  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 134

  • @mommastreet13
    @mommastreet13 2 года назад +5

    Alright, I'm still only on the opening of this video but lady, you need one of those spiral pineapple cutter thingies!! I have severe carpal tunnel, even after surgery 😔. The pineapple cutter is amazing!!
    Also, I literally can't wrap my brain around anyone that can do anything with their sleeves down or their hair down! I can't function with long sleeves getting wet or my hair in my face/view! Hahaha!

  • @aliciawebb9138
    @aliciawebb9138 2 года назад +6

    Hey, mom of 4 here. My 14 year has Down syndrome. Whe she was 5 she suffered from always being congested and snotty. We did breathing treatments, allergy meds you name it we did it. She also had strep several times. The doctor recommended having her tonsils and adenoids out and we did it. She hasn’t had any trouble or since and has stayed very healthy.

  • @briannabowser561
    @briannabowser561 2 года назад +2

    My brother had his done when he was 5 or 6. He had asthma and was sick a lot and so they removed his. He woke up after surgery and was screaming and crying because he was hurting and scared but once my mom went in with him and they gave him some medicine for his pain and it started to ease he calmed down. The surgery helped him.

  • @marlinmattos1621
    @marlinmattos1621 2 года назад +4

    Espero q la cáscara de piña no la hayas botado, porq con eso se puede hacer agua de piña, muy rica y de paso es muy bueno para los riñones

  • @marie-louiselarsson3419
    @marie-louiselarsson3419 2 года назад +2

    My son has had 3 surgerys in his nose and throath, and he got a lot better, he was only 3 when his first surgery was. It was so worth it, I promise ❤

  • @VanessaLStrada
    @VanessaLStrada 2 года назад +6

    After struggling with multiple hospitalizations from respiratory issues in the first thirteen months of his life, my oldest had his adenoids removed, his tonsils removed and tubes put in his ears at 15 months old! It was intense and overwhelming for me as a first time mama but combining those procedures with some diet changes, we noticed a MASSIVE change in his ability to fight sickness and stay healthy. He came through surgery just fine. Had no negative side effects and his tonsils have not grown back (a concern for some kiddos esp when it's done really young like his were). Within 48 he was eating and drinking normally and seemed to have no trauma or memories of the procedure.
    He is now 8 years old and rarely sick and has had his inhaler prescription reduced to just an "as needed" thing vs. the twice daily maintenance scrip he was on for a good few years. It was really scary to agree to surgery for my little guy but I'm SO GLAD we did. His quality of life improved significantly and that's always the true desire of our mama hearts, isn't it??? That our kiddos are happy and healthy.

  • @stacybachman2599
    @stacybachman2599 2 года назад +3

    Yep my oldest son had his adenoids, tonsils removed and ear tubes put in at the same time. He was four at the time. It was very rough but very worth it.

  • @sarahjohnson9450
    @sarahjohnson9450 2 года назад +4

    Both of my kiddos have had their tonsils and adenoids removed - it helped significantly!
    We also replaced most of the flooring in our home to LVP - including their bedrooms - and that has been life changing for their allergies and asthma.

  • @FP-wh5if
    @FP-wh5if 2 года назад +3

    Hi. I really would go with your doctor’s advice. It’s not the same illness but my son had strep throat constantly (like once or twice a month consecutively), and since he had the tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy, he barely gets sick anymore. He is super healthy now and not even allergies flare up.

  • @alanaclemons2299
    @alanaclemons2299 2 года назад +2

    Hello Joanna! I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out when I was 21. Prior to that, i had hard time breathing out of my nose and constant earache due to enlarged tonsils. The younger the better. I was adult and it was hard for me to recover but wouldn’t change it!

  • @mandiminor1488
    @mandiminor1488 2 года назад +2

    Hi Joanna! I worked in Pediatrics for 8 years and it was pretty common to have tonsil and adenoid surgery in these cases. It's also much easier to heal when they are young. So better to do it now than wait until he is older.

