Apparently, this is one of the very few instances the actors insisted on doing something different than the writers intended. Purportedly the scene was written for comedic effect, but Shimerman and Robinson felt that this scene would be done more justice if they played it straight. This is the result.
I love how Garak talk sarcastically through most of this and Quark keeps talking back with deadpan seriousness, then halfway through, Garak adjusts his tone to Quark's. it's only that kind of tension between writers and actors, with both adding their spin to the scene, that can create this kind of quality.
@@jimbojimbo8 I've never really been into Star Trek, but I've been watching a few Quark scenes and really enjoy him as a character. Scenes like this give me major Babylon 5 vibes, and I'm a big fan of that show. If I start watching Star Trek properly, should I start with Deep Space 9 in your opinion, or watch the earlier seasons (or specific earlier seasons)?
@@pwnmeisterage He ended up becoming the main motivator to make the Ferengi more complex and better. Since he was there from the beginning, you could say he realized the things that needed to be fixed.
“i can see the appeal for you.” despite the ears, and despite the stereotypes of his profession, Quark reverses the role of a listening bartender by ranting and raving to all of his customers.
Hey man, even bartenders have to vent from time to time. And who better than Garak? I believe the man once said something about the truth being a substitute for a good imagination.
A few episodes hint that he only does that with the main characters. Still, as you point out, it breaks the stereotype because it's usually the main cast crying on the Barkeep's shoulder. It is realistic though, that he's saving his ranting and complaining for his perceived coworkers and peers. I'm guessing Guinan doesn't complain, like at all, simply out of the maturity that comes with being roughly 500 years old.
@@ThatOneRandomSteveTell me about it; that one time Quark tried to introduce Karaoke night Morn and Worf took every slot together to sing Klingon Operas. The Dominion could hear it all the way through the wormhole. No wonder they invaded.
@@SwordsmanRyan Well, no actor likes to be typecast, especially since Robinson experienced that after his role in Dirty Harry. But Robinson has often described his appearances on DS9 as some of the best experiences of his career, and Garak as a role he loved.
This is why I think DS9 gets an undeserved reputation for being too dark or going against the "spirit of Star Trek." They may poke fun at the Federation being too idealistic and goody too shoes, but ultimately, even characters as cynical and opportunistic as Garak and Quark still see the Federation as a dependable force for good that helps people in need.
@@dandominare true, but as a get older, i find the early campiness of the early seasons charming and lovable. mostly because too many try to be edgy or dark nowadays.
"The Spirit of Star Trek" is that humanity had left behind the violent and hateful nature that made a character like Sisco relevant. It spoke the message that while the monster was in the closet (humanity's violent nature) it was by no means dead. TNG's Q has to be laughing his ass off somewhere at Piccard's expense by the time the Dominion war ended.
Love the mutual burns between the two. Quark shows no regard whatsoever for Garak's grief or the morality of the war, talking about selling weapons as a good business even after Garak mentions the destruction of his homeworld. Garak in turn is sarcastic about Quark's business acumen and his charm. But through it all, they find common ground in commiserating about how they both need the Federation. Amazing.
Quark also gently implies that the reason he DIDN'T get into weapons is because he wasn't that immoral, and is better than that. "Because I'm a people person."
The best part to me is Quark probably knows Garak's being sarcastic with this "compliments." Just as Garak knows Quark doesn't have one lick of actual sympathy for what happened to Cardassia. Yet even as they are throwing barely concealed barbs at each other, you can sense the level of trust and familiarity between them. Like how they both reach the same conclusion about the root beer being "just like the Federation." For a ruthless profit monger and a duplicitous spy...ahem "simple tailor", that's probably as close to actual friendship as either honestly gets.
How thoughtless of me not to consider the effects the destruction of my home world would have on your business. These must be trying times for you. Be brave." I love Garak.
ah, the writers were definitely trying so very hard to make this into a lighthearted comedic moment. And then Actors.... Gods help us, The Actors decided they had enough of the clown makeup.
In the books when Bajor finally is approved to join the Federation, everyone goes nuts. Quark, shouts "I'm ruined!" Then shouts "Drinks on the house!" I'm paraphrasing here.
@Dan Nguyen cause he is happy that bajor is accepted into the federation. Business aside. His bar gets turned into the ferengi embassy so he does okay.
The Federation doesn't use money internally - it does have other ways of measuring wealth and worth, but not money as we know it. All the rich Federation citizens we see in any ST series gets that way through trade with non Federation species and the black markets.
@@taitano12 The Border Territories use Faringi money as the Heart of the Federation may be post scarcity, but the farther out you go the less things people have.
@@taitano12 they very much use money on ds9, both fed guy and everyone else wich is not fed he went from a small bar in a card territory, with very litle opportunity and hight risk to a bar with much more people coming, at the edge of where fed is going and where he can do he litle shenigans deal without much risk aside from oddo watching him with anger he win it all even before the vortex was found tbh
That would be a good torture technique, give someone something that they find distasteful, get them addicted to it and then take it away. Softball sure, but if you're playing the long game just one more thing to get them to break, and if it isn't actually toxic/addictive or just flushes out fast then there is no evidence of the torture.
I just love how Garak goes from "I see your point. The Federation is a paradise and the people are oblivious and want to spread that to others, akin to a plague" to "I hope that is exactly what we need."
A small, intended to be throwaway filler scene to make up a bit of time for the episode, and it ended up being one of the most iconic lines of the series and even, dare i say it, the Star Trek universe. You'll struggle to find something of similar qualities these days.
@@KnightRaymund I wish they would do this more often. I'd rather them cut 30 seconds of people saying "Shields at X percent" and 30 seconds of beam in/beam out vfx, ship beauty shots, a few seconds of people bouncing around on the bridge etc, and keep the more character driven scenes in the episode, even if they don't serve the storyline directly.
