  • Опубликовано: 15 янв 2025

Комментарии • 570

  • @TheExceptionalGamer
    @TheExceptionalGamer Год назад +247

    The guy in the video sounds just like me!

    • @redrazorx-23
      @redrazorx-23 10 месяцев назад +7

      Damn bro that’s crazy

    • @ZuhairSyed10
      @ZuhairSyed10 Месяц назад

      hold my hand when i tell you this

  • @robozeddBehindAPlayButton
    @robozeddBehindAPlayButton 9 месяцев назад +7

    This definitely should be part of a zombies Chronicles special edition!

  • @VeeHarmony
    @VeeHarmony Год назад +856

    Yo hold on that perk-a-cola machine lookin' different 💀

    • @menem2347
      @menem2347 Год назад +155

      Juggernaut girl about to make me act up

    • @NuggetDoctorCertified
      @NuggetDoctorCertified Год назад +187

      "Reach for me, jugger-girl...."
      -Tank Dempsey

    • @MrVibeRater123
      @MrVibeRater123 Год назад +48

      I'm taking it home with me 😈😈😈

    • @maxthebabe
      @maxthebabe Год назад +15

      My favorite

    • @Straksis-
      @Straksis- Год назад +13

      ​@@MrVibeRater123 uh uh uh, that's kidnapping

  • @TheKoreanGamemaster
    @TheKoreanGamemaster Год назад +248

    Hey Lex, I had a possible answer for the KN-44 thing @2:11:00 in the iceburg. As a programmer, my best guess for why the KN-44 is everywhere is because it is used by the developers as a default trigger of sorts. In order for events, animations, and other artifacts to occur in video games you need a trigger of sorts, and my guess for why the KN-44 is in each of these locations is to act as a trigger (marking the end of an easter egg, placeholder for a weapon in a cutscene, etc.). Because of this, I would guess that in Treyarch's dev files the KN-44 is the first listed gun or, at the very least, the one listed as default in the files (which would make sense since it is the default weapon you hold in the Multiplayer customization menu for your specialists).

    • @nicksanzi8820
      @nicksanzi8820 Год назад +90

      Stop making sense and let us tin foil hat this one 😡

    • @TheKoreanGamemaster
      @TheKoreanGamemaster Год назад +10

      @@nicksanzi8820 😂

    • @Grugell
      @Grugell Год назад +26

      But would that explain the image of it inside the summoning key? Or even how it goes from in game locations, to a full on cutscene. The only reason for that one is that the kn is the placeholder in cutscenes and someone forgot to change the last frame by mistake? I struggle seeing someone making an error like that though personally

    • @TheKoreanGamemaster
      @TheKoreanGamemaster Год назад +15

      @Grugell The summoning Key one does have me stumped. Though I could see them making that to troll the community, but also could have just used the KN-44 as a symbol to represent all wall weapons. And you'd be surprised the kind of mistakes can be made with frame by frame animation. Besides Treyarch is notorious for making mistakes every now and then, look at most of Black ops 4, especially at launch. If you need a big example from BO3, there's the whole situation with the camos that came out recently where people thought there was a morse code cipher easter egg on one of the camos when in actuality treyarch just used the wrong version of the camo

    • @biggreen1456
      @biggreen1456 Год назад +10

      @@TheKoreanGamemaster Maybe its a cheeky way of acknoledging the KN-94's status of being a default trigger? As in during development I dont doubt they would be constantly seeing KN-94's so maybe they developed a strange attachment to it?

  • @jac4738
    @jac4738 Год назад +53

    The part with Moon on the iceberg made me realize: a scariest maps tier list would be interesting to see. There's so much creepy stuff spread out amongst some of the maps like Moon's emptiness of being in space, Verruckt on waw with the zombies' erratic behavior, and Kino has a plethora of disturbing bits of lore and secrets.

  • @ronaldvexdian2182
    @ronaldvexdian2182 Год назад +241

    It’s always interesting to see multiple parts of an iceberg on a certain subject. It’s like you think it’s over, only for it to be like “but wait, there’s more”.

