Wow, Jim Senpai noticed me! No but seriously im not a big channel, so the fact the dev reacted the way he did was a surprise to me. In fact the 40 subs I have are mostly due to the videos i did on Shooter Tactics. The first one was supposed to be the only one, and i even said my biggest issue was with the devs behavior. The game could be salvaged and have a future as a mixed-review cheapo shooter, but the devs ruined that with their tantrum. Since then ive been harassed by this dev, ive been reported for trade scame on steam (never done a trade with anybody), ive had my videos posted on various forums by the dev in an attempt to get people to harass me more (failed every time), and when that all failed he resorted to sending me rape and death threats. I dont know what the other youtuber has had to deal with, but i wouldnt be surprised if it was more of the same. Also, according to several profiles he has, the developer claims to be 51 years old. One th one hand I feel bad for the guy, as he claims to have a lot of pride in his game and it hurts to have people tell you your work is bad. But on the other hand hes trying to sell us a product on Steam and treats his potential customers like this. Theres no excuse for it. None. Brace yourself Jim, if past behavior is anything to go on, youve got a shit storm coming.
The Guy In Shades I'd wager a guess and say it's to avoid being harassed by that homophobic barely-competent idiot. As much as he deserves criticism, it's clear that the dev is a genuinely unstable man and provoking him is only something you want to do if you are open to the risk.
+Ordinary Bell wait, seriously? i do not want to sound racist, it really isn't my intention, but isn't that the most stereotypical Australian name out there, bar maybe Koala Marmite?
TrueChickenlord Yup, that's a stereotypical Australian name, I'd venture a guess that this guy is a "Bogan" it would explain his name, his douchy conduct and his trouble with basic spelling.
Very 'professional' of the Dev to let his whole pc nosie get recorded. All it was missing was the Bandicam splash at the top. Tiny it of shame for the Australian lively-hood though
+Hyperion9900 To be fair I also only know how to record all my outgoing PC sounds when using Fraps. I also however make sure only the thing I am recording is making sounds, and would restart if something did interefere.
Of course, the developer throws out the "let's see you do better" argument when commenting on that video... that's a beyond weak argument - a persons ability to do something, or lack of ability to do something, in no way invalidates their opinions on the given subject. Shows the maturity level of the dev... well, shows it about as much as "tactical anal insertion" does, I should say.
+Kurisu Yamato Of course they did. For example, it makes total sense that if you want to criticize a triple A game worth 100 million dollars, you need to make a 100 million dollar game before you can criticize it.
+Kurisu Yamato Well, Cave Story is an infinitely better and more popular game, done by one guy, so there you go. Bloodlust: Shadowhunter has procedural content ergo infinite levels of very fun content, also made by one person. So he has no excuse, people have done much better than this.
+Kurisu Yamato Well, it helps to have made a game, or have experience in it somehow... But yeah, I think that argument only really works in cases of morality... Although, morality is somewhat subjective anyway so... I dunno >_>;
+Kurisu Yamato No its not, if you do not have the knowledge to make an informed or constructing criticism about something then dont, you look like a ignorant. Everybody is criticizing how the game looks but thats not the job of the programmer and rarely a same person can be the best programmer and designer at the same time.
+Jim Sterling In your opinion, are those guys just passionate about making games, but just terrible and delusional about their craftmanship ? Or are they simply trolls pulling together a quick and dirty game, hoping that lulz and the son of jim fucking sterling might get them to sell a bit and cover their cost ? TL;DR : actual stupid dev, or real troll business plan ?
As someone who is working with Unity, I know that it is hard to make a game so it is important to remember that using pre-made assets is not immediately a bad thing because unless you know a decent amount about everything (modelling, coding, etc), it is a nightmare to try and do that by yourself (and all that to have someone come by and say that it looks/works like crap), so take it easy on judging games with assets you may recognize. But goddamn these guys take the piss. And then, they hide behind the scripts "The game wouldn't work without my code" yes, only if not for the fact that those are also sold on the asset store making their game an ode to Drag n' Drop. I am surprised by the fact that this guy sounds like he's on his 20's because for me, the kind of monkeys behind this are a bunch of 12-16 year old kids who want to play developer and convince their mom and dad that they are making an awesome goddamn game and that they need money to buy that Unitz pack plus the 100 for the greenlight fee.
+joaomlo2 i've been noticing a recurring theme between the asset flippers, and the "I added the code excuse, this wouldn't work without". while my only experience with game developing was making some rpg maker games, and a runner game with construct 2(both of these hidden in a vault somewhere, to ensure they never reach the light of day,), understanding how frustrating criticism can be sometimes, but I never understand how people get to this level of total meltdown.
+joaomlo2 It's perfectly fine to use Unity, as far as I can tell from the vids and screenshots I've seen so far both on the unitystore and some Greenlight presentations, it can help you cut some corners to get a nice finished product. The problem is: Unity is supposed to be your starting point from where you have to develop the rest of the game, not the final product itself. And all those vids about maps with missing basic stuff like actual map lighting just makes me laugh a lot tbh. Personally I've been modding, coding, animating and texturing since the end of the 90s (on a sidenote: I'm currently working on a more classical FPS with the ioquake3 engine as a hobby project, which means classical coding with a standard editor and modeling/mapping etc with the classic tools, no drag&drop luxury involved), and whenever I released a mod or a map I wanted it to look as perfect as possible right from the start, and not an early WIP.
