risked his life cause they have the north korean army patrolling the boarder if u try to cross or go anywhere near it u get shot some die some don't but a bigger percentage dies passing that border is more difficult now i happy for the few that make it across but they didn't cross for there live to get worse and turn to shit i hate people that bully others due to where there from it erks me
I guess Im asking the wrong place but does anyone know a tool to log back into an instagram account..? I stupidly lost my login password. I appreciate any tips you can offer me!
Well, it depends from how you see it. Being discriminated is USUALLY something that involves just the person discriminated,but the man had also problems with his work which involves also other people. But those people decided themselves to work with him, so the audience may not care... And I also think that the audience is being biased too. If you look at their faces you can notice that they are looking down at him. Being too nice is also a problem. People could use you as they want because they know you can't say no, and this can be Dangerous. Plus, he doesn't care about his wife and children while he would treat strangers as his family, so this is wrong, and all his family was treated like shit, so here the concern was more based on the fact that his nice with everyone but his family, and not being too nice itself. I don't think that there is a bigger concern and a smaller one, there are just concerns that can be seen in different ways. Neither the audience think there's a bigger or a smaller, or at least they can't say it, because the number of votes don't represent how big is a concern, but how many people think it's actually a concern, so it's even worse, because some of them don't think is a concern at all. So, what I'm trying to say is that probably, the second concern's votes were less then the last because the audience itself discriminates the North korean man...
I wish to disagree with you mainly because I have been discriminated many times for my accent and where I came from as well (to America from somewhere else), and I started changing my habits and how I talk and who I interact with/have around me, and next thing I know I'm the most charismatic person in the room. So the audience not taking a stronger stance on the North korean man's issue is not a matter of them necessarily discriminating him, but rather realising that the issue is resolvable. In the case of the last man and his family (the way the last husband talked btw was so cringy, in the sense of his head movements and all.. just saying.. see I am being judgemental right there but that kinda issue is resolable. Need more amicable gestures to be a "nice guy"...), I felt it was more of an issue as well since it was putting the children's well-being and comfort of life at stake... And his family's happiness and was starting to cause seriou marital problems. Yes, for the North korean man, facing abuse has been issue and working without pay.. I have been through that as well... abused and working without pay.. so I really feel for him, but at same time I feel it is not as serious a concern as to get 100+ votes, for what I stated above. Just matter of changing habits, mannerisms etc.
T T when the second guy came out and talked, I started crying cause he looked so pained. Im Korean and honestly, I dont understand why they were so rude to him. This is honestly the most heartbreaking thing I've ever heard. I hope people learn to treat you better.
I'm a bit annoyed that the North Korean defector got so few votes, because honestly, this isn't a concern only affecting one person, but various North Koreans living in South Korea. This is an issue that is huge, honestly, discrimination shouldn't be overlooked like that. Personally, I would be ashamed if someone I knew treated another person like that because of their accent/race/nationality. It would've been nice if the crowd would've shown more compassion and sincerity.
South Koreans really look down on North Koreans though so I'm not shocked. I'm annoyed though but it really isn't surprising. That is why if the two become united in the future it won't be very good because they will be treated like a piece of shit on South Korean's shoe. :/
fakenuggets im really agree with you like u know when this girl in oh my girl said its not really a concern i was upset i saw that people was not really sincere with him bcause this is something that people have to stop it
it is racism if a group of people or a person actively harasses or dislikes/harms a person solely because of their race, or if they avoid consulting/refuse an employee because they have an issue with his race. And it is also racism if a company rejects an employee not based off their skills but their nationality. racism is defined by: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race (based on the belief that one's own race is superior).
Some South Koreans may be like that but make sure that you don't say all South Koreans as a whole are racist/look down on North Koreans, but thanks for the reply :)
He (the Korean defector) looked down a lot during this segment, like he was ashamed of himself. I really felt sorry for him. In the US, there are so many people with different accents that we take it for granted. It's more easily accepted for people who are in or work with the military with foreign wives/families. We don't ostracize them for it. Such a shame that people treat him and other North Korean defectors like this.
me im from new york one of the most diverse city's in the world no one get treated like shit because of there race or nationality i mean we talk shit about everyone but when never go that far we just say shit which leads to fights we don't pick them and beat them cause there different
sara hosseini this is a very ignorant statement. They are normal people just like you and I. The only difference is they're government is different from ours. it's THE MEDIA who portray them in a bad light
north koreans are normal people just with a different govt.. seriously?? so if they're so normal and it's just "the media" then why are there so many people dreaming of escaping north korea?? if you're not north korean how do you know? where is your logic?
I am shocked that the guy from North Korea got less than 100 votes...I've seen so many Hello Counselor episodes, but his concern was the first one that made me cry. It breaks my heart to hear how rejected he and his friend were, and the harsh things they have to hear every day...
The second concern really ruined this episode overall for me...South Korea cannot keep sweeping North Korean issues under the rug like this as if they are not human beings too that have a lot of problems. They share the same border on the Korean peninsula ffs they shouldn't have to face such discrimination & prejudice just because they live in a country being ruled under a dictatorship. A lot of North Koreans actually want a better life for themselves and to live in a free democracy which South Korea has, which is why many have defected in the first place, but instead of being more welcoming South Korea consistently allows fear to cloud their better judgement about North Korea because they think they're only in the south to be spies. This episode really made me fear even more for a unified Korea, because mindset of a lot of South Korean people is still seems very ignorant towards their Northern brothers & sisters, and a unified country would more than likely make things even worse between the two sides drawing major backlash & hostility.
Koa Jinja Same. Like I know this is variety so they're trying to keep it light and even the man himself is trying to find humour in it but...like... it's north Korea. it's YOU GUYS up there. It's your grandfather's cousins, grandmas friends that might have just gotten stuck randomly through no fault of their own. How can South Korea talk about unification and then pull shit like this? I'm glad that man has good friends who are on his side to show him and other Koreans how to be compassionate and just decent human beings. I used to smile when defconn on 1n2d mentioned his grandpa defecting but more than that I'm now proud of him for mentioning it boldly on TV if this kind of treatment is common. Hopefully this man's children will not suffer the prejudice their father is fighting every day.
The more I watch Hello Counselor, the more I found that South Korean people have a really bad issue with people who are different from them. We can't say that it's just come from curiosity... It's truly racism. So sad
I used to stay in south korea for 3 months, and yes, a number of them are racists..when i visited the store i tried not to speak, just nodded and smiled, so people wouldnt find out that im a foreigner. i had bad experience of being bullied by the shopkeeper when she realised me and my friends were foreigner when we spoke to each other in our own language.
The first concern... the woman wasn't able to buy new clothes for five years and has to wear stuff other people gave her, because they have to buy so much meat and alcohol for the man. Isn't the husband ashamed? Acts like a prince but provides close to nothing for his family. Marriage should be an equal partnership, not the woman has to sacrifice everything, so the man can live a comfortable life. The husband needs to wake up, it's 2017. I really hope the wife will think over her relationship with him.
Who are you think you all are to make that kind of comment, just because your not doing what you think their doing doesn’t mean you are better than they are. Look at yourself life, and think. We all have problems, maybe not same kind, but nobody have perfect life.
The second one makes me so mad. Why are people such shit heads? This was so heartbreaking. It deserves more votes, like why didn't it? It definitely should have gotten more votes than the first problem.
the two first concerns really got me upset. like the first husband is so selfish and patriarcal it's insane to think like that in 2017 !!! i really think the woman should leave him because it isn't about the fact that he need meat with his alcohol, it's more the way he thinks that it's normal for her to do that, take care of the house and the children without having any kind of break ! i'm so sad for her because she seems so nice :( South koreans are sometimes too much like how can you be mean to someone that risked his life to escape North Korea ! he shouldn't be blamed for wanting a better life he should be aplauded for the courage he had, i truly wish south koreans will understand better that it's not the fault of north koreans but the fault of kim jongun
The second concern makes me so sad.. making himself less worthy than the other people, being satisfied with only an apologize after the others assaulted him... Don' t gwf me wrong here, I respect the korean culture, but how can the elder people give themself the right to treat a person like that (referring to the sentence, you should go back to North Korea, you came here to scam others) just because they are older, supposedly wiser?! And I do not understand how can there be people that still believe that a woman is married just so that she could cook and clean after the husband? (1. concern)...