    • @rootv750
      @rootv750 Год назад +5

      And it’s zombies. This shit will go on infinitely lmao

    • @Gordonboy67
      @Gordonboy67 Год назад

      @@rootv750 p ap اجيبك مطجن.بسامااتششناامءستبجاذحارحاذجاجاجذجاذجاجذاذحاجاجذراجراجراذجارججراجرجرجذراجرجذارذراذرارذراجرجذراجارجراجارجرجدارجراجارجارجارجراجارجرذجارراذرذجراجراجراجارجارجراجارجارجرذجراذجراجارجرادجرذجرجدارجدارراجردجردجردجراجراجارجرجدارذرجداردجراجارجارجارجارجارجارجراذارجراجردجرذجارجرجدراجراجدارجارجارجراجرجدارجرادرجذراجردجارجراذجراجراذجردجارجراجردجارذارجارذرذجردجارجرجدراجراجرادجراجراجراجراذراذارجراذرراجارجرذراجردجرجذرجدرجدرادجارجذراجرذرجذراجراجراجرجرجارجارجارذراجراذجارذردجررجدرجذراجارجرجذارحذراجارجراذرارجراجارجراجراجاررجدراجارجرادجراجراذرارجراذارجارجرذجردجرذرذجراجرجذراجراجرجذردجراجرجذراذجراجارجراجارجراجارجراجردجارجردجرجدرذجرجداردجرذجراجارجرراجارجراجذرجدارجراجراجراجارجارجراجراجارجارجراجارجارذارجارجراجراجراجراجذردجرجارارجراجارجراجردجراجراذارجراجارجدراجراجرجدارجردجرادجردجراجاردجراراجارجردجرادجردجراردارجرذجراجارجراجارجردجارجارجرجدراجارجراجراجراجراجداردجراجاردجارراجراجرجدراجراجدررجدردجارذردجراجرجدراجراجارجراردجارجرجدرذجراجارجارجرادارجراجرجدراجراجارجرجدردجرجارجراجارجراجارجرذجردجارجاردردجراجارذردجارجاردارجردجارجارجراجراجارجارجارجراجراجارجردجارجارجارجرجداردراجارجارذراذارجراجردجرجدردجارجرجدردردجراجرارجراراجارجراجرجدراجرججراجرادراجراجراجراجارجراجارجرذجارجرادارجراجارجارجردجردجردجراجاردجراجرارجدارذاردارجارجراجردجارجرجدردجردجراجارجارجراجرجدرجدرادارجرارادارداردارجارجارجارجرادردجارجارجارجداردرجدرادارجارجراجراجاردارجارجراجرجارجرجدراجاردراجارجارجارجارجراجرادارجراجراجراجراجارارجردجاردجراجراجراجراجارجرادراجراجدراجردجارجراجراجاردراجرذجرجدارجراجراجرجداردردجارجارجاردارجراجارجرجدرادرادارذراجارجراجاردراجارجاردارجراجرادجراجارجارجدارجراجراجارجراجارجارجردجارذراجراجراجارجراجردجارجرادراجارراداردراجاردرجدرادراجراجارجدارجراجارجارداردرادارجارجرجدرادارجرااردرادرادراداردرادراجارجرادراجارجارجاردارداردراجارجارداردارجارجاردارجاردارجارجارجرادردجارجارجردجارجرادرجدراجاردرجداردرادارجراجراجاردرجدارجرادردجرادارداردراجرادرادارجراداردرغدرادرادارجاردرجداردرادردجراداردراداردغردراداردرغداردرغدغردردجاردرغدردجغرداردغردردجغردغردغردرغدغردرجدرادرغدغردغردغردرغدرغدرغدردجرغدرغداردغردغردرغدغردرغدرغدرغدغردرغدرغدرغدرغدغردرغدرغدرغدرغدغردغردغردغردرغدغردغردرغدرغدرغدغردغردغردغردرغدرغدغردجرغدغردغردغردرغدرغدغردرغدرغدغردرغدرغدغردرغدرغدرغدغردرغغردرغدغردرغدرغدرغدغردرغدغردغردرغدغررغدغردرغدغردرغدرغجدغرغردرغدغرغردرغدرغدغردرغدرجرغدرغدرجغررغدرغدغرغررغدرجرغدرغدرغجغردرغدرجرجرجرغدرغدغرغرعرغررغجدرجرجرجرغغررجرغغررغدرغرغدغررجرغدرجدرجرغدغردغرغررغرغغررجرغدغردغررجرجغردرعدرجغررجرغدغرغررعرجعرغرعرغررعرجغررجرجرجغررعدرععرغرغردغررعغرغرغررعرجرغدرعرجغررجغررجرجرجعررجعررغررجغررجرجعرغررجررعدررجعرعرغرعررجغرعرعرجغرععرعرعرعررجعرغرعررجرغغررجرجغررجعرعررعررجغرددججعدعدعردجدجدععررعجدجدجددجدجدجدجدجدجدجددجدجددعدجدجدعدددددجدعدددجدرررعرددردعجدرررجدجفسقشيs

