1台のみでその可能性に挑戦する完全ソロのツアーです。
    coba は「こんな時であっても決して情熱を失わず、チャレンジをやめない。そして生の音を聴く喜びを届けたい。お客様がポジティブな気分になれる場所を作りたいと思う一方で、何故今、ライブをするのかを何度も何度も自問自答してきた。その答えはアーティストと各地のコンサートプロモーターが力を合わせ、お客様のことを第一に考えた環境の下でライブパフォーマ ンスを行うということだった。新型コロナウイルスの終焉が見えない状況で公演をするリスクはあるが、対策を十分取ることで、主催する側の覚悟と姿勢をキチンと示す催しこそが今、一番必要だと考える。全国で生音に溢れた時間を共有できることを楽しみにしています」と語っています。
    10月1日(金)福岡 電気ビル みらいホール
    10月2日(土)長崎 メルカつきまち 長崎市市民生活プラザホール
    10月3日(日)佐賀 佐賀市立東与賀文化ホール
    10月9日(土)千葉 市原市市民会館 小ホール
    10月21日(木)山形 山形テルサ アプローズ
    10月24日(日)群馬 高崎芸術劇場 スタジオシアター
    12月17日(金)神奈川 神奈川県民ホール 小ホール
    12月23日(木)京都 KYOTO MUSE
    12月25日(土)和歌山 和歌山LIVE HOUSE SHELTER
    12月26日(日)奈良 奈良EVANS CASTLE HALL
    This solo concert is a live performance featuring his new solo album "The Accordion" released on March, 2020.
    It was a plan to visit 47 prefectures all over Japan from March 2020.
    However, it had to be postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 infection.
    The tour started in October 2020 in Toyama as a tour that puts the safety of our customers first. And by December 2021, 50 performances will be held in all of Japan.
    All venues provide a place where customers can enjoy concerts with peace of mind by thoroughly implementing measures against COVID-19. This is a complete solo tour where coba is challenging the possibility with only one accordion.
    coba says, "I will never lose my passion, never stop taking on challenges, and I want to deliver the joy of listening to live sounds. While I want to create a place where customers can feel positive, why? Now, I have asked myself over and over again whether I will perform live at such times.
    The answer was that artists and promoters from all over Japan would work together to provide live performances in an environment that puts the customer first.
    I thought that it was most necessary now to accurately express the determination and attitude of the organizer. I'm looking forward to sharing music-filled time with you all over my country. "
    From this concert tour, the live performance of the Miyazaki held in March 2021 will be released.
    18th March Medikit Center Event Hall/MIYAZAKI
    21st March Hyuga Cultural Hall/MIYAZAKI
    10th June Patria Hita Small Hall/OITA
    11th June Kumamoto City Gender Equality Center Harmony /KUMAMOTO
    Organizer:GAKUON unity face Co.,Ltd
    Planning & production:febbre Co.,Ltd
    Video production:SAKUO TETSUO PHOTO STUDIO
    Edit:TAKANORI SUGA(sevetomi)
    2020年3月通算43枚目となるアコーディオン独奏のアルバム「The Accordion」をリリース、また2021年1月にはミニアルバム「The Accordion Plus+」をリリースし現在、自身初となる全国47都道府県ツアー(全50公演)を2021年12月まで展開中。2021年11月にデビュー30周年を迎え、ユニバーサルミュージックより記念アルバムをリリース予定。
    coba / Accordionist, Composer  
    Revolutionist of Accordion.. and more!
    Björk saw coba perform in London, she immediately asked coba to join her world tour. He has released 44albums of his music to date.
    coba has won several international accordion competitions including the 30th CMA world accordion competition at Vienna in 1980. He has released CDs in Europe and Japan, even reaching no.1 in the charts. coba has come to be more than a name - it means music which crosses thematic boundaries and which has a world-wide influence. After Björk saw coba perform in London in the late 90's, she immediately asked coba to join her world tour. They toured over 60 countries in 3 years and it had a stunning success. Since then, he has become of the most renowned Japanese artists and he has spent 25 years regularly touring Europe. He has released 43albums of his music to date. coba has always strived for the best in his music and his success is proven by the excellent reviews it has received in Japan and worldwide. coba has dramatically transformed the traditional image of the accordion into a new form, compatible with the contemporary Pop music climate. This form has arguably come to be known as a genre in itself - 'coba'. coba is a prodigious composer who is currently working on sound tracks for films, traditional and modern Japanese theatre, TV and TV advertisements. His role is composer, producer and performer, including working with orchestras. He is based in Tokyo is continually working internationally.

Комментарии • 8