Oh, but it's not sarcasm. At least not in the way you think it is. See, Garak is ALSO a "people person". But in his case, interacting with his customers provides valuable intel. HUMINT is the pinnacle of the IC. To be able to get the information you need just through casual conversation...
The story I heard was that this is *not* how the scene was written. The lines are the same, though. Apparently the DS9 actors would often hole up at Armin's house on the weekends and run scenes together and Andy and Armin came up with this more intense and brooding exchange than the script indicated. The rule on set, though, was no changes in on-script direction without approval, so Armin and Andy showed their version to the director, who then called a line producer down to the set; Armin and Andy ran the scene from the top again and the producer just said, "shoot it." And that's how it was filmed, like you see it here. I think it's awesome that the actors cared so much to woodshed on their time off and put their own creativity into the show. And these two guys were brilliant.
Haha. Such was the brilliance of these old writers. It was a time when they actually put effort into writing good stories rather than focusing on some nonsense woke propaganda.
@@spacelinx ... Star Trek is the story of a far left communist globalist interplanetary federal government that doesn't discriminate on race, gender, planet of origin, or sexuality with a post-scarcity utopian Earth and believes in cultural and moral relativism so much so that they built their core ruleset, the Prime Directive, around these principles. The entire concept is literally "woke" sci-fi leftist propaganda. The fact that this was lost on you is something I find very amusing if you consider yourself a fan, because you either ignored 99% of the show or were too ignorant to take notice. Fake fan much?
The Gay Frogs : It’s true the Star Trek universe is rooted in far left progressive thinking, and I never denied it. It was more implied and many of the episodes actually present different philosophical ideas that had nothing to do with progressive politics in the first place. But until more recent times they (Star Trek or anyone else) never made storylines just to promote and shove that far left progressive agenda into our faces either. The new Batwoman series is a perfect example of everything wrong with serial writing now. Even the previews for it constantly reminded us of how she was a “strong woman” who “didn’t need to take credit for a man’s work” while stealing a man’s work to become Batwoman. The stories of now have less meaning and more propaganda to shove onto ya, the viewers. That’s the kind of nonsense that I was talking about.
My family and I came to the U.S. as refugees in 1979, and my reaction to tasting root beer for the first time was just like Garak's. *_Edit:_* I should have mentioned that I have been in love with ROOT BEER since the 80s. Thank you for all of your responses and shared experiences.
Yes, it's definitely an acquired taste. What's worse is that, even if you get used to it, if you abstain from it for a few years you go back to thinking it awful when you try it again.
Heh. I think it's funny the way people outside the US complain that root beer tastes too much like medicine. If y'all ever tried some of our medicine, you would beg to chase the taste away with root beer.
@@ingasparrow Root Beer tastes like carbonated tooth paste, because tooth paste uses the same flavorings that root beer used first, namely sassafras and sassparilla.
Well the federation is very much like the United States. In America we are made of all races and nationalities brought to gather by wanting to be free and have a good life
What I loved about this scene, both of them express how much they hate the federation, how vile they consider it and how it “corrupts” everything… And then it ends with “do you think they can save us?” “I hope so”. Showing that despite it all, they can see, they know the federation is the only hope for the galaxy.
DS9 had such good actors. The two in this scene being two of the best. By the way, Quark cries about how he misses selling root beer to members or the Federation later on lol. Such an awesome show all around.
you should realize that this scene not written originally as played the two actors spend a few days reworking the scene getting the tone and inflections just right
@@lordomacron3719 Some of the best parts of DS9 were from the Cast: Jadzia and Worf's entire relationship for instance, started off with Terry and Micheal plotting to slip the seeds of it into Worf's first DS9 episode, with Jadzia's flirtations in Klingon when they meet at Quark's (followed soon after by Worf bitchslapping the feck out of Martok's family member). DS9 seemed to be pretty good about Actors getting their own input into their contrast with say, Voyager, where there was a looooot of stress between the Cast and Crew because the actors were being dismissed and feeling like their characters were being taken for granted...especially with Wang and Beltrane, aka Kim and Chakotay...Wang's ideas were often ignored or in one case at least, seemingly outright stolen for another character (a talent show where Kim does impressions of the entire crew for his act...this scene was eventually put in, but the impressions were done by a character while Kim literally stood silent right beside him), and Kim stayed "the eternal Ensign"...meanwhile Beltrane was ignored so often and Chakotay regulated to the sidelines because none of the writers seemed to know what to do with a culturally Native American character, that he just started putting in the minimal effort on set out of protest, especially as the show moved more and more to focusing it's A plots around just Janeway, Seven and/or The EMH in the later seasons. I haven't heard what the process behind the scenes with Discovery is yet, but Picard's atmosphere is apparently a looooot better then Voyager's, partly because of SirPatStew's centrality to the series and script approval...apparently, Jeri Ryan's updated more grown up/less pin-up take on a post-VOY/post-Borg Seven has been driven with her input (and she in turn, apparently consulted her friends and collegues on how others would see Seven having developed over the past 20 years)...with even more TNG cast being included in the next season, there's a hope that the backstage atmosphere will continue to develop further. Sidenote: TNG is often described as having the best Behind The Scenes atmosphere of any of the series, after the second season...the first two were a bit rough and rocky, with the dropping out of Yar and Dr. Crusher, and SirPatStew being a bit of a hardass while the rest of the cast being "completely unprofessional"...but Stewart lightened up and even started joining in on the pranks and escapades, while the rest of the cast saw Stewart as an inspiration to take their craft to the next level...and as an encouragement for several to get behind the Camera as directors and writers: Frakes being the obvious standout here, but also Burton and I think, McFadden...
One of the great things about DS9 is that we see how other cultures like the Ferengi and Cardassians view the Federation - an outsider's view so to speak - not just from some guest alien, but from the regular cast memembers, who aren't all Starfleet.
The characters in this series were the best, most in depth and most developed of all the Trek shows. And the chemistry of the actors playing off one another... It's why it was so good.
