Argentinian girls are so mid looking to be acting so pretentious. I live in Minnesota which has a very high Scandinavian ancestry because they settled in this state centuries ago. Honestly I prefer girls that look more like your sister (if you have one) then Argentinian girls. Basically your average Snowbunny.
I speak Spanish as an American and have some Argentinian friends. When Argentinians start speaking to each other in and use their vocabulary sometimes I don’t understand a thing. They have a rich culture and even other Latinos wouldn’t understand a lot of their jokes etc. so I understand why it would be hard for an Argentinian to date someone who is foreign
Each Latino country has their slang that’s why you won’t understand it. They wouldn’t understand ours or the other Spanish speaking countries either. Which is the fun and interesting things about having foreign friends.
@@jhayrios5514sabés que yo lo encuentro muy interesante, tener amigos de otros países, primero porque podes conocer otras costumbres, otras vivencias, formas de ver la vida, aprender y ayudar a que otros vean diferentes costumbres. Lo bello está en las diferencias, pero hace falta conocerlas.
@@maximilianomiguel8645 Claro! Siento que siempre estamos constantemente aprendiendo de nuestras culturas. Después que aprenden las palabras de uno al otro todo fluye
Son of Argentinians here, and been more than 10 times to the country (mostly Buenos Aires area). In contrast with most of Latin America, where women idealize her perfect European/American “prince”, Argentinian women do not seek that much for foreign men. Mainly because many of them have European ancestry, and do not see white dudes as exotic as other might see them. Although economic-wise and politic-wise its not like the US, in many aspects Argentina is a sort of South Hispanic USA (understanding the US as a traditional white-majority country as shown in many Hollywood movies). Also, Argentinian culture is quite closed with regards to foreigners, their jokes are unique to them, and they really like to stick to themselves for the most part. Also, specially in Buenos Aires, some women might be arrogant, and they do not like to feel like they are an “easy Latina woman” to European or White Americans, so thats why they would likely engage easier with fellow Argentinean men. I would say Spainiards, Italians and other Latin Americans might have a better chance for an easier connection (in the beginning at least) with Argentinean women, compared to other nationalities.
I think that has been lost recently and Argentine women are more open to having relationships with foreigners. Even so, they continue to prefer local men, just as Argentinians continue to prefer local women.
Many have european ancestry? Excuse me, 97 percent at least of the population is at least partly european, and around 80 percent is white with very little to no admixture.
I'm mexican and I'm marrying an argentinian woman this year. Since we speak the same language and share similar cultures, we never had any cultural barriers whatsoever.
Argentinian women are most closed for foreigners in all of Latin America - my experience and impressions, if you don't speak Spanish either - it will be very tough.
Im from the USA and am dating someone from ARGENTINA. Shes fiery and Im more laid back, we balance each other. The cultures are completely different. We have been together almost 5 years. We both have a great LOVE for GOD and he brought us together.
Argentine women are most open to date their own or from Latin America. If you, as foreign man, don’t speak Spanish or don’t know their culture, you’re are pretty much screwed, not only with Argentine women, but all Latinas in general. The first girl was spot on.
In spite of its constant crises, the Argentine people have a very high academic and cultural level. The Argentine educational system is somewhat more comprehensive than the American or European educational system. I have met several successful Americans and Europeans, and it was surprising to me that they did not know how to locate Latin American countries on the map or were unaware of the geographic vastness of Argentina. For that reason, the average "westeners" tends to be considered somewhat arrogant. On the other hand, Argentina is pretty much at the forefront of human rights and it is quite disconcerting how some Europeans or Americans sexualize South America and many of them are surprised when they suddenly walk into a bar in Argentina and the rest of the people present do not roll out a red carpet for the "westerner". Argentina is a country of immigrants and despite the bad economy, many Argentines are accustomed to travel. So it tends to be considered disrespectful when a foreigner assumes that he is the first "westerner" to have had contact with Argentine society. Finally, the Argentine shape tends to be slightly different from the American shape. Americans coming to Argentina basically get in the Uber, go to lunch and then go back to the hotel. They repeat the procedure during dinner, which is usually on Anglo-Saxon time rather than local time and that's it. Somehow, they are closed to experiencing what life is like in Argentina. I have many American friends and of course, the generalization does not apply to everyone. But I find that Americans tend to be very closed to experience other countries. I remember when I went to dinner with two American friends and they were disappointed that they couldn't find Chinese food or tacos on every corner. I was like: You're 8,000 miles from home and you'll be back in two days. Try something new, for Christ's sake! LOL
You should send them to McDonalds or Burger King if they dont want something new xD Yeah, argentinian here and the stuff you say is accurate, sometimes yankees thinks they can act like if they are "civilized" and we should worship them just for being from USA, and later call us "arrogants" because we dont adore them like some kind of gods or something.
haha you're clueless. I've lived there; they are seen as arrogant because THEY ARE arrogant. And most are as uneducated as any average citizen in the world; the days of rich argentinians ended a century ago.
The issue is that many girls have an idealization of Europeans, when the majority are not what we believe, I went out with mainly Nordic Europeans and they have us incredibly sexualized
And of course there may be Latinos who hypersexualize us or who are bad, but we complain about them every day and we don't idealize them, so it's good to talk about the hypersexualization of Latinas in Europe.@RoodWit123
@RoodWit123 I think the other answer I made was not sent lol. but I want to say that I never said that Europeans are better. Yes, there is this idealization in Latin America in general that the European is more respectful, more considerate, they treat you like a princess and the truth is that it is not like that, maybe there are but they are the minority. Even the majority can't even handle Latinas, especially when they exalt our attributes in a sexual way instead of seeing other qualities.
@RoodWit123 I dont think it is because latin women are beautifull. Actually the nordic women fit more in the Barbie beauty standarts, plus they are more open to casual relationships that latin, asian and slavic women would be more traditional. So in my mind, Nordic man would have no reason to try to date women outside the nordic region right ? But videos about date in youtube in generall are always with latin women, slavic or asian, because they come from majority developing countries. I dont see videos about chilenian and Uruguayan women, maybe because they are the richer in south america ? And the sexualization is the same with Romenian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnan women. I dont think that a traditional latin girl would like the nordic extreme hook up/at the same time emotionless relationship with nordic men, the same for the free-spirit/extroverted girls, they will always be seen as a exotic thing for the rest of their lifes, specially if they are mixed race/not white latin woman. I am not against date someone outside your country, but for argentinian women I think they have more in common with other south america countries + italian, Spanish,Portughese men than Scandinavian. I would like to see more videos about danish, swedish, Norwegian women than latin here. Why just show women from a completely different region ? Just for sell the exotic ? What will happen when they realize that latin women in reality are not exotic enough and just normal people ?