  • @kaylaodom6149
    @kaylaodom6149 2 года назад +3

    Blessedly my children aren't that bad off with asthma. But I was as a kid and I had my tonsils out in the 1st grade. I had at least 8 hospital stays (over a month each) that year before that surgery. Once done I still had asthma issues and sinus problems to this day but there was a MASSIVE improvement after the surgery. I strongly encourage this process and make sure you get that sweet boy plenty of ice cream! Lol

  • @christinasanborn1540
    @christinasanborn1540 2 года назад +2

    I had my sons adnoids and tonsils removed,it made a big difference but make sure they do them both at once not 2 separate surgeries

  • @sandrachatelain3224
    @sandrachatelain3224 2 года назад +2

    My children and grandchildren have both had adenoids and tonsils out. Real simple surgery! Kids recovered really fast. I had my tonsils out when I was 44 years old and it wasn’t bad.

  • @julieszotek4103
    @julieszotek4103 2 года назад +1

    My daughter had her tonsils and adenoids removed when she was 4. She was getting strep a lot and she couldn’t breathe well when she slept. I think she even had sleep apnea. Scary. So, she had the surgery and I’d choose to do it again every time. She hardly ever gets sick now and she sleeps so much better. The surgery was about 15 minutes long and she was literally running down the sidewalk the same afternoon. Kids bounce back so fast. If it’ll help Max breathe better, do it. The benefits are worth it.

  • @amandamartelli8811
    @amandamartelli8811 2 года назад

    A decluttering series would be awesome!

  • @lindsayjohnson7536
    @lindsayjohnson7536 2 года назад +3

    Hello Joanna!
    My little had his tonsils and adenoids removed the summer before starting Kindergarten (2 yrs ago). It was life changing and he rarely gets sick and breathes much better! However, although he eventually won't remember the days after surgery, this Mama will forever. He was in pain and had a hard time eating for about 2 weeks. Also, the smell that follows until the tonsils heal is terrible! Good luck and blessings to your little man if he gets the surgery.😊

  • @ravenhenning1785
    @ravenhenning1785 2 года назад

    My son had both removed at 4 yo and my daughter at 5 yo. They had theirs removed because they would both stop breathing when sleeping. Super scary. Kids are so resilient and the recovery wasn't as bad as I anticipated. Loves and hugs to you and your fam!

  • @katecavalier9723
    @katecavalier9723 2 года назад

    Hey, I'm a mum of a nearly 18year old and he had really bad asthma when he was younger, we were constantly at the hospital because of it and they suggested surgery of his tonsils after he had tonsillitis 4 or 5 times in a row , so when he was 5 years old he had surgery of his tonsils, adenoids and he had grommets put in his ears at the same time. It really helped and over time he out grew his asthma. He hasn't used his inhaler since he was 6 or 7 . Now being nearly 18 he plays a lot of football and goes on runs and even pollen doesn't seem to be an issue anymore! So I hope it will be the same for your little boy and that if he has the surgery it will help him. My youngest who is 6 is also being recommended the surgery but not to help asthma but because he has very big tonsils, he gets every cold going and keeps getting tonsillitis but also has extremely disturbed nights sleep because they think his tonsils and adenoids are causing him to have sleep apnea !! Anyway hope this helps you .

  • @jenniferluna1211
    @jenniferluna1211 2 года назад +1

    I had my tonsils and adenoids taken out at 16. It was routine but a few days later something happened to the cauterization and I had to have emergency surgery to do it again. The doctor tried to do it in the office with no anesthesia but let me tell you: that ish HURT so bad!!!! They rushed me to the hospital to have it done. My poor mom and bestie at the time freaked out really bad because I passed out on the way to the doctors office from blood loss. I’m good now. The only thing I have from that experience (besides the past trauma that I can now look back at and not wanna cry!) is I have a super nasally voice.
    Don’t let my story scare you. It apparently is really rare for something like that to happen. The doctor said I must have eaten something hard and it scratched the tonsil nub. So make sure he only eats approved foods!!!!!!
    Sending you lots of prayers and love for your little one to find relief!

  • @sandraareias2871
    @sandraareias2871 2 года назад +5

    Wow, just found a new way to cut pineapple. Looks way easier!

