Also hes on Buck Rogers in the 25th century as Barney in first season "The plot to kill a city" 2 parter. He a bit like Erin Grey in that after she did this series and Silver spoons, she guest stared a lot in shows like Magnum and Fantasy island
Yeah...that was some kind of special. Particularly when he said he wouldn't risk his people "Because you think you can dance on the edge of the neutral zone."
"There comes a time in a man's life... when he looks down at the first smile of his baby girl and realises: he must change the world for her - for all children." I think this will stay with me forever.
I love that line. Despite Picard believing he's from "the good side", he still points out the obvious fact to the defector that he went over to his government's acknowledged enemy and warn them of a military buildup that appears to be a prelude to war. Picard put it into Jarok's face that despite his good intentions, holding back vital information after he already successfully defected, seems to indicate he was a plant to draw the Federation into starting the war (Picard was right that he was a plant, but Jarok was truly motivated to prevent war and didn't know he had been set up).
@@djargus Picard was incorrect though. It's like calling Snowden a traitor. I think Picard was just trying to inflame him. I think Picard was still operating under the presumption that the admiral was a double agent. And so Picard was antagonizing him. I dont think Picard yet understood that this dude was a man of conscience. When Snowden's passport was cancelled by the U.S.G., he was in transit from hong Kong to Latin America. He got stuck in russia. And the Russians surely reacted just as Picard did, wondering why snowden wouldn't give them intelligence
@@stevencoardvenice By definition, Edward Snowden is a traitor. He revealed secrets of his government that he was entrusted and sworn to keep confidential. You can certainly argue that his actions were justified, even necessary, to serve a greater good than national loyalty. But that doesn't change his legal culpability.
@@danieldickson8591 statist fascist nutter. What the u.s. government did was illegal, violating our 4th amendment rights. Maybe you should move to the romulan empire if you want to live under a criminal authoritarian regime. That's not what america was founded for
What I love about James Sloyan's performance here is the incredible tension in his face, his voice, his eyes. He's clearly seething with anger, grief, desperation, just barely restraining it, because what he's trying to do is too important to him. He seems ready to explode at any moment, and I wouldn't want to be opposite him if he did.
@@carminemurray6624 Picard was presented with a situation that could shatter peace between the Romulans and the federation. Billions of lives could be at stake if everything isnt considered and carefully thought over. Hes a diplomat.
4:45 This is what I appreciate about Picard. Even though the Admiral's speech was emotional, Picard wasn't going to allow emotion alone to change his mind. He stood his ground and insisted on full cooperation.
Well Romulans arent exactly known for there trustworthiness. Most races have done some of there own lies for there gain but the "peace" with the Romulans is more of a cold war situation then anything. I suppose u could say the same with the Klingons but with them u can trust that they will honor there word once an agreement finally has been reached. As far as the Romulans an agreement only remains valid in the exact moment they get something out of it. After they get what they want then in there eyes nothing stops them from blowing u up the first chans they get. Thats why when dealing with Romulans u typically se the Federation taking some major precautions they normally otherwise wouldent do.
@TheMidnightStreets Writing fits the times. These days a significant part of the population seems to genuinely believe emotions are a good indicator of truth, righteousness, and are at least equal to objective facts in importance.
@@jonathanmcelveen9569 Depends on how you look at it: Reverend King, Jr. had as his base the long established Southern Baptist Church and not all in the ranks supported his radical protests and marches; Ms. Cheney is evolving before our eyes (hell she might even defect to the Dems!), Mr. Romney is church Elder that backs ethics and he did all to stand and Prince Harry, well, I’m not sure what he’s doing! But he could learn from his late mother, Princess Diana on how to go about saving a country and it’s people. Courageous compassion! Her statue is beautiful, formed from her immortal essence, the original #YouthWhisperer. 👑🌹💚✝️
@@lander77477 Counselor Troi was only a useless character because the writers just didn't seem to know how to really utilize her most times. Sometimes she had actual helpful moments, sometimes her character seemed to have a decent position in the plot. But all too often she just seemed to state the obvious, and there's still the massive problem of her mother being written into the show. Now, when sitting back from the show and not taking it too seriously? Lwaxana Troi was fun to watch screw around with people. When doing serious evaluations of plot or characters... 'Dark Page' was probably the only time they did something good with her. (On TNG - there was the time she visited DS9 and it wasn't quite as bad... but it still was kinda bad. I blame that on early-season weirdness though.) I will always sigh at the writers for including an empath... and then either forgetting her or avoiding using her. If you're going to introduce something with some interesting potential... please use it! There is a precedent for Captain Picard hesitating to use her after a point due to character continuity ("The Drumhead") but TNG played kind of loose with that at times anyway. The frustrating part is how seven seasons let the writers explore a lot of potential facets and implicationms of what they gave other characters (dear GOD they used Worf and Data so much, it's a good thing those actors could handle it) ... but Troi just seemed to get short-changed on not having the implications explored.