@RoodWit123 Women in Latin America are more sexualized due to the stereotype they create about Latin women. Obviously there may be guys who sexualize European women, but specific things, you could never comapre
Las Argentina a diferencia de otras Latinoamericanas no se fijan tanto en el fisico de los chicos y mas si son extranjeros, son mas bien de la forma de ser del hombre, no las impresiona la parte fisica como sucede en Colombia, Cuba etc donde ven a un extranjero y se babean pero las Argentinas tienes que conquistarlas con el lenguaje.
que ? que no se fijan? las argentinas son las mas exigentes fisicamente de toda latinoamerica jajaja, peor aun ya que ademas necesitas " chamuyo", la mayoria de latinos no tiene oportunidad alguna con una argentina porque no podria competir con un argentino, solo algunos con belleza y buen caracter podrian, pero es dificil por lo chamuyeros que son los argentinos
I am from Argentina, and i ve dated guys from Canada, United States, England. They are way more respectful (aka gentlemen) and honest. The problem with Argentinian men is that most of them will assume you want to get laid even when you have just agreed to go for a beer. I ve never had an awkard date with a foreing guy though.
Because you met genuine "Nice Guys" who want to wine and dine a woman and treat her as a princess. That's not popular in United States or Canada unless you're a guy the women considers 3 to 4 level ABOVE you in Money, Looks, or both. Any guy who is close to their level that does that is seen aa "Desperate and Creepy INCEL".
@@lohagopormi1610 nadie pide cerveza gratis. Te traduzco a ver si entendes. Aceptar salir a tomar una cerveza es solo eso. Nadie habla de que sea gratis. Cada uno puede pagarse lo suyo. Y si queres pagarlo vos ( porque pensas que ser caballero pasa por ahí ) que sea sin esperar nada a cambio. Cuando están acostumbrados a pagar por sexo , lo trasladan a las citas. I rest my case.
@@Born2neverdie Pagar por algo no es ser caballero, yo no les pago nada, ni una cerveza, me hago respetar por lo que soy y ninguna mujer me pone precio ni me va a sentir menos
Son asi hasta cierto punto los extranjeros , una amiga mia salia con un tipo extranjero que se comportaba asi y luego el tipo queria controlarla en todo porque al parecer solo por ser una mujer latinoamericana ya sos tachada de put@ ,ni hablar que la ninguneaba luego hablando de que solo se fijaba en el por su "green card" y todo el disparate ese,luego le preguntaba con cuantos tipos anduvo antes que èl y le molestaba hasta que ropa usaba cuando subia alguna foto en redes sociales
I've just been to Buenos Aires. Argentine girls are the most beautiful in the world in my opinion (I'm Italian). But Argentine girls are difficult to conquer
"Argentina girls are the most beautiful in the world" lol man get the hell out of here with that nonsense. They're beautiful women at every corner of planet earth, Argentina is not special buddy.
@@ferdieshoes2310 Colombia is not special too. Beauty is all subjective buddy. U may fine those Paisas Medellin women beautiful because they have some euro blood, but u wont find those native looking ones that are in Bogotá beautiful tho because of their features. Beauty is subjective .. I have traveled to 50 different countries and founded beautiful women in all of them.
Es muy gracioso como ciertos hombres lloran porque las mujeres pidamos cosas básicas como que sean fieles, que nos traten bien, que no los tengamos que mantener, que compartamos raza y lengua. Tienen mucha imaginación para inventarle defectos a chicas que no conocen.
In Brasil for the instance many women are attracted to leave their situation and go with a foreigner. I guess it has to do with being adventerous. You also have lots of Spanish, Portugese, Greeks, Italians, French and Eastern Europeans here wich would fit in Argentine.
The first impression of meeting a foreigner is that it could only be a passing relationship, because she will surely leave. Argentine women are not satisfied with just looking pretty, they laugh at stupid pretty people and can be very harsh at times. They are women with strong personalities and those from big cities like Buenos Aires have a strong tendency to be independent. “We jokingly say that they are crazy.” They tend to go beyond basic dialogue, if you are a foreigner, she will be curious about your culture and show you hers. If there is no connection at this stage, you are in trouble, even if you are an advertising model. She may get bored and will say so. In general, Argentines are like this and that is why they tend to isolate themselves from Latin America, not just from foreigners. Believing that all Latin Americans or Europeans are all the same is a mistake. If you do not like this cultural characteristic, I suggest that you try to really get to know the country you are visiting and do not take the easy way of saying that they are arrogant.
It’s funny how people complain about being looked down upon by people from other countries and turn around and do just the same thing. No, only Argentinians.
Yeah but it is not the same, culture is different. It is way easier in Thailand, than in Argentina, and in Argentina it is way easier than lets say Saudi Arabia.
I'm Argentine, I think one of the girls was extremely arrogant. Argentina is not only Buenos Aires. Also, another girl did the match point: some people (especially from USA) believes Argentina is the same as Mexico, Brazil, Cuba or whatever. Don't commit that error.
Coincido totalmente estuve en el extranjero y me preguntaban si comía burritos o tacos, y yo que? Además tienen el prototipo de mujer latina como la Mexicana y las Argentinas estamos lejos de ese estereotipo somos mucho más independientes y con carácter en su mayoría.
@@chillmat1513si las mexicanas hacen todo por el hombre le hacen de comer le lavan y están atenta a lo que el hombre dice y nosotras no nos dejamos somos más cancheras
En Argentina, tanto para los hombres como para mujeres, podes encontrar en tu misma ciudad gente con descendencia de cualquier parte de europa, medio oriente, asia, y recientemente hasta de africa... por eso nadie se vuelve loco con nadie. Aca esa idea de superioridad racial no va porque ya estamos acostumbrados a vivir rodeados de distintas culturas... si sos un gil sos un gil, no importa si sos del Congo o de Alemania.
Times have changed. In the 1990's Argentinian women were impressed by foreign men. I'm from the US and had no problem dating. Went back in 2010 the game had changed. Much more prudish. Went back in 2023 I could have dating multiple women. I didn't even try (I'm married now). The reason I got so much attention? I wore a CR7 shirt everyday. Nothing sparks fire more than wearing the GOAT shirt when the country adores "little Leo"
No es lo mismo un extranjero en un país remoto que una persona en su país. Compara al británico que vino por negocios con Juancito el de la panaderia y la mayoría de Argentinas va a querer al británico. Ahora compara a Juancito con Mike de la panadería de Luton y Juancito le pasa el trapo.
Pues sabes, depende que como se vea la mujer, si es un resentida y una ignorante nunca le va a dar bola a alguien culto y con dinero no importa de donde sea. Como dicen dios los cría y ellos se juntan. Los ñoños con los ñoñas, y los bobos con las bobas, no es tan difícil. Es gracioso porque ellas piensan que están eligiendo cuando no es así, simplemente se están emparentando con algo similar a ellas mismas.
