@@magdalenazivkovic8611 it was when they were talking to him, not when he saw them in the mirror of erised because in the mirror, the people can't talk.
People who didn't read the books will never know, but Harry reproducted the protection of her mother when he sacrificed himself in the forest, offering himself freely to Voldemort. He succeed to do himself what his mother did to him, and by that protected ALL. THE PEOPLE. HE LOVED. IN HOGWARTS. From Voldemort's killing curse. And each time I remember that I have a lump in my throat. What a christic journey. What a boy. What a wonderful tribute. ♥
Yes! Yes! It always drives me crazy that they didn't include that in the movies. That Harry didn't just walk to his death, but actually prevented any of Voldemort's curses from hurting all the people in the battle, and literally saved *everyone* with his sacrifice. And I think in the book, that's what haunts the character. It also makes Dumbledore's plan to use Harry even more chilling. The fact that if Harry had known he needed to die, he would have done it much sooner, and possibly saved the lives of Fred, Lupin, Tonks, etc.
@@janhavi1977 I don't think Dumbledore really planned on 'using' Harry, a lot of people vilify him, but i think he hoped. He saw what Harry could be, but he let him grow up and when he saw what kind of person Harry naturally was, or what kind of person he'd become, he did let Harry know of his plans and what Harry would probably have to do. But as you said, if Dumbledore wanted to use Harry he could have done it much sooner to prevent the deaths of Tonks, Sirius, Lupin etc. but he loved Harry too much. Dumbledore wasn't a villain to me, he was torn between helping everyone, and the love he had for Harry. He's flawed but not evil.
This video shows how much harry is misunderstood. He doesn’t want all this attention, he doesn’t want to be the boy who lived, the choosen one, because all of these things just remember him that his parents are died, because Voldemort thought he was a danger. Harry has suffered a lot, I’m happy he finished to live in happiness with his family and his friends.!
Harry didn't deserve all the grief weighing on him. Wow, this video really made me emotional, it took me in a journey of Harry's. Happy Birthday to the boy who lived ☇
People who think Harry Potter is a kid’s book don’t realize how tragic the story is. Harry Potter, orphaned at 1, and abused by his relatives for 10 years. He’s constantly being forced to wear old clothes, clean, and was malnourished. He was neglected during childhood and spent most of it in a cupboard. He’s being bullied by a teacher who hates him just because of his father. At 14 he gets tortured and watches his friend die, while being gagged as someone literally cuts his arm open. He watches his only father/brother figure die, and faces the pain of killing himself for the greater good of his world.
Junglebug 4 I think Dumbledore was lying about the blood wards. He wanted Harry malleable. If he could wedge himself in, be Harry’s saviour, then he knew Harry would die for him.
Being bullied by a teacher stands a bit out there. Still I understand some people just want to hate on Snape and no reason will convince them otherwise. I tried.
Jan Terlauw I understand what you mean. He’s a great person, but you can’t lie about how he was mean to Harry for no reason. Still one of the best characters ever tho
@@tillie1749 But we're still talking about being 'mean' in a world where wizard Hitler is on the rise, where the corpses of the dead can be used to form armies, and where every single kid in that school basically is carrying a gun. I think the reason why people are bothered so much about Snape being mean is that they're used to looking at him from Harry's standpoint. As a rather defenseless student. But as Ron said: this is a whole lot bigger than just Harry.
For the greater good. People focus on Harry's suffering but what about Dumbledore? People look a him as he's a god. Infallible. Invincible. But at the end he's just human. He did awful things but he did them for greater good ; someone had to do it, someone had to take the responsibility and then bear the guilt. He was this person. People don't consider how hard of a role he had to play. All of it after his whole family died. After he contributed to the death of his sister. After he had to fight his lover ; just think, how would you feel if you were the one to imprison the one you love, for life. He had to be strong enough to go against his heart, against his every instinct. And then live with this guilt for the rest of his life. They say it's lonely on top. Looking at Dumbledore, they are right.
The most underrated character in Harry Potter: Harry James Potter himself. Imagine being unloved and ignored during your childhood. Then losing your Godfather, who became your family. All of the sudden everyone is against you because of something you didn’t do. Every single person talking about you like you’re a horrible person. Then witnessing death multiple times. And knowing that most of them was partly because of you. Imagine your happiest memory was ‘not exactly happy’. Or maybe wishing that you were dead. And having to sacrifice your own life and comfort just to save everyone. Harry may look like a jerk, or a complete idiot. But he’s really not. If we could just stop focusing on other characters and finally look at him, we would understand. We would understand all of his brave but dumb decisions, and all of his angst. That’s why he’s my favourite character. Yes, I probably sound like a ‘fake fan’, but let me tell you this, I don’t care. He is one of the most amazing main characters ever created. He’s very relatable and realistic, with a lot of flaws. But overall he’s an awesome person. #harrypotterforever ❤️⚡️
Amazingly worded. People seem to think Harry has anger issues or is short-tempered but it isn't true. Harry was neglected, mistreated, starved for his whole life. 10 years he suffered, in those 10 years, he stayed happy and bright and hopeful. Hogwarts became his hope, home and everything he needed. He should have suffered from PTSD but he didn't, did he? No. He could've killed himself but he didn't. Yet when everything seemed hopeful and coming together when he learned about Sirius it all fell apart. He saw death, someone who died because of his choice, he had himself cut and the person who killed his parents come back. Laughing at him and trying to kill him. Then again he was sent back with his abusive relatives, not having any answers, no hope with almost expelled and no one to comfort him. Imagine that, only then does it all really hurt him. You can't miss something you never knew. He never knew the pain of having someone he knew die but then he finally did. For Cedric, for his parents and for all those who died, he mourned. His anger at everything and everyone around him is so true and relatable. He didn't deserve this, he wanted some way to let it all out. Fred and George knew this, they told him to shout it all out. Hermione knew this, Dumbledore knew this and they supported him. That's when he could finally move forward and past. Yet it still scarred him, he still had been changed by it. It truly is beautiful.
And along with that Daniel Radcliffe is such a amazing actor he portrays Harry so well he shows all those emotions he shows how hard Harrys life and he shows all that hard ship and he has grown into such a amazing actor
For me ,harry potter is the most brilliant and brightest of all . For me he is not a character of some book . For me , it is my childhood. And i loved every moment living that part .
I have never understood why people don't like Harry he faced so much and was incredibly kind and brave. Reading and even watching him face all this pain is so sad. Even when he lost so many people Harry was still fighting and he doesn't deserve all the horrible things Harry is definitely one of my favorite characters and he deserved better I love him💜💜
Because he was stupid. Not his fault. The whole wizarding world was stupid. You don't fight a war with your hands tied behind your back. It just makes you responsible for the deaths of all the people who might have been saved if you just killed the death eaters. Stunners are not a response to Avada Kedavra. Just saying..
