Why do TV hosts always ask these superficial questions (“How did you feel about it? Were you shocked?”) and never ask the important and obvious one - why did this happen?
Because noones knows the reason yet. The President made the decision without even advising him party members OR even the US, WHO ALLIES WITH S.K in its border protection and some coould say one of the 1st lines of defense. He declared martial law, in S Korea, that means basically war. This is why this is such an embarassment, and also, in history, martial law in S Korea ended up killing innocent civilians and ruining peoples lives. So to have such a big deal happen, and yet no real reason proven, is blasphemy
정확하게 아셔야 할 점이 있습니다. 현재 한국의 야당이 거대 야당이 되었는데, 문제는 제1 야당인 민주당 내에 친중 친북 세력들이 생각보다 많다는 점입니다. 이 부분은 타 국가에서 감안해야 할 점이 베트남이 멸망한 원인은 베트콩의 공격 때문이 아니라, 내부의 간첩 때문이었습니다. 현재 한국의 국가정보원이 가지고 있던 대공수사권은 야당에 의해 제한되어, 간첩을 잡는 업무가 경찰로 이관되었는데, 이 부분에서 문제가 큽니다. 야당 의원인 이재명 의원은 대표적인 공산주의자이자 친북, 친중세력으로 여러 비리 혐의에 연루되어 있어 구속될 가능성이 높은 상태였음에도 불구하고 윤석열 정권이 무리하게 정치적 도박을 단행했습니다. 아직 그 이유가 불분명하지만, 항간의 이유처럼 토테미즘 신봉가라던지 그의 와이프를 지키고자 한 행동이라기에는 여러가지 정치적인 계산이 깔려있다는 생각입니다. 며칠 더 지켜봐야 정확한 이유를 알 수 있을 겁니다. 아마도 국정원에서 입수한 공개 어려운 자료나 데이터가 확보는 되었으나, 야당이 제한한 법률때문에 불법 취득자료로 현재 취급받기 때문에 계엄령을 핑계삼아 그 때 확보한 자료라고 해명하려는 의도는 아닌가 싶습니다. 대략 한국에는 1만 5천명의 종북 세력이 있다고 추산되어지고 그 중 간첩으로 분류되는 사람은 계속 늘어나고 있습니다. 올해는 30명 내외일 듯 싶은데, 현재 한국의 CIA격인 국가정보원이 야당에 의해 대공수사권 기능을 경찰로 이관했습니다. 사실 한국 경찰은 대공수사권을 가지고 있어도 수사할 역량이 안됩니다. 이 부분을 매우 심각하게 보고 있는 것으로 판단되기 때문에 좀 더 지켜봐야할 것 같습니다. 솔직히 저기에 투입된 707특임대는 국회를 5분안에 장악할 능력을 소유한 부대입니다. 미국의 델타포스와 유사한 기능을 소유했으며, 적대국의 요인 암살, 납치와 같은 임무가 있습니다. 유튜버를 보신 분은 아시겠지만, 한국의 민방위 훈련처럼 설렁 설렁하는 것을 보실 수 있고, 외부 바리케이트를 지키는 부대는 심지어 예비탄창도 모두 비어있었고, 침투조였던 707특임대는 파란색 훈련용 탄약을 넣고 있던 훈련용 총기였습니다. 시민들을 향해서는 얻어맞아도 적대적인 행위가 없었으며, 심지어는 미안하다고 했고, 몸싸움중에 넘어진 시민을 일으켜 세워 옷을 털어주기까지 했습니다. 야간 투시경을 장착했던 특수 임무조는 아저씨들의 바리케이트를 보며 난감하다는 듯 헐리우드 액션을 취했으며, 전력을 끊지 않은채로 1시간 동안 국회에서 국회의원들이 투표를 진행하는 동안 침투도 하지 않았습니다. 세상에서 가장 친절했던 계엄군인일 겁니다. 이 모든 것들이 계산이 안되었을까요?
Likely due to it being required each citizen to have served in the Korean military so they have a common ground I suppose it united them hastily yet effectively I wonder what would happen if America were to undergo the same law
They are “pro-citizens,” i.e., activists. The people demonstrating with candles and flags in Seoul on a cold night cannot be ordinary citizens. This is a great opportunity for them, and there is no way they can miss it. They are the pro-North Korea group that is furthest away from democracy
The soldiers (the most advanced troops of s.korea) left apologizing and giving hugs to the civilians tried their best to not hurt anyone and cause any damage. The lawmakers climbed the fence to gather in the national assembly at midnight within 1.5 hr of declaration and lifted the martial law. They should recover this so other countries can learn from it
Nah you don't know the full story. There are many pro north korean and china supporters (basically socialist supporters) in the opposition party. It's very corrupt and they are trying to overthrow the current government. The current president was trying to act on the best interest of the country. But the media will always portray as an attempt at dictatorship 😂
He isnt liked, people want him out, and he has a few scandals, especially his wife. This seemed to be literally political suicide, to save his own face and not be forced out by scandal, but rather misuse of force. Seems very likely this is the case
The truth is that many Koreans were biased to blame the president for martial law, aligning themselves with pro-China or pro-North Korea ideologies that aim for a socialist state. They don’t even realize they are aligning themselves with such positions due to their ignorance. At first, after the martial law-with its short, maximum two-hour sleep schedules-many were misled, but they are awakening soon. The president was right. Now, Koreans know the truth, and the wave of protecting the president is positively overturning past misjudgments. Koreans should firmly realize that supporting impeachment is against our freedom and democracy, which goes against the values of the United States. People have had enough of how the left-wing factions are ruining South Korea, going against the alliance with the US and the principles of South Korea's free democracy. Get your act together. Martial law didn’t put a gun to your head. Snap out of it. These individuals oppose impeachment efforts aimed at creating a better future for Korea, instead supporting a totalitarian government. This is brutally unfolding in the current parliament, with relentless impeachment attempts and the influence of leftist agendas.
Makes you realise how volatile and impermanent all forms of political power are, and how it can happen anywhere with the right combination of factors to trigger a meltdown of the facade of order.
I was impressed by the the people in S Korea who went out to protest!! Especially the woman who grabbed the gun! She needs to be made a national heroine! She is a great symbol of S. Korean democracy! I will never forget that image! I want to know her story! This went from a bad day to a great day for S Korea because of those good people
She is a Communist agitator for the opposition Leftist party in South Korea. Like many Westeen European nations, along with America and Australiaz there are a lot of very slick, divisive, manipulative Leftists in mainstream media, pop culture and South Korean Govt. And Yoon was making a point trying to raise awareness to remove these Communist minded Leftists who have infiltrated many entities within South Korean Govt, Academia and Mainstream media. Like I said, just the same as America, Australia, USA, Canada, France, UK, ETC with all their WOKE/Leftists politics and ideologies.
