NATO is basically the whole west against Russia, a single country. So lets be fair. Add India and China’s military power to Russia. It’d be basically west vs east. And take another look.
India would never ally with China in a million years lol, they're enemies. And neither country has remotely any interest in fighting alongside Russia in a conflict
Still if Nato takes on Russia, conventional war will be collosal. Russia will be on defence, which will increase Nato loses and in modern warfare you can always be detected. Even if Russia loses Nato manpower loses will be hundreds of milions. In the end russia can nuke. So its all useless.
@@n3v3rforgott3n9 You probably haven't been informed, but in terms of the economy, Russia is in 4th place, the United States is in 6th, Canada is in 13th The year is 2024, not 2015
@@n3v3rforgott3n9 The world is now divided into two camps, guess which camp you belong to: the camp of seven billion people or the camp of 800,000,000 slaves?
@Biboran. Hahaha not only do none of those countries even have a defensive alliance. But India and China are direct rivals hahaha. You fools are delusional as BRICS can't even agree on what currency to use.
Russia doesn't really have China anymore and Iran is in a weakened state. North Korean troops are ineffective. Russia is dealing with its own internal struggles. This is the era of NATO.
Those same farmers killed 4x as many Russians by Soviet estimates (which are almost undoubtedly a severe under-reporting of the true casualty figures) in half the time as Americans
Я хочу просто немного раскрыть занавес некоторым комментирующем. Почему-то плохо проинформированные люди, всегда любят громко говорить. То, что Россия не уничтожила Украину при провидении военной операции за к примеру 5 дней, не значит, что это для России невозможно. Россия не рубит с плеча, конечно было бы легче сразу ударить по обширной площади тяжёлым оружием, таким как ракеты, не оставить камня на камне. Но это не компьютерная игра и не симулятор войнушки, где можно перезапустить и все будут снова живы, а здания стоять на месте. Изначальный план был вразумить Украину не моратся об Nato и не подвергать границы опасности. Лидер России действует мудро, он просчитывает все ходы и берёт во внимание возможные последствия, не каждый понимает его и ругает, легко вещать как править прямиком с дивана, но сколько людей - столько и мнений. Я веду к тому, что то, что Россия действует мудро желая избегать серьёзных последствий, жертв, не значит, что на неё можно пфыкнуть и не принимать её силы всерьёз. Почему-то Америка ведёт себя как капризная девочка, и почему её слушаются тоже не понятно, Американская девочка если начинает капризничать и указывать, почему-то все должны её слушатся, с чего такая честь?🤣 Почему она командует другим что делать, а что нет, и почему другие следуют этому бреду уже многие годы, это просто смешно и страшно за мирных людей с такими верхушками. Дискусировать можно долго, боже, желаю всем счастья и мирного неба над головой. И да, прежде чем считать сколько же Россия потеряла на военной операции, посчитайте сколько потеряли вы сами вместе с Украиной которой поводок туже затягиваете. Ваши наёмники, ваши люди, из ваших стран и ваша техника, множество из них давно покоятся.
Нелепые отмазки.Ну кто вам поверит Просто не можете признать что получили от Украины по зубам и не способны даже организовать оборону в Курской области. Вот и врёте, выдумываете какие то совершенно неправдоподобные небылицы беждабт
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq Я никого не заставляю себе верить, это моё видиние, как и у вас своё. Кто от кого что получил - судить рано, но если вам легче думать так, то пожалуйста, здесь вас в высказываниях никто не ограничивает. А что касаемо Курской области, никому неизвестно. Прозевали ли, или дали войти с какой-то целью, никому неизвестно. Не вижу в этом повода кичится данным случаем. К слову ваши утверждения больше схожи с небылицей, ну конечно за это примечание я могу нарватся и на агрессию, пассивную я уже от вас получила. На этом закончим разговор, спасибо, что обратили внимание на мой комментарий.
Зачем перед свиньями бисер метать? Развязка близка. Похмелье будет тяжелым. К сожалению по окончании всего этого действа, всех этих « экспертов» сдует со всех форумов и душка ни у кого не хватит признать свою глупость. Читаешь и понимаешь насколько на западе необразованные люди и где реально пропаганда. Доброту воспринимают за слабость
Рад, что вы понимаете, что: 1. Цифры НАТО, представленные в этом сравнении, без США просто несостоятельны. 2. Цифры России это цифры одной страны против альянса из множества стран. Хорошо, что думаете. И даже с учетом населения, не забывайте, что наша армия одна из немногих кто действительно последние годы воюет и имеет реальный опыт активных боевых действий. Жить мы хотим мирно, но увы, не дают это делать...
True, but the Budapest Memorandum, signed on December 5, 1994, resulted in a multilateral agreement affirming Ukraine's security and sovereignty in exchange for giving up the nuclear stocks. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia were among the signatories, but Russia did not keep it word.
@@РоманКомолов-е3б its a signed agreement from 1994 where US, UK and Russia promised Ukraine, with the whole world as witness, that these 3 countries would protect and defend Ukraine if they handed over their nuclear weapons. They were worried that terrorists could lay their hands on the nukes, thats why they gave Ukraine those safety guarantees, but russia broke their promises 2014 when they annexed Crimea and hold a rigged referendum forced people to vote "be part of the motherland again", with a gun against their heads.
@@lakenneth374 There's more to it then this, which would take to long to explain, however, if you want to know more I suggest you watch an interview with Tucker Carlson and Jeffery Sachs on this. The big lie is that Russia is going to invade a NATO country next, which would be suicide for Russia and they know it. I can just imagine Russia going into Polland with their T90's going up against the K2 Black Panther the modern M1 a1's, and the Leopard's, I mean, by the time I got through half my popcorn and big gulp the T90's would be knocked out.
Quite silly video. If it comes to that, Russia will not be fighting nato alone. If we take economy and population, Russia has more allies and supporters than nato.
Yeah basically many NATO volunteers and mercs fight cause Ukraine's army is almost gone with many either dead or even deserted. Even reported that 4 Ukrainian brigades have switched sides and now fight for russia. Also mobilising is a challenge for zelensky since not all are fit to fight
What a joke, if NATO went full support in a full scale against Russia it wouldn't be even close in Ukraine. Their personnel and army is a joke, the only reason they make any progress in Ukraine is because of them outnumbering Ukraine, not through strategic superiority or brilliance.
имея такое превосходство, всё равно боятся. почему? а потому что у РФ есть боевой опыт боев, с превосходящим, технологически, противником. в то время как нато воюет только с аборигенами. и не нужно петь песни что НАТО создан для обороны... такой большой блок, сжигает очень много денег. если будет простаивать. ну и они устраивают террор.
When we walked into Afghanistan we held at country down for 20 years and those people have freedoms the women had jobs that they didn't have before and then 2021 we decided to get out because it wasn't worth it anymore to the United States to stay there and the United States have spent over two trillion dollars into that country and it wasn't for nothing so we decided to get out
@@GRESHNIK159Correction correction, withdrawal because of retardedly high cost for freedom for all citizens of another nation (side effect), suppression of terrorist organisations and the right to "buy" oil. Yes freedom, allowing all people the same opportunity to work and study (very scary concept for oppressive people). Maybe even having the rights to learn math wich according to Abu Hamid Al Ghazali's proclamation is that "The manipulation of numbers is the work of the Devil". And yes I know most muslims don't follow this interpretation specifically any more, it only hampered the scientific developement of the muslim world for about a millenium. Education, knowledge, reasoning and critical thinking over indoctrination and blind faith in authority is the best pathway to truth and understanding.
You fools keep bringing this nonsense up, when not only did Afghanistan not win militarily, but also the USSR collapsed after 10 years at war with Afghanistan HAHA.
@@n3v3rforgott3n9 Pakistan and NATO countries were against the USSR in Afghanistan, including America, which supplied weapons and stingers to the Afghans. And you and the shepherds couldn't do anything.
@@JT-rc4ng Totally agree and used for fodder and food for the Germans to decimate them. The Russians had people to expend, and they did that on purpose which is disgusting, and seems to be going on today. Just read history of WW2 to figure out how they used the citizens as cannon fodder and the soldiers as well.
@@whenindoubt1000why does everyone just forget that russia started ww2? they and the germans invaded poland TOGETHER. they were BUDDIES with the nazis until hitler invaded them.
Забавный рейтинг, не отражающий в реальности ничего)) Не говоря уже о том, что НАТО - это альянс из 32 стран, который сравнивают с одной страной. Зато почитал комментарии и понял, что пропаганда на западе работает на 120%)) Но хочу пояснить одну важную суть про противостояние и сравнение НАТО с Россией, просто уясните, что войны НАТО с Россией всем этим вооружением не будет. Оно у НАТО существует только для войны с заведомо слабым противником, как, например, Югославией, Ираком, Сирией или для опосредованных конфликтов НАТО против равного по силе, как сейчас России и Украины, когда весь альянс НАТО поставляет вооружение, деньги и ресурсы. При прямом столкновении с Россией все очень быстро закончится ядерным ударом, который 90% стран НАТО превратит в безлюдную пустыню. И если сравнивать ядерный потенциал, то он равноценный, хотя как равноценный, у России ядерная триада модернизирована до современного уровня, который превосходит американский по технологиям на поколение. Также у России лучшая в мире противовоздушная оборона. Это я все к тому, что все эти рейтинги и сравнения - полная чушь, тем более, что за последние 2-3 года все сильно поменялось, особенно в России. Также хочу прокомментировать чушь в сравнении бюджетов и выводов, что Россия тратит огромные деньги в ущерб экономики. Во-первых, сравнения бюджетов, когда берут суммы и сравнивают условно в долларах, уже говорит о том, что эти цифры не отражают действительности, так как не учитывается стоимость вооружения и расходов относительно себестоимости. Так как практически все вооружение российского производства обходится дешевле в 3-5 раз, чем аналоги для стран НАТО. Во-вторых, можно попробовать сравнить процент от валового продукта, что в странах НАТО составляет порядка 3%, а в России до проведения специальной военной операции составлял чуть больше 3%, и только сейчас временно был увеличен до 7%. И самое смешное, когда рассказывают про то, что у России старое оборудование, а у США и НАТО новые технологии)) Просто вы не понимаете, что у России 80-90% армии модернизировано до современного уровня, всему, что есть у НАТО, как минимум есть аналоги у России, но главное, это как раз у России есть самое современное вооружение, аналогов которого нет ни у США, ни тем более у стран НАТО, и отставание западных стран на десяток лет. И предвосхищая комментаторов на тему, что «Россия не может победить Украину уже 3 года». Во-первых, Россия не собиралась побеждать Украину в принципе. Во-вторых, как вы ничего не знали о России, так вы до этого ничего не знали и о Украине. Еще до начала военного конфликта Украина обладала огромным военным потенциалом. В рейтинге армий по силе в Европе занимала от 3 до 5 места, и никогда слабой не была. К моменту начала военной операции в 2022 году США и НАТО уже передали Украине огромное количество своего вооружения, обучали армию и финансировали. И к 2022 году украинская армия превосходила по силе армии любой европейской страны НАТО. В-третьих, Россия сама себя ограничила, так как специальная военная операция - это не война в прямом смысле этого слова, есть большие ограничения по использованию вооружения, тактики, то, как она ведется и какими средствами. В-четвертых, это по сути противостояние не с Украиной, а с альянсом из 32 стран. И поэтому Россия выбрала тактику на истощение противника, а значит, это будет ровно столько, сколько потребуется.
