Thank you for your analysis! Ill have to go look at my heroes and see what I need. Oh, and I joined your group! I so appreciate your positive outlook on the game.❤
Hi Sassy 👋 look at you with your little avatar!! (I have to change those to better heroes 😅) thank you for joining 🙏 ❤️ ur roster must be looking pretty healthy by now. Decisions Decisions 🧐
@@McNaultyYT I'm working on it. I have Hathor and Card Rich leveled up but thought about Phenexa or Barclay. Yellow has my oldest heroes, including Jequin fully leveled and not that great, thus looking at Laohu. And my purpose team is so slow, so Nyx looked interesting. Any thoughts?
@@sassykitty8539 Hi Sassy 👋 so u already have an incredible red healer in Hathor so I'd probably pass on Phenexa and Laohu is amazing for the lunar passive but he won't make your holy team that much stronger on his own. Nyx is OK but her dated stats make her less than adequate for damage. I'd take CGP over her if ur dark teams lacking power as her stats are far better and u should have a dupe from fated summon. She pairs really well with herself. But if u don't wanna spend 20 I'd go with Barkley. Matilda is also amazing if u don't have her and cheap as chips at 10 souls. Hope that helps 🙏 😉
It does! I wont worry about Phenexa. Ok heres my war teams....yellow I have Jequn, Cleopatra, Rhys, yellow Indian guy (Odile?), Odin. Been workin on Shimmers. Red is Roughian, Hathor, card Rich, Boldtusk toon, Ladyloki. Purple are slow... Daochan, Artemis, gosek, taunt purple guy, Rigard. Blues I have Morel, blue witch that heals and hits, ghaelich, and grimm toon, I think. I'm losing it. GREEN I think I'm set. Who would help most? Ive been working on purp goblin, and C Domitia
I think the soul exchange is broken. When all the heroes are in the 1100s and new heroes being released are in the 1400s, these are just not strong enough. They should revise the concept from soul exchange to costume exchange. Here you could get a Custome of your choice that bring back an old hero into play for 10/15/20 heroes.
I got dabria last one and never used it and I did not had a reviver. They are too weak, I dont really care anymore about SE. I got Athena with costume and I still use her, LB1 Athena is stronger than Fizzcoil LB1 , in power at least, 1133 against 1118. This SE heroes are barely this power with LB2 and emblems 25...
Or they should come to their senses and fix their game. Buff/nerf the stats until all 5* heroes have the sum of atk+def+hp within a comparable margin. As i said it before, this is the biggest problem in the game. And while people cry about any small change/nerf to a new hero, the vast majority of them didnt lift a finger while SG indirectly nerfed all their old heroes through the rampant release of absolutely over the top heroes with absurd stats. Look at Jequn. He used to be a top tier hard to get (even now he's hard to get) hero. Even if they buff his stats, 200% to all means nothing now, because of how the damage formula and stats work. Game is broken. They sell buffs in the form of costumes. They sell stats in the form of aethers and super emblems.. they are milking the cow until they kill it.
The main issue is the speed at which way better new sparkly heroes and even Family’s are being rolled out. It’s sucks when you pull someone dope and then three days later you wished you had saved your pulls because even a doper cat rolls out. I’m digging on that green mushroom fungestine from few days ago. Too much too quick. I could use and would appreciate a slow down quarter. Give us three months to just catch up
Thank you my man,I thought so about brynhild.not too many like her tbh.on a mahussive plus size...just pulled madhammer and acidfire from a £10 pull 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉on my not so little account now 😆
You may be asleep by now! But thanks for all your help. I have 4 hrs to pick.guess GCP just doesnt excite me much. Si im in a quandary. Anyhow, thx for your help❤
Hi again. I don't know if you saw my more detailed rundown on my teams in response response to your comment. I have 24 min and still haven't picked! This always happens to me. I just did a war w my alliance and its so discouraging because they are all so tanky. If you have time to look at my brief rundown, is there any advice you can give me to up my teams chances to help in war? I used to be good at it and now I am getting horrible scores.