@@soumyajyotimukherjee4752 not killing the Death Eaters did not make him unintelligent, but rather more mature and wise beyond his years than the others. Harry knows you don't fight fire with fire; it only causes bigger and deadlier fire. While everyone else thinks that anyone attacking them should be killed, Harry knows doing that makes them just as bad as Voldemort. Harry has morals, you know. Even if everyone else seems to have forgotten them, Harry knows they can't just murder people. Harry could never do that. He didn't even want to kill Voldemort. The Order and his friends forced him to. The example that you used is when Harry didn't kill Stan Shunpike. So you're saying you could easily murder someone, even if you've known this person for years, know they're innocent and really just being controlled by someone else? I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Harry's had his fair share of watching others be murdered (and have survivors guilt, but that's a whole other topic). Harry is very publicly against murder, he could never kill someone. Not even if he hated them. He even tried to save Voldemort from a horrible existence, and felt sympathy towards him repeatedly despite everything. Refusing to kill someone, no matter what the situation, is what makes Harry such a great solider and leader.
People tend to skip over some of the characters, but when you really look, they all have a backstory and all face some sort of challenge in their life. Even Draco which some people still hate, went through a lot during his childhood and had to face things no child should ever have to face
Wow that is both beautiful and powerful. Harry Potter is and always will be a part of me somehow. I grew up with it and for years it was the only thing in my life. This is so damn perfect in all the ways possible.
xAlexKindaGirlx i feel this comment so much. i grew up with harry potter as well, the books and movies would be the highlight of my day sometimes. i don’t know what i wouldv’e done without them. they are part of me, and ill stick with Harry’s story till the end.
It was always sad to me how Harry was in a way kind of ignored as a character. Even being the main character and from his perspective, people always focused on the others. He just wanted family and to be happy. He was selfless and risked his life for everyone, even people who didn’t respect him
That's why I feel so let down by James and Lily, Snape, Dumbledore, and Sirius. Nobody in Harry's life would ever put him first. The good of the Wizarding World, revenge against Voldemort - something else always comes before him. I'm the most angry with his parents and Sirius. To think that not even his parents and godfather love him enough to place his well-being above of that of other people is awful. The Order and Ron & Hermione forced Harry to fight a genocidal maniac before he was even a legal adult, then thrusted their help which made things worse rather than better. Harry completely understood Tom, while the Order and Ron & Hermione couldn't grasp who he is, so they have no honest idea how to approach fighting him. Their mentality was "Kill anyone who tries to kill you! Revenge! Revenge!" Harry was so maturely above that, that's really the reason he's my favorite character. He knows you can't fight fire with fire, it only causes bigger and more deadly fire. Harry is very much an introvert. Only a tight knit group of friends, hating the spotlight, and often needing to be alone to deal with his problems. He observed what others were doing and saying rather then socializing himself, which is why he usually never is the one to talk in a conversation.
You Don't Need To Know Who I Am I feel like you’re wrong Harry’s parents and his godfather gave up there lives to protect Harry’s . Doing this they also saved millions people .
Harry was just a kid. A kid who happened to be born at the end of July and have his family taken away. He never asked for it. He never asked to have the fate of an entire world placed on his shoulders. He never asked for his loved ones to sacrifice themselves for him. But through all that pain, all that suffering, he still saw that being alone was worse than losing everyone. The people he held close (Sirius Black, James and Lilly Potter, Hermione and Ron, Lupin, Dumbledore) were what set him apart from Voldemort. "You'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.'
I cried, I love the books so very much and while the movies had several problems for me they always will hold a big piece of my heart .. for being the "protagonist" Harry is seriously underated and misunderstood and you did justice with this video, it captures him and all his issues and love and sacrifice beautiful thank you!!
Sirius and Harry's parents telling him they'll always be in his heart will forever make me tear up. Thank you for this, your Harry Potter videos are always the best! I got chills throughout the entire edit.
everyone says "harry potter is a child’s book" it’s not he was abused, someone tried to kill him. He’s just a child trying to survive. His whole family is dead. This boy is a legend. he lived twice the same unforgivable curse. The only reason he won is he fought for friendship and love and Voldemort fought for power.
*Wait for it* Life doesn't discriminate Between the saint and the sinners It takes And it takes And it takes But we keep living it anyway We rise and we break And we make our mistakes If there's a reason I'm still alive When everyone who loves me Has died I'm willing to wait for it *-Hamilton*
" your the weak one, and you'll never know love.... Or friendship. *And I feel sorry for you* Only harry potter would say that to someone who murdered his parents, tried to kill him many many times and was the reason his godfather and Cedric died.
this is beautiful. i have been rewatching all the films in the past few weeks and I’ve cried so much. this video is very well edited. I hope Rowling knows how much her books have touched us all on our darkest times. It’s amazing really.
Harry-the boy who lived Draco-the boy who had no choice Hermione-the girl who knew Ron-the boy who loved Ginny-the girl who waited Neville-the boy who inspired Luna-the girl who believed
Hafsa Haq no he didn’t. his father constantly pushed him to believe that blood purity and money were the most important things in life. he didnt have a choice in having to kill Dumbledore. even though snape killed him in the end, he still hesitated and was about to let Dumbledore live. nothing pathetic about that
You know why people don't overhype Harry as their favourite character? Because every book they read, every movie they watch, they live through Harry. They become the main character in Harry Potter in their head replacing him, wishing they were him and not exactly being able to appreciate what it takes to be him. Whereas the other characters are whom they imagine interacting with, thus learning to appreciate their qualities. It's like in real life where you are aware of what qualities people around you possess, yet not being quite sure about yourself...
i love my son Harry James Potter so much, when I was younger Ron was my favourite character but as I've reread the books and grown older, Harry is my favourite. I still love Ron a lot but my god, Harry is just ... so GOOD, he just wants to be normal and unnoticed and yet he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. This was such an INCREDIBLE tribute to such an incredible and wonderful character and you really did him so much justice.
Well, I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face. It makes me furious to see how many people don't understand Harry's character at all, and don't appreciate him for the wonderful, immense person that he is. This world doesn't deserve Harry James Potter. Not a single person in the fandom does.
It's videos like this that remind me why the Harry Potter stories are so important to me and it really made me emotional to live his journey again through your video - beautiful! Happy Birthday Harry Potter & J.K. Rowling!
What an amazing tribute to one of inspirational characters of all time. Harry's character is terribly underrated in classic literature. We sure had an epic, emotional journey alongside him. I was also glad to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with my brother to celebrate his and Ms. Rowling's birthday on Wednesday, July 31st. Beautiful video!
