The man told us throughout 2016 that he did not need our money b/c he was insanely rich. In an official proceeding, the man stated he was sitting on$400m in cash. Then why the hell are you using donor funds to pay your legal bills? There is NO justification for the party to use donor funds to pay the PERSONAL legal bills of a billionaire.
@@4topher2 Exactly. I am a lifelong Republican that voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020. NEVER again, i am done with Trump & the Republican party b/c clearly neither gives a damn about this country or party loyalty.
JONOVID one man is not a party. Trump could give a sh*t about yoor your life or your family’s lives all he wants to know is how much will he make out of being President.
I was reflecting on what he said at the end, and played it again, people who work at the white house has said to him verbatim, quote " We should expect shock and aw" if he wins a second term. This is chilling and not a joke!
@@jerryrose1957 you dont know what your talking about. This guy was hired. He has been a part of the Swamp all his life. He has no morals or affiliations. He is simply concerned with self advancement and enrichment.
Please; please tell me you’re being rhetorical. That you’re being obtuse. Because what exactly is going on in America right now or since the current administration started that is right?
Dude it’s human nature man. Sometimes we see something that’s wrong but we don’t always speak out about it right away. We’ve all been there. Sometimes we need time to process the information first then after some time has passed we realize that it’s time to speak up. Nothing unusual about that.
What you really need to focus on is that a lot of Republicans are actually speaking up in unison. THAT should send up some red flags. It’s not just the Dems speaking up, it’s the Republicans too!
Not so much on the career/paycheck department though. He got a job at Google after quitting DHS. That said, he should be commended for speaking out about the nightmare that is the Trump administration.
It says former as in use to be. He's probably at home with some cheap strippers for all we know . Y'all believe any body as long as its the same as yours.
SOI Agree! I’ve seen trump fire whoever isn’t a “yes man” & lie. Trump is not a man of integrity! Just think about what we know for sure about trump,that’s scary & God only knows the underhanded things he does that we don’t know about....petrifying. Trumps got to go!
He should also be concern about the people he is supporting. There is plenty for him to talk about. This guy is like the many wimps on the Republican party who cant stand up for us, like Romney and the likes.
Its not really a message he really said a bunch of nothing trumps term is almost over they want to do everything to keep him from being elected when you look at the evidence and know the truth you will see these people spread nothing but lies and fear he mentioned him not being responsible enough to have acces to nuclear weapons but after his terms almost up they think the people of america are stupid the evidence speaks for itself they cant handle trumps succes
Except Fox News who panders to trump, rarely shows anything they can’t spin. I’ve been watching, comparing, and it’s down right sickening. Reporters spoke while speeches from the DNC were muted?🧐
What he said is exactly what La Garde a french woman who is words bank said that if Trump becomes president again he will destroy remove America from NATO and destroy democracy because he admire dictators and he will rule America in dictatorship and all European communities will be destroyed and all of them are hoping to don’t see trump in power again because he’s unpredictable. And said that he’s dangerous for America and democracy .
His supporters are a bunch of racist, fascists, uneducated misogynist bigots and or part of the 3% of grossly wealthy who get richer as we suffer!! Either way they are the garbage that live among us!!!!
@Rodney Von Rodney Biden isnt trying to take away your guns. Just making it more difficult for people who are mentally unstable to own one! Why is that a bad thing??
I hope all of these people that knew Trump has been damaging the country in multiple ways come forward start putting it out there just what kind of president he really is.
@Hawkzblade I doubt they actually talk daily. She won't even live with the guy. I have no sympathy for the gold digger, she knew what she was marrying, but I still can't blame her.
Damonx360x So then please explain why what he says is so blatantly obvious and believable considering ALL that we have WITNESSED come straight from this so-called leader’s mouth and behavior. I guess that’s “fake news”. The denial and lack of common sense and anything decent by his “supporters” is simply beyond my comprehension... it’s frightening and sad really.
You know he’s very bad at his job when members of his own administration not only call him out but also endorse his opponent. That’s all anybody needs to know about what goes on behind the scenes.
I just read that Trump is claiming he’s never met this guy LOL. First of all, there’s at least one picture of them together I’ve seen. Secondly, if he really didn’t know him, that’s ridiculous because Trump is president and this guy was Chief of Staff - how the hell would he not know the guy, unless he’s suggesting he doesn’t know his own team members?
King OfTroy He’s great because he’s putting the country over his party. He should’ve done it sooner, but better late than never. If you think that Miles Taylor should have kept his mouth shut and continued to look the other way knowing how incompetent the president is.... then you’re what’s wrong with our country.
Biden is the lesser of the 2 evils. They are all crooks. Did Nancy Pelosi give back the money she stole from the ppp loan for her husband? Is McConnell return what he stole for his wife's family also from ppp loans?
@@treasurecassidy6357 I assume you are a republican and have to argue that way. But in the name of the rest of the world let me tell you : You can't compare the both of them. Trump will destroy the USA in one way or another, by incompetence or by stupidity. Biden is not perfect, but at least his ego does not hinder him to do the right and necessary. You might not see it, the rest of the world sees it. ... and you might ask : Why does the rest of the world bother?... well... coz we all have to pay for it if the US fucks it up again (as in the last few world financial crisis).
“I don’t doubt this guys testimony one bit.” Oh okay because you don’t like Trump and neither did this loser who got fired. So you just believe people you like, facts don’t matter huh.
@@jackieboy3528 Who fire him? a You,? A Trump?, A Jared,?, you just waa waa waa following your shallow mind without factual Fact, This is not The Boss / The Apprentice Serial TV. this is A Public Office, Vote by 328 Millions American, paid in full by American Tax, not any Boss, and if you see an Evil in the office, you either become & following Evil, or Quite and tell The Truth about that Evil, this is what this man do, a Service for his Country. This is not A private Company, if it is, i don't fucking care.
@@jackieboy3528 He just said he did not get fired, he left on his own accord. Must be that you learned your critical thinking skills at Trump* University.....
A 74 year old stable genius asks a 23 year old, during a briefing on an approaching major hurricane, of they always rotate the same direction. Freaking scary.
You cant work for trump for 2 years and have a backbone. He should have NO syaff. No cabinet. He should have been a non-starter that EVERYONE refused to work for.
Correct, this election is for the survival of America. If he is re-elected you will see changes that will curl your hair. Like the possibility that he appoints himself dictator for the rest of his life, don't laugh, know it sounds corny however, to-date, his enablers have sat back in silence and allowed him to get away with almost murder. Think about that.
This is an interview that everyone needs to listen to. An intelligent individual who precisely explains how horrifying a second term of this administration would be.
You people need to get out of your bubble. Reality is gonna hurt big time. Its the dems that care more about their party than the country. But yall have been hypocritical and contradictory for quite some time.
A real American. That’s why the GOP hates him. Because he shows them what they are not. And, That, “shock & awe,” quote was no joke. It will be the media; CNN and MSNBC in particular that will be in the firing line. It’s Stalin’s playbook, every time, coached by Putin. CNN will come under, “government administration,” or get bought out in a hostile take over, by a trump friendly oligarch. And MSNBC will be hit by one fake, “scandal,” after another, and countless court cases, until it’s broken up. And the rest of the media will either get the message, or go the same way. History is my teacher. And that’s why my predictions never fail, so far. Just get this menace OUT! That’s your only hope of restoring your Republic, America
I've watched 3 different CNN interviews with Miles Taylor, he seems unbiased, intelligent and a man of honour and courage. I really hope he remains in politics,
Miles is not a man of honor. He has just finally been faced with the truth. He stayed in at a administration when they took kids from their families. Took kids from the arms of their Mother's, but he is not a hero.
This is both highly credible and legitimately terrifying. “I’m saying this as a lifelong Republican.” “This is a character election. It’s not about the policies, it’s not about the politics. It’s about the man that we’re voting for.” “If the President is reelected, the guardrails will be gone.” “This was a widespread sentiment in the administration.”
Spirit Winds Your first reaction to this guy who worked under Nielsen is that he’s a paid actor. You chose not to listen to him because he doesn’t agree with your own perceptions. You then go on this diatribe which again only serves your perceptions. It’s obvious why you, despite similar words ushered by Mattis and Bolton, would stand by the President. I feel sorry for you.
@@ginoboss657 yeah liberals who want equality under law , end to police brutality , Medicare for all , End to pollution , wars , what do the republicans want?
