elgatochurro You don't advance to the next tier. I think you just get dropped to 50 LP or something (don't quote me on the LP, I don't play ranked) and have to get back to 100, then win 3/5 games again.
+Kainmaster The loss ammouts count as normal lp loss eg: if you lose 3 and win none you lose aprox 15lp x 3 losses if you win 2 and lose 3 you lose 15lp x 1again approximate lp gains and losses vary
lol, agreed, the worst bronze players are the ones that think they are hot shit because they have skins. I'll be the first to admit I'm not very good, but i can do a lot better than 1/8 with akali in any position.
Ian Hancock 1. That akali was forced into a lane she didn't want. 2. She was jungle Akali which is complete shit. 3. As the person in that game said everyone has bad games. 4. At no point in the video is there any reason to believe she thinks she is good because of her skin. 5. Just about everyone gets pissed when someone takes the lane you want and made clear you wanted,then proceeds to feed. But no i'm sure you don't care about any of those you just wanna talk shit like all bronze level players. The worst bronze players are the ones like you who talk shit when you don't know shit and act big.
Nathan Schendel Kassadin just got nerfed into balance and riven got nerfed so hard she is worthless now riven isn't strong anymore till she gets some items akali is strong the moment she hits 6
Every server is toxic at low ELO. There's a reason that they're stuck there. 1. Blames others for their own mistake. 2. Never improves due to their tunnel vision 3. They suck. Like. Very. Very.. Veeery much Once you hit platinum things starts to get better. In diamond it's like heaven...
you mighet say low elo is bad but plat is a hell becours rage and blame every1 and ppl afk for nothing take the adc redbuff in mid game and see him afk or even better dont donate blu to mid they will get a complet bitch flip
But can you stop the rage? Do you know how to deal with ragers? If you just follow the flow and start calling the rager things too it just makes the situation a lot worse.. You can convert the rager into a fellow teammate. Bronze - Silver was my worst experience. Not skill wise. But flaming wise. If you play good you can actually give some positive energy to the team. (Magnus) Stefan: What was it in platinum that was so bad? Peoples attitude? Skills?
Magnus Johannsen It's funny when the feeding toplaner is doing the blue buff while im ganking bot, everyone is telling him he should give it to the fed mid, the fed mid takes it with 1 skill and says ''ty'' and the feeding top is like: ''noobs (rages more) afk'' ... with funny i mean sad .__.
to clarify, I know the video is from the OCE server, but because of this outrageous toxic players, I now find the NA server which I previously thought to be bad and highly toxic, to be not so bad and now appreciated by me.
+Kasumi That's not how it works at all. If you give all the 4 kills to one person in the matter of 20 minutes you are indeed feeding him. 4 kills mean a lot of gold and items.
***** That depends completely on the role he is trying to fit. If he has a ton of assists, because he went tank and only needs q for lifesteal then fine, that's great. But a fed Nasus is nothing to joke about. Being 16/0 would mean he dominated his lane hence had a great time stacking up. Either way she was not talking about Nasus but "4 kills" not being "feeding" in general.
I'm at the sad point in life when there are no more LoC videos to watch ;~; I guess I'll go back to watching Solwolf and pleasure myself to the sound of his voice.
Im not going to lie i really considered moving away from the NA servers at one point but then i chilled out and just started having fun but this video ... man this video makes any server seem like heaven o.0
What's sad is that this video does indeed provide examples of how people can hold you back. The people that rage to the point of AFK because they don't get their way, coupled with the fact that the enemy team may just be better. Either one alone is easy enough to play around, but both together is just a living hell.
I remember...rushed promos when advised not to, 0-10, Bronze IV, demoted to V, wondering what the fuck I did wrong. Played and Played, made B3, decided to take a break playing MC mods, Terraria, and Risk of Rain. Come back, iget to B1, eventually S5, eventually S4. And climbing :D But man, did people have the worst logic down there or what? Here are some examples. *Down 0-4 6 minutes in* "OMG, GG, surrender at 20. we already lost." "Why did you buy Blade on teemo, but the rest of your build is AP? You should stick with one type in the future when youre behind." "Omg stop being toxic." "Im giving you a sugges-""/all Report Rengar for toxic." "Can I get a gank? Im probably gonna lose if I dont get some help now." *silent.* *20 min later"/all Wow fed Talon report for feed, noob."