The media should report accurate facts. However, martial law was ended by Korea National Assembly voting to lift martial law, and the president announced the lifting of martial law within 6 hours. The whole situation was over.
I really cannot think of one country that has a good leader.This time in history seems to be a time of appalling leadership and democracy is under attack.Where are the true leaders?We desperately need mature,wise people ,who love their country more than getting their snout in the trough.
The thing about politicians is that if they're doing their job properly, no-one has anything to say about it. Good leaders might be well-liked by the people of their country, but they're usually not featured in international news because they're not doing anything wrong that will attract attention.
you dont know anything about what is going on in S. Korea. Yoon declared martial law in order to protect his people and the country from the dominance of the Pro-Communist party. He did what he could. And now, all Korean citizens support President Yoon.
I was impressed by the the people in S Korea who went out to protest!! Especially the woman who grabbed the gun! She needs to be made a national heroine! She is a great symbol of S. Korean democracy! I will never forget that image! I want to know her story! This went from a bad day to a great day for S Korea because of those good people
Koreans know the truth, and the wave of protecting the president is positively overturning past misjudgments. Koreans should firmly realize that supporting impeachment is against our freedom and democracy, which goes against the values of the United States. People have had enough of how the left-wing factions are ruining South Korea, going against the alliance with the US and the principles of South Korea's free democracy. Get your act together. Martial law didn’t put a gun to your head. Snap out of it. These individuals oppose impeachment efforts aimed at creating a better future for Korea, instead supporting a totalitarian government. This is brutally unfolding in the current parliament, with relentless impeachment attempts and the influence of leftist agendas.
when i saw an article this morning, it was more to with him having issues with the opposition party and basically saying they were too pro north korea and it was a threat
그의 부인과 관련된 뇌물, 부인과 장모의 주가조작, 부인 가족들 관련 비리들과 깊게 연관이 된 사실, 국회에서 정한 법률에 25번이나 거부권 행사하는 행태로 꾸준히 비판을 받고 있던 상황에서 그가 대통령 시절 여론 조작으로 대선 후보가 된 사실이 밝혀졌고, 그 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 국회의원 선거에서도 여론 조작을 해서 국회의원 후보를 정했던 사실이 밝혀지고 있었음. 특히 이 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 윤석열 정책과 행보에 깊이 관여했던 사실들이 계속 드러나고 있던 중이었음. (대통령에게 민간인이 직접 정치개입 + 대통령이 권력분립을 지키지 않고 국회의원 선거에 개입. 헌법에 위배되어서 탄핵 소추 요건이 됨.) 윤석열의 지지율은 10%대로 떨어졌고, 사람들은 윤석열의 당선 무효를 주장하며 윤석열 탄핵 시위의 규모가 커지고 있었음. 게다가 윤석열은 재임기간 내내 중요한 정책과 관련된 예산은 전부 삭감하고(복지, 과학, 문화 심지어 군인 관련 비용), 국민들과 관련없는 분야에 세금을 낭비를 해서 국고를 탕진함. 소방관과 군인들에게 지급할 월급까지 주지 못한 상태를 만들었음. 특히 대통령에게 부과된 예산들 중 국가의 위급상황, 자연재해 등에 쓰기 위해 배당된 예산이 있는데 이 비용을 마음대로 다 써버림. 윤석열은 자신이 그 비용을 어디에 썼는지 밝혀야할 의무가 있었으나 구체적인 항목이 없는 영수증을 제출함. 그래서 국회에서 관련 비용 예산을 삭감해버림. 윤석열은 윤석열 본인과 그의 부인과 관련된 비리, 선거 관련 비리를 덮을 필요가 있었고, 국회에서 예산을 삭감한 것에 대해 굉장히 괘씸해 함. 그래서 계엄령을 내렸는데, 국회의 동의를 받지 않은 계엄은 헌법에 위배되며 불법임. 그럼에도 1980년에 독재자가 친위쿠데타를 일으킬 때 함께했던 707 부대와 공수부대를 동원해 국회를 불법점거하고, 중앙선거관리위원회도 불법점거했음. 이 과정에서 군부대는 상대당 대표와 국회의장을 체포하려고 시도했고, 윤석열이 평소 싫어했던 언론인 역시 체포하려고 그의 집 앞에 주둔하기도 했음. 윤석열은 계엄령을 내리는 이유로 북한과의 관련성을 언급했는데, 이것은 핑계임. 윤석열은 계속 자신과 관련된 비리 이슈들을 덮기 위해 윤석열의 상대당이 북한과 연관이 있다고 암시하며, 자신을 비판하는 시민들을 북한 간첩으로 몰며 여론을 선동했고, 북한과의 전쟁을 도발하려고 했음. 이것은 윤석열이 속한 정당이 독재를 유지하고. 독재자들이 자신의 무능을 덮기 위해 꾸준히 써왔던 수법임. (윤석열이 속한 정당은 이명박, 박근혜를 비롯한 한국의 독재자들을 배출해왔던 정당임.) 윤석열의 정당은 이 수법에 넘어가지 않고 독재자들을 비판하고 반대하는 사람들은 무조건 빨갱이라고 지칭하고 탄압해왔음. 윤석열은 꾸준히 친일본적인 외교정책으로 영토주권을 포기하는 듯한 태도, 대외무역에서 한국기업에게 불이익을 주는 행보로 한국의 기업들이 일본을 비롯한 해외의 나라들에게 넘어가도록 방관하기도 했음. 또한 한국의 주요 기념일인 독립기념일(광복절)과 항쟁 기념일인 3.1절에 독립 관련 연설이 아닌 일본과의 화해만 강조하고, 독립운동가들을 인정하지 않는 태도만 보였음. 또한 국가기밀을 다른 나라에 팔아서 유죄를 선고 받고 감옥에 있던 매우 친일적인 인물을 풀어주고 그를 정부의 중요 요직에 임명함. (이 시기에 북한 등 해외의 나라에 한국 정보원들의 기밀이 누설되었고, 많은 정보원들이 죽었음.) 윤석열의 부친은 일본의 장학생이였고, 일본이 식민지 시절에 한국의 역사를 왜곡, 날조하기 위해 만들어진 역사관을 진짜 역사라고 주장하는 학자들의 모임인 뉴라이트의 멤버였음. 그리고 윤석열의 역사관 또한 그의 아버지와 다를 바가 없는 것으로 보임. 이런 그의 태도야말로 일본 간첩 같은 느낌을 주기에 충분함.