Great video as always Mr McNaulty! Had a tough one, but decided to go with Jequn. On one hand side fully agree with your assessment - he is a bit outdated, especially on defense. On the attack however - in current purple tank meta very fast yellow elemental hero, that spawns additional yellow tiles and boost tile damage vs purple can still be very useful. On top of that I had to pick someone from 20-row as I desperately lack hero space lol (already had Phenexa, Costume Panther & Tinsel).
Sorry I hated on ur boy a bit but it seems like it was between him and GK and VF won over VF (Very Fast over Very Fun 😁#dadjokes) the tile and troop bonuses are cool tho 4 sure 😎
I picked Phenexa aswell. Your reasons for choosing her are spot on. On a personal level I'm not spending money anymore so this was probably my last soul exchange for a while. So I needed a hero that was not only a good hero on their own but a hero that would make my current heroes better. She fits the bill perfectly. Looking forward to using her. However I was very fortunate to pull Abigail a few days ago on free tokens (SG wants me to spend again but it won't work). So I have rings and monks emblems for one of these 2. I have Abigail at 3/70 and a bit unimpressed even with thT insanity. Will take Phenexa there too and see where things go. Cheers.
Nice! I'm sure Abigail will probably get some more work done to her soon but like you say the insanity heroes are kinda... well... insane whereas heroes like Phenexa are more plug and play ▶️ you know what you're getting and where you can use em. Cheers Limey 🍻
Hey McNaulty I’m with you I chose Phenexa 😊,would have definitely taken two if I could, Matilda looks awesome. Saving for Halloween. Cheers for a great day all
There is another secret you didn't mention on phenexa that I don't like people to know so not going to explain unless I see the top 10 hottest women in empire and puzzles
I went with Green Knight as I was chasing him when released, and still think he has his uses. Will I level him? Idk. Gave consideration to Guardian Panther but whatever I have Sergei or whatever the 4 star sorcerer who gives dark defence down.
He has that XFactor 4 sure. I've always thought he'd be a fun hero to play with just die and resurrect and not give a F..k 🤣 and do it over and over again. If you had Nautica or someone who could get him to full mana within 2 matches after he comes back he'd be like a more effective hit all version of Khonshu 😅
@@McNaultyYT Phenexa, Nautica, Green Knight... Can place him in a few attack formations for sure. Defense I think I'll keep Ferrus but yeah, I'm happy.
Congrats on your pick.. i was close, but i took GP in Fated so having 2 to play with is fun. Also i donhave some decent hitters in dark like Rochefort and Medea ..not to mention muktiple copies of domitia, sartanna toons.. should be fun on yelloe titans 🤣🤣
I took Jequn since clearing roster space was a priority and I already have the 4 others on the 20 row. The only others in this batch I don't already have are Nyx, Queen Anne and Erebus but I do have those on my second account and am not that impressed enough with them to take them over Jequn. He fills a spot as the only 5 star yellow I have in the Super Elemental family and the tiles they buff into battle bombs have saved me many times. I had a string of amazing luck with free pulls earlier in the month pulling Lemonwood and then Hilda so my ascension mats for yellow heroes are pretty much depleted and Jequn will have to wait for leveling. Good luck all!
Hey McNaulty! I’ll probably get Himeros. I do have a question off topic about leveling special skills. I still do 10 of the same color at a time which yields about 26-30% chance. Is that a good range or is there any tips to level up the special faster/efficiently?
Hi Beatbanger. I'd say not to worry too much with 5s as there are so many levels even leveling 5 to 10 at a time off colour you'll have the special maxed before 4.80. Even if you go past the cap all it takes is 5 on colour 2 stars to level the skill each time. It's the 3 stars you have to worry about 😅
I already got Phenexa so I picked Barkley cause he looks fun and I pulled a lot when he came out. Wanted the 20 soul yellow but only had 19 to trade and really wanted to keep a couple of them so got one I wanted.
