Yom Kippur war part 2 - Israel fights for her life and wins

  • Опубликовано: 19 сен 2006
  • Am Israel Chai! Od Avinu Chai!
    This is part 2 of 4, a documentary concerning the Israeli Yom Kippur war. The surprise attack on Israel in October 1973 by Egypt and Syria, this is the Fourth Arab--Israeli War. It is named after the Jewish national holiday on which it began, the holiest day of the Jewish year. Isn't it interesting that many observe the holy days of others, but they chose a holy day to attack.
    But, God intervened and miraculously all Arab (Islamic) forces were soundly defeated.
    It is quite a testimony that this tiny country that is the size of Rhode Island would defeat armies that were numerically superior by many times.
    We need to remain the friends of Israel and do anything we can to protect them and support them.
    Genesis 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
    Psalm 122:6-9 "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be within thee. Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good."

Комментарии • 24

  • @IdunKnowU
    @IdunKnowU 17 лет назад +7

    loved the documentary

  • @Tekhelet75
    @Tekhelet75 15 лет назад +25

    I was moved to tears watching this.

  • @ivor1689
    @ivor1689 15 лет назад +99

    As a soldier myself i have nothing but the utmmost respect for the isrealis and your courage in the face of overwhelming odds that you had faced. Israel i tip my hat to you!

  • @alexanderlinden
    @alexanderlinden 17 лет назад +18

    Modified II worldwar Sherman tanks, fantastic. Am yisrael chai

  • @nevilleprinsloo
    @nevilleprinsloo 16 лет назад +19

    G-d Saved Israel from death.

  • @vulcanicoliose
    @vulcanicoliose 16 лет назад +4

    What is the song at 04:52?

  • @knickszfan3
    @knickszfan3 15 лет назад +30

    It is very uplifting to see that not every person on RUclips is a Neo-Nazi Islamofacist whose.

  • @Dragonballftw
    @Dragonballftw 17 лет назад +4

    the 'super sherman'as they called those modified shermans with experienced crew could take on T-62 which was the cest soviet tank of the time lol not talking anout M60 or merkava..

  • @knickszfan3
    @knickszfan3 15 лет назад +27

    Egypt had Sinai before the War. Israel had Sinai after the War but they gave it back in order to make an attempt to achieve peace.

  • @Albertanator
    @Albertanator 16 лет назад +14

    That's good to hear my Arab Christian friend..we know you guys suffer horribly under the Islamic yoke!!

  • @UPCISowersHouseStantonCA
    @UPCISowersHouseStantonCA 17 лет назад +20

    Israel will live for ever, no matter what everyone tries to do to her, she belongs to the all mighty who created her, his beloved. No one can destroy it. LIVE WITH THAT!

  • @kalakian
    @kalakian 16 лет назад +29

    i dont know why the egyptians til now cannot accept the truth that they lost the war to israel. im a filipino and we support israel, we even gave ur people a shelter during the height of WWII, atleast 1,500 jewish families lived and worked in the philippines since early 1930s, mostly now went back to israel, some still remained.

  • @amhe2
    @amhe2 16 лет назад +24

    I think its a mistake to fight those guys

  • @sally0777
    @sally0777 16 лет назад +20

    Israel forever for God, they are the apple of god's eyes....

  • @Amazing20225
    @Amazing20225 13 лет назад +73

    Glory to Israel. Glory to the descendants of Joshua & David.

  • @knickszfan3
    @knickszfan3 15 лет назад +6

    Its because Israel gave Sinai back and Lebanon look at the casualties.

  • @Slash417
    @Slash417 17 лет назад +19

    too bad the USSR sold weaponry to the arabs, otherwise, it would be an even easier victory for Israel.

  • @zionsimas
    @zionsimas 17 лет назад +5

    Xdude my friend, there were soviet technicians operating the SAM missiles and most of the rpg's lanchers. Even soviet pilots flying Egyptian planes... So, when it comes to tactics and expertise the arabs are hundreds of years behind the israelis.

  • @ordingo8412
    @ordingo8412 16 лет назад +14

    israel air force is the # 1 in the allll world!
    its trou!
    אין כמו חייל האוויר שלנו!