Nicely done Sebastian. This is a clean crisp organ quite suited for the occasion. By the way, are you now married? Fantastic. Thanks for the posting. Let us hope you will be able to perform in public soon. Be careful of your health.
That is interesting. No reply, no further comment. What's the matter with you people. Here is the most important young organist performing and no one is commenting to even viewing. That is a sad commentary. Well, Sebastian, you have at least one supporter.
Masterfully played!
Too fast
Nicely done Sebastian. This is a clean crisp organ quite suited for the occasion. By the way, are you now married? Fantastic. Thanks for the posting. Let us hope you will be able to perform in public soon. Be careful of your health.
That is interesting. No reply, no further comment. What's the matter with you people. Here is the most important young organist performing and no one is commenting to even viewing. That is a sad commentary. Well, Sebastian, you have at least one supporter.
He now has two. Amazing talent.