Let's all take a moment to appreciate the kind souls who play jungle, don't flame, and carry games. We're a rare breed, and people that hate or flame junglers for not winning their lane for them have driven us almost to extinction.
+League of Archangel lol, I never risked playing ranked on na since I'm from eune.but guess what, eune is hell too when you're playing with shitty people.
Haha, i like that last part showing that an ally was doing awesome and carried the game. shows a sense of gratitude and humbleness. I sincerely hope you have at least a small contingent of friends to play LoL with sir, to take the edge off and have fun without being flamed. i applaud your tenacity, i can barely muster the desire to play ranked because i enjoy playing with my friends so much more.
Ahhh... After viewing this, I remembered the fun (lie) times I spent in bronze/silver... A wonderful place filled with wonderfull people (hopefully, not everyone is like that. In fact, there are some really nice people.. It's just a shame to see that a majority of LoL players seem to suffer from Tourette syndrome (maybe there's a correlation behind that ?.?)) I was hopping that gold would be somewhat different :') (climbed to SV to GV last week) I was so wrong... But hopefully, the level of play/skill is "a bit" (not that much though xD) higher to compensate for that sad fact.
Hayden Ayden Maybe not ;P From what I heard, it greatly depends on which server you are playing on. Some are apparently more toxic than others. (oceania seems especialy legit...) I wish you good luck with your next ranked games ;) However, I am often considered a troll... Since I main Rumble I like to pick him mid or supp (I can play any role with Rumble except carry for some obvious reasons) Sometimes, it will cause your team to give up as soon as the game begin (GGWP ff@20-> troll support) a sad fact considering I had (not anymore sadly) a 78 winrate percent with Rumble >.>... The saddest fact in Ranked is that some (ALOT) people are not able to see their own mistakes and always blame the others for the one they do...
Hayden Ayden A really underrated champ, I suggest you should give him a shot ;) The main problem with Rumble is that he is unlike any other champ and despite the fact of having no mana,he is a pain to master. Even if you lose your lane (but it shouldn't happend) your ult, despite the fact of being a pain to use, is really nasty for the ennemy team :') and you should still be able to do a couple of assists (if not kill) thanks to it (it's really a good ult to secure objectives too). Yeah, there are some moment in life like that ^^' (gl with your exams btw)
Gold is no diffrent...they know the game better but...still some ppl dont know wtf is going on and they make bad calls and rager and afkers and trollers SEA sever doesnt get better until plat..Even at plat i see ppl how should be in sliver/bronze
Welp I suddenly appreciate America a lot more now...but climbing to gold has bombarded me with a new, special kind of breed of league players. The goldie's...oh joy
you know it is actually worse b/c it refers to an organisation during the time of nazi germany called "hitler jugend" translating to "hitler young people", which were meant to "educate" young people to idolize hitler.
Max S I'm pretty sure as a german I know a lot about those things and I HATE that people have to come up with it over and over again, especially that everyone talks like it was all germany's fault, also I didn't say that it was good.
That's how bronze works, the people who deserve to get out of bronze get all the shit teams because their mmr is higher so they only lose games that they can't carry and get put into low bronze, and the shit kids who get paired with good people get carried into high bronze/low silver
I think it's just general bronze/silver mentality. By that time you should be getting low silver players in your team, along with high bronze players. They think that because they got somewhere above bronze 5-3 that they are worth anything, and get paired up against players who are starting to get better, resulting in mass feeding and raging. Where as a lot of players (not all) who are kind of around bronze 4-5 have determination to get better so that they can get out and play against worse players. Same shit happened to my friend, he was determined all through bronze, got into silver, and now sucks major dongs because he thinks he's something and refused to continue to improve.
i think that too, just now, i finished a game where two people of my team for being a unskilled player which i'm sure i am not. they spent the entire game calling me noob and saying to uninstall the game and blah blah blah...luckly we won
Haha yeah. Russians are the worst kind in my opinion. That's why I went from EUNE to EUW. France and Spain are nice people, but they didn't learn english in school so they were hard to deal with aswell.
corzarguy Haven't had much trouble with the flame specificly towards Russians. The problem is that it's impossible to communicate with them at all and when there is more than one russian in the game, the chat will get spammed with words that you have no clue about
***** true, French ppl are a pain in the ass, they honestly want to tell you every game that french is the no1 international language in the world, i dont even understand what goes on in their minds o.o its not that they cant speak english, they just dont want to, so frustrating...