Indeed. I've been watching this series over the past couple months (after NG) and got to this one last week. God I love and hate (mostly love) Quark and Garak. They are the perfect neutral characters, in the D&D sense.
@@ThePsychophile9 in D&D don't characters in that are neutral have to be either chaotic or good it's been a real long time but I don't remember a neutral neutral character
I think this might qualify as one of the BEST exchanges in all of Star Trek... so MUCH of the show is just an interaction between officers, or someone and an officer. Interactions between Quark and Garak are great and their analysis of the Federation awesome.
I find it fascinating that Quarks woes lead him to weapons and that Garak’s weapon of choice is information; you could argue the Federation’s weapon of choice is that insidious cultural pressure
The all consuming federation monoculture is a less discussed part of them and they did such a good job highlighting it here. It even has parallels to globalization from the west today.
"I like interacting with my customers, like you and I are doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another." "I can see the attraction... for you." Oh, Garek.
@@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 Thank you. The character's name escaped me so I googled "DS9 main Kardassian and saw "Gul Dukat". I thought, "That sounds familiar" and I used that without a second thought.
@@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 Thanks. I gathered that from your previous comment. I watched DS9 from start to end a couple years ago, and I guess I just thought "Gul Dukat" was that bad dude's name.
It's kind of amazing, looking back, how Quark's love of economics, and hate of not having customers to rub elbows with, makes him a very shrewd political thinker. Extra: I find it fascinating how Garak called the federation out on the "bubbly, cloying, and happy" part, but Quark was the one to take it a step further into "insidious."
@@anonygent Fair enough. I will instead rephrase this to: After Garak had his realization, Quark echoes it to him with partial resignation, as if he's known this for far too long. Honestly I do love this new perspective I've been getting out of Quark.
@@anonygent, Garak called the root beer insidious. Quark then said "just like the Federation," so Quark really is the one who called the Federation insidious
I'm sure Quark and Garak were a joy to write. The writers must have rubbed their hands in glee every time they appeared. "It's so bubbly, and cloying... and happy." "How insidious!" lol
Brilliant scene. Quark and Garak are 2 of the most misunderstood characters on this show. Amazing to watch what the writers and producers did with their characters and how much they grew through the seasons.
Garak and Quark best characters in Star Trek.... period. I liked Gul Dukat's acting aswell. And the guy who played the main Vorta... ( i just like him automaticaly cause he is Shran in my favourite Star Trek... Enterprise.)
@@JnEricsonx I don't see how Quark is a worse person. The RoA could sound harsh, but he indirectly saved a lot of people by thinking straight when everyone was blinded by harmful outbursts of "white-knightism"
What a great scene. We don't get enough moments with aliens giving their outsider perspective on the Federation. Especially ones like Quark who've chosen to throw their lot in with it.
This is what Discovery lacks... relatable characters, great writing and good actors... instead we have gender issues, overemotional train wrecks, fat issues... there is so much propaganda that they forgot to actually put some star trek into it... some dialogue.
@@neddhu I feel like a grieving widow trapped in a strip club & watching a blue haired chubby tattooed pole dancer perform her interpritation of my 7 year marriage..
The scene also uses Kanar as a metaphor for Cardassia. Cardassia's moment has passed and so Quark is stuck with cases of Kanar, a drink which was very popular in his bar at one time, but which now no one save Garak will drink. Quark and Garak turn to root beer, a drink which is a metaphor for the Federation; they find it vile now, but they will learn to like it.
I love how when Quark mentions that its a human drink Garak is immediately hesitant. I Love little moments like that because it slightly highlights how a person views a species. like in the eyes of a Cardassian or a Ferengi, Humans must be a pretty odd bunch.
This is still one of my favorite scenes from any Star Trek franchise. DS9 was excellent at giving all the characters involved a moment to stand on their own and shine. Quark was definitely one of my personal favorites simply because he was a scumbag and knew it, but never disowned it when confronted with it. Garak on the other hand, was an oddity to me, because even down to the very end, you never knew what cards he was holding until he absolutely had to play them. This scene showcases both of them in these moments and I love how they bounce their ideals off one another in order to see just how deep their faith to the Federation truly went.
SISKO: Of course we'll save your asses! My species in particular irradiated its own planet merely for lines on a map! The Dominion doesn't stand a chance!
The line "Do you think they'll be able to save us?" makes me think of Babylon 5 for some reason. I don't know if it's because Garak's voice seems to remind me of someone from B5 (not sure who) or if it's because this scene has some excellent social commentary about the ideals of the in-universe Earth. The 90s really were top notch when it came to TV sci-fi. I wish they hadn't rushed B5, messing up Season 5. And DS9 shows Star Trek can be dark and examine the fundamentals of a show, Discovery and Picard just missed the mark so much. Plus Garak is such a good character. He's done terrible things but he also knows when to do the right thing, even when it is difficult for him (working to crack Cardassian codes or rewiring the transmitter in the Dominon labour camp while suffering claustrophobia, all while his father lay dying next to him).
Quark: I like interacting with my customers, like you and I are doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another... Garak: I can see the attraction - for you.
My all time favorite scene of DS9. I've watched this series all the way through twice and can barely remember anything about it except, "good, but not great." with the exception of Quark and Odo. But I've always remembered the disdain he had for root beer and how it symbolized the federation.
Really liked the Quark character. The various set ups that won the war were typically accomplished by Quark and Garick. Those two were more alike than not. Four or five steps ahead of just about everyone. Masterful story telling.
The highest compliment Quark could pay a person: "He was a loyal customer and always paid his bar bill on time."
Rule of Acquisition #57 -- Good customers are as rare as latinum. Treasure them.
qdHazen I’ll raise a glass to that
Beats being a talking jewelry box.
@@andrewshouse9840 or Rom
He lived long enough to prosper and help others prosper. A worthy goal.