If you pick a slow hero,surely bringing a plus mana hero like brynhild and mana troops will get the slow hero to average? And if you get erbus,coupled with a soul connected hero,ie Wilbur,surely the snipers damage gets shared? But is the damage split,ie 600÷5 etc 🤷
Hi Mark 👋 thanks for the comment. Soooo not really. Brynhild won't make a Slow hero average until after she fires. U either need a combo of Bard hero, plus 20% Mana from lvl 29 magic and 27 cyclopes, plus costume, plus the right class OR someone like brontes Xnolphod or Nautica who gifts mana to pull it off. As for Soul Connection yes the damage is shared so 600% ÷5 not x5 unfortunately or Wilbur would be the best hero in the world!! 😅
I may skip, (so much for making up my mind :)) Like you I was thinking about Phenexa but I have other red healers, but don't strong buffing allies or have monk emblems and my planned legendary troop is for other classes as well.. I think I'm coping out to save "our" souls, til next time. Hopefully they get more generous. Don't feel obliged to gain 20 souls for next time.
Hey McNaulty. I'm passing on this one. But I'm confused. I just got Guardian Panther original as my fated souls pick a few days ago - which is basically free. Now here is her costume for 20! I just don't understand the rationality behind this. I could see if she were 10 or 15, especially with the nerf. If I had enough to trade this round, I'd take Phenexa or Tinsel
Ola Buddy thanks for the Q 👍 yep it's kinda strange she's at 20 but it is mainly because of the stat bonuses to the costume the guardian costumes have received a lot of buffs recently so the costume makes her significantly more powerful. Think of it like pulling a Toon version of a S1 hero. Is she worth 20 souls... maybe but IMO only if you know ull have enough souls for the next one in 3 months time.
Great video mate! Thoughts on Phenexa vs. Cupido on flank defense? I like both but they do such different things. I also run Ludwig tank. So buff duration would be fun to keep him going. Also I dont have any good Red 5* healers.
Hi Buddy 👋 thanks for the Q. Difficult choice for defense cause Ludwig doesn't do damage and Cupido has a lot of counters however he is immune to his own skill being reflected and will still get ludwigs mana bonus and be protected so I'd go with him over Phenexa as a flank.
Hi Draven so I use him with Phenexa and Ray from the magic family. On her own she gets him down to 10 with the 29 magic troop but Ray takes care of the other 5% (10 actually 😅) once he gets his costume hopefully soon 🤞he won't need the extra help but yep he's a 9 tile monster for me now. 🔥
@@McNaultyYT Okay, I understood that he is 9 tiles from the beginning... a lot has to happen to make it 9 tiles:)... But as you say, when he finally gets his costume, it will be 9 tiles from the beginning of the fight... a few season 5 and 1 characters can accelerate to medium (9) from slow and to very fast (6) from fast... but some season 5 have to wait for their costumes
Took Matilda. I thought about Queen Anne, but I decided I didn't need yet another Slow Green. I did think about Tony the Tiger, because I have the Bunny too (not yet fully leveled though), and the family bonus looked nice-ish.
I have just an okay roster but I picked up Bunny last would exchange and she really is awesome. I don’t think I’ve like a hero as much as her before. I like her more than the Goblins I have.
GREAT CHOICE!!! If you have the bunny u don't need Tony. Trust me one day soon you will find out how good matilda is. Any DOT heroes you had just got 50% more deadly! 😉💀☠️💀👻
Hi Carlos 👋 if you don't have Matilda she is an absolute steal st 10 souls and one of the most fun heroes to build teams around. Just melts opponents into oblivion. Lao hu is a must pick if you don't have a Lunar hero so those 2 I would say are musts and extremely good value 👍 the 20s are mostly overpriced but I am a sucker for a Bard 😅
I traded 10 heroes for Matilda today.Which I had to think about over the past 2 days.But thank you for your help , mcnauhty Cause I had another ten heroes that I did not definitely did not want to keep more then I traded most of the hero's of the months
@McNaultyYT most the heros are a different specie . So if I dressed up as a drowl it's not black face . Now you might get counseled if you talk gender so better call it the Chromosome xx pageant
😂😂. I’m laughing because honestly it wouldn’t surprise me. LMAO. I can’t tell you how many people I see commenting in the threads and on RUclips who keep calling certain heroes “she” when it is clearly not a SHE! 😂
I'd hope not considering Erebus is a tatas, his card reads God of Deep Darkness. In Greek Mythology where he is from he is a HE as well. I do not get how ppl mess up the sexes in this game.