No sane person over here is scared of y'all, y'all can keep looking from the outside in for the rest of your miserable life's. Y'all had your chance in the early 2000s, now the entire world is watching y'all go to ****. Good job guys
1.Ви переважаєте американців по ядерним технологіям? Тобі самому то не смішно. 2.Найкраще пво ну це рвань чувак у багатьох держав пво краще за ваше і це факт. 3.Ви себе ніяк не обмежуєте у ведені війни,ви використовуєте проти України всі види озброєння окрім ядерного. 4.Аналоговнету чули ми вже таке і воно ефективно знищується на полі бою. 5.Так,Україні допомагають країни члени НАТО і не тільки вони,але і Росії допомагають такі країни,як Іран,Корея північна і Китай технологіями і інші країни,які допомагають вам обходити санкції і не забуваємо.що Україні дуже затримують поставки зброї і багато дають мізер з того,що дійсно можуть дати і є обмеження по ударам закордоною зброєю по території Росії. 6.Так Україна по данним на 2021 посідала 7 місце по силі армії в Європі тут близько до правди,але нам передали лише стінгери,джавеліни і декілька байрактарів,тобіш оборона зброя а більш серйозна зброя почала надходити після повномаштабного вторгнення і то не відразу а більш так з травня-червня місяця.тут ти знову збрехав. 7.У вас саме війна з Україною не потрібно виправдовуватись тим,що у вас протистояння з НАТО бо у вас на початку не вийшло змусити Україну до капітуляції на ваших умовах і ви вигадали виправдання тим,що воюєте не лише з Україною. 8.Перестаньте нарешті брехати,ви росіяни брешете власному населенню це зрозуміло,але не думайте,що ваша пропаганда так само спрацює і на інших.
@@Yaroslav-Vasilevskiy загляните на свою пропаганду для начала, а потом рассказываете, аж смешно читать! Украина на сегодняшний день полностью существует за счёт стран Запада, например пенсии, зарплаты и так далее... Да и бьёте вы по всему в подряд, я могу это подтвердить как житель Донецка ,единственное почему вы стали меньше вести обстрелы некоторых районов, это из-за хорошей контрбатарейной войны и авиации, так бы вы и дальше продолжали бить по жилым районам, только и умеете воевать с мирным населением.
This video comparison was pretty lazy. Yeah, I know it's just a RUclips video, not an actual strategic/tactical analysis and no one should expect any great detail. However, the most howling shortcoming was a single pair of slide comparing total nuclear weapons, like all nukes are created equal. If it comes down to nuclear exchanges, that's pretty much an endgame for both losing sides. And if things escalate into global thermonuclear war, that's it. Cue the global mass extinction event. All hail the Empire of the radiation resistant Arthropods.
If we subtract the US and Canada and take only the European NATO countries for comparison, then (apart from nuclear weapons), Europe still has an advantage over Russia. Europe's biggest problem may be that it is difficult for twenty countries to act together and in agreement in the event of a threat. Not every country in Europe feels threatened by Russia. This is especially true for southern European countries such as Italy, Greece, Portugal or Spain. Without such a strong dominant country as the US, there may be a lack of a capable leader-state.
@@ThePsychoPearl__ Россия только тем и занималась, что модернизировала свое РВСН последние лет 15. По способом доставки вы отстаете лет на 20-30. И что ты имеешь ввиду, когда говоришь, про современное оружие сша, которое реально работает? Минитвен-3 , 70-х годов. 🤣🤣 Давно я так не смеялся
@@ThePsychoPearl__ Oh wow, how was your visit to the Russian nuclear weapons facilities? Tell us all about your VIP pass and experience to view all of the equipment. Did you take any souvenirs or photo's you can share with us?
I also recommend you to watch videos from the cities of Russia themselves, for objectivity, and to believe less what is written in the media, there is a lot of propaganda there. You need to broaden your horizons!
The absolute number of something may not be as important as the number that you can actually get to the field and keep in the battle. Also, how important a given item is depends on tactics used by the army. The US, by itself, spends more on defense than the next ten nations added together.
Out of all the comparisons with Russia….the most important is nuclear weapons being basically the same with NATO……and that would be a problem for all of Europe…remember how long it took for the US to engage in World War II….
Стоит посмотреть сколько в мире военный баз сша и нато... эта вся техника физически никогда не сможет быть разом переброшена в сторону начала конфликта. И учитывая что сейчас война дронов... любое скопление техники уничтожается моментально
Russia's defense spending will amount to 6% of the country's GDP in 2024. I have been to different cities in Russia, and many people live normally, the stores have everything you need for life, and in general, there is an opportunity to earn normal money, and go somewhere to a restaurant and not only, this is an example...
@@ВладиславНовак-ю1л in the cities it is, in the countryside not and that's where most Russians live. Reality is more complicated than what you can grasp from a tourist trip and that's why 90% of the Russian fallen in Ukraine don't come from urban areas
PS: if European NATO's 75 percent of all the alliance's naval vessals, 62 percent of all army personnel, 7 of NATO's 18 carriers, 15 percent of the alliance's nuclear warheads adds up to some insignificant "Robin" to the US "Batman", then we think differently.
@johnr3310 if you are talking about a war against russia, than yes, europe alone, despite being heavily demilitarized, would still be able to win in theory, or at last go toe to toe
@@johnr3310 Europe in its current state is much stronger than Russia, both in quantity and quality. Europe's industrial output is also around 10 times larger than Russia's, in a war economy, which side would you bet on?
You wondered how much of NATO is the US. That is hard to be definitive about since determining power is a complex thing - but it is generally estimated that the US represents about 60% of the total NATO power.
At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
@@Randomdude21-e Третий рейх тоже был больше и технологичней и сильнее чем СССР вся Европа работала на благо армии Гитлера. И что? Деньги не решают. Технологии не решают. Не в первый раз против нас пол мира! Думаю и не последний к сожалению...
Remember that US didn't want Europe to arm itself and wanted bases all over the world. Think you will see a rapid change in EU spending and equipment the coming decade.
Russia has lost a lot of this stuff in Ukraine and nobody is saying that Russia is weak because of the equipment they have it’s just fighting wise where they’re weak from what we’ve been seeing in Ukraine. Russia has some of the best rockets in the world and that’s about it. Russian equipment lacks in performance and big numbers doesn’t mean better, Russia like China keeps a lot of old stuff to make their numbers look scary plus some of their soldiers barely even know how to use the equipment if you watch the videos from the war.
russia has been using their garbage against ukraine cause its a weak nation. this is proven by the fact that they rely on the west for even the slighest ability for it to be competitive. also even IF ,even though pretty much impossible, russia loses, what demands can ukraine make? lmaoo literally what could they do
Lots of Russian bots in these comments. The truth, supported by open source intelligence, is that Russia has been utilizing all of its available and logistically supportable military power in Ukraine and has been kept in failure for 2.5 years now. Yes, Ukraine is receiving about 2% of NATO's defense budget in military aid, but Russia is also receiving a large part of its munitions from its allies North Korea, China, and Iran. It's pretty obvious to anyone who has studied this topic at any reasonable length that NATO would defeat Russia in a conventional war very quickly and without many losses
None of russias allies would go against nato for russia. Why would they fight and destroyd their own country for putin.. even china dont take putins side in this conflict
@@Randomdude21-e Because they don't share a globalist dream that NATO does. The Islamic countries are not down with being tolerant, they are a deeply religious people who view the West as occupied by degenerates deserving of death. Almost all of Africa loves Russia. NATO is divided amongst themselves. Besides economically, NATO is not independent; their own policies will destroy them.
В этом и заключается ошибка всего Запада,Вы как не дооценивали Русских,так и продолжаете нас не дооценивать,неважно,что у вас численное преимущество,с нами Бог и Вера,и русский дух,Наполеон не понял,Гитлер не понял,и вы не поймёте,но будет уже поздно!Россия побеждала и победит снова!
The main talking point of the media has been that Russia's military is much weaker than the west had previously thought. They have a lot of equipment, but they haven't done much maintenance. They haven't trained most of their trooops.
Grande errore di valutazione la tecnologia russa è superiore sopratutto quella missilistica e aeronautica,dispiace contraddirti ,ma anche la capacità produttiva è superiore di 10 a 1 e presto lo vedremo chiaramente.
Also, for example, I advise you to watch at least a video from the Vostok-18 exercises in order to assess the scale. Anyway, this is one of the largest military exercises in the 21st century. And the year then, respectively, was still only the 18th, even for 2022
Эсминец это сила когда ты находишься рядом с Израилем и бомбишь страны у которых нет хорошей ракетной базы... в случае с Россией по нему запустят несколько ракет кинжал или тп и мину содин
Europe has a culture of war and knows how to do it! The numbers do not win the war, the tactics and the European nations will put themselves in a war economy once the time comes and the budgets will explode without forgetting that the European Union can do a lot of damage with fewer soldiers. You saw the Germans during the Second World War, without forgetting that the European Union has a larger population than the United States, in the war economy of the European Union the figures will largely catch up with the United States! Never underestimate Europe and don't forget that Europe has a lot of experience in this area, more than the United States which has only fought against poor countries.
Eastern Europe, I'm not so sure about Western Europe...I was in the Marines in the 1990s, served with NATO in Turkey during DD92, I could of went to what was left of Yugoslavia but those cats were murking UN soldiers left and right, I refused to serve with the UN😅those blue helmet drew bullets 😅
Maybe the European countries should start contributing like they are supposed to... The United States carries NATO financially. It's something that needs to be fixed or you will find America will not be very excited about the arrangement for long.
APC = Armored Personnel Carrier IFV = Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Basically a well-armed APC designed to fight alongside the infantry after they get out)
BRICS is not a military alliance. China is not interested in helping Russia in a conflict beyond sending some military aid as they are currently doing in Ukraine, and India and China are geopolitical adversaries who would never willingly form an alliance with one another. NATO's equivalent is CSTO, and it's a complete joke of an alliance
This comparison is very outdated...russia have had crazy amoung of lost weapons,equipment,military vehicle,tanks,since that Nato got 2 more members since 2022..Finland and Sweden..both with high class military abilities..