  • @pip5188
    @pip5188 Год назад +73

    That KN-44 stuff is so interesting, those are the kinda mysteries that I love

    • @legz5146
      @legz5146 Год назад +19

      Bro that gave me chills, and in shadows (where the super EE is supposedly in) if you have the diamond camo on the KN it’s faintly flash’s in morse code and it says “time” and recently people have found a pattern on clocks in bo3 presumably a cypher. There is no way the kn isn’t apart of the impossible EE

    • @savvyburritos
      @savvyburritos Год назад +10

      @@legz5146 watch glitching queens video, she’s the one putting a lot of time on the impossible ee and she disproved this. just accidental findings, not actually relevant to any ee. the kn44 is probably relevant in some way, but the morse code is proven false and the clock isn’t patterned at all

    • @cigareteking1882
      @cigareteking1882 Год назад

      ​@@legz5146there is a way bruh

    • @cigareteking1882
      @cigareteking1882 Год назад

      ​@@legz5146ts proven wrong

    • @MaxiemumKarnage
      @MaxiemumKarnage Год назад

      ​@@legz5146This has been disproven

  • @jedixking98
    @jedixking98 Год назад +5

    1:02:36 Nacht loading screen is likely related to Five/Classified/Alpha Omega/Tranzit. Shadowy guy on the left is likely Pernell. The guy coming out of the teleporter is Yuri/Pentagon Thief. Top right is a hanger in Area 51. The line of men are likely test subjects for Broken Arrow considering the similar hospital gowns the zombies in Tranzit wear.
    Timeline states the pentagon starts research on teleportation in 1959.
    1964 relates to the year Peter McCain was brought back to life.
    1943 relates to the subject Two-Six attacks on Sophia.

  • @Andwho67
    @Andwho67 Год назад +19

    One thing about the deployable bar and mg42 in WAW that a lot of people don't seem to know/remember is that on launch when nacht was the only map, you could go prone and deploy the bi pod anywhere you want but there was a glitch that when deploying it you crawl forward and it would give your gun infinite ammo. They then patched it by removing that option which is why the deployable bipod became useless

    • @Shadest
      @Shadest Год назад

      I swear there used to be a couple spots on Verrukt you could use bipods

    • @Andwho67
      @Andwho67 Год назад

      @Fake Slim Shady yea I can't remember the exact date of the patch I'm pretty sure it was pre verruckt, but it may have been just after it was launched. Only thing I know forsure was how nice having an infinite ammo mg42 was on nacht camping up stairs with it was cheese

    • @luisore7281
      @luisore7281 Месяц назад

      Y’all ancient

    • @Andwho67
      @Andwho67 Месяц назад

      @@luisore7281 you know it. Cod 3 was my first cod 💀 crazy shit

  • @jacobfleming3926
    @jacobfleming3926 Год назад +100

    I truthfully think the zombies community would be in a better place right now if the chaos storyline continued

    • @tsarbomba827
      @tsarbomba827 Год назад +15

      I hate Chaos but i can agree this is true.

    • @jacobfleming3926
      @jacobfleming3926 Год назад +21

      @@tsarbomba827 we definitely would’ve gotten a Atlantis map

    • @Noelfriday
      @Noelfriday Год назад +6

      I mean, we might see them soon I think since vangaurd decided to make them Canon to the aether storyline. Or atleast that's what I heard

    • @nicklaslinseman
      @nicklaslinseman Год назад +4

      @@Noelfriday in the shi no numa easter egg ending one of the story people mentioned one of the Chaos characters by name but nothing past that

    • @gamerdeol2694
      @gamerdeol2694 Год назад +2

      Chaos > Dark aether atm

  • @plasma.
    @plasma. Год назад +7

    Adding to what you said at 9:00, outbreak was a breath of fresh air from roundbased which we've played for *years* .. although outbreak was repetitive too (like having to escort the slow as robot)