@@McNaultyYT I never really saw much use for her mate, I'm more of a raw firepower style of player, she just didn't seem to fit into my way of playing, I did get rid of Chakoszrot though, he was useless, sorry I wasted mats ascending him, hope yer well mate :)
I'm a dirty stinking liar, I've still got Matilda maxed, I must have had 2 of her, just looked at my heroes and there she is, I might have got her mixed up with someone else as well, I'm not a Cretin anymore 🤣
How much would you pay for packs of these hero cards with holograms of the top heroes? I would collect binder and binders of them. I want a whole set of goblin holograms. But the astral elf holos would probably be top shelf TIts. NFT’s…
I thought Erebus was a women too but then I actually looked and it’s def. A dude. But so weird right, why in the hell would they put red fabric over themselves. Some Of this art is weird as shit.
Thank you for your analysis! Ill have to go look at my heroes and see what I need. Oh, and I joined your group! I so appreciate your positive outlook on the game.❤
Hi Sassy 👋 look at you with your little avatar!! (I have to change those to better heroes 😅) thank you for joining 🙏 ❤️ ur roster must be looking pretty healthy by now. Decisions Decisions 🧐
@@McNaultyYT I'm working on it. I have Hathor and Card Rich leveled up but thought about Phenexa or Barclay. Yellow has my oldest heroes, including Jequin fully leveled and not that great, thus looking at Laohu. And my purpose team is so slow, so Nyx looked interesting. Any thoughts?
@@sassykitty8539 Hi Sassy 👋 so u already have an incredible red healer in Hathor so I'd probably pass on Phenexa and Laohu is amazing for the lunar passive but he won't make your holy team that much stronger on his own. Nyx is OK but her dated stats make her less than adequate for damage. I'd take CGP over her if ur dark teams lacking power as her stats are far better and u should have a dupe from fated summon. She pairs really well with herself. But if u don't wanna spend 20 I'd go with Barkley. Matilda is also amazing if u don't have her and cheap as chips at 10 souls. Hope that helps 🙏 😉
It does! I wont worry about Phenexa. Ok heres my war teams....yellow I have Jequn, Cleopatra, Rhys, yellow Indian guy (Odile?), Odin. Been workin on Shimmers. Red is Roughian, Hathor, card Rich, Boldtusk toon, Ladyloki. Purple are slow... Daochan, Artemis, gosek, taunt purple guy, Rigard. Blues I have Morel, blue witch that heals and hits, ghaelich, and grimm toon, I think. I'm losing it. GREEN I think I'm set. Who would help most? Ive been working on purp goblin, and C Domitia
Hi Sassy 👋 based on ur roster I'd go with Barkley he will give you the quickest possible boost to ur red war team.
I think the soul exchange is broken. When all the heroes are in the 1100s and new heroes being released are in the 1400s, these are just not strong enough. They should revise the concept from soul exchange to costume exchange. Here you could get a Custome of your choice that bring back an old hero into play for 10/15/20 heroes.
Great Idea!
Amazing idea. It could be brand new costumes at the 20 hero exchange. Love the idea
I got dabria last one and never used it and I did not had a reviver. They are too weak, I dont really care anymore about SE. I got Athena with costume and I still use her, LB1 Athena is stronger than Fizzcoil LB1 , in power at least, 1133 against 1118. This SE heroes are barely this power with LB2 and emblems 25...
Seems lots of folks like the costume Exchange Idea 💡 🤔 myself included. I think you could be onto something here 😏 😉
Or they should come to their senses and fix their game.
Buff/nerf the stats until all 5* heroes have the sum of atk+def+hp within a comparable margin.
As i said it before, this is the biggest problem in the game. And while people cry about any small change/nerf to a new hero, the vast majority of them didnt lift a finger while SG indirectly nerfed all their old heroes through the rampant release of absolutely over the top heroes with absurd stats.