Yo estuve en 15 provincias argentinas, soy argentino y te puedo decir que la mayoria de argentinas no son tan abiertas a salir con un extranjero. Como lo se???? He viajado con amigas a ciertos paises y cuando fuimos a España los ingleses se las intentaron levantar pero mis conocidas les cortaron rostro.
Yeah, so, just talk to them for locations, restaurants, museums, and try to get know some people over there, bit dating wise, it's pretty much a closed end for the woman their, so don't try to date them as much, cause your gonna be disappointed in the results.
I'm married to a American women wish I meet in Cali Colombia she loves my city and Latin America now we have 2 daughters I also dated Colombian women in the past also dated a Japanese and a Italian etc...back in the day 😊
I am from Argentina, I do not mind about a foreigner because we all come from immigrants, but he has to be white, have the will to live in the country, and have an income of his own, because a family is an economic organization and we have to be able to support it.
It seems like the 2 biggest barriers are language and foreigners being too shy or 'serious' or something.. like not being super extroverted, a dancer, a super passionate lover etc.. that's the vibe I get from these videos, would you agree? It's very interesting! South American girls actually seem a lot more confident and intelligent than my country 😬
@galletitadice Well, of course she is.. giving her personal opinion and preferences. Her use of english is very clear on this, actually. If you prefer something else, feel free to say it.
6:51 because here in argentina if you talk to a woman and ask for her number or instagram in the street she denounces you for harassment, and you end up in jail.🤣😂😂
Otra cosa: Los europeos le pidieron el teléfono porque es una extranjera y seguramente piensan que por ser latina es una facilona , probablemente los tipos esos europeos no van a pedirle el teléfono a las mujeres de sus países en plena calle random
@@flymarkus0957 you can married a rich foreign from a latin american country xD , the only ones who married rich foreigners are womens who are middle to high class (so they have money)
TRUTH. There is nothing stopping here from being "flown out" by some random rich dude getting F'ed then thrown away. Then when she comes back she takes it out on YOU.
My experience in Buenos Aires is the average girl is not overly exposed to English speakers and they find you interesting in that regard. However for the first time in my life I felt sexualized for being a foreigner. Really weird feeling honestly. Now I am not complaining though🤷🏼♂️🤣
Ridiculous question. Depen's who are you (your education, social class , country of origin, etc , and who is the girl. ( Her education, social class, etc)
Well, I'm sorry to pop your balloon, but at least she is THE ONLY sincere woman in the entire video, because you know, a country where earning 500 dollars is seen as a privilege, if someone comes from the first world it is obvious that they will be interested, The others just make excuses, like the first girl who said it was because they are more “gentlemanly” hahaha yes for sure…
Si les interesa, yo soy argentino viviendo en New York. Me vine en el 2001 y ahora puedo entrar y salir de acá sin problemas. Soy de zona norte del gran Bs. As.
Seems like Argentinians have almost more European in them than Latino alone. Some look more like northern Italian or Northern Spanish. If people know what they look like they look more like white and light brown hair and at times even Nordic almost. I guess a lot of Germans form the not so great time in WW2 fled there.
I think you are confusing the word 'Latino' with 'Indigenous.' Latinos *are* the descendents of Europeans. Spanish colonizers invaded, what we now know as Argentina, from the 16th century onwards. Today, 95% of Argentina’s population is of European descent, and half are Italian. Sadly, European invaders wiped out most of South America's indigenous tribes, and only around 380k indigenous people now remain in Argentina.
@@getheroutofthetruck I suspect it's the encompassing word for people that are from Latin America. Hence Latino/Latina. Hispanic would be the word for the non-native people. There are many "mixed" people in all of Latin America. So the word Latino just describes a person from Latin America. Then you can use other terms to be more specific. Ameri-Indian is one. Native etc. Also In regards to men and women it's Latino/Latina. Spanish is a gendered language.
We got germans here who come in WW1 times, we got heavy inmigrantion waves from Italy and Spain, we are not like the stereotype from USA they have about latinoamericans.
I met a blue eyed Argentinian girl a year and half ago and would NEVER date another American or Canadian women!!!!! They aren't tainted with feminazism indoctrination so they are very classy, feminine, loyal, loving and giving. At least that has been my experiences with the girls I have met there.
gotta listen to the small details, they basically would be open to dating a foreigner more as an experiment than anything. they all kept mentioning the inside jokes learning their world but not reciprocated etc. They seem more into wanting that than actually being open to being in a relationship with someone outside of Argentina. Keep your wallet tight fellas. and if a Latin chick says she's been on dates with men from around the world, she's from the streets.
Don't worry about your wallet. Women in Argentina generally own their own apartments, without mortgage ties, with university degrees, speak two languages and have an Italian or German passport to go Europe when things get very hard in Argentina. So, don't worry bro. They won't notice you unless you have a flat stomach and a good jawline.
@@gotmesom You make me laugh. A foreigner, stops anonymous girls on the streets of Argentina to ask them if they would date an foreigner and you make it look like they are the ones interested in foreigner!. Hahaha. After all, how many people from Argentina do you know who are living in your country? Zero, right? Believe me, if Mexicans know the way to get there, Argentinians do too. They simply prefer Argentina better. PS: Shallowness is asking a person if they would date a "foreigner", as if being a "foreigner" is a reason to reject or accept a person.
How difficult would be find and argentinian girl who actually likes Harry Potter? Aunque buenos las porteñas tienen el ego más grande. Las del interior seguramente estarán más dispuestas a salir con un extranjero.
This survey doesn't make much sense. Argentina was made by foreigners, more than 3.000.000 Italians, 2.000.000 Spaniards and hundreds of thousands of other European nations, for Argentine women, a fool always is a fool, whether he comes from the Congo or Switzerland..🤷♂
Argentine law, throughout its history, has respected the citizenship laws of the immigrants who settled in that country. Because of this, most Argentines are able to hold a European passport (due to their ancestors, who never renounced their nationality of origin since the country does not require it at the time of becoming an Argentine citizen). Finally, how many Argentines are there in your country? Believe me, if Mexicans know the way to get there, Argentines do too. But they are simply at home in their own country.
Seems like a lot of opinions from women that have little or no experience with western men…just guessing about us. Looks like there are lots of pretty women there !
Argentina is part of the western world. If you want to specify yankees from USA is another stuff, or if you want to say "mens from developed countries" is more proper.
They're feminist as fuck but that can be disregarded if you bring enough green bills to the table, be aware of the country family law if you're planning on settle down.
@@--Morpheus-- Iam not from Argentina. I'm an East Europian, who work in Germany. Most of my female Co- workers are argentinian. I thought, that the Latina girls are more traditional, but man they are same like West European woman.
I am Argentine, we are not feminists, just see the election, how Milei won with more then half of the votes and eliminated leftwinged language from the Administration. Comments in this thread are wrong. People voted massively a right wing party which declared antifeminist.