@@elvisiwot5215 You cannot sit here and honestly tell me that the modern day Democratic party is in favor of the items you've named. I'd like to debate this with you, because there are many issues on display here.
This clip scares me more than anything else. The shock and awe part especially, we kinda already knew or suspected that Trump wasn’t focused and has the mentality of a 3rd grader.
It should be overwhelmingly clear that 4 more years of this is not in this country's best interest. I am sick of the daily chaos he causes. I want to go back to not having to hear about it from the president of our country every single day. We have enough chaos from the people.
@@starter0951 "Biden suffered two brain aneurysms, one on the right side and one on the left. Each required surgery with high risk of long-term impact on brain functionality." And yet he's still 10x smarter than Mr 'do hurricanes go both ways?'
@@EDDIE5918 In this context, you mean 'rat' as in the former Mafia guys who became informants? Didn't they use that in court, and didn't what they said turn out to be true? Are you saying you condemn him for speaking the truth, for betraying the 'code of silence'?! If you wanna call him a liar, you can always try... But calling him a "Rat" doesn't really have the negative impact you expected. Not to anyone with a sense of justice, anyway.
I’m pretty sure he is the guy who wrote the anonymous article in the Washington post and a book about the administration called A Warning which is also anonymous. It’s a good book written by an obvious insider and an intelligent person. He seems to be both
Ken L No trump is more dangerous. He will destroy our country! Bad speeches is the least of what he does! Don’t you care about our wildlife and public lands. He is ruining our country and selling it off to his big oil friends. He is way to close to the nuclear codes! Does that not concern you? He could cause all our deaths because he understand things on a fifth grade level! Please everyone save our country. We may not have the level of improvement we really need but voting Blue will give us a good start!
Thank you. I understand if you change back in 4 years and as long as there are sane, rational human being running on the Republican ticket I will hear them out.
That was actually a brilliant deflection on Kushner: completely disregard him as irrelevant because his name is not on the ballot. He's got a good point. Who cares what the President's son-in-law's patronage appointment says? One of my favourite sayings is: "the worst insult an enemy can suffer is to be ignored". This deflection was well done because he recognizes the question was asked instead of ignoring it, but firmly states its not an answer worth giving. Or rather, he implicitly answered the question "What do you think of Jared Kushner?" as "I don't think of him at all". Again, well done. Don't give that mouth breather more air by acknowledging his existence. Eventually a bully will get bored by lack of response and move on to softer targets.
Well said. He gave himself more credibility too, by responding that way. Rather than being sucked in to their petty drama, he took the high road and stuck to the reason he stated he was speaking out, which makes Trumps claim of disgruntled employee, look even more false.
@Jacob smith And yet you are here.....commenting. Yes, it has no bearing. Nothing to see here. Of course you want people to move on past the car crash. Just a workplace drama. How many more times do you comment down below on this nothing story that has you so triggered?
I hope we do, we have to know the scope of the damage both trump and the republicans have been doing to their own country, in particular: Graham, McConnell, Jordan, Collins, Cronyn, etc. people have to start doing their own vetting before casting their vote. Vote early, it begins October third, do NOT wait to the last minute.
Oh ya. Either way this will be ugly. If the Dems get the senate and he’s re-elected, he’ll be fired by March and all of his treasonous actions will be laid bare. If he looses, he and his family will be excoriated by the Southern District. If he wins and Repubs keep the Senate, the Dems will be forced to impeach him again and maybe again.
@corenzo762 Trump has shown he has some strengths when it comes to managing money and being strong in standing up to other countries who maybe attempting to bully the US in certain ways but everything else he is so terribly bad at when it comes to being our leader just totally over rules those qualities so much that you only focus on his shortcomings HE MUST BE VOTED OUT SORRY DUDE!!!!
@corenzo762 CMON man this is called the United States for a reason and it is much to ethnically diverse to with stand 4 more years of being under control of a blatent racist he don't even try to hide the shit anymore HE MUST GO AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT WHY DONT YOU????
@corenzo762 That's your belief and I can't change it but when his own family member comes out and says racism has been prevalent from the grandfather on down through family generations someone who knows the man personally I would take her word before I would anyone outside of the family JUST SAYING
We can both agree to disagree on the subject like men in a civil fashion that is what so great about the country in which we live and don't get me wrong I voted for the man in 2016 but it was a mistake SORRY
He's definitely telling the truth Donald duck is a danger to America. I can't believe people still support him. Donald even said republicans are stupid
May be, too little information about him to make judgement to me. It just strikes me that if Drumpf's mind is so bad that he couldn't remember an employee he took a private picture with and someone who opposed him that much, his mind is clearly not fit to lead anyone.
If all republicans were like him this country would have an incredibly bright future. As a democrat myself, I highly respect this man's courage and integrity.
This is what we need. The country is made up of Democrats and Republicans, among others. All in it together. Now...if we could all partner with a Green agenda, it would make for a happier, safer world. This can happen, but not with trump and the GOP old guard.
A reminder of when the GOP was just a conservative party before it handed the reins to a group of extremist far-right nutcases. When Trump is gone they need to havea serious discussion of how this happened and I'm sorry to say a thorough de-Trumping of the party. His enablers must go. All of them.
Yeap. Like these so call democratic leaders who have run their cities to the ground. Who's let the crime rate get out of control in their cities for lack of leadership.
Norma Cortes should I remind you of all the people that have died thanks to Trump’s bad leadership? And what did he have to say? “It is what it is” instead of trying to do something about our situation
@@natashadazadazazavala8257 Trump is not the countries top scientist. Fauci is. He hired the top of the line medical adviser so the blame goes to Fauci who advised him. Fauci said Cuomo in NY got it right? That's a joke. Yeah. Many died under Cuomo which is what Fauci and Gates wanted.
It's kinda scary. We must still be vigilant coz these coming days will be critical. I heard that Bill Barr might do a bomb shell controversy about Hunter Biden reg Ukraine again.
Yep, I think you’re onto something there. Jared is just a slimy little landlord like his crooked father and his father-in-law. What is his opinion worth to anyone.
Trump calls everyone from his administration who speaks against him “disgruntled employees” when he should be looking in a mirror to see the one common element in all of his troubles.
@james kenyon Its coming, but 2020 won't be nearly as shocking as 2016 since many people on the left and right are trying to wake up Sleepy Joe from his basement sleep. Creepy Joe is doomed.
Actually, he does; Vladimir Putin. And he knows Putin is his only chance of staying there and staying immune to prosecution. He just can't admit it out loud. His sons and greasy son-in-law are just as corrupt as he is....
MaskedMarvyl You want that to be true sooooooooooo badly don’t you lol ya know, for him to be so corrupt you’d think they would’ve found something on him by now huh? 🤔
Well, it’s probably a good thing he’s not one of you guys. Have you seen what’s happening in your cities? Get real man... Trump isn’t the problem the lying leftist liberals are the problem
He is worried about Trump having the nuclear buttons but not Bidementia 😂😂😂😂😂 this is why more and more black patriots are escaping the Democrat Party plantationвидео.html
Although we're thrilled with this articulate young man's courage to speak out ... where the heck were these silent staff members when impeachment hearings were underway? When the news broke about Russian bounties and interference? Again, bravo for going public now, but ... where are the others who cower in the corner or worse, keep Mr Trump in power for their own purposes? Just saying.
I don't know that he had any direct knowledge of the incident the impeachment hearings were covering, so he could not be a witness to that event. I am glad he is speaking out now about the President's character, or lack thereof.
I'm hoping they're keeping the Great Orange Toddler distracted from the carnage his psychopathic mind attempts to put in to action. Many of the WH staff are staying there ONLY to protect our country from his harm. They are true Patriots also.
Miles said he was threatened multiple times, those people are scared. The best moment to speak is now, with the elections, because it's the only real shot of taking Trump down. I mean, you can even see for yourself how much it's taking for people to wake up about Trump, if they are waking up at all! Those scandals didn't do much for his supporters
@@EmyN That is exactly how I see this situation. Trump is known to be vindictive. That’s how he has controlled the Republican members of the Senate, we know how he loves to label anyone who stands up with a nasty label. Not Ghislaine-the-procurer of Epstein fame, numerous photos of the three frolicking about. She gets a pass.
