When a Christian tells you they had “a vision,” and it turns out to be false, you need to rebuke that FALSE PROPHET , turn 180 degrees and walk away, disfellowship , until they repent of their sin of pride.
What the heck is wrong with the Elijahlist? It used to be a place where you could find something worth your time, but these days? Discernment out of the window on so many things, that it`s no longer a prophetic voice, but a loon house....🤷♂
I think it's always been a loon house. I started listening to them in the late 90's on my local radio station. I decided to put a spinal notebook in my car and anytime a prophecy was given that was in any way trackable with something specific and with specific timeframes, I wrote it down. Over the 3-4 years of doing that, I never once found a single prophecy that came true as predicted, not one. I kept hearing them promote Kim Clement. I wrote down his prediction that Bin Laden was going to be killed by Christmas that very year. It didn't happen until 2011, like 5-6 years later. He had a lot of Bin Laden predictions. But the point is, no one was holding anyone accountable for missed prophecies. I emailed Steve Shultz and challenged him to confront the misses and hold the prophets accountable. I got a condescending response back from his wife. Elijah's List catered to the weak minded who so desperately want to see the miraculous that they believe anything and accept all manner of excuses and stretches of prophetic words. Clement didn't predict Trump would be president, he predicted that Trump would be raised up as a trumpet. When this happened, Trump had been talking about running for President - nothing new since he started that on TV dating back to at least 1999. AND he predicted that both Trump and Bill Gates would open up their finances to the Church. 99% of things he said are clearly false, like Eminem and Stephen King would become Christians and start making music and novels about their faith.
@@jamesphilips194 thank you and totally agree, it is really important to test prophetic words...I really like the guys at "The Remnant Radio", they walk through some of the prophetic words coming out, with clarity and respect. But the charismatic church, which i love, are in desperate need of honesty and purification. May the Lord give us all a pure heart in these matters.
Thanks for exposing this Dr Brown! Scripture speaks against myths and fables. We should avoid such myths and not spread suspicion, gossip, slander, and conspiricies but rather speak the truth in love! We really need to check our sources and confirm "facts" lest we find ourselves bearing fslse witness spreading lies myths and fables and add to the evil already present in the world.
My first thoughts while listening to this were: “There’s a sin problem in Israel? Jews are normal, abject sinners just like the rest of the world? No way!” Then the guy started talking Rothchilds and Kazars…and I was like: “Oh! These guys are just good, old fashioned Jew haters.”
Yes, I don't normally read anything on it, but after seeing this video, I just checked a "prophecy" about the UK, where I am from, and it was utter rhubarb. And looking at this offensive antisemitic guff, conspiracy theory at its worst, if those two are prophets I'm a fried egg.
Michael if you can keep praying for me. The lord for me is focused on South Sudan. I see millions of blacks standing on fields for the last great harvest. I'm a evangelist and I evangelised in South Sudan in the past. Please pray for my traumatized event of hell and constant being attacked by territorial spirits. I would live to talk to you. Everything you say is holy spirit truth. Blessings brother.
I think there are radicals on both sides of this issue. Antisemite shouldn't be immediately assumed just because someone questions the beginning of modern Israel. I question the founding of the USA and the seemingly clear Masonic and Occultist symbology involved..I can do that without being called a hateful bigot.
Dr. Brown, I believe I’ve seen Steve Shultz also hosting QANON conspiracy theorists. Have you covered QANON and prophetic convergence in the Church? It seems like a big threat to Christian’s who are more naturally conspiratorial. I happen to have a family member who is like this. Then he watches stuff on Elijah list and it feeds it. Not helpful for us, his family, who are hoping he gets free of it.
I think the root of this guys beliefs here are directly from some of the q posts and the people who where making videos at the time. It is a shame that this stuff was all deleted off utube because we can’t research where all these crazy ideals came from.