+joaomlo2 Hey, I was having a discussion with some people in yesterday's video ("Garbage Day") about how much one of these Unity games costs to make - assets bought vs assets gotten for free, free Unity vs full version, that sort of thing. As someone who uses Unity and its asset store (albeit with a lot more effort than the guys in these videos) how much would you expect one of these projects to end up costing?
Fors Clavigera On our project (it is basically a Mario Galaxy clone)we only bought assets for the player character (we are still going to learn how to animate), scenery decorations and particles. The planet where the character plays on, the UI and scripts were all done by us. We didn't spend a cent. Depends on how much you know. Don't let anyone whine about how buying the tools is expensive because you don't need the Pro version to make a good game and for modelling and coding you can use both Blender (Free) and Visual Studio Community (Free) respectively plus Visual Studio also has a decent set of tools to create/edit images to take care of the UI. If you don't know anything about modelling, there are plenty of youtube tutorials that, given time of course, will teach you the way around the program you use. As for coding, knowing nothing about C# or Javascript makes it VERY hard for you to be able to do anything by yourself, even with tutorials, so that is where these developers should stop and reconsider, but instead, they go all-out and jump into the Asset Store. So, talking about this game, I spotted the asset store products/packs: -Tropical Island (40$) ? -FPS Weapons (90$) -(Probably) Photon Unity Networking(Free) -plus the camera controllers and other model packs which may go about 50$ Take all that, drag, drop, repeat and in the end, you have games like this and the many Unitz iterations. Don't get me wrong, the guy behind this game has some knowledge because I am sure he made that menu putting that footage there, but perhaps when he saw what he would have to do for the actual game, he went decided to throw money at it instead of making anything else of his own. But the biggest mistake all these "asset flippers" do is WORKING ALONE. You can't expect your game to be any good if you work alone. Sure there are stories of success, but those were people who knew their way around Unity to start with and that took them YEARS until they had a good game. If you want to make something good but you don't know much, then get together with someone experienced that you know and present them with your idea if they join you, good, if not, then don't go lone wolf, straight to the asset store.
Jim, you're asking yourself why these people have pride in their projects even when the assets are not original. What I think is the case, is that they are programmers. I'm one too, working on hobby projects in unity. (never tried to sell a game though) I use the asset store (though as minimal as I can), use copyright 0 textures and sound and random animations that I found on the internet. But I am proud of what I've made. The games are so much more than you can see. Under the hood there's so much going on. The game of this particular dev has multiplayer. And you know, multiplayer is a nightmare to code (I know that out of experience) He might have spend more than a year on the multiplayer code if he wrote it from scratch, like I did. I get why he is proud. His code works, it looks ok and there's more gameplay to be had than in my game. But I do condemn this devs behaviour. He just doesn't know how to react when his 'master piece' is questioned. I've learned as an admin on a forum and as a dev getting his game critisized that it's sometimes better to just not react and leave it be.
+Geoxion Judging from the fact that even his character controller is a stock asset, I don't think he 'coded' his own anything, let alone multiplayer. In fact, I looked up some multiplayer packs and found a few that would let an idiot like this guy drag and drop with minimal changes to get working multiplayer, as well as a couple of step by step tutorials on how to implement them. Regardless, I fully agree that he should be looked down on for being proud of his work, in the same way that you would look down on a dog that is proud of the turd it left in your room.
+Geoxion Its already been confirmed that this is based off a $200 asset pack which includes all the multiplayer and lobby code. I very much doubt he is a programmer. And to lump him in with one is as offensive as saying people who spend all day making macro images are artists.
+Geoxion I approve of your mindset, but like others have mentioned it seems like he didn't do his own work like you did. Someone like you who personally programmed would indeed deserve the respect for actually putting in the time you did by being called a programmer, but as it seems this guy did just buy the multiplayer code I would personally feel like I would be insulting you and others if I called him a programmer as clearly there is a huge gap of care between the two.
+Liarra ‘Heart’ Sniffles Ok, didn't know. But I don't think he should be looked down on like you say. Murderers and rapists should be looked down upon. Anyway, this dev is proud of his work for some reason. I remember that when I showed my game on a forum that I got loads of positive feedback. They all loved the idea behind it. But there was one comment...: "The graphics could be better" I was really thrown of by the comment. I didn't know what to say because I though my game did look pretty good for a programmer like me... So I said that I'd work on the graphics later some more. But still I thought about that comment for some days. And it wasn't even negative or offensive. So wether or not his pride is justified, he is proud. I got thrown off by a fairly neutral comment, so I can get what happens when you get a ton of negative comments. And as unpopular this in this comment section it might be: I kinda feel for the dev. Kinda.
Geoxion its important as a programmer to be aware of what you /can't/ do especially in a game development situation and work to it. This is why you see more successful small teams than single successful devs. Because the programmer realizes she needs an artist and the artist realizes he needs a programmer. Games more often than not are team efforts for exactly this reason. There are the exceptions of course but thats why they are exceptions. I'm not saying you are wrong to feel thrown by that comment, but I am saying that perhaps that it shows (at least at that time in your life) that you hadn't fully accepted your weaknesses.
***** Might as well. There's simulator game for everything these days. I'm waiting for Simulator Simulator, where you get to simulate making and interacting in a simulator. Or how about Stimulator Simulator? That's right up Jim's alley, I bet.
