Revelation Now: Episode 19 "The King's Ambassador" with Doug Batchelor

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024
  • Revelation Now: Episode 19 "The King's Ambassador" with Doug Batchelor

Комментарии • 49

  • @AnnaVisser1
    @AnnaVisser1 2 года назад +2

    Thank you Pastor Doug, I love your frank comments. May God bless you.❤️❤️❤️

  • @tiffanyharman7551
    @tiffanyharman7551 3 года назад +7

    Thank you Pastor Doug! Great truth. Xx

    • @edaguirre8952
      @edaguirre8952 3 года назад

      False doctrines are lies and you know that heresy is a work of the flesh as declared in Galatians chapter 5. Heretics do not inherit the kingdom of God. So this is a serious matter. Adventists believe the Sabbath (going to church on Saturday) is binding from Ellen White because the Lord Jesus did not command it. God wrote with his finger, but "Has in these last days spoken unto us by his Son (Hebrews 1:2)." There is liberty in Christ concerning days according to Romans 14:5,6, so there's no sabbath or Sunday keeping commandments given in the New Testament. Therefore, the Sunday law mark of the beast is a hoax. Ellen White has her followers trying to earn points with God keeping the sabbath, but "by the deeds of the law no flesh shall be justified in his sight (Romans 3:20)." The 10 commandments are "the ministration of DEATH ENGRAVED IN STONES (2 Corinthians 3:7) superseded by the COMMANDMENTS OF CHRIST. Love is the heart of the moral law, not the sabbath day:"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor, therefore love is THE FULFILLING OF THE LAW (Romans 13:10)."Righteousness comes through Christ, not by the law (Galatians 2:21). The Holy Spirit is the seal of God (Ephesians 1:13), not the sabbath day.
      The Sabbath commandment is nowhere quoted in the New Testament. Jesus, as Lord of the sabbath, chose not to quote the 4th commandment. Therefore, Ellen White's followers attempt to keep the sabbath day because Ellen White told them to. Jesus COMMANDED his followers to REMEMBER LOT'S WIFE, not remember the sabbath day. Sabbath keeping Jews killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets...they please not God, and are contrary to all men...for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost (1Thessalonians 2:14-16)." In Acts they murdered Stephen and stoned Paul.
      The sabbath was a sign ONLY to Israel (Exodus 31:17) and therefore has nothing to do with the gospel and the gentiles. Jesus is the reality of things foreshadowed in the Old Testament, of which the Sabbath day was one as Colossians 2:16, 17 declares: the Sabbath was a shadow that pointed to Christ who is the fulfillment. This fact is clearly demonstrated in the book of Numbers 28:9, 10 where two lambs were offered ceremonially on the sabbath day which looked forward to the sacrifice of Christ. The Old Testament sacrifices, the priesthood and the Sabbath were abolished and Jesus became the hope of eternal rest. It is a simple gospel to just follow him and rest in His merits and the promises of God, for we "are complete in him (Colossians 2:10)" and "...By grace are ye saved through faith... not of works lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto GOOD WORKS...(Ephesians 2:8-10)." Therefore, the rest of faith in Hebrews 4 is not the Sabbath day. It is exactly that - a rest of FAITH as noted in 4:3, not a day of the week. The message of the Book of Hebrews is for Jews and anyone else to not go back to Judaism or apostatize. Keeping faith in Christ will lead to eternal rest in heaven which the Old Testament Promised Land foreshadowed.
      The word "sabbath" is not even mentioned after the book of Acts except in Colossians 2:16 where Paul advises Christians about judgmental sabbath keepers. Judaizers are accursed for pulling Christians back into the Old Testament obsolete Jewish system like sabbath keeping (see Galatians 1:6-9). His sheep hear his voice and a stranger they will not follow(John 10).