  • @nicklemay8056
    @nicklemay8056 Год назад +11

    If I had to guess why the Quick Revive/Speed Cola machines got swapped on Five is because early in development they likely hadn't come up with the idea for Quick Revive's solo effect and thus didn't feel as if it needed to be the closest perk to spawn. The title screen and graphics were likely made very early on in development and pre-date this change to such a slight detail

  • @MZeternally
    @MZeternally Год назад +165

    Been waiting on this. I thought he covered everything and he finds another 2 hours of iceberg

    • @dc-vengance5630
      @dc-vengance5630 Год назад +6

      Honestly bro it’s nuts

    • @DogsWallop
      @DogsWallop Год назад

      I love receiving hours of iceberg upon iceberg, people love me I'm loose from the sac, my anal sleeve hang like sleeve of wizard

    • @jofra501
      @jofra501 Год назад +8

      wish there was more bc i love listening to him talk man, he explains things so well

    • @DogsWallop
      @DogsWallop Год назад +2

      I keep notes rolled up my ass on purpose to hand to delivery drivers

    • @idropNukes999
      @idropNukes999 Год назад +4

      Crazy part is he's planning on doing another iceberg which shows how much stuff there is to talk about in zombies

  • @Prizm17
    @Prizm17 Год назад +48

    I want EE4C3 to happen but idk if Noah could handle reading that many donations again 😂😂😂

    • @bradleyjenkins2271
      @bradleyjenkins2271 6 месяцев назад

      Bro, years of following and being in this community
      Decades even
      This is the first time I hear his real name

    @TTVNUCCL Год назад +3

    4:40 dude called the name of the next cod

  • @bruhmusic4466
    @bruhmusic4466 Год назад +2

    The song played @2:06:12 is a classical song from Schubert called Serenade, for anyone curious about it :)

  • @johnlemon3695
    @johnlemon3695 Год назад +27

    On the quick revive being in a swapped location, I believe they did it because of solo play, I think they filmed that but since map is considered a hard map, I imagine in beta they had quick revive swapped so solo testers could buy it right off the bat for a easier time play testing

  • @JadieI
    @JadieI Год назад +9

    The KN-44 significance segment is insane and I think it’s part of the Impossible EE.

  • @sinnohnation849
    @sinnohnation849 4 месяца назад +2

    I love how lex had a guess on the kn-44 being apart of the impossible egg before all this impossible egg stuff came out recently

  • @10s3r1
    @10s3r1 Год назад +5

    The “I’ve never seen this before in my whole life” killed me it was so sudden and out of the blue to me

  • @cameronfrizzell3978
    @cameronfrizzell3978 Год назад +7

    the old WAW glitches really gave me some nostalgia I remember doing them all and talking to my friends about them and even trying to find them

  • @xx_legend27_xx9
    @xx_legend27_xx9 Год назад +15

    2:56 above the iceberg
    11:50 the tip
    30:27 beneath the surface
    48:29 body of the iceberg
    1:06:55 deep iceberg
    1:35:53 bottom of the iceberg
    1:54:34 the aether

  • @Ian-4403
    @Ian-4403 Год назад +5

    I like that Lex said everyone who likes zombies likes fnaf, bc both games have lore that it seems will never be solved, yet that doesn’t deter people from pursuing it

    • @brennenscott7534
      @brennenscott7534 Год назад +2

      I’ve been playing zombies since I was 6 on bo1 and still do till this day and I hate fnaf I find it cringe and weird for some reason I don’t knock that other people like it bc everyone’s an individual and likes what they like but it just wasn’t for me

    • @Ian-4403
      @Ian-4403 Год назад

      @@brennenscott7534 yeah I think it was more a blanket statement obv I don’t think EVERYONE who likes one likes the other but I think he’s more so trying to draw the comparison of the two and why many people find both intriguing

    • @brennenscott7534
      @brennenscott7534 Год назад +1

      @@Ian-4403 ya my bad if I came off rude asf I didn’t intent for it that way lmao but ya I agree I can see how the lore and simplistic come off of the franchises makes it more interesting bc it seems like there isn’t that DEEP of lore when there is and that’s what makes it crazy to me bc it’s zombies not a story about aliens having a Great War and making a multiverse lmao