I love how this dev, who is clearly Australian in some sense (judging by the accent), thinks the best way to show that a camp belongs to Australian forces is to slap a fucking didgeridoo on someone's bed. Like that's something practical and reasonable to bring into a war zone
These kind of vids are great ones to have beside the normal Jimquisition episodes. I enjoy seeing the random shit 'devs' getting pissy over the interwebs x'3 However, nothing can beat that interview you did with one of em.
+Nek klik I know right?! at firts (ba dum tss) I thought he was Russian or w/e, but when I heard this Bogan delight, it blew my heat (ba dum tss). Even my broken English is Shakespeare in comparison lol XD
Do you think making the most generic early 2000s looking shooter game was a dream come true for this developer? Like, he sat there dreaming of gameplay mechanics and ideas that he could pull off and they all came together to make Poundland Call of Duty.
With every passing greenlight trailer I get closer to the day where the only way I'd be able to convay my absolute confusion is post a wall of text consisting of nothing but "WHAT!"
Jim, this developer and many others on Greenlight are an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect - this is is when people are unable to recognise their own incompetence and suffer an illusion of superiority.
"steam is like a pillow factory full of nits and windows store is like a toy shop with a rubic cube for a door handle that has also been glued so you cant turn it." - Dev
With every petulant, crybaby developer throwing a tantrum because people don't like their shitty little Unity game, I feel myself being drawn more and more towards making my own game and doing everything properly, just to prove a point.
+RedWolf Productions Well, if you do, *Take* *Your* *Time!* The best thing about going indie AND solo is that you don't have a deadline to meet. Remember: "A late game is late until it ships, a bad game is bad until the end of time." - By Shigeru Miyamoto or "A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever." -By Shigeru Miyamoto
+RedWolf Productions Well, as someone who has studied game design myself for a couple of years, the best advice I can give you is, conversely, don't go it alone. Yeah, you do hear of single-person successes, but such efforts usually take YEARS and a LOT of study, trial and error to get to where they are today. If you otherwise get stuck, I'd recommend making your concept a team effort, as others may possess knowledge you might not have or know enough about to handle on your own. Whatever happens, RW, best of luck from this RUclips peruser from Down Under.
Wait, isn't that video footage from a video by the RUclips Chanel Alltime conspiracy? I'm going off of the logo in the top left. Just did some research and found it is their video. In fact it's from their video 'how dangerous is China?' The footage we saw at the start is from about 0:28 into the original video... Hmmm
Knowing that he's an Aussie too, I kind of feel bad for him. I mean, yeah he's acting like a psychopath, but the spelling and grammar mistakes in game make me think that he may be somewhat illiterate. So, in a way, go him. It's probably where the creative pride Jim mentions comes from. If he didn't respond with vitriolic tirades and just chugged along, trying to improve I'd even say he was doing a good thing.
The developer has a strong Australian accent. I am Australian too and it hurts me to say this about a fellow Aussie, but Jim, please add this developer to your list of owned developers like Digital Homicide! LOL
The dev fails to understand that if you release a game to the public and since the public has the right to free speech, there will be criticism. Being able to use it to improve your craft is the mark of a mature dev that respects their audience. If he is not willing to do that, why spend 200 dollars to do something he doesn't want ?
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracys im almost certain that the eye logo in the top left is theirs
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracies I think the eye in the corner is there logo
I think the reason that they are proud of their games, even if it is an asset flip is that even though they aren't making the graphics, they are making an effort (not a lot mind you) to make a game of some sort. And this becomes a labor of love. Does the developer take it too far? Yes. But, this is why I think they think that they react with such passion.
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracies I think the eye in the corner is there logol
+Kd320schannel Steam Newswire - Digital Homicide, Developer and Publisher of such classic titles as 'The Slaughtering Grounds' and 'Six Nights at Suzie's', has announced that they are acquiring the Greenlight title 'Shooter Tactics - Tactical Anal Insertion' and the developer behind the title, [OFAC]fatfly, for an undisclosed sum. Head of Digital Homicide, Robert Romine said the following about their newest hire "After viewing the Greenlight trailer and fatfly's handling of criticism, we knew we had to add his talent to our team. Fatfly will be heading up our Australian office and will continue to develop unity titles under the Digital Homicide brand. After ST-TAI, Fatfly's next assignment will be creating a sequel to the cult classic "The Slaughtering Grounds""
+Sean “DeViLzzz” DeMarco then again its a bit competent to be one of their games not that this game is very competent it just is not horrible when compared to digital homicides games
I suppose a lot of us were taking refuge in the idea that these devs throwing tantrums were usually teens/young adults, but this guy and the Digital Homicide crew are here to dispel that illusion ._.
It doesn't even matter if a game is shit or an amazing masterpiece, a creator should NEVER react this way to criticism, even if all of it really is trolling and bullying. You either respond politely and take the comments to heart, or you ignore it, acting defensive and reacting in this manner is NEVER a good idea
I'm new to this channel, does Jim review good indie games that come on Steam? Or are there none (cuz I kinda stopped following that after so much shit)?
As someone who has created free content for games in the past, nothing major or special, you put it out there in the wide, wide world and you accept to be criticised, even if it was created for free. You either take it on the chin and ignore or take it on board and improve. Either way, the best reply is "many thanks for your input" no matter how pissed off or unappreciated you feel.