Here is why I think speaking in tongues is a gift that is not above others. The ones I know that get into the practice and speak highly of it, don't seem to get clearer guidance from all that time in tongue-speaking prayers. They are not convicted of their sins during that time. They do not come away with a clearer vision for themselves or others. Some, I find are really focused on themselves, in the same way narcissists are in the secular world.
First of all, tongues is the least of the gifts and no one teaches otherwise. Second, not everyone who speaks in tongues really does. I've seen lots of people who are merely babbling jibberish. I've prayed for hundreds over the years and seen the real thing many times, and the human fleshly thing many times. Take that into consideration when judging a tongues speaker, they may be fooling themselves. Third, tongues is prayer and worship language primarily. It can operate as a prophetic word when interpreted, but tongues alone does not give anyone insight into themselves or others. That said, if someone prays a lot in tongues, you would think their walk would be fairly mature and reflecting the nature of Christ...but I think your judgements of your friends and what's happening in them as a result of tongues is flawed and inappropriate. Tongues are a supernatural gift from God. We don't criticize the gift or the Giver. If a person operating in that gift is flawed, that doesn't mean the gift itself is the reason.
Thank you for this! I wanted to suggest maybe a "upcoming stream" section each day? Quite often I'll get caught up in work & jump on the stream late... Would be more convenient to have the stream waiting in the background & it would start playing as soon as it was on, or a notif each time it comes on. I know this is small but wanted to put it out there for the production team!
@@morghe321 before calling anything a myth, you should really research it. There is valid, undisputed historical records of conversions to Judaism in Khazaria.
I’m just hearing worse and worse things about the church institute lately. “Come out of her My people” - is the church institute Mystery Babylon? Are believers meant to go into Messianic Judaism? Babylon represents paganism. There’s a lot of paganism in Christianity. But it’s a mystery because church is related to God? Messianic Judaism aims for biblical originality My take on it. Open for discussion and feedback
Nope. Read Acts 15 and the apostolic council exercising their authority to bind and loose. Paul challenged Peter regarding the circumcision group coming to the gentile churches and trying to impose Jewish requirements on them. The agreement Peter and the council reached was to remind them to obey the 10 commandments, to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood...that was it. No circumcision, no feasts, no tithing, every part of Jewish tradition outside of that was no longer bound (required) to them, the Apostolic Council loosed them (freed them) from having to become Jewish (as it were). That's the real power of binding and loosing in action. The authority to decide how to worship and walk out the Way. Even honoring the Sabbath was properly defined in Hebrews to equate being in Christ as our honoring the Sabbath Rest and no longer require the Jewish practice of not doing any work on Saturday's. The Church would go to Synagogue on Saturday and then gather in private homes for the Eucharist (Communion). When the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, that largely changed to meeting on Sunday (the day of the Lord's Resurrection) mornings only. Again, that was given to the authority of the Church to decide. Now, all of that said, I do agree that there's many aspects of various Christian practices that have gone astray, some very early on. But many of those were adopted at the time to emulate Jewish priest traditions and Temple practices. Catholicism and Orthodox liturgies come to mind. Eusebius noted that the Apostle John was said to have started the practice of bishops (apostolic leaders) wearing a miter on the head.
This makes me really lose respect for Enlow. Not that I’ve paid a lot of attention to him. And also Steve for not pushing back. But I think Steve is a bit gullible anyway. I’m glad Michael Brown brought this to our attention. Also it’s ridiculous to say that Israel is the most ant-Christian nation. I served as an incognito missionary in a Muslim country and under Islam Christians fare far worse. Ignorance, ignorance. But it also sounds like prejudice.
May I ask what “supporting Israel” means? I’m genuinely curious. I see this phrase thrown around so often, yet nobody ever defines what it means. So….what does it mean?