@@MariaBelenSeyssInquartse voto a milei no por la poblacion antifeminista, conozco muchas feministas que siguen siendo feministas y que votaron a milei porque no quedaba de otra por lo economico, el feminismo es muy fuerte en Argentina
@krakenbeats9932 Srly? Westernized? It´s literally located in the west and +90% ethnically being of full or partial Western European ancestry. Even before all the woke"ism" kicked in.
You expect latinoamerican womens like the ones you find in red light districts who are jumping to the next foreign guy from a non hispanic country?Sorry ,this is Argentina not some sex tourism spot navy base of USA.
Mucho mejor buscar una brasileña, venezolana o colombiana. No tienen el ego por las nubes, son dulces y más abiertas a conocer diferentes culturas y como extra no están contaminadas de feminismo.
Argentinian girls are too mid looking to be so pretentious. I live in minnesota and most of the european settlers here are of scandansvian ancestry... I just think they are better looking in terms of looks and personality then they girls you interviewed with all due respect. I also lived in north carolina for university and the girls here are beautiful as well. Theres a very large scottish and welsh population here from the earlier american settlers centuries ago and later german immigrants.
Las chicas del video son todas atractivas, tu gusto se ve que va por otro lado, no es necesario que mires o pierdas tu tiempo hablando de argentinas entonces.
Have you ever dated anyone from Argentina? How was the experience?
Instagram →
TikTok →
Argentinian girls are so mid looking to be acting so pretentious. I live in Minnesota which has a very high Scandinavian ancestry because they settled in this state centuries ago. Honestly I prefer girls that look more like your sister (if you have one) then Argentinian girls. Basically your average Snowbunny.
I speak Spanish as an American and have some Argentinian friends. When Argentinians start speaking to each other in and use their vocabulary sometimes I don’t understand a thing. They have a rich culture and even other Latinos wouldn’t understand a lot of their jokes etc. so I understand why it would be hard for an Argentinian to date someone who is foreign
The Spanish they speak with each other is definitely very hard to understand
Haha definitely, we use a lot of words even us we dont understand. i say the same about learning english in ireland xD @@BtheNomad
Each Latino country has their slang that’s why you won’t understand it. They wouldn’t understand ours or the other Spanish speaking countries either. Which is the fun and interesting things about having foreign friends.
@@jhayrios5514sabés que yo lo encuentro muy interesante, tener amigos de otros países, primero porque podes conocer otras costumbres, otras vivencias, formas de ver la vida, aprender y ayudar a que otros vean diferentes costumbres. Lo bello está en las diferencias, pero hace falta conocerlas.
@@maximilianomiguel8645 Claro! Siento que siempre estamos constantemente aprendiendo de nuestras culturas. Después que aprenden las palabras de uno al otro todo fluye
Son of Argentinians here, and been more than 10 times to the country (mostly Buenos Aires area). In contrast with most of Latin America, where women idealize her perfect European/American “prince”, Argentinian women do not seek that much for foreign men. Mainly because many of them have European ancestry, and do not see white dudes as exotic as other might see them. Although economic-wise and politic-wise its not like the US, in many aspects Argentina is a sort of South Hispanic USA (understanding the US as a traditional white-majority country as shown in many Hollywood movies). Also, Argentinian culture is quite closed with regards to foreigners, their jokes are unique to them, and they really like to stick to themselves for the most part. Also, specially in Buenos Aires, some women might be arrogant, and they do not like to feel like they are an “easy Latina woman” to European or White Americans, so thats why they would likely engage easier with fellow Argentinean men. I would say Spainiards, Italians and other Latin Americans might have a better chance for an easier connection (in the beginning at least) with Argentinean women, compared to other nationalities.
I think that has been lost recently and Argentine women are more open to having relationships with foreigners. Even so, they continue to prefer local men, just as Argentinians continue to prefer local women.
That's sad if true @marcosrodes2897
Many have european ancestry? Excuse me, 97 percent at least of the population is at least partly european, and around 80 percent is white with very little to no admixture.
As an argentine woman I completely agree with you.
at least 97 percent have european ancestors
I'm mexican and I'm marrying an argentinian woman this year. Since we speak the same language and share similar cultures, we never had any cultural barriers whatsoever.
Si te digo la verdad, me sorprende, la mayoria de las argentinas prefieren hombres locales por sobre un extranjero.
Good luck.
@@AlexanderHansmeyer-195 nah, depende del status del hombre y que sea de un país mejor que el suyo. Mexico cumple con ambas.
@@mariachiingles2348 jajaja buen chiste.
@@susanguche como amanecio la inflacion hoy? 250% jajaja
Argentinian women are most closed for foreigners in all of Latin America - my experience and impressions, if you don't speak Spanish either - it will be very tough.
bs as women are crazy, doesnt matter if you are local or a foreigner
you’re my new favorite channel to watch on my Spanish language learning journey gracias 🤩
Thanks !
You deserve all the success brotha! I’m watching these videos to learn Spanish as it’s far more interesante than podcasts/books
thanks man!
Im from the USA and am dating someone from ARGENTINA. Shes fiery and Im more laid back, we balance each other. The cultures are completely different. We have been together almost 5 years. We both have a great LOVE for GOD and he brought us together.
Argentine women are most open to date their own or from Latin America.
If you, as foreign man, don’t speak Spanish or don’t know their culture, you’re are pretty much screwed, not only with Argentine women, but all Latinas in general.
The first girl was spot on.
I can say for a fact when I go to Argentina it is effectively papi time for me 🤷🏼♂️
@@akeurig you are from? speak Spanish?
@@bavariancarenthusiast2722 usa, enough to get around but not hold a real conversation
If you go on date as long as you are trying to speak I havent had a girl mind using stranslator to help
@@akeurig good to know thank you :)
Soy brasileiro y me toca decir algo... Las argentinas.. las banco y las amo! hahaha
obrigada, querido. Por esto los queremos jajaja
Brasileros lindos pero muy mentirosos con las mujeres😂😂
Too bad you didn’t interview the blonde from the previous video. She was amazing 😊
You mean she was stunning haha
Great videos man, so interesting & really helps with learning the language
Thanks man!