@Toxic Sheeple He probably does but you have to say 20k inaccurate claims in less than 4 years is quite a tally , then there is the Trump university, the Trump foundation using money intended for children with cancer they used as a piggy bank , the lawsuits etc . Oh and lying to Robert Mueller . What's Trumps defence I don't lie when I am sleeping 🤔
Toxic Sheeple 1. “Trump repeatedly (25 times) took credit for projects involving Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler and other companies that were announced or planned long before he took office.” 2. “Trump also misleadingly claimed 15 times that he lowered the cost of F-35 airplanes by $700 million...” 3. “The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle-it will disappear.” 4.”“Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.” 5.”The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.” These are my top five, would you like more? Sources:
yep, if he is not familiar with the chief of staff of his homeland security team he is either the biggest liar, or completely incompetent... or in his case, both. anyone who cant figure this out for themselves falls into the same two, maybe three categories.
Hold on, Miles was fired from DHS. apparently he couldnt handle his job and was actually only on the job for 2 weeks. His formal boss his hot!! Here's the link.
@@quincydnc9945 even in your link, it doesn't say he only worked there for two weeks. It says 8 weeks as the head of the department. The nice thing is that this should be an easy thing to fact check--2.5 years, or 8 weeks, or some other figure? Also, it does not say the author of your linked article was his boss, and what do her looks have to do with anything?
Yes seriously! This is some scary stuff that I never thought would happen in America! Just goes to show what damage one person can do! I wish you guys the best and hope everything works out. You got to vote this lunatic out in November! By a landslide I hope! Stay Safe 😷🙏🤞🇨🇦🙂✌ we live the reasons why. As a longtime Republican, I've been saying "don't nominate a criminal like Mr. Trump"! All I can advise other Republicans is to keep BLUE! America as a business vehicle cannot stay as Trump and Pence's TRICYCLE IN REVERSE!! They can't own anything theirs, so they own things that aren't. Oversight is going to tally the things that people only have read in books... We (America) needs change with THIS election!
@@aneunjieroine3169 I know, right?! Stupid trump talking all this shit about this guy, this guy left him and now trump has to come out saying nasty things like he usually does when they leave him.
mr Tree they weren’t raised to stay away, they were taught to go after money, power and survive in any way possible. Why is it that you can’t spell border properly? Americans are funny.
Trumpid will only get worse if he has 4 more years of power. Just like Miles said, on steroids path to destroy everything this country has worked so hard for. Biden only runs because he wants to get rid of this incompetent idiot in the WH.
Only once he secured another job I bet. And he has left all those other “good people” behind to fight for the cause without him under the leadership of a replacement who might be another DeJoy. Those good people who only stay on because they need their crappy government salary to pay the rent, food and medical bills. No, he’s a coward who has run away and left the DHS more vulnerable to Trump’s abuses of power and is only speaking up because he is has nothing to lose now.
Jennifer Erickson This guy is no Vindman. And yes, he could have stood up to Trump but he clearly didnt as he wasnt fired and they wanted to retain him.
Dems are the one's who are insane, look at the demoncrats run cities, they've fallen apart....Trump is saving our nation from you whack jobs, remember 2016? That feeling is coming again for ALLL OF YOU....🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
Which is a stupidly ridiculous thing for him to say because if it were true it suggests that he doesn’t know his own Chief of Staff of homeland security.
Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering he posed for the camera, it's not like Trump can say "that's not me" lol WTF!! Literally Everytime he is accused of being in connection with someone facing charges, or someone giving up tape on their terrifying experience working with the president, he has no clue who they are?? He claimed not to know Epstein until an old video emerged of them talking together at one of Trump's parties! It's like c'mon everyone can't possibly be lying!
I commend this guy for trying to get the truth out there. Unfortunately, the die-hard Trump supporters will remain in denial. The only other thing that is comprable to this phenomenon, in my mind, is people who are in religious cults. Deprogramming people is almost impossible. People on both sides need to step outside their narrative and be committed to following the truth wherever it leads them. There seem to be so few. That's why I suppose I admire them all the more.
They're scared of him, and scared of losing their jobs by going against him. That's the problem when you align yourself with malicious can easily join their gang...but leaving means death.
There needs to be more proof of “he’s a bad guy and he has a bad character blah blah blah” I’ll believe proof not just a he said she said situation . Just saying “well we told him stuff and he didn’t care” really doesn’t mean much. It’s not bc people won’t listen to the other side it’s the fact they make up shitconstantly and when the dust settles it’s usually them in hot water
It's not just an American phenomenon either. We have a demagogue and malignant narcissist running the UK too and my parents and unable to cope with any information about him or the Tories that show them in a negative light. They react with defensive aggression because they know on some level that voting for the Tories is a terrible thing to do to the UK. If it wasn't, why would they get so upset when confronted with facts.
Just remember, we cannot afford one moment of complacency. Trump, his family and the entire Cabinet are ALL facing jail time, and they know it. There’s literally NOTHING too low or outrageous for them to pull on America. Not one thing. The only thing that will give them pause is whether we allow it or not. Now that they’ve lost the Postal Service fight, you’re going to see a string of GOP members deserting trump (some, going for the FBI lifeboats) but, the more certain their defeat looks, the more DESPERATE they will get. What would YOU DO, to avoid a life sentence AND an appearance in every child’s history book, as America’s worst traitor? Times that by psychosis and no conscience, and you’re getting close. The fight is on. It’s the fight of your lives. Don’t let up ✌️👍
Everyone who leaves this administration has a horror story. They all can't be lying.
And they are not.
And all of the stories are similar. That's not just coincidence...
I think they're afraid of that cursed tweet. That's why they don't say anything while their there. That's all I can figure.
Shawna Weiss you🤮
Definitely a case of "where there's smoke, there's fire."
When can you ever remember when senior Republicans were recommending to people that they vote the Democratic Party! That says it all!
I'm definitely voting Democrats 2020
So you back stabbers like this man couldn't testify in congress against him over your forced conversation. You people are fools who protect pedos.
John Balnis Dad ???
It absolutely does. These are the same people who wanted war in iraq. Dems can be the party of foriegn wars🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
You are absolutely right.
Maybe if Miles' name was "person, woman, man, camera, tv" Trump would have remembered him?
haha.... another test.... (Porn Star, Magazine, Spanked, Small, Hands)
He is worried about Trump having the nuclear buttons but not Bidementia 😂😂😂😂😂
The man told us throughout 2016 that he did not need our money b/c he was insanely rich. In an official proceeding, the man stated he was sitting on$400m in cash. Then why the hell are you using donor funds to pay your legal bills? There is NO justification for the party to use donor funds to pay the PERSONAL legal bills of a billionaire.
Thanks for putting emphasis on this aspect of the Trump Mess. There should be more about the grifting of the campaign funds.
@@plcoyle "Mess" is damn sure the correct word.
He lied about how rich he is, and he thinks everyone else should pay his bills, even though he has more money than almost all of them!
@@4topher2 Exactly. I am a lifelong Republican that voted for Trump in 2016 & 2020. NEVER again, i am done with Trump & the Republican party b/c clearly neither gives a damn about this country or party loyalty.
Trump should be the next episode of American Greed!
One of the most effective critiques of Trump I’ve seen. This guy is sharp.
... as a thousand dollar suit
one party one President, Vote Republican
JONOVID one man is not a party. Trump could give a sh*t about yoor your life or your family’s lives all he wants to know is how much will he make out of being President.
@@JONOVID Sounds Facist to me!
JONOVID country over party, we’re all Americans before we’re either republicans or democrats. It’s either America or trump.
Thank you MilesTaylor for the courage to speak the TRUTH!!
We need more people like Miles Taylor who are willing to speak up UNAFRAID!
😂, ya and fire Creepy Joe
@@CarlWTownMoneySaverfired you Are
Thank you for speaking the truth it needs to be told!!!!
This guy is believable. What he said at the end is very scary.
I was reflecting on what he said at the end, and played it again, people who work at the white house has said to him verbatim, quote " We should expect shock and aw" if he wins a second term. This is chilling and not a joke!
Democrats are very scary, remember to Vote Republican
@JONOVID I will not
@@JONOVID you are a Russian troll! We will never be another Russian state, quit dreaming!
@@JONOVID I will, do not want to Jim Crow Joe in the WH
Much respect to this man. Too bad there aren’t more coming forward like him.
Much respect? ...or rats leaving a sinking ship?
Hopefully more people will now.