Dunno if someone already pointed this out, but the "news footage" is a video from Alltime conspiracies. Doubt the "developer" has a permission to use their work.
How could you say something like that about firts? The Dev even said that it was intentional! "the firts and heatshots are purposely made mistakes from the italian programmer in mexico and i thought it would be funny not correcting the 2 lines of 20000 script lines [...] "(I apologize if I forgot to correctly copy some mistakes, as youtube wont allow me to copy the comment from steam into the comment box) This is the kind of shit that happens without quality control on Greenlight Thank God for you, Jim
"I wish Australia were featured in more video games!"
*shooter tactics trailer*
"Your honour, I withdraw my request."
Hey, at least that bastard only mentioned New Zealand.
+Castor Quinn Well he tried, and I agree, request withdrawn
+Castor Quinn I don't wish Australia was featured in more video games. It is a dark place, an evil place. There is nothing for us there, only despair.
+Castor Quinn Forgotten Hope 2, a mod for Battlefield 2 (2005) has the Australian Army as a faction.
+Castor Quinn well if you want a GOOD Australian game that went through greenlight and Early Access lookup Armello. it's out in full now.
God, I hope he shows up in this videos comment section.
+DownClownTownFrown We all do. I'm already microwaving some popcorn in preparation.
+DownClownTownFrown I know right
+KodeOwen you spelt grammar wrong
+Nuka Junkie dam, the irony
Wow, Jim Senpai noticed me! No but seriously im not a big channel, so the fact the dev reacted the way he did was a surprise to me. In fact the 40 subs I have are mostly due to the videos i did on Shooter Tactics. The first one was supposed to be the only one, and i even said my biggest issue was with the devs behavior. The game could be salvaged and have a future as a mixed-review cheapo shooter, but the devs ruined that with their tantrum. Since then ive been harassed by this dev, ive been reported for trade scame on steam (never done a trade with anybody), ive had my videos posted on various forums by the dev in an attempt to get people to harass me more (failed every time), and when that all failed he resorted to sending me rape and death threats. I dont know what the other youtuber has had to deal with, but i wouldnt be surprised if it was more of the same. Also, according to several profiles he has, the developer claims to be 51 years old.
One th one hand I feel bad for the guy, as he claims to have a lot of pride in his game and it hurts to have people tell you your work is bad. But on the other hand hes trying to sell us a product on Steam and treats his potential customers like this. Theres no excuse for it. None.
Brace yourself Jim, if past behavior is anything to go on, youve got a shit storm coming.
You called that one mate!
AarkTheDragon Why did you delete them? I really wanted to see them...
The Guy In Shades I'd wager a guess and say it's to avoid being harassed by that homophobic barely-competent idiot. As much as he deserves criticism, it's clear that the dev is a genuinely unstable man and provoking him is only something you want to do if you are open to the risk.
Hey, we found one of our first bogan developers! What a discovery!
grab your popcorn lads, i smell another war comin'
you seem to be everywhere
I just saw you commenting on IHE's vid on his loss of a channel.
Vapor is right, you pop up all over.
I just saw you commenting on IHE's vid on his loss of a channel.
Vapor is right, you pop up all over.
I just saw you commenting on IHE's vid on his loss of a channel.
Vapor is right, you pop up all over.
@CreepsMcPasta Vapor is right, you pop up all over lol.
I saw you on the IHE vid comments last night.
...oh my gosh, he sounds exactly like Eric Idle doing an Australian accent.
+Colin Huth Turns out the Dev's name is Bruce.
+Ordinary Bell wait, seriously? i do not want to sound racist, it really isn't my intention, but isn't that the most stereotypical Australian name out there, bar maybe Koala Marmite?
Yup, that's a stereotypical Australian name, I'd venture a guess that this guy is a "Bogan" it would explain his name, his douchy conduct and his trouble with basic spelling.
+Leviadragon Mind filling me in? i've no idea what a "Bogan" is.
Oh my, first time I caught a Jim video on release.
+Fawful0 Me tii . Just watched the other trailer and WAMM there it is. New trailervid.
+Fawful0 hot off the presses you son of a bitch
I think you mean Firts
Was there a skype call being cancelled in the gameplay recording?
+Hyperion9900 Made me stare down my skype for a few..
+Hyperion9900 Yes, very bizarre
Very 'professional' of the Dev to let his whole pc nosie get recorded. All it was missing was the Bandicam splash at the top.
Tiny it of shame for the Australian lively-hood though
+Hyperion9900 To be fair I also only know how to record all my outgoing PC sounds when using Fraps.
I also however make sure only the thing I am recording is making sounds, and would restart if something did interefere.
I spontaneously came all over my monitor the moment I heard the dev accused critics of "swimming in that sea of sexual retardation".
Why release something if you can't handle criticism?
+devilmikey00 Because they take it as an attack on THEMSELVES and not their work
+Redmond Ironic because It's not even their work
+devilmikey00 Bogan power, mate
+devilmikey00 to make money
Given his accent, and his intelligence, and the game's apparent subject matter, I think the dev is Pauline Hanson's son.
Of course, the developer throws out the "let's see you do better" argument when commenting on that video... that's a beyond weak argument - a persons ability to do something, or lack of ability to do something, in no way invalidates their opinions on the given subject.
Shows the maturity level of the dev... well, shows it about as much as "tactical anal insertion" does, I should say.