In spite of its constant crises, the Argentine people have a very high academic and cultural level. The Argentine educational system is somewhat more comprehensive than the American or European educational system. I have met several successful Americans and Europeans, and it was surprising to me that they did not know how to locate Latin American countries on the map or were unaware of the geographic vastness of Argentina. For that reason, the average "westeners" tends to be considered somewhat arrogant. On the other hand, Argentina is pretty much at the forefront of human rights and it is quite disconcerting how some Europeans or Americans sexualize South America and many of them are surprised when they suddenly walk into a bar in Argentina and the rest of the people present do not roll out a red carpet for the "westerner". Argentina is a country of immigrants and despite the bad economy, many Argentines are accustomed to travel. So it tends to be considered disrespectful when a foreigner assumes that he is the first "westerner" to have had contact with Argentine society. Finally, the Argentine shape tends to be slightly different from the American shape. Americans coming to Argentina basically get in the Uber, go to lunch and then go back to the hotel. They repeat the procedure during dinner, which is usually on Anglo-Saxon time rather than local time and that's it. Somehow, they are closed to experiencing what life is like in Argentina. I have many American friends and of course, the generalization does not apply to everyone. But I find that Americans tend to be very closed to experience other countries. I remember when I went to dinner with two American friends and they were disappointed that they couldn't find Chinese food or tacos on every corner. I was like: You're 8,000 miles from home and you'll be back in two days. Try something new, for Christ's sake! LOL
You should send them to McDonalds or Burger King if they dont want something new xD
Yeah, argentinian here and the stuff you say is accurate, sometimes yankees thinks they can act like if they are "civilized" and we should worship them just for being from USA, and later call us "arrogants" because we dont adore them like some kind of gods or something.
haha you're clueless. I've lived there; they are seen as arrogant because THEY ARE arrogant. And most are as uneducated as any average citizen in the world; the days of rich argentinians ended a century ago.
I am an argentinian and I approve of this comment
@@lefatalite argentinians have the worst inflation in the world. So much for their high education lol
So Argentinian women are not impressed by a foreigner for a date just because he is a foreigner, they prefer their own thing.
A lot of argentinians have eurppean passports,they dont need someone to take them to a better place.
The issue is that many girls have an idealization of Europeans, when the majority are not what we believe, I went out with mainly Nordic Europeans and they have us incredibly sexualized
And of course there may be Latinos who hypersexualize us or who are bad, but we complain about them every day and we don't idealize them, so it's good to talk about the hypersexualization of Latinas in Europe.@RoodWit123
@RoodWit123 I think the other answer I made was not sent lol. but I want to say that I never said that Europeans are better. Yes, there is this idealization in Latin America in general that the European is more respectful, more considerate, they treat you like a princess and the truth is that it is not like that, maybe there are but they are the minority. Even the majority can't even handle Latinas, especially when they exalt our attributes in a sexual way instead of seeing other qualities.
@RoodWit123 mujeres hermosas hay en Rusia
@RoodWit123 I dont think it is because latin women are beautifull. Actually the nordic women fit more in the Barbie beauty standarts, plus they are more open to casual relationships that latin, asian and slavic women would be more traditional. So in my mind, Nordic man would have no reason to try to date women outside the nordic region right ? But videos about date in youtube in generall are always with latin women, slavic or asian, because they come from majority developing countries. I dont see videos about chilenian and Uruguayan women, maybe because they are the richer in south america ? And the sexualization is the same with Romenian, Ukrainian, Polish, Russian, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnan women. I dont think that a traditional latin girl would like the nordic extreme hook up/at the same time emotionless relationship with nordic men, the same for the free-spirit/extroverted girls, they will always be seen as a exotic thing for the rest of their lifes, specially if they are mixed race/not white latin woman. I am not against date someone outside your country, but for argentinian women I think they have more in common with other south america countries + italian, Spanish,Portughese men than Scandinavian. I would like to see more videos about danish, swedish, Norwegian women than latin here. Why just show women from a completely different region ? Just for sell the exotic ? What will happen when they realize that latin women in reality are not exotic enough and just normal people ?
@RoodWit123 Women in Latin America are more sexualized due to the stereotype they create about Latin women. Obviously there may be guys who sexualize European women, but specific things, you could never comapre
Hey man thanks for the videos, they help me to learn some Spanish :). Keep it up!
Thanks man!
Las Argentina a diferencia de otras Latinoamericanas no se fijan tanto en el fisico de los chicos y mas si son extranjeros, son mas bien de la forma de ser del hombre, no las impresiona la parte fisica como sucede en Colombia, Cuba etc donde ven a un extranjero y se babean pero las Argentinas tienes que conquistarlas con el lenguaje.
que ? que no se fijan? las argentinas son las mas exigentes fisicamente de toda latinoamerica jajaja, peor aun ya que ademas necesitas " chamuyo", la mayoria de latinos no tiene oportunidad alguna con una argentina porque no podria competir con un argentino, solo algunos con belleza y buen caracter podrian, pero es dificil por lo chamuyeros que son los argentinos
Jajaja x2
They give great explanations
I am from Argentina, and i ve dated guys from Canada, United States, England. They are way more respectful (aka gentlemen) and honest. The problem with Argentinian men is that most of them will assume you want to get laid even when you have just agreed to go for a beer. I ve never had an awkard date with a foreing guy though.
Te crees que ofrecemos cerveza gratis? A los hombres hay que enseñarles que nada es gratis, ni el sexo, y las mujeres lo saben mejor que nadie.
Because you met genuine "Nice Guys" who want to wine and dine a woman and treat her as a princess. That's not popular in United States or Canada unless you're a guy the women considers 3 to 4 level ABOVE you in Money, Looks, or both. Any guy who is close to their level that does that is seen aa "Desperate and Creepy INCEL".
@@lohagopormi1610 nadie pide cerveza gratis. Te traduzco a ver si entendes. Aceptar salir a tomar una cerveza es solo eso. Nadie habla de que sea gratis. Cada uno puede pagarse lo suyo. Y si queres pagarlo vos ( porque pensas que ser caballero pasa por ahí ) que sea sin esperar nada a cambio. Cuando están acostumbrados a pagar por sexo , lo trasladan a las citas. I rest my case.
@@Born2neverdie Pagar por algo no es ser caballero, yo no les pago nada, ni una cerveza, me hago respetar por lo que soy y ninguna mujer me pone precio ni me va a sentir menos
Son asi hasta cierto punto los extranjeros , una amiga mia salia con un tipo extranjero que se comportaba asi y luego el tipo queria controlarla en todo porque al parecer solo por ser una mujer latinoamericana ya sos tachada de put@ ,ni hablar que la ninguneaba luego hablando de que solo se fijaba en el por su "green card" y todo el disparate ese,luego le preguntaba con cuantos tipos anduvo antes que èl y le molestaba hasta que ropa usaba cuando subia alguna foto en redes sociales
I've just been to Buenos Aires. Argentine girls are the most beautiful in the world in my opinion (I'm Italian). But Argentine girls are difficult to conquer
You have to go to Colombia. You see a beauty everywhere...
@@ferdieshoes2310 Dark skinned,and vulgar,no thanks
You have no need to speak hard facts, yet you did
"Argentina girls are the most beautiful in the world" lol man get the hell out of here with that nonsense. They're beautiful women at every corner of planet earth, Argentina is not special buddy.