I'm neutral, don't like Russia much and lives in Germany at the moment. I'm just a business analyst and ex artillery reserve that have travelled a lot. I'm just counter debating your point, by no means I say what Russia is doing is just. That like glorified Rome vs the Goths, or glorified Greece vs India. Russia severe losses are only by western media, neutral and Russia allies says otherwise, there are severe lacking evidence from western media. Neutral only confirmed a fraction of western media claims as true, with 3 factors, more investors going to Russia, Russian allies aren't even showing any concerns and Germany economy continues to degrade. From Germany we know their economy is destroying their military maintenance, as in even Switzerland sent their tanks to be decommissioned in Germany rather than do it themselves. During the sanctions China got the gold mine while India was playing the neutral game and realised their mistake in less than 6 months, as the sanctions made China the only one trading on all fronts with wealthy resources from Russia. In just that 6 months India failed to capitalise on it and only got scraps of the rest of the resources and technology. Basically to say the sanctions had any impact, is not true except 2014 - 2018. Russia has replaced most of their losses in 2022, this has been confirmed with one exception, tanks and SU25s. They are only replacing the T90m something something that they lost, the rest are decommissioned and recycled. Neutral parties haven't confirmed that Russia have replaced 50% of 2023 losses. But they lost a lot more in 2022 than 2023, and even less in 2024. Majority of NATO are the ones that suffered the most, with inflation, most equipments are not upgraded, its the same as Iraq. This is taken into consideration that they can't even afford F35s. With over 50b worth of military equipment sent to aid U. Including Patriots and tanks, small arms including Javelins and ammunition, are just gone. With US their no.1 manufacturer, the cost nearly tripled just to maintain due to current inflation and less trading. With every army, there are the armies you are willing to send and armies you need to keep for defence, in this war, most countries gave equipments they are willing to send. US makes the bulk of NATO, and they are barely sending anything valuable other than some HIMARS and PATRIOTS, the rest are junks or testing new weapons such as the Storm Shadows that barely changed anything. So we can safely assume NATO and Russia lost 20%, which is only good news to US, the problem is, Russia did managed to outproduce NATO in artillery shells, while NATO lost majority of their ammunition. US is currently in overdrive manufacturing them, Germany lost their steel factory so no one gets to buy their ammunition. To close it, I don't see how we can say for sure Russia now is at disadvantage or actually suffered heavy losses. We know for a fact currently France and Germany, top weapon manufacturer in Europe both couldn't even replace what they have given. Nor Europe can buy at current costs from US. Prop aside, there are no evidence Russia lost a huge bulk of their forces that was using their latest equipment in Kharkiv/Kiev, the majority of their losses are the same as US, garbage equipments from 1950s to 1980s.
An Attack Helicopter specializes in offensive capability to provide close air support for ground troops and to fight tanks. Unlike fixed wing close air support, helicopters can loiter with the ground troops for a considerably period of time. They also don't have to keep circling. They didn't break down the Helicopters heading, but that should include lots of Scout Helicopters, many different kinds of Transport Helicopters, Search and Rescue, Infantry Transport, etc.
Russia has military alliance with north korea and iran similar to article 5 of nato, if any one of them get attacked the others have to respond. and china will never allow russia to fall. your saying nato vrs russia thats 32 countries against 1
Iran and North Korea are total non-factors lol, they can't project force beyond their regions and are using almost completely outdated equipment and tactics
Russia is not in war with NATO. The fact that states, including NATO states are sending humanitarian aid and weapons to Ukraine, and the fact that there are units of volunteers from other countries, including the NATO states, in the Russian army, does not mean that Russia is in war with NATO. And, as to the Russian manpower, it is always useful to remember that those somewhat professional were practically eliminated during the first year. Now it consists of very young (untrained), very old (up to 70), disabled (practically blind, terminally kidney failure, cancer and AIDS, amputees (e.g.) half of the feet, etc.) and of course drunks and addicts, and/or criminals.
Нато это десятки союзников и сравнивается эта организация почему то только с Россией, хотя и у России в данный момент есть союзники, например Китай и Иран, которые и сейчас помогают России вооружениями, а ещё КНДР, что касается Украины, это не особо правильное сравнение мощи, теоретически разное можно говорить, например какая сильная страна США в странах Ближнего востока и какая слабая Россия в Украине, но США чаще всего не встречали сопротивления разными системами вооружений, в Украине же идёт борьба именно разными вооружениями, от систем ПВО и ВВС, до танков и бронетранспортёров, вряд ли многие бы заговорили какая у России мощная армия, если бы Украина воевала только своими силами, как это делали страны Ближнего востока против Нато, мне вообще пофигу кто сильней, самое важное что во времена вакцинации, жители России и Украины в большинстве не стали вакцинироваться, в Украине около 70% людей отказались от вакцинации, в России около 60%, а через какое то время началась война этих двух стран и у власти в обеих странах евреи, очень жаль, но кажется это большая игра политиков всех стран и план по уничтожению населения планеты в действии, а обычные люди верят, считая что они защищаются друг от друга
@@Григорий-Старцев-97 тогда вообще тебя не понял. Ты пишешь, что в России и на Украине - оба лидера евреи. Теперь ты мне пишешь, что зе- украинец. Точно не пьешь?
@@ИванХохлов-ц6ь я про то, что если не интересоваться Зеленским, он украинец, но все знают что он еврей, также и с Российскими политиками, а Путин и сам не скрывал в интервью что он из рода евреев, также и с другими политиками, так называемыми приближёнными главы
@@ИванХохлов-ц6ь а про статистику вакцинированных тоже не скрывается, скоро ещё с обезьяньей оспой достанут, опять будут трубить про опасность и важность вакцинации
Also the NATO countries talk all different languages and their chain of command is not integrated like the Russians who are dialed in now,as a soldier in a armoured battalion it's a major issue the chain of command
ruzzia has lost almost 1/2 of there military to the wart with Ukn. This I got form a site i came across that had an high ranking retire Officer doing it. Wish I had followed it but just was not feeling it that day.
The lack of people in Russia is because of the WW2. Unbelievable 22.8 million Russians died during this war (soldiers + civilians). So, that and next generations couldn't be baby boomers. But everyone should know that Russia had by far the most deaths in WW2. Germany recorded the second most deaths with 9.5 million deaths. And even most of the deaths at once on both sides occurred during the fighting between the Germans and the Russians, mainly due to the very harsh winter. That is why Germany should have acted historically responsibly on the Ukraine issue instead of being at the forefront. The whole world has noticed that very unfair, especially because Germany acted like always super historically responsible when it comes to Israel against Palestine. And to your question: If we take out the USA of the NATO, the NATOs biggest next leader with a huge gap to the 2nd follower would be Türkiye (Turkey). But Türkiye is definitely NOT joining that Russia - Ukraine war, Türkiye is rather trying to make peace between them. So even in the comparison we should calculate 20-30% less in each category. Especially in the amount of Soldiers. Türkiye has one of the biggest numbers in this worldwide.
In 2005, the USS Ronald Reagan met its match in the form of a single, diesel-powered Swedish submarine. During war games, the plucky submarine was able to sneak through the passive sonar defenses of the Ronald Reagan and its entire accompanying group to score a few precious torpedo hits, (virtually) sinking the cruiser and getting away without so much as a scratch.
No... that is not what that situation was at all. The submarine got in range of possibly striking the carrier. Not to mention those war games are always done so in a way to make it as hard on them as possible as you learn a lot less from winning.
Literally the US has more firepower than NATO, this is what each country gives to the alliance, not all that they have... So no this is not 32 against 1. It's a small percentage of each of the 32. Which should make it all the more terrifying for anyone coming at a NATO backed country.
@@rg20322 ehh, this a problem. But sadly to protect ourselves, we must maintain that level of spending, which is only 3% of our GDP, lol. Roughly anyways, a little over 3 % but basically that. All nato nations are like 3% and it’s 10 billion, of that; or like 90 billion…chump change, that’s literally nothing as we innovate or mass produce most ideas they come up with. And help fund them too. But yeah, NATO is nothing hit a tiny speed bump, without the US to back them up.
At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
@@Plastikdoom At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
Russia can claim they have x numbers of x or y but they don't exclude broken down equipment or stuff that's so outdated it's a joke to even field it they own it, so it counts. Fun fact, The second largest navy is the USs fleet of museum ships LOL.
In the age of hypersonic missiles that can carry a conventional or thermonuclear payload all this is pretty irrelevant. Russia has a lot of them, US hasn't yet confirmed it has any. And most future superpower wars will be drone and missile wars.
а теперь посмотрите за сколько каждая страна гейропы капитулировала во 2ой мировой войне, от нескольких часов до месяца, у нас Брестская крепость одна держалась больше
Its tottal bulshit to compare NATO with Russia, becouse many nato countries wont go in a war with Russia if there is a conflict and the logistic between people who speak 30 different languages will be nightmare . Not to consider if China and North Korea stand with Russia . Thats millions of soldiers .
@@tgh1972 That doesnt mean that all the NATO countries are on the same wave.. The goverments are puppets, but the people wont go to war with Russia .. I am from a NATO country and can tell you that we will never go fight and thats the view of many other countries, so NATO is a totthless tiger ..
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq да по 2к в сутки умирают ВСУ весь из них дух выбивают что уже поляки и французы и грузины попадаются под ракеты ! там уже и украинцев почти нету !
@@ambrell5271 HAHAHA ah yes because the 3k+ Russia tanks, thousands of other armored vehicles, 100+ aircraft, and several ships certainly mean Russia has suffered no losses XD. The "2nd" strongest military power held back for over 2 years by the 22nd strongest. HAHAHAHA
Before Russia invaded Ukraine, it was believed to be very powerful - everyone thought that Ukraine would fall within 5 days - never happened and the views as to how powerful Russia is was recalculated - it turns out that a LOT of Russian equipment is obsolete and a significant amount was mothballed years ago but listed as active. There has been so much propaganda that it is hard to know the truth - but the fact that Ukraine has successfully stood this long says a lot. After the current Ukrainian incursion into Russia which started on Aug 6th, I saw a comment on a German news site which said: 2022: Russia is the second most powerful military force in the World. 2023: Russia is the second most powerful military force in Ukraine. 2024: Russia is the second most powerful military force in Russia.
Во второй мировой войне русских погибло 27 миллионов человек, они могли быть живы и родить, вырастить новых таких же прекрасных людей, потому что они были одни из самых лучших представителей человечества! Плюс сколько людей русских разбросано по снг, особенно на Украине. Хочу добавить что в этом видео сравнивают одну страну со странами НАТО? Вообще справедливо? Помню фразу одну в фильме 300 спартанцев, когда Леонид спросил у правителя Афин, сколько он Войнов собрал, так в том войске не было Войнов так и в этом НАТО тоже самое. НАТО - Афины, не страшно они играют в солдатиков.
would love you guys to react to the British royal marines band the gladiator 🇬🇧 all serving soldiers. keep up the brilliant reactions 👌🙌🤓. much respect Birmingham UK.