@redeemedchannel5580 It means to follow the Bible. John 4:22 Romans 9:4 1 Peter 2:9-12 Deuteronomy 7:6 Deuteronomy 32:9-10 Zechariah 2:7-8 Daniel 2:44 Genesis 12:3 Exodus 32:13
@@SA_1Thess4.17 The church is not Israel (Romans 11:1-2). The church is grafted into the New Covenant (Ephesians 2:12-13) that is held by Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-32, Romans 9:4). Jesus had to be rejected (Luke 9:22) to provide the atonement needed to begin the New Covenant (Ezekiel 16:59-63-> Luke 22:20). God has hardened Israel’s heart towards Jesus until the last gentile believes. They are called enemies of the gospel but loved (Romans 11:25-32).
The church is Israel: Romans 9:6. There is no distinction between Jew and Gentie: Romans 10-12. And yes, the scriptures you quoted are absolutely correct in that God will re-graft in a remnant of non-believing Jews at the fullness of the gentiles. I think the confusion lies in the distinction between the Jewish people and the modern nation state of Israel. This has become a MASSIVE snare to evangelical Christians as they have been yolked in to a nation state this is actively committing evil before God. There are even Christians providing the red heifers (TOTAL abomination before God-obviously) thinking that they’ll somehow prompt Jesus to return sooner by literally aiding in an unclean act: see Hebrews. Unreal that alleged born again Christians can’t see their hypocrisy.
@@redeemedchannel5580 Romans 9:6-13 is saying descent from Abraham means nothing if you're not going to live correctly. Ishmael was blotted out (Genesis 16:11 --> Genesis 22:1-2). Esau was blotted out (Malachi 1:1-4, Hebrews 12:16-17). Judas Iscariot was blotted out (Acts 1:15-20). The context of Romans 10:12 is Isaiah 28:16. Anyone that believes in Jesus will not be put to shame. All must believe in him if they want to be saved. Whether Jew or gentile. "they have been yolked in to a nation state this is actively committing evil before God." - Prophecy says Israel needs to repent and return to God during the end times and that all will be saved. This fits prophecy. Deuteronomy 4:30-31 Hosea 3:5 Zechariah 13:1 Romans 11:26 Regarding the red heifers, a temple will stand both before Jesus returns and after Jesus returns. Before: Matthew 24:15-16--> Daniel 9:27--> 2 Thessalonians 2:4-8 After: Zechariah 14:1-5--> Zechariah 14:20-21 Isaiah 2:2-4 Ezekiel 40:42-47 Jeremiah 33:17-22
He is talking about the Rothschild family that are about banking. They are of Jewish descent. A lot of people get them confused with the Rockefeller family for some reason.
At the end you tell Johnny Enlow he hates Jews and is covering up for it. How the hell do you know what’s in his heart? This seems hypocritical of you - you often talk about not wanting to talk about motives but that’s exactly what you do here when he explicitly says ‘Anti semitism is bad but this other group who does evil things in their name is the problem’ - isn’t it possible he’s simply mistaken instead of lying about his secret Jew hatred? The answer is yes and much more believable. Also you don’t address their ‘synagogue of Satan’ point? It’s in the book of revelations.
I support Israel and have also listened to Dr. Brown. According to the New Testament the Jewish apostle Peter says the church is now the chosen nation ...isnt that replacement theology that Peter wrote. Of course I don't believe the Church has totally replaced Israel but the NT says there are aspects where it must be true as it is called the elect not the physical nation.
@@Denver303Bronco But Abraham was promised certain lands for his offspring, a small area. Then when his descendants had grown, and were persecuted in Egypt, they returned and took tribal allocations in that territory. Initially ruled by judges, later kings, it was a distinct polity (or 2 later). People could join. God is "long-suffering" so underwent much grief then and on. The people of Jerusalem "will look upon the one they pierced and mourn" (Zechariah) in the latter days, so that is anticipating that polity in some sense being around at the end of the age, and indeed many promises of God would broken if it did not reconstitute.
@denver303bronco The word “Jew” is in the Bible. Matthew 27:37 Ezra 6:7-14 Nehemiah 4:1-2 Esther 3:1-13 The other tribes are represented and living in Israel before Jesus returns (Revelation 7:1-8) with more to rejoin in the future (Jeremiah 3:18).