@@JohnSmith-gs2rv You are obviously drinking the Cult Kool-aid tRump is selling and too far gone to see the truth.
@@JohnSmith-gs2rv way too much kool-aid
George Graham Would you prefer that he stay silent?
if a company had this many "disgruntled employees" I would think there is something wrong with the company.
There is , it's called The Swamp. And when you do that you will have a snake like this crawl out into the open.
Let's not forget that all of these so called "disgruntled employees" were self appointed
@@jerryrose1957 you dont know what your talking about. This guy was hired. He has been a part of the Swamp all his life. He has no morals or affiliations. He is simply concerned with self advancement and enrichment.
@Sarah Nyb How do you know he is Russian, and what does that have to do with the storyline?
Please; please tell me you’re being rhetorical. That you’re being obtuse. Because what exactly is going on in America right now or since the current administration started that is right?
Its very clear that Miles is being honest and is very concerned about the Country.
All of this is scary.
Jared is a fine one to speak about someone's abilities to do the job.
Jax Sвидео.html
Jax S you're fine. 😁
Jared is making peace deals in the Middle East while your democrats are Burning, Looting, and Murdering: BLM.😵💫
I finally watched @HeWentToJared speak and he really do look artificial Pinocchio telling lies
This man is a Patriot! Thank you, for speaking the truth.
Really..... then why didnt he speak out as soon as he witnessed this going on....
@@PozzyBoi Because he cared for his own safety and financial security, like Literally every other American would, including you.
Dude it’s human nature man. Sometimes we see something that’s wrong but we don’t always speak out about it right away. We’ve all been there. Sometimes we need time to process the information first then after some time has passed we realize that it’s time to speak up. Nothing unusual about that.
What you really need to focus on is that a lot of Republicans are actually speaking up in unison. THAT should send up some red flags. It’s not just the Dems speaking up, it’s the Republicans too!
Patriot or rat leaving a sinking ship.
Much respect for this dude, he’s putting country over party, his career, paycheck.
So true.
His life 😓
Not so much on the career/paycheck department though. He got a job at Google after quitting DHS.
That said, he should be commended for speaking out about the nightmare that is the Trump administration.
It says former as in use to be. He's probably at home with some cheap strippers for all we know . Y'all believe any body as long as its the same as yours.
Good perspective 🙌🏽💯
Thank you Taylor you are a true American patriot Republican, you warning us about this crazy man. Courage my brother.
THANK YOU Sir for Speaking the TRUTH!! YOU are a TRUE PATRIOT!!!! We Need MORE of you to Speak Up!!!
Country over Party. About time Republicans wake up, admit mistakes and stand up for Democracy
He was a Democrat many more years, he was once something else maybe independent I'm not positive on that.
This dude ain’t lying, you see he’s concerned for the people. Thank you for speaking out young man.
Yes he is.....lying
The cult will try to kill him because them people hate anyone that tell the truth they are very very sick mind people
@@YesMe-dw7pj who trump the man that have lied almost as much as satan you right
SOI Agree! I’ve seen trump fire whoever isn’t a “yes man” & lie. Trump is not a man of integrity! Just think about what we know for sure about trump,that’s scary & God only knows the underhanded things he does that we don’t know about....petrifying. Trumps got to go!
He should also be concern about the people he is supporting. There is plenty for him to talk about. This guy is like the many wimps on the Republican party who cant stand up for us, like Romney and the likes.
Chilling... this message should be everywhere
Its not really a message he really said a bunch of nothing trumps term is almost over they want to do everything to keep him from being elected when you look at the evidence and know the truth you will see these people spread nothing but lies and fear he mentioned him not being responsible enough to have acces to nuclear weapons but after his terms almost up they think the people of america are stupid the evidence speaks for itself they cant handle trumps succes
Gino Boss I see things very differently
Except Fox News who panders to trump, rarely shows anything they can’t spin. I’ve been watching, comparing, and it’s down right sickening. Reporters spoke while speeches from the DNC were muted?🧐
What he said is exactly what La Garde a french woman who is words bank said that if Trump becomes president again he will destroy remove America from NATO and destroy democracy because he admire dictators and he will rule America in dictatorship and all European communities will be destroyed and all of them are hoping to don’t see trump in power again because he’s unpredictable. And said that he’s dangerous for America and democracy .
Miles, history will remember you as a real hero, I salute you for being so concerned about your country.
Yes indeed. A real one. Too bad there aren’t many more with his damn backbone!
All Americans should Iisten this. Interviews
Here's the problem, his supporters actually like this kind of behavior.
I have just one question? Are you for real? 😂😂😂
@@pnealiv7443 lmao 😂😂😂right?
His supporters are a bunch of racist, fascists, uneducated misogynist bigots and or part of the 3% of grossly wealthy who get richer as we suffer!! Either way they are the garbage that live among us!!!!
@Rodney Von Rodney Biden isnt trying to take away your guns. Just making it more difficult for people who are mentally unstable to own one! Why is that a bad thing??
Yes. They call it "owning the libs". Even if it's the worst thing for their own families, they like it. That's some level of pettiness.
I hope all of these people that knew Trump has been damaging the country in multiple ways come forward start putting it out there just what kind of president he really is.
Leonaza7 wouldn’t it be awesome if they all walked out like a week before the election. Praying that happens...🙏🏻
@@julier9672 Thats ALL you got is a prayer that Hidden Biden will win !
S.W. Warbirds ok, Russian Troll.....
@@julier9672 < a BIDEN UKRAINE TROLL
You know, for someone who knows everyone, Trump doesn't know anyone.
Bill Clinton knew some very young girls, Obama said they were pretty.
@Hawkzblade I doubt they actually talk daily. She won't even live with the guy. I have no sympathy for the gold digger, she knew what she was marrying, but I still can't blame her.
@@brassbawls94 funny how there's only been direct video of trump and Epstein doing that same thing
Kimberly Childs
...he knows them by 'picture' only... and the red crayon check mark he leaves.
Keep them coming!!! Thank You!
This man is not selling a book.
He's here to tell the truth.
He's looking for clout & closure and also trying to secure a job in politics on the other side (cuz thats all thats left for him)
@@Damonx360x just like all the other people coming out about trump.... they can't all be lying. They worked in his administration
Damonx360x So then please explain why what he says is so blatantly obvious and believable considering ALL that we have WITNESSED come straight from this so-called leader’s mouth and behavior. I guess that’s “fake news”. The denial and lack of common sense and anything decent by his “supporters” is simply beyond my comprehension... it’s frightening and sad really.
@@Koolaid79 I worte some legit facts about the dems and this CNN hypocrite channel keeps instantly deleting them. dont be such sheep wake up
Who you talking to ?
You know he’s very bad at his job when members of his own administration not only call him out but also endorse his opponent. That’s all anybody needs to know about what goes on behind the scenes.
I just read that Trump is claiming he’s never met this guy LOL. First of all, there’s at least one picture of them together I’ve seen. Secondly, if he really didn’t know him, that’s ridiculous because Trump is president and this guy was Chief of Staff - how the hell would he not know the guy, unless he’s suggesting he doesn’t know his own team members?
Cody Andersonвидео.html
Cody Anderson very true!!!
You know they have to be paid to endorse such an opponent.
WOW! That was a great interview. Scary stuff going on at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. What a well spoken young man.
King OfTroy He’s great because he’s putting the country over his party. He should’ve done it sooner, but better late than never. If you think that Miles Taylor should have kept his mouth shut and continued to look the other way knowing how incompetent the president is.... then you’re what’s wrong with our country.
Just wow. Nice job in just letting Taylor talk Jake.😊
Man... that is what the world is knowing and saying the whole time.
Because it's true
Biden is the lesser of the 2 evils.
They are all crooks.
Did Nancy Pelosi give back the money she stole from the ppp loan for her husband?
Is McConnell return what he stole for his wife's family also from ppp loans?
@@treasurecassidy6357 Can Russia return those pp tapes?
@@treasurecassidy6357 I assume you are a republican and have to argue that way.
But in the name of the rest of the world let me tell you :
You can't compare the both of them.
Trump will destroy the USA in one way or another, by incompetence or by stupidity.
Biden is not perfect, but at least his ego does not hinder him to do the right and necessary.
You might not see it, the rest of the world sees it.
... and you might ask : Why does the rest of the world bother?... well... coz we all have to pay for it if the US fucks it up again (as in the last few world financial crisis).