+Kurisu Yamato Of course they did. For example, it makes total sense that if you want to criticize a triple A game worth 100 million dollars, you need to make a 100 million dollar game before you can criticize it.
+Kurisu Yamato Well, Cave Story is an infinitely better and more popular game, done by one guy, so there you go. Bloodlust: Shadowhunter has procedural content ergo infinite levels of very fun content, also made by one person. So he has no excuse, people have done much better than this.
+Kurisu Yamato Well, it helps to have made a game, or have experience in it somehow... But yeah, I think that argument only really works in cases of morality... Although, morality is somewhat subjective anyway so... I dunno >_>;
+Kurisu Yamato No its not, if you do not have the knowledge to make an informed or constructing criticism about something then dont, you look like a ignorant.
Everybody is criticizing how the game looks but thats not the job of the programmer and rarely a same person can be the best programmer and designer at the same time.
Same kind of argument my nephew has used before... but he's only 4 so...
anyone else think the developer sounds really drunk...
+Spiro20004 Reminds me of an Australian Harry Plinkett.
+Spiro20004 That was my firts thought as well. He really doesn't sound right in the heat.
+Living Myth your probably not the firts person to suggest that.
+Jim Sterling In your opinion, are those guys just passionate about making games, but just terrible and delusional about their craftmanship ?
Or are they simply trolls pulling together a quick and dirty game, hoping that lulz and the son of jim fucking sterling might get them to sell a bit and cover their cost ?
TL;DR : actual stupid dev, or real troll business plan ?
As someone who is working with Unity, I know that it is hard to make a game so it is important to remember that using pre-made assets is not immediately a bad thing because unless you know a decent amount about everything (modelling, coding, etc), it is a nightmare to try and do that by yourself (and all that to have someone come by and say that it looks/works like crap), so take it easy on judging games with assets you may recognize.
But goddamn these guys take the piss. And then, they hide behind the scripts "The game wouldn't work without my code" yes, only if not for the fact that those are also sold on the asset store making their game an ode to Drag n' Drop.
I am surprised by the fact that this guy sounds like he's on his 20's because for me, the kind of monkeys behind this are a bunch of 12-16 year old kids who want to play developer and convince their mom and dad that they are making an awesome goddamn game and that they need money to buy that Unitz pack plus the 100 for the greenlight fee.
+joaomlo2 i've been noticing a recurring theme between the asset flippers, and the "I added the code excuse, this wouldn't work without". while my only experience with game developing was making some rpg maker games, and a runner game with construct 2(both of these hidden in a vault somewhere, to ensure they never reach the light of day,), understanding how frustrating criticism can be sometimes, but I never understand how people get to this level of total meltdown.
+joaomlo2 He's in his early 50's. He has several online forum bios that all give the same age.
+joaomlo2 It's perfectly fine to use Unity, as far as I can tell from the vids and screenshots I've seen so far both on the unitystore and some Greenlight presentations, it can help you cut some corners to get a nice finished product. The problem is: Unity is supposed to be your starting point from where you have to develop the rest of the game, not the final product itself. And all those vids about maps with missing basic stuff like actual map lighting just makes me laugh a lot tbh. Personally I've been modding, coding, animating and texturing since the end of the 90s (on a sidenote: I'm currently working on a more classical FPS with the ioquake3 engine as a hobby project, which means classical coding with a standard editor and modeling/mapping etc with the classic tools, no drag&drop luxury involved), and whenever I released a mod or a map I wanted it to look as perfect as possible right from the start, and not an early WIP.
+joaomlo2 Hey, I was having a discussion with some people in yesterday's video ("Garbage Day") about how much one of these Unity games costs to make - assets bought vs assets gotten for free, free Unity vs full version, that sort of thing. As someone who uses Unity and its asset store (albeit with a lot more effort than the guys in these videos) how much would you expect one of these projects to end up costing?
Fors Clavigera On our project (it is basically a Mario Galaxy clone)we only bought assets for the player character (we are still going to learn how to animate), scenery decorations and particles. The planet where the character plays on, the UI and scripts were all done by us. We didn't spend a cent.
Depends on how much you know. Don't let anyone whine about how buying the tools is expensive because you don't need the Pro version to make a good game and for modelling and coding you can use both Blender (Free) and Visual Studio Community (Free) respectively plus Visual Studio also has a decent set of tools to create/edit images to take care of the UI. If you don't know anything about modelling, there are plenty of youtube tutorials that, given time of course, will teach you the way around the program you use. As for coding, knowing nothing about C# or Javascript makes it VERY hard for you to be able to do anything by yourself, even with tutorials, so that is where these developers should stop and reconsider, but instead, they go all-out and jump into the Asset Store.
So, talking about this game, I spotted the asset store products/packs:
-Tropical Island (40$) ?
-FPS Weapons (90$)
-(Probably) Photon Unity Networking(Free)
-plus the camera controllers and other model packs which may go about 50$
Take all that, drag, drop, repeat and in the end, you have games like this and the many Unitz iterations.
Don't get me wrong, the guy behind this game has some knowledge because I am sure he made that menu putting that footage there, but perhaps when he saw what he would have to do for the actual game, he went decided to throw money at it instead of making anything else of his own.
But the biggest mistake all these "asset flippers" do is WORKING ALONE. You can't expect your game to be any good if you work alone. Sure there are stories of success, but those were people who knew their way around Unity to start with and that took them YEARS until they had a good game. If you want to make something good but you don't know much, then get together with someone experienced that you know and present them with your idea if they join you, good, if not, then don't go lone wolf, straight to the asset store.