그의 부인과 관련된 뇌물, 부인과 장모의 주가조작, 부인 가족들 관련 비리들과 깊게 연관이 된 사실, 국회에서 정한 법률에 25번이나 거부권 행사하는 행태로 꾸준히 비판을 받고 있었음. 거기에 더해 최근에 그가 대통령 후보 시절에 여론 조작으로 대선 후보가 된 사실이 밝혀졌고, 그 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 국회의원 선거에서도 여론 조작을 해서 국회의원 후보를 정했던 사실이 밝혀지고 있었음. 특히 이 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 윤석열 정책과 행보에 깊이 관여했던 사실들이 계속 드러나고 있던 중이었음. (대통령에게 민간인이 직접 정치개입 + 대통령이 권력분립을 지키지 않고 국회의원 선거에 개입. 헌법에 위배되어서 탄핵 소추 요건이 됨.) 윤석열의 지지율은 10%대로 떨어졌고, 사람들은 윤석열의 당선 무효를 주장하며 윤석열 탄핵 시위의 규모가 커지고 있었음. 게다가 윤석열은 재임기간 내내 중요한 정책과 관련된 예산은 전부 삭감하고(복지, 과학, 문화 심지어 군인 관련 비용), 국민들과 관련없는 분야에 세금을 낭비를 해서 국고를 탕진함. 소방관과 군인들에게 지급할 월급까지 주지 못한 상태를 만들었음. 특히 대통령에게 부과된 예산들 중 국가의 위급상황, 자연재해 등에 쓰기 위해 배당된 예산이 있는데 이 비용을 마음대로 다 써버림. 윤석열은 자신이 그 비용을 어디에 썼는지 밝혀야할 의무가 있었으나 구체적인 항목이 없는 영수증을 제출함. 그래서 국회에서 관련 비용 예산을 삭감해버림. 윤석열은 윤석열 본인과 그의 부인과 관련된 비리, 선거 관련 비리를 덮을 필요가 있었고, 국회에서 예산을 삭감한 것에 대해 굉장히 괘씸해 함. 그래서 계엄령을 내렸는데, 국회의 동의를 받지 않은 계엄은 헌법에 위배되며 불법임. 그럼에도 1980년에 독재자가 친위쿠데타를 일으킬 때 함께했던 707 부대와 공수부대를 동원해 국회를 불법점거하고, 중앙선거관리위원회도 불법점거했음. 이 과정에서 군부대는 상대당 대표와 국회의장을 체포하려고 시도했고, 윤석열이 평소 싫어했던 언론인 역시 체포하려고 그의 집 앞에 주둔하기도 했음. 윤석열은 계엄령을 내리는 이유로 북한과의 관련성을 언급했는데, 이것은 핑계임. 윤석열은 계속 자신과 관련된 비리 이슈들을 덮기 위해 윤석열의 상대당이 북한과 연관이 있다고 암시하며, 자신을 비판하는 시민들을 북한 간첩으로 몰며 여론을 선동했고, 북한과의 전쟁을 도발하려고 했음. 이것은 윤석열이 속한 정당이 독재를 유지하고, 독재자들이 자신의 무능을 가리고, 비리를 덮기 위해 꾸준히 써왔던 수법임. (윤석열이 속한 정당은 이명박, 박근혜를 비롯한 한국의 독재자들을 배출해왔던 정당임.) 윤석열의 정당은 이 수법에 넘어가지 않고 독재자들을 비판하고 반대하는 사람들은 무조건 빨갱이라고 지칭하고 탄압해왔음. 윤석열은 꾸준히 친일본적인 외교정책으로 영토주권을 포기하는 듯한 태도, 대외무역에서 한국기업에게 불이익을 주는 행보로 한국의 기업들이 일본을 비롯한 해외의 나라들에게 넘어가도록 방관하기도 했음. 또한 한국의 주요 기념일인 독립기념일(광복절)과 항쟁 기념일인 3.1절에 독립 관련 연설이 아닌 일본과의 화해만 강조하고, 독립운동가들을 인정하지 않는 태도만 보였음. 또한 국가기밀을 다른 나라에 팔아서 유죄를 선고 받고 감옥에 있던 매우 친일적인 인물을 풀어주고 그를 정부의 중요 요직에 임명함. (이 시기에 북한 등 해외의 나라에 한국 정보원들의 기밀이 누설되었고, 많은 정보원들이 죽었음.) 윤석열의 부친은 일본의 장학생이였고, 일본이 식민지 시절에 한국의 역사를 왜곡, 날조하기 위해 만들어진 역사관을 진짜 역사라고 주장하는 학자들의 모임인 뉴라이트의 멤버였음. 그리고 윤석열의 역사관 또한 그의 아버지와 다를 바가 없는 것으로 보임. 이런 그의 태도야말로 일본 간첩 같은 느낌을 주기에 충분함.
December 5th 5:27 PM EST - Quick update from South Korea: On Dec 3rd, when martial law was declared, President Yoon sent five troops to the Central Election Office, which oversees general and federal elections. This unit operates independently; even the Attorney General cannot interfere with this part of the government. The only way the president can intervene is under martial law. This explains why martial law was rescinded just 6 hours after it was declared. Yoon sent mere one troop to the parliament (which many people believe was just for show), but five times more were dispatched to the Central Election Office. Sources report that they secured the server and ransacked the place. It’s important to note that a significant majority of the Korean parliament are members of liberal parties, who oppose President Yoon (a conservative president). They have been planning to impeach Yoon, especially since the general election was held in April. Mainstream media is only showing one side of the story-the liberal perspective. To be continued...
That is kind of like typical, with people who are desperate and I know like South Korea is supposed to be the good guys, but I think we also say that because we believe that the people that United States always installed places are people that look out for humanity in general And we’re forgetting about the assassinations in Africa we’re forgetting about the dictators that we ourselves put in charge in other places and then we’re asking about the other dictators that we have put in place on the other side of the globe and why they are taking certain actions. Yeah he’s a little desperate little thing and she’s gonna wish he didn’t do this
Yoon Suk Yeol:Attention,Rrpublic of Korea! Hear my proclamation! I am Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea and your only ruler! Lee Jae hyung has surrendered to me. As a result of this, I am in control of both the Police and the Military, and not even the Opposition have the strength to oppose me now. If anyone dares to resist my supreme authority, they shall know the devastating powers of the Military! Those who could challenge my military eule no longer exist. Yes, from this day, from this moment forward, the South Korea belongs to me! Yoon Suk Yeol commands you: Obey me, subjects! Obey me, South Korea!