Shinigginaz nono, toxicity certainly varies from region to region. Maybe not so much the levels of toxicity, but the type. EU has a lot of trash talk and stupidity where NA has a lot of people trolling, fallming then going AFK. In LAN you almost never get people who go AFK on purpose but they do flame a lot
I fucking died of laughter at the yi part. There's nothing quite as demoralizing (or "Oh thank god he's on my team" worthy) as a fed Yi. Not impossible to shut one down, but hard as hell. One time I played Yi, I got fairly fed and just split push all game, and so they had to send 2-3 (depending on who they sent) to stop me everytime, and the pressure just won us the game. Sometimes it's fun being Silver, a more organized team could've stopped me lol
From what I remember, Oce is definately far more toxic than NA. But still, I would rather play with nice ping on Oce than 250 on NA. I just mute everyone when the game starts, makes it so much more enjoyable I also seem to win more games this way. Have to remember Australia isn't much of a gaming nation either, has a very small gaming community. Often running into the same players.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAH I laughed so badly at 3:13 more or less... ahahahah this is hilarious :D Unfortunately i just got promoted to silver V... can't wait to deal with this crap :D
I won my first 10 ranked matches and got directly into gold 5 but i stopped playing ranked and now i get matched up with bronze players :( i can't wait to start ranked again just so i can get my mmr back up again.. So many trolls good god
i love rivens and leblancs or kats who complain about other champions that take skill. i beat a kat as zed which i find a difficult matchup and she sapmmed in all chat after i killed here " WOW WHAT SKILL THIS CHAMP TAKES LEARN SOME REAL CHAMPS" i laugh at them b/c those kids cant play
+Holyflygon Zed vs Kat is not hard at all. Zed has x5 more mobility and kat is a burst champ with 0 cc. If you were to LOSE then I would be interested in knowing why.
so, i looked up the a couple of those ppl on lolking and notice that the only person who was actually nice was that lb and she's in silver 1 and in her promos while the ragers and toxic ppl were either in bronze or low silver :P
Hi, im currently plat4 on oce server, just want to let u know that the community gets better up here. People are actually willing to support and last picks arnt trolls.
I've been wanting to play on OCE but people like the ones in this video are the reason why I've decided not to play there until Riot sets up an OCE Tribunal
I checked him out on Lolking and luckily this game was still on his recent matches. His final build was: IE, Zerker Boots w/ Homeguards, Pickaxe, Vamp Scepter, Shiv, and Long Sword. Judging by the unfinished components it looks like LW was his next item. Looking at his other recent games as Yi his finished build is: Shiv, LW, BT, IE, BotRK, and Zerker w/Homeguards.
Good job man, unfortunatly Silver is one of the worst places to be, get your butt to Gold, the best tier where people actually try and arent full of themselfs unlike platinum players
The funny part about this it's that i never flame anyone,i just try to explain some teammates that we have to coop more to win the game and ...boooom chat restriction 1241234 games.And those players can say whatev' they want...well played riot,well played!
Good thing it was you who fed not that Akali, right? lol I love it when that happens. I die 1 or 2 times and people yelling about feeding. I look at scores they have died 4 or more times :(
Lone star That thing is called MK JOGO. Type it in google search or youtube. You can change skins for free, but other people won't see the skin and you will have a jungle timer. :) More options are available, but you will have to find out for yourself. :) Gl and have fun in the fields of the League! :) Btw , you can be banned for this addon, because Riot itself announced that this addon is illegal. :)
Wow, that is pretty bad. I had friends who played on the OCE servers in ranked and said that it was hell: AFKers, ragers, etc. I didn't believe it until I saw this video.
Thank God I skipped bronze and silver 5 entirely, wait to play ranked, because elo hell does exist. Play with silver 3+ friends and it'll help a lot! Glhf!
Riot hurry up and give us a freaking tribunal system, the shit I see now is so uncensored and so demoralizing to see while you try to do well in a game...