This video is exactly why Harry is my favorite character in the whole HP. He has faced so much in his life and he never even got a proper childhood. Imagine being in your teens but has the responsibility of killing the darkest wizard of all times and the faith of the wizarding world in your shoulders. Harry truly has a horrible life, but my favorite thing about him, that he always feel sorry to people. Even, *Voldemort* himself, the guy who ruined Harry’s life and HARRY STILL FEELS SORRY TO HIM. Harry is truly my favorite character and the HP series will always be my favorite
This is such a phenomenal video I can’t stop crying he went through so much , it helped me when I was young to see a character go through so much and come out so strong because love is stronger then hate or anger it’s the strongest power there is.
Your Harry Potter videos are always the best, this gave me chills and almost made me cry. Harry is such an underestimated character, when in fact he deserves the world, so Happy Birthday Harry and Auntie Jo, and thanks for this wonderful tribute.
I've watched bits of your livestream yesterday and it's so fascinating to see how the project turned out. I got chills. It's simpler than your usual videos, but probably one of your best ones, in my opinion. It's so incredibly sad and beautiful at the same time. I love the way you vid and make this world come alive, please never stop
Harry has always been my favorite character. His kindness is amazing considering his childhood. Also he is vastly underlooked by the other characters despite how many times he proved himself. Was he perfect? No, but he always tried to do what he though was best, the right thing no matter how hard the right path was.
When you feel sad just remember the world is 4.5 billion years old and we managed to exist at the same time as the Harry Potter cast, and a similar time to when the books and movies were written/ made”
It shook my insides. I was just open mouthed till the end. A strong feeling arose inside me. I don't know what it is called. I am not crying, I am not happy. I am hanging somewhere in the between. The time from which I started diving into Harry's life, I didn't realize how soon it became mine. His fear became mine, his feelings became so true that I could feel my body doing same responses as Harry's. My mind was trapped in him. I grew up with him. A bond stronger than anything. I was Harry myself. Maybe this is what you call love..
Harry was marked from the beginning. It was too much for him. He didn't want to be The Chosen One or The Boy Who Lived, He just wanted to be a normal kid with a normal family
Harry Potter is such a big part of my life i know it sounds dumb but it helps me get through so much. Its the world i always dreamed of the world i can never have, the way the story comes together makes be so emotional. This is the most beautiful and heart touching story ever written. Love, friendship, scarfice, bravery... this whole story is based of love ever since that day at godricks hollow the night james and lily died. Lily scarficed her self for her boy putting a protecton on him... that protection lives on through love... even after voldmort dies and harry turns 17. Thank you for making this!
Wow great job. This video shows Harry as he really is. Not some big hero who saved the wizarding world(although he did that), but a boy who was tortured and tempted and played around with, but who was still true in his heart. A teenager going through stuff no teen should go through. Once again, great work
Don't mind the possible typos I'm writing through my tears. WOW ZOE! This is so incredible. You captured his journey and character so well. And I totally agree with what you said in the DB, he NEVER wanted any of this. It hurts to think of all that weight on his shoulders and he was just a kid. I don't get why he's never the favourite...he had the MOST devastating character history and even through that he always remained selfless and kind. You totally did them justice, bravo!
The fact that this makes it look like Harry Actually dies in the end, right after the 'Make a Wish' multiplies the sadness factor by a trillion. Great job.
You can never just read Harry Potter once. When you're a kid, you read it as a fantasy story, about the wizarding world, about magic. But when you get older, at teenagehood, you start to understand the true meaning behind the story, you will see the difference between Harry's character and other people. He has a heart, a pure heart. All he wants isn't himself, he wants his family back, touch them, feel them, hug them. He wants his friends, not just his friends maybe, everyone, good or bad, safe and sound in this world. No matter how their life status is. Love, not everyone understands it, I wouldn't say I do, but Harry does. He lost so many people, his entire family, his friends, everyone that fought in the battle of Hogwarts. Hes still guilty about it when he's old. Just look at him with other magical creature, people hated house elves, abused them, but Harry acres about them, he buried Dobby when he died. He has a broken childhood, but he's so strong. He has something Voldemort doesn't, something he's fighting for, he has his friends, family, love, always
Being a huge fan of the books, and wanting every detail…it’s hard for me to say I wouldn’t be excited about the HBO series…but then I watch this and I hear some of these iconic voices saying some of these powerful lines and I think…maybe we don’t need a series…maybe the films are fine just the way they are.
In my free time I like to write! Currently, I'm writing a series about the First Wizarding War, focusing on the origins of the Order of the Phoenix and the Marauders! You can check it out here: www.riseofthephoenixscreenplay.com
I have no words other than how incredible and emotional this is, I am so happy someone has framed the excellence and emotion that is Harry potter. Thank you
Best video i have ever seen!! Thank you ♥️ I just love how Harry didn't want this glory because he didn't do anything (and didn't even realize that), he just want to be like everyone else. But even though he is famous Harry didn't become selfish or jealousy (thanks to his friends), but he uses his name to help people protect each other and become a family he never have
I grew up watching this and I remembered i couldn't understand why they were crying and all in pain. And years later, I now know. I now know how much he suffered. How he watched everyone die with his own eyes. The ones he love die. How he sacrificed everything for the greater good. And I salute him.
Harry- the boy who lived Hermione- the girl who supported Ron- the boy who trusted Draco- the boy who lost it Luna- the girl who calmed me Ginny- the girl who waited Snape- the one who was misunderstood...
This is beautiful. I have loved Harry, potter since chapter one of sorcerers stone and I will never stop loving him and the world of Harry Potter. He has taught me so much and I love him. Thank you, Harry Potter, you will always be loved!!!!
This takes me back to those evenings, sitting by the fireplace, alone, warm and cozy and reading Harry Potter. Oh how I miss those times...best evenings of my life. I get emotional thinking about it.
jesus this gave me so much emotions.. Your HP videos always bring me life.. i didnt know how fast i could click when i saw this upload. Truly tragic and beautiful the boy who lived lost way too much for such a young age. Beautiful video truly
If I could save this video.. I'll.. Its so beautifully stitched together, the dialogues, jumping between years but the conversation just right.. And sad, and beautiful...
That was stunning! Most of all the last line 'Until the end'. That one is so much more powerful than 'Always'. Thank you for making this beautiful piece of art
Harry's essence, the pain and confusing he feels throughout the saga is so well reflected in this.Is just magnifict.I'm not huge fan of him but i really love the deployment he have and what him become in the end
this video has me in tears really. it really shows the dark story of harry potter. harry has got through so much shit, it is unreal. this video is so well made, i'm speechless! good job!!