  • @katierobertson8902
    @katierobertson8902 2 года назад +2

    I personally have suffered with asthma since the day I was born! I got mine took out in 5th grade and it honestly helped with the congestion and strep throat and bronchitis issues I was always having! The asthma I still suffer with if I don’t keep up with my treatments 2x daily but it comes and goes with the seasons!

  • @crystalkirkland781
    @crystalkirkland781 2 года назад +2

    An island would be great in your closet. You could move your shoes to there and then have more hanging space. Also I added a valet hook for clean cloths. I am bad about putting hanging cloths up and this works as temporary holding and when it’s full I make myself hang them up.

  • @mzfitmama2361
    @mzfitmama2361 2 года назад

    Woohooo!!! Your back!!!
    I can’t imagine all the load and work on you while this season is really busy for you. Us mommas can relate and it’s nice to hear others have this season that’s busy too. Thank you for sharing

  • @lydiaholmes8519
    @lydiaholmes8519 2 года назад +1

    I had chronic strep as a kid but didn't get my t&a out until I was 21. It was awful. Do it while they are young. Is so much less stressful on them young. They heal so much faster. Kids bounce back from that surgery so fast. The older you get, the worse it is. He would probably lay around the first day but after that you won't even know he had surgery lol

  • @susannelson8946
    @susannelson8946 2 года назад +4

    Small caution about tonsil surgery. They can grow back if a small bit is missed during the operation. Mine did 6 years later. Wishing you and all the family a safe and happy summer.

  • @jenniferb.373
    @jenniferb.373 2 года назад

    Hello Joanna! I was just watching this video and am at the part where you asked for advice about the surgery. My oldest son who is 18 now had his tonsils and adenoids removed when he was 6. It was definitely a struggle for us. The surgery went fine but it was the healing process that was hard. My advice would be whatever you do keep him hydrated by any means. My son refused to even drink and we ended up having to stay in the children’s hospital a few nights to get fluids. Popsicles, sports drinks, water of course. And for food broth, jellos and puddings oh and also all the ice creams he wants lol. Lots of love and cold treats! I had mine out as a child as well and ate my weight in popsicles! I hope this helps a little. It’s definitely worth it. It feels so good to be able to breath!!

  • @margaretrempel3520
    @margaretrempel3520 2 года назад +3

    Our youngest had his adenoids and tonsils removed, the snotty nose slowed. Our daughter had only her adenoids removed and ear tubes placed. Slowed her snotty nose slowed too but what seems to make the biggest difference for both of them is using Xlear for Kids 2x a day and using a suction bulb on them when they have issues or flare ups with allergies. ❤

  • @missyholz
    @missyholz 2 года назад +1

    Our son had his tonsils out and our daughter had her adenoids out when she was young and then her tonsils out once she was in HS. Both did better after their surgeries, but it can be difficult healing. Their poor throats are so sore from the surgery for a good while.

  • @gunnkristinstory9072
    @gunnkristinstory9072 2 года назад +1

    My litte boy had this operation. I would say he got a new life. He had so big tonsils, that he stopped breathing at night. And his speaking was not good. After surgery, he could sleep so mutch better. eat better, and speak better. We gave him ice the first day in the hospital, and different fluid, he didn`t need any painkiller, after the first day after his operation.

  • @NiNitosix
    @NiNitosix 2 года назад +1

    I’m praying for Max ❤️

    • @JoannaThornton
      @JoannaThornton  2 года назад +1

      Thank you! Hoping we can get it all figured out soon and get him some help with his breathing! 💙

    • @NiNitosix
      @NiNitosix 2 года назад

      @@JoannaThornton I know you are..bless his heart! When it comes to our babies, we certainly get concerned. 💜

  • @apickner3059
    @apickner3059 2 года назад

    Wow! Adenoids and tonsil removal for our oldest was life changing. Constantly sick, allergies developed for multiple anti-biotics, inhalers, breathing treatment. All of it GONE! When she gets colds they linger a few more days than the rest of the family but overall health much better. Inhaler for emergency, through colds and if needed during activity.