Nemolicious Well a over 800 stacks late game nasus with full tank items, can destroy everything without even breaking a sweat. But to get there you need to stack good while not leaving your team to die blindly
If you think of all the possibilities to fuck up then no one can carry. Vayne = I have to farm till i have good items, then my team can win every teamfight and go for objectives! "Hey but what if they gank you 5 at bot bush lv1 with infinite CC, then the toplaners uses hacks to get the same exp as if he would be getting in top to help botlane, then the 15 0 0 LeBlanc Diamond 1 Smurf decides to camp your bushes and the 420 0 360 Rengar stops all your teammates in the exact moment they step out of the base?".
How nice of that Lucian to keep reminding the team of spawn timers. Did you honour him?
That moment when the enemy team is more supportive of you than your own :/
All praise the Yi for carrying you out of bronze
camzore Our lord and savior Yisus Crits
What happens if you get 3 defeats?
elgatochurro Actually you stay bronze.
elgatochurro You don't advance to the next tier. I think you just get dropped to 50 LP or something (don't quote me on the LP, I don't play ranked) and have to get back to 100, then win 3/5 games again.
+Kainmaster The loss ammouts count as normal lp loss eg: if you lose 3 and win none you lose aprox 15lp x 3 losses if you win 2 and lose 3 you lose 15lp x 1again approximate lp gains and losses vary
lucian spamming mklol jungle timers had me in tears lmao
i almost woke up my roommate
Someone give this man a hug. Please. Just... like.. do it
"Nurse Akali"
Absolutely no surprises there.
lol, agreed, the worst bronze players are the ones that think they are hot shit because they have skins. I'll be the first to admit I'm not very good, but i can do a lot better than 1/8 with akali in any position.
i can do better than 1 n 8 on akali even against kassadin and riven and they are broken and i dont play akali lol
Ian Hancock 1. That akali was forced into a lane she didn't want.
2. She was jungle Akali which is complete shit.
3. As the person in that game said everyone has bad games.
4. At no point in the video is there any reason to believe she thinks she is good because of her skin.
5. Just about everyone gets pissed when someone takes the lane you want and made clear you wanted,then proceeds to feed.
But no i'm sure you don't care about any of those you just wanna talk shit like all bronze level players. The worst bronze players are the ones like you who talk shit when you don't know shit and act big.
Nathan Schendel Kassadin just got nerfed into balance and riven got nerfed so hard she is worthless now riven isn't strong anymore till she gets some items akali is strong the moment she hits 6
Ian Hancock Its not the fact he owns a skin but its a garbage tier skin
Every server is toxic at low ELO. There's a reason that they're stuck there.
1. Blames others for their own mistake.
2. Never improves due to their tunnel vision
3. They suck. Like. Very. Very.. Veeery much
Once you hit platinum things starts to get better. In diamond it's like heaven...
you mighet say low elo is bad but plat is a hell becours rage and blame every1 and ppl afk for nothing take the adc redbuff in mid game and see him afk or even better dont donate blu to mid they will get a complet bitch flip
But can you stop the rage? Do you know how to deal with ragers? If you just follow the flow and start calling the rager things too it just makes the situation a lot worse.. You can convert the rager into a fellow teammate.
Bronze - Silver was my worst experience. Not skill wise. But flaming wise. If you play good you can actually give some positive energy to the team. (Magnus)
Stefan: What was it in platinum that was so bad? Peoples attitude? Skills?
Hmm. It seems that i have not had such an awesome time in platinum as you guys. Mine was quickly over with splendid teammates. :)
Magnus Johannsen It's funny when the feeding toplaner is doing the blue buff while im ganking bot, everyone is telling him he should give it to the fed mid, the fed mid takes it with 1 skill and says ''ty'' and the feeding top is like: ''noobs (rages more) afk'' ... with funny i mean sad .__.
Never before have I appreciated NA...
its "OCE RANKED", that means OCEANIA,im not from America nor playing on NA,but just saying...
GotRulleZ RO i think u misunderstood his comment. he said he now appreciates NA cause OCE is so bad
OCE can be better, but the video shows that toxic players throw games.
Josh Hayman
k man,its your opinion,np,i may have misunderstood the context of his post.
to clarify, I know the video is from the OCE server, but because of this outrageous toxic players, I now find the NA server which I previously thought to be bad and highly toxic, to be not so bad and now appreciated by me.