Let me explain why the president Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law. First of all, actually SKorea opposition party have 172 seats in the total of 300 seats in the congress and this amount of seats obtained by the opposition are related with very suspicious fraudulent elections occurred in the past election, so president Yoon cannot pass/approve several issues concerning about national important issues in the congress bc of this opposition called minjudan (they are pro- NKorea and pro-China). So the president Yoon was forced to do this martial law declaration because this was the unique way to invade the building that is located the central election system of the country and to confiscate all the documents and election machines and servers systems to find this manipulated election fraud. President Yoon tried to obtain this files through supreme court but it was denied. This indicate that even supreme court maybe was part of this corrupted system installed in SKorea and the ultimate decision was emergencial martial law, after the military suceeding to confiscate this files, president Yoon removed martial law. This act was totally legal and the majority Korean citizens are in his side. We will punish all of this corrupt politicians that was elected by the fraudulent way!
I have great respect for those who immediately stood up for their freedom, but on the flip side I am a bit surprised so many in the military even followed through on the order. Maybe I’m missing something. I know the military are generally trained to follow orders without question, but there have to be exceptions to that, and turning on your own government and citizens at the whim of the President needs to be one of those lines every military in a free nation needs to refuse to cross.
North Korea is still the only sovereign & independent nation on the Korean Peninsula, unlike the US military base to the south keeping Koreans divided.
Reverse January 6 actually. People protected the country from the authorities. January 6th in the US was the opposite, authority protecting the government from citizens.
This is pretty much what is happening in Taiwan right now😢 The ruling party DPP already defended the chair of the country's third largest political party, and the DPP also announced it's support to the South Korean's martial law as the news broke out. They only took the announcement down after they started receiving angry feedback from the South Koreans and the Japanese. Please consider making a video about how democracy is slowly dying under the mob of DPP 🙏 🙏 🙏
Why do TV hosts always ask these superficial questions (“How did you feel about it? Were you shocked?”) and never ask the important and obvious one - why did this happen?
It’s almost rude this TV host, I think. GOD bless Korea.🥰💝🎯
When you only pay television hosts +$500k a year, what do expect, journalism? 💰🤣
Because noones knows the reason yet. The President made the decision without even advising him party members OR even the US, WHO ALLIES WITH S.K in its border protection and some coould say one of the 1st lines of defense. He declared martial law, in S Korea, that means basically war. This is why this is such an embarassment, and also, in history, martial law in S Korea ended up killing innocent civilians and ruining peoples lives. So to have such a big deal happen, and yet no real reason proven, is blasphemy
because they dont know why
정확하게 아셔야 할 점이 있습니다. 현재 한국의 야당이 거대 야당이 되었는데, 문제는 제1 야당인 민주당 내에 친중 친북 세력들이 생각보다 많다는 점입니다. 이 부분은 타 국가에서 감안해야 할 점이 베트남이 멸망한 원인은 베트콩의 공격 때문이 아니라, 내부의 간첩 때문이었습니다. 현재 한국의 국가정보원이 가지고 있던 대공수사권은 야당에 의해 제한되어, 간첩을 잡는 업무가 경찰로 이관되었는데, 이 부분에서 문제가 큽니다. 야당 의원인 이재명 의원은 대표적인 공산주의자이자 친북, 친중세력으로 여러 비리 혐의에 연루되어 있어 구속될 가능성이 높은 상태였음에도 불구하고 윤석열 정권이 무리하게 정치적 도박을 단행했습니다. 아직 그 이유가 불분명하지만, 항간의 이유처럼 토테미즘 신봉가라던지 그의 와이프를 지키고자 한 행동이라기에는 여러가지 정치적인 계산이 깔려있다는 생각입니다. 며칠 더 지켜봐야 정확한 이유를 알 수 있을 겁니다. 아마도 국정원에서 입수한 공개 어려운 자료나 데이터가 확보는 되었으나, 야당이 제한한 법률때문에 불법 취득자료로 현재 취급받기 때문에 계엄령을 핑계삼아 그 때 확보한 자료라고 해명하려는 의도는 아닌가 싶습니다. 대략 한국에는 1만 5천명의 종북 세력이 있다고 추산되어지고 그 중 간첩으로 분류되는 사람은 계속 늘어나고 있습니다. 올해는 30명 내외일 듯 싶은데, 현재 한국의 CIA격인 국가정보원이 야당에 의해 대공수사권 기능을 경찰로 이관했습니다. 사실 한국 경찰은 대공수사권을 가지고 있어도 수사할 역량이 안됩니다. 이 부분을 매우 심각하게 보고 있는 것으로 판단되기 때문에 좀 더 지켜봐야할 것 같습니다.
솔직히 저기에 투입된 707특임대는 국회를 5분안에 장악할 능력을 소유한 부대입니다. 미국의 델타포스와 유사한 기능을 소유했으며, 적대국의 요인 암살, 납치와 같은 임무가 있습니다. 유튜버를 보신 분은 아시겠지만, 한국의 민방위 훈련처럼 설렁 설렁하는 것을 보실 수 있고, 외부 바리케이트를 지키는 부대는 심지어 예비탄창도 모두 비어있었고, 침투조였던 707특임대는 파란색 훈련용 탄약을 넣고 있던 훈련용 총기였습니다. 시민들을 향해서는 얻어맞아도 적대적인 행위가 없었으며, 심지어는 미안하다고 했고, 몸싸움중에 넘어진 시민을 일으켜 세워 옷을 털어주기까지 했습니다. 야간 투시경을 장착했던 특수 임무조는 아저씨들의 바리케이트를 보며 난감하다는 듯 헐리우드 액션을 취했으며, 전력을 끊지 않은채로 1시간 동안 국회에서 국회의원들이 투표를 진행하는 동안 침투도 하지 않았습니다.
세상에서 가장 친절했던 계엄군인일 겁니다. 이 모든 것들이 계산이 안되었을까요?
honestly in awe of how quick south koreans reacted and rallied to protest when it all happened at night
Imagine trying to get apathetic Australians to react to a government decision? Easier to herd cats! 😂
They are "professional" citizens.
Likely due to it being required each citizen to have served in the Korean military so they have a common ground I suppose it united them hastily yet effectively I wonder what would happen if America were to undergo the same law
The opposition party knew that it would happen so they had a plan for that.