  • @robloxvr2829
    @robloxvr2829 2 года назад +2

    Nice seeing your video Your such a mom I always enjoy watching the family and your lives

  • @amandawarry6151
    @amandawarry6151 2 года назад +2

    My mum was told by a natural practitioner who said to buy local honey from local plants (local pollen) when asthmatics experience flare ups. I come from a family with both parents and 3 of my sisters asthmatics and this seemed to help

  • @cassidykost6146
    @cassidykost6146 2 года назад +3

    Hi Joanna when are your posting schedules??? I thought you upload every other Thursday but I think I’m wrong. I love your cleaning motivation and hope you start posting more ❤️

  • @sondrasix1668
    @sondrasix1668 2 года назад +3

    I just love watching you. You rock girl 💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • @Nana_D75
    @Nana_D75 2 года назад

    You should try the method of decluttering your clothes where you turn the hanger around and if you haven’t worn them (thus they are still turned the wrong way) after a certain amount of time you get rid of them. Might be easier than one at a time evaluating.

  • @maryqueenofchronic6510
    @maryqueenofchronic6510 2 года назад

    I was born with chronic sinus issues. I had 5 surgeries before I was even 5 yr old. I ended up having to get my tonsils and adenoids removed twice because I was so young. I obviously was the child in this situation and not the parent. But I would do it before he gets any bigger. I'm sure it would make things much more comfortable for him. Best of luck. 💙

  • @taraelsey7536
    @taraelsey7536 2 года назад +3

    Hi Joanna! Love your videos! Always have, always will! My daughter had her tonsils removed when she was 15 (2years ago) and it was a painful surgery. We don’t regret it because she was always getting tonsillitis but I would suggest sooner than later for recovery. So many people around me said the older the person is, the harder it is. Good luck! He will do great! 🙌🏻❤️

  • @mtnewt1
    @mtnewt1 2 года назад

    A lil splash of bleach in my flowers 💐 has made such a difference!! They last so much longer! When the water starts getting low I js add ice cubes cuz the water stays clear longer because bacteria doesn't grow as well cuz of the bleach.

  • @Marwa_Mstafa
    @Marwa_Mstafa 2 года назад +3

    انا بحبك جدا وبنتظر فيديوهاتك باستمرار وباستفيد جدا من حضرتك انا متابعه لكى من مصر

  • @judygass9114
    @judygass9114 2 года назад +2

    Hi Joanna , my son had his took out and it made a great difference . He wasn’t hardly very sick . It’s a great idea to do this , I feel like it will make a big difference with you son as well . My son had nose bleeds and everything . So after the surgery he never did again . I love watching your videos very time . I’m Judy from Ky . Oh yea my son is grown now he’s 39 years old and doesn’t have any problems any more . Bye see yea next time !

  • @b_1257
    @b_1257 2 года назад

    See, I love my kids laundry all nice and clean, but I don’t like doing laundry. LOL. I really enjoy doing dishes!

  • @myeventfullife2019
    @myeventfullife2019 2 года назад +10

    Hello there Joanna I was just telling my mom about you and that I haven't seen you in a while also that I was hoping yall were doing well and I got your notification....I'm so glad to see yall are well. Have a great rest of the day.

  • @Spendinglifetogether
    @Spendinglifetogether 2 года назад +2

    I can relate, my hubby works late too! I’m new on RUclips and can relate.

  • @sharondumont9048
    @sharondumont9048 2 года назад +1

    You look like you have a lot of clothes, I’d love to watch a good decluttering of your closet maybe a little revamp thrown in 👍🏼❤️🇨🇦😉

  • @kristinataylor7954
    @kristinataylor7954 2 года назад

    My oldest is 16 now but 10 years ago he had his first surgery. He too had trouble with his breathing and snored so so badly when he slept. He was a "mouth breather" and rushed while eating because he couldn’t breathe while chewing. All because of his adenoids. The doctor said he would struggle for the rest of his life if we didn’t get them removed. It was really scary putting my son through that at such a young age but everything was fine and I am thankful he came through everting so nicely! When the surgeon came out to tell us everything went smoothly he commented "I don’t even know how that child was breathing. His adenoids were twice the size of an adults." I’ll never forget that. It was reassurance to me that I made the right choice for him. I know it can be scary but use your mom instincts. If you feel like this is something he needs, then follow those instincts and be proud of whatever decision you make. Praying for your family 🥰

  • @anitaventer5952
    @anitaventer5952 2 года назад

    We had my oldest kids tonsils and adenoids removed just after 2y old, his health made a huge improvement, had his last asthma attack I thing 8y ago, and he is 11 now.

