As a salamanders player, my friends have learned to fear and respect the Repulsor. When it rolls up carrying 6 Eradicators you suddenly realise that this tank essentially now requires you to use non vechile or monster shooting from outside 18 inches or you are just going to get murdered on the smack-back when they jump out and shoot back at full BS. I once had a friend completely fuck up by shooting at my repulser with his Mortarian, who was 6 inches away, setting up for a charge, not realising that the 6 Eradicators that jumped out had full ReRolls on him. He was not all too pleased when he lost his Primarch in his own shooting phase.
I also run Salamanders (but in Vanguard) and fill them with 6 Eradicators and a Biologis, which pairs with my Redeemer with Adrax, LT, 6 Bladeguard and I run a Captain w/ 6 Aggressors who I can infiltrate. Vanguard also gives it Stealth outside of 12” which helps close the gap
Been using a Repulsor since the start of 10th. So far one of my favorite uses is to shut down a ruin for melee armies. It's massive size allows me to park it 1in outside the Ruin wall, and then also disembark something (1in) and nobody can charge me through it. I can force melee models to HAVE to move around, and then the emergency embark allows me to keep the units I disembarked safe as well if they get charged around the Ruin. I did also completely shut down a custodes warden squad one game, disembark 1.1 inches away from the, emergency embark on the charge, and then watched them fail multiple 4in charges 2 turns in a row. It was rough for them..
9:13 i dont think you can overwatch and embark because the stratagem says "Your opponent’s Movement or Charge phase, just after an enemy unit is set up or when an enemy unit starts or ends a Normal, Advance, Fall Back or Charge move." but the emergency embarkation is when the target of the charge is selected, not when the charge started
Came here to make sure I didn't need to point that out. I play Salamanders so I was ecstatic when they brought that up, but upon closer inspection I found this discrepancy as well.
My repulsor vomiting 6 eradicators and a biologus destroying a landraider because my opponent split fired heavy bolters into it: Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions
I don't own a repulsor, so my only story is with an executioner. My opponent brought a ton of dreads and tanks and I'd had middling success with my laser destroyer shots, until, on turn 3 i believe, i double-tapped his undamaged firstborn dreadnought, killing it. Then finished off a terminator squad with the onslaught gatling cannon. Finishing up with a long- bomb charge into his damaged redemptor, getting 5 mortals from tank shock to bring it to 1 wound, then killing it with the armored hull attacks. The dread then explodes, taking my 1 wound remaining executioner with it.
Repulsor filled with Fire Discipline Biologis with Eradicators is a great package to deliver great firepower to kill screens and the big bad hiding behind the screens. Delivered on a flank, it can be back breaking. I drop a couple DWKs on a center or flank and this shooting package on another and it's a genuine threat on its own. Transport capacity was the main thing holding this thing back (since the gravis brick is the main thing that wants transports) and they definitely helped the repulsor with the latest update. I will miss when Ironstorms Target Augery Web was an aura and I shocked my Eldar opponent with the sheer volume of lethal hits and some sustain that tore apart his war walkers
Hi from almost the east of North America ( would be farthest if I was in St.Johns). Always a fun time watching. And thanks again Steve for running an awesome tourney last month
I really felt the lack of Assault Ramp as a delivery system for my Aggressors. Also the Hunter Slayer Missile caught a stray bullet hitting on 4s indirect now, it didn't feel like got through very often before but woof.
I play one in my most recent list. It's Vanguard Spearhead and this thing serves as a mobile bunker for one of my Incursor Squads with Phobos Lieutenant. Jump out, shoot, jump in. Repulsor benefits from their support and enemy must consider that Highwire Mine and very long charges with lot of attacks. Worked good so far.
A repulsor with Deathwing Knights is outrageously hard to shift. In the inner circle detachment it can deliver knights and another unit of knights can have turn one deploy using the enhancement. I've used this to get two squads of knights where I want them turn 1.
I know most people shove eradicators in their repulser but I’m living for 10 sternguard with an LT and CPT stacked with fire discipline. The repulsor adds to their fire base and can scoop them back up when things go south. Good? Probably not.
