Book of Hebrews Summary: A Complete Animated Overview
- Опубликовано: 6 фев 2025
- Watch our overview video on the book of Hebrews, which breaks down the literary design of the book and its flow of thought. In Hebrews, the author shows how Jesus is the ultimate revelation of God's love and mercy and is worthy of our devotion.
#Hebrews #BibleProject #BibleVideo
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May God bless you guys....I'm being blessed with all these short teachings on your channel.
I'm from Ethiopia, in the horn of Africa
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Hi guys, massive fan and grateful for all your work. Just a question, and i would love a answer from anyone really, you said in the beginning of the video, we don't know who the author is, but at the end (well at least of the king James version) it says "Written to the Hebrews from Italy by timothy." my obvious question, wouldn't that mean Timothy is the author? Thanks
God bless u bible project
@@TheDk64 I don't think so. I might have misread my version but I believe it says Timothy as being sent somewhere, most likely Italy. To me, based on what we know of this person, and how alike Hebrews 13 is to the final chapters of his other letters, I believe this is Paul's letter but most likely written through someone like Timothy or Luke or another believer given Paul's age and condition this letter was most likely written.
TheWord, Hope,priest, The Perfect sacrifice,..Wasn't it cool how the different chapters show Him differently? 😭 I cried too.
Error in the video is Jesus is part of some mysterious trinity. Hes Gods Son. Not God the Son.
If you read the first five books in old testament it would be easier to understand Hebrews
@@Sirach144 he's the father,son,&holy spirit,he is the I am,he plays three different parts!,kinda like you do!😍😍😍🙄
thank you for your videos they really help me. i am a 16 year old girl trying to live for the Lord, but in this day and age it's really hard for a girl of my age to live fully for God and to understand the bible, but your videos help me understand the bible more and they encourage me. i watch your videos everyday and after i watch one i go to my family and tell them about the things I've learned, i find it so exciting to learn about the bible it makes me want to tell the world about Jesus. please never stop uploading, your videos are so helpful and easy to understand, they really help to encourage me everday!! God bless xx
BerylTheBek: May the Lord keep and bless you. With God all things are possible.
BerylTheBek If you want to live for the Lord, please consider these scriptures and my little notes on them.
Luke 14:33 "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple."
Luke 12:33-34 "[33] Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
[34] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:19-21 "[19] Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal:
[20] But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal:
[21] For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:24-34 "[24] No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
[25] Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?
[26] Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?
[27] Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?
[28] And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
[29] And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
[30] Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?
[31] Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?
[32] (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.
[33] But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
[34] Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
Matthew 28:19-20 "[19] Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
[20],Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."
John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."
John 14:21, 23-24 "[21] He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
[23] Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.
[24] He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me."
John 6:27 "Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed."
We must obey Jesus, as Christians. Stop working for money, for the food and drink that perishes! Did Jesus work for money? Did Paul? Did Peter? Did John? No, and for those that had done it, like Peter, they left all and followed Jesus. We *need* to do this too.
Matthew 7:21 "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."
Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
We have to serve God to do His will. We cannot enter Heaven without doing His will. We cannot serve Him and do His will if we also serve mammon, or money. Quit your job and work for God! He *commands* us to do this!
Your age is not an excuse. That’s what he world says that teenagers are headless, irresponsible and unfocused. But in regards to living a godly life, you will see that it doesn’t get easier with age, that there will always be distractions and society telling your here are better things thafollowing Christi too strictly or the least, churches already encouraging Christians to live a lukewarm Christian life. My advice is do not listen to the lies of the devil, that your age doesn’t make it more difficult to follow. Cling to Christ with videos like these, surround yourself with good counsels and mentors that can help you maintain your purity, keep you accountable and lead you with love. God bless
Praying for your walk with Christ.
A year later... how has it been going?
"Rejecting Jesus is foolish because he's so awesome!"😇
Dana Yager Agreed
I loved that! I said it like 3 times to myself. Sometimes, the most powerful words are really darn simple!
jzb111 haha! I'm glad you liked it:) It just flew off my fingertips. Take care!
Perhaps the Holy Spirit inspired, who knows! It's really fantastic though, sister!
Ur so right. I know Jesus said love ur enemies but it’s so HARD
Sounds good but more importantly is has Jesus accepted you. No where in your bible does it say "accept Jesus", or ask Jesus into your heart. It does say hear, believe and trust. Eph 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,
Congratulations on accepting Jesus as your Lord and savior 🙏
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
Me too
Same I say
I am a Ph.D. student working on my dissertation on Christology. The Bible Project is truly a blessing for me personally and also for our church organizations. It helps to see the Biblical storyline more clearly!!! We use these videos in our Bible study groups!