@@treasurecassidy6357 Have you seen Trump tax returns yet? Do you even care?
You can tell by the tone of his voice he’s concerned.
And his face!
Seems paid off to me.
"It's time to move on" is an understatement. But yeah, I don't doubt this guy's testimony one bit.
“I don’t doubt this guys testimony one bit.”
Oh okay because you don’t like Trump and neither did this loser who got fired. So you just believe people you like, facts don’t matter huh.
@@jackieboy3528 Who fire him? a You,?
A Trump?, A Jared,?, you just waa waa waa following your shallow mind without factual Fact, This is not The Boss / The Apprentice Serial TV. this is A Public Office, Vote by 328 Millions American, paid in full by American Tax, not any Boss, and if you see an Evil in the office, you either become & following Evil, or Quite and tell The Truth about that Evil, this is what this man do, a Service for his Country. This is not A private Company, if it is, i don't fucking care.
@@jackieboy3528 He just said he did not get fired, he left on his own accord. Must be that you learned your critical thinking skills at Trump* University.....
@@JohnSmith-gs2rv Idiot says what?
Ofcoz you are a CCN brainwashed goon,you wouldn't doupt anything against trump.
Thank you, Miles Taylor! Appreciate you for speaking up at this point, so that the American people can make a wise decision come November.
Lol “he was Marveled at the way hurricanes worked”- good luck to us, truly.
Scary huh ?
I still think Trump will be the first president to nuke a hurricane
And believes he has "magical authorities"
Lord have mercy on us all 🥺
Didn't he want to nuke a hurricane once too? Not a great thinker; just a vindictive, hateful narcissistic kinda guy.
Biden-Harris 2020!
Spray bleach on them - that works with Covid.
A 74 year old stable genius asks a 23 year old, during a briefing on an approaching major hurricane, of they always rotate the same direction. Freaking scary.
Travis Kearney Im not a weatherman. I know a damn hurricane always spins the same damn way.
He is 77.
Miles Taylor, a man with a brain, moral compass and a backbone.
Meandering Birdвидео.html
So basically someone who isn’t qualified to be in Trump’s administration
Shame it took him 4 years to find them ...
@@terryr7622 The only qualification is loyalty to Trump, agree with Trump, and/or being a donor.
You cant work for trump for 2 years and have a backbone. He should have NO syaff. No cabinet. He should have been a non-starter that EVERYONE refused to work for.
This was chilling. Our country is in grave danger. EVERY American should heed these words...this is no longer a party issue.
Correct, this election is for the survival of America. If he is re-elected you will see changes that will curl your hair. Like the possibility that he appoints himself dictator for the rest of his life, don't laugh, know it sounds corny however, to-date, his enablers have sat back in silence and allowed him to get away with almost murder. Think about that.
MIle was terminated at DHS for not doing his job. according to his former boss. I just cant trust him.
@@quincydnc9945 Mr. Taylor is speaking truth to power. It's that simple.
lol idiot
God forbid.
This is an interview that everyone needs to listen to. An intelligent individual who precisely explains how horrifying a second term of this administration would be.
Jared called him a great kid
I am an American but still dont understand why Americans voted for this MK
Dragon1717 notice how violence in Portland went down after Trump withdrew federal troops? Trump escalated the situation by sending them. Biden 2020
What do you mean? His administration has been great! Well with the exception of course of the democrat backed corona shut down debacle 😑
Yea..horrible for the corruption and communism thats been infecting our country!!!! Trump in 2020
Drain the swamp
This man is not here to condemn Trump, he is simply speaking the raw truth. All decent American MUST take heed
Valrie Bailey trump 2020!!!!
But it is never his fault!видео.html
His truth is nothing more than an unpopular opinion. The president still comfortably enjoys a 96% approval rating amongst Republicans.
Mason Thornsmith That says a whole lot about republicans. What a joke
@@tsad5611 Do you have an intelligent point to make here, or are you spewing nonsense just for fun?
So much respect to Mr. Miles Taylor. He is a republican that cares more about the country than the republican party. Point and simple.
You people need to get out of your bubble. Reality is gonna hurt big time. Its the dems that care more about their party than the country. But yall have been hypocritical and contradictory for quite some time.
He’s seems like a good man.
Texas Rebel
It's always the other way round, right?
"No, Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy. Kennedy shot Oswald!"
Still voting Trump
A real American. That’s why the GOP hates him. Because he shows them what they are not. And, That, “shock & awe,” quote was no joke. It will be the media; CNN and MSNBC in particular that will be in the firing line. It’s Stalin’s playbook, every time, coached by Putin. CNN will come under, “government administration,” or get bought out in a hostile take over, by a trump friendly oligarch. And MSNBC will be hit by one fake, “scandal,” after another, and countless court cases, until it’s broken up. And the rest of the media will either get the message, or go the same way. History is my teacher. And that’s why my predictions never fail, so far. Just get this menace OUT! That’s your only hope of restoring your Republic, America
I've watched 3 different CNN interviews with Miles Taylor, he seems unbiased, intelligent and a man of honour and courage. I really hope he remains in politics,
Miles is not a man of honor. He has just finally been faced with the truth. He stayed in at a administration when they took kids from their families. Took kids from the arms of their Mother's, but he is not a hero.
He is desparately needed....a refreshing relief for the present state of politics.
This is both highly credible and legitimately terrifying.
“I’m saying this as a lifelong Republican.”
“This is a character election. It’s not about the policies, it’s not about the politics. It’s about the man that we’re voting for.”
“If the President is reelected, the guardrails will be gone.”
“This was a widespread sentiment in the administration.”
Please talk some sense into a few of your friends to save the country from this dictator. Vote blue this time.
@Spirit Winds Thank you for your time. It's been a pleasure.
Spirit Winds
Your first reaction to this guy who worked under Nielsen is that he’s a paid actor. You chose not to listen to him because he doesn’t agree with your own perceptions. You then go on this diatribe which again only serves your perceptions.
It’s obvious why you, despite similar words ushered by Mattis and Bolton, would stand by the President.
I feel sorry for you.
@Spirit Winds really what about dump he is the liest Man in the world no doubt about it
@Spirit Winds They aren't worth your time but you typed an entire fucking essay.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities” ~ Voltaire
Sounds alot like the liberals if you ask me and most of america.
@@ginoboss657 yeah liberals who want equality under law , end to police brutality , Medicare for all , End to pollution , wars , what do the republicans want?
A wall . I remember .
@@elvisiwot5215 lol a wall blown down by wind
@@elvisiwot5215 You cannot sit here and honestly tell me that the modern day Democratic party is in favor of the items you've named.
I'd like to debate this with you, because there are many issues on display here.
This clip scares me more than anything else. The shock and awe part especially, we kinda already knew or suspected that Trump wasn’t focused and has the mentality of a 3rd grader.
That's an insult to third grade children around the world.
It should be overwhelmingly clear that 4 more years of this is not in this country's best interest. I am sick of the daily chaos he causes. I want to go back to not having to hear about it from the president of our country every single day. We have enough chaos from the people.
@@starter0951 shut up. Even if he did he would be less of a hassle than 4 more years of this.
Chris lol I know it is, I’m sorry kids
@@starter0951 "Biden suffered two brain aneurysms, one on the right side and one on the left. Each required surgery with high risk of long-term impact on brain functionality."
And yet he's still 10x smarter than Mr 'do hurricanes go both ways?'
That last 30 seconds? Absolutely chilling.
Given the retaliation Trump and his cult could exercise on this man, I find him plain brave! Kudos!
He’s a plain Rat!!!
@@EDDIE5918 In this context, you mean 'rat' as in the former Mafia guys who became informants? Didn't they use that in court, and didn't what they said turn out to be true? Are you saying you condemn him for speaking the truth, for betraying the 'code of silence'?!
If you wanna call him a liar, you can always try... But calling him a "Rat" doesn't really have the negative impact you expected. Not to anyone with a sense of justice, anyway.
If Trump gets a second term, I wouldn't be surprised to see americans like him disapear into grey vans and never come back.
Robert Cartier good Response. The idiocy is unnerving!
@@Lainieb329 thanks!
This man is firmly on the right side of history.
felix mendez morality isn’t always chosen by the victors.
Porcupine Butter facts BIDEN 2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
Which man are you referring to? Traitors colored orange aren't men. Perhaps you need more KoolAid?