Loving the continued series. Don't own a repulsor but need to look into it! Eradicators with the biologis seem like a good choice too, doing a little bit of what Ian was saying the infernus marines can do. Can keep away scary monsters that might want to come and charge your repulsor with the threat of overwatch
I own a repulsor executioner but I couldn't get it to work right for me, so I started running it as a repulsor and man it compliments my list so much better. The transport capacity is fantastic at getting key units where you need them safely. I also run a land raider in the list. I like to stagger the engagement of the tanks, first the repulsor then the land raider rolls out of cover and crushes what the repulsor hurt/distracted. It's a fun little combo
As others have said it's also great with Squad Tactics. If you're up against a shooty army you can use the strat to get back in and if you're against a melee army you can use the ability to get back in. The shooting isn't amazing, but it's not far off a standard Land Raider; It's got 4 quasi-lascannons for one turn and 3 for all other turns. It's a great use of Tank Shock too.
6 eradicators with apothecary biologis in a repulsor with the strat in firestorm that you debark and shoot after the vehicule was shot looks fine to me
Love your work. Thank you for the low down on the repulsor. Do you think you could maybe help raise the spirits of us Deathwatch Veterans and showcase how we can keep them strong in a space marine detachment now that they are Imperial allies?
I’ve been using ‘at least’ 1 since the start of 10th. MVP most games. I’ve used it for Hellblasters, Infernus, Eradicators, doing the Inceptors Stratagem trick (I play FAF only, as Salamanders). There’s some units I don’t want in Repulsors though, namely anything I’m looking to charge out of it with. Assault Centurions, Bladeguard, Aggressors, Assault Intercessors, Terminator Assault Squad, etc. they NEED the Assault Ramp to do maximum damage to 2 units (one in shooting, another in melee). Since the Summer Dataslate, I’m looking at 2 or maybe a 3rd now if I can swing it. But I’m still handcuffed to my Redeemers as it’s the only good flamethrower tank available.
Been running repulsor or repulsor executioner with every list i can. 4 times out of 5 repulsor get bodied T1 or T2 while contributing with only longer range shots. Or it survives T1 gauntlet of teleporting necrons, drifting meltasisters or tyranid antitank that comes from reserves on t1. Last game sister rhino with multimeltasquad got my repulsor on T1, lost 5/10 stern inside (im good at rollin 1s) and explosion damaged some other stuff around. But when it does not get bracketed T1 it does lot of work. Taking out tougher targets, removing screens and moving cargo forwards. So 5/5 distraction carnifex with lots of utility if not focused down.
I run a repulsor in my firestorm list. I take infernus squad with a captain and make sure to disembark with vulkan he'stan able to see them for the rerolls. Their last claim to fame was popping mortarian 😅
DA player here. The repulsor loves the care of the Darkshroud. Comboing the 6" smoke aura with AoC kept the thing alive for me many times, but sadly not enough times. The 2+ save is needed so badly. Otherwise, for the points cost it does what it's meant to, so whenever I don't have the points for a land raider, it is repulsor time.
I've ran my Repuslor 3 times since I built it, normally stokced with my Hellblasters, and I've managed to underestimate that Genestealers could reach it on turn 1 somehow each time. Luckily big guns never tire but I've yet to do much transporting with it.
I dropped a list on my parking lot guard player that had a repulsor and a storm talon. He didn’t understand what I was doing putting a brutalius, assault intersessors, and blade guard into the storm raven and eradicators into the repulsor, he expected me to slam them up the board and tie him up in melee with my oath of moment but I had the -1 to hit Phobos infantry, so what I actually did was use the Phobos and the transports to just shred any infantry on the objectives and force him to move his tanks to defend his flanks but each transport had something that wanted to fight an isolated tank. He probably could have won if he focused one flank but instead he fed his armor piece by piece to my eradicators and brutalius while his supporting indirect fire and anti armor couldn’t remove my infantry from enough objectives to stop me from scoring primary’s.
So I play Black Templars, and the Multi-melta tax on this unit is +20 points over the standard. Is this unit still as appealing at that 200 point mark? Even with the Melta shots I'm still on the fence.