Harry potter is the story about love and it have made my life better than it was my heart is now broken into pieces I cant join it now just I am tearing now oh mine this video is just just so awesome bringing back my memories,Thankyou my friend for making this video you don't know Harry potter means world to me Thanks thanks a lot
I hate people who say harry potter is a kids story because the story is completely tragic. He sees 99% of the people he loves die, He lost his parents at 1, he was abused and neglected for 10 years, and after all the shit he had been through and all he had fought for he sacrificed himself to help the others. Its heartbreaking and tragic.
i’ve already seen this video like for 6 times. this is freaking MASTERPIECE, i love it. thank you for it, it gives me so many types of emotions, i can’t describe it. i know since i was a small kiddo, that harry was one of my favorite character ever. even that i don’t always agree with him, but he taught me so many things, so many things, such a brave boy! again thank you that you made time for this video, it means a lot! ❤️
I wish this was the Harry Potter trailer in full because this actually tells the truth about why Harry suffered so much just to get revenge on Voldemort and also shows how friendship is the most important thing ever, even if you don't have a lot of friends, cherish them until the end.
My favorite and will always be ... Harry Potter .. I don't know why some people don't give him the credit he deserves .. he might have got help but it was always him in the end .. everywhere .. he made the correct and great choices everytime.. P.s I'm in love with you Potter 💛
So many people will never understand the depth of Harry himself simply because they haven't read the books. They'll see him as just another angry teen who thinks he has bigger problems than anyone else. The deep character growth throughout the seven books puts into into such better perspective than the movies ever could. Truly one of the greatest characters ever created. Going from a boy who was taught for ten years to believe he was nothing only to find that he is the only person who can save an entire race of humans. From the trauma that he went through in the first ten years of his life to the feeling of bliss that he felt when he found out that he was a wizard only to see that his biggest struggles were still ahead of him. Truly one of the greatest character evolution's ever. Let us never forget the story of The Boy Who Lived, Harry James Potter.
That was 5 minutes and 48 seconds of absolutely amazing editing! I love editing as well so I know the time and patience something this long would need and yet this is one of the best edits i´ve ever seen!!! Thank you so much of reminding me of how amazing it was to read The Harry Potter series because once the books are over they are over and it's not the same if you read it again but this small video was able to summarise and bring out the best parts of all the books/movies and i have never been so close to tears from watching a movie edit. Good job on all the amazing work you did. I am officially subscribing. p.s: haha sorry i got so emotional.
When I ask my friends what’s your favourite character they say malfoy he’s hot he’s cool But Harry I love Harry he’s brave he’s strong he can win even when he’s in pain he is not the boy only lived he’s the boy that can fight for love and friendship.💖💖 He fights for her friends he cares he’s not a character to me he’s my life. He is the boy who is strong brave . And nobody can change that! He will be my favourite character and movie in my life and will be forever 💖💖…
This was absolutely incredible, I always watch other Harry Potter tribute videos and think the editing or something about it is lacking. But not this one. This one is perfect
You know I live with my family ,I'm surrounded by my friend's ,had my pets come and go ,my imagination to guide me and write my own stories but the Wizarding world of Harry potter will be my only true home♥️
Want to talk about Harry Potter with me? Join my Discord server! discord.com/servers/silly-little-thoughts-by-sunnyvids-1042979674734743592
would you care to share the new link, this one has expired and I would really like to join!!
_”It’s not happy, exactly. It’s just the happiest I’ve ever felt.”_
Imagine your happiest moment being not exactly happy...
and he doesn't even know if its real!
the memorie he choose is when he saw James and Lilly in mirror of erised
@@magdalenazivkovic8611 it was when they were talking to him, not when he saw them in the mirror of erised because in the mirror, the people can't talk.
I'll tell you my happiest moment being not exactly happy.
*BEinG BoRn*
The memory isn’t even real, it’s just his parents talking to him
“It’s not happy, exactly. It’s just the happiest I’ve ever felt.”
He was only 13.
Underrated comment
Neptunus LMFAOOO
I started tearing up within 30 seconds!
I'm not crying, I'm just extracting some memories!
666th like
How dare you make me cry over Harry James Potter again. This is a beautiful tribute but wow, I am emotionally compromised.
jacyevans I feel you
Someone who understands how we feel
People who didn't read the books will never know, but Harry reproducted the protection of her mother when he sacrificed himself in the forest, offering himself freely to Voldemort. He succeed to do himself what his mother did to him, and by that protected ALL. THE PEOPLE. HE LOVED. IN HOGWARTS. From Voldemort's killing curse.
And each time I remember that I have a lump in my throat. What a christic journey. What a boy. What a wonderful tribute. ♥
Yes! Yes! It always drives me crazy that they didn't include that in the movies. That Harry didn't just walk to his death, but actually prevented any of Voldemort's curses from hurting all the people in the battle, and literally saved *everyone* with his sacrifice. And I think in the book, that's what haunts the character. It also makes Dumbledore's plan to use Harry even more chilling. The fact that if Harry had known he needed to die, he would have done it much sooner, and possibly saved the lives of Fred, Lupin, Tonks, etc.
And even the whole sequence in the end where Harry explains "Tom" Everything is so much better in the books than in the movies...
@@janhavi1977 I don't think Dumbledore really planned on 'using' Harry, a lot of people vilify him, but i think he hoped. He saw what Harry could be, but he let him grow up and when he saw what kind of person Harry naturally was, or what kind of person he'd become, he did let Harry know of his plans and what Harry would probably have to do. But as you said, if Dumbledore wanted to use Harry he could have done it much sooner to prevent the deaths of Tonks, Sirius, Lupin etc. but he loved Harry too much. Dumbledore wasn't a villain to me, he was torn between helping everyone, and the love he had for Harry. He's flawed but not evil.
This video shows how much harry is misunderstood. He doesn’t want all this attention, he doesn’t want to be the boy who lived, the choosen one, because all of these things just remember him that his parents are died, because Voldemort thought he was a danger.
Harry has suffered a lot, I’m happy he finished to live in happiness with his family and his friends.!
Yes. No one would like this glory except people like Voldemort- whose souls are ripped. Even Ron wouldn't want it in exchange of parents.
Harry didn't deserve all the grief weighing on him. Wow, this video really made me emotional, it took me in a journey of Harry's. Happy Birthday to the boy who lived ☇
SAB Rina oh no my tear is falling
69 nice
Who ever said that HP is a kids book?-.o
*raises goblet* The boy who lived.