I’m pretty sure he is the guy who wrote the anonymous article in the Washington post and a book about the administration called A Warning which is also anonymous. It’s a good book written by an obvious insider and an intelligent person. He seems to be both
@felix mendez, why not? That's what Republicans have done.
Thank. You miles taylor
Thanx, Miles Taylor, for courageously speaking out.
He sound very concerned, he might need security
You mean he might get poisoned, like pukin opposition people.
Concerned only because he knows he's on a sinking ship and it's time to jump and look after No 1.
Bravo to speak up... especially when he's aware of the repercussions. 👏🏽👏🏽
Everyone is worried about Trump not being very speech friendly. Biden cant even talk. Please vote for Trump again everyone.
Ken L No trump is more dangerous. He will destroy our country! Bad speeches is the least of what he does! Don’t you care about our wildlife and public lands. He is ruining our country and selling it off to his big oil friends. He is way to close to the nuclear codes! Does that not concern you? He could cause all our deaths because he understand things on a fifth grade level! Please everyone save our country. We may not have the level of improvement we really need but voting Blue will give us a good start!
@@cordeliakates6044 selling it off to the big oils friends hahahahha so are you not gonna to talk about how obama tried to sell off amercia to china
LMAO! Stop drinking that Koolaid! Biden may not be the best choice, but he is hands down the better choice.
Well spoken, articulate, educated. Well done.
I'm a republican who has given up on this administration too.
Well let's ask this Democrat then if its peaceful protesters or rioters in portland?
Thank you
James Hoover Probably the same people who stormed Michigan steps with AK47s while shouting in the faces of officers while not wearing masks. So yeah
Hi Roger, welcome back from the dark side.
Thank you. I understand if you change back in 4 years and as long as there are sane, rational human being running on the Republican ticket I will hear them out.
This guy needs to write a memoir or just record his Trump horror stories and post all of them.
Another falsehood book coming to your near at me 7 Eleven soon!
Iris Hewlett ...’cause truth hurts your ego🐣 at least this guy had metanoia and did something about it🦋
@@sunshine22723 "...coming to your near me..." ???
It's plain to see YOU won't be publishing a book anytime soon.
He's preaching to the choir. 65% already know this, 35% won't listen to it. You can't teach the unteachable.
That was actually a brilliant deflection on Kushner: completely disregard him as irrelevant because his name is not on the ballot. He's got a good point. Who cares what the President's son-in-law's patronage appointment says? One of my favourite sayings is: "the worst insult an enemy can suffer is to be ignored". This deflection was well done because he recognizes the question was asked instead of ignoring it, but firmly states its not an answer worth giving. Or rather, he implicitly answered the question "What do you think of Jared Kushner?" as "I don't think of him at all". Again, well done. Don't give that mouth breather more air by acknowledging his existence. Eventually a bully will get bored by lack of response and move on to softer targets.
I loved it, and the one two punch of “I wasn’t fired, I left because I couldn’t stay in good conscience any longer”
Well said. He gave himself more credibility too, by responding that way. Rather than being sucked in to their petty drama, he took the high road and stuck to the reason he stated he was speaking out, which makes Trumps claim of disgruntled employee, look even more false.
Excellent points! I agree! What an excellent interview!
@Jacob smith Sure, random idiot who thinks hopping on RUclips and giving people orders makes him seem important 🙄
@Jacob smith And yet you are here.....commenting. Yes, it has no bearing. Nothing to see here. Of course you want people to move on past the car crash. Just a workplace drama. How many more times do you comment down below on this nothing story that has you so triggered?
Miles Taylor is a man of integrity, and I'm so glad he is speaking out.
They all are after they've left the WH. But you have to remember how much they helped Trump move the US to fascism.
when he is out of office, we are going to hear so much more of this, scary
Totally agree. I don't think we know the half of it.
I hope we do, we have to know the scope of the damage both trump and the republicans have been doing to their own country, in particular: Graham, McConnell, Jordan, Collins, Cronyn, etc. people have to start doing their own vetting before casting their vote. Vote early, it begins October third, do NOT wait to the last minute.
Oh ya. Either way this will be ugly. If the Dems get the senate and he’s re-elected, he’ll be fired by March and all of his treasonous actions will be laid bare. If he looses, he and his family will be excoriated by the Southern District. If he wins and Repubs keep the Senate, the Dems will be forced to impeach him again and maybe again.
monica sawischвидео.html
monica sawisch =getting him out is the priority!
Everyone needs to hear this. At this point, you’re either for democracy or you’re for fascism.
Aligning himself with dictators VERY SCARY SHIT AMERICA!!!!
@corenzo762 Trump has shown he has some strengths when it comes to managing money and being strong in standing up to other countries who maybe attempting to bully the US in certain ways but everything else he is so terribly bad at when it comes to being our leader just totally over rules those qualities so much that you only focus on his shortcomings HE MUST BE VOTED OUT SORRY DUDE!!!!
@corenzo762 CMON man this is called the United States for a reason and it is much to ethnically diverse to with stand 4 more years of being under control of a blatent racist he don't even try to hide the shit anymore HE MUST GO AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT WHY DONT YOU????
@corenzo762 That's your belief and I can't change it but when his own family member comes out and says racism has been prevalent from the grandfather on down through family generations someone who knows the man personally I would take her word before I would anyone outside of the family JUST SAYING
We can both agree to disagree on the subject like men in a civil fashion that is what so great about the country in which we live and don't get me wrong I voted for the man in 2016 but it was a mistake SORRY
Trump: “I don’t know this guy”
Slang for: he is telling the truth about me
862.000 abortions in the us in one year democratics it is what it is.democratics trumps not doing enough to save lifes from covid 19
Exactly, just like 'fake news' to Trump means the ugly truth being reported about him.
@Adi-LMNOP Conservatives w anger are really leftist.
@Adi-LMNOP ahhh... Huh... Uhhhh.... Oh.. Kay... Hmm....
You win I guess...?
"Country over Party" get rid of the traitors
I believe him. He has nothing to lose or gain for speaking up but his integrity 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
He's definitely telling the truth Donald duck is a danger to America. I can't believe people still support him. Donald even said republicans are stupid
May be, too little information about him to make judgement to me.
It just strikes me that if Drumpf's mind is so bad that he couldn't remember an employee he took a private picture with and someone who opposed him that much, his mind is clearly not fit to lead anyone.
🤣🤣🤣 gosh I love you people. You give me such joy as to your idiocracy 🤪👎👎
@@meganesenpai Gosh, there's So many reasons why this man/child shouldn't be in charge of anything! Very frightening 😱
@@cottagefarm9799 dont talk about idiocracy while still supporting trump..
Miles Taylor is a hero for coming forward. That takes guts; especially with this president. Kudos to him!
The last farewellвидео.html
Amen and Amen!
@tara lamlam19 - I didn't click on your link. What is is about? If your description sounds intriguing, I'll click and give it a watch. Thanks.
If all republicans were like him this country would have an incredibly bright future. As a democrat myself, I highly respect this man's courage and integrity.
This is what we need. The country is made up of Democrats and Republicans, among others. All in it together. Now...if we could all partner with a Green agenda, it would make for a happier, safer world. This can happen, but not with trump and the GOP old guard.
Courage and integrity that's something that got forfeited as soon as Trump came around
then all of them would be liars
moi aussie!! il est tres intelligent 🤩
A reminder of when the GOP was just a conservative party before it handed the reins to a group of extremist far-right nutcases. When Trump is gone they need to havea serious discussion of how this happened and I'm sorry to say a thorough de-Trumping of the party. His enablers must go. All of them.
I can't believe this video is THREE YEARS old and it's up to the minute as true now as it was then! Shucks! 😊
A lack of leadership should not be called leadership
Joe Biden is a great leader yes hiding in his bunker
Yeap. Like these so call democratic leaders who have run their cities to the ground. Who's let the crime rate get out of control in their cities for lack of leadership.
Norma Cortes should I remind you of all the people that have died thanks to Trump’s bad leadership? And what did he have to say? “It is what it is” instead of trying to do something about our situation
natasha DaZa daza Zavala If you people are so smart, would you do in this situation?
@@natashadazadazazavala8257 Trump is not the countries top scientist. Fauci is. He hired the top of the line medical adviser so the blame goes to Fauci who advised him. Fauci said Cuomo in NY got it right? That's a joke. Yeah. Many died under Cuomo which is what Fauci and Gates wanted.