They are “pro-citizens,” i.e., activists.
The people demonstrating with candles and flags in Seoul on a cold night cannot be ordinary citizens. This is a great opportunity for them, and there is no way they can miss it.
They are the pro-North Korea group that is furthest away from democracy
Right in our backyard? I feel offended on behalf of the Koreans!
In terms of trade and security alliance, south korea is one of Australias closest allies.
@@loelds4817 South Korea is US's South Korea, not Australia's.
@@loelds4817thinking too highly of yourselves
We haven’t got an official alliance with South Korea. Only America and the UK.
Why? Clowns like you cause problems, grow up kid.
The soldiers (the most advanced troops of s.korea) left apologizing and giving hugs to the civilians tried their best to not hurt anyone and cause any damage. The lawmakers climbed the fence to gather in the national assembly at midnight within 1.5 hr of declaration and lifted the martial law. They should recover this so other countries can learn from it
Most of the S Korean soldiers are civilians and not professionals. So, you can imagine if this happens in the US. American democracy is over.
I don't even understand when you mentioned that South Korea is your neighbourhood.
It's a figure of speech
In terms of trade and security alliance, south korea is one of Australias closest allies.
@@loelds4817 Still not your backyard.
@@johannuys7914in terms of ballistic missile range it might as well be.
@@johannuys7914 중국, 러시아 미사일 탐지가 어디서부터 시작된다고 배운건가요? 한국의 주한미군 및 한국군의 레이더 부대는 미국과 일본에게 가장 먼저 정보를 제공하고, 호주와도 공유되는 것으로 압니다. 한국이 없으면 미 해군도 중도 요격이 불가합니다.
“Right in our backyard” bruh… has this woman never looked at a map before 😭😭💀💀
Idiotic commentator. Americans know nothing about S Korea!
In the global political sphere, South Korea is pretty much there tbh. The Indo-Pacific region is the future of all things good and bad
@ if you say so Kissinger. Australia’s future and South Korean affairs are very, very much dependent on each other.
In terms of trade and security alliance, south korea is one of Australias closest allies.
she prolly thinks it's north of canuck land LOL.
A big salute to all citizens of south korea for fighting your democracy. I think the president wants a coup
Nah you don't know the full story. There are many pro north korean and china supporters (basically socialist supporters) in the opposition party. It's very corrupt and they are trying to overthrow the current government. The current president was trying to act on the best interest of the country. But the media will always portray as an attempt at dictatorship 😂
He isnt liked, people want him out, and he has a few scandals, especially his wife. This seemed to be literally political suicide, to save his own face and not be forced out by scandal, but rather misuse of force. Seems very likely this is the case
Unlike us where we elected a criminal fascist
The truth is that many Koreans were biased to blame the president for martial law, aligning themselves with pro-China or pro-North Korea ideologies that aim for a socialist state. They don’t even realize they are aligning themselves with such positions due to their ignorance. At first, after the martial law-with its short, maximum two-hour sleep schedules-many were misled, but they are awakening soon. The president was right. Now, Koreans know the truth, and the wave of protecting the president is positively overturning past misjudgments. Koreans should firmly realize that supporting impeachment is against our freedom and democracy, which goes against the values of the United States. People have had enough of how the left-wing factions are ruining South Korea, going against the alliance with the US and the principles of South Korea's free democracy. Get your act together. Martial law didn’t put a gun to your head. Snap out of it. These individuals oppose impeachment efforts aimed at creating a better future for Korea, instead supporting a totalitarian government. This is brutally unfolding in the current parliament, with relentless impeachment attempts and the influence of leftist agendas.
It's not true.
Makes you realise how volatile and impermanent all forms of political power are, and how it can happen anywhere with the right combination of factors to trigger a meltdown of the facade of order.
I was impressed by the the people in S Korea who went out to protest!! Especially the woman who grabbed the gun! She needs to be made a national heroine! She is a great symbol of S. Korean democracy! I will never forget that image! I want to know her story!
This went from a bad day to a great day for S Korea because of those good people
She is a spokesperson for the opposition party. She is a beast.
그녀는 훌륭한 국회의원입니다 윗 댓글을 믿지마세요
카메라 많은 곳에서 대놓고 군인의 총을 잡는건 완전히 코미디지 ㅋㅋㅋ
용감하다고는 할수있겠지만 잘했다고는 못하겠다 그 사람의 과거 행적을 보면 의도가 뻔히보인다
She is a Communist agitator for the opposition Leftist party in South Korea. Like many Westeen European nations, along with America and Australiaz there are a lot of very slick, divisive, manipulative Leftists in mainstream media, pop culture and South Korean Govt. And Yoon was making a point trying to raise awareness to remove these Communist minded Leftists who have infiltrated many entities within South Korean Govt, Academia and Mainstream media. Like I said, just the same as America, Australia, USA, Canada, France, UK, ETC with all their WOKE/Leftists politics and ideologies.
@@BabTaiGi 총 잡은 여자 국회의원 아님 ㅋㅋㅋ 니 댓글도 잘못된 정보임
The media should report accurate facts. However, martial law was ended by Korea National Assembly voting to lift martial law, and the president announced the lifting of martial law within 6 hours. The whole situation was over.
Did they really declare martial law when North Korea didn’t even attack them
Yes, because they received a threat
South korea president went nuts, i bet he had a nightmare that the fat fool from north korea has attacked them that's why he declared martial law 😂
@@beLLz81 no because the president's position was in danger
That’s what I’m saying 😂
most volatile area? this is why we all hate legacy media lol
Exactly 😂 South Korea = literally one of the safest place on earth.
@@user-3jd6hek5h Who says so? It was under Marital Law, just like Taiwan and Singapore. LOL
I made a calculated decision…but boy, am I bad at Math
*President Yoon”
South Korea is in our backyard? how big our bloody backyard? hahaha
we arent even in asia
It's another continent and an ocean away, the Americans really think they own earth planet. 😂😂
This is Australian.
@@andrewlim7751This is embarrassing, mate. I get you don't like the yanks but you're chasing ghosts trying to get one up on them
In terms of trade and security alliance, south korea is one of Australias closest allies.
GOD BLESS KOREA, we love you.🥰
I really cannot think of one country that has a good leader.This time in history seems to be a time of appalling leadership and democracy is under attack.Where are the true leaders?We desperately need mature,wise people ,who love their country more than getting their snout in the trough.