    • @Ian-4403
      @Ian-4403 Год назад

      @@brennenscott7534 yeah I get what you mean completely

  • @desolarize
    @desolarize Год назад +12

    1:16:20 nah tedd shows more emotion than the entirety of cw zombies

  • @yxstra
    @yxstra Год назад +4

    The “Takeo’s Amputated Hands” Easter egg is most likely a reference to the movie “All Quiet on the Western Front”. It’s a Russian WW2 movie, well known for being incredibly graphic and descriptive to the horrors of war, especially for its time. The most iconic scene from the movie is a soldier being blown away, so that only his hands remain, desperately grasping the wire drying to escape his death. It looks almost identical to what’s shown in DE.

    • @laszlopados3350
      @laszlopados3350 Год назад +2

      Im sorry, but I have correct you. The book that it is based on and all 'All Quiet on the Western Front' iterations are all german stories, through and through. And they are set in WW1.

    • @deathgrimes8274
      @deathgrimes8274 Год назад +1

      Yeah I agree with the reference but to correct your statement it isn’t a Russian film as it’s the “western” front and not WW2 but WW1. But other than those corrections I still agree with the reference as it is very fitting for the BO3 story.

  • @colinstott2883
    @colinstott2883 Год назад +4

    iceberg #4 starts with lex not knowing electric cherry was a play on electric chair.

  • @BespinGuard1
    @BespinGuard1 Год назад +1

    49:45 its stuff like this that made zombies so creepy back in the day.Of course margwas and the rest are terrifying and i wouldnt want to cross paths with anything from zombies, but back then you did not know if you were batling against the literal devil or the work of Death himself with his insignia plastered in random locations all over the world. The story we got was cool, chaos got done dirty but the old horror of zombies cant be replicated
    51:42 i always thought the zetsubo monster looked like a giant gateworm like the ones we collect by doing rituals in shadows

  • @QuinnLytleFilms
    @QuinnLytleFilms Год назад +1

    57:26 I think it's a reference to the film "Return of the living dead" where zombies are kept in barrels like this. That film also used Partytime by 45 Grave 26 years before call of the dead did. I'd recommend giving it a watch.

  • @yardin257
    @yardin257 Год назад +3

    The buried witch is actually jeb browns ( the guy who created PaP) mother, he put her in the machine and her body disappeared and apparitions of her showed up that looked like her younger self, thus the witches.

  • @danielirl9252
    @danielirl9252 Год назад +9

    Does anyone else do high round runs whilst listening to these type of videos?
    ive always loved COD Zombies but only recently, after getting BO3 after around 6years or so have i actually been able to fully appreciate the storyline

    • @carno3230
      @carno3230 Год назад

      On round 56 on gorod Krovi watching this lol

    • @feedme645
      @feedme645 Год назад

      Literally just got off a 61 on tag

    • @danielirl9252
      @danielirl9252 Год назад

      ​@@carno3230im currently on Round 40 on Ascension b03.
      My original comment also makes it sound like I only got BO3 for my first time but I had it back in the day on PS4 and was a sweat at zombies but mainly MP

    • @ApesRGas
      @ApesRGas 11 месяцев назад +1

      listening to lex and high rounding is goated!

    • @danielirl9252
      @danielirl9252 11 месяцев назад

      @@ApesRGas definitely

  • @McDanklestank
    @McDanklestank 5 месяцев назад +1

    7:30 I believe lex still owes us a dead ops stream. (Idk if he did one already)

  • @matteomartins6007
    @matteomartins6007 8 месяцев назад +6

    1:27:54 well this aged poorly

  • @Jungle_cruiser77
    @Jungle_cruiser77 8 месяцев назад

    Lex thank you for being such a great part of my childhood. So glad to see ur still going strong!

  • @ll-REDACTED-ll
    @ll-REDACTED-ll 7 месяцев назад

    35:42 Me! Never went back to it. Then got my hopes up about my blood of the dead. Then you could probably guess what I did after that

  • @GhostHacker97
    @GhostHacker97 Год назад +3

    this was interesting the whole time but the final part of the iceberg like the very last one is super interesting and really makes me love this game so much more

  • @absolutezer0174
    @absolutezer0174 Год назад +4

    If you end up working on a Great War map , definitely add the Zetsubou giant in some form.

