Meng Ben: The Rampage Frontline of the Fierce Cannon Boy Mengbi, the marksman hero in Honor of Kings, is known for his powerful long-range output ability. He is a young man from a prestigious family of famous generals, who has been passionate about mechanical weapons since childhood and has innovated various unique tactics. Meng Ben's skills include explosive heavy artillery, missile support, and reckless bombing of the front line, which can cause sustained high damage to enemies. His passive skill, Hot Sky, can increase attack speed and cool down, making him like an unstoppable firepower machine on the battlefield. The background story of Meng Ben is full of rebellion and growth. He longs to gain his father's recognition through his own efforts and ultimately become a true warrior.
Meng Ben: The Rampage Frontline of the Fierce Cannon Boy
Mengbi, the marksman hero in Honor of Kings, is known for his powerful long-range output ability. He is a young man from a prestigious family of famous generals, who has been passionate about mechanical weapons since childhood and has innovated various unique tactics. Meng Ben's skills include explosive heavy artillery, missile support, and reckless bombing of the front line, which can cause sustained high damage to enemies. His passive skill, Hot Sky, can increase attack speed and cool down, making him like an unstoppable firepower machine on the battlefield. The background story of Meng Ben is full of rebellion and growth. He longs to gain his father's recognition through his own efforts and ultimately become a true warrior.
진심 케피니가 백배 좋았음 얘는 진짜 펜타때 위스프랑 다를게 없다 그것도 cc없는 위스프
캐피니는 이동기에 한방딜에 범위딜까지 비교가 불가긴해
초반에 쌘가?
절대아니고 딜조루 체력조루 이속조루
후반에 쌘가?
쌔긴한데 더 쌘게 많음
라인전이 쌘가?
견제기 없음 1스 사거리 매우 애매함
한번물리면 바로 따임
한타가 쌘가?
이동기없어서 바로 컷당함
영상에선 익산형이 무식할정도로 진짜 잘큰거 같아요
잘만쓰면 평타정도 하는 것 같던데 피흡이 좋긴하지만 그것도 과부하 걸린 상태에서가 좋고 게이지 관리 해야하는 부분에서 조금의 까다로움이 보이더라고요 그래서 그냥 쓸만은 한 캐릭 같아료
명세은 조합 너무 좋은것 같아요ㅋㅋ 1스뎀지 너무 살벌한거아닙니까 마폴보다도 좋아보이는데~
펜타스톰 위스프 느낌도 나네요.
케피니는 이뻤는데 ㅠㅠㅠ....
졸라사기캐같음 공속너무빠름
얘는 그냥 질주들어야 좋을듯
외모가 나타랑 똑같음 ㅠ 케피나가....
궁 버프좀 받아야 될듯?! 투사체 너무 느리네 일반적인 걸음으로 그냥 다 피해지니~ 신챔 버프가 약한듯?!
너무 별로네요 킬각 나온게 많은데 다른원딜 이였으면 짜르는데 애는 이동경로 스킬 때문 딜로스가 크네요 저는 요번 신캐는 영