  • @mysagvng1448
    @mysagvng1448 2 года назад +4

    coucou Johanna jss contente de te voir toujours motivée pour le ménage super le robot qui lave le sol toujours au TOP Merci 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🇨🇵🇨🇵

  • @betsystratton1175
    @betsystratton1175 2 года назад +2

    Is Mark back in the office for good now? Are you planning on doing anything different with the cloffoce?

    • @JoannaThornton
      @JoannaThornton  2 года назад +1

      There have been several weeks he’s gone into the office every day, but for the most part now he’s in the office 2 days and working from home 3 days.

  • @charlizeoliver1078
    @charlizeoliver1078 2 года назад

    Prayers for Beau! Your videos always come at the most needed times I swear 🙏🏼 my spouse just left for the Navy yesterday and it’s been hitting hard, he will be missed dearly while in boot camp

  • @mekissawebb7636
    @mekissawebb7636 2 года назад +4

    Hello. I’ve only watched a few of your videos so far. I just recently subscribed, but I want to say that LOVE how real and transparent you are! That, alone, has won me over!

  • @danabrown1980
    @danabrown1980 2 года назад +2

    Hello,yes my son and my daughter had tonsils and adenoids removed and my son has Asthma and it had worked out great for both of them and I am definitely enjoying your videos you do such a great job❣

  • @annae7102
    @annae7102 2 года назад +2

    Hope you film the declutter and organize of your closet.

  • @النووووووووووووووووووور

    Hi Joanna, until recently my daughter underwent a diet surgery on her nose and she is doing better. I wish you peace of mind. Unfortunately, I do not know the language, but I am translating comments 😂

  • @karengoberdhan1641
    @karengoberdhan1641 2 года назад +2

    Hi Joanna I was told the same thing as an adult then I decided to look at the causes of inflammation in the body. I have learned that different foods are inflammatory to different people, but the common causes are refined sugars, simple carbs ,cheese and milk. I had to look and even the sauces like ketchup, mayo , mustard etc. the added sugar content is crazy . Cutting theses things out and adding honey but sourced locally because the pollen and other environmental toxins are in the honey but in micro doses which allows the body to become adjusted to them on a level that doesn’t harm the body. I did this seven years ago and I have not had an issue since . Not to mention the other side beneficial effects of staying away from refined sugars.

  • @judyfarmer2962
    @judyfarmer2962 2 года назад +2

    Awesome cleaning. Hope the children and you have a great summer.

  • @SimplyHomewithCharlotte
    @SimplyHomewithCharlotte 2 года назад

    I had my tonsils and adenoids removed just before I turned 3 years old (around 40 years ago). My mom said it was the best decision she made because I was a very sick baby/child up until having them removed. My tonsils were so bad the doctor said my tonsils disintegrated in his hands during the surgery. I also had a couple sets of tubes put in my ears between 3-7 years old because I could not hear the 'ic' or 'ea' sounds (like in ice cream). After the tonsils and adenoids were removed, I hardly would get sick. Only illnesses I get now are allergy flare ups from grass pollen usually, and after the ear tubes I have hypersensitive hearing: I can hear the ticking of a clock across the room. All in all, I have no complaints with my mom's decision.

  • @ShanthisLifestyle
    @ShanthisLifestyle 2 года назад +2

    Hey love! Here watching 😍😍

  • @hasrinahasrina935
    @hasrinahasrina935 2 года назад +2

    Hii Joanna..I’m Rina from Malaysia,really love watching your video cleaning motivation.Have a nice day☺️🫶🏻

  • @betsystratton1175
    @betsystratton1175 2 года назад +1

    Glad to see your sweet face and hear your positive voice🥰

  • @auntievk9852
    @auntievk9852 2 года назад +5

    As always - so much of yourself in this video - music was great too!!