Apparently, this is one of the very few instances the actors insisted on doing something different than the writers intended. Purportedly the scene was written for comedic effect, but Shimerman and Robinson felt that this scene would be done more justice if they played it straight. This is the result.
This one of my favorite scenes in all of Star Trek.
And it was well done. You can just see the stress rolling off of Quark there.
This is one of my most favorite scenes probably my most favorite and DS9 and in my top three and all of Star Trek ism
I love how Garak talk sarcastically through most of this and Quark keeps talking back with deadpan seriousness, then halfway through, Garak adjusts his tone to Quark's. it's only that kind of tension between writers and actors, with both adding their spin to the scene, that can create this kind of quality.
@@jimbojimbo8 I've never really been into Star Trek, but I've been watching a few Quark scenes and really enjoy him as a character. Scenes like this give me major Babylon 5 vibes, and I'm a big fan of that show.
If I start watching Star Trek properly, should I start with Deep Space 9 in your opinion, or watch the earlier seasons (or specific earlier seasons)?
I adore Garak's grin when he realizes that there's subtext to the conversation he's having.
Its so bubbly and cloy
@@kabnoot Just like the federation
yeah you can see his eyes light up, "Oooh intrigue, now I'm fully invested!"
Both the spy and the smuggler speak the same language, it's amazing we didn't see more with these two together
@@chrisd1746 that’s a very DANGEROUS combo… there’s a reason Odo kept them apart 😮💨
All the Federation’s complexities and nuances and Quark reduces it to Root Beer.
That is a sign of genius. To take something complex and break it down to its basic ideas.
"How would you describe the federation?"
"Root beer."
Of course he would compare it to a perishable good
@@Metalman200xdamnit sounds like you never learned something complex.
@@u235u235u235 And you are brainless and without imagination. But I do not hold it against you.
Good ol' Armin. If it weren't for him, the Ferengi would still be remembered as just the failed villains of TNG.
But Armin was also one of those Ferengi failed villains of TNG, lol.
@@pwnmeisterage He ended up becoming the main motivator to make the Ferengi more complex and better. Since he was there from the beginning, you could say he realized the things that needed to be fixed.
@@pwnmeisterage The Ferengi failed so hard as villains one of them ended up being a Starfleet Officer, that's some serious dedication to failing.
@@fix0the0spade I suppose failing upwards is a way to succeed
@@fix0the0spade A Klingon and a Borg also ended up being a Starfleet officers, so the Klingons and the Borg failed as villains as well?
“i can see the appeal for you.” despite the ears, and despite the stereotypes of his profession, Quark reverses the role of a listening bartender by ranting and raving to all of his customers.
Not when Morn's around, though. Quark could never get a word in otherwise with that loudmouth.
Hey man, even bartenders have to vent from time to time. And who better than Garak? I believe the man once said something about the truth being a substitute for a good imagination.
A few episodes hint that he only does that with the main characters. Still, as you point out, it breaks the stereotype because it's usually the main cast crying on the Barkeep's shoulder. It is realistic though, that he's saving his ranting and complaining for his perceived coworkers and peers. I'm guessing Guinan doesn't complain, like at all, simply out of the maturity that comes with being roughly 500 years old.
@@ThatOneRandomSteveTell me about it; that one time Quark tried to introduce Karaoke night Morn and Worf took every slot together to sing Klingon Operas. The Dominion could hear it all the way through the wormhole. No wonder they invaded.
Even a therapist needs to vent now and then.
“I see the attraction, for you.”
That low key burn was masterful.
It saddens me that Robinson didn’t want to be typecast in this role and yet, he’s so good at it.
@@SwordsmanRyan Well, no actor likes to be typecast, especially since Robinson experienced that after his role in Dirty Harry. But Robinson has often described his appearances on DS9 as some of the best experiences of his career, and Garak as a role he loved.
This is why I think DS9 gets an undeserved reputation for being too dark or going against the "spirit of Star Trek."
They may poke fun at the Federation being too idealistic and goody too shoes, but ultimately, even characters as cynical and opportunistic as Garak and Quark still see the Federation as a dependable force for good that helps people in need.
i feel the same, mock it but no disrespect over the endgame
The writing on DS9 was miles ahead of the rest IMO, with some exceptions in later TNG series.
@@dandominare true, but as a get older, i find the early campiness of the early seasons charming and lovable. mostly because too many try to be edgy or dark nowadays.
"The Spirit of Star Trek" is that humanity had left behind the violent and hateful nature that made a character like Sisco relevant. It spoke the message that while the monster was in the closet (humanity's violent nature) it was by no means dead. TNG's Q has to be laughing his ass off somewhere at Piccard's expense by the time the Dominion war ended.
At the end of the day, the Federation would probably be one of the nicest Sci-Fi factions to live in.
It’s odd to see two of the most duplicitous characters on the show having an honest exchange
Those two most duplicitous characters of DS9 are my own personal favorites. The sarcasm is strong with both of them. :)
@@drazen1972cro Quark, Odo and Garak. The best of DS9.
Like recognizes like
Honest yeah sure.
Hmmm...yes. Garak being "honest." Sure, let's go with that.
Love the mutual burns between the two. Quark shows no regard whatsoever for Garak's grief or the morality of the war, talking about selling weapons as a good business even after Garak mentions the destruction of his homeworld. Garak in turn is sarcastic about Quark's business acumen and his charm.
But through it all, they find common ground in commiserating about how they both need the Federation. Amazing.
Quark also gently implies that the reason he DIDN'T get into weapons is because he wasn't that immoral, and is better than that.
"Because I'm a people person."
"Spoiler" alert for the episode where we meet his cousin:
It ended up that Quark did have a sense of morality after all
The best part to me is Quark probably knows Garak's being sarcastic with this "compliments." Just as Garak knows Quark doesn't have one lick of actual sympathy for what happened to Cardassia. Yet even as they are throwing barely concealed barbs at each other, you can sense the level of trust and familiarity between them. Like how they both reach the same conclusion about the root beer being "just like the Federation."