Steve Schultz is a nice guy, but had a very traumatic upbringing, and seems still rather beaten down ... so seems to get a bit steamrollered by people of strong character, to me. We all have to mature in character, but his high influencer status means his mistakes are more costly than for the rank-and-file christians. Stopped listening to him when he was making joint messages with the pink-haired lady. She may have had a real original visitation, but it does not seem possible for someone to have many visitations and yet still be displaying worldly ways, like she was vilifying the democrats, now they may be a worse choice in the US many argue, but real visitations seem to purify human character, and if repeat visitations then those changes would become permanent, abusive language would go.
I literally called out to God during this saying, "My God, help me not to be angry at these men but pity them."
I knew there was something wrong with the Elijah List.
When a Christian tells you they had “a vision,” and it turns out to be false, you need to rebuke that FALSE PROPHET , turn 180 degrees and walk away, disfellowship , until they repent of their sin of pride.
Curious, why would this be pride?
@@johnhoover7869 refusing to admit being wrong is usually pride. repenting requires humility, the opposite of which is ... pride.
As far as statistics, “Believers” include both Gentile Christians and Messianic Jews. Depends on what you are describing.
Dr.Mikeal Brown I like the way you lay down the truth we already know than many cant handle the truth .🤓🥊🕊
What the heck is wrong with the Elijahlist? It used to be a place where you could find something worth your time, but these days? Discernment out of the window on so many things, that it`s no longer a prophetic voice, but a loon house....🤷♂
I think it's always been a loon house. I started listening to them in the late 90's on my local radio station. I decided to put a spinal notebook in my car and anytime a prophecy was given that was in any way trackable with something specific and with specific timeframes, I wrote it down. Over the 3-4 years of doing that, I never once found a single prophecy that came true as predicted, not one. I kept hearing them promote Kim Clement. I wrote down his prediction that Bin Laden was going to be killed by Christmas that very year. It didn't happen until 2011, like 5-6 years later. He had a lot of Bin Laden predictions. But the point is, no one was holding anyone accountable for missed prophecies. I emailed Steve Shultz and challenged him to confront the misses and hold the prophets accountable. I got a condescending response back from his wife. Elijah's List catered to the weak minded who so desperately want to see the miraculous that they believe anything and accept all manner of excuses and stretches of prophetic words. Clement didn't predict Trump would be president, he predicted that Trump would be raised up as a trumpet. When this happened, Trump had been talking about running for President - nothing new since he started that on TV dating back to at least 1999. AND he predicted that both Trump and Bill Gates would open up their finances to the Church. 99% of things he said are clearly false, like Eminem and Stephen King would become Christians and start making music and novels about their faith.
@@jamesphilips194 thank you and totally agree, it is really important to test prophetic words...I really like the guys at "The Remnant Radio", they walk through some of the prophetic words coming out, with clarity and respect. But the charismatic church, which i love, are in desperate need of honesty and purification. May the Lord give us all a pure heart in these matters.
Keep doing what you are doing Dr.Brown it is very much needed in the time and season Jesus's church is in.
Thanks for exposing this Dr Brown! Scripture speaks against myths and fables. We should avoid such myths and not spread suspicion, gossip, slander, and conspiricies but rather speak the truth in love!
We really need to check our sources and confirm "facts" lest we find ourselves bearing fslse witness spreading lies myths and fables and add to the evil already present in the world.
My first thoughts while listening to this were: “There’s a sin problem in Israel? Jews are normal, abject sinners just like the rest of the world? No way!”
Then the guy started talking Rothchilds and Kazars…and I was like:
“Oh! These guys are just good, old fashioned Jew haters.”
Thank you, Dr Brown!
my husband & I truly enjoyed your book "Our Gands Are Stained With Blood" ... we will reread the book! Blessings & Shalom ❤
Elijah List is a joke. Sorry, not sorry.
Yes, I don't normally read anything on it, but after seeing this video, I just checked a "prophecy" about the UK, where I am from, and it was utter rhubarb. And looking at this offensive antisemitic guff, conspiracy theory at its worst, if those two are prophets I'm a fried egg.