Look at Jequn. He used to be a top tier hard to get (even now he's hard to get) hero. Even if they buff his stats, 200% to all means nothing now, because of how the damage formula and stats work.
Game is broken. They sell buffs in the form of costumes. They sell stats in the form of aethers and super emblems.. they are milking the cow until they kill it.
I would love a soul exchange for 4* heroes. There is a few I’ve never been able to get and I think it would be awesome to clear up roster space!
Thanks so much ! I have sent my alliance members to see your video because your reviews are so helpful!
Awesome 👌 thank you Barb 😊 🙏 Glad you enjoy the videos. Always appreciate a share 😉
The main issue is the speed at which way better new sparkly heroes and even Family’s are being rolled out. It’s sucks when you pull someone dope and then three days later you wished you had saved your pulls because even a doper cat rolls out. I’m digging on that green mushroom fungestine from few days ago. Too much too quick. I could use and would appreciate a slow down quarter. Give us three months to just catch up
Lol so true. I think we'd all be up for a little sabbatical 🤣
I choose Laohu just because he looks so cool to me!
That's as good a reason as I ever heard 😂 congrats 👏
I picked phenexa.
Thank you my man,I thought so about brynhild.not too many like her tbh.on a mahussive plus size...just pulled madhammer and acidfire from a £10 pull 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉on my not so little account now 😆
@@markspall-hanson Oh Snap!! Huge congrats 👏 🙌 ❤️
You may be asleep by now! But thanks for all your help. I have 4 hrs to pick.guess GCP just doesnt excite me much. Si im in a quandary. Anyhow, thx for your help❤
Good Luck 👍 lemme know who u went for 😉
Hi again. I don't know if you saw my more detailed rundown on my teams in response response to your comment. I have 24 min and still haven't picked! This always happens to me. I just did a war w my alliance and its so discouraging because they are all so tanky. If you have time to look at my brief rundown, is there any advice you can give me to up my teams chances to help in war? I used to be good at it and now I am getting horrible scores.
Read and responded. Since ur not a fan of CGP I'd go Barkley get ur red team winning more 😉.
Hi! Idk what to do. Got 15 souls and a lot of doubts. I don't have a taunt hero yet, but I don't want to go wrong with Queen Anne.
Queen Anne is a nice choice for 15 she is a lot more than just a taunt hero and that added protection and mana regeneration makes her a beast.
I picked Queen Anne. I am exited to have a stronger taunt hero.
And i better stop typing cuz Im at dinner and my hubby says im gaving dinner with McNaulty! 😂😂
And somehow I am still hungry 😂 that's hilarious,... sorry Hubby 😅
Great video as always Mr McNaulty! Had a tough one, but decided to go with Jequn. On one hand side fully agree with your assessment - he is a bit outdated, especially on defense. On the attack however - in current purple tank meta very fast yellow elemental hero, that spawns additional yellow tiles and boost tile damage vs purple can still be very useful. On top of that I had to pick someone from 20-row as I desperately lack hero space lol (already had Phenexa, Costume Panther & Tinsel).
I think he would be awesome to have!
Sorry I hated on ur boy a bit but it seems like it was between him and GK and VF won over VF (Very Fast over Very Fun 😁#dadjokes) the tile and troop bonuses are cool tho 4 sure 😎
I picked Phenexa aswell. Your reasons for choosing her are spot on. On a personal level I'm not spending money anymore so this was probably my last soul exchange for a while. So I needed a hero that was not only a good hero on their own but a hero that would make my current heroes better. She fits the bill perfectly. Looking forward to using her. However I was
very fortunate to pull Abigail a few days ago on free tokens (SG wants me to spend again but it won't work). So I have rings and monks emblems for one of these 2. I have Abigail at 3/70 and a bit unimpressed even with thT insanity. Will take Phenexa there too and see where things go. Cheers.