>only died 4 times
I don't think most of the League community even knows how to properly use the term feeding.
Kasumi The funny thing about it is that Akali had twice his deaths and she was AFKing in fountain.
Plus the fact that lee is godlike at the early part of the game. Nasus obviously can't keep up with lee top(except for gnar because GNAR!!)
+Kasumi That's not how it works at all. If you give all the 4 kills to one person in the matter of 20 minutes you are indeed feeding him. 4 kills mean a lot of gold and items.
So? That is an early game tiamat which makes you controll wave pressure completely as a top laner in most of the cases *****
That depends completely on the role he is trying to fit. If he has a ton of assists, because he went tank and only needs q for lifesteal then fine, that's great. But a fed Nasus is nothing to joke about. Being 16/0 would mean he dominated his lane hence had a great time stacking up.
Either way she was not talking about Nasus but "4 kills" not being "feeding" in general.
this is a world without any barriers and limits :D
Barrier sucks ass
That's what happens when you give humans too much freedom and too little (in that case, none) rules to abide to. May it serve as a lesson to us all.
barriers or flashes
That Mundo at the begining... I want to be his friend.
That Yi :)
Amusing to watch people throw themselves at Yi one at a time, haha~
i always use Yi in promotions xd
The spam of Lucian is a god
I'm at the sad point in life when there are no more LoC videos to watch ;~; I guess I'll go back to watching Solwolf and pleasure myself to the sound of his voice.
You make the best videos, I really enjoy each one of them
Grats on getting silver, man. But it only gets worse from there.
Im not going to lie i really considered moving away from the NA servers at one point but then i chilled out and just started having fun but this video ... man this video makes any server seem like heaven o.0
What's sad is that this video does indeed provide examples of how people can hold you back. The people that rage to the point of AFK because they don't get their way, coupled with the fact that the enemy team may just be better. Either one alone is easy enough to play around, but both together is just a living hell.
I remember...rushed promos when advised not to, 0-10, Bronze IV, demoted to V, wondering what the fuck I did wrong. Played and Played, made B3, decided to take a break playing MC mods, Terraria, and Risk of Rain. Come back, iget to B1, eventually S5, eventually S4. And climbing :D
But man, did people have the worst logic down there or what? Here are some examples.
*Down 0-4 6 minutes in* "OMG, GG, surrender at 20. we already lost."
"Why did you buy Blade on teemo, but the rest of your build is AP? You should stick with one type in the future when youre behind." "Omg stop being toxic." "Im giving you a sugges-""/all Report Rengar for toxic."
"Can I get a gank? Im probably gonna lose if I dont get some help now." *silent.* *20 min later"/all Wow fed Talon report for feed, noob."
Let's all take a moment to appreciate the kind souls who play jungle, don't flame, and carry games. We're a rare breed, and people that hate or flame junglers for not winning their lane for them have driven us almost to extinction.
That first Mundo is exactly how i react to flamers
I watch this and I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
I'm kidding. I think I thought only NA was this bad.
+League of Archangel lol, I never risked playing ranked on na since I'm from eune.but guess what, eune is hell too when you're playing with shitty people.
Haha, i like that last part showing that an ally was doing awesome and carried the game. shows a sense of gratitude and humbleness. I sincerely hope you have at least a small contingent of friends to play LoL with sir, to take the edge off and have fun without being flamed. i applaud your tenacity, i can barely muster the desire to play ranked because i enjoy playing with my friends so much more.
i hope you honored that yi
Ahhh... After viewing this, I remembered the fun (lie) times I spent in bronze/silver... A wonderful place filled with wonderfull people (hopefully, not everyone is like that. In fact, there are some really nice people.. It's just a shame to see that a majority of LoL players seem to suffer from Tourette syndrome (maybe there's a correlation behind that ?.?))
I was hopping that gold would be somewhat different :') (climbed to SV to GV last week)
I was so wrong... But hopefully, the level of play/skill is "a bit" (not that much though xD) higher to compensate for that sad fact.
Hayden Ayden Maybe not ;P
From what I heard, it greatly depends on which server you are playing on. Some are apparently more toxic than others. (oceania seems especialy legit...)
