A Pound of Chops for the Lord Mayor of Dublin

  • Опубликовано: 13 сен 2024
  • On May 4th 2019, members of the Joyceborough Finnegans Wake Reading Group presented a pound of Etherson's chops to the Lord Mayor of Dublin Nial Ring at the Mansion House in commemoration of an amusing episode of 'Finnegans Wake.'
    Every May 4th, the anniversary of the publication of 'Finnegans Wake,' Joyceborough celebrates by reenacting such scenes from the novel. In 2019, Robert V. Robinson and his son Fiacre presented the chops to the Lord Mayor. Pat Byrne of Cremore Bakery, Ballygall presented two loaves of his signature 'Singpantry's Kennedy Bread.' Vera Keegan presented a copy of her late brother Roy Keegan's 'Panoply of Joycean Characters' by Printwell. Psychogeographer Sam Ford presented a bottle of James Joyce Gin, kindly provided for the occasion by Brendan Kilty. Cathal Stephens represented 'Here Comes Everybody Players' of Boston and Joyceborough curator, Des Gunning, presented the Lord Mayor with a copy of 'Finnegans Wake.'
    Joyceborough looks forward to commemorating the 85th anniversary of the novel this year.

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