Nice! I'm sure Abigail will probably get some more work done to her soon but like you say the insanity heroes are kinda... well... insane whereas heroes like Phenexa are more plug and play ▶️ you know what you're getting and where you can use em. Cheers Limey 🍻
Hey McNaulty I’m with you I chose Phenexa 😊,would have definitely taken two if I could, Matilda looks awesome. Saving for Halloween. Cheers for a great day all
Congrats 👏 I'm very excited can't wait to max her.
@@McNaultyYT me too
There is another secret you didn't mention on phenexa that I don't like people to know so not going to explain unless I see the top 10 hottest women in empire and puzzles
@@unholywarrior9007 lol
I went with Green Knight as I was chasing him when released, and still think he has his uses. Will I level him? Idk. Gave consideration to Guardian Panther but whatever I have Sergei or whatever the 4 star sorcerer who gives dark defence down.
He has that XFactor 4 sure. I've always thought he'd be a fun hero to play with just die and resurrect and not give a F..k 🤣 and do it over and over again. If you had Nautica or someone who could get him to full mana within 2 matches after he comes back he'd be like a more effective hit all version of Khonshu 😅
@@McNaultyYT Phenexa, Nautica, Green Knight... Can place him in a few attack formations for sure. Defense I think I'll keep Ferrus but yeah, I'm happy.
Congrats on your pick.. i was close, but i took GP in Fated so having 2 to play with is fun. Also i donhave some decent hitters in dark like Rochefort and Medea ..not to mention muktiple copies of domitia, sartanna toons.. should be fun on yelloe titans 🤣🤣
took the same one,phonexa,by the way u forgot to tell about her about titans,she will be very usefull there toooo
Indeed ty 😊 🙏
Very good and helpful video. I appreciate your thorough hero analysis and review 👍🏾
Hi Sheila 👋 thanks 🍻 😊
I took Jequn since clearing roster space was a priority and I already have the 4 others on the 20 row. The only others in this batch I don't already have are Nyx, Queen Anne and Erebus but I do have those on my second account and am not that impressed enough with them to take them over Jequn. He fills a spot as the only 5 star yellow I have in the Super Elemental family and the tiles they buff into battle bombs have saved me many times. I had a string of amazing luck with free pulls earlier in the month pulling Lemonwood and then Hilda so my ascension mats for yellow heroes are pretty much depleted and Jequn will have to wait for leveling. Good luck all!
I aleady have Narcisa, hence not sure if the get Phenexa. i have not made up my mind yet. maybe pather..
Good luck with your decision, I think Narcissa and C-GP will play very well together 😈
I chose laohu... I was considering barkley but I HAVE VISCARO THAT DOES THE SAME THING MORE OR LESS ...
Nice choice 👌 👍
I picked Panther, always wanted her, now I have 2 :)
Nice Congrats 👏 👍 she is best mates with herself 😆
I too picked panther. I have 8 or 9 of the portal already
Very thorough. Thank you.
XIE ZI JING, SPARKLIGHT..does she work with them?
Who Matilda?.. Scorpion would overwrite her poison but yes the effect would still be + 50% Sparklight less so. If that's who ur talking about.
@McNaultyYT yes that's what I meant.
@@jesusdelgado1210 cool she is sooo good honestly If DOT is ur thing I cannot recommend her enough.
Hey McNaulty! I’ll probably get Himeros. I do have a question off topic about leveling special skills. I still do 10 of the same color at a time which yields about 26-30% chance. Is that a good range or is there any tips to level up the special faster/efficiently?
Hi Beatbanger. I'd say not to worry too much with 5s as there are so many levels even leveling 5 to 10 at a time off colour you'll have the special maxed before 4.80. Even if you go past the cap all it takes is 5 on colour 2 stars to level the skill each time. It's the 3 stars you have to worry about 😅
@@McNaultyYTFact! 😂
I already got Phenexa so I picked Barkley cause he looks fun and I pulled a lot when he came out. Wanted the 20 soul yellow but only had 19 to trade and really wanted to keep a couple of them so got one I wanted.