For a ruthless profit monger and a duplicitous spy...ahem "simple tailor", that's probably as close to actual friendship as either honestly gets.
@@steampunker7you fight well for a tailor
How thoughtless of me not to consider the effects the destruction of my home world would have on your business. These must be trying times for you. Be brave."
I love Garak.
I always loved Garak's talent for sarcasm. It was so smooth and natural.
Yes, Garak spends the whole conversation giving shade to Quark, but then Quark has him drink the vile drink.
"I can see the attraction For You.."
ah, the writers were definitely trying so very hard to make this into a lighthearted comedic moment.
And then Actors.... Gods help us, The Actors decided they had enough of the clown makeup.
@@jimvenanzio6561 but it's still comedic but played straight. It works amazingly well as both a comedic and a serious scene.
"Talking with each other, like we're doing now." "I can see the appeal FOR YOU." LOL.
Jake Pullman Lol, I caught that too. Quark tolled right over it oblivious.
My good sir, why would you read such negativity into the casual remarks of someone who is just a simple tailor?
Garak is among the best written and best acted characters in the history of video entertainment.
Ha! Garak is one to talk. Which he just can't stop doing.
Yes he is and he was only in something like 39 episodes out of ds9 over 200.
In the books when Bajor finally is approved to join the Federation, everyone goes nuts.
Quark, shouts "I'm ruined!"
Then shouts "Drinks on the house!"
I'm paraphrasing here.
@Dan Nguyen cause he is happy that bajor is accepted into the federation.
Business aside.
His bar gets turned into the ferengi embassy so he does okay.
The Federation doesn't use money internally - it does have other ways of measuring wealth and worth, but not money as we know it. All the rich Federation citizens we see in any ST series gets that way through trade with non Federation species and the black markets.
@@taitano12 The Border Territories use Faringi money as the Heart of the Federation may be post scarcity, but the farther out you go the less things people have.
The federation does use money, it’s just Earth that doesn’t.
@@taitano12 they very much use money on ds9, both fed guy and everyone else wich is not fed
he went from a small bar in a card territory, with very litle opportunity and hight risk to a bar with much more people coming, at the edge of where fed is going and where he can do he litle shenigans deal without much risk aside from oddo watching him with anger
he win it all even before the vortex was found tbh
I love Garak's grin when he says "It's insidious."
First time it heard that it was coming from Ghandi lol
Well, when it comes to Garak, game recognizes game?
That would be a good torture technique, give someone something that they find distasteful, get them addicted to it and then take it away. Softball sure, but if you're playing the long game just one more thing to get them to break, and if it isn't actually toxic/addictive or just flushes out fast then there is no evidence of the torture.
Of course Garak would instantly recognize and respect anything _insidious_
I love his happiness when he realizes that Quark plays the game by implying the federation
I just love how Garak goes from "I see your point. The Federation is a paradise and the people are oblivious and want to spread that to others, akin to a plague" to "I hope that is exactly what we need."
A small, intended to be throwaway filler scene to make up a bit of time for the episode, and it ended up being one of the most iconic lines of the series and even, dare i say it, the Star Trek universe.
You'll struggle to find something of similar qualities these days.
And then they actually went over but fought to keep this scene. So glad they did.
Nowadays, it'd either become Oppression Olympics between the two victims or Virtue Signal Spaghetti with whine sauce.
Solus Aldrain nah
@@KnightRaymund I wish they would do this more often. I'd rather them cut 30 seconds of people saying "Shields at X percent" and 30 seconds of beam in/beam out vfx, ship beauty shots, a few seconds of people bouncing around on the bridge etc, and keep the more character driven scenes in the episode, even if they don't serve the storyline directly.
Agreed. This is one of my favorites in all of Star Trek, not just DS9.
Quark seems to just pretend not to notice the sarcasm. But he's too smart to not see it.
Why do you think he "forced" Garak to drink Root Beer? Not to make a point, but to get back at him for the snarky quips.
I think he really missed the "I can see the attraction for you." Not cause he's dumb, but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't notice.
Hudson Ball no, he was actually making a very solid point about hoo-mans.
Hear all, trust nothing - Rule of Acquisition 190.
Oh, but it's not sarcasm. At least not in the way you think it is. See, Garak is ALSO a "people person". But in his case, interacting with his customers provides valuable intel. HUMINT is the pinnacle of the IC. To be able to get the information you need just through casual conversation...
The story I heard was that this is *not* how the scene was written. The lines are the same, though. Apparently the DS9 actors would often hole up at Armin's house on the weekends and run scenes together and Andy and Armin came up with this more intense and brooding exchange than the script indicated. The rule on set, though, was no changes in on-script direction without approval, so Armin and Andy showed their version to the director, who then called a line producer down to the set; Armin and Andy ran the scene from the top again and the producer just said, "shoot it." And that's how it was filmed, like you see it here. I think it's awesome that the actors cared so much to woodshed on their time off and put their own creativity into the show. And these two guys were brilliant.
“It’s vile!”
Probably the only time Garak was definitely telling the truth in the entire series!
..... and even here I have my doubts 🤣
Garak: All my stories are true.
Bashir: Even the lies?
Garak: Especially the lies.
People type "lol" all the time, but I swear to God that l laughed out loud when I read this!
@@Imjustasimpleman5310 me too
But I like Root beer!
@@darrylhammett63 That because your insidious
Random person: how would you describe the federation?
Quark: root beer
Germany: "Where's my purity order? That's not a beer!"
@@ravanpee1325 Germans do seem to have a habitual obsession with purity orders, don't they?
@@SukatoKjolen Yes, of course. Everything else is a Beer-mix beeverage
Its interesting to see aliens talking about human drinks like humans talk about alien drinks...