Its a little different from NATO vs WARSAW PACT or even NATO vs Soviet Union...NATO basically is aligned against Russia which is the only country left of the dreaded Warsaw Pact which was basically all of Eastern Europe or the USSR which was Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc
It's not about the number of war equipment. It's the quality. The russian military leaders looted the Russian army. A lot of their equipment is very old and cannot withstand mordern weapons. The only branch russia has that is equal to the west are the submarine units. They are 1st class by comparison.
The US military-industrial complex is in private hands. As much as the owners of the corporation producing weapons say, so much will cost a tank, an airplane, a shell, a cartridge. This is not to mention the corruption in the US army, the bribes and the cuts in the military budget of the military-industrial complex. The Russian military-industrial complex belongs to the state. Money is spent efficiently. Designers have no incentive or opportunity for corruption and theft. The survivability of NATO military equipment is very clearly visible in Ukraine. American tanks and armored personnel carriers are stuck. European technology is no better. There are already jokes about the "courage" of NATO soldiers and their ability to fight. American soldiers are cowards. The Agan shepherds have been chasing American and NATO soldiers for 20 years. Yemeni Houthis are now less bullied by the entire NATO fleet. America has not won a single war that it has started. In World War II, the United States fought the Japanese, but did nothing at all to defeat Germany.
А что НАТО где то добилось победы? Что то не припомню. Да и что такое война им неизвестно. Забомбить сворой кого нибудь неугодного вот это всё на что способно НАТО.
@@khalilovserge5433 полагаю у нас разные мнения о победе. В Югославии натовское шаколье просто бомбило население и это не есть победа а просто тупая агрессия с целью устрашения.
That video is wayyyyy out of date, Russia can't even protect its borders from a non NATO country like Ukraine. Ukraine in the future is gonna be the most powerful and experienced military on the planet after this war is over. As that song goes "Don't F... with Ukraine".
I agree with you, Ukraine showed the whole world what an organized army is, and Russia showed the opposite and proved that in fact its army without nuclear weapons is of little value😅
Problem with those figures is russia counts everything it has, including tanks/APCs, Artillery they have including all the rusted out hulks from WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, and the 80s. None of that was maintained during the 1990s for a decade after the USSR collapsed. So yes...while russia cant count 12,000 tank frames (they used to claim they had 20,000), the reality is they could only get 6,000 of them moving and operational...and most of those have been destroyed in Ukraine already. Russia hasnt made a new tank in over a decade and only refurbishes older ones to make them usable now. And with over 500,000 professional soldiers, dead, wounded, surrendered or running away from the front of its supposed 850,000 "Active Personnel" you can cut 1/2 to 3/4 of all the claimed numbers of troops, money and equipment they have now...
France is almost certainly the #2 most powerful military in NATO. That would have been the UK 20 years ago, but they've downsized their military to a husk of what it once was. I don't even think they would be #3 now.
France does have a formidable army, but don't forget, Finland resolved to Join NATO back in March of this year. The logistics of that decision are still being sorted out. It will be a while before they're really an operational member in any practical sense. But if there's one European country not to fuck with, It's Finland. They have city-sized bunkers, they've been preparing to go toe-to-toe with Russia since WWII, their military basically exists for that singular purpose, a "Winter-War Part 2" type of scenario. Their economy has been built around this scenario, with most shipping happening in the Baltic sea rather than the Barents for more secure shipping. And even though they were not a NATO member, they have an independent treaty with the U.S., providing the U.S. access to Finnish bases for listening outposts, and collaborative training. They've been working with the west for decades already. Their terrain is virtually immune to tanks, too many mountains and lakes, Russian could never maintain supply lines with so many choke points, so they can't be invaded by land, the whole country is a fortified position. The Fins would have absolute air superiority in that region (that is their specialty). And they are a stone's throw away from St. Petersburg. They could take that city in a month or two with relentless bombing and missile attacks, and if that's all they did, that would be enough to win the whole war. It should be noted, Finland would avoid a direct confrontation with Russia if at all possible. There are many ethnic Russians in parts of Finland, and many Fins in Russia. This would not be a popular war for them domestically. That's why they held out on NATO membership for so long, they didn't want to be forced into a war with Russia. It's not the Finland has the largest or most advanced military, they don't. What they have is a military that is specifically designed from the ground up to fight Russia. They are a precision tool in the fight, and they hold some of the most tactically advantageous ground in the world for that fight.
....the other issue is quality......a Swedish or german...or American, or Israeli, or Japanese, or south Korean tank is probably equivalent to 10 russian higher numbers dont count for anything with russia gear...
Russia's population is in decline since its peak in the 1990s, though close to 80% live in the western (European land mass). Who wants to live in Siberia? Also, one country vs North America and Europe.
NATO is basically the whole west against Russia, a single country. So lets be fair. Add India and China’s military power to Russia. It’d be basically west vs east. And take another look.
India would never ally with China in a million years lol, they're enemies. And neither country has remotely any interest in fighting alongside Russia in a conflict
Still if Nato takes on Russia, conventional war will be collosal. Russia will be on defence, which will increase Nato loses and in modern warfare you can always be detected. Even if Russia loses Nato manpower loses will be hundreds of milions. In the end russia can nuke. So its all useless.
this is the real example of ALONE VS EVERYBODY
Currently, the Russian Federation is an sum of 21 republics (*countries)...
@@valeriududau3218 is the UN and world recognizes them as a country?
@@andrimaulana2519 is in the name - a FEDERATION - sure they are recognized internationally - but in their own borders... and not one step outside....
So usa 50 country @@valeriududau3218
@@valeriududau3218 а как США расшифровывается а ? А ФРГ?
Compare 1 country against military block ..... GENIUS hahahaha!
AWW are you sad no one likes Russia? AWW is poor baby sad? HAHA Russia has the GDP of Canada with 4x the population. Pisspoor backwards country.
You probably haven't been informed, but in terms of the economy, Russia is in 4th place, the United States is in 6th, Canada is in 13th
The year is 2024, not 2015
@@Biboran. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy delusions
The world is now divided into two camps, guess which camp you belong to: the camp of seven billion people or the camp of 800,000,000 slaves?
@Biboran. Hahaha not only do none of those countries even have a defensive alliance. But India and China are direct rivals hahaha. You fools are delusional as BRICS can't even agree on what currency to use.
The problem is that NATO vs Russia, but Russia has China, North Korea and Iran, and it is more even, even in population they would be superior
China already showing us, how much they will support Russia during war.
They won't.
So what? 😂😂
Индию и Африку ещё Арабские Страны не забывайте они очень злы на западную Европу и США слишком много горя принесли
Lol your talking like they are an actual threat
Russia doesn't really have China anymore and Iran is in a weakened state. North Korean troops are ineffective. Russia is dealing with its own internal struggles. This is the era of NATO.
The Afghan farmers armed with sticks and stones chased NATO out of Afghanistan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Those same farmers killed 4x as many Russians by Soviet estimates (which are almost undoubtedly a severe under-reporting of the true casualty figures) in half the time as Americans
@yomama629 😂😂😂😂
@@user-STALINGRAD1999 facts are funny aren't they
@@yomama629 из пальца, с потолка, конечно, забавные
lol you don’t how a professional army fights and how a terriost fights.
Я хочу просто немного раскрыть занавес некоторым комментирующем. Почему-то плохо проинформированные люди, всегда любят громко говорить.
То, что Россия не уничтожила Украину при провидении военной операции за к примеру 5 дней, не значит, что это для России невозможно.
Россия не рубит с плеча, конечно было бы легче сразу ударить по обширной площади тяжёлым оружием, таким как ракеты, не оставить камня на камне. Но это не компьютерная игра и не симулятор войнушки, где можно перезапустить и все будут снова живы, а здания стоять на месте. Изначальный план был вразумить Украину не моратся об Nato и не подвергать границы опасности. Лидер России действует мудро, он просчитывает все ходы и берёт во внимание возможные последствия, не каждый понимает его и ругает, легко вещать как править прямиком с дивана, но сколько людей - столько и мнений. Я веду к тому, что то, что Россия действует мудро желая избегать серьёзных последствий, жертв, не значит, что на неё можно пфыкнуть и не принимать её силы всерьёз.
Почему-то Америка ведёт себя как капризная девочка, и почему её слушаются тоже не понятно, Американская девочка если начинает капризничать и указывать, почему-то все должны её слушатся, с чего такая честь?🤣
Почему она командует другим что делать, а что нет, и почему другие следуют этому бреду уже многие годы, это просто смешно и страшно за мирных людей с такими верхушками.
Дискусировать можно долго, боже, желаю всем счастья и мирного неба над головой.
И да, прежде чем считать сколько же Россия потеряла на военной операции, посчитайте сколько потеряли вы сами вместе с Украиной которой поводок туже затягиваете. Ваши наёмники, ваши люди, из ваших стран и ваша техника, множество из них давно покоятся.
Нелепые отмазки.Ну кто вам поверит Просто не можете признать что получили от Украины по зубам и не способны даже организовать оборону в Курской области. Вот и врёте, выдумываете какие то совершенно неправдоподобные небылицы
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq Я никого не заставляю себе верить, это моё видиние, как и у вас своё. Кто от кого что получил - судить рано, но если вам легче думать так, то пожалуйста, здесь вас в высказываниях никто не ограничивает. А что касаемо Курской области, никому неизвестно. Прозевали ли, или дали войти с какой-то целью, никому неизвестно. Не вижу в этом повода кичится данным случаем.
К слову ваши утверждения больше схожи с небылицей, ну конечно за это примечание я могу нарватся и на агрессию, пассивную я уже от вас получила.
На этом закончим разговор, спасибо, что обратили внимание на мой комментарий.
@@azumichan7143 Ну конечно кто бы сомневался как царь отреагирует. Курска волость? Да пусть забирают. А я то думал
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq Вы забавный)
Зачем перед свиньями бисер метать? Развязка близка. Похмелье будет тяжелым. К сожалению по окончании всего этого действа, всех этих « экспертов» сдует со всех форумов и душка ни у кого не хватит признать свою глупость. Читаешь и понимаешь насколько на западе необразованные люди и где реально пропаганда. Доброту воспринимают за слабость
Рад, что вы понимаете, что:
1. Цифры НАТО, представленные в этом сравнении, без США просто несостоятельны.
2. Цифры России это цифры одной страны против альянса из множества стран.
Хорошо, что думаете. И даже с учетом населения, не забывайте, что наша армия одна из немногих кто действительно последние годы воюет и имеет реальный опыт активных боевых действий.
Жить мы хотим мирно, но увы, не дают это делать...
Germany had many allies and huge military budget. We know how it ended
Ukraine is not a NATO country .....
True, but the Budapest Memorandum, signed on December 5, 1994, resulted in a multilateral agreement affirming Ukraine's security and sovereignty in exchange for giving up the nuclear stocks. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia were among the signatories, but Russia did not keep it word.
@@lakenneth374it's scary how many people don't know this. We are obligated to help them, even putting boots on the ground, based on that agreement.
