Que se apuren a lanzar alfombras o tapetes Oficianles, por que si no se ponen las pilas, me compro uno armado trucho y lo configuro para reemplazar a el teclado el dia 1. Ni en pedo me juego con teclado.
release a version of Pump It Up steam in 2025, and made it in consideration of playing it with hands. In the future, we are also planning to develop a pad that uses feet like an arcade. + new arcade version of PUMP IT UP will be released in 2025.
스페인어 하는데 떨려서 미치는 줄 알았습니다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘 마무리 됐으니 정말 다행이에요 ㅠㅠ
내년 초를 목표로 하시나요?
집에 아케이드용 발판이 있어서 usb캐이블로 연결되있는데 키보드버젼이라도 연동이 되겠죠?
He esperado este momento tanto tiempo. 🥲
고맙다! 영상 찍어줘서...
영상찍느라 고생하셨어요~😊
Que se apuren a lanzar alfombras o tapetes Oficianles, por que si no se ponen las pilas, me compro uno armado trucho y lo configuro para reemplazar a el teclado el dia 1. Ni en pedo me juego con teclado.
2:12 Beethoven Virus confirmed!
Y justo me acabo de comprar mi pad original
Ya es 2025, cuando sale?
probablemente lo veremos hasta mediados de año si tenemos suerte, pro probablemente sera hasta septiembre-noviembre, asi que faltaaa mucho
Ojalá no cobren dlc de los mapas clásicos pero se ve prometedor
es lo primero que haran, supongo que no saldra full y cobraran por dlc canciones de la generaciones pasadas
Oh syyyy
Cuando , cuandoooooooooooo 🫨
No dijeron solo 2025
Can someone translate what was said?
release a version of Pump It Up steam in 2025,
and made it in consideration of playing it with hands.
In the future, we are also planning to develop a pad that uses feet like an arcade.
+ new arcade version of PUMP IT UP will be released in 2025.
@@KIM_LAW Phoenix feels so undone. Could've had more potential. Still fun mix.
@BryFo That's right.
Phoenix was released at 3Q and 150 new songs were scheduled,
the new version is likely to be released at 3Q-4Q in 2025.
@@KIM_LAW That's good to know.
Get your wallets ready everybody.
Teaser first piu version 2025 reveled when?
I don’t know🥲
홀리 씻