The thing about politicians is that if they're doing their job properly, no-one has anything to say about it. Good leaders might be well-liked by the people of their country, but they're usually not featured in international news because they're not doing anything wrong that will attract attention.
@@keeperofthedarksidesExactly. Popular decisions are not always the best ones. Governments are ALWAYS criticised. Opposition is a much easier job.
Trump is a true leader!!!!
you dont know anything about what is going on in S. Korea. Yoon declared martial law in order to protect his people and the country from the dominance of the Pro-Communist party. He did what he could. And now, all Korean citizens support President Yoon.
Yoon is a lame duck.
his more of a cooked duck now
This is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen
You should add a question mark to the title because you people are clueless. The interviewer was clearly looking for a particular narrative...
Poor people. Politics ruining people’s life in my home.
I was impressed by the the people in S Korea who went out to protest!! Especially the woman who grabbed the gun! She needs to be made a national heroine! She is a great symbol of S. Korean democracy! I will never forget that image! I want to know her story!
This went from a bad day to a great day for S Korea because of those good people
You got the wrong guy to comment (ex-Korean army personnel)... need a professional political analyst for fair comments
Let me say. This is what they call democracy and human rights. Okay
This is unbelievable. How can a person even think of this..
Koreans know the truth, and the wave of protecting the president is positively overturning past misjudgments. Koreans should firmly realize that supporting impeachment is against our freedom and democracy, which goes against the values of the United States. People have had enough of how the left-wing factions are ruining South Korea, going against the alliance with the US and the principles of South Korea's free democracy. Get your act together. Martial law didn’t put a gun to your head. Snap out of it. These individuals oppose impeachment efforts aimed at creating a better future for Korea, instead supporting a totalitarian government. This is brutally unfolding in the current parliament, with relentless impeachment attempts and the influence of leftist agendas.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Chaebol are intertwined in this
That lady holding the barrel, advantage when almost everyone is military.
Korean G-String game becoming closer to reality
Northern Territory should also declare martial law because of Alice Springs.
Usa' backyard, maybe. Australia's? LOL 😂😂😂
So what was the reason for this again?
"The enemy within"
I just hope Trump doesn't invoke martial law
when i saw an article this morning, it was more to with him having issues with the opposition party and basically saying they were too pro north korea and it was a threat
@@haruhisuzumiya6650humming 'Entrance Of The Gladiators' for you right now 🤡
그의 부인과 관련된 뇌물, 부인과 장모의 주가조작, 부인 가족들 관련 비리들과 깊게 연관이 된 사실, 국회에서 정한 법률에 25번이나 거부권 행사하는 행태로 꾸준히 비판을 받고 있던 상황에서 그가 대통령 시절 여론 조작으로 대선 후보가 된 사실이 밝혀졌고, 그 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 국회의원 선거에서도 여론 조작을 해서 국회의원 후보를 정했던 사실이 밝혀지고 있었음. 특히 이 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 윤석열 정책과 행보에 깊이 관여했던 사실들이 계속 드러나고 있던 중이었음.
(대통령에게 민간인이 직접 정치개입 + 대통령이 권력분립을 지키지 않고 국회의원 선거에 개입. 헌법에 위배되어서 탄핵 소추 요건이 됨.)
윤석열의 지지율은 10%대로 떨어졌고, 사람들은 윤석열의 당선 무효를 주장하며 윤석열 탄핵 시위의 규모가 커지고 있었음.
게다가 윤석열은 재임기간 내내 중요한 정책과 관련된 예산은 전부 삭감하고(복지, 과학, 문화 심지어 군인 관련 비용), 국민들과 관련없는 분야에 세금을 낭비를 해서 국고를 탕진함. 소방관과 군인들에게 지급할 월급까지 주지 못한 상태를 만들었음.
특히 대통령에게 부과된 예산들 중 국가의 위급상황, 자연재해 등에 쓰기 위해 배당된 예산이 있는데 이 비용을 마음대로 다 써버림.
윤석열은 자신이 그 비용을 어디에 썼는지 밝혀야할 의무가 있었으나 구체적인 항목이 없는 영수증을 제출함. 그래서 국회에서 관련 비용 예산을 삭감해버림.
윤석열은 윤석열 본인과 그의 부인과 관련된 비리, 선거 관련 비리를 덮을 필요가 있었고, 국회에서 예산을 삭감한 것에 대해 굉장히 괘씸해 함.
그래서 계엄령을 내렸는데, 국회의 동의를 받지 않은 계엄은 헌법에 위배되며 불법임.
그럼에도 1980년에 독재자가 친위쿠데타를 일으킬 때 함께했던 707 부대와 공수부대를 동원해 국회를 불법점거하고, 중앙선거관리위원회도 불법점거했음.
이 과정에서 군부대는 상대당 대표와 국회의장을 체포하려고 시도했고, 윤석열이 평소 싫어했던 언론인 역시 체포하려고 그의 집 앞에 주둔하기도 했음.
윤석열은 계엄령을 내리는 이유로 북한과의 관련성을 언급했는데, 이것은 핑계임.
윤석열은 계속 자신과 관련된 비리 이슈들을 덮기 위해 윤석열의 상대당이 북한과 연관이 있다고 암시하며, 자신을 비판하는 시민들을 북한 간첩으로 몰며 여론을 선동했고, 북한과의 전쟁을 도발하려고 했음.
이것은 윤석열이 속한 정당이 독재를 유지하고. 독재자들이 자신의 무능을 덮기 위해 꾸준히 써왔던 수법임.
(윤석열이 속한 정당은 이명박, 박근혜를 비롯한 한국의 독재자들을 배출해왔던 정당임.)
윤석열의 정당은 이 수법에 넘어가지 않고 독재자들을 비판하고 반대하는 사람들은 무조건 빨갱이라고 지칭하고 탄압해왔음.
윤석열은 꾸준히 친일본적인 외교정책으로 영토주권을 포기하는 듯한 태도, 대외무역에서 한국기업에게 불이익을 주는 행보로 한국의 기업들이 일본을 비롯한 해외의 나라들에게 넘어가도록 방관하기도 했음.
또한 한국의 주요 기념일인 독립기념일(광복절)과 항쟁 기념일인 3.1절에 독립 관련 연설이 아닌 일본과의 화해만 강조하고, 독립운동가들을 인정하지 않는 태도만 보였음.
또한 국가기밀을 다른 나라에 팔아서 유죄를 선고 받고 감옥에 있던 매우 친일적인 인물을 풀어주고 그를 정부의 중요 요직에 임명함.