    • @kristihardeman9749
      @kristihardeman9749 2 года назад +1

      Yes! I'll often replay videos I've already watched just to have some good music playing in the background! 😄

  • @Icey_SnowyFlakes
    @Icey_SnowyFlakes 2 года назад +3

    You inspire me so much ♥️

  • @clicker7019
    @clicker7019 2 года назад +2

    I have house settling cracks in my home too. Can you tell me what you used and how you did it?

  • @kathiecrider
    @kathiecrider 2 года назад +2

    I still love your new flooring - it looks so good! Thanks for the fun nighttime routine video 😊. I hope you guys had fun at the condo last weekend! ❤️

  • @carmencervantes9175
    @carmencervantes9175 2 года назад +2

    Excelente inicio de semana mi amiga Johana

  • @minimalzebra
    @minimalzebra 2 года назад +3

    Motivating video as always! ❤️

  • @Icey_SnowyFlakes
    @Icey_SnowyFlakes 2 года назад +2

    I love your videos so much Joanna

  • @ElizabethClary1
    @ElizabethClary1 2 года назад +2

    I really love your rug in your closet! 💕💕

  • @stephaniealaia769
    @stephaniealaia769 2 года назад +2

    Love the motivation Joanna! The closet clean out I keep telling myself I need bc I need a dresser storage to find and out my stuff away and can’t declutter clothes till I get the storage dresser. 💜💜💜

  • @roses609
    @roses609 2 года назад +2

    Great motivation

  • @dannifulker7494
    @dannifulker7494 2 года назад +2

    Great motivation thank you 😊

  • @elisamaurerbailey2787
    @elisamaurerbailey2787 2 года назад +2

    Here in Oregon my daughter it out of school already! Hope you are all doing great! I try to wash a load a day of laundry and dishes!

  • @arethazolotas172
    @arethazolotas172 2 года назад +2

    I have been watching your videos for a while now and really didn't notice the lights under your kitchen cabinets. I love it!!! Makes the kitchen looks brighter. Was it recently added?

    • @JoannaThornton
      @JoannaThornton  2 года назад +2

      Nope, they’ve always been there! 🥰 I don’t film a ton at night so they maybe just haven’t been as noticeable! 💗

  • @whitneymarsh9200
    @whitneymarsh9200 2 года назад

    My son had his tonsils and adenoids removed when he was 4. Dr recommended eating popcicles and to avoid dairy for a few days after surgery. However, my son wanted nothing cold and hot chocolate was his ticket out of the hospital. They wouldn’t let him leave until he drank something and hot chocolate is the only thing he wanted for several days.

  • @lacee7494
    @lacee7494 2 года назад

    Ha, I don't think it's gross your clothes are on the floor, I just think your clothes must be a rumpled, wrinkled MESS. I have been married 34 years and have always had the same laundry system, I stand in front of the dryer and fold clean clothes (the folded ones) and place them in clean baskets to be unloaded into dressers when they get full. I have a clean basket for each bedroom. For hanging clothes I hang them out of the dryer and have a wall of shaker pegs to hang them on. When it gets to be too much I move them into the closets. I have never had piles of clean clothes on couches or counters or whatever, and never had clean clothes on the floor. Honestly you are just adding an extra step since you have to pick them up anyway. I do agree it's harder when the closet is too full, do a closet clean-out video!!

  • @shortypShortyp
    @shortypShortyp 2 года назад +1

    Hi Joanna! Happy summer vacation! Hope you are having fun in Florida and can’t wait to see you upcoming decluttering videos!

  • @thevelazquezfam7637
    @thevelazquezfam7637 2 года назад +3

    Hi Joanna you have such a beautiful family! Love your videos! Have a good day! All the way from Oregon 💚

  • @carlasteelmon9274
    @carlasteelmon9274 2 года назад +1

    Wow those flowers lasted a long time!!

  • @danagordon9449
    @danagordon9449 2 года назад

    Your shoes look comfy. What brand are they?

  • @ronniemcharry2636
    @ronniemcharry2636 2 года назад +2

    Hi Joanne,we missed you heaps I'm cleaning and watching your video aswell thanks heaps from Ronnie 😀👍😀👍 from Geelong VIC Australia.