@@lakenneth374 What is a memorandum?)))
@@РоманКомолов-е3б its a signed agreement from 1994 where US, UK and Russia promised Ukraine, with the whole world as witness, that these 3 countries would protect and defend Ukraine if they handed over their nuclear weapons. They were worried that terrorists could lay their hands on the nukes, thats why they gave Ukraine those safety guarantees, but russia broke their promises 2014 when they annexed Crimea and hold a rigged referendum forced people to vote "be part of the motherland again", with a gun against their heads.
@@lakenneth374 There's more to it then this, which would take to long to explain, however, if you want to know more I suggest you watch an interview with Tucker Carlson and Jeffery Sachs on this. The big lie is that Russia is going to invade a NATO country next, which would be suicide for Russia and they know it. I can just imagine Russia going into Polland with their T90's going up against the K2 Black Panther the modern M1 a1's, and the Leopard's, I mean, by the time I got through half my popcorn and big gulp the T90's would be knocked out.
Quite silly video. If it comes to that, Russia will not be fighting nato alone. If we take economy and population, Russia has more allies and supporters than nato.
It's not Russia vs NATO.
It's NATO (US/UK) vs Russia.
Скоро будет удар возмездия и не будет ни чего ,если вы хотите убить душу то и тела не будет......
so u forgot about Polish mercs already? or Germans sending them weapons nonstop
10000000%%%!!!👍. 🇷🇺❤️👍
You, you really didn't understand anything about what's going on :)
Funny, but in real life. Russia is beating nato i mean all of nato.
Yeah basically many NATO volunteers and mercs fight cause Ukraine's army is almost gone with many either dead or even deserted. Even reported that 4 Ukrainian brigades have switched sides and now fight for russia. Also mobilising is a challenge for zelensky since not all are fit to fight
What a joke, if NATO went full support in a full scale against Russia it wouldn't be even close in Ukraine. Their personnel and army is a joke, the only reason they make any progress in Ukraine is because of them outnumbering Ukraine, not through strategic superiority or brilliance.
Nato is stronger genius
имея такое превосходство, всё равно боятся. почему? а потому что у РФ есть боевой опыт боев, с превосходящим, технологически, противником. в то время как нато воюет только с аборигенами. и не нужно петь песни что НАТО создан для обороны... такой большой блок, сжигает очень много денег. если будет простаивать. ну и они устраивают террор.
Т.Е. грязные у них помыслы и поступки!?
Are you talking about the NATO that has not defeated the shepherds in Afghanistan for 20 years?
When we walked into Afghanistan we held at country down for 20 years and those people have freedoms the women had jobs that they didn't have before and then 2021 we decided to get out because it wasn't worth it anymore to the United States to stay there and the United States have spent over two trillion dollars into that country and it wasn't for nothing so we decided to get out
correction; run
@@GRESHNIK159Correction correction, withdrawal because of retardedly high cost for freedom for all citizens of another nation (side effect), suppression of terrorist organisations and the right to "buy" oil. Yes freedom, allowing all people the same opportunity to work and study (very scary concept for oppressive people). Maybe even having the rights to learn math wich according to Abu Hamid Al Ghazali's proclamation is that "The manipulation of numbers is the work of the Devil". And yes I know most muslims don't follow this interpretation specifically any more, it only hampered the scientific developement of the muslim world for about a millenium. Education, knowledge, reasoning and critical thinking over indoctrination and blind faith in authority is the best pathway to truth and understanding.
You fools keep bringing this nonsense up, when not only did Afghanistan not win militarily, but also the USSR collapsed after 10 years at war with Afghanistan HAHA.
@@n3v3rforgott3n9 Pakistan and NATO countries were against the USSR in Afghanistan, including America, which supplied weapons and stingers to the Afghans. And you and the shepherds couldn't do anything.
Если не станет России то и мир исчезнет полностью!!! 🇷🇺💪
27 million soviets died during WWII, about 13 million of those were ethnic Russian.
That shows how weak they were.
@@JT-rc4ng Totally agree and used for fodder and food for the Germans to decimate them. The Russians had people to expend, and they did that on purpose which is disgusting, and seems to be going on today. Just read history of WW2 to figure out how they used the citizens as cannon fodder and the soldiers as well.
@@JT-rc4ng They did drive German army out and invaded. They were committed and the Germans gave in.
@@JT-rc4ng sitting behind your screen that’s easy to say. Go touch some grass.
@@whenindoubt1000why does everyone just forget that russia started ww2? they and the germans invaded poland TOGETHER. they were BUDDIES with the nazis until hitler invaded them.
I agree, I think that it would be fair to compare NATO with Russia, China, and Iran.
Neither of those 2 countries would sacrifice themselves for Russia. Iran has no ability to project power and China is backed into a corner.
Забавный рейтинг, не отражающий в реальности ничего)) Не говоря уже о том, что НАТО - это альянс из 32 стран, который сравнивают с одной страной. Зато почитал комментарии и понял, что пропаганда на западе работает на 120%)) Но хочу пояснить одну важную суть про противостояние и сравнение НАТО с Россией, просто уясните, что войны НАТО с Россией всем этим вооружением не будет. Оно у НАТО существует только для войны с заведомо слабым противником, как, например, Югославией, Ираком, Сирией или для опосредованных конфликтов НАТО против равного по силе, как сейчас России и Украины, когда весь альянс НАТО поставляет вооружение, деньги и ресурсы. При прямом столкновении с Россией все очень быстро закончится ядерным ударом, который 90% стран НАТО превратит в безлюдную пустыню. И если сравнивать ядерный потенциал, то он равноценный, хотя как равноценный, у России ядерная триада модернизирована до современного уровня, который превосходит американский по технологиям на поколение. Также у России лучшая в мире противовоздушная оборона. Это я все к тому, что все эти рейтинги и сравнения - полная чушь, тем более, что за последние 2-3 года все сильно поменялось, особенно в России.
Также хочу прокомментировать чушь в сравнении бюджетов и выводов, что Россия тратит огромные деньги в ущерб экономики. Во-первых, сравнения бюджетов, когда берут суммы и сравнивают условно в долларах, уже говорит о том, что эти цифры не отражают действительности, так как не учитывается стоимость вооружения и расходов относительно себестоимости. Так как практически все вооружение российского производства обходится дешевле в 3-5 раз, чем аналоги для стран НАТО. Во-вторых, можно попробовать сравнить процент от валового продукта, что в странах НАТО составляет порядка 3%, а в России до проведения специальной военной операции составлял чуть больше 3%, и только сейчас временно был увеличен до 7%. И самое смешное, когда рассказывают про то, что у России старое оборудование, а у США и НАТО новые технологии)) Просто вы не понимаете, что у России 80-90% армии модернизировано до современного уровня, всему, что есть у НАТО, как минимум есть аналоги у России, но главное, это как раз у России есть самое современное вооружение, аналогов которого нет ни у США, ни тем более у стран НАТО, и отставание западных стран на десяток лет.
И предвосхищая комментаторов на тему, что «Россия не может победить Украину уже 3 года». Во-первых, Россия не собиралась побеждать Украину в принципе. Во-вторых, как вы ничего не знали о России, так вы до этого ничего не знали и о Украине. Еще до начала военного конфликта Украина обладала огромным военным потенциалом. В рейтинге армий по силе в Европе занимала от 3 до 5 места, и никогда слабой не была. К моменту начала военной операции в 2022 году США и НАТО уже передали Украине огромное количество своего вооружения, обучали армию и финансировали. И к 2022 году украинская армия превосходила по силе армии любой европейской страны НАТО. В-третьих, Россия сама себя ограничила, так как специальная военная операция - это не война в прямом смысле этого слова, есть большие ограничения по использованию вооружения, тактики, то, как она ведется и какими средствами. В-четвертых, это по сути противостояние не с Украиной, а с альянсом из 32 стран. И поэтому Россия выбрала тактику на истощение противника, а значит, это будет ровно столько, сколько потребуется.
100% согласен
No sane person over here is scared of y'all, y'all can keep looking from the outside in for the rest of your miserable life's. Y'all had your chance in the early 2000s, now the entire world is watching y'all go to ****. Good job guys
1.Ви переважаєте американців по ядерним технологіям? Тобі самому то не смішно.
2.Найкраще пво ну це рвань чувак у багатьох держав пво краще за ваше і це факт.
3.Ви себе ніяк не обмежуєте у ведені війни,ви використовуєте проти України всі види озброєння окрім ядерного.
4.Аналоговнету чули ми вже таке і воно ефективно знищується на полі бою.
5.Так,Україні допомагають країни члени НАТО і не тільки вони,але і Росії допомагають такі країни,як Іран,Корея північна і Китай технологіями і інші країни,які допомагають вам обходити санкції і не забуваємо.що Україні дуже затримують поставки зброї і багато дають мізер з того,що дійсно можуть дати і є обмеження по ударам закордоною зброєю по території Росії.
6.Так Україна по данним на 2021 посідала 7 місце по силі армії в Європі тут близько до правди,але нам передали лише стінгери,джавеліни і декілька байрактарів,тобіш оборона зброя а більш серйозна зброя почала надходити після повномаштабного вторгнення і то не відразу а більш так з травня-червня місяця.тут ти знову збрехав.
7.У вас саме війна з Україною не потрібно виправдовуватись тим,що у вас протистояння з НАТО бо у вас на початку не вийшло змусити Україну до капітуляції на ваших умовах і ви вигадали виправдання тим,що воюєте не лише з Україною.
8.Перестаньте нарешті брехати,ви росіяни брешете власному населенню це зрозуміло,але не думайте,що ваша пропаганда так само спрацює і на інших.
братан ты лучший! Все по фактам раскидал🫡🤙🏼
@@Yaroslav-Vasilevskiy загляните на свою пропаганду для начала, а потом рассказываете, аж смешно читать! Украина на сегодняшний день полностью существует за счёт стран Запада, например пенсии, зарплаты и так далее... Да и бьёте вы по всему в подряд, я могу это подтвердить как житель Донецка ,единственное почему вы стали меньше вести обстрелы некоторых районов, это из-за хорошей контрбатарейной войны и авиации, так бы вы и дальше продолжали бить по жилым районам, только и умеете воевать с мирным населением.
This video comparison was pretty lazy. Yeah, I know it's just a RUclips video, not an actual strategic/tactical analysis and no one should expect any great detail. However, the most howling shortcoming was a single pair of slide comparing total nuclear weapons, like all nukes are created equal. If it comes down to nuclear exchanges, that's pretty much an endgame for both losing sides. And if things escalate into global thermonuclear war, that's it. Cue the global mass extinction event. All hail the Empire of the radiation resistant Arthropods.
Ибо ЗАСЛУЖИЛИ. Только вы в ад, а мы в рай.