You’re the best doc !
Love you in Jesus name
Michael if you can keep praying for me. The lord for me is focused on South Sudan. I see millions of blacks standing on fields for the last great harvest. I'm a evangelist and I evangelised in South Sudan in the past. Please pray for my traumatized event of hell and constant being attacked by territorial spirits. I would live to talk to you. Everything you say is holy spirit truth. Blessings brother.
I think there are radicals on both sides of this issue. Antisemite shouldn't be immediately assumed just because someone questions the beginning of modern Israel. I question the founding of the USA and the seemingly clear Masonic and Occultist symbology involved..I can do that without being called a hateful bigot.
This is really shocking. Shultz and Enlow should be banned from entering Israel.
There is the problem they don't understand the Sovereignty of God, a problem with most charismatics. Which I am one
Thank you for clarifying all this
Dr. Brown, I believe I’ve seen Steve Shultz also hosting QANON conspiracy theorists. Have you covered QANON and prophetic convergence in the Church? It seems like a big threat to Christian’s who are more naturally conspiratorial. I happen to have a family member who is like this. Then he watches stuff on Elijah list and it feeds it. Not helpful for us, his family, who are hoping he gets free of it.
Enlow is a key figure in the qanon prophetic convergence. Qanon is what fueled his many failed trump prophecies.
Dr. Brown did a thorough teaching on the craziness and evil of QAnon.
I think the root of this guys beliefs here are directly from some of the q posts and the people who where making videos at the time. It is a shame that this stuff was all deleted off utube because we can’t research where all these crazy ideals came from.
That guy sounds ridiculous but Michael Brown sounds like he is auditioning to become the Ben Shapiro of the Charismatics 😂😂
Here is why I think speaking in tongues is a gift that is not above others. The ones I know that get into the practice and speak highly of it, don't seem to get clearer guidance from all that time in tongue-speaking prayers. They are not convicted of their sins during that time. They do not come away with a clearer vision for themselves or others. Some, I find are really focused on themselves, in the same way narcissists are in the secular world.
First of all, tongues is the least of the gifts and no one teaches otherwise. Second, not everyone who speaks in tongues really does. I've seen lots of people who are merely babbling jibberish. I've prayed for hundreds over the years and seen the real thing many times, and the human fleshly thing many times. Take that into consideration when judging a tongues speaker, they may be fooling themselves. Third, tongues is prayer and worship language primarily. It can operate as a prophetic word when interpreted, but tongues alone does not give anyone insight into themselves or others. That said, if someone prays a lot in tongues, you would think their walk would be fairly mature and reflecting the nature of Christ...but I think your judgements of your friends and what's happening in them as a result of tongues is flawed and inappropriate. Tongues are a supernatural gift from God. We don't criticize the gift or the Giver. If a person operating in that gift is flawed, that doesn't mean the gift itself is the reason.
Thank you for this! I wanted to suggest maybe a "upcoming stream" section each day? Quite often I'll get caught up in work & jump on the stream late... Would be more convenient to have the stream waiting in the background & it would start playing as soon as it was on, or a notif each time it comes on. I know this is small but wanted to put it out there for the production team!
This guy is going in on the “Khazar” myth? 🤦♂️
That's embarrassing that people still believe it. This guy seems to be brainwashed by all that "truther" nonsense.
@@morghe321 before calling anything a myth, you should really research it. There is valid, undisputed historical records of conversions to Judaism in Khazaria.
I’m just hearing worse and worse things about the church institute lately. “Come out of her My people” - is the church institute Mystery Babylon? Are believers meant to go into Messianic Judaism?
Babylon represents paganism. There’s a lot of paganism in Christianity. But it’s a mystery because church is related to God?