See... This is the part of the "Korean culture" that I'll never understand! In this world, all humans are *supposed* to be treated equally. So why should the older look down on the youngest? Why should the youngest one bow their heads on everything the olders one say (even if they're wrong) as if they were God or something!?
Imagine what North Koreans are facing right now, those that are still in North Korea. Why do people have to be so heartless? If I ever meet a North Korean who risked his life to escape such a hell hole, I'd welcome them and try to help them. People have their beliefs but that doesn't give them the right to act like total assholes to people.
So he speaks in a Seoul accent to avoid further discrimination? That's really sad that he has to change himself this much, i hope he can talk in a North Korean accent if that's most comfortable for him. I heard that Koreans learn about how both Koreas are one and the North Korean government is the issue, not the people but I guess people still feel disconnected because they grew up so differently.
ah his grandma is super adorable, so nice that she understand how her grandson feels and doesn't seem to be angry that he didn't talk to her for 3 months... she sounds proud of him :)
Good ol Hello Counselor will always show you what not to be in society. And the MC's and audience take everything for a joke, everything is one big joke, I feel that alot of the people who come on the show, male or female, young or old, who complain about treatment by family or society actually do have depression at times but the show doesn't care, they just make a joke out of it all. First concern is a fine example of what not be as a man and a husband. Eats meat all the time, functioning alcoholic, financially irresponsible, immature, poor role model for his children, lackluster husband in every way. Control freaks, alot of the husbands on this show are immature men who think their kings but don't really behave like men should. He won't do dishes, won't let his wife have some down time to herself, racks up unnecessary debt and the money is spent not on something helpful such as a college fund for his kids or retirement in the future or anything beneficial in the long run of his life but on meat and liquor. This show has showed me how building up your character and having a confident belief in yourself is the bedrock, the folks who come on this show don't know what stress is and can't deal with it in a healthy fashion, the couples don't communicate properly and marital problems are supposed to be endured and not actually treated with therapy or if the situation warrants it, a divorce. But South Korea has a system where divorce can literally damage your career and character, especially for the women who can't seem to catch a break if they get divorced, guess the wife in the first concern should just live with clown of a husband for the rest of her life. Second concern...how is it that a man who escaped a country ruled by fear and tries to make a better life for himself in his brother country can't catch a break? He's Korean same as them, the blood doesn't change. They treat him like he's a parasite when all he wants is a chance at happiness. Beating him up, swearing at him, asking him loaded questions to get a reaction out of him, "There is no pizza in North Korea right?" You gotta be a mean, insensitive bully to say something like that to a person who you know has struggled all their life, who hasn't had the same delicacies that you had. Certainly not all by any means, but South Korea has some work to do on xenophobia and preconceived notions. I remember when Sam Okyere did a show a few months back and he explained how upset it made him to be asked race/culture loaded questions.
It's a variety show, what do you expect? The hosts are trying to make the show entertaining because its their job, and they are earning money for it. I'm pretty sure if people were seriously depressed they would see an actual counselor and not contact the show. Besides, there are some concerns which cannot be helped by talking to a real counselor. For example, the North Korean guy will probably have better experiences now that they've seen him on TV. Also, some people come here as a last chance to fix their problem.
I agree to an extant. I have researched on depression in SK and not many people seek help for it and consequently but definitely not the main cause there is a high suicide rate. I get that its a show, its supposed to entertain, here in the US we have alot of silly "reality tv" programs so i get that aspect. But one thing i've noticied with some of the guests is how not everyone has the courage to seek outside help, alot of times if a person is struggling with a spouse or coworker or fellow family member, the person is supposed to endure and live with it and behavior that hurts another {the husband who makes his wife cook late at night} is getting away it . I wish there was a program with a very small audience with a professional counselor or two, to help those individuals. I became agitated the most with the man from NK because as a black man in the US, i have seen sel inflicted wounds in my own people like light skin colorism against dark skin blacks. Blood against blood. I hope that man gets a fair shot at life and isnt harassed anymore, he didnt choose to be NK and he doesnt want be burdended and by it, he left for a reason. I know a foreigner on the outside looking in on another culture, i'm using this show as a moral handbook on South Korea, i only meant to get on that sorry excuse for husband and to point out that assuming about a person from another land isnt right
Cornelius Henry I have a slightly different point of view to be honest. They come to the show to talk about their issues, yes, but without the jokes or some silly words to ease up the tension/the atmosphere, this show would be depressing af. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the four hosts aren't professional therapists to help you out. However, they try to have an open minded point of view on every subject and issue and they try to "resolve " the issues trying to respect everyone, even though they won't be able to solve everything at once. Being able to communicate is already a key to change and to get better and people watching this show could be inspired to solve their own issues or overcome some of their stress thanks to theirs advises.
I don't like the husband in the first concern he didn't look sorry at all for the trouble he's caused and I felt like all he was doing was giving excuses so he didn't have to confront the problem at hand
Especially even after all the talk they went through, and when he had to say a message to her... he still didn't accept the problem that were his mindset and actions. The guy is so annoying, that concern is for sure one of the longest ones. There was like no end to his excuses that aren't even worth a penny.
I hope the guy from North Korea is doing well now. I wish him all the best in life! Life may be hard sometimes but as I can see in him, he really had an openmind to overcome hardships. And, i hope South Koreans will be more openminded in the future. it's really not that hard to accept that we may all have differences but we're still humans that needs to be respected whatever whenever culture you came from. fighting!
deeply disappointed that the north korean defector concern was taken so lightly. i cringed at the 'jokes' that were made regarding north korea. (although i've noticed that 'poking fun' at north korea on south korean variety shows isn't uncommon.) also, the advice given was misguided and deluded. merely telling him to 'accept his past' and 'be more confident' -- as if this isn't a deeply rooted societal prejudice that negatively impacts his life on a daily basis.... sadly, i'm not surprised, as the grim realities of these prejudice-based concerns are consistently 'glossed over' and diminished on hello counselor.
jongin's paper bag it's like they r being extra careful to not upset most of soukor ppl so they didn't address how they're doing bad things by outsrized him like that
They need to study up on societal prejudice, if they just change their attitude they can still make the show engaging and possibly effect change by putting out the message that people need to be tolerant and accepting of differences
@@ptyvitludy i disagree. the way they choose to address these concerns has an immense influence over their audience, viewers, and even society. (note: this is an extremely popular show in south korea that has been on air for more than a decade.) by shifting the blame toward the victim and failing to properly call out the wrongdoings of others, they're really only contributing to the continuation of these injustices.
ik it was a big issue for north Koreans to be in south Korea but I never taught it was that big it was so sad that I wanted to cry because of their discrimination like y'all both human beings shouldn't y'all support each other . But the most saddest thing is that they have no heart for accepting others like what has the world become for u to act like that.
About the second concern. I think some of the South Korean people need to change their way of thinking. They need to educate their people more about other cultures and stop living in a bubble. I mean no offense but how do you expect a North Korean detector to be accepted in the South when you see programs like "gag concert" make fun of North Korea for the purpose of entertainment? How will that make him feel when he see that on tv? And how will that affect the way people think about North Korean people? Things need to change so that people like him can be accepted. It's so good to see that he at least have some decent friends that understand him. I wish him all the luck!
the second concern deserve to win really , even though i knew it`ll get less votes ,most of the people in the south Korea won`t admit they are biased . they pretend to be upset and pity him but in the end didn`t even vote it as a concern . they really need to learn how to respect other people . and the MCs didn`t handle his concern very will , how the hell it indeed how to get a girl ?????? they need to change their self before let him practice how to talk to the girls .. he was like this bcuz the others ..