@@ferdieshoes2310 Colombia is not special too. Beauty is all subjective buddy. U may fine those Paisas Medellin women beautiful because they have some euro blood, but u wont find those native looking ones that are in Bogotá beautiful tho because of their features. Beauty is subjective .. I have traveled to 50 different countries and founded beautiful women in all of them.
Great content, keep that up!🙂
Es muy gracioso como ciertos hombres lloran porque las mujeres pidamos cosas básicas como que sean fieles, que nos traten bien, que no los tengamos que mantener, que compartamos raza y lengua. Tienen mucha imaginación para inventarle defectos a chicas que no conocen.
Love your content!
How did you learn to speak Spanish that good? How much time did it take you?
any tips to learn?
In Brasil for the instance many women are attracted to leave their situation and go with a foreigner. I guess it has to do with being adventerous. You also have lots of Spanish, Portugese, Greeks, Italians, French and Eastern Europeans here wich would fit in Argentine.
The first impression of meeting a foreigner is that it could only be a passing relationship, because she will surely leave.
Argentine women are not satisfied with just looking pretty, they laugh at stupid pretty people and can be very harsh at times. They are women with strong personalities and those from big cities like Buenos Aires have a strong tendency to be independent. “We jokingly say that they are crazy.”
They tend to go beyond basic dialogue, if you are a foreigner, she will be curious about your culture and show you hers. If there is no connection at this stage, you are in trouble, even if you are an advertising model. She may get bored and will say so.
In general, Argentines are like this and that is why they tend to isolate themselves from Latin America, not just from foreigners. Believing that all Latin Americans or Europeans are all the same is a mistake.
If you do not like this cultural characteristic, I suggest that you try to really get to know the country you are visiting and do not take the easy way of saying that they are arrogant.
It’s funny how people complain about being looked down upon by people from other countries and turn around and do just the same thing. No, only Argentinians.
What do u mean?
The girl in red has incredible eyes and a good smile
So they prefer their own, kind of refreshing.
They prefer locals over other Latinos, but they won't say no a North American/European. These guys stand out and actually overcome locals.
@@ivanivan5511 coping
Perhaps, as you may have seen, cause we are european enough???
@@ivanivan5511 you`ve been there bro?
@@flymarkus0957 I'm an actual Argentinian, my dude
Great content!
If you know how to win any woman and have good looks you can get any woman in any country without any problem.
Yeah but it is not the same, culture is different. It is way easier in Thailand, than in Argentina, and in Argentina it is way easier than lets say Saudi Arabia.
@@Zelielz1 if you are a good player you can get any woman
I'm Argentine, I think one of the girls was extremely arrogant. Argentina is not only Buenos Aires. Also, another girl did the match point: some people (especially from USA) believes Argentina is the same as Mexico, Brazil, Cuba or whatever. Don't commit that error.
Coincido totalmente estuve en el extranjero y me preguntaban si comía burritos o tacos, y yo que? Además tienen el prototipo de mujer latina como la Mexicana y las Argentinas estamos lejos de ese estereotipo somos mucho más independientes y con carácter en su mayoría.
@@di-ana01así es, los mexicanos son mucho más conservadores, y los argentinos somos más liberales
@@chillmat1513si las mexicanas hacen todo por el hombre le hacen de comer le lavan y están atenta a lo que el hombre dice y nosotras no nos dejamos somos más cancheras
Dont forget that Argentinians are also racist, majority
En Argentina, tanto para los hombres como para mujeres, podes encontrar en tu misma ciudad gente con descendencia de cualquier parte de europa, medio oriente, asia, y recientemente hasta de africa... por eso nadie se vuelve loco con nadie. Aca esa idea de superioridad racial no va porque ya estamos acostumbrados a vivir rodeados de distintas culturas... si sos un gil sos un gil, no importa si sos del Congo o de Alemania.
Buena definición, el gil es gil en todos lados🤣
Apruebo este comentario con violencia jajajaja
Tal cual. Yo he conocido giles extranjeros
This interviewer dude has great confidence in himself
Times have changed. In the 1990's Argentinian women were impressed by foreign men. I'm from the US and had no problem dating. Went back in 2010 the game had changed. Much more prudish. Went back in 2023 I could have dating multiple women. I didn't even try (I'm married now). The reason I got so much attention? I wore a CR7 shirt everyday. Nothing sparks fire more than wearing the GOAT shirt when the country adores "little Leo"
Hahahaha we love leo!! But we understand that cr7 is a good player... btw we know a lot about football!!
Great content ! I thinking im going in a couple months
No es lo mismo un extranjero en un país remoto que una persona en su país.
Compara al británico que vino por negocios con Juancito el de la panaderia y la mayoría de Argentinas va a querer al británico. Ahora compara a Juancito con Mike de la panadería de Luton y Juancito le pasa el trapo.
aguante juancito panadero
Juancito el de gaspi
Pues sabes, depende que como se vea la mujer, si es un resentida y una ignorante nunca le va a dar bola a alguien culto y con dinero no importa de donde sea. Como dicen dios los cría y ellos se juntan. Los ñoños con los ñoñas, y los bobos con las bobas, no es tan difícil. Es gracioso porque ellas piensan que están eligiendo cuando no es así, simplemente se están emparentando con algo similar a ellas mismas.
@@andreuasencios3620 podria decirse que este es un tipico comentario de resentido e ignorante tambien no?... no te creas tan pillo amigo.
Yo estuve en 15 provincias argentinas, soy argentino y te puedo decir que la mayoria de argentinas no son tan abiertas a salir con un extranjero.
Como lo se???? He viajado con amigas a ciertos paises y cuando fuimos a España los ingleses se las intentaron levantar pero mis conocidas les cortaron rostro.
I am visiting in two weeks. This is good to know.
Same here brother
Yeah, so, just talk to them for locations, restaurants, museums, and try to get know some people over there, bit dating wise, it's pretty much a closed end for the woman their, so don't try to date them as much, cause your gonna be disappointed in the results.
I'm married to a American women wish I meet in Cali Colombia she loves my city and Latin America now we have 2 daughters I also dated Colombian women in the past also dated a Japanese and a Italian etc...back in the day 😊
I am from Argentina, I do not mind about a foreigner because we all come from immigrants, but he has to be white, have the will to live in the country, and have an income of his own, because a family is an economic organization and we have to be able to support it.
You mean he has to be white and racist like you
It seems like the 2 biggest barriers are language and foreigners being too shy or 'serious' or something.. like not being super extroverted, a dancer, a super passionate lover etc.. that's the vibe I get from these videos, would you agree?
It's very interesting! South American girls actually seem a lot more confident and intelligent than my country 😬
Maria Belen, disculpa mi atrevimiento: Vos sos de origen aleman?
I hope you speak for yourself and no in general because no all women want the same things. Especially the white and country thing...
@galletitadice Well, of course she is.. giving her personal opinion and preferences. Her use of english is very clear on this, actually.