You cant overwatch and get back in because get back in happens when you’re chosen as a charge target but overwatch doesn’t happen until the charge move begins. Same reason you can’t overwatch if the opponent doesn’t make their charge because they don’t make a charge move.
What are some thoughts on running this with a space wolves list? I have one and I recently subbed it out for a land raider redeemer. I put ragnar, an LT and 10 assault intercessors in the land raider and drive that up the middle of the board.
I'm a big fan. I will do 2 units of bladeguard. One with the judicar and one with adrax. I like the judicar in front. As soon as everything does not die to those two, I always plan to get back in the repulsor.
I have an unrelated question, that I'm having a hard time getting an answer for, maybe someone could help me here. If I have heavy intercessors on am Objective I control, that's also recieving the benefit of cover. Does this count as "stacking" ability's, and is this a legal option? For reference: If you receive the benefit of cover, you add 1 to your Sv. But heavy intercessors say, if you're on an objective you control, add one to your save against damage characteristics of 1. Does this mean: if a -1AP 1 damage saving throw is to be made against those heavy intercessors. Their save would be good on a 2? (The cover essentially negating the -1 AP and the ability also adding to the save because it's a damage of 1).
I’m planning on bringing a Repulsor, 10 sternguard and a librarian to a tournament. Run them up the board so they’ll take advantage of rapid fire so each bolt rifle gets 3 shots.
I don't run an rep or repex becuase if the 3+. I can run my redeemer. The primaris tanks have lots of cool buffs but the 3+ just gets them killed or they become CP sinks for AOC and smoke. Where I think there might be some play is in Vangaurd with the built in cover and -1 to hit. That makes them durable enough passively you don't need to put a CP into them to keep them alive.
In Gladius, I feel like the bolter & assault cannon are better, since the 1-3 shots of Las Cannons really feels swingy on either hits or opponents saves. Definitely agree that they are going to get more popular. They are crazy good & I need to take your advice & just shove the box into my opponents faces. It's an annoyingly tough & effective unit. Also agreed on the executioner. People don't realize how deadly it can be. I've used it plus 3 regular eradicators in transport and it just shocks most opponents, as it is seen as bad.
Could it be useful with transporting melee units with Deathwing Knights, a Chaplain in Terminator armour and a Veteran in Terminator armour? I hope someone can share their opinion with me, thanks
newer player here (DA) - I have the Repulsor Executioner, different model... every time i play it, it seems to blow up immediately due to opponents focus firing it down. and without it, it feels like my army just doesnt have enough killing power (other than my DWKs). I find the RepEx a frustrating model to use, so I might try using it to proxy the regular Repulsor instead... if you're trying to protect it, whats the best way to keep it alive? just hide it in back? or should I slow walk it up during later turns?
You cannot fire overwatch and then emergency combat embarkation, the charge has to be successful for overwatch to work, and the embarkation happens when they are a target of the charge. I wished it worked. But you could use burning vengeance to get out shoot, then something else moves towards you, you could overwatch. Then if you get charged, you could reembark. Very situational but cool.
You can overwatch when your opponent starts or ends a normal move, advancement, fallback or charge movement. So your opponent can declare, you can declare overwatch. Shoot. Then embark. As it is before the charge move has happened.
@@louiselliottjoy1731 When you declare the charge, you haven't moved yet, This is from the charge rules in the core rules "For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move: Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge. Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge. In Unit Coherency. If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move - move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll." So if you cannot complete the charge you do not move, hence you cannot be overwatched. In 9th you could overwatch on declaration of a charge, not in 10th. Because of the Embarkation, the charge fails, so no overwatch from the unit that goes into the transport.
@@louiselliottjoy1731 In 10th edition, you can only overwatch when you actually move models, Here are the charge Rules "For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move: Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge. Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge. In Unit Coherency. If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move - move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. " Hence if the charge fails or in this case the models embark and you need to reselect a charge target your models didn't move hence they cannot be overwatched.