Miles Taylor is so eloquent . Aside from that, the information he is conveying is chilling.
It's kinda scary. We must still be vigilant coz these coming days will be critical. I heard that Bill Barr might do a bomb shell controversy about Hunter Biden reg Ukraine again.
The frightening thing is: Everything he says is totally believable.
Remember, this is the man who recently said the 1918 Pandemic occurred in 1917 and ended WW2.
Correction - "probably ended."
@@Momo_8k You mean Trump, not Mr. Taylor, right?
@@markusrother5577 Trump, absolutely.
In what kind of a world do competent, experienced people find their professional performance evaluated by someone like Jared Kushner?
Yep, I think you’re onto something there. Jared is just a slimy little landlord like his crooked father and his father-in-law. What is his opinion worth to anyone.
Moody Avocado It’s called the world of common sense. Try it..
@@eugeniorobinson4556 ok, boomer.
For real! How the fuck is he qualified to be in the position that he is? Cuz Bibi slept In his room when he came to visit the US.
Eugenio Robinson please Eugenio, regale us with your explanation of why it would be common sense to take the word of Kushner over this man.
Trump calls everyone from his administration who speaks against him “disgruntled employees” when he should be looking in a mirror to see the one common element in all of his troubles.
So true, but Miles was noted to simply not do his job by his former boss. I just cant trust him
@Yolanda Gonzales I don't trust Trumpy. I don't trust a disgruntled ex-employee as well.
Biden/Harris 2020
@Yolanda Gonzales Trump is a thief and a gritter watch 10 things Trump doesnt want you to know about him david cay johnston
Finally there is someone smart.... Let’s hope Biden is gonna win mate
He is the disgruntled employee.
Miles Taylor sounded more presidential in nine minutes and 28 seconds of this clip than Trump has in almost four years as POTUS.
How do we end up with someone like Trump as president, you have to wonder?🤔
Agreed. Trump can barely read a written speech
Get ready for 4 more years douche boy.
Wow, that's an extremely astute assessment.
@james kenyon Its coming, but 2020 won't be nearly as shocking as 2016 since many people on the left and right are trying to wake up Sleepy Joe from his basement sleep. Creepy Joe is doomed.
Amazing. He got in that chair but doesn't know anyone who put him there.
I can imagine he saying about himself “I’ve never heard of that loser, but he’s a loser” if you read him back one of his tweets.”
Actually, he does; Vladimir Putin. And he knows Putin is his only chance of staying there and staying immune to prosecution. He just can't admit it out loud.
His sons and greasy son-in-law are just as corrupt as he is....
Trump know the poor American People not people who wanted to destroy America with Bombs. #Trump2020
MaskedMarvyl good one 😆😆
MaskedMarvyl You want that to be true sooooooooooo badly don’t you lol ya know, for him to be so corrupt you’d think they would’ve found something on him by now huh? 🤔
We have a "stranger" in the Oval Office. He is not one of us.
Well, it’s probably a good thing he’s not one of you guys. Have you seen what’s happening in your cities? Get real man... Trump isn’t the problem the lying leftist liberals are the problem
He is worried about Trump having the nuclear buttons but not Bidementia 😂😂😂😂😂 this is why more and more black patriots are escaping the Democrat Party plantationвидео.html
DigitalSynapse0101 Your mom didn’t think the park was too shabby 🖕🏿 lol
Mike Hall 💀
David Jвидео.html
Although we're thrilled with this articulate young man's courage to speak out ... where the heck were these silent staff members when impeachment hearings were underway? When the news broke about Russian bounties and interference? Again, bravo for going public now, but ... where are the others who cower in the corner or worse, keep Mr Trump in power for their own purposes? Just saying.
I don't know that he had any direct knowledge of the incident the impeachment hearings were covering, so he could not be a witness to that event. I am glad he is speaking out now about the President's character, or lack thereof.
I'm hoping they're keeping the Great Orange Toddler distracted from the carnage his psychopathic mind attempts to put in to action. Many of the WH staff are staying there ONLY to protect our country from his harm. They are true Patriots also.
Miles said he was threatened multiple times, those people are scared. The best moment to speak is now, with the elections, because it's the only real shot of taking Trump down. I mean, you can even see for yourself how much it's taking for people to wake up about Trump, if they are waking up at all! Those scandals didn't do much for his supporters
If it’s true.
@@EmyN That is exactly how I see this situation. Trump is known to be vindictive. That’s how he has controlled the Republican members of the Senate, we know how he loves to label anyone who stands up with a nasty label. Not Ghislaine-the-procurer of Epstein fame, numerous photos of the three frolicking about. She gets a pass.
Lmao Jared Kushner telling someone "he's not up for the job".
🤣 Yes, similar to Republicans saying that Biden can't make a complete sentence. 😂😂😂
..exactly what Jared is to his potus father-in-law🐣 isn’t it ironic?
Yeah...Kushner does a good daily hand job for his father-in-law. :)
@@Soapandwater6 Sure, he can form complete sentences.видео.html
Too YOUNG and not up to the job.
Trump doesn’t know him but Jared, his right hand man does, huh? Does not seem to compute!
Trump lies constantly
@Toxic Sheeple He probably does but you have to say 20k inaccurate claims in less than 4 years is quite a tally , then there is the Trump university, the Trump foundation using money intended for children with cancer they used as a piggy bank , the lawsuits etc . Oh and lying to Robert Mueller . What's Trumps defence I don't lie when I am sleeping 🤔
Toxic Sheeple
1. “Trump repeatedly (25 times) took credit for projects involving Ford, GM, Fiat Chrysler and other companies that were announced or planned long before he took office.” 2. “Trump also misleadingly claimed 15 times that he lowered the cost of F-35 airplanes by $700 million...” 3. “The outbreak would be temporary: “It’s going to disappear. One day it’s like a miracle-it will disappear.” 4.”“Coronavirus numbers are looking MUCH better, going down almost everywhere,” and cases are “coming way down.” 5.”The pandemic is “fading away. It’s going to fade away.” These are my top five, would you like more? Sources:
Don't go trying to introduce logic into this mess
yep, if he is not familiar with the chief of staff of his homeland security team he is either the biggest liar, or completely incompetent... or in his case, both. anyone who cant figure this out for themselves falls into the same two, maybe three categories.
It's quite refreshing to hear from the White House - for once, in nearly 4 years - a person who can actually properly articulate the English language.
You must be referring to Chris Wallace of course. Meadows constant perseveration is one of the many early signs of clinical dementia
Hold on, Miles was fired from DHS. apparently he couldnt handle his job and was actually only on the job for 2 weeks. His formal boss his hot!! Here's the link.
@@quincydnc9945 even in your link, it doesn't say he only worked there for two weeks. It says 8 weeks as the head of the department. The nice thing is that this should be an easy thing to fact check--2.5 years, or 8 weeks, or some other figure? Also, it does not say the author of your linked article was his boss, and what do her looks have to do with anything?
You have not listened to actual press conferences and speeches. Only edited news clips.
When he used the phrase "shock and awe" to describe *45's imagined second term, I shuddered. Vote Blue, all ye who value democracy.
Haha wow dude you need to educate yourself on the policies of your democrat masters.
You have no clue what freedom and democracy are.
I never thought this could happen here....I'm scared, you guys. :(
Yes seriously!
This is some scary stuff that I never thought would happen in America! Just goes to show what damage one person can do!
I wish you guys the best and hope everything works out. You got to vote this lunatic out in November!
By a landslide I hope!
Stay Safe
Smart, qualified, well spoken, patriotic people like that guy are what govt needs. Not Trump sycophants, donors, and in laws. we live the reasons why. As a longtime Republican, I've been saying "don't nominate a criminal like Mr. Trump"!
All I can advise other Republicans is to keep BLUE! America as a business vehicle cannot stay as Trump and Pence's TRICYCLE IN REVERSE!! They can't own anything theirs, so they own things that aren't. Oversight is going to tally the things that people only have read in books... We (America) needs change with THIS election!
No big deal if they speak out all Trump has to say is, “I never met him/her”, and it’s all good.
You know it Bless
The fact that people can't see the trend in the way he lies is telling.