If you prefer something else, feel free to say it.
Viva Argentina 🇦🇷
Beautiful people specially women are very attractive🙌💙❤️🙋♂️
Greetings from Croatia 🇭🇷
No entiendo el video es si las Argentinas quiere salir con un extranjero, o si alguna vez salieron con uno, no se entiende
These women that this guy is interviewing are very young. Major difference between 18-25 and 30- 50 years of age.
6:51 because here in argentina if you talk to a woman and ask for her number or instagram in the street she denounces you for harassment, and you end up in jail.🤣😂😂
No era en España?😂😂😂
Otra cosa: Los europeos le pidieron el teléfono porque es una extranjera y seguramente piensan que por ser latina es una facilona , probablemente los tipos esos europeos no van a pedirle el teléfono a las mujeres de sus países en plena calle random
Pedir eso en la calle es raro...
es muy jeropa pedirle el insta a una mina en la calle, a esa le paso porque claramente tiene perfil "gato"
most of us from south america are not interested in foreigners, we have our own men, and we find them the most handsome
Statistics say otherwise
statistics says that at least 95% of us date others south americans @@dagda3000
@@dagda3000 lol few people date with foreigners, we prefer our own kind
You date them, yes but you also marry rich 😂😂
@@flymarkus0957 you can married a rich foreign from a latin american country xD , the only ones who married rich foreigners are womens who are middle to high class (so they have money)
If a female has an Instagram wether she is American, Italian, or Argentinian you should probably reconsider dating her...
TRUTH. There is nothing stopping here from being "flown out" by some random rich dude getting F'ed then thrown away. Then when she comes back she takes it out on YOU.
In Argentina everyone has instagram. With your logic you shouldn't date argentinians.
LMAO. This is not true. What are you like 16?? 🤣
EMP Electro Magnetic Pulse ?
Un shot cada vez que se dice ‘chamuchar’ o sus conjugaciones. 😂
Can do this in every country in world and the answer will be the same: depends
Qué facilidad para encontrar hombres las mujeres argentinas.
I'll gladly volunteer
My experience in Buenos Aires is the average girl is not overly exposed to English speakers and they find you interesting in that regard. However for the first time in my life I felt sexualized for being a foreigner. Really weird feeling honestly. Now I am not complaining though🤷🏼♂️🤣
You have dollars! 🤑
@@Absoluto777 A los de B o P no los tocan ni con un puntero láser.
I feel that way in the US. It's nice.
What's your country and race ?
Hvordan lærte du spansk? Bruger mest af alt dine videoer og lign.
Kommer mere indhold på det meget snart!
Me dieron sueño che. Si quieren venir a Argentina visiten el interior, los porteños son muy complicados.
Ridiculous question. Depen's who are you (your education, social class , country of origin, etc , and who is the girl. ( Her education, social class, etc)
3:04 the type of girl I'd avoid lol
hence why shes a 304
Well, I'm sorry to pop your balloon, but at least she is THE ONLY sincere woman in the entire video, because you know, a country where earning 500 dollars is seen as a privilege, if someone comes from the first world it is obvious that they will be interested, The others just make excuses, like the first girl who said it was because they are more “gentlemanly” hahaha yes for sure…
we would all avoid
Good video. Red shirt....
Si les interesa, yo soy argentino viviendo en New York. Me vine en el 2001 y ahora puedo entrar y salir de acá sin problemas. Soy de zona norte del gran Bs. As.
Seems like Argentinians have almost more European in them than Latino alone. Some look more like northern Italian or Northern Spanish. If people know what they look like they look more like white and light brown hair and at times even Nordic almost.
I guess a lot of Germans form the not so great time in WW2 fled there.
I think you are confusing the word 'Latino' with 'Indigenous.'
Latinos *are* the descendents of Europeans. Spanish colonizers invaded, what we now know as Argentina, from the 16th century onwards. Today, 95% of Argentina’s population is of European descent, and half are Italian.
Sadly, European invaders wiped out most of South America's indigenous tribes, and only around 380k indigenous people now remain in Argentina.
@@getheroutofthetruck I suspect it's the encompassing word for people that are from Latin America. Hence Latino/Latina. Hispanic would be the word for the non-native people. There are many "mixed" people in all of Latin America. So the word Latino just describes a person from Latin America. Then you can use other terms to be more specific. Ameri-Indian is one. Native etc.
Also In regards to men and women it's Latino/Latina. Spanish is a gendered language.
@@getheroutofthetruck Argentina is not 95% European... Maybe 70% European and other 30% being mestizos or indigenous.
It's actually closer to 97% European. Only 2.38% of Argentina's population identified as indigenous, from the 2022 census. @@bookinsights1092
We got germans here who come in WW1 times, we got heavy inmigrantion waves from Italy and Spain, we are not like the stereotype from USA they have about latinoamericans.
theres no video when you say 'one right here' at 11:44
Argentina is whiter than the US, lol 😂 😅
your comment makes no sense the United States is not a white country same as Argentina
I met a blue eyed Argentinian girl a year and half ago and would NEVER date another American or Canadian women!!!!! They aren't tainted with feminazism indoctrination so they are very classy, feminine, loyal, loving and giving. At least that has been my experiences with the girls I have met there.
Do you Americans like affectionate women? I understand that they prefer them cold like a refrigerator.
How old are you B?
La primera chica triguena es Lindisima
2:07 Argentina siendo Argentina con el ego por el cielo
Que belleza no❤
es una chiquilla que no salió de Argentina, ya se le pasará cuando viaje..
Porque? Los argentinos son re lindos, ella está en lo cierto.
@@iaf4454 angel di maria y carlos tevez son argentinos y no hay nada de lindo en ellos
@@thewolf81lobo86 decime de que país sos y te digo todos los feos que tenes xD
In the US the term Western is used mostly by viewers of Fox News
1:46 ???
gotta listen to the small details, they basically would be open to dating a foreigner more as an experiment than anything. they all kept mentioning the inside jokes learning their world but not reciprocated etc. They seem more into wanting that than actually being open to being in a relationship with someone outside of Argentina. Keep your wallet tight fellas. and if a Latin chick says she's been on dates with men from around the world, she's from the streets.
Don't worry about your wallet. Women in Argentina generally own their own apartments, without mortgage ties, with university degrees, speak two languages and have an Italian or German passport to go Europe when things get very hard in Argentina. So, don't worry bro. They won't notice you unless you have a flat stomach and a good jawline.
@MB-ct4zj if shallowness is all they're into I can do much better elsewhere . And I highly doubt all of them are as you described, nice try kid.
@@gotmesom You make me laugh. A foreigner, stops anonymous girls on the streets of Argentina to ask them if they would date an foreigner and you make it look like they are the ones interested in foreigner!. Hahaha. After all, how many people from Argentina do you know who are living in your country? Zero, right? Believe me, if Mexicans know the way to get there, Argentinians do too. They simply prefer Argentina better. PS: Shallowness is asking a person if they would date a "foreigner", as if being a "foreigner" is a reason to reject or accept a person.