Jim, you're asking yourself why these people have pride in their projects even when the assets are not original.
What I think is the case, is that they are programmers.
I'm one too, working on hobby projects in unity. (never tried to sell a game though)
I use the asset store (though as minimal as I can), use copyright 0 textures and sound and random animations that I found on the internet.
But I am proud of what I've made. The games are so much more than you can see.
Under the hood there's so much going on.
The game of this particular dev has multiplayer. And you know, multiplayer is a nightmare to code (I know that out of experience)
He might have spend more than a year on the multiplayer code if he wrote it from scratch, like I did.
I get why he is proud.
His code works, it looks ok and there's more gameplay to be had than in my game.
But I do condemn this devs behaviour.
He just doesn't know how to react when his 'master piece' is questioned.
I've learned as an admin on a forum and as a dev getting his game critisized that it's sometimes better to just not react and leave it be.
+Geoxion Judging from the fact that even his character controller is a stock asset, I don't think he 'coded' his own anything, let alone multiplayer.
In fact, I looked up some multiplayer packs and found a few that would let an idiot like this guy drag and drop with minimal changes to get working multiplayer, as well as a couple of step by step tutorials on how to implement them.
Regardless, I fully agree that he should be looked down on for being proud of his work, in the same way that you would look down on a dog that is proud of the turd it left in your room.
+Geoxion Its already been confirmed that this is based off a $200 asset pack which includes all the multiplayer and lobby code. I very much doubt he is a programmer. And to lump him in with one is as offensive as saying people who spend all day making macro images are artists.
+Geoxion I approve of your mindset, but like others have mentioned it seems like he didn't do his own work like you did. Someone like you who personally programmed would indeed deserve the respect for actually putting in the time you did by being called a programmer, but as it seems this guy did just buy the multiplayer code I would personally feel like I would be insulting you and others if I called him a programmer as clearly there is a huge gap of care between the two.
+Liarra ‘Heart’ Sniffles Ok, didn't know. But I don't think he should be looked down on like you say. Murderers and rapists should be looked down upon.
Anyway, this dev is proud of his work for some reason.
I remember that when I showed my game on a forum that I got loads of positive feedback. They all loved the idea behind it. But there was one comment...: "The graphics could be better"
I was really thrown of by the comment. I didn't know what to say because I though my game did look pretty good for a programmer like me...
So I said that I'd work on the graphics later some more.
But still I thought about that comment for some days. And it wasn't even negative or offensive.
So wether or not his pride is justified, he is proud. I got thrown off by a fairly neutral comment, so I can get what happens when you get a ton of negative comments. And as unpopular this in this comment section it might be: I kinda feel for the dev. Kinda.
Geoxion its important as a programmer to be aware of what you /can't/ do especially in a game development situation and work to it.
This is why you see more successful small teams than single successful devs. Because the programmer realizes she needs an artist and the artist realizes he needs a programmer.
Games more often than not are team efforts for exactly this reason. There are the exceptions of course but thats why they are exceptions.
I'm not saying you are wrong to feel thrown by that comment, but I am saying that perhaps that it shows (at least at that time in your life) that you hadn't fully accepted your weaknesses.
Wait, there's a Moustache Simulator?!
Oh. There isn't.
***** Might as well. There's simulator game for everything these days. I'm waiting for Simulator Simulator, where you get to simulate making and interacting in a simulator.
Or how about Stimulator Simulator? That's right up Jim's alley, I bet.
dont give then ideas
***** All right, you have my attention. How would a No Simulator work? Sell me the idea!
+Nick Piers With a Warfstache DLC ?
+Nick Piers
Wouldn't any WW1 game count as a Moustache simulator?
I love how this dev, who is clearly Australian in some sense (judging by the accent), thinks the best way to show that a camp belongs to Australian forces is to slap a fucking didgeridoo on someone's bed. Like that's something practical and reasonable to bring into a war zone
This game was published on Steam in Dec. 2021 as "Aussie Clowns At War".
So god is dead at this point ....
For fucks sake he's Australian. Great representation of our prison nation.
"Because the developer is... 'unique'."
OOOOOO we got another one laddies and gentlefolk!
These kind of vids are great ones to have beside the normal Jimquisition episodes. I enjoy seeing the random shit 'devs' getting pissy over the interwebs x'3 However, nothing can beat that interview you did with one of em.
Let him spew, we shall BATHE in it. BATHE!
+vlad stronsy and laugh
Whatever floats ya boat
wait the developer is actually native to the english language? wow.
+Nek klik I know right?! at firts (ba dum tss) I thought he was Russian or w/e, but when I heard this Bogan delight, it blew my heat (ba dum tss). Even my broken English is Shakespeare in comparison lol XD
+Nek klik Well, he is Australian, so about as native to the English language as a plate of dung is native to a 4 star Michelin restaurant.
Do you think making the most generic early 2000s looking shooter game was a dream come true for this developer? Like, he sat there dreaming of gameplay mechanics and ideas that he could pull off and they all came together to make Poundland Call of Duty.
I look forward to seeing the dev have a fit over this.
Can't wait to see if this dev comes at Jim, the ensuing battle could be one for the ages.
we sure this isn't digital homicide?
I don't think Digital Homicide are bogans.