It's like foreigners talking about your accent. Lol.
It's even more interesting when you realize this scene only exists because the episode needed an extra few minutes of time filled.
Haha. Such was the brilliance of these old writers. It was a time when they actually put effort into writing good stories rather than focusing on some nonsense woke propaganda.
@@spacelinx ... Star Trek is the story of a far left communist globalist interplanetary federal government that doesn't discriminate on race, gender, planet of origin, or sexuality with a post-scarcity utopian Earth and believes in cultural and moral relativism so much so that they built their core ruleset, the Prime Directive, around these principles. The entire concept is literally "woke" sci-fi leftist propaganda. The fact that this was lost on you is something I find very amusing if you consider yourself a fan, because you either ignored 99% of the show or were too ignorant to take notice. Fake fan much?
The Gay Frogs : It’s true the Star Trek universe is rooted in far left progressive thinking, and I never denied it. It was more implied and many of the episodes actually present different philosophical ideas that had nothing to do with progressive politics in the first place. But until more recent times they (Star Trek or anyone else) never made storylines just to promote and shove that far left progressive agenda into our faces either. The new Batwoman series is a perfect example of everything wrong with serial writing now. Even the previews for it constantly reminded us of how she was a “strong woman” who “didn’t need to take credit for a man’s work” while stealing a man’s work to become Batwoman. The stories of now have less meaning and more propaganda to shove onto ya, the viewers. That’s the kind of nonsense that I was talking about.
My family and I came to the U.S. as refugees in 1979, and my reaction to tasting root beer for the first time was just like Garak's.
*_Edit:_* I should have mentioned that I have been in love with ROOT BEER since the 80s.
Thank you for all of your responses and shared experiences.
Yes, it's definitely an acquired taste. What's worse is that, even if you get used to it, if you abstain from it for a few years you go back to thinking it awful when you try it again.
Heh. I think it's funny the way people outside the US complain that root beer tastes too much like medicine. If y'all ever tried some of our medicine, you would beg to chase the taste away with root beer.
@@ingasparrow Root Beer tastes like carbonated tooth paste, because tooth paste uses the same flavorings that root beer used first, namely sassafras and sassparilla.
LOL. Try Barq's, it's much better than other root beers. By the way, did you acquire a taste for it?
Well the federation is very much like the United States. In America we are made of all races and nationalities brought to gather by wanting to be free and have a good life
What I loved about this scene, both of them express how much they hate the federation, how vile they consider it and how it “corrupts” everything…
And then it ends with “do you think they can save us?” “I hope so”.
Showing that despite it all, they can see, they know the federation is the only hope for the galaxy.
until something better comes alone
Almost seems like a comparison to real governments and politics.
The Borg is the only hope for the galaxy. They just want to improve the "quality of life" for all species in the milky way😮
"I can see the attraction. For you." Great line by Garek, perfect delivery.
DS9 had such good actors. The two in this scene being two of the best. By the way, Quark cries about how he misses selling root beer to members or the Federation later on lol. Such an awesome show all around.
He might not like the drink, but he'll still sell it.
@ZoeQuinnIsAMurderer The first season had it's moments. The episode "Duet" is one of the best episodes of the entire franchise.
Josh B especially since there are a lot of Humans on board
you should realize that this scene not written originally as played the two actors spend a few days reworking the scene getting the tone and inflections just right
@@lordomacron3719 Some of the best parts of DS9 were from the Cast: Jadzia and Worf's entire relationship for instance, started off with Terry and Micheal plotting to slip the seeds of it into Worf's first DS9 episode, with Jadzia's flirtations in Klingon when they meet at Quark's (followed soon after by Worf bitchslapping the feck out of Martok's family member).
DS9 seemed to be pretty good about Actors getting their own input into their contrast with say, Voyager, where there was a looooot of stress between the Cast and Crew because the actors were being dismissed and feeling like their characters were being taken for granted...especially with Wang and Beltrane, aka Kim and Chakotay...Wang's ideas were often ignored or in one case at least, seemingly outright stolen for another character (a talent show where Kim does impressions of the entire crew for his act...this scene was eventually put in, but the impressions were done by a character while Kim literally stood silent right beside him), and Kim stayed "the eternal Ensign"...meanwhile Beltrane was ignored so often and Chakotay regulated to the sidelines because none of the writers seemed to know what to do with a culturally Native American character, that he just started putting in the minimal effort on set out of protest, especially as the show moved more and more to focusing it's A plots around just Janeway, Seven and/or The EMH in the later seasons.
I haven't heard what the process behind the scenes with Discovery is yet, but Picard's atmosphere is apparently a looooot better then Voyager's, partly because of SirPatStew's centrality to the series and script approval...apparently, Jeri Ryan's updated more grown up/less pin-up take on a post-VOY/post-Borg Seven has been driven with her input (and she in turn, apparently consulted her friends and collegues on how others would see Seven having developed over the past 20 years)...with even more TNG cast being included in the next season, there's a hope that the backstage atmosphere will continue to develop further.
Sidenote: TNG is often described as having the best Behind The Scenes atmosphere of any of the series, after the second season...the first two were a bit rough and rocky, with the dropping out of Yar and Dr. Crusher, and SirPatStew being a bit of a hardass while the rest of the cast being "completely unprofessional"...but Stewart lightened up and even started joining in on the pranks and escapades, while the rest of the cast saw Stewart as an inspiration to take their craft to the next level...and as an encouragement for several to get behind the Camera as directors and writers: Frakes being the obvious standout here, but also Burton and I think, McFadden...
Come to Quark's, Quark's is fun, come right now, don't walk - run!
Phillip James ohh nooo now that's in my head again. Lol
I just love it when the words spin around.