How difficult would be find and argentinian girl who actually likes Harry Potter? Aunque buenos las porteñas tienen el ego más grande. Las del interior seguramente estarán más dispuestas a salir con un extranjero.
I stopped watching after 0:21 after hottie told she is already dating.
If you think an Argentine girl is hard, try Lebanese. Then you know what hard is.
Not interested
Whats the first girls Instagram? I will reward correct answers
These women are wealthy
This survey doesn't make much sense. Argentina was made by foreigners, more than 3.000.000 Italians, 2.000.000 Spaniards and hundreds of thousands of other European nations, for Argentine women, a fool always is a fool, whether he comes from the Congo or Switzerland..🤷♂
A mi me gustan las Rusas 🥰 son las mas lindas ❤
Y dale salí con ellas nadie te para
Son frias y materialistas.
muy lindas pero solo quieren la billetera para pagar marcas de lujo, no te quieren a ti como persona.
All those no's are BS once the lock eyes with the right guy.
Salí con extranjeros y luego de eso con Argentinos nunca más.
same hermana, te das cuenta q son un embole... yo ya ni me imagino con un arg en pareja
3:23 What's the girl in blacks Instagram? I will reward correct answers
Si SE MANDAN CONTIGO, SE MANDAN CON OTRAS. Ley de vida. Allá te lo llevas.. Con el tiempo lo sufrirás a los caraduras chamulleros
like it
muy poco representativo el grupo de mujeres que elegiste
Foreign passport....and get the heck out of there 😂😂😂
Argentine law, throughout its history, has respected the citizenship laws of the immigrants who settled in that country. Because of this, most Argentines are able to hold a European passport (due to their ancestors, who never renounced their nationality of origin since the country does not require it at the time of becoming an Argentine citizen). Finally, how many Argentines are there in your country? Believe me, if Mexicans know the way to get there, Argentines do too. But they are simply at home in their own country.
everyone in argentina has an italian/spaniard passport
Foreign to them is a white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes lol.
Why? Nahh we have blonde and blued eyes argentinos...
Foreing means from a different culture and, country.
La que dijo mexico 🤢 que estomago esa chica por dios
Llora mesero.
@@jonathanglzplz894 el mesero come mejor que el comensal
yo soy argentina y he concido mexicanos muy guapos y muy caballeros, repetiría sin problemas con un mexicano, huelen rico!
Argentinean girls are so humble. /s
Argentina is not only Buenos Aires, I noticed one of the girls was extremely arrogant. I'm Argentine.
90% “chetas” in this video lol
lol right!
That is just how they act on the interview, then they will treat men like diapers.
@@Zelielz1 I was being sarcastic. They seem arrogant.
Claro que paguen todas las cosas 😂
Seems like a lot of opinions from women that have little or no experience with western men…just guessing about us. Looks like there are lots of pretty women there !
Argentina is part of the western world.
If you want to specify yankees from USA is another stuff, or if you want to say "mens from developed countries" is more proper.
Argentina has one of the highest divorce rates in the world.
In Mexico and Brazil is Higher
They're feminist as fuck but that can be disregarded if you bring enough green bills to the table, be aware of the country family law if you're planning on settle down.
The comment , that I was looking for. They are more feminist than the west european women.
@@kaiseri.4641Hows the "diversity agenda" among the feminists? Are you guys affected by mass immigration like Euro countries and north America?
@@--Morpheus-- Iam not from Argentina. I'm an East Europian, who work in Germany. Most of my female
Co- workers are argentinian. I thought, that the Latina girls are more traditional, but man they are same like West European woman.
I am Argentine, we are not feminists, just see the election, how Milei won with more then half of the votes and eliminated leftwinged language from the Administration. Comments in this thread are wrong. People voted massively a right wing party which declared antifeminist.
@@MariaBelenSeyssInquartse voto a milei no por la poblacion antifeminista, conozco muchas feministas que siguen siendo feministas y que votaron a milei porque no quedaba de otra por lo economico, el feminismo es muy fuerte en Argentina
Never trust what women say 😂
Please come and take our women 🙇🏻 !
Already tired of them?
@@--Morpheus-- they're hard to get, at least to me 🥲
Eso tiene que ser de algún fetiche
@@nathancasey7712 es la realidad 😭
They are flaky as heck , not much difference from the states.
@krakenbeats9932 Srly? Westernized? It´s literally located in the west and +90% ethnically being of full or partial Western European ancestry. Even before all the woke"ism" kicked in.
You expect latinoamerican womens like the ones you find in red light districts who are jumping to the next foreign guy from a non hispanic country?Sorry ,this is Argentina not some sex tourism spot navy base of USA.
Well Argentinien are Italians, who speak Spanish.
@@TOM.COLLINS. "western europeans" are not responsible for the "woke" plague ruining society, that can actually be traced directly back to israel.
Mucho mejor buscar una brasileña, venezolana o colombiana. No tienen el ego por las nubes, son dulces y más abiertas a conocer diferentes culturas y como extra no están contaminadas de feminismo.
Son más fáciles que la tabla del 2 las de esos países 😂😂 bien pu##
@@Franco_Vera_Arg bueno por la forma en que te refieres a las mujeres se puede ver qué tipo atraes y con qué tipo te relacionas.
Era broma, ustedes son más lindas 😊
@@Franco_Vera_Arg Ni por casualidad.
@@darleneizaguirre7688 Lo que pasa que el feminismo es fuerte en Argentina y eso las hace mas cerradas que las otras latinas.
Soooo, sounds like they ain't into it lol
Esas q dicen q si..son todas mentirosas 😂😂 y somos los unicos q podrían bancar estas locas 😂😂asi q flaco correeee
Damn,they don't like foreign men,i ll stay in Bulgaria! 😅
Un chico occidental haciendo preguntas 😂
These girls are just way too hot.
Argentinian girls are too mid looking to be so pretentious. I live in minnesota and most of the european settlers here are of scandansvian ancestry... I just think they are better looking in terms of looks and personality then they girls you interviewed with all due respect. I also lived in north carolina for university and the girls here are beautiful as well. Theres a very large scottish and welsh population here from the earlier american settlers centuries ago and later german immigrants.
Son chicas normales de aspecto del Sur de Europa.
How you describe the girls from Minnesota,USA in terms of personality and looks?
Spot on
Well, its ok that you like american girls more than the argentinians ones
Las chicas del video son todas atractivas, tu gusto se ve que va por otro lado, no es necesario que mires o pierdas tu tiempo hablando de argentinas entonces.
Cultural speaking Argentinian people should also be considered European. They are just as different as common between other European countries.