Messianic Judaism aims for biblical originality
My take on it. Open for discussion and feedback
Nope. Read Acts 15 and the apostolic council exercising their authority to bind and loose. Paul challenged Peter regarding the circumcision group coming to the gentile churches and trying to impose Jewish requirements on them. The agreement Peter and the council reached was to remind them to obey the 10 commandments, to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood...that was it. No circumcision, no feasts, no tithing, every part of Jewish tradition outside of that was no longer bound (required) to them, the Apostolic Council loosed them (freed them) from having to become Jewish (as it were). That's the real power of binding and loosing in action. The authority to decide how to worship and walk out the Way. Even honoring the Sabbath was properly defined in Hebrews to equate being in Christ as our honoring the Sabbath Rest and no longer require the Jewish practice of not doing any work on Saturday's. The Church would go to Synagogue on Saturday and then gather in private homes for the Eucharist (Communion). When the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, that largely changed to meeting on Sunday (the day of the Lord's Resurrection) mornings only. Again, that was given to the authority of the Church to decide. Now, all of that said, I do agree that there's many aspects of various Christian practices that have gone astray, some very early on. But many of those were adopted at the time to emulate Jewish priest traditions and Temple practices. Catholicism and Orthodox liturgies come to mind. Eusebius noted that the Apostle John was said to have started the practice of bishops (apostolic leaders) wearing a miter on the head.
You can debate them and let both sides present their source of information and best arguments.
This makes me really lose respect for Enlow. Not that I’ve paid a lot of attention to him. And also Steve for not pushing back. But I think Steve is a bit gullible anyway. I’m glad Michael Brown brought this to our attention. Also it’s ridiculous to say that Israel is the most ant-Christian nation. I served as an incognito missionary in a Muslim country and under Islam Christians fare far worse. Ignorance, ignorance. But it also sounds like prejudice.
May I ask what “supporting Israel” means?
I’m genuinely curious. I see this phrase thrown around so often, yet nobody ever defines what it means. So….what does it mean?
It means to follow the Bible.
John 4:22
Romans 9:4
1 Peter 2:9-12
Deuteronomy 7:6
Deuteronomy 32:9-10
Zechariah 2:7-8
Daniel 2:44
Genesis 12:3
Exodus 32:13
The church is not Israel (Romans 11:1-2).
The church is grafted into the New Covenant (Ephesians 2:12-13) that is held by Israel (Jeremiah 31:31-32, Romans 9:4).
Jesus had to be rejected (Luke 9:22) to provide the atonement needed to begin the New Covenant (Ezekiel 16:59-63-> Luke 22:20).
God has hardened Israel’s heart towards Jesus until the last gentile believes. They are called enemies of the gospel but loved (Romans 11:25-32).
The church is Israel: Romans 9:6.
There is no distinction between Jew and Gentie: Romans 10-12.
And yes, the scriptures you quoted are absolutely correct in that God will re-graft in a remnant of non-believing Jews at the fullness of the gentiles.
I think the confusion lies in the distinction between the Jewish people and the modern nation state of Israel.
This has become a MASSIVE snare to evangelical Christians as they have been yolked in to a nation state this is actively committing evil before God.
There are even Christians providing the red heifers (TOTAL abomination before God-obviously) thinking that they’ll somehow prompt Jesus to return sooner by literally aiding in an unclean act: see Hebrews.
Unreal that alleged born again Christians can’t see their hypocrisy.
Btw, if the church isn’t the true Israel, then what exactly are the non-believing Jews being grafted back into?
Romans 9:6-13 is saying descent from Abraham means nothing if you're not going to live correctly.
Ishmael was blotted out (Genesis 16:11 --> Genesis 22:1-2).
Esau was blotted out (Malachi 1:1-4, Hebrews 12:16-17).
Judas Iscariot was blotted out (Acts 1:15-20).
The context of Romans 10:12 is Isaiah 28:16. Anyone that believes in Jesus will not be put to shame. All must believe in him if they want to be saved. Whether Jew or gentile.
"they have been yolked in to a nation state this is actively committing evil before God."
- Prophecy says Israel needs to repent and return to God during the end times and that all will be saved. This fits prophecy.