The second concern is so upsetting. I'm quite frankly disappointed that he only received 99 votes. I've seen much more ridiculous concerns that have gotten higher votes. I think it's quite sad that South Korea takes the issue this lightly. A human being does not deserve to be beaten up and to lose all his confidence just so that he could escape a cruel country and live. I'm so disappointed when the Oh My Girl member said that it wasn't a concern.... I've honestly never been so angry about a concern.
that man from north korea is so cute and adorable. I want to hug him . I feel sorry for him and others North koreans who are suffering in north korea and in China. They need help and we should help them
맞아요!!아바이 순대 조아조아.. 제가 35년전에 일본에 왔는데 그때 일본 사람이 제게 한국에 간장 있야고 물어 보드라고요 ㅎㅎ지금은 일본에서 한국 음식이나 아이돌이 완전인기라 한국인 이라는게 자랑스럽지만 35년전에는 저도 한국인이라는걸 숨기고 살았습니다.그래야 식당 설겆이 일이라도 할수 있어기에..그래서 탈북자들에 맘을 알수 있었요.끝까지 화이팅 하세요 꼭 좋은 날이 옵니다.화이팅!!!!
the second concern it make my heart broke because when he got BEAT from that 3 people and just accepted it just because they already apologized , it make me cry so hard and how come only 99 vote he get , but bless that person who voted for that man even 99 but that 99 vote are from people who being against from discrimination 💗💗 i hope more people being more humanity and more emphaty and at the same time sympathy too 💗
I almost couldn't make it though the first concern because of how much of a patriarchal asshole that guy is. I know she's thinking of her children, but if I was that wife, I wouldn't be able to deal w/ that anymore.
If I were her, I wouldn't even have married the guy, but at this stage, just thinking of a divorce is hard because one of the biggest worries is about the kids.
she should've deferred marrying him when she found out he was 20K in debt rather than helping him pay it off. That should've been a warning bell to her
I love how the north korean guy have friends who looks like they really adore him. Contrary to most of the comments though, I agree with the show's hosts. His customers kept on doing it to him becausee he kept on accepting it. He didn't know how to stand his ground, he should have overcome most of the discriminations, he's learned most and he should have used such to prove to his customers being north korean isn't being different. I loved Taejoon's comment that he should love his past, by doing so he can be above discriminating people, it's because he hates it so much he too thinks too little of his own. What the hosts lacked was addressing the public to welcome north koreans, at the very least they could have enlightened that these people come to south korea not because they have bad motives but because they wanted a life & not to generalize north koreans to just scammers and the like. It's a pity though that the audience didn't think it's a worry but i'd like to think they've sympathised with him and believe he'll have a better road in the future, somehow like jiho mentioned.
I don't think an episode can slide by without at least one concern about a terrible husband who doesn't give a damn about his wife. It's so sad how they cater to their husband's dumb ass, even trying to find ways to change him. Like please, just do yourself a favour and divorce him.
Kai Bear The thing is, it's very hard for divorced woman to live in Korea. As sad at that sounds, it true, therefore they have to find a way to make their relationship work or struggle a lot more due to the culture
if its so hard leave korea there china Australia japan north America south America new Zealand you may have to learn a new language but its better than getting treated like shit plus your kids can have a better life
Often times they don't divorce because they have kids - she has two kids, and if she divorces she might not get custody. If they get shared custody, that's stressful for the child. If she gets full custody, then she'll have to work all the time to provide for her son and daughter, and she won't be able to spend time with them.
The husband in the last concern is TOTALLY my dad. Like they're 100% alike. My dad is soooo nice to other people and he never considers about my moms health. When my sis and I try to talk to him about it he gets mad and goes "u should always be kind to others and help them in any way u can. I didn't raise u guys to be selfish" blah blah 🙄😂 I think I should send my mom to Korea and get on the show 😂
As much as I enjoy watching this show, I had hoped they would at least hire a psychologist/counsellor, someone who is more knowledgeable with better understanding & insights bcs although it's just for entertainment and some worries aren't as heavy as others, it's still better to have AT LEAST a professional. Worries are still worries, some are relatable and some aren't. It'd be nice to hear some professional advice ☺️
I can't believe that jiho really thinks that this episode can end racism toward north Koreans, I wish that she and the crowd were more understanding with the North Korean defector.
omo i think that North Koreans should come to Europe or other countries i really admire them and i think that not many people would look down on them I saw few documentaries about North Korean but still i know that i don't know much about their struggle much . respect (sorry for my english i'm not native don't hate please )
I just watched this episode on my TV (I have KBS World in Europe from the satellite). It was wonderful with Hyojung and Jiho! Our girls are so cheerful! ^^ Oh My Girl Fighting! ^^
I feel sad for the second concern like i just want to hug him. Please don't bring him down he is so nice he dont deserve those bad things and im so dissappointed because his votes are so low. I just wanna hug him huhuhuhuhu😭😭😭😭😭 Sorry for my bad English
I'm glad the guy in the 2nd concern has family and friends that back him up. He's trying to make a better life for himself and gma. I hope he finds happiness.
oh my lord.. the first problem.. i swear i was clinching my teeth so hard i couldn't even watch it. i literally stopped it to write this comment. what the fuck ???? if i was her i would ask for divorce and let him go broke and he'll be on a huge debt till he fucking go to the jail or someshit. at least then he MAYBE feel a little bit of responsibility
So somehow I missed this episode so I came back to watch after the 400th episode in which they show the man from the second concern is doing much better in life and that people's opinions have changed. Knowing that life did actually get better for him makes this so much more bearable and I can only hope that as people learned to accept this man, they can also learn to accept others who came from North Korea.
Is it hard for a Korean live as a divorcée? There are so many concerns on the show about terrible husbands and I feel like many of those woman would have gotten a divorce long ago here in Germany.
I'm always angry/upset when I watch Hello counsellor, but this episode is the worst one. I bet amongst the audience there are also a lot who are looking down on North Koreans who moved to SK.
Now I wonder how my country is so good to foreigners (that includes me), we're really amazed everytime we see one . 😁 We really haven't been taught of the mindset of having grudges towards those who colonized our country, in contrast, we were taught to be nice to them. Wherever you are from, I know that we don't feel the same pain and we don't have exactly the same experiences but I'm hoping that you won't be discriminated or bullied wherever you'll go in the future. I'm sincerely praying for peace in this world. God bless us all.
how did the 3rd concern get the most votes? At least the husband is a decent person. The second concern was just sad, but i guess prejudice exists even in this studio which is why only 99 people voted for it. The first one one was also messed up, but I guess both the first and second concerns are rooted in the way their society views issues of racism, prejudice and equality. Not much weight was put on it, and that's just seriously unfortunate.
some episodes of hello counselor are a mildly concerning and bit entertaining but then there are ones like this where you're just faced with how messed up south korean society can be. dang.
Just like in the last concern when the husband asked his wife to not post a pic of their trip, my mom does the same. She doesn't like it when I post pic of food or us eating as she thinks people seeing the post may not be able to get the food and it would be sad.
the first two concerns were so sad, especially the north korean one but what I am really confused about is the audience. What kind of messed up audiences were there in this episode to think that a person being "too nice" was the biggest concern. Bless those 99 people that actually sees the real problem from the second concern.
hope the north korean man has a way better life now after this episode, as well as his other north korean friends. hope south koreans are more open and accepting now because i don't believe in the development of a country if their thinking is still at the medieval stage. i love south korea but they should seriously need to work on their racism and discriminating attitude, as well as their patriarchal mindset. i am not generalizing but it's just heartbreaking that people like this north korean man has to endure all this hardships after risking his life escaping from north korea. he deserves a better life just like the rest of us..