I wish you good luck with your next ranked games ;)
However, I am often considered a troll... Since I main Rumble I like to pick him mid or supp (I can play any role with Rumble except carry for some obvious reasons)
Sometimes, it will cause your team to give up as soon as the game begin (GGWP ff@20-> troll support) a sad fact considering I had (not anymore sadly) a 78 winrate percent with Rumble >.>...
The saddest fact in Ranked is that some (ALOT) people are not able to see their own mistakes and always blame the others for the one they do...
Hayden Ayden A really underrated champ, I suggest you should give him a shot ;)
The main problem with Rumble is that he is unlike any other champ and despite the fact of having no mana,he is a pain to master. Even if you lose your lane (but it shouldn't happend) your ult, despite the fact of being a pain to use, is really nasty for the ennemy team :') and you should still be able to do a couple of assists (if not kill) thanks to it (it's really a good ult to secure objectives too).
Yeah, there are some moment in life like that ^^' (gl with your exams btw)
U should see SEA the amount of hate there is worst than anywhere i guarantee
Gold is no diffrent...they know the game better but...still some ppl dont know wtf is going on and they make bad calls and rager and afkers and trollers SEA sever doesnt get better until plat..Even at plat i see ppl how should be in sliver/bronze
tung nguyen Same as Thai server a level of bronze(majority are) plays at gold rank. I cry since it's too easy and boring to climb on.
nice video dude
Still nicer then NA
that yi on the last game was beast
"ur playing riven honey :)"
-0Rat0, a Dr. Mundo player.
Congrats on getting out of Bronze.
Hopefully things will get brighter in Silver
that last game is possibly the most true to life thing ever... Thank you based yi
Welp I suddenly appreciate America a lot more now...but climbing to gold has bombarded me with a new, special kind of breed of league players. The goldie's...oh joy
btw that guy at 3:57 "return of the hj" should get fucking banned.
hj or "hitlers jugend" transfers to "hitlers youth"
you know it is actually worse b/c it refers to an organisation during the time of nazi germany called "hitler jugend" translating to "hitler young people", which were meant to "educate" young people to idolize hitler.
i smell a crispy jew (^:
Pythak reh Wasn't that just what he said?
actually it was just groups for kids and youth, just that it includes "hitler" makes it so bad for everyone.
Max S I'm pretty sure as a german I know a lot about those things and I HATE that people have to come up with it over and over again, especially that everyone talks like it was all germany's fault, also I didn't say that it was good.
League is a strange game
everytime i want to play lol again, i just watch this video and dont want to play anymore xD
Is it just me, or does it seem like the worst of the worst bronze players only appear once you reach Bronze 1 & 2
That's how bronze works, the people who deserve to get out of bronze get all the shit teams because their mmr is higher so they only lose games that they can't carry and get put into low bronze, and the shit kids who get paired with good people get carried into high bronze/low silver
Onyx RS pretty sure that ain't true
I think it's just general bronze/silver mentality. By that time you should be getting low silver players in your team, along with high bronze players. They think that because they got somewhere above bronze 5-3 that they are worth anything, and get paired up against players who are starting to get better, resulting in mass feeding and raging. Where as a lot of players (not all) who are kind of around bronze 4-5 have determination to get better so that they can get out and play against worse players.
Same shit happened to my friend, he was determined all through bronze, got into silver, and now sucks major dongs because he thinks he's something and refused to continue to improve.
@@ImOnyxRS lol, if you have a quarter of a brain you can carry yourself easily out of bronze.
Seems like you are having fun :3
The "1% of games" note is appreciated.
Same exact promo record finally got out of bronze after resets. Took 6 trys but im out now
wow o.O im currently in bronze (just started playing ranked) on NA and everyone is pretty nice...
Oh my god, that was hillarious! xD I think Bronze at EUW is worse though ^_ ^
i think that too, just now, i finished a game where two people of my team for being a unskilled player which i'm sure i am not. they spent the entire game calling me noob and saying to uninstall the game and blah blah blah...luckly we won
No wonder EUW has the worst Bronze -.-.
We got England, Germany, France, Spain, and sometimes we got motherfking russians.