(이 시기에 북한 등 해외의 나라에 한국 정보원들의 기밀이 누설되었고, 많은 정보원들이 죽었음.)
윤석열의 부친은 일본의 장학생이였고, 일본이 식민지 시절에 한국의 역사를 왜곡, 날조하기 위해 만들어진 역사관을 진짜 역사라고 주장하는 학자들의 모임인 뉴라이트의 멤버였음. 그리고 윤석열의 역사관 또한 그의 아버지와 다를 바가 없는 것으로 보임.
이런 그의 태도야말로 일본 간첩 같은 느낌을 주기에 충분함.
그의 부인과 관련된 뇌물, 부인과 장모의 주가조작, 부인 가족들 관련 비리들과 깊게 연관이 된 사실, 국회에서 정한 법률에 25번이나 거부권 행사하는 행태로 꾸준히 비판을 받고 있었음.
거기에 더해 최근에 그가 대통령 후보 시절에 여론 조작으로 대선 후보가 된 사실이 밝혀졌고, 그 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 국회의원 선거에서도 여론 조작을 해서 국회의원 후보를 정했던 사실이 밝혀지고 있었음. 특히 이 여론 조작을 했던 사람이 윤석열 정책과 행보에 깊이 관여했던 사실들이 계속 드러나고 있던 중이었음.
(대통령에게 민간인이 직접 정치개입 + 대통령이 권력분립을 지키지 않고 국회의원 선거에 개입. 헌법에 위배되어서 탄핵 소추 요건이 됨.)
윤석열의 지지율은 10%대로 떨어졌고, 사람들은 윤석열의 당선 무효를 주장하며 윤석열 탄핵 시위의 규모가 커지고 있었음.
게다가 윤석열은 재임기간 내내 중요한 정책과 관련된 예산은 전부 삭감하고(복지, 과학, 문화 심지어 군인 관련 비용), 국민들과 관련없는 분야에 세금을 낭비를 해서 국고를 탕진함. 소방관과 군인들에게 지급할 월급까지 주지 못한 상태를 만들었음.
특히 대통령에게 부과된 예산들 중 국가의 위급상황, 자연재해 등에 쓰기 위해 배당된 예산이 있는데 이 비용을 마음대로 다 써버림.
윤석열은 자신이 그 비용을 어디에 썼는지 밝혀야할 의무가 있었으나 구체적인 항목이 없는 영수증을 제출함. 그래서 국회에서 관련 비용 예산을 삭감해버림.
윤석열은 윤석열 본인과 그의 부인과 관련된 비리, 선거 관련 비리를 덮을 필요가 있었고, 국회에서 예산을 삭감한 것에 대해 굉장히 괘씸해 함.
그래서 계엄령을 내렸는데, 국회의 동의를 받지 않은 계엄은 헌법에 위배되며 불법임.
그럼에도 1980년에 독재자가 친위쿠데타를 일으킬 때 함께했던 707 부대와 공수부대를 동원해 국회를 불법점거하고, 중앙선거관리위원회도 불법점거했음.
이 과정에서 군부대는 상대당 대표와 국회의장을 체포하려고 시도했고, 윤석열이 평소 싫어했던 언론인 역시 체포하려고 그의 집 앞에 주둔하기도 했음.
윤석열은 계엄령을 내리는 이유로 북한과의 관련성을 언급했는데, 이것은 핑계임.
윤석열은 계속 자신과 관련된 비리 이슈들을 덮기 위해 윤석열의 상대당이 북한과 연관이 있다고 암시하며, 자신을 비판하는 시민들을 북한 간첩으로 몰며 여론을 선동했고, 북한과의 전쟁을 도발하려고 했음.
이것은 윤석열이 속한 정당이 독재를 유지하고, 독재자들이 자신의 무능을 가리고, 비리를 덮기 위해 꾸준히 써왔던 수법임.
(윤석열이 속한 정당은 이명박, 박근혜를 비롯한 한국의 독재자들을 배출해왔던 정당임.)
윤석열의 정당은 이 수법에 넘어가지 않고 독재자들을 비판하고 반대하는 사람들은 무조건 빨갱이라고 지칭하고 탄압해왔음.
윤석열은 꾸준히 친일본적인 외교정책으로 영토주권을 포기하는 듯한 태도, 대외무역에서 한국기업에게 불이익을 주는 행보로 한국의 기업들이 일본을 비롯한 해외의 나라들에게 넘어가도록 방관하기도 했음.
또한 한국의 주요 기념일인 독립기념일(광복절)과 항쟁 기념일인 3.1절에 독립 관련 연설이 아닌 일본과의 화해만 강조하고, 독립운동가들을 인정하지 않는 태도만 보였음.
또한 국가기밀을 다른 나라에 팔아서 유죄를 선고 받고 감옥에 있던 매우 친일적인 인물을 풀어주고 그를 정부의 중요 요직에 임명함.
(이 시기에 북한 등 해외의 나라에 한국 정보원들의 기밀이 누설되었고, 많은 정보원들이 죽었음.)
윤석열의 부친은 일본의 장학생이였고, 일본이 식민지 시절에 한국의 역사를 왜곡, 날조하기 위해 만들어진 역사관을 진짜 역사라고 주장하는 학자들의 모임인 뉴라이트의 멤버였음. 그리고 윤석열의 역사관 또한 그의 아버지와 다를 바가 없는 것으로 보임.
이런 그의 태도야말로 일본 간첩 같은 느낌을 주기에 충분함.
December 5th 5:27 PM EST - Quick update from South Korea: On Dec 3rd, when martial law was declared, President Yoon sent five troops to the Central Election Office, which oversees general and federal elections. This unit operates independently; even the Attorney General cannot interfere with this part of the government. The only way the president can intervene is under martial law. This explains why martial law was rescinded just 6 hours after it was declared. Yoon sent mere one troop to the parliament (which many people believe was just for show), but five times more were dispatched to the Central Election Office. Sources report that they secured the server and ransacked the place. It’s important to note that a significant majority of the Korean parliament are members of liberal parties, who oppose President Yoon (a conservative president). They have been planning to impeach Yoon, especially since the general election was held in April. Mainstream media is only showing one side of the story-the liberal perspective. To be continued...
Keep updating here
only in "our backyard" if the planet is the wall
Rocket man is watching 👀
North Korea has Russia , Japan has USA , South Korea has Samsung .
That ex General was a cool dude
In bum Chun
How awfully embarrassing
Oh man the frog man with the turtleneck is named In-Bum
Maybe Australia should take notes 😂
Oh it's the Project, next.