I feel so much for the second concern, I can't believe how much discrimination he has been receiving when all he want is to have an equal chance like the others to fight for a better living. And I can't believe the majority of the audience think that his concern is less significant as the other 2. And I think he should be confident of himself. So what if he's from NK, he is hardworking and knows his stuff, that's the purpose of finding a car dealer, someone who KNOWS his stuff.
voting for "is it a concern" is they think it will be difficult for the person to change. he didnt get a lot of votes, because he has support from good friends, and will overcome, because of his determination and despite coming from NK.
Regarding the second worry, I'm disappointed in these S.Koreans. I seriously expected this story to win! I was waiting for the 1 to appear thinking it would for sure get over 100 votes, but 99 votes?! How is his problem not that big of an issue?! It seems not enough people thought about what N.Korean defectors actually go through to get to S.Korea, they risk their fucking lives and live daily in fear before reaching S.Korea. Do they not understand how mentally damaging that can be for a person? That man is not just going to "get over being timid" after what he's seen and what he's been through. Is what most S.Koreans go through harder than risking your LIFE for months, if not years, in search of freedom? And after reaching "freedom" it's ok to be treated like shit by your own people who claim to "welcome you with open arms"? Like, where's the damn compassion? As much as I'd love to be alive to witness Korean reunification, I'm worried it may not end well with this type of mentality. Hopefully the newer generation that's becoming more global thanks to the internet will change this currently xenophobic society (which does not only exist in Korea but all over the world). Bet if these people were put in defectors' shoes they'd feel differently. I love SK, there are some great qualities about the country, but this is truly disappointing. A Korean somewhere in the comments mentioned that S.Korean people fall behind the development of their economy, and sadly I think this just may be true...
people who say the second concern wasn't racism are you blind? that was discrimination and racism I feel so bad for north Korean south Korean should now that they suffer and they come to south Korea to escape of that horrible life but many south korean don't understand it so fighting to the two man in the emission and north koreans your humans too you have right.😁💝 (sorry for my english)
Maybe the first husband isn't a bad person... He seems very clueless. But that's even worse 😩 And the North Korean guy is very cute and sweet. I hope he gradually becomes more confident. I also hope that people treat him better.
So.... anyone else who thinks it's a shame that Taejoon covered his face while laughing at 49:24? He's so sweet and his laugh is great to listen to, so I don't understand why he would do that. It's ok if he covers his mouth - a lot of people wouldn't want to show their gums to millions of people either - but when he laughs his whole face brightens up and I am sad to have missed a chance to see that. (In case you couldn't tell, I have a bit of a celebrity crush on him) I know that this episode has a lot of serious issues (believe me, the second one especially made me angry), but I like to try and find something light hearted about each episode.
Thoughts of a tired nurse who handles more patient than you can imagine: the more I learn about the Korean culture ,the more I understand why my friend is so depressed living in Seoul...the first and specially the second concern were too overlooked...SoKor should never forget that they were also considered lowly people once (when they were colonized)so they should have learned from it...and stress is but normal in everyone's life...you people are over sensationalizing it..."because I'm stressed" is such a pppffffttttt.... I seriously hope they should not joke over sensitive issues such as racism, discrimination, spouse abuse and depression...
The problem with the koreans is that their younger generation is growing up with the same prejudice and stereotype from their elders. This is a chain problem and it probably will take some time to change unless the government promotes heavily on the equal treatment for korean defectors since they were once together and offer help for them, like a phone line for discrimination or something. Korea is growing as a country but people's mind is still way behind full of stereotypes and prejudice.
My heart broke for the first woman. You can tell she's nice just by looking at her face and body language - her husband really won't ever find another woman like her. He's the one working, yet he's also destroying their income with his selfish food menu. And to think that his father would be even worse! For her own sake, it would be best to get a divorce - but in Asia, especially in South Korea, that would have more negatives than positives. It's a lose-lose situation because of the children involved. She would have to support herself and three kids (if they would be in her custody), plus face shame and discrimination from society. It's highly looked down upon to be divorced in Asia, even more so for women. And the worst part is that her husband genuinely looked clueless as to why it's a concern. Sadly, the only way he'll ever learn about mutual respect and gratitude is if she leaves him. (But even then he may not learn.)
I wanted to knock some sense into the husbands. The second tho felt so bad, he was adorable. Sometimes I feel like Korea is really innovative and growing in culture & entertainment but they need to work out their morals and character. I think there are a lot of issues in South Korea that need to be solved but you hardly ever hear about it. People can't relate to what they don't understand it's sad really but that kind of treatment shouldn't happen, it's common sense really.
I really dislike the way the 2nd concern was handled. Yes he could be more positive and change his attitude but it's all useless if South Koreans keep on treating him and other North Koreans like that. South Koreans need to change their attitude too. Those who carry out the discrimination must change but also more importantly, those who claim open mindedness (like the hosts and half of the audience) but simply watch while these injustices take place shifting the blame onto the victim should do something, they have to be proactive if they are to be of any real support to those that need it. If it was just his attitude that was the problem, it'd be just him but this prejudice is something many North Koreans face. I felt like the show was telling all North Koreans "you chose to come here so deal with it, fix your outlook"...that's so unfair given that their outlook is bad when they arrive because of their experiences and worsens when they get treated like something less than a human being by the South Koreans.
It's so upset that North Koreans defectors got suffered because of discrimination that hurt them. I'm shocked and it's worse than I expect to be. This case needs to change and improve for the future.
I cried for the second concern. He risked his life only to get beat up and disrespected, despite hard work
risked his life cause they have the north korean army patrolling the boarder if u try to cross or go anywhere near it u get shot some die some don't but a bigger percentage dies passing that border is more difficult now i happy for the few that make it across but they didn't cross for there live to get worse and turn to shit i hate people that bully others due to where there from it erks me
same here i'm still annoyed that he didn't even get 100 votes
It's so heartbreaking, if only they could put themselves in his shoes :(
I guess Im asking the wrong place but does anyone know a tool to log back into an instagram account..?
I stupidly lost my login password. I appreciate any tips you can offer me!
the public's logic: "someone being too nice is a bigger concern than someone being discriminated for his nationality".... what?
andinkify right!? da fuckk I'm SO disappointed in this...makes me wanna puke
Well, it depends from how you see it. Being discriminated is USUALLY something that involves just the person discriminated,but the man had also problems with his work which involves also other people. But those people decided themselves to work with him, so the audience may not care... And I also think that the audience is being biased too. If you look at their faces you can notice that they are looking down at him. Being too nice is also a problem. People could use you as they want because they know you can't say no, and this can be Dangerous. Plus, he doesn't care about his wife and children while he would treat strangers as his family, so this is wrong, and all his family was treated like shit, so here the concern was more based on the fact that his nice with everyone but his family, and not being too nice itself. I don't think that there is a bigger concern and a smaller one, there are just concerns that can be seen in different ways. Neither the audience think there's a bigger or a smaller, or at least they can't say it, because the number of votes don't represent how big is a concern, but how many people think it's actually a concern, so it's even worse, because some of them don't think is a concern at all. So, what I'm trying to say is that probably, the second concern's votes were less then the last because the audience itself discriminates the North korean man...
I wish to disagree with you mainly because I have been discriminated many times for my accent and where I came from as well (to America from somewhere else), and I started changing my habits and how I talk and who I interact with/have around me, and next thing I know I'm the most charismatic person in the room. So the audience not taking a stronger stance on the North korean man's issue is not a matter of them necessarily discriminating him, but rather realising that the issue is resolvable. In the case of the last man and his family (the way the last husband talked btw was so cringy, in the sense of his head movements and all.. just saying.. see I am being judgemental right there but that kinda issue is resolable. Need more amicable gestures to be a "nice guy"...), I felt it was more of an issue as well since it was putting the children's well-being and comfort of life at stake... And his family's happiness and was starting to cause seriou marital problems. Yes, for the North korean man, facing abuse has been issue and working without pay.. I have been through that as well... abused and working without pay.. so I really feel for him, but at same time I feel it is not as serious a concern as to get 100+ votes, for what I stated above. Just matter of changing habits, mannerisms etc.