@@r.j.williams no? 31 he is
People who think Harry Potter is a kid’s book don’t realize how tragic the story is. Harry Potter, orphaned at 1, and abused by his relatives for 10 years. He’s constantly being forced to wear old clothes, clean, and was malnourished. He was neglected during childhood and spent most of it in a cupboard. He’s being bullied by a teacher who hates him just because of his father. At 14 he gets tortured and watches his friend die, while being gagged as someone literally cuts his arm open. He watches his only father/brother figure die, and faces the pain of killing himself for the greater good of his world.
Junglebug 4
I think Dumbledore was lying about the blood wards. He wanted Harry malleable. If he could wedge himself in, be Harry’s saviour, then he knew Harry would die for him.
Being bullied by a teacher stands a bit out there. Still I understand some people just want to hate on Snape and no reason will convince them otherwise. I tried.
Jan Terlauw I understand what you mean. He’s a great person, but you can’t lie about how he was mean to Harry for no reason. Still one of the best characters ever tho
@@tillie1749 But we're still talking about being 'mean' in a world where wizard Hitler is on the rise, where the corpses of the dead can be used to form armies, and where every single kid in that school basically is carrying a gun.
I think the reason why people are bothered so much about Snape being mean is that they're used to looking at him from Harry's standpoint. As a rather defenseless student. But as Ron said: this is a whole lot bigger than just Harry.
For the greater good. People focus on Harry's suffering but what about Dumbledore? People look a him as he's a god. Infallible. Invincible. But at the end he's just human. He did awful things but he did them for greater good ; someone had to do it, someone had to take the responsibility and then bear the guilt. He was this person. People don't consider how hard of a role he had to play.
All of it after his whole family died. After he contributed to the death of his sister. After he had to fight his lover ; just think, how would you feel if you were the one to imprison the one you love, for life. He had to be strong enough to go against his heart, against his every instinct. And then live with this guilt for the rest of his life.
They say it's lonely on top. Looking at Dumbledore, they are right.
The most underrated character in Harry Potter: Harry James Potter himself.
Imagine being unloved and ignored during your childhood. Then losing your Godfather, who became your family. All of the sudden everyone is against you because of something you didn’t do. Every single person talking about you like you’re a horrible person. Then witnessing death multiple times. And knowing that most of them was partly because of you.
Imagine your happiest memory was ‘not exactly happy’. Or maybe wishing that you were dead. And having to sacrifice your own life and comfort just to save everyone.
Harry may look like a jerk, or a complete idiot. But he’s really not. If we could just stop focusing on other characters and finally look at him, we would understand. We would understand all of his brave but dumb decisions, and all of his angst.
That’s why he’s my favourite character. Yes, I probably sound like a ‘fake fan’, but let me tell you this, I don’t care. He is one of the most amazing main characters ever created.
He’s very relatable and realistic, with a lot of flaws. But overall he’s an awesome person.
#harrypotterforever ❤️⚡️
Amazingly worded. People seem to think Harry has anger issues or is short-tempered but it isn't true. Harry was neglected, mistreated, starved for his whole life. 10 years he suffered, in those 10 years, he stayed happy and bright and hopeful. Hogwarts became his hope, home and everything he needed. He should have suffered from PTSD but he didn't, did he? No. He could've killed himself but he didn't. Yet when everything seemed hopeful and coming together when he learned about Sirius it all fell apart. He saw death, someone who died because of his choice, he had himself cut and the person who killed his parents come back. Laughing at him and trying to kill him. Then again he was sent back with his abusive relatives, not having any answers, no hope with almost expelled and no one to comfort him. Imagine that, only then does it all really hurt him. You can't miss something you never knew. He never knew the pain of having someone he knew die but then he finally did. For Cedric, for his parents and for all those who died, he mourned. His anger at everything and everyone around him is so true and relatable. He didn't deserve this, he wanted some way to let it all out. Fred and George knew this, they told him to shout it all out. Hermione knew this, Dumbledore knew this and they supported him. That's when he could finally move forward and past. Yet it still scarred him, he still had been changed by it. It truly is beautiful.
And along with that Daniel Radcliffe is such a amazing actor he portrays Harry so well he shows all those emotions he shows how hard Harrys life and he shows all that hard ship and he has grown into such a amazing actor
Diamond Troopers 2.O she created more than that
For me ,harry potter is the most brilliant and brightest of all . For me he is not a character of some book . For me , it is my childhood. And i loved every moment living that part .
you are not a fake fan .you are real fan
I have never understood why people don't like Harry he faced so much and was incredibly kind and brave. Reading and even watching him face all this pain is so sad. Even when he lost so many people Harry was still fighting and he doesn't deserve all the horrible things Harry is definitely one of my favorite characters and he deserved better I love him💜💜
Sarah Style He is my fav too😻❤️❤️
Yes, he such a great Person. He loves his friends and he want them to be happy. No matter what happens he's always there for them❤❤
Because he was stupid. Not his fault.
The whole wizarding world was stupid.
You don't fight a war with your hands tied behind your back.
It just makes you responsible for the deaths of all the people who might have been saved if you just killed the death eaters.
Stunners are not a response to Avada Kedavra.
Just saying..
@@soumyajyotimukherjee4752 not killing the Death Eaters did not make him unintelligent, but rather more mature and wise beyond his years than the others.
Harry knows you don't fight fire with fire; it only causes bigger and deadlier fire.
While everyone else thinks that anyone attacking them should be killed, Harry knows doing that makes them just as bad as Voldemort.
Harry has morals, you know. Even if everyone else seems to have forgotten them, Harry knows they can't just murder people. Harry could never do that.
He didn't even want to kill Voldemort. The Order and his friends forced him to.
The example that you used is when Harry didn't kill Stan Shunpike. So you're saying you could easily murder someone, even if you've known this person for years, know they're innocent and really just being controlled by someone else?
I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Harry's had his fair share of watching others be murdered (and have survivors guilt, but that's a whole other topic).
Harry is very publicly against murder, he could never kill someone. Not even if he hated them.
He even tried to save Voldemort from a horrible existence, and felt sympathy towards him repeatedly despite everything.
Refusing to kill someone, no matter what the situation, is what makes Harry such a great solider and leader.
I know! That’s why he’s my favourite. He’s very underrated and misunderstood ❤️⚡️
Harry - The boy who lived
Ron - The boy who loved
Hermione - The girl who knew
Ginny - The girl who waited
Draco - The boy who had no choice
Olivia Amelie Luna - The girl who believed
Umbridge - The devil
Volsiv facts
People tend to skip over some of the characters, but when you really look, they all have a backstory and all face some sort of challenge in their life. Even Draco which some people still hate, went through a lot during his childhood and had to face things no child should ever have to face
Voldemort - the boy who lost his nose
Lupin - the boy who lost everything
Imagine being so pure-hearted that even tho he killed ur parents, u still feel bad for him...