If we subtract the US and Canada and take only the European NATO countries for comparison, then (apart from nuclear weapons), Europe still has an advantage over Russia. Europe's biggest problem may be that it is difficult for twenty countries to act together and in agreement in the event of a threat. Not every country in Europe feels threatened by Russia. This is especially true for southern European countries such as Italy, Greece, Portugal or Spain. Without such a strong dominant country as the US, there may be a lack of a capable leader-state.
It would be like WWII, one man in charge.
Europes biggest problem is production, they cannot produce anything in mass.
There are 30 European members of NATO.
Thats why they have nato drills,
@@Onnarashi and? Are you complaining that no one likes Russia?
You forget to mention that Russia has the biggest nuclear arsenal on earth..
И средства доставки на сегодняшний день- передовые
You forget to mention that Russia’s Nuclear arsenal is outdated. Also, the USA has the same amount of Nuclear bombs, and they actually work.
@@ThePsychoPearl__ Россия только тем и занималась, что модернизировала свое РВСН последние лет 15. По способом доставки вы отстаете лет на 20-30.
И что ты имеешь ввиду, когда говоришь, про современное оружие сша, которое реально работает? Минитвен-3 , 70-х годов. 🤣🤣
Давно я так не смеялся
Thanks in no small part to the Budapest agreement obtaining Ukraines nuclear arsenal in return for Russian security ..😂 .treachery
@@ThePsychoPearl__ Oh wow, how was your visit to the Russian nuclear weapons facilities? Tell us all about your VIP pass and experience to view all of the equipment. Did you take any souvenirs or photo's you can share with us?
Интересно , кто йенту херню считал ????...гладко было на бумаге , да забыли про овраги !!!!
В ша уже давно так.
The answer to your question, 'Who would win?' Is no one
I also recommend you to watch videos from the cities of Russia themselves, for objectivity, and to believe less what is written in the media, there is a lot of propaganda there. You need to broaden your horizons!
Second powerful military after the USA in Nato is actually 🇹🇷 Turkey
Turkey has fewer troops than Belarus
I know that you are Turkish but come on, you are delusional man
The absolute number of something may not be as important as the number that you can actually get to the field and keep in the battle. Also, how important a given item is depends on tactics used by the army. The US, by itself, spends more on defense than the next ten nations added together.
"Spends more" means "MIC CEOs steal more".
Out of all the comparisons with Russia….the most important is nuclear weapons being basically the same with NATO……and that would be a problem for all of Europe…remember how long it took for the US to engage in World War II….
Стоит посмотреть сколько в мире военный баз сша и нато... эта вся техника физически никогда не сможет быть разом переброшена в сторону начала конфликта. И учитывая что сейчас война дронов... любое скопление техники уничтожается моментально
Золотые слова) А Китай Иран Казахстан Беларусь и т.д. Всегда рядом😂
Russia's defense spending will amount to 6% of the country's GDP in 2024.
I have been to different cities in Russia, and many people live normally, the stores have everything you need for life, and in general, there is an opportunity to earn normal money, and go somewhere to a restaurant and not only, this is an example...
@@ВладиславНовак-ю1л in the cities it is, in the countryside not and that's where most Russians live. Reality is more complicated than what you can grasp from a tourist trip and that's why 90% of the Russian fallen in Ukraine don't come from urban areas
@@sebus559😂😂😂 ты был в России?
@@sulus14 HAHAHA Russia has a GDP the size of Canada's with 4x the population. HAHAHA dirt poor backwater country.
Actually you can eat in an Ukrainian restaurant in Moscow with Ukrainian employees.
@@sebus559 Moscow is 1.5 times bigger than New York.
These numbers are obsolete, Russia has lost thousands of tanks, vehicles, etc. in Ukraine
And just gained how many by making China an ally?
Ukraine has also lost a lot of NATO weapons.
@@aerofred2002 of which almost all is resupplied and replaced when damaged.
Who feels like speaking Russian or Chinese,if we would leave NATO?
@@skiptindle5976 by the national debt?
This would mean something if we were back in 1942.
Who feels like speaking Russian or Chinese,if we leave NATO?
Не печальтесь через 5 лет НАТО само вас покинет.))
PS: if European NATO's 75 percent of all the alliance's naval vessals, 62 percent of all army personnel, 7 of NATO's 18 carriers, 15 percent of the alliance's nuclear warheads adds up to some insignificant "Robin" to the US "Batman", then we think differently.
LOL do you actually think that NATO would have teeth without the US???
@johnr3310 if you are talking about a war against russia, than yes, europe alone, despite being heavily demilitarized, would still be able to win in theory, or at last go toe to toe
@@johnr3310 Europe in its current state is much stronger than Russia, both in quantity and quality. Europe's industrial output is also around 10 times larger than Russia's, in a war economy, which side would you bet on?
@@JeffPar50ну учитывая историю, думаю на Россию😂
You wondered how much of NATO is the US. That is hard to be definitive about since determining power is a complex thing - but it is generally estimated that the US represents about 60% of the total NATO power.
At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
@@Randomdude21-e Третий рейх тоже был больше и технологичней и сильнее чем СССР вся Европа работала на благо армии Гитлера. И что? Деньги не решают. Технологии не решают. Не в первый раз против нас пол мира! Думаю и не последний к сожалению...
Why you react to Coalition vs One country?
I think, you can react to Coalition vs Coalition.
NATO (american coalition) vs BRICS (Russian coalition)
no, in this case they will be in a very unpleasant comparison, and this is not interesting.
ah yes a defense pact vs an economic alliance, learn before you speak vatnik
Brics is not a military coalition but a political and economic one.
@@merrdigah6100 NATO isnt militaty coalition too
@KEBABYYYCEK What? No, Nato is a defensive milliary alliance.
Remember that US didn't want Europe to arm itself and wanted bases all over the world. Think you will see a rapid change in EU spending and equipment the coming decade.
Russia has lost a lot of this stuff in Ukraine and nobody is saying that Russia is weak because of the equipment they have it’s just fighting wise where they’re weak from what we’ve been seeing in Ukraine. Russia has some of the best rockets in the world and that’s about it. Russian equipment lacks in performance and big numbers doesn’t mean better, Russia like China keeps a lot of old stuff to make their numbers look scary plus some of their soldiers barely even know how to use the equipment if you watch the videos from the war.
This is entirely not accurate and utterly stupid.
@@adamdavidbriggswhich part?
@@adamdavidbriggs What’s wrong about it ?
Dude... Russia hasn't lost even 20% of his army, Russian population is one of the greatest in earth. They have hundreds of thousands of effectives
russia has been using their garbage against ukraine cause its a weak nation. this is proven by the fact that they rely on the west for even the slighest ability for it to be competitive. also even IF ,even though pretty much impossible, russia loses, what demands can ukraine make? lmaoo literally what could they do
Lots of Russian bots in these comments. The truth, supported by open source intelligence, is that Russia has been utilizing all of its available and logistically supportable military power in Ukraine and has been kept in failure for 2.5 years now. Yes, Ukraine is receiving about 2% of NATO's defense budget in military aid, but Russia is also receiving a large part of its munitions from its allies North Korea, China, and Iran. It's pretty obvious to anyone who has studied this topic at any reasonable length that NATO would defeat Russia in a conventional war very quickly and without many losses
Я стесняюсь спросить, а вы к каком качестве здесь вещаете нам прописные истины??? Как бот или как человек, который думает что что-то знает точно???
выкинь из головы такие дурные мысли, обычной войны с вами не будет
@@megavolt2707 А мы это знаем давно... И находимся в состоянии войны, НЕОБЫЧНОЙ, также давно...
Russia military is shrinking by the day 😂😂😂
And that's why the Russian army came out on top in 2024 and the US army on the 3rd?
@@Biboran. LOLOL that's funny
The League of legends video game?
Are you crazy or are you 12 years old?
@@Biboran. I would love to know where you read that claim because it's hilariously inaccurate
Global Firepower
Ребята считать у кого больше бессмысленно обоюдно умрём не стоит испытывать друг друга
People act like Russia would be on their own and no one would fight with them. People forget that Russia has alliances similar to NATO.
Non of them wouldn’t even change anything Ukraine taking them on by themselves.
None of russias allies would go against nato for russia. Why would they fight and destroyd their own country for putin.. even china dont take putins side in this conflict
@@Randomdude21-e Because they don't share a globalist dream that NATO does. The Islamic countries are not down with being tolerant, they are a deeply religious people who view the West as occupied by degenerates deserving of death. Almost all of Africa loves Russia. NATO is divided amongst themselves. Besides economically, NATO is not independent; their own policies will destroy them.
@@Randomdude21-e а ты лично пойдешь воевать против России, диванный эксперт?
LOL all these Ruzzian bots with their usernames and numbers working....overrrrtime
В этом и заключается ошибка всего Запада,Вы как не дооценивали Русских,так и продолжаете нас не дооценивать,неважно,что у вас численное преимущество,с нами Бог и Вера,и русский дух,Наполеон не понял,Гитлер не понял,и вы не поймёте,но будет уже поздно!Россия побеждала и победит снова!
The main talking point of the media has been that Russia's military is much weaker than the west had previously thought. They have a lot of equipment, but they haven't done much maintenance. They haven't trained most of their trooops.
Grande errore di valutazione la tecnologia russa è superiore sopratutto quella missilistica e aeronautica,dispiace contraddirti ,ma anche la capacità produttiva è superiore di 10 a 1 e presto lo vedremo chiaramente.
The Germans and French had superior militaries too and LOST
@@JoeyBeez Ok? Not really in context.
@@micheledanieli5002 "technology is superior"
yeah we saw their WW2 tanks in Ukraine xD
@@NormadusТы ещё посмотри видео где танк шестидесятых годов уничтожил абрамс
There is a video that is Russia vs NATO without the US
Когда в очередной раз будете сдаваться, не забудьте скинуть эту ссылку.
Thank you for reaction military russia, i like russia i love russia...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Also, for example, I advise you to watch at least a video from the Vostok-18 exercises in order to assess the scale. Anyway, this is one of the largest military exercises in the 21st century. And the year then, respectively, was still only the 18th, even for 2022
US: *I alone, am the honored one.*
Эсминец это сила когда ты находишься рядом с Израилем и бомбишь страны у которых нет хорошей ракетной базы... в случае с Россией по нему запустят несколько ракет кинжал или тп и мину содин
Europe has a culture of war and knows how to do it! The numbers do not win the war, the tactics and the European nations will put themselves in a war economy once the time comes and the budgets will explode without forgetting that the European Union can do a lot of damage with fewer soldiers. You saw the Germans during the Second World War, without forgetting that the European Union has a larger population than the United States, in the war economy of the European Union the figures will largely catch up with the United States! Never underestimate Europe and don't forget that Europe has a lot of experience in this area, more than the United States which has only fought against poor countries.
Europe did rule the world many times and did create the usa we know to day, so i 100% agree on that.