I wouldnt say that the unit that emergency combat embarking *not* allowing for the unit that charged it to redirect its' charge would be wildly un-fun and non-interactive. Being able to disappear a unit into the protection of not only the transport but the Overwatch beforehand either from the squad or even the repulsor as it gets targeted by the redirceted charge is something I hadnt thought of before so thanks!
Y’all better go back and redo that agents of the imperium episode with the new codex! I’m frantically painting breachers to prepare to put people in imperial navy breacher jail
I played the repulsor in firestorm assault with a bunch of infernus marines against an eldar player... He shot at it with a lot of T3 infantry and then I did an eldar BBQ out of them for 1 cp... Then his heavy stuff wanted to charge at the infernus marines... Nope... Hopped back into the repulsor... The eldar guy then called GG's.
Maybe this is a good place to ask given the subject. I have an executioner, but would like to convert it to a normal repulsor. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to find the sprue/bits to make the repulsor turret? Or maybe what bits to use to kitbash it? Google has been unhelpful
You cannot fire overwatch then go in a repulsor due to timing/sequencing. Overwatch is at the beggining/end of the charge move, and the repulsors ability is before the charge move.
Sorry to be the contrarian guy, but there is no world in which the Repulsor is any good. The big issue is the 3+ save and no ability to add an invuln. Game is full of Ap -3/-4 2 to 6 damage weapons that cook a repulser, and at 180 points for what is essentially a glorified transport... SMs are essentially paying for the Tacticus keyword at this time. It will always be the "I can't afford a Land Raider, so this will have to do" tank.
As a salamanders player, my friends have learned to fear and respect the Repulsor.
When it rolls up carrying 6 Eradicators you suddenly realise that this tank essentially now requires you to use non vechile or monster shooting from outside 18 inches or you are just going to get murdered on the smack-back when they jump out and shoot back at full BS. I once had a friend completely fuck up by shooting at my repulser with his Mortarian, who was 6 inches away, setting up for a charge, not realising that the 6 Eradicators that jumped out had full ReRolls on him. He was not all too pleased when he lost his Primarch in his own shooting phase.
A Repulsor carrying a Captain+6 Eradicators is what I’ve been calling “Unlicensed Breacherfish.” It’s NASTY good.
I also run Salamanders (but in Vanguard) and fill them with 6 Eradicators and a Biologis, which pairs with my Redeemer with Adrax, LT, 6 Bladeguard and I run a Captain w/ 6 Aggressors who I can infiltrate. Vanguard also gives it Stealth outside of 12” which helps close the gap
Need more videos from you fine, lads. Keep up the good work, boys.
Been using a Repulsor since the start of 10th. So far one of my favorite uses is to shut down a ruin for melee armies. It's massive size allows me to park it 1in outside the Ruin wall, and then also disembark something (1in) and nobody can charge me through it. I can force melee models to HAVE to move around, and then the emergency embark allows me to keep the units I disembarked safe as well if they get charged around the Ruin.
I did also completely shut down a custodes warden squad one game, disembark 1.1 inches away from the, emergency embark on the charge, and then watched them fail multiple 4in charges 2 turns in a row. It was rough for them..
9:13 i dont think you can overwatch and embark because the stratagem says "Your opponent’s Movement or Charge phase, just after an enemy unit is set up or when an enemy unit starts or ends a Normal, Advance, Fall Back or Charge move." but the emergency embarkation is when the target of the charge is selected, not when the charge started
Came here to make sure I didn't need to point that out. I play Salamanders so I was ecstatic when they brought that up, but upon closer inspection I found this discrepancy as well.
Doesn't he mean squad tactics in Gladius?
@@MattDer-ff2us 😮 possibly, but in any case thank you! That's a nice combo to keep in mind 😈
Yea, you can only overwatch a unit that made a charge successfully.
First time watching this channel. I appreciate the moderate and engaging discussion. It makes me want to cook up an Anvil list with a repulsor in it.
I meant to buy a Repulsor but I was incorrectly told that the executioner kit could build both. I was wrong but at least I have an executioner!
You can buy a 3d printed turret and accessories and magnetize them.
Proxy it aa the repuslor mate
No one should care; it's legit the same model.