Did you get your PhD?!
What university?
I too am curious. I received my M.Div in August 2023 from Regent University
Dude, thank you for the way you say this stuff. I'm only 12 and i can understand everything.
I’m 55 and am still learning. Good on you at 12. Never give up and keep praying. Love from Brisbane Australia
I'm 66 and have been a Christian for almost 50 years. I learned some things too and got some perspective I never had before. I pray you keep growing in Christ and that His light will shine brightly through you.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
awww God bless 🙏🏾❤️
That comment from the 12 years Young blessed me.
Wrestled with some passages of Hebrews leading to an unrepentant heart, and I was terrified. I was in tears by the end, knowing how faithful Jesus is to those who earnestly seek him. Thank you for what you all do.
What did you do to get out of that? I am terrified
the part that scared me was do not lay the foundation for repentince again
The book of hebrew is the most fascinating book of the bible !!! It start slows but as you reading to the end you have tears 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
I LOVE how you break apart each chapter and make it so easy to understand !! Thank you so much
Im 16 and so thankful that there are videos like this to help us study the bible and easily understand it. Thank you !🤗
How are you doing now?
@bighand1530 thanks for asking this allow me to reflect. It's been two years since my first encounter and start of "real-ationship" with the Lord. If I would describe how I'm doing now, I will be honest that I am not doing well. As a freshman Christian, I struggle with time-management, being influenced by my peers, and transitioning to the overall college life with much greater responsibilities.
Yet, I know that the Lord is working and building me through all of those challenges. All I have to do is to keep going and obey Him. And I hope that you too. 🤍🙏🏼
Awesome - my 11 year old son and I are going through these videos and going over the scriptures after, thank you for your understanding of the Torah it helps us study more enlightened- I'll give to the cause - these are amazing, thank you for obeying your calling and using your gifts to spread the understanding and love of God
Angela CJ Guessing he’s 15 or 16 now? Hope he’s staying on the path of God 🙂
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
This really helped to understand Hebrews context and not misinterpret Hebrews 6:4-6 and Hebrews 10:26-27 in particular. Taken out of context gave me fear and shame for persisting in sins since becoming a Christian. Now I understand my salvation is secure even though I need to ‘work it out’ my salvation and focus on the spirits desires rather than my flesh desires. Thank you Jesus my Lord and personal Saviour. 🙏🏽
The Bible Project ☝What a gift to humanity👍Thank you!Thank God!
Hebrews is one of my favorite books. Thank you for bringing such important points to a level everybody can understand and have no excuse.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
Five years later I love coming back to watch these over again I learn something new every time
I can't thank The Bible Project enough for these videos. I often struggle with what I'm reading so I first read a book, then watch the video on it, then skim back through the book. I get a better understanding and I greatly appreciate that.
This is my first time e reading the Bible in its entirety; I plan to reread it again (and again), and one day join a Bible study group.
The book of Hebrews is the key to the whole Bible, bringing the OT & NT together like no other book, and why we need Jesus Christ.
I'm three minutes in and wow!!! I'm surprised this doesn't have a lot of views because the book of Hebrews is so powerful and deep. I love it. It's one of my favorites. Thank you for doing this.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
You know what I have not commented on this page yet so I would like to thank God our father for the bible project and the effort they have put into it great work, such an amazing understanding, may God bless you with more gifts. Read scripture app is great too
May, love, peace and grace in Jesus be with you all for ever and ever amen
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
Amen brother! :)
Thank you for sharing and explaining the book of Hebrews. I consider myself an established Christian but a new one all at the same time. I believe the Word of God to be true but I often times don't understand and struggle to look at it from the original audience's point of view. I am learning more and more and things like this really help me. I enjoy the visual representations of exactly what the author is trying to tell the original audience and appreciate that the author is not talking to me specifically, but the holy spirit is through the words written that came from God. It's such a blessing to finally start understanding.
That was epic thank you everyone that helped make this video possible. The extra study tips are a very helpful addition too.
This was good man, I thank God for this, this morning!
dec 24/24 my maiden name is kemp as well. a nice note to see today
I love reading the book in the Bible first and then coming here to listen to the story.
Thank you for your good work
I just read this book tonight and I think your interpretation is right on, especially the last bit about not being afraid, but not to be foolish and reject something so awesome : ) Very good and I like the animations in this series, too. Thanks!
thank you for this , i translate your videos to turkish
Thank you for that, we need all the ministers we can get.