+Dragoon-BB it would be worse
+Dragoon-BB Yeah, we're sure.
Yeah, please don't lumber us with DigiHom. It's bad enough we have to bear the shame of producing this guy.
+Dragoon-BB I honestly think Slaughtering Grounds would make something better.
With every passing greenlight trailer I get closer to the day where the only way I'd be able to convay my absolute confusion is post a wall of text consisting of nothing but "WHAT!"
I cannot stop laughing at firts help
Whel firts uop neefs 2 tak a deup bureth.
+Icy Flamedragon I for one breat through my skin
I compleetly cracked up when the developer claimed that the spelling errors were included *on purpose by his italian programmar in mexico*
Icy Flamedragon true, I guess the "dev" doesn't even know how to go through game files with ctrl+F
Please lets not ruin the magic of firts
Jim, this developer and many others on Greenlight are an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect - this is is when people are unable to recognise their own incompetence and suffer an illusion of superiority.
I'm almost 100% sure I've seen the city street setting at 3:40 in one of the other asset flip things Jim has covered.
"steam is like a pillow factory full of nits and windows store is like a toy shop with a rubic cube for a door handle that has also been glued so you cant turn it." - Dev
As a New Zealander, I'm truly sorry for my fellow Australasian
With every petulant, crybaby developer throwing a tantrum because people don't like their shitty little Unity game, I feel myself being drawn more and more towards making my own game and doing everything properly, just to prove a point.
+RedWolf Productions Well, if you do, *Take* *Your* *Time!* The best thing about going indie AND solo is that you don't have a deadline to meet.
"A late game is late until it ships, a bad game is bad until the end of time."
- By Shigeru Miyamoto
"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever."
-By Shigeru Miyamoto
Do it! Do it! Do it!
+RedWolf Productions See you on best of steam greenlight trailers in a year.
Tony Davis
That's my point; I would take my time. It's still something I'm only toying with the idea of, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted.
+RedWolf Productions
Well, as someone who has studied game design myself for a couple of years, the best advice I can give you is, conversely, don't go it alone. Yeah, you do hear of single-person successes, but such efforts usually take YEARS and a LOT of study, trial and error to get to where they are today. If you otherwise get stuck, I'd recommend making your concept a team effort, as others may possess knowledge you might not have or know enough about to handle on your own.
Whatever happens, RW, best of luck from this RUclips peruser from Down Under.
Wait, isn't that video footage from a video by the RUclips Chanel Alltime conspiracy? I'm going off of the logo in the top left.
Just did some research and found it is their video. In fact it's from their video 'how dangerous is China?' The footage we saw at the start is from about 0:28 into the original video... Hmmm
That ammo counter on the bottom right is the exact some one from "Into The War", that dead FPS they shoved onto Steam.
Looks alright... for an N64 game.
+M Jonsson I think you meant Atari game
+KaiserAfini I think you mean a TYGER electronic cereal box game
+tbonevideos23 I think you mean an abacus.
+M Jonsson Does anyone ACTUALLY remember what games looked like pre 360/PS3 generation?
Matt T Yeah we're exaggerating here
But you got to admit this is pretty bad looking
Was really hoping to see the dev in the comments section... I REALLY hope he pulls a DH :')
..... I think the dev confused "trailer" with "let's play"
and "artistic integrity" with "bold-faced asset swiping"
"You call that an asset flip?! That's not an asset flip. Now this is an asset flip!"
Knowing that he's an Aussie too, I kind of feel bad for him. I mean, yeah he's acting like a psychopath, but the spelling and grammar mistakes in game make me think that he may be somewhat illiterate. So, in a way, go him. It's probably where the creative pride Jim mentions comes from.
If he didn't respond with vitriolic tirades and just chugged along, trying to improve I'd even say he was doing a good thing.
Man, hearing these people talk is so interesting because it proves they exist.
You know it's going to be good when Dev resorts to voodoo theory to explain why their game is good
After looking at all the comments the developer was making, I was more than a bit shocked when it turned out he was a native speaker of English.
0:00-0:41 What's with the eye in the upper left corner isn't that the logo for Alltime Conspiracies?
How is this only a year old? It feels like it's at least 2 years old.
Now it is.
I wonder if the dev will respond to this video.
Is that the jungle from Digital Homicide's Primate trailer at 10:42?
Wow. With those spelling mistakes I thought this was another Russian developer who was trying to do the English version themselves.
I'll be your copy editor, Jim! I was the editor in chief of my school newspaper when I was 11!
wait a god damn second. In the main menu in the top left thats the Alltime Conspiracies logo
Alltime Conspiracies video for menu footage, nice. Do they even know how to find stock video footage?
wow that developer is not just melting down, he's close to going postal, lol
The developer has a strong Australian accent. I am Australian too and it hurts me to say this about a fellow Aussie, but Jim, please add this developer to your list of owned developers like Digital Homicide! LOL
One thing this has over Slaughtering Grounds is that at least the minutes only have 60 seconds.
The dev fails to understand that if you release a game to the public and since the public has the right to free speech, there will be criticism. Being able to use it to improve your craft is the mark of a mature dev that respects their audience. If he is not willing to do that, why spend 200 dollars to do something he doesn't want ?
I can't wait to see his reaction to your video really
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracys im almost certain that the eye logo in the top left is theirs
"Get good, as they say..."
Jim Fucking Sterling Son. Love this man.