Harry James Potter is extraordinary
Only who read books can understand this ❤️
@@shashankyadav7787 definitely ….
It’s honestly so sad the fact his happiest memory isn’t even real, the fact people say it’s a kids book don’t understand..
'Till the end'?
Well, this story will stay with me 'till the end for sure
Always 💕
And after
After all this time?! Always...
Isn’t it heartbreaking for a 15 year old boy to say:
All it does is make you care too much, the more you care the more you have to lose.
Wow that is both beautiful and powerful. Harry Potter is and always will be a part of me somehow. I grew up with it and for years it was the only thing in my life. This is so damn perfect in all the ways possible.
xAlexKindaGirlx i feel this comment so much. i grew up with harry potter as well, the books and movies would be the highlight of my day sometimes. i don’t know what i wouldv’e done without them. they are part of me, and ill stick with Harry’s story till the end.
To the end... Always
It was always sad to me how Harry was in a way kind of ignored as a character. Even being the main character and from his perspective, people always focused on the others. He just wanted family and to be happy. He was selfless and risked his life for everyone, even people who didn’t respect him
That's why I feel so let down by
James and Lily,
and Sirius.
Nobody in Harry's life would ever put him first.
The good of the Wizarding World, revenge against Voldemort - something else always comes before him.
I'm the most angry with his parents and Sirius. To think that not even his parents and godfather love him enough to place his well-being above of that of other people is awful.
The Order and Ron & Hermione forced Harry to fight a genocidal maniac before he was even a legal adult, then thrusted their help which made things worse rather than better.
Harry completely understood Tom, while the Order and Ron & Hermione couldn't grasp who he is, so they have no honest idea how to approach fighting him.
Their mentality was "Kill anyone who tries to kill you! Revenge! Revenge!"
Harry was so maturely above that, that's really the reason he's my favorite character.
He knows you can't fight fire with fire, it only causes bigger and more deadly fire.
Harry is very much an introvert. Only a tight knit group of friends, hating the spotlight, and often needing to be alone to deal with his problems. He observed what others were doing and saying rather then socializing himself, which is why he usually never is the one to talk in a conversation.
You Don't Need To Know Who I Am I feel like you’re wrong Harry’s parents and his godfather gave up there lives to protect Harry’s . Doing this they also saved millions people .
@@rachelferiz7893 yes, that's very true 💖👍👌
@@youdontneedtoknowwhoiam6640 when did Harry understands tom
In which book or movie is it mentioned
@@dhruvbharija172 'You're the weak one. And you will never know love or friendship, and I feel sorry for you.' - Harry Potter, Order of the Phoenix
Harry was just a kid. A kid who happened to be born at the end of July and have his family taken away. He never asked for it. He never asked to have the fate of an entire world placed on his shoulders. He never asked for his loved ones to sacrifice themselves for him. But through all that pain, all that suffering, he still saw that being alone was worse than losing everyone. The people he held close (Sirius Black, James and Lilly Potter, Hermione and Ron, Lupin, Dumbledore) were what set him apart from Voldemort.
"You'll never know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.'
5:33 "make a wish Harry"
Chills man, I'm crying now 😭
What book/movie was it?
@@smallsingingelephants I think in philosopher's stone. When he drew a birthday cake for himself
I cried, I love the books so very much and while the movies had several problems for me they always will hold a big piece of my heart .. for being the "protagonist" Harry is seriously underated and misunderstood and you did justice with this video, it captures him and all his issues and love and sacrifice beautiful thank you!!
Sirius and Harry's parents telling him they'll always be in his heart will forever make me tear up.
Thank you for this, your Harry Potter videos are always the best! I got chills throughout the entire edit.
everyone says "harry potter is a child’s book" it’s not he was abused, someone tried to kill him. He’s just a child trying to survive. His whole family is dead. This boy is a legend. he lived twice the same unforgivable curse. The only reason he won is he fought for friendship and love and Voldemort fought for power.
*Wait for it*
Life doesn't discriminate
Between the saint and the sinners
It takes
And it takes
And it takes
But we keep living it anyway
We rise and we break
And we make our mistakes
If there's a reason I'm still alive
When everyone who loves me
Has died
I'm willing to wait for it
"Wait for it" - Hamilton
Wait for it.
@@peggy4661 ohh thanks
sinners and the saints*
" your the weak one, and you'll never know love.... Or friendship.
*And I feel sorry for you*
Only harry potter would say that to someone who murdered his parents, tried to kill him many many times and was the reason his godfather and Cedric died.
I know, he said that fighting back Voldemort while he was controlling his mind to tell him that.
Yeah, he is pathetic! Just get rude now pottah!
Actually in the half blood price(book) dumbledore asked "do you actually feel sorry for vodemort" harry replied "no of course not"
this is beautiful. i have been rewatching all the films in the past few weeks and I’ve cried so much. this video is very well edited. I hope Rowling knows how much her books have touched us all on our darkest times. It’s amazing really.
The most underrated character in the series.
Harry potter is the best character ever
Harry-the boy who lived
Draco-the boy who had no choice
Hermione-the girl who knew
Ron-the boy who loved
Ginny-the girl who waited
Neville-the boy who inspired
Luna-the girl who believed
Beautiful ❤️
Leah B - The girl who copycat
Umbrige-the devil
Draco had a choice. He was just pathetic.
Hafsa Haq no he didn’t. his father constantly pushed him to believe that blood purity and money were the most important things in life. he didnt have a choice in having to kill Dumbledore. even though snape killed him in the end, he still hesitated and was about to let Dumbledore live. nothing pathetic about that
You know why people don't overhype Harry as their favourite character? Because every book they read, every movie they watch, they live through Harry. They become the main character in Harry Potter in their head replacing him, wishing they were him and not exactly being able to appreciate what it takes to be him. Whereas the other characters are whom they imagine interacting with, thus learning to appreciate their qualities. It's like in real life where you are aware of what qualities people around you possess, yet not being quite sure about yourself...
i love my son Harry James Potter so much, when I was younger Ron was my favourite character but as I've reread the books and grown older, Harry is my favourite. I still love Ron a lot but my god, Harry is just ... so GOOD, he just wants to be normal and unnoticed and yet he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. This was such an INCREDIBLE tribute to such an incredible and wonderful character and you really did him so much justice.
*"You're a wizard, Harry."*
*"I'm a wot"*
he the wot guys
we found the wot
hi wot I’m dad
*I never wanted anyone to die for me*
Well, I'm not crying, it's just raining on my face.
It makes me furious to see how many people don't understand Harry's character at all, and don't appreciate him for the wonderful, immense person that he is.
This world doesn't deserve Harry James Potter. Not a single person in the fandom does.