Eastern Europe, I'm not so sure about Western Europe...I was in the Marines in the 1990s, served with NATO in Turkey during DD92, I could of went to what was left of Yugoslavia but those cats were murking UN soldiers left and right, I refused to serve with the UN😅those blue helmet drew bullets 😅
Maybe the European countries should start contributing like they are supposed to... The United States carries NATO financially. It's something that needs to be fixed or you will find America will not be very excited about the arrangement for long.
@@busterfullen6465 first of all, usa uses 2,9% of gdp, most european countries use 2-3% of gdp.
32 countries to 1. APC = Armored Personel Carriers. Also this 2022 comparison does not include Sweden and Finland.
You have to include Iran, Turkey, China, North Korea with Russia, as all of these Eastern countries will fight side by side with Russia.
APC = Armored Personnel Carrier
IFV = Infantry Fighting Vehicle (Basically a well-armed APC designed to fight alongside the infantry after they get out)
если сравниваете НАТО то нужно брать в сравнение состав БРИКС
BRICS is not a military alliance. China is not interested in helping Russia in a conflict beyond sending some military aid as they are currently doing in Ukraine, and India and China are geopolitical adversaries who would never willingly form an alliance with one another. NATO's equivalent is CSTO, and it's a complete joke of an alliance
This comparison is very outdated...russia have had crazy amoung of lost weapons,equipment,military vehicle,tanks,since that Nato got 2 more members since 2022..Finland and Sweden..both with high class military abilities..
I'm neutral, don't like Russia much and lives in Germany at the moment. I'm just a business analyst and ex artillery reserve that have travelled a lot. I'm just counter debating your point, by no means I say what Russia is doing is just.
That like glorified Rome vs the Goths, or glorified Greece vs India. Russia severe losses are only by western media, neutral and Russia allies says otherwise, there are severe lacking evidence from western media. Neutral only confirmed a fraction of western media claims as true, with 3 factors, more investors going to Russia, Russian allies aren't even showing any concerns and Germany economy continues to degrade.
From Germany we know their economy is destroying their military maintenance, as in even Switzerland sent their tanks to be decommissioned in Germany rather than do it themselves. During the sanctions China got the gold mine while India was playing the neutral game and realised their mistake in less than 6 months, as the sanctions made China the only one trading on all fronts with wealthy resources from Russia. In just that 6 months India failed to capitalise on it and only got scraps of the rest of the resources and technology. Basically to say the sanctions had any impact, is not true except 2014 - 2018.
Russia has replaced most of their losses in 2022, this has been confirmed with one exception, tanks and SU25s. They are only replacing the T90m something something that they lost, the rest are decommissioned and recycled. Neutral parties haven't confirmed that Russia have replaced 50% of 2023 losses. But they lost a lot more in 2022 than 2023, and even less in 2024.
Majority of NATO are the ones that suffered the most, with inflation, most equipments are not upgraded, its the same as Iraq. This is taken into consideration that they can't even afford F35s. With over 50b worth of military equipment sent to aid U. Including Patriots and tanks, small arms including Javelins and ammunition, are just gone. With US their no.1 manufacturer, the cost nearly tripled just to maintain due to current inflation and less trading.
With every army, there are the armies you are willing to send and armies you need to keep for defence, in this war, most countries gave equipments they are willing to send. US makes the bulk of NATO, and they are barely sending anything valuable other than some HIMARS and PATRIOTS, the rest are junks or testing new weapons such as the Storm Shadows that barely changed anything.
So we can safely assume NATO and Russia lost 20%, which is only good news to US, the problem is, Russia did managed to outproduce NATO in artillery shells, while NATO lost majority of their ammunition. US is currently in overdrive manufacturing them, Germany lost their steel factory so no one gets to buy their ammunition.
To close it, I don't see how we can say for sure Russia now is at disadvantage or actually suffered heavy losses. We know for a fact currently France and Germany, top weapon manufacturer in Europe both couldn't even replace what they have given. Nor Europe can buy at current costs from US. Prop aside, there are no evidence Russia lost a huge bulk of their forces that was using their latest equipment in Kharkiv/Kiev, the majority of their losses are the same as US, garbage equipments from 1950s to 1980s.
@@ajstyles5704they have confirmed numbers availible
@@ajstyles5704не пытайся переубедить промытые головы. Дело неблагодарное. Мог бы кое-что добавить по сути к твоему опусу, но не буду. И так достаточно
Two more countries that want to surround Russia with nuclear missiles... and people wonder why Russia is defending itself.
An Attack Helicopter specializes in offensive capability to provide close air support for ground troops and to fight tanks. Unlike fixed wing close air support, helicopters can loiter with the ground troops for a considerably period of time. They also don't have to keep circling. They didn't break down the Helicopters heading, but that should include lots of Scout Helicopters, many different kinds of Transport Helicopters, Search and Rescue, Infantry Transport, etc.
Russia has military alliance with north korea and iran similar to article 5 of nato, if any one of them get attacked the others have to respond. and china will never allow russia to fall. your saying nato vrs russia thats 32 countries against 1
China will take russia for them self if they get a chance. China remember well that russia has taken chineese territory
Well just do the US vs Russia, still doesn't look too good for them. That's a 1v1 match
@@busterfullen6465 why tho? it will never be 1 v1 ever. the u.s needed to call of nato to invade iraq and Afghanistan LOL
Iran and North Korea are total non-factors lol, they can't project force beyond their regions and are using almost completely outdated equipment and tactics
There is less population in Russia of course this isnot the U.S.S.R anymore . With the U.S.S.R the population would have been about 360 millions.
Enjoyed hearing your thoughts on perspectives of proportions.
Logically strategic. War is Diplomacy by Other Means.
Good evening. I'm the first. Greetings.
The music was great.
I hope politic videos will leave from your channel, because truth is different and even side of conflicts have their humble opinion.
Russia is not in war with NATO. The fact that states, including NATO states are sending humanitarian aid and weapons to Ukraine, and the fact that there are units of volunteers from other countries, including the NATO states, in the Russian army, does not mean that Russia is in war with NATO. And, as to the Russian manpower, it is always useful to remember that those somewhat professional were practically eliminated during the first year. Now it consists of very young (untrained), very old (up to 70), disabled (practically blind, terminally kidney failure, cancer and AIDS, amputees (e.g.) half of the feet, etc.) and of course drunks and addicts, and/or criminals.
Man, wake up. You can't be serious?!
Russia population is 144,000,000 vs Ukraine 25,000,000.
Нато это десятки союзников и сравнивается эта организация почему то только с Россией, хотя и у России в данный момент есть союзники, например Китай и Иран, которые и сейчас помогают России вооружениями, а ещё КНДР, что касается Украины, это не особо правильное сравнение мощи, теоретически разное можно говорить, например какая сильная страна США в странах Ближнего востока и какая слабая Россия в Украине, но США чаще всего не встречали сопротивления разными системами вооружений, в Украине же идёт борьба именно разными вооружениями, от систем ПВО и ВВС, до танков и бронетранспортёров, вряд ли многие бы заговорили какая у России мощная армия, если бы Украина воевала только своими силами, как это делали страны Ближнего востока против Нато, мне вообще пофигу кто сильней, самое важное что во времена вакцинации, жители России и Украины в большинстве не стали вакцинироваться, в Украине около 70% людей отказались от вакцинации, в России около 60%, а через какое то время началась война этих двух стран и у власти в обеих странах евреи, очень жаль, но кажется это большая игра политиков всех стран и план по уничтожению населения планеты в действии, а обычные люди верят, считая что они защищаются друг от друга
В России у власти еврей?
Ты чего пьешь ?👀
@@ИванХохлов-ц6ь я ничего не пью, и не только он, а ты б поинтересовался, если не интересоваться Зеленским, он украинец
@@Григорий-Старцев-97 тогда вообще тебя не понял. Ты пишешь, что в России и на Украине - оба лидера евреи. Теперь ты мне пишешь, что зе- украинец. Точно не пьешь?
@@ИванХохлов-ц6ь я про то, что если не интересоваться Зеленским, он украинец, но все знают что он еврей, также и с Российскими политиками, а Путин и сам не скрывал в интервью что он из рода евреев, также и с другими политиками, так называемыми приближёнными главы
@@ИванХохлов-ц6ь а про статистику вакцинированных тоже не скрывается, скоро ещё с обезьяньей оспой достанут, опять будут трубить про опасность и важность вакцинации
You have to look at their advanced military equipment
Also the NATO countries talk all different languages and their chain of command is not integrated like the Russians who are dialed in now,as a soldier in a armoured battalion it's a major issue the chain of command
ruzzia has lost almost 1/2 of there military to the wart with Ukn. This I got form a site i came across that had an high ranking retire Officer doing it. Wish I had followed it but just was not feeling it that day.
Half their tanks maybee, but they still have alot of the other stuff
You absolutely aren't feeling the english language.
The lack of people in Russia is because of the WW2. Unbelievable 22.8 million Russians died during this war (soldiers + civilians). So, that and next generations couldn't be baby boomers. But everyone should know that Russia had by far the most deaths in WW2. Germany recorded the second most deaths with 9.5 million deaths. And even most of the deaths at once on both sides occurred during the fighting between the Germans and the Russians, mainly due to the very harsh winter. That is why Germany should have acted historically responsibly on the Ukraine issue instead of being at the forefront. The whole world has noticed that very unfair, especially because Germany acted like always super historically responsible when it comes to Israel against Palestine.
And to your question: If we take out the USA of the NATO, the NATOs biggest next leader with a huge gap to the 2nd follower would be Türkiye (Turkey). But Türkiye is definitely NOT joining that Russia - Ukraine war, Türkiye is rather trying to make peace between them. So even in the comparison we should calculate 20-30% less in each category. Especially in the amount of Soldiers. Türkiye has one of the biggest numbers in this worldwide.
Even tho NATO is a Military Block, russia is still standing strong
In 2005, the USS Ronald Reagan met its match in the form of a single, diesel-powered Swedish submarine. During war games, the plucky submarine was able to sneak through the passive sonar defenses of the Ronald Reagan and its entire accompanying group to score a few precious torpedo hits, (virtually) sinking the cruiser and getting away without so much as a scratch.
No... that is not what that situation was at all. The submarine got in range of possibly striking the carrier. Not to mention those war games are always done so in a way to make it as hard on them as possible as you learn a lot less from winning.
This is a very misguided comparison of 1 country vs 32.
The 32 countries are 1 if there ever was a war
Literally the US has more firepower than NATO, this is what each country gives to the alliance, not all that they have... So no this is not 32 against 1. It's a small percentage of each of the 32. Which should make it all the more terrifying for anyone coming at a NATO backed country.
Also current US spending yearly, is approaching 900 billion usd, so, we are 3/4 of all of NATO put together.
Which is a problem and if other countries don't step up then the US should just abandon NATO and only be a paid consultant!!!