Was I the only one that scanned the comments to see if he said something here?
It still burns my brain that there are actual FPSes for mobile platforms. I can't imagine how that could possibly work.
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracies I think the eye in the corner is there logo
8:20 - I think the best thing about this developers video - he has still got the Default Windows 10 pinned icons on his task bar.
+Jim Sterling So you think this guy is going to throw a fit like Digital Homicide? His record does proceed him after all.
seems like mfps a assert pack. axyos or however it's called is based on the same pack
I think the reason that they are proud of their games, even if it is an asset flip is that even though they aren't making the graphics, they are making an effort (not a lot mind you) to make a game of some sort. And this becomes a labor of love. Does the developer take it too far? Yes. But, this is why I think they think that they react with such passion.
Haha! I just realized the news footage is from All time Conspiracy's youtube channel. It has their little eyeball logo in the top left corner.
im pretty sure the footage in the background is actually nicked from another youtube channel alltimeconspiracies I think the eye in the corner is there logol
Get the popcorn ready, it's gonna start any minute now!
(sniff sniff) Hey, anyone smell a Digi Homicide situation boiling?
I say it reeks of it. ;D
+Kd320schannel Steam Newswire - Digital Homicide, Developer and Publisher of such classic titles as 'The Slaughtering Grounds' and 'Six Nights at Suzie's', has announced that they are acquiring the Greenlight title 'Shooter Tactics - Tactical Anal Insertion' and the developer behind the title, [OFAC]fatfly, for an undisclosed sum. Head of Digital Homicide, Robert Romine said the following about their newest hire "After viewing the Greenlight trailer and fatfly's handling of criticism, we knew we had to add his talent to our team. Fatfly will be heading up our Australian office and will continue to develop unity titles under the Digital Homicide brand. After ST-TAI, Fatfly's next assignment will be creating a sequel to the cult classic "The Slaughtering Grounds""
Mustang424 The world is devoid of hope. Fuck my life.
What is English
+Dylan Oh Baby don't correct me
+ricojes no more
+ricojes no more
+ricojes no more
no more spam plz
did anyone think he was going to say it was digital homicide when he started talking about the developer being special?
+Avion Keach uh yes definitely.
+Sean “DeViLzzz” DeMarco then again its a bit competent to be one of their games not that this game is very competent it just is not horrible when compared to digital homicides games
I suppose a lot of us were taking refuge in the idea that these devs throwing tantrums were usually teens/young adults, but this guy and the Digital Homicide crew are here to dispel that illusion ._.
To any interested its called "FREE 'WAKE UP' PLAY NOW" now.
Y'know jim, i'm starting to miss all those first person survival horror games, they never had angry devs.
Wow, Jacksfilms would have a field day with these "developer's" comments. They're perfect material for YGS!
+Pika Sayan "Dear sweety you got to be joking as i lost half my eye sight with diabeties and dont see any problam with menue."
"Get a bigger video card"
Cue the J Jona Jameson laugh
*Eagerly awaits developer's reaction*
It doesn't even matter if a game is shit or an amazing masterpiece, a creator should NEVER react this way to criticism, even if all of it really is trolling and bullying.
You either respond politely and take the comments to heart, or you ignore it, acting defensive and reacting in this manner is NEVER a good idea
+0Wolfclaw0 Except for the occasional, joking 'fite me scrublord I'm ripped'.
After having established a reputation contrary to that, of course.
Yay! I got mentioned in Jim Sterlings video!
I'm new to this channel, does Jim review good indie games that come on Steam? Or are there none (cuz I kinda stopped following that after so much shit)?
As someone who has created free content for games in the past, nothing major or special, you put it out there in the wide, wide world and you accept to be criticised, even if it was created for free. You either take it on the chin and ignore or take it on board and improve. Either way, the best reply is "many thanks for your input" no matter how pissed off or unappreciated you feel.
It's always such a shock to me when I hear a shit tantrum throwing developer's voice and it's an adult. I except them all to be teenagers.
Dunno if someone already pointed this out, but the "news footage" is a video from Alltime conspiracies. Doubt the "developer" has a permission to use their work.
As a student in Game Design, I'm ashamed to live on the same continent as this so-called "dev". It tarnishes actual Australian game devs
0:57 isn't this an exact copy of a map from the beginning of the first Crysis?
Nice all time conspiracies footage there mate
Does anybody think he licensed any of that news footage from the menu?
It's like The Slaughtering Grounds all over again.
Hey Jim what's the song you use in these videos after you show the trailer?
Great water shooting action. 10/10.
Jim Sterling is so informative. Thanks, Jim. I didn't know that people wrote rude comments on the internet.
So has the developer commented on this video yet?
Holy fuck that guys accent is turbo aussie, I should know being from the same country myself.
On behalf of all Australian developers: We're sorry.
We're so, so sorry.
what will happen if the unity store got taken down will they still be a steam green light ?
how do you even score a head shot with a knife??
How could you say something like that about firts?
The Dev even said that it was intentional!
"the firts and heatshots are purposely made mistakes from the italian programmer in mexico and i thought it would be funny not correcting the 2 lines of 20000 script lines [...] "(I apologize if I forgot to correctly copy some mistakes, as youtube wont allow me to copy the comment from steam into the comment box)
This is the kind of shit that happens without quality control on Greenlight
Thank God for you, Jim
If I were you, Jim, I wouldn't mess with Crocodile Dumbdee.