Deuteronomy 4:30-31
Hosea 3:5
Zechariah 13:1
Romans 11:26
Regarding the red heifers, a temple will stand both before Jesus returns and after Jesus returns.
Matthew 24:15-16-->
Daniel 9:27-->
2 Thessalonians 2:4-8
Zechariah 14:1-5--> Zechariah 14:20-21
Isaiah 2:2-4
Ezekiel 40:42-47
Jeremiah 33:17-22
I don’t think the Rockefellers are Jewish, but maybe I’m wrong.
They are not. Rockefeller is a Dutch name. They may be mixing it up with the Rothchilds.
He is talking about the Rothschild family that are about banking. They are of Jewish descent. A lot of people get them confused with the Rockefeller family for some reason.
He is talking about the Rothschild family who are in banking and are of Jewish descent.
At the end you tell Johnny Enlow he hates Jews and is covering up for it. How the hell do you know what’s in his heart? This seems hypocritical of you - you often talk about not wanting to talk about motives but that’s exactly what you do here when he explicitly says ‘Anti semitism is bad but this other group who does evil things in their name is the problem’ - isn’t it possible he’s simply mistaken instead of lying about his secret Jew hatred? The answer is yes and much more believable.
Also you don’t address their ‘synagogue of Satan’ point? It’s in the book of revelations.
I support Israel and have also listened to Dr. Brown. According to the New Testament the Jewish apostle Peter says the church is now the chosen nation ...isnt that replacement theology that Peter wrote. Of course I don't believe the Church has totally replaced Israel but the NT says there are aspects where it must be true as it is called the elect not the physical nation.
Are you going to speak about the possible attack from Iran with it's proxies on 4/5/24 which is now in Israel.
Can Messianic Jews make Aliyah to Israel? I was told I would need to keep my faith a secret.
You would need to keep your faith a secret.
It's appalling how debased the "prophetic " has become. Disgraceful, Elijah list. (What a disgrace they missuse the name of Elijah. )
Israel are a people, not a “Jewish” state. The truth will come out
Israel is the name of a modern nation state. That is a fact of reality.
@@brawndothethirstmutilator9848 yes, that doesn’t make it Israel from the Bible…
@@Denver303Bronco But Abraham was promised certain lands for his offspring, a small area. Then when his descendants had grown, and were persecuted in Egypt, they returned and took tribal allocations in that territory. Initially ruled by judges, later kings, it was a distinct polity (or 2 later). People could join. God is "long-suffering" so underwent much grief then and on. The people of Jerusalem "will look upon the one they pierced and mourn" (Zechariah) in the latter days, so that is anticipating that polity in some sense being around at the end of the age, and indeed many promises of God would broken if it did not reconstitute.
@@collybever Not all Jews are Israelites…
The word “Jew” is in the Bible.
Matthew 27:37
Ezra 6:7-14
Nehemiah 4:1-2
Esther 3:1-13
The other tribes are represented and living in Israel before Jesus returns (Revelation 7:1-8) with more to rejoin in the future (Jeremiah 3:18).
Didnt the govt publicly acknowledge a stand down order?
This is not a major point, but if you can't even pronounce Chabad correctly, you have no credibility as an educated person on the matter.
Steve Schultz is a nice guy, but had a very traumatic upbringing, and seems still rather beaten down ... so seems to get a bit steamrollered by people of strong character, to me. We all have to mature in character, but his high influencer status means his mistakes are more costly than for the rank-and-file christians. Stopped listening to him when he was making joint messages with the pink-haired lady. She may have had a real original visitation, but it does not seem possible for someone to have many visitations and yet still be displaying worldly ways, like she was vilifying the democrats, now they may be a worse choice in the US many argue, but real visitations seem to purify human character, and if repeat visitations then those changes would become permanent, abusive language would go.
It’s not sinful to vilify an evil corrupt political party or faction. Jesus spoke harshly about the Pharisees which were a faction in their day.
Steve Schultz is whacko.