  • @abrahammojena2954
    @abrahammojena2954 3 месяца назад

    lex added an extra hour LMAO LOVE THIS MAN

  • @britanimations2002
    @britanimations2002 Год назад

    Isn't that Samantha picture on DE just a nod to what Edward did to Maxis in Der Rises from the POV of a child? The portal could represent the teleporter, and the knife doesn't actually have to be literal, just a representation of Richthofen's maliciousness

  • @PackedRK5
    @PackedRK5 4 месяца назад +1

    the secret is there is no impossible easter egg , the real easter egg is the friends we made along the way

  • @Kaiyo._.
    @Kaiyo._. 7 месяцев назад +1

    Right before watching this, I watched how the zombies community got to round 100 on call of the dead so it’s interesting to hear how everyone thought it was impossible

  • @kaiparino
    @kaiparino 6 месяцев назад

    43:34 I remember on BO1 Kino that Tank describes Quick Revive as, "fermented herring, dipped in cat piss...". So it makes sense with the Anchovie paste and cat urea lol

  • @BBB_photography_adventures
    @BBB_photography_adventures Год назад +5

    i’m a zombies player and i like out break but just wish the maps were more zombies related, i feel like outbreak is what wanted for revelations but each place you go to would be a remastered map from the either story line

  • @TeeKeeps
    @TeeKeeps Год назад +6


  • @petazeta4670
    @petazeta4670 Год назад

    I have the memory of the complete storyline revealed dear to my heart, i remember coming back from school, having something to eat, and just as i sat down jz dropped the bomb, one of the greatest memories i have

  • @p.2899
    @p.2899 9 месяцев назад +3

    1:27:51 I think CotD is possible now

  • @PoisonElectra
    @PoisonElectra 9 месяцев назад +1

    Remember when Lex said no one will get to 100

  • @therealnodeezeee5487
    @therealnodeezeee5487 Год назад

    “ I’m a be quiet my mouth is shut “ .. proceeds to still talk and laugh 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣

  • @TheLegendaryBeta
    @TheLegendaryBeta Год назад

    Those statues are also in concept art for a pack a punch on the cut temple of doom/ Vietnam map. Crazy how many campaign ties it has even years later

  • @NotWPGRalsei
    @NotWPGRalsei Год назад +4

    Fun fact: Black Ops 3’s dev map name for Revelations is zm_genesis

  • @aquaticcentaur291
    @aquaticcentaur291 Год назад +1

    after bo4 launched and an ee guide came out for blood, i dumped abt 80-90 hours into doing the blood ee. got to the ending cutscene and it bluecreened for the 10000000000th time. never touched the game again

  • @dhoom-z7221
    @dhoom-z7221 Год назад

    1:20:15 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 the double down really got me

  • @HarryBump
    @HarryBump 7 месяцев назад +1

    54:07, cod mobile boss fight thingie?

  • @SnowStyle57
    @SnowStyle57 Год назад +1

    The KN-44 significance was interesting to say the least, I can recall there being Morse code in the diamond camo of only the KN-44 translating to, “Time” which was in one of glitching queens videos 7 years ago. (Do also note that the diamond camo for the KN-44 specifically, out of every other gun was the only diamond camo to do this)

  • @nighcalmoutlaw
    @nighcalmoutlaw 6 месяцев назад

    43:40 when i was younger i wanted to save hair so i could dip it in cat pee to consume it cuz of what dempsey said in kino

  • @JadieI
    @JadieI Год назад +2

    The KN44 is also in the purple plant that attracts Zombies in Zetsubou No Shima

  • @OmegaMan541
    @OmegaMan541 5 месяцев назад

    The hands on DE are actually a reference to "All quiet on the western front," in which a man holds onto a barbed wire fence as a mortar destroyed his body

  • @VenomAJS
    @VenomAJS 6 месяцев назад

    2:08:31 The kn-44 has to have some base code that applies to all the other weapons in zombies. When I did the infinite death machine glitch to basically glitch out my Kuda's attachments, I found out a couple days later that the kn-44, and only the kn-44, had reset to default in the weapon kit so I had to put my camo and attachments back on

  • @goobgang721_yt3
    @goobgang721_yt3 Год назад +8

    I watched this like a week ago. I've been waiting for lex to react to it LMAO

  • @7upinCider
    @7upinCider Год назад +3

    The 50/50 perk possibly could pick two random perks to give you half of each effect.