I want to go there and play Dabo
It's better in the original ferengi
I have that printed on a coffee mug
One of the great things about DS9 is that we see how other cultures like the Ferengi and Cardassians view the Federation - an outsider's view so to speak - not just from some guest alien, but from the regular cast memembers, who aren't all Starfleet.
agree, Quark and the klingons episode was also great ;)
The characters in this series were the best, most in depth and most developed of all the Trek shows. And the chemistry of the actors playing off one another...
It's why it was so good.
Indeed. I've been watching this series over the past couple months (after NG) and got to this one last week. God I love and hate (mostly love) Quark and Garak. They are the perfect neutral characters, in the D&D sense.
@@ThePsychophile9 in D&D don't characters in that are neutral have to be either chaotic or good it's been a real long time but I don't remember a neutral neutral character
To bad it was ruined by one characters death...
no way. it was all about data/tasha porn :)
@@tolfan4438 True neutral
I think this might qualify as one of the BEST exchanges in all of Star Trek... so MUCH of the show is just an interaction between officers, or someone and an officer.
Interactions between Quark and Garak are great and their analysis of the Federation awesome.
I like how he casually name drops his cousin here, and later his cousin becomes the premise of one of the best Ferengi episodes in the series.
“It’s just like selling sandwiches.”
The recurring Ferengi characters on this show were certainly a colorful bunch.
"Do you think they'll be able to save us?"
I can't think of a single problem that can't be solved with root beer.
I like how "I know precisely how you feel" is the first and only genuine thing Garak ever said in his life.
I love the look on Garak's face at 2:20 - he knew where Quark was going without needing to be told. Great Scene.
I find it fascinating that Quarks woes lead him to weapons and that Garak’s weapon of choice is information; you could argue the Federation’s weapon of choice is that insidious cultural pressure
The all consuming federation monoculture is a less discussed part of them and they did such a good job highlighting it here. It even has parallels to globalization from the west today.
Gaila: "No one ever went broke selling weapons"
2 years later Quark is paying Gaila's fine cause he's a vagrant
Maybe it's in the wrong place, but didn't Quark do the "gun selling" bit and had a pang of conscience that made him stop?
@@qdllc Yes, "Business as Usual", Season 5 episode 18.
@@qdllc Yeah, his conscience kicked in when the buyer wanted to buy biological weapons that would kill a million of his enemies.
Quark thwarted his cousin and sank the business venture.
was he really? ouch.
Some people don't understand why scenes like this one make Star Trek: Deep Space Nine my favorite Star Trek show ever created.
It was at this scene that I realized how much these two had grown and how much I enjoyed their place in this show
This kind of scene illustrates perfectly why DS9 is my favourite Trek by far.
"I like interacting with my customers, like you and I are doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another."
"I can see the attraction... for you."
Oh, Garek.
Tom Haflinger Gul? He’s not a Gul
@@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 Thank you. The character's name escaped me so I googled "DS9 main Kardassian and saw "Gul Dukat". I thought, "That sounds familiar" and I used that without a second thought.
Tom Haflinger Huh. Alright then, also Gul is a title in case you didn’t know
@@thomastakesatollforthedark2231 Thanks. I gathered that from your previous comment. I watched DS9 from start to end a couple years ago, and I guess I just thought "Gul Dukat" was that bad dude's name.
Tom Haflinger he’s actually one of the heroes of the show
It's kind of amazing, looking back, how Quark's love of economics, and hate of not having customers to rub elbows with, makes him a very shrewd political thinker.
I find it fascinating how Garak called the federation out on the "bubbly, cloying, and happy" part, but Quark was the one to take it a step further into "insidious."
BetaBran You have that backwards. It was Garak who called it insidious.
@@anonygent Fair enough.
I will instead rephrase this to: After Garak had his realization, Quark echoes it to him with partial resignation, as if he's known this for far too long.
Honestly I do love this new perspective I've been getting out of Quark.
@@anonygent, Garak called the root beer insidious. Quark then said "just like the Federation," so Quark really is the one who called the Federation insidious
What are politics but economics in disguise?
"its so bubbly and cloy and happy.....just like the federation" ha gotta love this scene
I'm sure Quark and Garak were a joy to write. The writers must have rubbed their hands in glee every time they appeared.
"It's so bubbly, and cloying... and happy." "How insidious!" lol
Just like the Federation.
Brilliant scene. Quark and Garak are 2 of the most misunderstood characters on this show. Amazing to watch what the writers and producers did with their characters and how much they grew through the seasons.
i've never even watched star trek, but i keep encountering quark videos, and he's convincing me i need to
Quark is my favorite character in all of star trek.
I really did like Quark, but I liked Garak more.
Garak and Quark best characters in Star Trek.... period. I liked Gul Dukat's acting aswell. And the guy who played the main Vorta... ( i just like him automaticaly cause he is Shran in my favourite Star Trek... Enterprise.)
The original Tyrion and Varys
dont compare game of thr*nes to this
Eh....Varys maybe, but Tyrion over all was a nicer person than Quark.
@@JnEricsonx I don't see how Quark is a worse person. The RoA could sound harsh, but he indirectly saved a lot of people by thinking straight when everyone was blinded by harmful outbursts of "white-knightism"
@@Invizive Fair enough, just saying, Tyrion even at the start of the show people seemed to like, vs Quark, who more came across as a greedy asshole.
@@JnEricsonx Maybe in the show.
"I can see the attraction, for you"
"No one ever went broke selling weapons" . . . until he went into business with Quark.
What a great scene. We don't get enough moments with aliens giving their outsider perspective on the Federation. Especially ones like Quark who've chosen to throw their lot in with it.
Garak actually looks _happy_ that he's found something almost as devious as him.
Quark:"No one ever went broke selling weapons"
Mark: "until dads British Aerospace shares went kaput"
There's hundreds of weapon's companies around world. You can shop around if they go under
One of my favorite scenes! And not just because root beer is my favorite drink!
Garak : It's vile!
I'm sure it was. The root beer was completely flat. There was no foam at all when Quark poured it.