Haha yeah. Russians are the worst kind in my opinion. That's why I went from EUNE to EUW. France and Spain are nice people, but they didn't learn english in school so they were hard to deal with aswell.
corzarguy Haven't had much trouble with the flame specificly towards Russians. The problem is that it's impossible to communicate with them at all and when there is more than one russian in the game, the chat will get spammed with words that you have no clue about
***** true, French ppl are a pain in the ass, they honestly want to tell you every game that french is the no1 international language in the world, i dont even understand what goes on in their minds o.o its not that they cant speak english, they just dont want to, so frustrating...
OCE is so toxic, had an adc that tried to 2v1 lvl 3 blamed it all on me and ragequit IN NORMALS
It's nothing to do with OCE -.-
Shinigginaz nono, toxicity certainly varies from region to region. Maybe not so much the levels of toxicity, but the type. EU has a lot of trash talk and stupidity where NA has a lot of people trolling, fallming then going AFK. In LAN you almost never get people who go AFK on purpose but they do flame a lot
that try hard yi at the end. Makes the enemy team rage :D
So, you don't tryhard at ranked?
Reported for reporting for no reason.
reported for reporting someone who reports for a good reason but reports anyways :P
Lost my last promo... was 2/2 in promo w/l, then a 0/8 veigar showed.
I fucking died of laughter at the yi part. There's nothing quite as demoralizing (or "Oh thank god he's on my team" worthy) as a fed Yi. Not impossible to shut one down, but hard as hell. One time I played Yi, I got fairly fed and just split push all game, and so they had to send 2-3 (depending on who they sent) to stop me everytime, and the pressure just won us the game.
Sometimes it's fun being Silver, a more organized team could've stopped me lol
The thing about ranked, is that you can't go there expecting other people to be skilled and know exactly what you have in mind.
How did that Lucian do the buff timer spamming?
I went to OCE once on accident. Thank god I didnt play ranked before leaving the server. And I can't even get out of Bronze III in the NA server.
GUYS WHO IS THIS PURPLE TEAM BLUE BUFF GUY??? You see him everywhere!!
From what I remember, Oce is definately far more toxic than NA. But still, I would rather play with nice ping on Oce than 250 on NA. I just mute everyone when the game starts, makes it so much more enjoyable I also seem to win more games this way.
Have to remember Australia isn't much of a gaming nation either, has a very small gaming community. Often running into the same players.
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, Master Yi!
LOL i laughed so hard at lucian's spam xD
I laughed so badly at 3:13 more or less... ahahahah this is hilarious :D
Unfortunately i just got promoted to silver V... can't wait to deal with this crap :D
I won my first 10 ranked matches and got directly into gold 5 but i stopped playing ranked and now i get matched up with bronze players :( i can't wait to start ranked again just so i can get my mmr back up again.. So many trolls good god
I wish you would do another nami Jung that was amazing
u were lucky u got carried by the yi, promotion series is hell
" A summoner has disconnected" ... " Defeat"
i love rivens and leblancs or kats who complain about other champions that take skill. i beat a kat as zed which i find a difficult matchup and she sapmmed in all chat after i killed here " WOW WHAT SKILL THIS CHAMP TAKES LEARN SOME REAL CHAMPS" i laugh at them b/c those kids cant play
Its like when they say that zed is a noobchamp and you dont need skill to use it. In fact you need mechanics ✌️
kiryl elquetemoja omg i love outplaying on zed and watching them say OP no skill
Holyflygon Playing as zed vs kat is not that hard.
+Holyflygon Zed vs Kat is not hard at all. Zed has x5 more mobility and kat is a burst champ with 0 cc.
If you were to LOSE then I would be interested in knowing why.
hepa00lepa zed has no cc to stop kats combo other then a perfectly timed ult
so, i looked up the a couple of those ppl on lolking and notice that the only person who was actually nice was that lb and she's in silver 1 and in her promos while the ragers and toxic ppl were either in bronze or low silver :P
congrats mate :D
What's with a lot of Australian players? :( This server is giving them a bad name, no?
This is one of the reasons why i started playing Starcraft 2 :/
so many friendly people O.O"
Dat yi xD
Even if you're a good player, everyone appreciates someone that just decides to carry the whole team on their shoulders.
Hi, im currently plat4 on oce server, just want to let u know that the community gets better up here. People are actually willing to support and last picks arnt trolls.