  • @luckless3853
    @luckless3853 Год назад +1

    The hands on DE could be a reference to All Quiet on the Western Front

  • @seb3522
    @seb3522 Год назад +2

    Yoooo, I’ve been waiting for that 1 Mil special 🎉❤

  • @legz5146
    @legz5146 Год назад +5

    Bro the KN44 rabbit hole was insane and in shadows (where the super EE is supposedly in) if you have the diamond camo on the KN it’s faintly flash’s in morse code and it says “time” and recently people have found a pattern on clocks in bo3 presumably a cypher. There is no way the kn isn’t apart of the impossible EE

    • @JadieI
      @JadieI Год назад +1

      My thoughts exactly there has to be something with the KN Glitching Queen said that the Morse Code on it was faintly spelling Time could it be that the cypher on the clocks combine with the Kn cypher to make 1 cohesive cypher also heard that instead of time it’s trying to spell item shits wild who would’ve thought the Kn could be behind one of the biggest EEs of all time lol.

    • @cigareteking1882
      @cigareteking1882 Год назад

      The clocks was debunked

  • @jackkunasaki5044
    @jackkunasaki5044 Год назад +1

    When I saw the die rise symbols, the first thing that came to mind is the symbols could be a reference to past and/or future zombie maps

    • @garrettscherer2750
      @garrettscherer2750 Год назад +1

      Thank you!!! I thought the same thing and thought I was going crazy!

  • @presidentstone7359
    @presidentstone7359 Год назад +1

    Yooo Lex played Maplestory? Dope! A few of his vids had Maplestory music. Thought it was just good BGM music to put on some videos. Put thousands of hours of my life into that game.

  • @ItsNa3ty
    @ItsNa3ty Год назад +1

    Whats funny is that the most replayed part of the video was the "mistys nerf" Lmfao.😂😂😂

  • @mikl12354
    @mikl12354 10 месяцев назад +1

    "Dead ops arcade is the most easy and laidback"
    Me as a 10 year old: 👁👄👁

  • @bluefang5859
    @bluefang5859 Год назад +17

    L clickbait where's Thick Juggernaut

    • @Kenjiii47
      @Kenjiii47 7 месяцев назад

      I'm right here🦍🍆🍆🍆

  • @driftglitchz9870
    @driftglitchz9870 8 месяцев назад +2

    Year later, we had the first ever 100 solo on COTD ‼️

  • @ShepMusic
    @ShepMusic Год назад

    my boy lex been reading some Old Testament! i hear you man

  • @colelossal7992
    @colelossal7992 Год назад +1

    Hey Lex, do you think the unreleased buried box jingle should be in the buried remaster the community is working on?

  • @Synistyc
    @Synistyc Год назад +9

    holy shit the 1 mil special is done?!?!

  • @majesticeagle2339
    @majesticeagle2339 Год назад +1

    The 8 player Tranzit reminds me of another glitch similar to it. The 12 man raids in Destiny 2. Those things were wild and crazy fun

  • @geteheh3h3636
    @geteheh3h3636 4 месяца назад

    Zielinski's implied explaination for the appearance of element 115 on Earth is the real life Tunguska Event from 1908 where a giant meteor exploded in a Siberian forest, near where Call of the Dead takes place.

  • @Zova
    @Zova Год назад +1

    18:15 had me dying

  • @TV-MA.x_x.
    @TV-MA.x_x. Год назад

    Netflix: Are you still watching?
    Someone's daughter: 23:52

  • @trnnz7928
    @trnnz7928 10 месяцев назад

    watched this months later and everything about this is a chefs kiss

  • @Cheese_Bro
    @Cheese_Bro Год назад +1

    The die rise symbols are symbols 1:58:31 those are symbols that natives used to use to tell stories

  • @Muphlez
    @Muphlez Год назад +1

    I’ve always wondered about the KN44 thing. I knew about it but I didn’t know it showed up that much, if it does have something to do with the impossible EE, I would imagine the blueprint of the KN inside the summoning key is just implying that the KN is the “key” to solving the EE???? Maybe we should try doing all main quests while only using the KN, or maybe on top of that the KN needs to be your most used weapon??? Just ideas but it would be really cool to know wtf is actually going on here