      Paul went into the synagogues on the Sabbath in the book of Acts to preach to the Jews and their gentile converts as noted in Acts 13. The unbelieving sabbath keeping Jews persecuted the apostles, murdered Stephen and stoned Paul, therefore those were not believer's meetings in the synagogues, and obviously Paul was not observing the sabbath day. On the contrary, the believers met on the first day of the week - the day of the resurrection, also called the LORD'S DAY, as seen in 1 Corinthians 16:2; Acts 20:7 and Revelation 1:10. Therefore, going to church on the first day of the week is not taking the mark of the beast. Christians were meeting on that day long before the Catholic Church was instituted. Ellen White invented the idea that Sunday church attendance is taking the mark of the beast, therefore it is dangerous to trust your eternal destiny on her "visions" or "revelations." It looks like the mark of the beast is going to be a digital tattoo or a microchip implant.
      Soul sleeping is a false doctrine. Jesus "brought life and immortality to light through the gospel(2 Tim. 1:10)." Therefore there's life immediately after death in which consciousness survives death ( see Hebrews 9:27). Eternal life begins now in this life upon experiencing the new birth. New Testament examples are: When Jesus was transfigured before Peter, James and John, "there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him (Matthew 17:3)." The rich man and Lazarus were alive after death. Jesus said that the believing thief on the cross would go to paradise the day he died. Stephen the first martyr when about to die said, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit (Acts 7:59)." Hebrews 12:22-24 describes who are in heaven, including the spirits of just men made perfect, that is, the disembodied believers from earth. This is also taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:14: "...them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him." According to 2 Corinthians 5:6-9, to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Since there is no soul sleeping in Christ, the bodies of believers will be resurrected at the coming of the Lord. The clear teaching of SCRIPTURE is that consciousness survives death. See also 1 Samuel 28:10-20.
      Concerning the no meat eating doctrine: It is "giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidding to abstain from meats. (1Timothy 4:1,3)". Jesus ate fish and lamb.
      Jesus taught an endless hell "where the fire is not quenched and the worm dieth not", but Ellen White taught annihilation or no hell instead. Consciousness survives death.
      The investigative judgment is nowhere taught in scripture. She made it up after the Second Coming did not take place in 1843. This is another made up heresy invented by Ellen White as well as probation and that Jesus is Michael the archangel.
      The U.S. in prophecy is the great eagle in Revelation 12:14, not the second beast of Revelation chapter 13.
      According to someone's testimony, they saw in hell the prophetess Ellen White in hell. Jesus said she is in this place for inventing heresies. She prophesied lies and still had connections with the satanists who helped [her] ministry grow. She also taught [her] members to keep the Sabbath stepping on My grace. Whoever wants to live in the law will have to never sinned. Whoever chooses to live in the law will have to save himself from it without committing any sin like Me [Jesus]. All the sects that reject My grace stare down the contract of the New Covenant. Whoever lives in the contract of the Old Covenant will be cursed and go to hell. Jesus said, "This woman Ellen White lied saying, 'There is no hell.' " She taught people hell does not exist, but when she died she landed in hell. Now she is in it and I saw how the demons tormented that woman. The more souls went down to hell because of her teaching, the more she was tormented. From the foundation of her sect until now, millions of souls are now coming to hell. Jesus said,"Testify most of its souls may come to salvation and ascend into heaven."