It's videos like this that remind me why the Harry Potter stories are so important to me and it really made me emotional to live his journey again through your video - beautiful!
Happy Birthday Harry Potter & J.K. Rowling!
What an amazing tribute to one of inspirational characters of all time. Harry's character is terribly underrated in classic literature. We sure had an epic, emotional journey alongside him. I was also glad to go to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter with my brother to celebrate his and Ms. Rowling's birthday on Wednesday, July 31st. Beautiful video!
His happiest memory is "It's not happy, exactly..." so sad.
The most underated character in his own series
Harry's last words after Battle of Hogwarts:
"I've had enough trouble for a lifeline"
Hey granger! Wanna hang out sometime?
@@Tu.mi.tienes.loco_Loco.contigo No she doesn't. She is very busy in the ministry you know.
This video is exactly why Harry is my favorite character in the whole HP. He has faced so much in his life and he never even got a proper childhood. Imagine being in your teens but has the responsibility of killing the darkest wizard of all times and the faith of the wizarding world in your shoulders. Harry truly has a horrible life, but my favorite thing about him, that he always feel sorry to people. Even, *Voldemort* himself, the guy who ruined Harry’s life and HARRY STILL FEELS SORRY TO HIM.
Harry is truly my favorite character and the HP series will always be my favorite
This is such a phenomenal video I can’t stop crying he went through so much , it helped me when I was young to see a character go through so much and come out so strong because love is stronger then hate or anger it’s the strongest power there is.
Your Harry Potter videos are always the best, this gave me chills and almost made me cry. Harry is such an underestimated character, when in fact he deserves the world, so Happy Birthday Harry and Auntie Jo, and thanks for this wonderful tribute.
Oh please 🙄
“ Do not pity the dead harry, pity the living and most of all pity those who live without love”
I've watched bits of your livestream yesterday and it's so fascinating to see how the project turned out. I got chills. It's simpler than your usual videos, but probably one of your best ones, in my opinion. It's so incredibly sad and beautiful at the same time. I love the way you vid and make this world come alive, please never stop
Harry has always been my favorite character. His kindness is amazing considering his childhood. Also he is vastly underlooked by the other characters despite how many times he proved himself. Was he perfect? No, but he always tried to do what he though was best, the right thing no matter how hard the right path was.
Its a beautiful tribute to the series.. the best I have ever come across!
When you feel sad just remember the world is 4.5 billion years old and we managed to exist at the same time as the Harry Potter cast, and a similar time to when the books and movies were written/ made”
i cant stop watching these and they keep making me cry-
It shook my insides. I was just open mouthed till the end. A strong feeling arose inside me. I don't know what it is called. I am not crying, I am not happy. I am hanging somewhere in the between.
The time from which I started diving into Harry's life, I didn't realize how soon it became mine. His fear became mine, his feelings became so true that I could feel my body doing same responses as Harry's.
My mind was trapped in him. I grew up with him. A bond stronger than anything. I was Harry myself.
Maybe this is what you call love..
This is honestly the best edit i have ever seen
Harry was marked from the beginning. It was too much for him. He didn't want to be The Chosen One or The Boy Who Lived, He just wanted to be a normal kid with a normal family
Harry Potter is such a big part of my life i know it sounds dumb but it helps me get through so much. Its the world i always dreamed of the world i can never have, the way the story comes together makes be so emotional. This is the most beautiful and heart touching story ever written. Love, friendship, scarfice, bravery... this whole story is based of love ever since that day at godricks hollow the night james and lily died. Lily scarficed her self for her boy putting a protecton on him... that protection lives on through love... even after voldmort dies and harry turns 17. Thank you for making this!
Wow great job. This video shows Harry as he really is. Not some big hero who saved the wizarding world(although he did that), but a boy who was tortured and tempted and played around with, but who was still true in his heart. A teenager going through stuff no teen should go through. Once again, great work
Don't mind the possible typos I'm writing through my tears. WOW ZOE! This is so incredible. You captured his journey and character so well. And I totally agree with what you said in the DB, he NEVER wanted any of this. It hurts to think of all that weight on his shoulders and he was just a kid. I don't get why he's never the favourite...he had the MOST devastating character history and even through that he always remained selfless and kind. You totally did them justice, bravo!
The fact that this makes it look like Harry Actually dies in the end, right after the 'Make a Wish' multiplies the sadness factor by a trillion. Great job.
You can never just read Harry Potter once. When you're a kid, you read it as a fantasy story, about the wizarding world, about magic. But when you get older, at teenagehood, you start to understand the true meaning behind the story, you will see the difference between Harry's character and other people. He has a heart, a pure heart. All he wants isn't himself, he wants his family back, touch them, feel them, hug them. He wants his friends, not just his friends maybe, everyone, good or bad, safe and sound in this world. No matter how their life status is. Love, not everyone understands it, I wouldn't say I do, but Harry does. He lost so many people, his entire family, his friends, everyone that fought in the battle of Hogwarts. Hes still guilty about it when he's old. Just look at him with other magical creature, people hated house elves, abused them, but Harry acres about them, he buried Dobby when he died.
He has a broken childhood, but he's so strong.
He has something Voldemort doesn't, something he's fighting for, he has his friends, family, love, always
Thanks you just made me bawl my eyes out 🥺😭
I love you Harry. I didn’t think I could hate Ron until that moment when he said to Harry “you don’t know how it feels, you’ve no family.”
“It’s not happy, exactly.....”
“.... but it’s the happiest I’ve ever felt”
I bursted into tears when I hears that it’s so sad 😞😢😔
There really was a time where Harry wished he was not the boy who lived, he so desperately wanted to be somebody else, anyone that wasn't him.
Being a huge fan of the books, and wanting every detail…it’s hard for me to say I wouldn’t be excited about the HBO series…but then I watch this and I hear some of these iconic voices saying some of these powerful lines and I think…maybe we don’t need a series…maybe the films are fine just the way they are.
In my free time I like to write! Currently, I'm writing a series about the First Wizarding War, focusing on the origins of the Order of the Phoenix and the Marauders! You can check it out here: www.riseofthephoenixscreenplay.com
this sounds so amazing and i am excited to read it!
Will keep it bookmarked for later
Hey, what app do you use? Please answer, and great video as always
@@proudravenclaw7685 Sony Vegas Pro 13
@@SunnyVids Thank you!