Barkley is awesome and is a very solid choice. I use him daily on my mono red raid team and he never disappoints.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review and tips for each character 🙃. I need a taunt hero, soo my pick will be Queen Anne
You're welcome 😊 and good choice she seems amazing!!
If you pick a slow hero,surely bringing a plus mana hero like brynhild and mana troops will get the slow hero to average? And if you get erbus,coupled with a soul connected hero,ie Wilbur,surely the snipers damage gets shared? But is the damage split,ie 600÷5 etc 🤷
Hi Mark 👋 thanks for the comment. Soooo not really. Brynhild won't make a Slow hero average until after she fires. U either need a combo of Bard hero, plus 20% Mana from lvl 29 magic and 27 cyclopes, plus costume, plus the right class OR someone like brontes Xnolphod or Nautica who gifts mana to pull it off.
As for Soul Connection yes the damage is shared so 600% ÷5 not x5 unfortunately or Wilbur would be the best hero in the world!! 😅
Congrats on your pick, I pulled her when released and maxed her out. She's great. Would I give her Master Emblems? Depends on my roster.
Nice I'm happy. I fully plan to give her that LB2 Already having some fun with her 😂😂
G.Panther for me as I need her costume! Thanks for the video once again
I may skip, (so much for making up my mind :))
Like you I was thinking about Phenexa but I have other red healers, but don't strong buffing allies or have monk emblems and my planned legendary troop is for other classes as well.. I think I'm coping out to save "our" souls, til next time. Hopefully they get more generous. Don't feel obliged to gain 20 souls for next time.
Hey McNaulty. I'm passing on this one. But I'm confused. I just got Guardian Panther original as my fated souls pick a few days ago - which is basically free. Now here is her costume for 20! I just don't understand the rationality behind this. I could see if she were 10 or 15, especially with the nerf. If I had enough to trade this round, I'd take Phenexa or Tinsel
Ola Buddy thanks for the Q 👍 yep it's kinda strange she's at 20 but it is mainly because of the stat bonuses to the costume the guardian costumes have received a lot of buffs recently so the costume makes her significantly more powerful. Think of it like pulling a Toon version of a S1 hero. Is she worth 20 souls... maybe but IMO only if you know ull have enough souls for the next one in 3 months time.
Great video mate! Thoughts on Phenexa vs. Cupido on flank defense? I like both but they do such different things. I also run Ludwig tank. So buff duration would be fun to keep him going. Also I dont have any good Red 5* healers.
Hi Buddy 👋 thanks for the Q. Difficult choice for defense cause Ludwig doesn't do damage and Cupido has a lot of counters however he is immune to his own skill being reflected and will still get ludwigs mana bonus and be protected so I'd go with him over Phenexa as a flank.
One pull in the Goblin summons and I called it right, I said Belith and I got Belith, so predictable :(
Nice Congrats I hear she's getting a nice buff in 2034 😄
Khufu in 9 tiles? How?
Hi Draven so I use him with Phenexa and Ray from the magic family. On her own she gets him down to 10 with the 29 magic troop but Ray takes care of the other 5% (10 actually 😅) once he gets his costume hopefully soon 🤞he won't need the extra help but yep he's a 9 tile monster for me now. 🔥
@@McNaultyYT Okay, I understood that he is 9 tiles from the beginning... a lot has to happen to make it 9 tiles:)... But as you say, when he finally gets his costume, it will be 9 tiles from the beginning of the fight... a few season 5 and 1 characters can accelerate to medium (9) from slow and to very fast (6) from fast... but some season 5 have to wait for their costumes
@@DravenEP yep I could've made that clearer sos I was distracted by the excitement 😅
Took Matilda. I thought about Queen Anne, but I decided I didn't need yet another Slow Green. I did think about Tony the Tiger, because I have the Bunny too (not yet fully leveled though), and the family bonus looked nice-ish.
I have just an okay roster but I picked up Bunny last would exchange and she really is awesome. I don’t think I’ve like a hero as much as her before. I like her more than the Goblins I have.