T T when the second guy came out and talked, I started crying cause he looked so pained. Im Korean and honestly, I dont understand why they were so rude to him. This is honestly the most heartbreaking thing I've ever heard. I hope people learn to treat you better.
The guy in the second one was so cute, and so nice. I hope he can fulfill his dream and live a life without discrimination if possible. Fighting
I'm a bit annoyed that the North Korean defector got so few votes, because honestly, this isn't a concern only affecting one person, but various North Koreans living in South Korea. This is an issue that is huge, honestly, discrimination shouldn't be overlooked like that. Personally, I would be ashamed if someone I knew treated another person like that because of their accent/race/nationality. It would've been nice if the crowd would've shown more compassion and sincerity.
South Koreans really look down on North Koreans though so I'm not shocked. I'm annoyed though but it really isn't surprising. That is why if the two become united in the future it won't be very good because they will be treated like a piece of shit on South Korean's shoe. :/
fakenuggets im really agree with you like u know when this girl in oh my girl said its not really a concern i was upset i saw that people was not really sincere with him bcause this is something that people have to stop it
Leila Chiara it is not racism
it is racism if a group of people or a person actively harasses or dislikes/harms a person solely because of their race, or if they avoid consulting/refuse an employee because they have an issue with his race. And it is also racism if a company rejects an employee not based off their skills but their nationality.
racism is defined by: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race (based on the belief that one's own race is superior).
Some South Koreans may be like that but make sure that you don't say all South Koreans as a whole are racist/look down on North Koreans, but thanks for the reply :)
the north Korean story i cried his grandmother and all i'm still teary young man hold your head up you'll make it grandma just love the boy.
He (the Korean defector) looked down a lot during this segment, like he was ashamed of himself. I really felt sorry for him. In the US, there are so many people with different accents that we take it for granted. It's more easily accepted for people who are in or work with the military with foreign wives/families. We don't ostracize them for it. Such a shame that people treat him and other North Korean defectors like this.
me im from new york one of the most diverse city's in the world no one get treated like shit because of there race or nationality i mean we talk shit about everyone but when never go that far we just say shit which leads to fights we don't pick them and beat them cause there different
The second concern makes me so mad. South Koreans need to realize that most North Koreans are not happy living in North Korea
i started to cry on the second concern, it's just prejudice :((
sara hosseini this is a very ignorant statement. They are normal people just like you and I. The only difference is they're government is different from ours. it's THE MEDIA who portray them in a bad light
north koreans are normal people just with a different govt.. seriously?? so if they're so normal and it's just "the media" then why are there so many people dreaming of escaping north korea?? if you're not north korean how do you know? where is your logic?
Exactly they are controlled by a Dictator & they flee the North for a better life. If they loved their Government they wouldn't flee.
sara hosseini
I am shocked that the guy from North Korea got less than 100 votes...I've seen so many Hello Counselor episodes, but his concern was the first one that made me cry. It breaks my heart to hear how rejected he and his friend were, and the harsh things they have to hear every day...
The second concern really ruined this episode overall for me...South Korea cannot keep sweeping North Korean issues under the rug like this as if they are not human beings too that have a lot of problems. They share the same border on the Korean peninsula ffs they shouldn't have to face such discrimination & prejudice just because they live in a country being ruled under a dictatorship. A lot of North Koreans actually want a better life for themselves and to live in a free democracy which South Korea has, which is why many have defected in the first place, but instead of being more welcoming South Korea consistently allows fear to cloud their better judgement about North Korea because they think they're only in the south to be spies. This episode really made me fear even more for a unified Korea, because mindset of a lot of South Korean people is still seems very ignorant towards their Northern brothers & sisters, and a unified country would more than likely make things even worse between the two sides drawing major backlash & hostility.
Koa Jinja Same. Like I know this is variety so they're trying to keep it light and even the man himself is trying to find humour in it but...like... it's north Korea. it's YOU GUYS up there. It's your grandfather's cousins, grandmas friends that might have just gotten stuck randomly through no fault of their own. How can South Korea talk about unification and then pull shit like this? I'm glad that man has good friends who are on his side to show him and other Koreans how to be compassionate and just decent human beings. I used to smile when defconn on 1n2d mentioned his grandpa defecting but more than that I'm now proud of him for mentioning it boldly on TV if this kind of treatment is common. Hopefully this man's children will not suffer the prejudice their father is fighting every day.
The more I watch Hello Counselor, the more I found that South Korean people have a really bad issue with people who are different from them. We can't say that it's just come from curiosity... It's truly racism. So sad
I used to stay in south korea for 3 months, and yes, a number of them are racists..when i visited the store i tried not to speak, just nodded and smiled, so people wouldnt find out that im a foreigner. i had bad experience of being bullied by the shopkeeper when she realised me and my friends were foreigner when we spoke to each other in our own language.
Ding Dong where are you from ?
Safak Frank im a Malaysian Chinese
oh, you're quite lucky then. Being brown or black is a nightmare experience.
I couldn't agree less
The first concern... the woman wasn't able to buy new clothes for five years and has to wear stuff other people gave her, because they have to buy so much meat and alcohol for the man. Isn't the husband ashamed?
Acts like a prince but provides close to nothing for his family.
Marriage should be an equal partnership, not the woman has to sacrifice everything, so the man can live a comfortable life.
The husband needs to wake up, it's 2017. I really hope the wife will think over her relationship with him.
I lowkey hope that his wife filed a divorce letter to him, that guy sure will rot
one episode or show doesn't change people minds or hearts. But at least they started a conversation.
Omg.. The 1st and 2nd concern.. No comments.. Koreans can't really figure out what discrimination is.. I can't believe the last concern won..
Who are you think you all are to make that kind of comment, just because your not doing what you think their doing doesn’t mean you are better than they are. Look at yourself life, and think. We all have problems, maybe not same kind, but nobody have perfect life.
...this is a deeply upsetting episode...
The second one makes me so mad. Why are people such shit heads? This was so heartbreaking. It deserves more votes, like why didn't it? It definitely should have gotten more votes than the first problem.
the two first concerns really got me upset. like the first husband is so selfish and patriarcal it's insane to think like that in 2017 !!! i really think the woman should leave him because it isn't about the fact that he need meat with his alcohol, it's more the way he thinks that it's normal for her to do that, take care of the house and the children without having any kind of break ! i'm so sad for her because she seems so nice :(
South koreans are sometimes too much like how can you be mean to someone that risked his life to escape North Korea ! he shouldn't be blamed for wanting a better life he should be aplauded for the courage he had, i truly wish south koreans will understand better that it's not the fault of north koreans but the fault of kim jongun
I agree!!!
The second concern makes me so sad.. making himself less worthy than the other people, being satisfied with only an apologize after the others assaulted him... Don' t gwf me wrong here, I respect the korean culture, but how can the elder people give themself the right to treat a person like that (referring to the sentence, you should go back to North
Korea, you came here to scam others) just because they are older, supposedly wiser?! And I do not understand how can there be people that still believe that a woman is married just so that she could cook and clean after the husband? (1. concern)...
See... This is the part of the "Korean culture" that I'll never understand!
In this world, all humans are *supposed* to be treated equally. So why should the older look down on the youngest? Why should the youngest one bow their heads on everything the olders one say (even if they're wrong) as if they were God or something!?
Imagine what North Koreans are facing right now, those that are still in North Korea. Why do people have to be so heartless? If I ever meet a North Korean who risked his life to escape such a hell hole, I'd welcome them and try to help them. People have their beliefs but that doesn't give them the right to act like total assholes to people.
