Scramjet Success - AFRL/Boeing X-51A flies at Mach 5.1

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • The US Air Force Research Laboratory's Boeing X-51A WaveRider unmanned vehicle achieved the longest air-breathing hypersonic, scramjet-powered flight on its May 1 fourth test flight, flying for 3.5 minutes on supersonic-combustion ramjet power and reaching a maximum speed of Mach 5.1.

Комментарии • 39

  • @katman77018
    @katman77018 11 лет назад

    well it is true more or less. but you have to understand . the internet never was meant to be used like it is today. or maybe it was , who knows. perhaps the proverbial cat got out of the bag so to speak. but adjustments were made. so all is well in the systems of control. so we see the internet today , as it is was meant to be. a information gathering system that sucks up every available bit of information on all users. the free internet flourished for a while but then "they" adapted

  • @idontw4ntahandle
    @idontw4ntahandle 11 лет назад

    I'd say probably a little bit of both. Although many have a disdain for the military a lot of advancements have come from the military and war in general. Modern medicine was pushed forward significantly by war especially advancements in Emergency Medicine.
    Aviation is no different. The military in partnership with private sector has almost single-handedly pushed aviation forward.
    I think all of this has great applications for commercial aircraft.

  • @idkh20
    @idkh20 11 лет назад

    The US Air Force has built and is tested this unmanned "vehicle". It hit supersonic speeds, Mach5. The NAVY has just received a squadron of new manned and unmanned drones, 35. US has just closed a $10billion arms deal with Israel, Saudi Arabia and UAE. 84 F15 jets, Bell Helicopter unit and 6 V22 Ospreys built by......Boeing!
    So what's more likely here...the advancements of this aircraft are for military use, or are they on a fast track to finding advancements for commercial aircraft??

  • @oliverjohnson1216
    @oliverjohnson1216 11 лет назад

    This is the significance...this thing burned NON-CRYOGENIC FUEL!!! It used a version of SR-71 Fuel, a HYDROCARBON based fuel! Hypersonic transportation is within our grasp! Granted the technology will be used in a 'global-strike-in the-wink-of-eye' military platform sooner than we'll be able to take a trip from LA to Sydney in 2 hours....

  • @rp7o333
    @rp7o333 11 лет назад

    Just how fast could an X37B leave an Uncle Santa package for that special someone, anywhere, anytime, compared to this? And how many might be on station at any given time, in how many different orbits?

  • @thisisnotajoke
    @thisisnotajoke 11 лет назад

    Too bad there are no chaseplanes around that are fast enough to actually film the X-51A in flight.... All this video shows is a B-52 firing a rocket (the booster for the X-51A)... :/

  • @bryjb10
    @bryjb10 11 лет назад

    I didn't say the technology would not be used for new weapons. I said this was not a test flight of a new weapon. they are testing the engines capabilities and nothing else. Also I said cruise missiles are meant to be subsonic and it would not be cost affective or smart to use this on a cruise missile.

  • @captainofiron
    @captainofiron 11 лет назад

    so basically because its different now than originally intended means that they dont deserve credit for laying the ground work?
    like the satellite network as well?

  • @bryjb10
    @bryjb10 11 лет назад

    this is not a test flight of a new weapon. Its testing a new engine that will power everything from commercial aircraft to spacecraft. It would not be cost affective to put this in a cruise missile.

  • @norrisjw
    @norrisjw 11 лет назад

    Don't quote me.. but It flew longer than the previous test flights.. It didn't break apart or have failures. New longest scramjet burn time..

  • @gaff2006
    @gaff2006 11 лет назад

    Military research, regardless of what nation conducted it, has throughout time moved mankind forward, and made it's way into public use.

  • @PhiloAmericana
    @PhiloAmericana 11 лет назад

    You're not very bright. These engines could one day be used for civilian applications. Jesus, use some sense.

  • @noelquinones58
    @noelquinones58 11 лет назад

    I agree, this new fuel mix will be needed in the future for space travel and beyond.

  • @janelin6083
    @janelin6083 9 лет назад

    W O W .
    Someone was piloting that winged missile?

  • @sferrin2
    @sferrin2 11 лет назад

    What new ground did it break?

  • @Rebellismus
    @Rebellismus 11 лет назад

    Chemtrails OFF: 0:23 Chemtrails ON: 0:29

  • @Igoman1984
    @Igoman1984 11 лет назад

    Look children, democracy at mach 5...BOOM!

  • @mhp1999
    @mhp1999 11 лет назад

    type in scram jet 2005. This is old news

  • @katman77018
    @katman77018 11 лет назад

    yeh sure. keep telling yourself that.

  • @bryjb10
    @bryjb10 11 лет назад

    or the future engines for space vechiles

  • @sumguyy7729
    @sumguyy7729 11 лет назад

    how much fuel did it eat up? >:P

  • @cageybee777
    @cageybee777 11 лет назад

    send a hundred of them to NK

  • @idkh20
    @idkh20 11 лет назад

    Yay! More war machines! :/

  • @michellebuckley3579
    @michellebuckley3579 2 года назад


  • @cageybee777
    @cageybee777 11 лет назад

    go get'em tiger

  • @beer94
    @beer94 11 лет назад


  • @somicha2000
    @somicha2000 11 лет назад

    Veraltete Technik...