The institute of truth... 😂
This is "diablo-like" performance. GJ Korean Truedeau...
That is kind of like typical, with people who are desperate and I know like South Korea is supposed to be the good guys, but I think we also say that because we believe that the people that United States always installed places are people that look out for humanity in general And we’re forgetting about the assassinations in Africa we’re forgetting about the dictators that we ourselves put in charge in other places and then we’re asking about the other dictators that we have put in place on the other side of the globe and why they are taking certain actions. Yeah he’s a little desperate little thing and she’s gonna wish he didn’t do this
The project Lol. Is this still a thing. Good to see your 92 likes lol.
Blame the Americans for bailing out this broke network in Australia.
When you make compulsory military service and train all citizen as a military personal. Make the country at a risk of internal conflict
Yoon could never become as based as Park Chung Hee.
So shame.
a country with over 24000 foreign troops overlooking their 'democracy'
An unpopular president and defence minister in South Korea will now have to resign. What a clown. What was he trying to achieve? 😮
Yoon Suk Yeol:Attention,Rrpublic of Korea! Hear my proclamation! I am Yoon Suk Yeol, President of the Republic of Korea and your only ruler! Lee Jae hyung has surrendered to me. As a result of this, I am in control of both the Police and the Military, and not even the Opposition have the strength to oppose me now. If anyone dares to resist my supreme authority, they shall know the devastating powers of the Military! Those who could challenge my military eule no longer exist. Yes, from this day, from this moment forward, the South Korea belongs to me! Yoon Suk Yeol commands you: Obey me, subjects! Obey me, South Korea!
The North Remembers
You have not explained the reason for martial law, I am sorry but for those of us that don’t follow Korea, this is poor journalism
Let me explain why the president Yoon Suk Yeol declared martial law.
First of all, actually SKorea opposition party have 172 seats in the total of 300 seats in the congress and this amount of seats obtained by the opposition are related with very suspicious fraudulent elections occurred in the past election, so president Yoon cannot pass/approve several issues concerning about national important issues in the congress bc of this opposition called minjudan (they are pro- NKorea and pro-China). So the president Yoon was forced to do this martial law declaration because this was the unique way to invade the building that is located the central election system of the country and to confiscate all the documents and election machines and servers systems to find this manipulated election fraud. President Yoon tried to obtain this files through supreme court but it was denied. This indicate that even supreme court maybe was part of this corrupted system installed in SKorea and the ultimate decision was emergencial martial law, after the military suceeding to confiscate this files, president Yoon removed martial law. This act was totally legal and the majority Korean citizens are in his side. We will punish all of this corrupt politicians that was elected by the fraudulent way!
Nice comment. More people need to read this and learn the truth.
이내용은 거짓뉴스입니다
I remember the massacre of Gwangju Uprising in 1980 on political turmoil..
I've seen the memorial in Gwangju. It is a solemn place in remembrance of what happened 44 years ago.
I have great respect for those who immediately stood up for their freedom, but on the flip side I am a bit surprised so many in the military even followed through on the order. Maybe I’m missing something. I know the military are generally trained to follow orders without question, but there have to be exceptions to that, and turning on your own government and citizens at the whim of the President needs to be one of those lines every military in a free nation needs to refuse to cross.
Only if americans were as patriotic or educated in their own politics ...
I have a shocker for you, about 50% aren't.
This is exactly what Trudeau did to the Trucker Convoy in Canada 🇨🇦
When they all have to go military training... B
아… 진짜 가지가지 한다…
유신시대 추억하며 즐겼구나
Only one woman can save South Korea..... Hanni Pham for President!
You guys must have a big backyard if South Korea is in it.
Thats terrorible , this doesn't look good , & hope its cleared up soon , so sad & terrifying for the people of South korea & their very nice people .😢
Right in our backyard 😂😂😂 she thinks that we have a 'project' doctrine over Asia just like the yanks insist on its Monroe doctrine on the Americas
탄핵 가결.
I am so sad.
North Korea is still the only sovereign & independent nation on the Korean Peninsula, unlike the US military base to the south keeping Koreans divided.
BUT WHY........
يارب احمي كوريا وشعبها يارب العالمين.
I don't feel Americans would do anything, the apathy here is palpable...
The overreach of the legislative branch and having no majority whatsoever to back him up made him to enforce the martial law.
That's what happens in a democracy. That's what is supposed to happen in a democracy. What do you think democracy is?
Your Backyard?? Since when?
He is still My president lol That ex korean general is obviously in support of the president's action lol =3
Squad games is coming to life!
Send the puppet to jail. Okay
Samsung marketing gimmick again.
Where USA is you just know the answer.......
Exactly . But ppl like to be in denial...
와. 진짜 쪽팔린다 윤석열
Deathly weird shame
very odd
What will be happened next?
President and defence minister will have to resign. Zero support for either of them now. Coming off an already low base.
@multioptioned i wondered thinking That some people of South are supporting this martial law!
North maybe laughing and calculating.
아… 진짜 가지가지 한다… 아주…그니..
유신시대 추억하며 즐겼구나
He is reckless
Another fantastic report by brilliant journalists.....😂 in our back yard, "the world relies on south Korea for some stability" oh ok Project 😅
so dangerous !
The Zelensky curse works in mysterious ways
I reckon he has had one too many,must have had a big night.🍻🍺🍻
This was a miniature Korean January 6 insurrection by a little Korean Donald Trump.
Reverse January 6 actually. People protected the country from the authorities. January 6th in the US was the opposite, authority protecting the government from citizens.
South Korean politics is fascinating.
Lol why 😂😂😂
Soft ball & effete questioning and pushback from the neighbours of a nuclear power
😂😂😂 no more us 🧠🧠🧠
This happens when you backstabbed america😂
Ignorant. And uneducated, aren't you?
I hope the K-Pop girls make it through ok.
Change your money(won) into us dollar. Investor are leaving your country.
Food for thought for the Dishonorable poor excuse of a human being American President elect.
This is pretty much what is happening in Taiwan right now😢 The ruling party DPP already defended the chair of the country's third largest political party, and the DPP also announced it's support to the South Korean's martial law as the news broke out. They only took the announcement down after they started receiving angry feedback from the South Koreans and the Japanese. Please consider making a video about how democracy is slowly dying under the mob of DPP 🙏 🙏 🙏
Watch Trump doing this soon.
Marshal Law next communism 😢.
Communism 😂 I wouldn't expect less from someone who calls it "Marshal" law
The project is a joke of a show