So he speaks in a Seoul accent to avoid further discrimination? That's really sad that he has to change himself this much, i hope he can talk in a North Korean accent if that's most comfortable for him.
I heard that Koreans learn about how both Koreas are one and the North Korean government is the issue, not the people but I guess people still feel disconnected because they grew up so differently.
ah his grandma is super adorable, so nice that she understand how her grandson feels and doesn't seem to be angry that he didn't talk to her for 3 months... she sounds proud of him :)
It reminds me of Hong Kong and mainland China. HK is a complete mess now smh
WOW😲😲😲😲 the votes for the second concern say a lot about South Koreans.
yup. and only 66% voted for the 1st.
I love yeongja so much
she's such a sweetheart.
I feel like there might have been a lot of biased people in the audience itself because I don't understand him getting that few votes.
Good ol Hello Counselor will always show you what not to be in society. And the MC's and audience take everything for a joke, everything is one big joke, I feel that alot of the people who come on the show, male or female, young or old, who complain about treatment by family or society actually do have depression at times but the show doesn't care, they just make a joke out of it all.
First concern is a fine example of what not be as a man and a husband. Eats meat all the time, functioning alcoholic, financially irresponsible, immature, poor role model for his children, lackluster husband in every way. Control freaks, alot of the husbands on this show are immature men who think their kings but don't really behave like men should. He won't do dishes, won't let his wife have some down time to herself, racks up unnecessary debt and the money is spent not on something helpful such as a college fund for his kids or retirement in the future or anything beneficial in the long run of his life but on meat and liquor. This show has showed me how building up your character and having a confident belief in yourself is the bedrock, the folks who come on this show don't know what stress is and can't deal with it in a healthy fashion, the couples don't communicate properly and marital problems are supposed to be endured and not actually treated with therapy or if the situation warrants it, a divorce. But South Korea has a system where divorce can literally damage your career and character, especially for the women who can't seem to catch a break if they get divorced, guess the wife in the first concern should just live with clown of a husband for the rest of her life.
Second concern...how is it that a man who escaped a country ruled by fear and tries to make a better life for himself in his brother country can't catch a break? He's Korean same as them, the blood doesn't change. They treat him like he's a parasite when all he wants is a chance at happiness. Beating him up, swearing at him, asking him loaded questions to get a reaction out of him, "There is no pizza in North Korea right?" You gotta be a mean, insensitive bully to say something like that to a person who you know has struggled all their life, who hasn't had the same delicacies that you had. Certainly not all by any means, but South Korea has some work to do on xenophobia and preconceived notions. I remember when Sam Okyere did a show a few months back and he explained how upset it made him to be asked race/culture loaded questions.
It's a variety show, what do you expect? The hosts are trying to make the show entertaining because its their job, and they are earning money for it. I'm pretty sure if people were seriously depressed they would see an actual counselor and not contact the show. Besides, there are some concerns which cannot be helped by talking to a real counselor. For example, the North Korean guy will probably have better experiences now that they've seen him on TV. Also, some people come here as a last chance to fix their problem.
I agree to an extant. I have researched on depression in SK and not many people seek help for it and consequently but definitely not the main cause there is a high suicide rate. I get that its a show, its supposed to entertain, here in the US we have alot of silly "reality tv" programs so i get that aspect. But one thing i've noticied with some of the guests is how not everyone has the courage to seek outside help, alot of times if a person is struggling with a spouse or coworker or fellow family member, the person is supposed to endure and live with it and behavior that hurts another {the husband who makes his wife cook late at night} is getting away it . I wish there was a program with a very small audience with a professional counselor or two, to help those individuals. I became agitated the most with the man from NK because as a black man in the US, i have seen sel inflicted wounds in my own people like light skin colorism against dark skin blacks. Blood against blood. I hope that man gets a fair shot at life and isnt harassed anymore, he didnt choose to be NK and he doesnt want be burdended and by it, he left for a reason. I know a foreigner on the outside looking in on another culture, i'm using this show as a moral handbook on South Korea, i only meant to get on that sorry excuse for husband and to point out that assuming about a person from another land isnt right
Cornelius Henry I have a slightly different point of view to be honest. They come to the show to talk about their issues, yes, but without the jokes or some silly words to ease up the tension/the atmosphere, this show would be depressing af. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the four hosts aren't professional therapists to help you out. However, they try to have an open minded point of view on every subject and issue and they try to "resolve " the issues trying to respect everyone, even though they won't be able to solve everything at once. Being able to communicate is already a key to change and to get better and people watching this show could be inspired to solve their own issues or overcome some of their stress thanks to theirs advises.
41:46 awe he looked so happy for a moment there... i hope the world has been treating him better lately..
why are koreans so mean to non-white foreigners?? (yes i said it and you know that's the truth)
I don't like the husband in the first concern he didn't look sorry at all for the trouble he's caused and I felt like all he was doing was giving excuses so he didn't have to confront the problem at hand
Especially even after all the talk they went through, and when he had to say a message to her... he still didn't accept the problem that were his mindset and actions. The guy is so annoying, that concern is for sure one of the longest ones. There was like no end to his excuses that aren't even worth a penny.
I hope the guy from North Korea is doing well now. I wish him all the best in life! Life may be hard sometimes but as I can see in him, he really had an openmind to overcome hardships. And, i hope South Koreans will be more openminded in the future. it's really not that hard to accept that we may all have differences but we're still humans that needs to be respected whatever whenever culture you came from. fighting!
deeply disappointed that the north korean defector concern was taken so lightly. i cringed at the 'jokes' that were made regarding north korea. (although i've noticed that 'poking fun' at north korea on south korean variety shows isn't uncommon.) also, the advice given was misguided and deluded. merely telling him to 'accept his past' and 'be more confident' -- as if this isn't a deeply rooted societal prejudice that negatively impacts his life on a daily basis.... sadly, i'm not surprised, as the grim realities of these prejudice-based concerns are consistently 'glossed over' and diminished on hello counselor.
jongin's paper bag it's like they r being extra careful to not upset most of soukor ppl so they didn't address how they're doing bad things by outsrized him like that
They need to study up on societal prejudice, if they just change their attitude they can still make the show engaging and possibly effect change by putting out the message that people need to be tolerant and accepting of differences
@@ptyvitludy i disagree. the way they choose to address these concerns has an immense influence over their audience, viewers, and even society. (note: this is an extremely popular show in south korea that has been on air for more than a decade.) by shifting the blame toward the victim and failing to properly call out the wrongdoings of others, they're really only contributing to the continuation of these injustices.
ik it was a big issue for north Koreans to be in south Korea but I never taught it was that big it was so sad that I wanted to cry because of their discrimination like y'all both human beings shouldn't y'all support each other . But the most saddest thing is that they have no heart for accepting others like what has the world become for u to act like that.
About the second concern. I think some of the South Korean people need to change their way of thinking. They need to educate their people more about other cultures and stop living in a bubble. I mean no offense but how do you expect a North Korean detector to be accepted in the South when you see programs like "gag concert" make fun of North Korea for the purpose of entertainment? How will that make him feel when he see that on tv? And how will that affect the way people think about North Korean people? Things need to change so that people like him can be accepted. It's so good to see that he at least have some decent friends that understand him. I wish him all the luck!
You have really good points, I agree!
the second concern deserve to win really , even though i knew it`ll get less votes ,most of the people in the south Korea won`t admit they are biased . they pretend to be upset and pity him but in the end didn`t even vote it as a concern . they really need to learn how to respect other people . and the MCs didn`t handle his concern very will , how the hell it indeed how to get a girl ?????? they need to change their self before let him practice how to talk to the girls .. he was like this bcuz the others ..