@@rg20322 ehh, this a problem. But sadly to protect ourselves, we must maintain that level of spending, which is only 3% of our GDP, lol. Roughly anyways, a little over 3 % but basically that. All nato nations are like 3% and it’s 10 billion, of that; or like 90 billion…chump change, that’s literally nothing as we innovate or mass produce most ideas they come up with. And help fund them too. But yeah, NATO is nothing hit a tiny speed bump, without the US to back them up.
At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
@@Plastikdoom At first sight, Europe has the means to defend itself. European NATO allies and EU member states together outspent Russia four to one on defence in 2023; their combined military forces are larger than those of Russia or the US; and European defence industries produce some of the most advanced weapons systems around, with six European countries among the top ten global arms exporters. Last but not least, Europe’s GDP is ten times larger than that of Russia, second only to the US.
You are safe. Dont think about numbers you dont understand, is just headache.
Russia can claim they have x numbers of x or y but they don't exclude broken down equipment or stuff that's so outdated it's a joke to even field it they own it, so it counts.
Fun fact, The second largest navy is the USs fleet of museum ships LOL.
In the age of hypersonic missiles that can carry a conventional or thermonuclear payload all this is pretty irrelevant. Russia has a lot of them, US hasn't yet confirmed it has any. And most future superpower wars will be drone and missile wars.
а теперь посмотрите за сколько каждая страна гейропы капитулировала во 2ой мировой войне, от нескольких часов до месяца, у нас Брестская крепость одна держалась больше
Its tottal bulshit to compare NATO with Russia, becouse many nato countries wont go in a war with Russia if there is a conflict and the logistic between people who speak 30 different languages will be nightmare . Not to consider if China and North Korea stand with Russia . Thats millions of soldiers .
dude, basically everyone in the western world speaks English as a second language, especially in the military. This isn't 1950.
@@tgh1972 That doesnt mean that all the NATO countries are on the same wave.. The goverments are puppets, but the people wont go to war with Russia .. I am from a NATO country and can tell you that we will never go fight and thats the view of many other countries, so NATO is a totthless tiger ..
Watch…How Would the US and NATO Fight a Nuclear War. Puts things into actual perspective.
In that case Russia should cooperate with all BRICS countries to fight this warmongers from NATO.
@@n3v3rforgott3n9 hahaha
Ukraine isn’t a NATO country and this war is 18 months old that’s not overwhelming force and our weapons to NATO does not count our entire cache
Вы забываете самое главное , это дух!
Согласен. Вот украинцы показали что такое дух! А российская армия пока ничего сверхъестественно о не продемонстрировала
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq да по 2к в сутки умирают ВСУ весь из них дух выбивают что уже поляки и французы и грузины попадаются под ракеты ! там уже и украинцев почти нету !
@@Bazileus123-kf4mq Конечно показали украинцы свой дух, особенно когда он исходил из многочисленный трупов
@@ambrell5271 полмиллиона расеян
убито на этой войне. Вам их я вижу ни капли не жаль. Вы радуетесь только смертям украинцев, особенно мирных
@@ambrell5271 HAHAHA ah yes because the 3k+ Russia tanks, thousands of other armored vehicles, 100+ aircraft, and several ships certainly mean Russia has suffered no losses XD. The "2nd" strongest military power held back for over 2 years by the 22nd strongest. HAHAHAHA
Before Russia invaded Ukraine, it was believed to be very powerful - everyone thought that Ukraine would fall within 5 days - never happened and the views as to how powerful Russia is was recalculated - it turns out that a LOT of Russian equipment is obsolete and a significant amount was mothballed years ago but listed as active. There has been so much propaganda that it is hard to know the truth - but the fact that Ukraine has successfully stood this long says a lot.
After the current Ukrainian incursion into Russia which started on Aug 6th, I saw a comment on a German news site which said:
2022: Russia is the second most powerful military force in the World.
2023: Russia is the second most powerful military force in Ukraine.
2024: Russia is the second most powerful military force in Russia.
Во второй мировой войне русских погибло 27 миллионов человек, они могли быть живы и родить, вырастить новых таких же прекрасных людей, потому что они были одни из самых лучших представителей человечества! Плюс сколько людей русских разбросано по снг, особенно на Украине.
Хочу добавить что в этом видео сравнивают одну страну со странами НАТО? Вообще справедливо? Помню фразу одну в фильме 300 спартанцев, когда Леонид спросил у правителя Афин, сколько он Войнов собрал, так в том войске не было Войнов так и в этом НАТО тоже самое. НАТО - Афины, не страшно они играют в солдатиков.
Seeing how russia is using turtle shell tanks in the ukraine war they arent even remotely close to being a threat to america.
Funny !
would love you guys to react to the British royal marines band the gladiator 🇬🇧 all serving soldiers. keep up the brilliant reactions 👌🙌🤓. much respect Birmingham UK.
Nato got 20+ of country's and still got +- same power with one single Russia
Украину мы жалеем, потому что они наши братья. А вы смейтесь дальше, вас жалеть не будем, если сунетесь к нам
And russian still out produce all of them in 155 shells lol
Its a little different from NATO vs WARSAW PACT or even NATO vs Soviet Union...NATO basically is aligned against Russia which is the only country left of the dreaded Warsaw Pact which was basically all of Eastern Europe or the USSR which was Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc
It's not about the number of war equipment. It's the quality. The russian military leaders looted the Russian army. A lot of their equipment is very old and cannot withstand mordern weapons.
The only branch russia has that is equal to the west are the submarine units. They are 1st class by comparison.
The US military-industrial complex is in private hands. As much as the owners of the corporation producing weapons say, so much will cost a tank, an airplane, a shell, a cartridge. This is not to mention the corruption in the US army, the bribes and the cuts in the military budget of the military-industrial complex. The Russian military-industrial complex belongs to the state. Money is spent efficiently. Designers have no incentive or opportunity for corruption and theft. The survivability of NATO military equipment is very clearly visible in Ukraine. American tanks and armored personnel carriers are stuck. European technology is no better. There are already jokes about the "courage" of NATO soldiers and their ability to fight. American soldiers are cowards. The Agan shepherds have been chasing American and NATO soldiers for 20 years. Yemeni Houthis are now less bullied by the entire NATO fleet. America has not won a single war that it has started. In World War II, the United States fought the Japanese, but did nothing at all to defeat Germany.
А что НАТО где то добилось победы? Что то не припомню. Да и что такое война им неизвестно. Забомбить сворой кого нибудь неугодного вот это всё на что способно НАТО.
Югославия вроде бы.
@@khalilovserge5433 вроде бы что? Там что велись боевые действия. Просто натовская свора бомбила мирное население
@@olegkomarov5644 честно. Не знаю всей предыстории. Но итог -развал страны. . Косово стало под контролем НАТО. Думаю это их победа. Моё мнение.
Hahaha, and the USSR collapsed after 10 years in Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the US only got stronger after 20 years. HAHAHAHA
@@khalilovserge5433 полагаю у нас разные мнения о победе. В Югославии натовское шаколье просто бомбило население и это не есть победа а просто тупая агрессия с целью устрашения.
That video is wayyyyy out of date, Russia can't even protect its borders from a non NATO country like Ukraine. Ukraine in the future is gonna be the most powerful and experienced military on the planet after this war is over. As that song goes "Don't F... with Ukraine".
После этого конфликта 404 закончит свое существование
I agree with you, Ukraine showed the whole world what an organized army is, and Russia showed the opposite and proved that in fact its army without nuclear weapons is of little value😅
Problem with those figures is russia counts everything it has, including tanks/APCs, Artillery they have including all the rusted out hulks from WW2, Korean War, Vietnam, and the 80s. None of that was maintained during the 1990s for a decade after the USSR collapsed. So yes...while russia cant count 12,000 tank frames (they used to claim they had 20,000), the reality is they could only get 6,000 of them moving and operational...and most of those have been destroyed in Ukraine already. Russia hasnt made a new tank in over a decade and only refurbishes older ones to make them usable now. And with over 500,000 professional soldiers, dead, wounded, surrendered or running away from the front of its supposed 850,000 "Active Personnel" you can cut 1/2 to 3/4 of all the claimed numbers of troops, money and equipment they have now...
Exactly and China does the same with it’s equipment
Do you believe that what you are saying 🤣🤣🤣🤣🙉🙈🙊🤡
@@pierrelorenz-l5g The default name and the account from 2023... You seem very trustworthy
Ты прекращай употреблять сильнодействующие наркотики на ночь
How come they don't make new tanks? Haven't you seen the newest, greatest T55, T54? 😁
All the Russians coping in the comments, weak economy and desperate living standards outside the main cities dreaming of the USSR lol
France is almost certainly the #2 most powerful military in NATO. That would have been the UK 20 years ago, but they've downsized their military to a husk of what it once was. I don't even think they would be #3 now.
I would say Germany is number 3
@@GreenBeamzzz I agree.
Don't forget about Poland! With theit defense spending, they are determined not to.get ran over by Russia or anyone else for that matter!
France does have a formidable army, but don't forget, Finland resolved to Join NATO back in March of this year. The logistics of that decision are still being sorted out. It will be a while before they're really an operational member in any practical sense. But if there's one European country not to fuck with, It's Finland. They have city-sized bunkers, they've been preparing to go toe-to-toe with Russia since WWII, their military basically exists for that singular purpose, a "Winter-War Part 2" type of scenario.
Their economy has been built around this scenario, with most shipping happening in the Baltic sea rather than the Barents for more secure shipping.
And even though they were not a NATO member, they have an independent treaty with the U.S., providing the U.S. access to Finnish bases for listening outposts, and collaborative training. They've been working with the west for decades already. Their terrain is virtually immune to tanks, too many mountains and lakes, Russian could never maintain supply lines with so many choke points, so they can't be invaded by land, the whole country is a fortified position. The Fins would have absolute air superiority in that region (that is their specialty). And they are a stone's throw away from St. Petersburg. They could take that city in a month or two with relentless bombing and missile attacks, and if that's all they did, that would be enough to win the whole war.
It should be noted, Finland would avoid a direct confrontation with Russia if at all possible. There are many ethnic Russians in parts of Finland, and many Fins in Russia. This would not be a popular war for them domestically. That's why they held out on NATO membership for so long, they didn't want to be forced into a war with Russia.
It's not the Finland has the largest or most advanced military, they don't. What they have is a military that is specifically designed from the ground up to fight Russia. They are a precision tool in the fight, and they hold some of the most tactically advantageous ground in the world for that fight.
@@thecasper911 It's Poland and I hope they continue on their immigration policy.
....the other issue is quality......a Swedish or german...or American, or Israeli, or Japanese, or south Korean tank is probably equivalent to 10 russian higher numbers dont count for anything with russia gear...
And French, Leclerc Tank is one of the better in the world.
Расскажи эту дичь хохлам на фронте🤣
Those yours somehow "better" tanks easily blow up by 1 or 2 FPV-drones or gliding Soviet bombs from the 60s
Russia's population is in decline since its peak in the 1990s, though close to 80% live in the western (European land mass). Who wants to live in Siberia? Also, one country vs North America and Europe.