I've been wanting to play on OCE but people like the ones in this video are the reason why I've decided not to play there until Riot sets up an OCE Tribunal
can someone tell what items that yi got when he got that qua? i can only tell there is shiv and maybe a lw or something high damage
I checked him out on Lolking and luckily this game was still on his recent matches. His final build was: IE, Zerker Boots w/ Homeguards, Pickaxe, Vamp Scepter, Shiv, and Long Sword. Judging by the unfinished components it looks like LW was his next item. Looking at his other recent games as Yi his finished build is: Shiv, LW, BT, IE, BotRK, and Zerker w/Homeguards.
Joseph Modica thank bro
***** well would be too bad if they have good cc or burst with cc...
No problem friend.
omg now i know that the brazilian server its not soo bad u.u .
lol that master yi at the end
that ending was amazing.
Good job man, unfortunatly Silver is one of the worst places to be, get your butt to Gold, the best tier where people actually try and arent full of themselfs unlike platinum players
I'm grinding! OCE Bronze was a pain as you could see. Ill get up there :)
+taeH ocsiD i feel you man hahahaha i just got out of OCE bronze myself ;-;
I can't stop laughing at the spam chat smirks~~~~ halp
That LeBlanc tho.
The funny part about this it's that i never flame anyone,i just try to explain some teammates that we have to coop more to win the game and ...boooom chat restriction 1241234 games.And those players can say whatev' they want...well played riot,well played!
Good thing it was you who fed not that Akali, right? lol I love it when that happens. I die 1 or 2 times and people yelling about feeding. I look at scores they have died 4 or more times :(
Congrats on Silver V
Dat Master Yi! OMG dat Yi. So much Dàmage!
Not each other though.
how the heck did that lucian typed the spawn timer of their buffs XD
Probably got a script for that...I want one now.
If you ever find the script can you give me the link or how? :) that would be goooddeehhh ALSO , I WANT AN ANTI TEEMO SCRIPT
Lone star
That thing is called MK JOGO. Type it in google search or youtube. You can change skins for free, but other people won't see the skin and you will have a jungle timer. :) More options are available, but you will have to find out for yourself. :) Gl and have fun in the fields of the League! :) Btw , you can be banned for this addon, because Riot itself announced that this addon is illegal. :)
DarellGaming easy to make a script like tht and u dont need jogo...
can you lnk me to a tutorial or how?
Sheen on nasus !! Remember that !
Dat lee clip ;)
Good job yi
i fucking love your videos dude
Grat :)
ah, misunderstood.
was going to comment
"that's nothing, silvers think calling someone platinum is an insult"
thank you master yi
Wow, that is pretty bad. I had friends who played on the OCE servers in ranked and said that it was hell: AFKers, ragers, etc. I didn't believe it until I saw this video.
Thank God I skipped bronze and silver 5 entirely, wait to play ranked, because elo hell does exist. Play with silver 3+ friends and it'll help a lot! Glhf!
Riot hurry up and give us a freaking tribunal system, the shit I see now is so uncensored and so demoralizing to see while you try to do well in a game...
I've lost all faith in humanity. We are doomed.
"I will carry you if you let me top" Picks nasus.
Nemolicious Well a over 800 stacks late game nasus with full tank items, can destroy everything without even breaking a sweat. But to get there you need to stack good while not leaving your team to die blindly
Tokogawa100 that's why nasus doesn't carry. if you lose early and mid and get no lategame. GG WP
If you think of all the possibilities to fuck up then no one can carry.
Vayne = I have to farm till i have good items, then my team can win every teamfight and go for objectives!
"Hey but what if they gank you 5 at bot bush lv1 with infinite CC, then the toplaners uses hacks to get the same exp as if he would be getting in top to help botlane, then the 15 0 0 LeBlanc Diamond 1 Smurf decides to camp your bushes and the 420 0 360 Rengar stops all your teammates in the exact moment they step out of the base?".
Vayne = I have Bork and PD my lategame is now.
People do give us player of OCE bad names but I guess that's the consequence of living "where nobody lives"
I know my skill level is low, still, that's what encourages me to not try and get a higher elo (gold IV, currently)
i love low elo :D so much fun :D even if you lose :D
I think eune is heaven after i saw this.
And i thought it was bad in eune
hahahahah carried by Yi, that was hilarious
I knew how you feel, bronze 1 win 263. you need to make a team to carry you