Just now I completed "crash landing on you "series and he mentioned hyunbin made my heart flutter ❤❤
The guys who cheered for Oh My Girl 😂 Cute 😂
The second concern is so upsetting. I'm quite frankly disappointed that he only received 99 votes. I've seen much more ridiculous concerns that have gotten higher votes. I think it's quite sad that South Korea takes the issue this lightly. A human being does not deserve to be beaten up and to lose all his confidence just so that he could escape a cruel country and live. I'm so disappointed when the Oh My Girl member said that it wasn't a concern.... I've honestly never been so angry about a concern.
that man from north korea is so cute and adorable. I want to hug him . I feel sorry for him and others North koreans who are suffering in north korea and in China. They need help and we should help them
맞아요!!아바이 순대 조아조아.. 제가 35년전에 일본에 왔는데 그때 일본 사람이 제게 한국에 간장 있야고 물어 보드라고요 ㅎㅎ지금은 일본에서 한국 음식이나 아이돌이 완전인기라 한국인 이라는게 자랑스럽지만 35년전에는 저도 한국인이라는걸 숨기고 살았습니다.그래야 식당 설겆이 일이라도 할수 있어기에..그래서 탈북자들에 맘을 알수 있었요.끝까지 화이팅 하세요 꼭 좋은 날이 옵니다.화이팅!!!!
The North Korean story breaks my heart. He is such a good person and I wish the best for him and his grandmother
the second concern it make my heart broke because when he got BEAT from that 3 people and just accepted it just because they already apologized , it make me cry so hard and how come only 99 vote he get , but bless that person who voted for that man even 99 but that 99 vote are from people who being against from discrimination 💗💗 i hope more people being more humanity and more emphaty and at the same time sympathy too 💗
I almost couldn't make it though the first concern because of how much of a patriarchal asshole that guy is. I know she's thinking of her children, but if I was that wife, I wouldn't be able to deal w/ that anymore.
Also having to rely on alcohol like that every day isn't stress relief, it's called being an alcoholic.
the amount of concerns where the husband is a drinker to relieve ''stress'' just makes me think that korea has a serious alcoholic epidemic
If I were her, I wouldn't even have married the guy, but at this stage, just thinking of a divorce is hard because one of the biggest worries is about the kids.
Monet Cardiel same, this isn't the first time there was a worry on hello counselor that concerned drinking habits.
she should've deferred marrying him when she found out he was 20K in debt rather than helping him pay it off. That should've been a warning bell to her
I love how the north korean guy have friends who looks like they really adore him. Contrary to most of the comments though, I agree with the show's hosts. His customers kept on doing it to him becausee he kept on accepting it. He didn't know how to stand his ground, he should have overcome most of the discriminations, he's learned most and he should have used such to prove to his customers being north korean isn't being different. I loved Taejoon's comment that he should love his past, by doing so he can be above discriminating people, it's because he hates it so much he too thinks too little of his own. What the hosts lacked was addressing the public to welcome north koreans, at the very least they could have enlightened that these people come to south korea not because they have bad motives but because they wanted a life & not to generalize north koreans to just scammers and the like. It's a pity though that the audience didn't think it's a worry but i'd like to think they've sympathised with him and believe he'll have a better road in the future, somehow like jiho mentioned.
I'm here because Whang Chi Yeol.💓
I don't think an episode can slide by without at least one concern about a terrible husband who doesn't give a damn about his wife. It's so sad how they cater to their husband's dumb ass, even trying to find ways to change him. Like please, just do yourself a favour and divorce him.
Kai Bear The thing is, it's very hard for divorced woman to live in Korea. As sad at that sounds, it true, therefore they have to find a way to make their relationship work or struggle a lot more due to the culture
I can never understand how they end up getting married in the first place without knowing about serious character flaws or bad habits like these!
if its so hard leave korea there china Australia japan north America south America new Zealand you may have to learn a new language but its better than getting treated like shit plus your kids can have a better life
Often times they don't divorce because they have kids - she has two kids, and if she divorces she might not get custody. If they get shared custody, that's stressful for the child. If she gets full custody, then she'll have to work all the time to provide for her son and daughter, and she won't be able to spend time with them.
Omg When He Mention
My heart ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The husband in the last concern is TOTALLY my dad. Like they're 100% alike. My dad is soooo nice to other people and he never considers about my moms health. When my sis and I try to talk to him about it he gets mad and goes "u should always be kind to others and help them in any way u can. I didn't raise u guys to be selfish" blah blah 🙄😂 I think I should send my mom to Korea and get on the show 😂
As much as I enjoy watching this show, I had hoped they would at least hire a psychologist/counsellor, someone who is more knowledgeable with better understanding & insights bcs although it's just for entertainment and some worries aren't as heavy as others, it's still better to have AT LEAST a professional. Worries are still worries, some are relatable and some aren't. It'd be nice to hear some professional advice ☺️
I can't believe that jiho really thinks that this episode can end racism toward north Koreans, I wish that she and the crowd were more understanding with the North Korean defector.
She's lesbi she think different
omo i think that North Koreans should come to Europe or other countries i really admire them and i think that not many people would look down on them I saw few documentaries about North Korean but still i know that i don't know much about their struggle much . respect (sorry for my english i'm not native don't hate please )
I just watched this episode on my TV (I have KBS World in Europe from the satellite). It was wonderful with Hyojung and Jiho! Our girls are so cheerful! ^^ Oh My Girl Fighting! ^^
I feel sad for the second concern like i just want to hug him. Please don't bring him down he is so nice he dont deserve those bad things and im so dissappointed because his votes are so low. I just wanna hug him huhuhuhuhu😭😭😭😭😭
Sorry for my bad English
I'm glad the guy in the 2nd concern has family and friends that back him up. He's trying to make a better life for himself and gma. I hope he finds happiness.
oh my lord.. the first problem.. i swear i was clinching my teeth so hard i couldn't even watch it. i literally stopped it to write this comment. what the fuck ???? if i was her i would ask for divorce and let him go broke and he'll be on a huge debt till he fucking go to the jail or someshit. at least then he MAYBE feel a little bit of responsibility
탈북자님 미안하고 죄송합니다 부디 한국에서 좋은 추억 행복하시길 바랍니다
So somehow I missed this episode so I came back to watch after the 400th episode in which they show the man from the second concern is doing much better in life and that people's opinions have changed. Knowing that life did actually get better for him makes this so much more bearable and I can only hope that as people learned to accept this man, they can also learn to accept others who came from North Korea.
All the concerns made me cry, especially, the last one. I could just feel her pain of not having her husband on her side.
Is it hard for a Korean live as a divorcée? There are so many concerns on the show about terrible husbands and I feel like many of those woman would have gotten a divorce long ago here in Germany.
MeiLiRose _ Es ist schon ziemlich hart für sie.... Alleinerziehende Mütter werden in Korea diskriminiert.
I see Oh My Girl I click so fast!!
I'm always angry/upset when I watch Hello counsellor, but this episode is the worst one. I bet amongst the audience there are also a lot who are looking down on North Koreans who moved to SK.
ouo yet...they were once not long ago one country! same blood and families...
Now I wonder how my country is so good to foreigners (that includes me), we're really amazed everytime we see one . 😁 We really haven't been taught of the mindset of having grudges towards those who colonized our country, in contrast, we were taught to be nice to them. Wherever you are from, I know that we don't feel the same pain and we don't have exactly the same experiences but I'm hoping that you won't be discriminated or bullied wherever you'll go in the future.
I'm sincerely praying for peace in this world. God bless us all.
It's been so long since I laughed so hard with this show please keep making us laugh more and release the stress ❤
Did they translate the fried chicken part properly 🤣🤣🤣 "I will jump rope with your intestines." Omo! Real tears 🤣😂
The intro even makes me feel good. Lol Thank you all. Now to see the concerns.