    • @michellemiddleton2371
      @michellemiddleton2371 2 года назад +1

      Hi neighbour lol I am from the Riverland in South Australia

    • @ronniemcharry2636
      @ronniemcharry2636 2 года назад +1

      @@michellemiddleton2371 hi Michelle,it's good to hear from someone over this side of the fence thanks heaps from Ronnie 😀👍 from Geelong VIC Australia.

  • @bumface5821
    @bumface5821 2 года назад +2

    Isn't it a such mothering thing to do - the kids' laundry is washed, dried, sorted, folded, hung and landed (put away where it belongs), but your own stuff... yeah, the floordrobe is fine! 😅

  • @ArtGardenFoodExpressions
    @ArtGardenFoodExpressions 2 года назад +3

    New to the channel and love it. Question>>>I notice you said "my kids" when you say you and mark were discussing something. Is Mark the Kids' stepfather?

  • @jenniferlowe2481
    @jenniferlowe2481 2 года назад +2

    lov decluttering videos can't wait to c them enjoy your videos

  • @christinemorano39
    @christinemorano39 2 года назад +2

    hello Jhoanna....have a good day!...I do appreciate your video...God bless you more..♥️♥️♥️

  • @amandakibler2426
    @amandakibler2426 2 года назад +2


  • @angiegibson3092
    @angiegibson3092 2 года назад +3

    Happy Sunday Evening Joanna, love watching your videos they are my favorite, your house is beautiful love all your home decor!!

  • @karlassweetlife
    @karlassweetlife 2 года назад +1

    Kept me company while I was a million dishes 😜

  • @bloodliriel
    @bloodliriel 2 года назад

    Pssst! I am going to tell you a secret! Where I come from almost nobody makes their bed,especially not as perfect as you in the States: it is common knowledge that bed milts love humid warm beds and everyone leaves the blanket folded over so the mattress can air out. Bed milts can cause serious problems with allergies, so doctors even ask you how well you make your bed if you are coming in with allergies. So don't worry, it looks nicer but elsewhere in the world none cares! Greetings from Luxembourg 🇱🇺

  • @eceyoana1308
    @eceyoana1308 2 года назад


  • @jacquiebeattie649
    @jacquiebeattie649 2 года назад +3

    This is strange but I 've been thinking about y'all and today on IG you and another nice looking girl were in the ocean so I said to myself..yah my adopted daughter is 🙂
    Poor Max I can sympathize w/him ad
    I have COPD THEREFORE I use nebulizer, inhalers, sometimes steroids.
    Girl you have a sweat shirt on.....aren't you hot.
    U accomplished a big job....great motivation!!!!!
    So nice seeing you ❤️. I was sorta concerned about y'all. Love you Joanna

  • @djellalileila4441
    @djellalileila4441 2 года назад +1

    Like how you cut ananas very easy ; thanks for this video ❤️💜❣️❤️💜❣️

  • @SharonJones-ni6fm
    @SharonJones-ni6fm 2 года назад +1

    hi this is sharon you ars doing a awesome and wonderful job in your home ok as just wanted to say thank you so much for your channel and your video and

  • @christopherdonofrio2029
    @christopherdonofrio2029 2 года назад +1

    Hello Joanna have you thought of buying a slim rectangle bench for your closest then you won't have to worry about your clothes on the floor lol.

  • @النووووووووووووووووووور

    Hi Joanna, how are you? I am following you in Arabic from Morocco. I wish you would translate a video because I don’t know English. Please 😔😔♥️♥️♥️ I only use the simultaneous translation

  • @marijunmagnaye161
    @marijunmagnaye161 2 года назад +1


  • @danielapinheiro4421
    @danielapinheiro4421 2 года назад

    amo amo seus vídeos ❤️❤️🤩
    sou de Jundiaí SP Brasil

  • @lucianaregina1974
    @lucianaregina1974 2 года назад +1


  • @charlottesmith830
    @charlottesmith830 2 года назад +2


  • @clarabreithaupt5436
    @clarabreithaupt5436 2 года назад

    Do you like this robot more than the roborock you had?