9:35 What percentage is "Not more than 20%" AND "not less than 80%"?? Any percentage that I can think of that IS under 20% is also less than 80%, so I cannot think of any percentage that would be a good filling ratio. There are too many double negatives for my brain! Should the answer actually be an EITHER / OR answer???
You fill the tank less than 20% so the vehicle is practically empty or more than 80% so the tank is practically full, This reduces the surge of the liquid.
9:35 What percentage is "Not more than 20%" AND "not less than 80%"?? Any percentage that I can think of that IS under 20% is also less than 80%, so I cannot think of any percentage that would be a good filling ratio. There are too many double negatives for my brain! Should the answer actually be an EITHER / OR answer???
You fill the tank less than 20% so the vehicle is practically empty or more than 80% so the tank is practically full, This reduces the surge of the liquid.