I've decided. The next time I see a shooting star I am going to wish for Kyteman to come with an extended version of this song. It's just SO good. I listen to a very lot of music but this is right up there with the very very best. God level. But please make it longer. I couldn't think of anything I would want more in life.
My belate sister Ingrid's own choice to be played at her funeral (2012, way too soon). I hadn't heard of this song before, but it will stay with me forever, of course.
So beautiful!! I would like so much music like his and "The mushroom cloud". Above high quality music. Why not accepted that way, is this pure the merchandising?
This song still means the world to me, since my sister chose it for her funeral, which happened way too soon (18/1/2012, she was only 46). But after having seen the documentary on Kyteman, I've been truely and sincerely put off by this bloke. One of my sister's kids is diagnosed with ADHD, PDD-nos, but he's in a completely different league from this guy who's been pampered from the day he was born. His parents are still picking up the pieces, as they've always been. A true disappointment.
I've decided. The next time I see a shooting star I am going to wish for Kyteman to come with an extended version of this song. It's just SO good. I listen to a very lot of music but this is right up there with the very very best. God level. But please make it longer. I couldn't think of anything I would want more in life.
Yessss....a beauty ,thank you all , special collective of talented, lovely and interesting humans , wishing you all well, love syll...
This is from another planet. Must be 🤯
Dit lied herinerd me aan me opa en oma ze zijn overleden en me opa gister en dit is het lied dat bij het begin en einde kwam het is echt een TOP lied!
I love how he somewhat keeps conducting whilst playing, wonderful!
Zo heerlijk als ik dit weer ergens langs hoor komen, kippenvel momentje!!
kyteman is probably the best musican i've ever heard! lots and lots of respect for this man!
Mooiste uitvoering tot op heden!
My belate sister Ingrid's own choice to be played at her funeral (2012, way too soon). I hadn't heard of this song before, but it will stay with me forever, of course.
Wonderful to have such a beautiful memory of your sister may she rest in peace
ramprod1 Thanx ever so much!
I wonder where he's playing his beautiful music now. Miss it!
hij heeft nu een hele grote draaitafel met allemaal technische snufjes. ik heb hem een paar jaar gelden gehoord hier op de tu delft.
dubbel kippevel ... wat mooi!!!!
yep it changed me too speel nu ook trompet en bugle and i love it
tnx kyteman and band
Echt geweldig mooi!. en alweer zo lang geleden.
so much love for this jam!
Merveilleuse interprétation
can't stop listening to this music!!!
Me too
Deze hoort op nummer 1 in de top 2000
Nee joh, daar hoor je geen nieuwe nummers.. ;)
Wow! I just found this! Wow! Headphone material! Gr8
Klasse!! Heerlijke muziek die je doet bibberen👌😘
Just love this performance! Best Ever! Wow! BRAVO 🙌
this song'll probably end up changing my life for the better
Isaw the group in the Oosterpoort (Groningen Netherlands) Amazing!!
Goed drankje in de hand en Kyteman's Sorry snoeihard aan. Damn isn't it f*****g nice.
Wat vreselijk jammer dat ze niet meer te zien zijn op t.v.
yes dit is de beste tot nu toe bedankt nu kan ik lekker oefennen
kippenvel, al over, welke keer dat ik dit stuk hoor. Zo geinspireerd. Beeldschoon!
Geweldig, terug komen 👍👏🥳
Wow .. great job!!
Orgastic ! Superb, Collin !
zo mooi....................
Nog steeds zo'n chill nummer om te luisteren! Vooral deze versie gaat echt to the bone!
gewoon een super nummer zo gaaf om te horen zeker live
TERING wat een goede muziek.
zooo mooi, veel te kort!!
So beautiful!! I would like so much music like his and "The mushroom cloud". Above high quality music. Why not accepted that way, is this pure the merchandising?
wauw. hier mogen we trots op zijn.
When i was young a met him in a train and played the trumpet with him
Prachtige muziek
Zo mooi
mijn favoriete musicus (-kant) !!!!!!!!!!
When my daddies on 2013 I payed this so😅nog ove😂f and over again…. Made me cry…
@madamemarietje als je slim bent koop je gewoon de dvd van kyteman's hiphop orchestra. prachtige dvd en dan heb je alles in een! :P
This song still means the world to me, since my sister chose it for her funeral, which happened way too soon (18/1/2012, she was only 46). But after having seen the documentary on Kyteman, I've been truely and sincerely put off by this bloke. One of my sister's kids is diagnosed with ADHD, PDD-nos, but he's in a completely different league from this guy who's been pampered from the day he was born. His parents are still picking up the pieces, as they've always been. A true disappointment.
still love ittt kyteman feel the sound
Dit is super jaaa
Kyteman, Colin Bender, .. ❤️your great and please keep Blowing your horn.. I hope🌷💫👌❣️🌹🌞🌷
W O W. I love you.
Ik voel de sound tot op de bodem van mijn ziel
is this the same guy who plays with the modulars !?
he is..
één woord: kippenvel
@TheJoost1992 heb ik natuurlijk ook allang ;) maar toch bedankt
9 people here are vey sorry.........plus me that makes it 10.............Iam sorry for somebody who dislikes this......#Kyteman rulez
jazziz09 ...I cried the first time I heard it.
Prachtig! maar er viel me iets grappigs op 5:35. kyteman is 100%HALAL!? haha
100% Halal is een film producent
@TheJoost1992 daar is dit volgens mij ook zo van afgejat dus:P
2 mensen hebben geen ziel