My repulsor vomiting 6 eradicators and a biologus destroying a landraider because my opponent split fired heavy bolters into it:
Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions
Crucible of Battle in Firestorm (+1 wound strat) only works on infantry FYI.
Ive been packing one with fire discipline LT and 10 hellblasters. Being able to just hop them back in when someone charges them is so great.
I don't own a repulsor, so my only story is with an executioner. My opponent brought a ton of dreads and tanks and I'd had middling success with my laser destroyer shots, until, on turn 3 i believe, i double-tapped his undamaged firstborn dreadnought, killing it. Then finished off a terminator squad with the onslaught gatling cannon. Finishing up with a long- bomb charge into his damaged redemptor, getting 5 mortals from tank shock to bring it to 1 wound, then killing it with the armored hull attacks. The dread then explodes, taking my 1 wound remaining executioner with it.
The +1 to wound firestorm strat only works on Infantry
Repulsor filled with Fire Discipline Biologis with Eradicators is a great package to deliver great firepower to kill screens and the big bad hiding behind the screens. Delivered on a flank, it can be back breaking. I drop a couple DWKs on a center or flank and this shooting package on another and it's a genuine threat on its own.
Transport capacity was the main thing holding this thing back (since the gravis brick is the main thing that wants transports) and they definitely helped the repulsor with the latest update.
I will miss when Ironstorms Target Augery Web was an aura and I shocked my Eldar opponent with the sheer volume of lethal hits and some sustain that tore apart his war walkers
Hi from almost the east of North America ( would be farthest if I was in St.Johns).
Always a fun time watching. And thanks again Steve for running an awesome tourney last month
Tripulsor List. One with hellblasters. One with infernus. One with Aggressors. Do it Steve. Do it for the memes.
I really felt the lack of Assault Ramp as a delivery system for my Aggressors. Also the Hunter Slayer Missile caught a stray bullet hitting on 4s indirect now, it didn't feel like got through very often before but woof.
I play one in my most recent list. It's Vanguard Spearhead and this thing serves as a mobile bunker for one of my Incursor Squads with Phobos Lieutenant. Jump out, shoot, jump in. Repulsor benefits from their support and enemy must consider that Highwire Mine and very long charges with lot of attacks. Worked good so far.
A repulsor with Deathwing Knights is outrageously hard to shift. In the inner circle detachment it can deliver knights and another unit of knights can have turn one deploy using the enhancement. I've used this to get two squads of knights where I want them turn 1.
That is a great combo to use i'll have to try that.
I know most people shove eradicators in their repulser but I’m living for 10 sternguard with an LT and CPT stacked with fire discipline. The repulsor adds to their fire base and can scoop them back up when things go south. Good? Probably not.
Loving the continued series. Don't own a repulsor but need to look into it! Eradicators with the biologis seem like a good choice too, doing a little bit of what Ian was saying the infernus marines can do. Can keep away scary monsters that might want to come and charge your repulsor with the threat of overwatch
I own a repulsor executioner but I couldn't get it to work right for me, so I started running it as a repulsor and man it compliments my list so much better. The transport capacity is fantastic at getting key units where you need them safely. I also run a land raider in the list. I like to stagger the engagement of the tanks, first the repulsor then the land raider rolls out of cover and crushes what the repulsor hurt/distracted. It's a fun little combo
They didn’t die in a car crash did they?
I personally like having the repulsor work alongside storm speeders either the hailstrike for infantry or the or hammerstrike for vehicles
As others have said it's also great with Squad Tactics. If you're up against a shooty army you can use the strat to get back in and if you're against a melee army you can use the ability to get back in.
The shooting isn't amazing, but it's not far off a standard Land Raider; It's got 4 quasi-lascannons for one turn and 3 for all other turns.
It's a great use of Tank Shock too.
6 eradicators with apothecary biologis in a repulsor with the strat in firestorm that you debark and shoot after the vehicule was shot looks fine to me
Love your work. Thank you for the low down on the repulsor. Do you think you could maybe help raise the spirits of us Deathwatch Veterans and showcase how we can keep them strong in a space marine detachment now that they are Imperial allies?
