A very difficult situation for sure but you have to make sure your your family is taken care of first and foremost. You can’t Sacrifice your children’s mental health or yours to save her unfortunately. Prayers for guidance and the best outcome for all.
You are all in my prayers! 🙏🙏🙏
Prayers for a very difficult situation~
It is great to see your face, even if you are not feeling it today. Hope things iron themselves oit at home. Thinking of you.
I hope somehow things get better with your niece.
A very difficult situation for sure but you have to make sure your your family is taken care of first and foremost. You can’t Sacrifice your children’s mental health or yours to save her unfortunately. Prayers for guidance and the best outcome for all.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. It is too much now. Your first priority needs to be you and your baby's.
Its tough - not an easy place to be in.