Um impossible to lie with pictures and trump said hes a disgruntled employee
@@damien1781 I thought he didn't remember him, how does he know he's disgruntled. BTW he resigned, didn't get fired like Kushner said.
@@MogajiMohammed did you just read what I wrote? Trump cannot lie on this
I wouldnt want this guy on my bad side. He drags Trump to perfection. I hope he stays safe!!!
Country over party should always be the way. Any other way is a cult.
Thank God for this young man's real honesty.
May god curse you forever
@@JackSmith-bc3hihow to cult speak
He is talking bad because he got fired 😜👍
Add Kushner to the list of voices I never want to hear again. Starting not soon enough!
MrDgus Look at his cold, dead eyes.
Thank you Miles Taylor for spelling the truth. I want you watch your back
Is that threat? Well heard.
You're the best people until you stop backing his crazy.
Miles Taylor is very brave, speaking out and telling the truth.
When u divorce your wife she can say all kind of shit just to hurt u
power talent or what she is saying is the actual truth 🤔 and you’re ego can’t handle it
@@aneunjieroine3169 I know, right?! Stupid trump talking all this shit about this guy, this guy left him and now trump has to come out saying nasty things like he usually does when they leave him.
Just like the fake whistleblower that didn’t exist right? At least we know who this coward was.
A. R. 432 this loser got fired, he’s butt hurt like all the other liberals.
This guy is extremely creditable..he’s a republican and former employee..he’s absolutely right ..this is some scary shit .
Well he isn't right about the tear gas I have no issue protecting the boarder in a way that will actually teach them to stay away
mr Tree they weren’t raised to stay away, they were taught to go after money, power and survive in any way possible. Why is it that you can’t spell border properly? Americans are funny.
mr Tree yeah but maybe to consider your argument you should learn how to spell.
@@montero11550 maybe you should consider this is the Internet and your not worth the comment edit lmao
mr Tree it is what it is!
Thank you Mr. Taylor.
"I wish them well, but I really don't know them
Wait wait you are wrong ANDY. He remembered the child peddler quite well.
Yea the he got convicted
the other problem is that Trump supporters,don't watch all news outlets but mostly rely on fox and other right wing media
And then deny they got their info from fox lol
And its not just Trump supporters! Fox news is the no.1 news channel... Someone needs to explain how the hell that happened 😓
Literally all mainstream media outlets are owned by Democrats, Fox isn’t even that right wing anymore Chris Wallace is a dam Democrat.
Lol rightttttt
Its called tim cast, andy ngo, and twitter. People supply the news. Not fox. Not cnn. Videos.
This guy should be on Fox News saying this stuff, not CNN.
Propjoe10 they wouldn’t let him on
That should happen...but never will. There are only a few Fox anchors ie. Chris Wallace and once in a while others will report negative information.
Love to see him on FOX. Hannity or Tucker and get really questions. Like WTF have you been and why aren't you employed? X Obama hold out.
They act like Christopher Wallace is an extreme left wing Maniac over in the fox fans world.
@fran bran You see, Clinton is more effective after all.
Thank You, Miles! 🙏🏼 Country over Politics! 🌼🧚🏻🌈
Do we really need any more warnings than this..? This guy just scared the crap out of me... vote Biden
You know if you pay someone enough, they’ll say anything about their former employer. 🤔
Look up the 14 points of fascism and compare to trump. It also scared the crap out of me!!
Trumpid will only get worse if he has 4 more years of power. Just like Miles said, on steroids path to destroy everything this country has worked so hard for. Biden only runs because he wants to get rid of this incompetent idiot in the WH.
Only once he secured another job I bet. And he has left all those other “good people” behind to fight for the cause without him under the leadership of a replacement who might be another DeJoy. Those good people who only stay on because they need their crappy government salary to pay the rent, food and medical bills.
No, he’s a coward who has run away and left the DHS more vulnerable to Trump’s abuses of power and is only speaking up because he is has nothing to lose now.
Don Nawzad you sound like a kid “bad people news not nice to good guy president”
@@Squashed8Ball I Squashed an 8Ball some years ago. Was it you?
Jennifer Erickson This guy is no Vindman. And yes, he could have stood up to Trump but he clearly didnt as he wasnt fired and they wanted to retain him.
Don Nawzad yeah yeah democ-rats whatever
They are just now realizing that the orange troll is insane.
@Rose FabFour No, we've known this for awhile.
Millions voted for crazy 🎺💩🧟♂️🤡🤥⌛🎺🤮
Dems are the one's who are insane, look at the demoncrats run cities, they've fallen apart....Trump is saving our nation from you whack jobs, remember 2016? That feeling is coming again for ALLL OF YOU....🇺🇸🇺🇸TRUMP2020🇺🇸🇺🇸
They have known for a long time...this man and people like him are the ones who have been leaking info all along.
Rose FabFour
You took the words right out of my mouth.
“I don’t know this guy, I never met him” -Donald Trump
Yep, the usual statement
Prophet Of Truth Exactly! 💯
Happy Holliday yeah keep telling yourself that whatever helps you feel good about Trump lol your president is a pathological liar. Done!
Which is a stupidly ridiculous thing for him to say because if it were true it suggests that he doesn’t know his own Chief of Staff of homeland security.'s idiotic his comment I don't know this guy...really but thought you hire the brightest minds...
Next up he will deny knowing Jared Kushner and his wife
You mean the wife he wanted his daughter
DaughterWife and her legal husband
He remember those ponstars
That’s the way donni John is. If you down grade him he never knows you, has never met you. What a liar. Liar n chief.
I love the part when they posted the picture of them together. haha but yes this is a persona of a dictator.
@Rodney Von Rodney its voluntary gun buyback or you have to register them with the government. He's only talking about assault weapons.
Which is absolutely ridiculous, considering he posed for the camera, it's not like Trump can say "that's not me" lol WTF!! Literally Everytime he is accused of being in connection with someone facing charges, or someone giving up tape on their terrifying experience working with the president, he has no clue who they are?? He claimed not to know Epstein until an old video emerged of them talking together at one of Trump's parties! It's like c'mon everyone can't possibly be lying!
@Rodney Von Rodney I have no idea but the statements trump makes is inaccurate.
He doesn't know him but took that pic with in the Oval Office. Trump is pathetic
He’s not pathetic at all. He’s irreverent
@@mcopilot awww thank you lol
@@beno8409 both!
Trump will destroy your corrupt moronic nominee Sleepy Joe.
@@charmainedwards4278 Who would rather have in office? If you vote Democrat you might as well kiss your freedom and country away. FACT!
I commend this guy for trying to get the truth out there. Unfortunately, the die-hard Trump supporters will remain in denial. The only other thing that is comprable to this phenomenon, in my mind, is people who are in religious cults. Deprogramming people is almost impossible. People on both sides need to step outside their narrative and be committed to following the truth wherever it leads them. There seem to be so few. That's why I suppose I admire them all the more.
They're scared of him, and scared of losing their jobs by going against him. That's the problem when you align yourself with malicious can easily join their gang...but leaving means death.
There needs to be more proof of “he’s a bad guy and he has a bad character blah blah blah”
I’ll believe proof not just a he said she said situation .
Just saying “well we told him stuff and he didn’t care” really doesn’t mean much. It’s not bc people won’t listen to the other side it’s the fact they make up shitconstantly and when the dust settles it’s usually them in hot water
Marvin A I’m not scared into voting for trump bc I think I’ll lose my job if I don’t . Delusional
It's not just an American phenomenon either. We have a demagogue and malignant narcissist running the UK too and my parents and unable to cope with any information about him or the Tories that show them in a negative light. They react with defensive aggression because they know on some level that voting for the Tories is a terrible thing to do to the UK. If it wasn't, why would they get so upset when confronted with facts.
Just remember, we cannot afford one moment of complacency. Trump, his family and the entire Cabinet are ALL facing jail time, and they know it. There’s literally NOTHING too low or outrageous for them to pull on America. Not one thing. The only thing that will give them pause is whether we allow it or not. Now that they’ve lost the Postal Service fight, you’re going to see a string of GOP members deserting trump (some, going for the FBI lifeboats) but, the more certain their defeat looks, the more DESPERATE they will get. What would YOU DO, to avoid a life sentence AND an appearance in every child’s history book, as America’s worst traitor? Times that by psychosis and no conscience, and you’re getting close. The fight is on. It’s the fight of your lives. Don’t let up ✌️👍