I’ve been using ‘at least’ 1 since the start of 10th. MVP most games. I’ve used it for Hellblasters, Infernus, Eradicators, doing the Inceptors Stratagem trick (I play FAF only, as Salamanders).
There’s some units I don’t want in Repulsors though, namely anything I’m looking to charge out of it with. Assault Centurions, Bladeguard, Aggressors, Assault Intercessors, Terminator Assault Squad, etc. they NEED the Assault Ramp to do maximum damage to 2 units (one in shooting, another in melee).
Since the Summer Dataslate, I’m looking at 2 or maybe a 3rd now if I can swing it. But I’m still handcuffed to my Redeemers as it’s the only good flamethrower tank available.
Been running repulsor or repulsor executioner with every list i can. 4 times out of 5 repulsor get bodied T1 or T2 while contributing with only longer range shots. Or it survives T1 gauntlet of teleporting necrons, drifting meltasisters or tyranid antitank that comes from reserves on t1. Last game sister rhino with multimeltasquad got my repulsor on T1, lost 5/10 stern inside (im good at rollin 1s) and explosion damaged some other stuff around.
But when it does not get bracketed T1 it does lot of work. Taking out tougher targets, removing screens and moving cargo forwards. So 5/5 distraction carnifex with lots of utility if not focused down.
Where’d you go? I need a new Hyperspace Hobbies fix!
Unlocking the repulsor? I usually use the keys
I needed this episode, lost my keys a while back and can't find the damn things
the machine spirit recognizes me and unlocks automatically
Surely you have to get the sacred oils and perform the correct chant, yes?
Great video. Added a repulsor to my own list for the next tournament, so will see how it goes
I run a repulsor in my firestorm list. I take infernus squad with a captain and make sure to disembark with vulkan he'stan able to see them for the rerolls. Their last claim to fame was popping mortarian 😅
DA player here. The repulsor loves the care of the Darkshroud. Comboing the 6" smoke aura with AoC kept the thing alive for me many times, but sadly not enough times. The 2+ save is needed so badly. Otherwise, for the points cost it does what it's meant to, so whenever I don't have the points for a land raider, it is repulsor time.
I've ran my Repuslor 3 times since I built it, normally stokced with my Hellblasters, and I've managed to underestimate that Genestealers could reach it on turn 1 somehow each time. Luckily big guns never tire but I've yet to do much transporting with it.
This big metal box can also have incursors in it for scout plus everything else incursors bring and still have 9 slots for more fun.
It’s not a dedicated transport, so it won’t get scout
@@SovietPoet true. Thanks for that!
I had a really fun time with mine at a meduim sized rtt BUT it was when my DW was still an army and now I'm sad
The only downside of the mercy is weakness strat is the 2cp cost. Which may be useful somewhere else.
That opening joke 😂😂
I've been using mine for a while, it's ridiculously fun to Squad Tactics back inside when someone moves within 9" or jump in when charged.
I dropped a list on my parking lot guard player that had a repulsor and a storm talon. He didn’t understand what I was doing putting a brutalius, assault intersessors, and blade guard into the storm raven and eradicators into the repulsor, he expected me to slam them up the board and tie him up in melee with my oath of moment but I had the -1 to hit Phobos infantry, so what I actually did was use the Phobos and the transports to just shred any infantry on the objectives and force him to move his tanks to defend his flanks but each transport had something that wanted to fight an isolated tank. He probably could have won if he focused one flank but instead he fed his armor piece by piece to my eradicators and brutalius while his supporting indirect fire and anti armor couldn’t remove my infantry from enough objectives to stop me from scoring primary’s.
Not to be impatient but why no more content for a while I miss the hyperspace talks, come back soon lol😂
3 impulsors very roughly the same points as a big knight, thats got an appeal
So I play Black Templars, and the Multi-melta tax on this unit is +20 points over the standard. Is this unit still as appealing at that 200 point mark? Even with the Melta shots I'm still on the fence.
Making any unit work? I would love if the reivers could ever work for anything.