I have no words other than how incredible and emotional this is, I am so happy someone has framed the excellence and emotion that is Harry potter. Thank you
Best video i have ever seen!! Thank you ♥️
I just love how Harry didn't want this glory because he didn't do anything (and didn't even realize that), he just want to be like everyone else. But even though he is famous Harry didn't become selfish or jealousy (thanks to his friends), but he uses his name to help people protect each other and become a family he never have
Please pottah pathetic
Your Harry Potter videos are the best, I could feel all the emotions. Harry become so strong at such a young age and he fought till the end 💜👑
I grew up watching this and I remembered i couldn't understand why they were crying and all in pain. And years later, I now know. I now know how much he suffered. How he watched everyone die with his own eyes. The ones he love die. How he sacrificed everything for the greater good. And I salute him.
Happy B'day Harry!❤❤❤❤❤❤
This vid brought me to tears😢😭
Harry- the boy who lived
Hermione- the girl who supported
Ron- the boy who trusted
Draco- the boy who lost it
Luna- the girl who calmed me
Ginny- the girl who waited
Snape- the one who was misunderstood...
the only correct on is Harrys the other ones are not lol
Pottah: The pathetic one
Granger: the pretty one
Ron: The stupid one
Me: whatever you want to call me
Luna:My cousin
Ginny: The strong one
Wow that was incredible! Best character study of Harry I’ve ever seen. I’m speechless honestly.
That was beautiful. It reaffirmed my love for Harry as a person, as the character, rather than the story.
This is beautiful. I have loved Harry, potter since chapter one of sorcerers stone and I will never stop loving him and the world of Harry Potter. He has taught me so much and I love him. Thank you, Harry Potter, you will always be loved!!!!
This takes me back to those evenings, sitting by the fireplace, alone, warm and cozy and reading Harry Potter.
Oh how I miss those times...best evenings of my life.
I get emotional thinking about it.
jesus this gave me so much emotions.. Your HP videos always bring me life.. i didnt know how fast i could click when i saw this upload. Truly tragic and beautiful the boy who lived lost way too much for such a young age. Beautiful video truly
If I could save this video.. I'll.. Its so beautifully stitched together, the dialogues, jumping between years but the conversation just right.. And sad, and beautiful...
Why success or victory always require something that we love so much in return ?
Yes, harry won but he lost many people that were very close to him
I am not crying...My eyes are just sweating...My tribute to everyone who died...
Angel Antil
That was stunning! Most of all the last line 'Until the end'. That one is so much more powerful than 'Always'.
Thank you for making this beautiful piece of art
No,in my opinion 'Always' is more powerful
they both have their own beautiful meanings
This is the BEST tribute I have ever seen!
Harry's essence, the pain and confusing he feels throughout the saga is so well reflected in this.Is just magnifict.I'm not huge fan of him but i really love the deployment he have and what him become in the end
this video has me in tears really. it really shows the dark story of harry potter. harry has got through so much shit, it is unreal. this video is so well made, i'm speechless! good job!!
he was famous
everyone was jealous of his attention
he suffered
Harry is one boy who didn't deserve what he had to undergo. He was brave, so brave. You made me cry, so many times.
Oh my god... that was so powerful & emotional, really heartbreaking and well resume, an amazing tribute. ❤
My favorite quote from the HP series is “do not not pity the dead Harry pity the living... and above all those who live without Love”
Harry potter is the story about love and it have made my life better than it was my heart is now broken into pieces I cant join it now just I am tearing now oh mine this video is just just so awesome bringing back my memories,Thankyou my friend for making this video you don't know Harry potter means world to me Thanks thanks a lot
I hate people who say harry potter is a kids story because the story is completely tragic. He sees 99% of the people he loves die, He lost his parents at 1, he was abused and neglected for 10 years, and after all the shit he had been through and all he had fought for he sacrificed himself to help the others. Its heartbreaking and tragic.
i’ve already seen this video like for 6 times. this is freaking MASTERPIECE, i love it. thank you for it, it gives me so many types of emotions, i can’t describe it. i know since i was a small kiddo, that harry was one of my favorite character ever. even that i don’t always agree with him, but he taught me so many things, so many things, such a brave boy! again thank you that you made time for this video, it means a lot! ❤️
I wish this was the Harry Potter trailer in full because this actually tells the truth about why Harry suffered so much just to get revenge on Voldemort and also shows how friendship is the most important thing ever, even if you don't have a lot of friends, cherish them until the end.
A legendary story that will always remain in my heart💔❤
Master piece I luv Harry Potter he truly is the tragic hero the world needs
Me: Thinks of how amazing Harry is and how his character devlopment is wonderful and how underappreciated he really is.
Also me: Haha Harry brilliant
This is so heartbreaking and well done I'm in tears. Thank you for creating this.
Harry: “We’ve got one thing that Voldemort doesn’t have.”
Me: “A nose.”
"Be brave professor, be brave like my mother" 🥺
My favorite and will always be ... Harry Potter .. I don't know why some people don't give him the credit he deserves .. he might have got help but it was always him in the end .. everywhere .. he made the correct and great choices everytime..
P.s I'm in love with you Potter 💛
So many people will never understand the depth of Harry himself simply because they haven't read the books. They'll see him as just another angry teen who thinks he has bigger problems than anyone else. The deep character growth throughout the seven books puts into into such better perspective than the movies ever could. Truly one of the greatest characters ever created. Going from a boy who was taught for ten years to believe he was nothing only to find that he is the only person who can save an entire race of humans. From the trauma that he went through in the first ten years of his life to the feeling of bliss that he felt when he found out that he was a wizard only to see that his biggest struggles were still ahead of him. Truly one of the greatest character evolution's ever. Let us never forget the story of The Boy Who Lived, Harry James Potter.
That was 5 minutes and 48 seconds of absolutely amazing editing! I love editing as well so I know the time and patience something this long would need and yet this is one of the best edits i´ve ever seen!!! Thank you so much of reminding me of how amazing it was to read The Harry Potter series because once the books are over they are over and it's not the same if you read it again but this small video was able to summarise and bring out the best parts of all the books/movies and i have never been so close to tears from watching a movie edit. Good job on all the amazing work you did. I am officially subscribing.
p.s: haha sorry i got so emotional.
watching this video again, all i can think of is how much harry means to me. i truly love him with all my heart.
When I ask my friends what’s your favourite character they say malfoy he’s hot he’s cool
But Harry I love Harry he’s brave he’s strong he can win even when he’s in pain he is not the boy only lived he’s the boy that can fight for love and friendship.💖💖
He fights for her friends he cares he’s not a character to me he’s my life. He is the boy who is strong brave . And nobody can change that! He will be my favourite character and movie in my life and will be forever 💖💖…
This was absolutely incredible, I always watch other Harry Potter tribute videos and think the editing or something about it is lacking. But not this one. This one is perfect
You know I live with my family ,I'm surrounded by my friend's ,had my pets come and go ,my imagination to guide me and write my own stories but the Wizarding world of Harry potter will be my only true home♥️