GREAT CHOICE!!! If you have the bunny u don't need Tony. Trust me one day soon you will find out how good matilda is. Any DOT heroes you had just got 50% more deadly! 😉💀☠️💀👻
what would be your ranking regardless of cost of souls? i can only get one 20 would be a stretch but i could swing if its that much better than a 10
Hi Carlos 👋 if you don't have Matilda she is an absolute steal st 10 souls and one of the most fun heroes to build teams around. Just melts opponents into oblivion. Lao hu is a must pick if you don't have a Lunar hero so those 2 I would say are musts and extremely good value 👍 the 20s are mostly overpriced but I am a sucker for a Bard 😅
I took Matilda this morning and done started leveling her up 😂
Yay!! GREAT CHOICE 👍 👌 👍
I got panther but before I saw your video. Or else I may have picked the same as you. Actually, you sold me on the others too. 😅
Nice TBH it was hard for me to pass on Panther she and Phenexa were the 2 top picks hands down 😉👍👍👍
I traded 10 heroes for Matilda today.Which I had to think about over the past 2 days.But thank you for your help , mcnauhty Cause I had another ten heroes that I did not definitely did not want to keep more then I traded most of the hero's of the months
Congrats 👏 you have made the right choice still in my top 10 heroes I play with most. Love her to bits 🥰🥰🥰💛💛💛
@McNaultyYT there just something about her I only been playing with her since I got her but there is just something about her what I like about her
enjoy in phenexa i will took her to if i didn't have her,i choose my big wish matilda
I have a question,if Matilda uses her skill will it increase the healing from Uthragan skill effect? ( Sorry for my bad english)
Good Question and Yes it should I haven't tested it yet but Uthragans Healing scales off the damage dealt so should be 50% more heal too. Nice catch!
I went Phoenexa also great hero
Queen Ann my pick
Erebus better not show up on the top 10 hottest women of empire and puzzles
😂 You're still on about that one 😂 this gender thing is outta control 🤣
@McNaultyYT most the heros are a different specie . So if I dressed up as a drowl it's not black face . Now you might get counseled if you talk gender so better call it the Chromosome xx pageant
😂😂. I’m laughing because honestly it wouldn’t surprise me. LMAO. I can’t tell you how many people I see commenting in the threads and on RUclips who keep calling certain heroes “she” when it is clearly not a SHE! 😂
I'd hope not considering Erebus is a tatas, his card reads God of Deep Darkness. In Greek Mythology where he is from he is a HE as well. I do not get how ppl mess up the sexes in this game.
@@hnglmccrnglbrry1637 because it looks like they has breasts
I picked Barkley.... jk
I got guardian panther! I think having 2 is going to be sick 😫
😆 Nice - Barkley 🤣 lotsa levelling but 2 Panthers is solid! 🦾🦾🦾
Matilda or Queen Anne?
I'd pick Matilda especially if you have lots of DOT heroes.
I traded in Matilda in the last Soul Exchange 😂
LOL YOU Cretan! 😂😂😂
@@McNaultyYT I never really saw much use for her mate, I'm more of a raw firepower style of player, she just didn't seem to fit into my way of playing, I did get rid of Chakoszrot though, he was useless, sorry I wasted mats ascending him, hope yer well mate :)
I'm a dirty stinking liar, I've still got Matilda maxed, I must have had 2 of her, just looked at my heroes and there she is, I might have got her mixed up with someone else as well, I'm not a Cretin anymore 🤣
It was Celidana I traded in, just remembered :)
@@Tony-xn7sdI stupidly leveled Celidana - she sucks!
How much would you pay for packs of these hero cards with holograms of the top heroes? I would collect binder and binders of them. I want a whole set of goblin holograms. But the astral elf holos would probably be top shelf TIts.
I wish they just repeated last exchange....
what? #mono4eva.
🤣 #yourfuneral
I thought Erebus was a women too but then I actually looked and it’s def. A dude. But so weird right, why in the hell would they put red fabric over themselves. Some
Of this art is weird as shit.
LOL. Every video or thread I see discussing just about any E&P hero, one person calls a hero a he and then another a she. It's crazy.
😂 You'd better be prepared for what's under that veil 🤣🤣🤣