You cant overwatch and get back in because get back in happens when you’re chosen as a charge target but overwatch doesn’t happen until the charge move begins. Same reason you can’t overwatch if the opponent doesn’t make their charge because they don’t make a charge move.
What are some thoughts on running this with a space wolves list? I have one and I recently subbed it out for a land raider redeemer. I put ragnar, an LT and 10 assault intercessors in the land raider and drive that up the middle of the board.
Would a storm speeder thunderstrike + a repulsor in firestorm actually be crazy?
I'm a big fan. I will do 2 units of bladeguard. One with the judicar and one with adrax. I like the judicar in front. As soon as everything does not die to those two, I always plan to get back in the repulsor.
I have an unrelated question, that I'm having a hard time getting an answer for, maybe someone could help me here.
If I have heavy intercessors on am Objective I control, that's also recieving the benefit of cover. Does this count as "stacking" ability's, and is this a legal option?
For reference:
If you receive the benefit of cover, you add 1 to your Sv. But heavy intercessors say, if you're on an objective you control, add one to your save against damage characteristics of 1.
Does this mean: if a -1AP 1 damage saving throw is to be made against those heavy intercessors. Their save would be good on a 2? (The cover essentially negating the -1 AP and the ability also adding to the save because it's a damage of 1).
an extra 100 points to upgrade an impulsor into a Repulsor gives you a tough tank with a good rule and fairly decent shooting. So worth it in my eyes
Im convinced. Im bring a repulsor in my champions of russ army this weekend
Oh yea, DEFINITELY! Kick some butt this weekend!
It's a fun taxi for Ragnar+Lt+Bladeguards. Also you still have space for 3 eradicators or aggressors for some ranged fun
Can do an episode about boarding action? Curious to hear your take on that
Repulsors are great for eradicators and aggressors at a decent price for the carry capacity
I’m planning on bringing a Repulsor, 10 sternguard and a librarian to a tournament.
Run them up the board so they’ll take advantage of rapid fire so each bolt rifle gets 3 shots.
Are you allowed to get out, with the Burning vengeance strat and then get back in with Repulsor ability in the same turn?
Going on your introduction, Reivers next please.
Steve, you know what NEEDS to happen next, right? Ironstorm list with repulsor. Oh yeah.
I don't run an rep or repex becuase if the 3+. I can run my redeemer. The primaris tanks have lots of cool buffs but the 3+ just gets them killed or they become CP sinks for AOC and smoke.
Where I think there might be some play is in Vangaurd with the built in cover and -1 to hit. That makes them durable enough passively you don't need to put a CP into them to keep them alive.
In Gladius, I feel like the bolter & assault cannon are better, since the 1-3 shots of Las Cannons really feels swingy on either hits or opponents saves.
Definitely agree that they are going to get more popular. They are crazy good & I need to take your advice & just shove the box into my opponents faces. It's an annoyingly tough & effective unit.
Also agreed on the executioner. People don't realize how deadly it can be. I've used it plus 3 regular eradicators in transport and it just shocks most opponents, as it is seen as bad.
Could it be useful with transporting melee units with Deathwing Knights, a Chaplain in Terminator armour and a Veteran in Terminator armour? I hope someone can share their opinion with me, thanks
newer player here (DA) - I have the Repulsor Executioner, different model... every time i play it, it seems to blow up immediately due to opponents focus firing it down. and without it, it feels like my army just doesnt have enough killing power (other than my DWKs). I find the RepEx a frustrating model to use, so I might try using it to proxy the regular Repulsor instead...
if you're trying to protect it, whats the best way to keep it alive? just hide it in back? or should I slow walk it up during later turns?
Hide it, or strategic reserve it. Alternatively have other threats on board so they focus on other things
You cannot fire overwatch and then emergency combat embarkation, the charge has to be successful for overwatch to work, and the embarkation happens when they are a target of the charge. I wished it worked. But you could use burning vengeance to get out shoot, then something else moves towards you, you could overwatch. Then if you get charged, you could reembark. Very situational but cool.
You can fire overwatch during the movement phase before declared charges though
You can overwatch when your opponent starts or ends a normal move, advancement, fallback or charge movement.