This episode broke my heart.
aw so sweet, this family will shine more if the husband a little more💛
how did the 3rd concern get the most votes? At least the husband is a decent person. The second concern was just sad, but i guess prejudice exists even in this studio which is why only 99 people voted for it. The first one one was also messed up, but I guess both the first and second concerns are rooted in the way their society views issues of racism, prejudice and equality. Not much weight was put on it, and that's just seriously unfortunate.
some episodes of hello counselor are a mildly concerning and bit entertaining but then there are ones like this where you're just faced with how messed up south korean society can be. dang.
The guy in the last concern that lost the land of his family graveyard wih careless spending. His ancestors must be rolling in their graves.
I can't believe that the second concern was taken lightly
the second concern really broke my heart actully I understand him very mush because I am in the same situation as him....
Just like in the last concern when the husband asked his wife to not post a pic of their trip, my mom does the same. She doesn't like it when I post pic of food or us eating as she thinks people seeing the post may not be able to get the food and it would be sad.
the first two concerns were so sad, especially the north korean one but what I am really confused about is the audience. What kind of messed up audiences were there in this episode to think that a person being "too nice" was the biggest concern. Bless those 99 people that actually sees the real problem from the second concern.
The popular ideal man in Korea is brusque. Lol, I thought it was the complete opposite of that 😂🤔 o_O.
hope the north korean man has a way better life now after this episode, as well as his other north korean friends. hope south koreans are more open and accepting now because i don't believe in the development of a country if their thinking is still at the medieval stage. i love south korea but they should seriously need to work on their racism and discriminating attitude, as well as their patriarchal mindset. i am
not generalizing but it's just heartbreaking that people like this north korean man has to endure all this hardships after risking his life escaping from north korea. he deserves a better life just like the rest of us..
I hope that guy and every defectors come across these comment section 😭
I feel so much for the second concern, I can't believe how much discrimination he has been receiving when all he want is to have an equal chance like the others to fight for a better living. And I can't believe the majority of the audience think that his concern is less significant as the other 2. And I think he should be confident of himself. So what if he's from NK, he is hardworking and knows his stuff, that's the purpose of finding a car dealer, someone who KNOWS his stuff.
voting for "is it a concern" is they think it will be difficult for the person to change. he didnt get a lot of votes, because he has support from good friends, and will overcome, because of his determination and despite coming from NK.
I srsly fell in love with that man on the 2nd concern
Regarding the second worry, I'm disappointed in these S.Koreans. I seriously expected this story to win! I was waiting for the 1 to appear thinking it would for sure get over 100 votes, but 99 votes?! How is his problem not that big of an issue?!
It seems not enough people thought about what N.Korean defectors actually go through to get to S.Korea, they risk their fucking lives and live daily in fear before reaching S.Korea. Do they not understand how mentally damaging that can be for a person? That man is not just going to "get over being timid" after what he's seen and what he's been through. Is what most S.Koreans go through harder than risking your LIFE for months, if not years, in search of freedom? And after reaching "freedom" it's ok to be treated like shit by your own people who claim to "welcome you with open arms"? Like, where's the damn compassion? As much as I'd love to be alive to witness Korean reunification, I'm worried it may not end well with this type of mentality. Hopefully the newer generation that's becoming more global thanks to the internet will change this currently xenophobic society (which does not only exist in Korea but all over the world).
Bet if these people were put in defectors' shoes they'd feel differently. I love SK, there are some great qualities about the country, but this is truly disappointing. A Korean somewhere in the comments mentioned that S.Korean people fall behind the development of their economy, and sadly I think this just may be true...
people who say the second concern wasn't racism are you blind? that was discrimination and racism I feel so bad for north Korean south Korean should now that they suffer and they come to south Korea to escape of that horrible life but many south korean don't understand it so fighting to the two man in the emission and north koreans your humans too you have right.😁💝 (sorry for my english)
It's the dude/mentor from The Unit!
First concern, just send the guy back to live with his parents. He's so aggravating in his stubbornness to acknowledge the situation.
His consistency lol byE 👋
Maybe the first husband isn't a bad person... He seems very clueless. But that's even worse 😩
And the North Korean guy is very cute and sweet. I hope he gradually becomes more confident. I also hope that people treat him better.
25:52 taejoon really feels for her :( hope she's okay now!
I noticed he usually acts sensible and not simply keeps joking around. I like that attitude
So.... anyone else who thinks it's a shame that Taejoon covered his face while laughing at 49:24? He's so sweet and his laugh is great to listen to, so I don't understand why he would do that. It's ok if he covers his mouth - a lot of people wouldn't want to show their gums to millions of people either - but when he laughs his whole face brightens up and I am sad to have missed a chance to see that. (In case you couldn't tell, I have a bit of a celebrity crush on him)
I know that this episode has a lot of serious issues (believe me, the second one especially made me angry), but I like to try and find something light hearted about each episode.
the first son in the third concern looks like lee soo hyuk ♥
The second guy is so sweet :3
How did the last concern win?!? At least that husband seemed willing to change and acknowledged that he was at fault
Thoughts of a tired nurse who handles more patient than you can imagine:
the more I learn about the Korean culture ,the more I understand why my friend is so depressed living in Seoul...the first and specially the second concern were too overlooked...SoKor should never forget that they were also considered lowly people once (when they were colonized)so they should have learned from it...and stress is but normal in everyone's life...you people are over sensationalizing it..."because I'm stressed" is such a pppffffttttt....
I seriously hope they should not joke over sensitive issues such as racism, discrimination, spouse abuse and depression...
The problem with the koreans is that their younger generation is growing up with the same prejudice and stereotype from their elders. This is a chain problem and it probably will take some time to change unless the government promotes heavily on the equal treatment for korean defectors since they were once together and offer help for them, like a phone line for discrimination or something. Korea is growing as a country but people's mind is still way behind full of stereotypes and prejudice.
My heart broke for the first woman. You can tell she's nice just by looking at her face and body language - her husband really won't ever find another woman like her. He's the one working, yet he's also destroying their income with his selfish food menu. And to think that his father would be even worse!
For her own sake, it would be best to get a divorce - but in Asia, especially in South Korea, that would have more negatives than positives. It's a lose-lose situation because of the children involved. She would have to support herself and three kids (if they would be in her custody), plus face shame and discrimination from society. It's highly looked down upon to be divorced in Asia, even more so for women. And the worst part is that her husband genuinely looked clueless as to why it's a concern. Sadly, the only way he'll ever learn about mutual respect and gratitude is if she leaves him. (But even then he may not learn.)
I wanted to knock some sense into the husbands. The second tho felt so bad, he was adorable. Sometimes I feel like Korea is really innovative and growing in culture & entertainment but they need to work out their morals and character. I think there are a lot of issues in South Korea that need to be solved but you hardly ever hear about it. People can't relate to what they don't understand it's sad really but that kind of treatment shouldn't happen, it's common sense really.
No one watching this has finished watching this from start to finish.... woah
I really dislike the way the 2nd concern was handled. Yes he could be more positive and change his attitude but it's all useless if South Koreans keep on treating him and other North Koreans like that. South Koreans need to change their attitude too. Those who carry out the discrimination must change but also more importantly, those who claim open mindedness (like the hosts and half of the audience) but simply watch while these injustices take place shifting the blame onto the victim should do something, they have to be proactive if they are to be of any real support to those that need it. If it was just his attitude that was the problem, it'd be just him but this prejudice is something many North Koreans face. I felt like the show was telling all North Koreans "you chose to come here so deal with it, fix your outlook"...that's so unfair given that their outlook is bad when they arrive because of their experiences and worsens when they get treated like something less than a human being by the South Koreans.
It's so upset that North Koreans defectors got suffered because of discrimination that hurt them. I'm shocked and it's worse than I expect to be. This case needs to change and improve for the future.
bless those oh my girl stans and even more those few votes for the poor north korean
The last kid was so cute =)
The third man is a saint 😂😂😂 he should be the pope or the president or a politician too