@@kereminde Can't recall where this was -- but Troi (Marina Sirtis) was interviewed and actually took some of the blame for this. Other actors would come to the writers with ideas to develop their characters on the show. When they asked her too, she didn't really have any clear ideas for them. To her credit again though, she was used as a sort of sex appeal object with the custumes and did advocate to get that changed. So, can see why she was like Eh for a while. Empath characters as a whole are troublesome to write for. The expectation that they can be true/false living lie detectors isn't realistic. Think they even confront this in an episode. Besides, Troi is half betazoid so she can only sense a person's emotions. Not what they are thinking or internal monolgue like her mother. The fact they can "talk" telepathically is the exception, guess because they are blood related and spent so much time together as family. Point is, if the person they are trying to "detect" sincerely feels and believes they are telling the truth (Hello Garak my old friend) -- they won't be of much help in that situation.
This was actually a rarity. A lot of TNG episodes had Picard going up against parodies of races rather than moral dilemmas. The best episodes are the ones where Picard does _not_ know what to do and must consult others to come to a conclusion.
3:15 to the end is very possibly the most touching and heartfelt parental responsibility speech ever. I cry every single time. "...but she WILL grow up..." Wow.
It was one of my favorite parts. It was a moving speech and you could see he was telling the truth and also that Picard believed him. However Picard still didn't crack and made sure he was given all the information he needed before cooperating.
@@Bitchslapper316 You just brought me back to this and I'm going to watch it... and cry... once again. Great acting, great writing, great directing. :-)
I'm not a parent, and I've never had any desire to be. I also admit that at times I indulge in a bit of casual mockery of some of the ways that parenthood changes people. I don't think I truly understood how being a parent could turn someone into a better person until I watched this scene. It completely bowled me over. 'He must change the world for her, for *all* children.' Incredible writing.
@@rosePetrichor I honestly have no issues with people who say they'd rather not have kids these days considering how uncertain the world is or for any of the other reasons they give. Parenthood DOES change people, some for the better and unfortunately, some for the worse. However GOOD parents do feel like this and should feel the need to improve the world, at least their local part of it, for their kid(s). 3 people I work with have recently had their first child arrive and each one I told to prepare themselves for that first time of holding them in their arms. Not one of the later replies disappointed. :-)
It is a sentiment that plays out in greater detail with Gul Dukat in DS9. For all his villainy, he sees himself as a hero and savior of his people; an egomaniac who earnestly believed that he was a friend to Bajor, who Bajor foolishly rebuffed and regrettably suffered the consequences of. Even as he loses his mind due to the death of his daughter, in "The Waltz," it is still clear that he needs his enemies - particularly Sisko - to acknowledge that he is a good and honorable man, when he is anything but.
This is the earliest example of this kind of world view observation I know of. And Jean pokes fun by going even further with it. “Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. Thoughts of a Biologist” ― Jean Rostand
@@dhunter1133 we have heard that story so many times. One whom is so delusional in the society that they created, that even in total loss, they still consider themselves to be in the right. In all his infamous glory to himself, Saddam Hussein still insisted he was President of Iraq. After he had lost his country, his palaces, and his two sons!
Licensed content doesn't mean it is canon. The TV series and films are alpha canon (TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, DIS, and the 13 films), as per CBS and Paramount official policy. Officially licensed non-TV/movie materials, including Star Trek Online and other games and books, are beta canon.
"One world's butcher is another world's hero... Star Trek was always at it's best when it was reflecting our own reality. And 'The Defector" could have been some random Cold War story here on Earth.
Star trek basically began during cold war, so yeah. In Kirk's crew, there was even a Russian, suggesting the West and East would have eventually make peace and cooperate. Still far from that fiction huh? :D
@@Doc_Fun That's what everybody wishes for on all sides. Nobody from Russia or China is looking forward to fighting us anymore than we them but it's hardly ever that simple. Political, Social, and Cultural differences can not be overcome by the power of positive thought alone.
Oddly enough this episode aired not long after the Berlin Wall came down, which was the beginning of the end for the Cold War. Although in fairness to the writers, just about everyone was caught off guard by that. Nobody really saw it coming.
I love the use of blocking in this scene. Even though Picard is holding his ground with his words, you can slowly see that he's becoming more open to the idea of believing the General through their physical orientation. The conversation begins with the characters at their farthest point, with the table serving as a physical representation of the divide between them. But after the General's line, "One world's butcher is another world's hero ... perhaps I am neither," Picard circumvents the table, and by the end of the scene, they're sitting next to each other at eye level. It's a great way to visually show some trust being built between the characters. When you hear about how quickly they had to shoot episodes on TNG, it always amazes me to see these well-crafted scenes that they put together under a tight deadline. And of course, shoutout to the great writing and acting in this scene. "But she will grow up ..." is a moment that still hits me to this day.