So your opponent can declare, you can declare overwatch. Shoot. Then embark. As it is before the charge move has happened.
@@louiselliottjoy1731 When you declare the charge, you haven't moved yet, This is from the charge rules in the core rules
"For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move - move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll."
So if you cannot complete the charge you do not move, hence you cannot be overwatched. In 9th you could overwatch on declaration of a charge, not in 10th. Because of the Embarkation, the charge fails, so no overwatch from the unit that goes into the transport.
@@louiselliottjoy1731 In 10th edition, you can only overwatch when you actually move models, Here are the charge Rules
"For a Charge move to be possible, the Charge roll must be sufficient to enable the charging unit to end that move:
Within Engagement Range of every unit that you selected as a target of the charge.
Without moving within Engagement Range of any enemy units that were not a target of the charge.
In Unit Coherency.
If any of these conditions cannot be met, the charge fails and no models in the charging unit move this phase. Otherwise, the charge is successful and the models in the charging unit make a Charge move - move each model a distance in inches up to the result of the Charge roll. "
Hence if the charge fails or in this case the models embark and you need to reselect a charge target your models didn't move hence they cannot be overwatched.
@@nassuman absolutely
This weekend I’m running Ironstorm. 2 repulsors with 3 eradicators and 3 aggressors with a biologis in each. Drive em right in. Kill them if you want.
Hope all is well, but are you guys on a break or something? Missing the videos!
I wouldnt say that the unit that emergency combat embarking *not* allowing for the unit that charged it to redirect its' charge would be wildly un-fun and non-interactive. Being able to disappear a unit into the protection of not only the transport but the Overwatch beforehand either from the squad or even the repulsor as it gets targeted by the redirceted charge is something I hadnt thought of before so thanks!
Lets go 1st comment! Also funny enough i have a local tournament this weekend and was debating on taking one this weekend
Take it!!!
Y’all better go back and redo that agents of the imperium episode with the new codex! I’m frantically painting breachers to prepare to put people in imperial navy breacher jail
I played the repulsor in firestorm assault with a bunch of infernus marines against an eldar player... He shot at it with a lot of T3 infantry and then I did an eldar BBQ out of them for 1 cp... Then his heavy stuff wanted to charge at the infernus marines... Nope... Hopped back into the repulsor... The eldar guy then called GG's.
Maybe this is a good place to ask given the subject. I have an executioner, but would like to convert it to a normal repulsor. Anyone have any suggestions as to where to find the sprue/bits to make the repulsor turret? Or maybe what bits to use to kitbash it?
Google has been unhelpful
Get a 3D printed Repulsor turret. Sorted
@@Bumbaclart247 I am already aware this is an option thanks
What's wrong with this picture? It's morning. I'm drinking my coffee. And I'm NOT watching a brand new video from my dudes. Where did you guys go?
Was wondering the same thing 🤔
i dont think that there are bad units, only units that have more practicabilities or ar easier to use
My idea is Deathwatch Vets in Repulsor
The issue with the repulsor is that it can/will be stopped. I like it more than the average SM player but its not actually good
You cannot fire overwatch then go in a repulsor due to timing/sequencing. Overwatch is at the beggining/end of the charge move, and the repulsors ability is before the charge move.
I got 2 Repulsor with 6 Eradicators and biologis in there to kill all Tanks, all Night Long
Am I the only one who thinks aggressors are too expensive?
I think the overwatch + burning vengeance is not possible because the sequence of the attacks
Come back!!
It would be nice if the model was good...
is part of your soul actually dying every time you say "conversation"?
I'm too repulsed by it's design
Sorry to be the contrarian guy, but there is no world in which the Repulsor is any good. The big issue is the 3+ save and no ability to add an invuln. Game is full of Ap -3/-4 2 to 6 damage weapons that cook a repulser, and at 180 points for what is essentially a glorified transport... SMs are essentially paying for the Tacticus keyword at this time. It will always be the "I can't afford a Land Raider, so this will have to do" tank.
send me a free repulsor and I'll play you :D