  • @_Vypr
    @_Vypr Год назад +3

    I love Lex but every reaction feels like: This will be on Die Rise or Die Rise this, Die Rise that

  • @ShadowKage081
    @ShadowKage081 Год назад +2

    Lex I got an op strat for long ass videos like these, just put it on 1.25x speed then a 2 hr long video turns into a 1.6 hr long video

  • @mr.penguinzp3357
    @mr.penguinzp3357 7 месяцев назад

    To be honest, 50/50 Perks sounds a lot like a beta name for Change Chews.

  • @SpookySpaghettii
    @SpookySpaghettii Год назад

    18:00 Lex moaning to the round change theme
    23:08 Breaking Bad Tuco tight bit

  • @disqorddoge1101
    @disqorddoge1101 Год назад

    The grim reaper blood stain has been around since WaW. It’s most prominent in the Russian part of the campaign during the scene where you see Russian soldiers executing surrendered German soldiers against a wall.

  • @corruptiongamer4566
    @corruptiongamer4566 Год назад +1

    Imagine if they made a new cod zombies game and its strictly all the cod zombies maps throughout time and as well as including a workshop just like black ops 3

  • @retrobat1631
    @retrobat1631 Год назад +1

    Nice Jugger Girl in the thumbnail lol.

  • @owendemoney
    @owendemoney Год назад

    Lex you can have a day night cycle in die rise if you craft it by hand with artifacts and assets to the point where you cant see the itiginal sky map. Or have one that is very cloudy and stormy made with onjects and then have them fade or disapear in an animation to reveal the day sky box

  • @jynxvxa8342
    @jynxvxa8342 Год назад

    Lex adding a unique sound to die rise 2:
    *Ching cheng hanji*

  • @LiQuid_HoTshoT
    @LiQuid_HoTshoT 7 месяцев назад +5

    Who’s here after round 100 on COTD was done?

  • @vicious592
    @vicious592 Год назад

    I remember the grim reaper blood stains and the teddy bear being in the old modern warfare games. It was weird bc sledgehammer and treyarch were two different things back then

  • @Slowxzy
    @Slowxzy Год назад +2

    you better show us the perk machine. that's the reason I clicked on the video

  • @Orbii_
    @Orbii_ Год назад +1

    what if all EE need to be done with the kn?

  • @kilochampion787
    @kilochampion787 Год назад +1

    I think the one thing people don’t notice about Speed Cola, is that it speeds up the hacker on Moon

  • @BulletNinja2.0
    @BulletNinja2.0 7 месяцев назад

    Just realised that lex called bo1 a bad game which means kino isnt the best map because if there isnt perk change in it the gane is bad

  • @rossmurrayfam1568
    @rossmurrayfam1568 6 месяцев назад +1

    i love icebergs

  • @VenomAJS
    @VenomAJS 6 месяцев назад +1

    1:28:02 Aged like MILK lmao

  • @disqorddoge1101
    @disqorddoge1101 Год назад +1

    I just want to say…I love that Treyarch had the sense to completely ignore Banana Colada. Functionality is literally all its got going for it. It’s way too silly and ugly for cod zombies.
    I’m dead serious too. No troll. Absolute 🤡 perk.

  • @prentrix
    @prentrix 8 месяцев назад +9

    nobody will reach round 100 on call of dead haha little does he know someone did it

    • @rippedrichardwaterson
      @rippedrichardwaterson 7 месяцев назад

      He made a vid on it soooo

    • @prentrix
      @prentrix 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@rippedrichardwaterson I also made this comment before he he made the video

  • @mateogotsquabbles
    @mateogotsquabbles Год назад +1

    I lived close to calico town (real buried) creepy place, kinda weird background. If you live in the west/southwest, it’s worth a trip

  • @rickykrilovs9508
    @rickykrilovs9508 6 месяцев назад

    Am i the only one who thinks Blundell saying '8 years time' and 'im going to put it in a vault' are actually clues for the impossible easter egg? Look at the way he smirks, he knows he's giving a hint

  • @acescreature7329
    @acescreature7329 Год назад +1

    Hey lex will bannana colada make it into die rise?