This episode is in my top 5. I love this speech by Picard, and the aftermath of the confrontation when the Romulans decloak and force Picards' surprise.
Listen to the transition of his voice at 1:47. That, changed the entire nature of that conversation. He went from a frantic and desperate logistics clerk to a Romulan Admiral. As a practitioner of combat tactics realized he made a tactical error and had to readjust his strategy. He has to understand how Picard thinks in a nano-second and attempt to "attack" him from a different angle in order to get his message across. He realized Picard is as adept at this game as he is and will see any disingenuous actions on his part. Which is why I personally believed he came clean as to his motivations, to save his beloved daughter and his people. Picard respects truth and only the truth and would most likely be enraged if he tried to stroke his ego or any blistering bravado. Yes, me beloved TNG, giving us a beautiful lesson on how Shakespeare still lives on in the 24th century.
oh wow I've always wondered why Jarok would be "tested" in the first place. Turns out I missed the passing line where he says he was trying to convince the council not to go to war.
@@ronanwaring3408 reminds me of all the dead soldiers from Vietnam and other cold war engangements. Just a few years later political leaders would be drooling at the opportunity to send jobs over to adversaries they denounced.
@@ronanwaring3408 The Dominion War prompted extraordinary cooperation between three of the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant. That could have been the foundation for a future of peace. But the creators of current Star Trek appear not to believe in hope.
Watching this before and after having kids is eye-opening. Jarok's words about needing to change the world for his daughter seemed like mere platitudes to me years ago. Oh yes, of course. We all have to do our part to make the world a better place, for everyone. That old adage must be what he's referring to. But, having daughters now...I acutely understand what he means. Every issue with the world feels like it falls directly on my shoulders, because it is the world I'm GIVING my daughters. As it is, right now. It is the world I brought them to. Not only are they my responsibility, the world is my responsibility to them. I don't just want to make the world a good place for them to live. I need to. I must. Because them living in it is something I made happen. My wife and I brought people into this world and essentially made them experience it. I have to make it better for them.
Still feels like platitudes to me. I have heard such words from so many people, who then continue to make absolutely no concessions to their children - they still abuse drugs/alcohol and live frivolously. People I think of as good people as well.
@@hansolo631It is platitudes when you don't act on it, don't practise what you preach, don't mean what you say. Otherwise it's the truth. The people you know personally who aren't living up to their words are either not being truthful or are too weak in character and substance abuse is both a symptom and cause of that.
But she DOES grow up, Commander Tiaru Jarok is an officer in the Romulan Republic, commanding their flagship the R.R.W. Lleiset. I'm pretty damn sure he'd be proud of her like she is of him.
@@anthonycunningham8116 More canon than most things that aren't tv/movie as storylines and such have to be approved by CBS and Paramount. Besides it's still leagues better than anything that hack Kurtzman could do.
@@DeltaSpartan198 Amen, mate. STO is considered non-canon, sadly. But much of its stories reflect older Trek and it will always remain the best new entry to the franchise. It's my headcanon, that's for sure.
@@DeltaSpartan198 Some of the STO stories are a convoluted mess. They have some neat ideas and they make for an interesting game but putting sone of that nonsense on screen would be laughable.
This episode opened with Picard and Data tipping their hats to Kenneth Branagh's film of Shakespeare's Henry V, which was in the theaters around the same time that this episode was first aired. There were a lot of trained Shakespearian actors in NextGen, many of them in Klingon roles.
I could watch this episode a million times. The acting, pacing, tension, intrigue, dialogue, and the beautiful shots of the new 4-foot model are all so amazing. The writing in S3 was on another level.
Yup, don't judge people by their empty words... look at their actions. Hitler promised peace while arming for war and invading his neighbors. Rome promised 'peace' but only after subjugation and taxation. The US made numerous 'peace' treaties with native peoples, but time and again committed heinous acts of aggression and violence upon them when they became inconvenient.
The Defector is by far my most favourite Star Trek episode followed by "Who watches the watchers". Masterclass acting performances by Sir Patrick Stewart and James Sloane, almost shakespearean level of acting. This is how I love my Trek. Thoughtful, great dialogues, intelligent stories. Not "who desintegrates the most men by forgetting how to set phasers on stun..." or "Cry me a river" Michael Burnham. LLAP
This was the Picard so many of us were hoping to see in the new show. Instead we got a Picard who’s lost and has no idea what’s happening around him. I get that Patrick Stewart didn’t want to just redo TNG and be back on the bridge of the Enterprise. But they seem to have forgotten what made the character so great.