I love Turkey! I pray that you may reach a lot of people !!!
So great!!!
You rock!!!
Awesome! How great is that! I pray the people will hear it and believe what the Bible says, in Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you! I looked up the book of Hebrews on RUclips because when I read it, all the warnings against falling away leave me feeling terrified. It was so helpful to listen to this video to better understand the context and the fact that it is meant to encourage and not discourage.
Hebrews us read at every divine literagy in the Eastern Orthodox Church. This video helped explain the book wonderfully. Thank you.
I confess that I am an impatient Bible reader. it's just down right painful for me to read and I don't seem to have the patience to sit and listen chapter after chapter. Your videos are so valuable for me to be able to get the whole explanation of the subject at hand. I did start to read the Hebrew's but stopped at chapter 5. I wish I could be better ABOUT READING THE BIBLE but this is an excellent way for me to learn. Thank you and God Bless!!!❤️🙏❤️🙏
I LOVE how Bible Project organizes each letter/book and helps me see the big message woven throughout the chapters. This is so brilliant, and I am encouraged to see how Hebrews presents the case for all Jewish people to clearly see how Jesus is Messiah, Son of God, Son of Man prophesied by Daniel, and SAVIOR, superior to all former methods of atonement and all-encompassing! It is SO powerful! We have been warned.
Thank you Jesus for everything that you have blessed everyone with!
Great, I'm glad that you are understanding about Jesus and the Bible better!!!
Today i found your bible summarries. This is what i need a time like this. God bless you..
Wow, how beautiful... this warmed my heart. I'm so thankful and happy to be saved. 100%.
Big thanks to you all at the BibleProject! Keep close to Christ and he will continue to bless your works. I have no hesitation to donating to this truly amazing channel! God bless!
Praise to the Lord! These videos of Bible Project Team is a wonderful gift from God to believers who wants to learn Bible!
Thank you so much. I started reading Hebrews a few days ago and by chapter 2 I knew I needed some deeper clarity of what the book is about before proceeding further. This explanation is perfect and has put me in the right frame to continue reading. Be blessed and plus I really love your projects. My sister too...intact I didn't know that she knows your channel till I found her watching it and she said its her favourite..
This is soo amazing to learn how God's plan for Jesus and the world's purpose comes together ❤️ Thank you
I love this I am a young Christian girl in a secular family and it is hard for me to understand scripture. I live these so much, these are also on my bible app, I am defiantly going to watch these before I study a book. Thank you
I did a New Testament Survey course in Bible School where we looked at the anonymity of the authorship of this book. I reviewed the book, commented on the themes and messages, and even submitted views in support of why Paul may or may not have been the author. And then I watch this video and I'm like - Wow! This could not have been any clearer if it were in a crystal glass bowl. Love these videos so much!
I really appreciated this summary. The Book of Hebrews is easy to listen through but some passages were harder to grasp than others once I started to re-read and study through the message. For Hebrews, I found reading several chapters together more helpful than single chapters or sections alone. Makes sense since it was written as a continuous letter to the original audience.
Years ago I never knew just how many resources the Lord has provided to help us understand scripture. I've been blessed through pages like Bible Project.
When one decides to read the Bible it seems daunting at first.
It's been so rewarding and exciting to study through scripture.
I’m trying to get back into the routine of reading my Bible every morning, and I’d thought this would be a good book to start with. Thank you for the visuals! Seriously, though, this helps me a lot whenever I’m able to ‘see’ what I’m reading 😄❤️
You should check out our Bible reading app, too:
@@bibleproject thx for this all Glory be to God but I have come across Christians saying it’s about once’s saved always saved or you can lose salvation so it got me very confused can you help please I thought you can’t lose the gift and Grace by God but you can lose the Holy Spirit so you arnt always saved
@@Jesus_Christ_Is_King1 How can someone lose the Holy Spirit, if a believer is sealed with Him for the day of redemption? Read 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30.
@@marvinpetion1814 1 Samuel 16:14
“But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him.”
im catholic and i love bible project...we are still one brothers and sisters in Christ. i started the hunger to read the bible. I started with john, then genesis, then matthew, until now im currently at hebrews.. everytime I finish one gospel or letter, I go here and watch that certain video.. It's like going back and checking the summary for the things I have missed while reading them.. thanks alot for these! helps me alot in further understandng the bible
Thank you Lord for the creation of these messages in this format. They are well prepared and then I’m able to confirm with your Word. Amen!! Continue to guide the hands of this project. In Jesus name, Amen!