  • @ceeekaayy1416
    @ceeekaayy1416 3 года назад +9

    Thank you Pastor for this great insight of truth,,, i pray that God continues to give you strength to let his voice be heard to his sheep around all the world.... ❤️❤️ from Zimbabwe

  • @Bruce.-Wayne
    @Bruce.-Wayne 3 года назад +4

    I love these type of message.....Pst Doug doesn't shy away from these important instructions.....Thanks

  • @user-ny9iq9pn8z
    @user-ny9iq9pn8z 2 года назад

    Beautiful sermon! Straight to the point. I have a lot of work ahead, but l know that as long as l fix my eyes on our Wonderful Savior Jesus Christ, l will be ok.

  • @aprilroberts33
    @aprilroberts33 3 года назад +4

    Thank you so much for this video it's helped me a lot and helped me understand more praise God praise God praise God

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 2 года назад

      @@edaguirre8952 :-------Here you are again--Spewing LIES about a religion YOU REFUSE to prove wrong.----ALL you do is vomit opinions---NO FACTS------NO SCRIPTURE!!!----Each time you "Comment" to these videos--it is EXACTLY the SAME words--same opinions.-------Why don't you explain yourself.??-------The SDA have 28 doctrines--according to scripture----Yet, you refuse to take the time to prove any wrong. Seems like you have time to vomit the SAME opinion--but NO time to PROVE those opinions.---
      *****For about the fifth time--PROVE YOUR OPINIONS ----

  • @kfoster3616
    @kfoster3616 3 года назад +3

    Excellent presentations. TY

  • @lljl5310
    @lljl5310 3 года назад +10

    Wow. I have been learning a lot through these messages!!! Thank you so much!!! 🙏

  • @elsamueller484
    @elsamueller484 2 года назад +1

    AMEN I need to know more about Revolution to know how to protect our self and never be Afraid because we have the most high priest in heaven and 🌍….Dear lord let the glory be A blessing to you It’s always praise you father AMEN!👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑

  • @JackieJenkinsredneckphotos
    @JackieJenkinsredneckphotos 3 года назад +4

    Praise God
    Great lesson

  • @fredocholla3653
    @fredocholla3653 3 года назад +2

    Amen pastor,so powerful

  • @asafatigea
    @asafatigea 3 года назад +7

    Syalom, God bless Ministry

  • @lsk8308
    @lsk8308 3 года назад +2

    Doug Batchelor presents the world in a very palatable way, even the "meat" is easy to chew

  • @sharidandan4172
    @sharidandan4172 2 года назад +1


  • @lauracarreira9157
    @lauracarreira9157 3 года назад

    I finally dug into this site and this is SDA Seven Day Adventist ! Don’t know why they don’t say this outright!

    • @mitchellosmer1293
      @mitchellosmer1293 2 года назад +1

      Pastor Doug speaks all over the world--including China-----Has been for many years---Apparently you think he needs to advertise the FACT he is SDA...Why?

  • @aprilroberts33
    @aprilroberts33 3 года назад +2

    Pastor Doug pastor Ross I have a question from my understanding and my learning Moses Enoch and Elijah are in heaven am I correct if so then why did Jesus say to the Jewish leaders in the book of John nobody has seen his face in heard his voice other than the son of man but aren't those three people in heaven?

  • @icahusau9552
    @icahusau9552 3 года назад +3

    Unfortunatelly, the "Ambasadors" of the King are in the bed with the Kings of the earth...🤗

  • @sandeepkumartiwariallblogs5209
    @sandeepkumartiwariallblogs5209 3 года назад +2


  • @travelbysign7351
    @travelbysign7351 3 года назад

    Doug, if a man take the mark in his head and works, repent and turn to the Lord for salvation?

    • @AmazingFacts
      @AmazingFacts  3 года назад +3

      Thank you so much for your question! By clicking the link below and typing in your question, our Amazing Facts team will send you a personalized email with a response!
      -The Amazing Facts Team

  • @posterboy7526
    @posterboy7526 3 года назад +1

    5 fingers to your face !!!! From me and God !!!!!

  • @larry7781
    @larry7781 Год назад


  • @stephenbigg366
    @stephenbigg366 3 года назад +2

    This channel would be better titled AMAZING LIES..

    • @theway5563
      @theway5563 3 года назад +5

      And just what makes you think you are qualified to make a correct determination between what is fact (truth) or lies.

    • @alohaohana901
      @alohaohana901 3 года назад

      100 % !!!!!! I AGREE. They are so infatuated with EGW, vegetarianism and the Sabbath it's like listening to a broken record.

    • @AmazingFacts
      @AmazingFacts  3 года назад +2

      We are sorry that you are not satisfied with the information on this specific topic in the video you have just watched. If you have questions still unanswered that you would like personalized answers for, please feel free to click the link below and our Amazing Facts team will send you an email with a response!
      -The Amazing Facts Team