That was one of the best dialogs of DS9. In the series. So Bubbly and Quoy. Just like the Federation.
And that my friend, is called writing!
And 2 underrated actors at the top of their game. That's craftsmanship.
This is what Discovery lacks... relatable characters, great writing and good actors... instead we have gender issues, overemotional train wrecks, fat issues... there is so much propaganda that they forgot to actually put some star trek into it... some dialogue.
@@neddhu I feel like a grieving widow trapped in a strip club & watching a blue haired chubby tattooed pole dancer perform her interpritation of my 7 year marriage..
One of the best scenes in the entire franchise.
The scene also uses Kanar as a metaphor for Cardassia. Cardassia's
moment has passed and so Quark is stuck with cases of Kanar, a drink
which was very popular in his bar at one time, but which now no one save
Garak will drink. Quark and Garak turn to root beer, a drink which is a
metaphor for the Federation; they find it vile now, but they will learn
to like it.
Well written, expertly acted - love this scene!
This was probably the best exchange between these two in the entire series. 😁
The writing on this show was outstanding
These are easily the two most interesting characters on the show
every now and again RUclips recommends me this video. I swear every time I watch it there's less pixels than last time.
Damn both of these actors are killing it here. TNG and DS9 ftw.
These two are such well written characters.
"I can see the attraction ... for you." Brilliant.
Quark and Garak are really Federation heroes by the end of ds9
This has got to be one of the most finely written scenes in the history of television
I must go back and re-watch DS9...I missed so many episodes.
As a root beer lover this was always one of my favorite scenes :)
I love how when Quark mentions that its a human drink Garak is immediately hesitant. I Love little moments like that because it slightly highlights how a person views a species. like in the eyes of a Cardassian or a Ferengi, Humans must be a pretty odd bunch.
When great writing and great actors meet. A classic scene like this happens.
DS9: Brilliant writing meets brilliant acting.
Garak:"I can see the attraction for you."
Garak throwing around burns 😂
Still one of THE best scenes in all of the Trek shows.
This is still one of my favorite scenes from any Star Trek franchise. DS9 was excellent at giving all the characters involved a moment to stand on their own and shine. Quark was definitely one of my personal favorites simply because he was a scumbag and knew it, but never disowned it when confronted with it. Garak on the other hand, was an oddity to me, because even down to the very end, you never knew what cards he was holding until he absolutely had to play them. This scene showcases both of them in these moments and I love how they bounce their ideals off one another in order to see just how deep their faith to the Federation truly went.
SISKO: Of course we'll save your asses! My species in particular irradiated its own planet merely for lines on a map! The Dominion doesn't stand a chance!
This is one of the best moments on DS9! Damn, I love this show!
The Federation relies on the carrot while all the other galactic powers rely on the stick.
The Federation doesn't rely on secret police to keep their population in line. (Section 31 is more about espionage and sabotage of the other powers.)
Interesting analogy
Make sure to lace the Carrot with addictive drugs first, like free food, housing and medical aid.
That is a very well rounded way to put it!
The line "Do you think they'll be able to save us?" makes me think of Babylon 5 for some reason. I don't know if it's because Garak's voice seems to remind me of someone from B5 (not sure who) or if it's because this scene has some excellent social commentary about the ideals of the in-universe Earth.
The 90s really were top notch when it came to TV sci-fi. I wish they hadn't rushed B5, messing up Season 5. And DS9 shows Star Trek can be dark and examine the fundamentals of a show, Discovery and Picard just missed the mark so much.
Plus Garak is such a good character. He's done terrible things but he also knows when to do the right thing, even when it is difficult for him (working to crack Cardassian codes or rewiring the transmitter in the Dominon labour camp while suffering claustrophobia, all while his father lay dying next to him).
"I can see the attraction for you"...such a Garak comment
Quark: I like interacting with my customers, like you and I are doing right now. Talking to each other, getting to know one another...
Garak: I can see the attraction - for you.
Brilliant acting from both and awesome writing. DS9 was awesome.
This scene is the biggest backhanded compliment to the federation, dialogue like this is why I love DS9.
DS9 has so many fantastic moments, and this was definitely one of them.
This clip alone shows how well the show was written.
Underrated exchange at 2:00 where they both act like it's some illicit drug or taboo sex act....
My all time favorite scene of DS9. I've watched this series all the way through twice and can barely remember anything about it except, "good, but not great." with the exception of Quark and Odo.
But I've always remembered the disdain he had for root beer and how it symbolized the federation.
"I can see the attraction, for you." Garak simultaneously praising himself and burning Quark on the sly, lmao
One of the greatest dialogues in the show.
They should've put these two CHARACTERS together more often...
Two best characters in the show, in one of the best scenes in the show.
Take note, nothing Quark does is 'on the house', lol. Garak paid for that Knar by being Quark's therapy assistant for a bit XD
Quark is the only one on DS9 that cracks me up. He's hilarious! 🤣
All other moments of this scene aside, what a wonderful inversion of the stereotypical bartender/patron conversation
DS9 is such a masterpiece.
And unlike a certain fantasy show it stayed strong till the end.
Kalenz Game of Thrones...don’t remind me.
The books creeped me out, so I never watched the series, did it end really that badly?
Oh yeah. It bombed hard. Everyone hated it.
NexusDarkworldProductions for real though, everyone hated it, no joke.
@@XLentGamingNetwork The only people who don't like then ending of GOT are fanboi's who wanted Jon and Dani to unite @ the end.
Ah yes, I too serve root beer from a kettle.
This is a brilliant scene. Makes me want to watch DS9 again.
my eyes are burning because of the low quality, but damn he´s such a performer, and had a point right there.
Really liked the Quark character. The various set ups that won the war were typically accomplished by Quark and Garick. Those two were more alike than not. Four or five steps ahead of just about everyone. Masterful story telling.
One of the best scenes in the entire show