I love watching these before I read the book in the bible. The tips at the end of your video are appreciated. These videos really help me to read and understand better and appreciate Jesus and The Gospel more every day. Thank you and God Bless All.
you are a priest FOREVER, he ALWAYS lives to make intercession for his people, I wanna cry just thinking about it. I
Thanks for that last comment at the end
Reading the Bible for the first time and I read through Hebrews last night, been feeling sick to my stomach, and it wasn't until I heard this that the stress released
Ive been slowly reading this book over the last month and seeing it so well summed up and detailed to help drive home the meaning was a wonderful gift. Thank you
You guys are truly doing a mighty good work for God. Thank you for spreading the gospel of Christ through your gifts and talents on RUclips. God bless this ministry and you all as well.
I pray your ministry will never stop. Thank you. This overview is so helpful..I will listen again n again n take notes..
Bless these people they teach us so much!!! THANK YOU FOR CARING!!!! We love you guys and may God bless you a thousand times!!!!!!!!!
I love this channel, it’s honestly amazing how the LORD is working through others, God bless y’all ❤️✝️
Simply put, it is awesome. I am going through these videos again and again. It helps me to understand more about the Bible.
Been giving myself foolishly to this world, fighting to deny myself and take up my cross. These videos are helping me get back on track. Praise be to Jesus Christ and for those who help the body of Christ. Thank you Father for You knew I would see these videos, and they would help me out.
it’s so amazing how you guys embrace with love and dedication this project which I’m sure came from our Father’s heart. I never start a book of the Bible without seeing your videos first, God bless you all that are doing his will with such excellence❤️
Indeed the holy spirit is evident in your speech and presentation.... May God bless u all for bringing clarity to bible readers... and for choosing the bible above all other books... your work will not go unrewarded....when " bible project" creators meets with God, Jesus will say "well done my good and faithful servants, u have done well!!"
You are so awesome in explaining the scriptures. God bless you for helping us understand things better.
Not only are we learning but you guys are learning too, what a blessing 😌
I am currently reading the book of Hebrews and this was so helpful for putting things in perspective.
God bless the Bible Project team for the amazing work they do.
You are replenished to do even more 🥰
You have helped me so much. I am reading through the Bible for the first time. I tried before but I didn’t have a reading plan and I gave up. I have been reading since January and I am really going to make it this time. Your Bible book introductions have really help me understand and get more out of each Book. I love the drawings because I am visual learner. This is so good, please be encouraged and think about explaining topic like. The Beattitudes, the Sermon On the Mount,etc..
So great! Terrific. God bless your ministry and your staff and families and keep you firmly in His hands to continue serving.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
I love to view Bible Project before our weekly Bible study because it gives me a synopsis of the book we are studying! Thank you BP!
Love this channel! The illustrations are on point and makes it fun to learn! Thank you all for helping me get through my Bible classes at ORU!
It is clear the effort, study and Spirit-led ingestion you all do in the Word as a team, as part of the body as you prepare these videos. Every word is carefully chosen, and you clearly lay out each book in an understandable way! Great for those needing milk and meat alike! Thank you so much for the truth and presenting it in a logical way.
I usually don't comment on anything, but I just so enjoyed this recap! Thank you for doing these videos. I've been able to dig into His Word so much deeper this year and these videos have been a huge part of that ❤
Commenting helps push said content.
This is awesome! I was struggling with Hebrews but you have brought it out in a way that I love.
I love this channel!! Always so uplifting. Thank you. God bless
I ❤ this series. It is a thorough, concise, accurate and entertaining presentation of the books of the Bible!! I ❤ you Bible Project!!❤❤❤❤
This book sure had me questioning the direction of my life and actions. Thank you for making this, God bless :)
This is so Helpful for me to have an overview of the book of Hebrew. Thank you so much to all those who are behind this! God bless you more.
Amazing summary of The book of Hebrews. Thank you.
Thank you so much, the book of Hebrews in a nutshell, very well elucidated. What a blessing.
I enjoyed how you broke it down and allowed us to leave with a goodie bag of “ be mindful and cross reference” with the Old Testament. Such great points.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
Thank God 🙏 and you for these videos, it helps me to grow more spiritually. I am lying my bed listening to God's holy words. Thank you and God 🙏 bless you.
GOD bless you whoever is reading this! Never loose hope in GOD for through HIM, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!!✝️💕💜 love you and praying for you!!!❤
Thank you for your encouragement ✝️ God bless you and your family 🙏!