    • @edaguirre8952
      @edaguirre8952 3 года назад

      Adventists lift up their good works as though the ministration of death ENGRAVED in STONES (2 Corinthians 3:7) is going to save them. They exalt the sabbath day like a fetish, and all for nought because there is no sabbath keeping commandment given by Christ imposed upon his followers. They appear to be mainly following Ellen White and not The Lord Jesus Christ because they believe her heresies, lies, false doctrines above the Word of God. Not one of her main doctrines are found or taught in the New Testament. Adventists are deceived following Ellen White, and then dishonestly say that they follow the Bible. The proud and hateful Adventists resort to put-downs, mockery, name calling and untrue accusations. The commandments of Christ were lifted up above the Ten Commandments in the article titled, ADVENTISTS ELLEN WHITE FALSE DOCTRINES, and the writer was falsely accused of being an antinomian. Adventists like to throw out James 2:10 at Christians who don't do the sabbath ceremony (it's not a moral law). Do Adventists really keep the commandments like they say? According to Andrew, the SDA whistleblower, Adventist hospitals have performed thousands of abortions. What happened to the commandment against murder? Instead of attacking Christians, you should be trying to stop the killing of innocent preborn children. James 2:10 condemns the self-righteous 7th day Adventists. Adventists persecute Christians similar to the way the pharisees persecuted Jesus. Adventists should exalt the merits of the Lord Jesus Christ and his grace, because "a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law (Romans 3:28)." Who has bewitched Adventists to gain righteousness by law keeping, especially sabbath keeping? Answer: Ellen White.
      Adventists exalt the Ten Commandments especially for the sabbath day because Ellen White claims she saw a light around the 4th commandment. She also saw golden cards, another reason perhaps that helped Adventists fall for Ellen White's spirit of prophecy and her other invented heresies.
      Ellen White and her husband were alleged to have been petty swindlers who sold her visions at camp meetings and through the mail. It has also been alleged that he said in a letter, "There is much profit left in our pens."
      Adventists falsely accuse Christians of worshipping the sun, even though there is no commandment to observe either Saturday or Sunday in the New Testament.
      Adventists sing the songs written and recorded by "Sunday meeters," but at the same time dislike those believers for going to church on the first day of the week. It appears that Adventists are in a Babylon world of their own. It is a pompous, arrogant self-proclaimed remnant church, (a modern day sect of finger pointing sabbath keeping pharisee types), the result of following a false prophet.
      The sabbath was ceremonial and shown in EZEKIEL 31:17 to be given only to Israel, not the gentiles. It was a ceremonial law listed with moral laws, and therefore is an abolished Jewish ceremonial law that pointed to Christ and has nothing to do with the gospel and the gentiles. The commandments of God in the New Testament are the commandments of Christ of which the sabbath day is EXCLUDED. There is liberty in Christ concerning days according to Romans 14:5,6, therefore there is no Sabbath keeping or Sunday keeping imposed upon the followers of Christ. Jesus gave NO COMMANDMENT to keep the sabbath day in the New Testament.
      Ellen White told her followers to keep the sabbath day, and that dangerously puts them under the Old COVENANT, staring down the New, and stepping on the grace of Christ. In the light of GALATIANS 2:21, this amounts to a big deception: "I do not frustrate (bring to nought, reject) the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ died for nothing."
      There is NO SUNDAY COMMANDMENT in the New Testament just as there is no sabbath keeping commandment in the New Testament. There is liberty in Christ concerning days as noted in Romans 14:5,6. Adventism violates SCRIPTURE by demonizing Sunday and CHRISTMAS. Ellen White invented the Sunday law hoax even though believers were meeting on the first day of the week since the first century to commemorate the resurrection and celebrate it on Easter Sunday. Early Christian historians confirm this fact. One Adventist even said that Jesus rose on the sabbath day.
      Jesus fulfilled the law by keeping it perfectly so that the believer could become the righteousness of God in Him. Trying to keep the sabbath day is putting yourself under the law and that means that you can never sin like Jesus never sinned. It is living under the Old COVENANT, staring down the New, and stepping on the grace of Christ. It is a deception of a cleverly disguised false prophet. Jesus said to follow him. "His sheep hear his voice." Peace and love.

    • @user-wv1dw2oi5n
      @user-wv1dw2oi5n 3 года назад +1

      Isaiah 56:6-7 (NIV) 6 And foreigners who bind themselves to the LORD to minister to him, to love the name of the LORD, and to be his servants, all who keep the Sabbath without desecrating it and who hold fast to my covenant-- 7 these I will bring to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on my altar; for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”