One of the best overviews of this book I have ever encountered - thank you!!
Thank-you soooooo much for creating these AWSOME visual summaries, may thr Lord bless you far over and abundant the effort it took to plan and make them! A Jesus High -five to you!!!!
What a great summary of Hebrews.
A superb springboard for further study.
God bless all who contributed to it’s making.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for,
the evidence of things not seen. (Heb 11:1).
Thank you Lord for granting us knowledge and wisdom through Your word in Hebrews. Amen.
Thank you so much for this. It really helps me understand the word when I read.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
This team is just out-of-this-world!!
God bless The Bible Project!
I love it .I love learning more and more I can't get enough of him amen .
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
Great work. Thank you.
This is so awesome! Thank you for this! Now every time I start reading a new book in the bible, I always look up these videos first. They are so helpful because it gives me a view of what I am going to study next! And easy to understand
Very clearly worded & well done my friends! Thank you so much! 😇🫶🏼🙏🏻
Love from Tamilnadu. Your content makes my Bible reading more interesting, special, easy to understand, easy to explain. Wish you the very best. God bless. Ur videos remain for ages great WORK. PRAISE BE TO THE LORD. AMEN
I’m in. Bile study and we just studied chaps 4-13 over a 4 week period. This video helped me so much I want to offer a huge thanks
This way of explaining something with pictures is amazing, I am so grateful for this videos and I wish there were videos like this for all my classes haha
I've read Hebrews for close to 40 years and never got the Big Picture presented in this video. Thanks! It is a great jumping off point for deeper study of this book.
Just read chapter 1 - 4 today following the plan, I will have to reread it with these video as a guide cause it provides great context and background. I would add that there is nothing wrong if the scriptures make one afraid. If fear is the response of a person's heart to Truth, then thank God because it's revealing something in the heart the Truth is dealing with, and let it continue it's good work. God doesn't cuddle us with feel-good words, He cuddles us with truth, His words which are a double edge sword as Hebrews describes metaphorically. When you read the scriptures and that sword is pointing you, how can you not be afraid? Let the sword cut out all that is not of God, fear is just another emotion on the part of sanctification.
Rejecting Jesus is reject the word. The word the pharissees raised their traditions higher than the word of God. Now think about this... when Jesus said the word of God what was the word he spoke about. It had to be Moses. There was nothing else that the pharissees had or preached. He called them hypocrites. Jesus did Moses perfect...anyone who says their in him must walk as he did. 119 ministries youtube what is the gospel video watch it. You will see real dividing going on thays hard to find. Also watch the Pauline paradox teachings from 119ministries
The fear of the Lord
May God bless you for this work! You helping millions of Christians around the world to fall inlove with the word of God.
Hebrews is such an important book for every believer to read in my opinion. The truth always sets us free, and error will only entangle. This book is a beautiful demonstration of the eternal security and once-for-all forgiveness we have in Christ Jesus alone.
Thank you Bible Project for explaining the Bible to us. Love it❤
I've been watching many of your videos! Thank you so much for creating these well drawn and explained creations! God has truly gifted you with artistic talents and theological understanding! Praise God! Much blessings to you and your ministry! 😍
Thank you for these priceless study tools/ videos. The Bible Project has been truly blessed and anointed.
Thank you so much for making these. Great communication with such clarity, considering the wholeness of the message. I highly appreciate it!
Beautiful ministry you all have going on with the Bible Project. Has been so helpful, insightful, and faith affirming!
Thank you so much, each of you, for all the excellent work that went into this. What a beautiful gift this is...and so helpful and clear. Thank you for the exhortations at the end as well. Thank you very much.
What God I have! I worship Jesus along with the writer. Jesus is my God! He is superior to anyone and anything! Thanks to Bible Project!
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The Bible Project
Can u do melzedak
Hello Bible project. OK so far perfect, just a question, aren't we all priests?
You guys are absolutely your good work of sharing GOD"s Word...
quick question about this. Since we don't know the audience and the author, how do we know the book of Hebrews isn't like the gospel of judas or the book of Enoch or the revelation of peter? This is an actual question this section of the book brought up. Please answer, God bless ya.
-from @biblicalamericanpolitics (IG)
Thank the Lord for this video 5-7 was rocking my brain 🥊 thank you for this 🙏🏻God bless🙏🏻
Amazing summary of a deep and rich book. Thank you so much for all your work!!
This one is amazing! Keep doing Gods work! I love the explanation of the Warnings given, it made a lot of sense.