His acting is decidedly different on the new show, almost like he's playing a guy who is playing his own interpretation of Picard, lol. This Picard is much more measured stern and striking.
Written by Ron Moore, this is the episode that got him aboard the Star Trek franchise. This is how Picard should converse. If only Moore were writing dialogue for Star Trek: Picard.
Imagine if THIS scene, and not some vague plot threads of the Android and Kelvin storyline, was the premise for Star Trek Picard. An empire, once united in its shroud of mystery and paranoia, is now visibly divided against itself in the midst of a civil war. One side, clinging desperately to Romulan tradition, honor and the notions of supremacy that have guided their civilizations since their ancestors’ arrival, wages terrible and brutal war against any that would try to change the doctrines that have always guided them. The other, a united, diverse assembly of Romulans, Remans, Vulcans and dozens of other formerly subjugated species all working together to achieve an ideal of peace and prosperity, an ideal inspired by and benevolently supported by the United Federation of Planets. The future that Admiral Jarok envisioned, battles for its very life against the future that he most dreaded.
Da40kOrks current writers think special effects. Stock footage from editing programs, and screaming and killing is good. People loved star trek tng and ds9 because of the amazing plot and characters and dialogue. The action was a cherry on top
Ironically PICARD almost sounds like he's talking to Trump, tour a traitor you've already crossed the line! You credibility is stretched Beyond belief!
Even before Kurtzman got involved, Patrick Stewart was quoted saying dumb shit like, “I think Star Trek fans want it to be like an action movie!” He slowly forgot why this show was loved so dearly, what made it so popular and poignant... It was never about the action or explosions or awesome special effects... It was always about the interpersonal drama and the THOUGHTFUL scripts. ST:P is to Star Trek as The Phantom Menace was to Star Wars... Dumbed down drivel that nobody really enjoys all that much.
@@JanoyCresvaZero Yeah, Stewart pushed Action Picard in First Contact (it sort of made sense there), Insurrection and Nemesis. But even then he wasn't going with the actively miserable universe full of damaged people approach that we have now.
To be honest Stewart has never really understood the character of Jean-Luc Picard. Which is funny cause he played him for 7 long seasons straight. All Stewart really did was read from the scripts from writers that actually did shape the character. Hell even after TNG and they jumped into the movies didn't understand the character of Picard. RedLetterMedia's Plinkett gives a good break-down over how different movie Picard is to his television counterpart in his old TNG movie reviews.
I don't interpret it like that at all. He looks subtly frustrated and resigned. Jarok is trying to convince him he's telling the truth about preventing war, but then starts defending Romulan imperialism instead? It just makes the situation less clear.
He managed to bring certain scenes to a height of acting Star Trek hadn't seen before. They had their corny moments as well but he made the most of his scenes.
@@celticspike2522 They really made a mistake not planning on having him on for more than 1 season. His character was the most interesting one on the show. And now Michelle Yeoh's character is gone, the 2nd most interesting character. At least she's getting her own series.
When its the Romulan displaying humanity, you kind of have to listen. Wonderful energy in this scene. Even dispite one person wearing more shoulderpads and fringe than an 80's synth group
Through seasons 3 and 4 there were several times crewmen who were not part of the regular cast used original TNG uniforms. I always found it odd though they wouldn’t go with one standard.
@@princeofhavoc It all comes down to money. Creating new uniforms for every extra would eat away from the already constrained budget that they had to deal with, so it made sense to use what they already had.
By the middle of the fourth season, they had enough uniforms for all the extras. They had just changed over to the new two-piece design for season three and of course put priority on the uniforms for the main cast members. Took a while to catch up on the inventory. Meantime, they just used what they had.
3:30 I like how Picard appears to get defensive and even slightly hostile because Jarok pointed out his decision of Career over Family...and if i remember correctly,Picard often reacts similar if this topic comes up
Yes indeed. I come back to scenes like this from time to time to refresh my memory of just how damn good the writing and acting in TNG was. So much better than a lot of what is in modern TV shows. We all loved the science fiction aspects of the show but what really made TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and even ENT so special was the thoughtful drama and issues that they presented
Right, no one cried or had an intense emotional epiphany that left them sobbing, yet the story is great. I like Disco, but too many episodes have to end with intense pathos and crying... my god the crying!
@@tbirdguy1 dewd right.... or that overwhelming amount of *intense looking off into the distance* ... it's like speak you idiot thats what you are paid to do. now to be fair Riker did a ton of that crap, but nowadays its like every 5 seconds on every show. man I hate that, when every other sentence is just a zoom in on someones face looking at something in intense whatever the hell emotion they are trying to convey.
Consider this. As you watch this scene, at the edge of your seat, with bated breath, tension high. This is two men in a small room talking with each other. Now THAT is what good Star Trek is supposed to be about.
I feel bad for Jarok, he gave it all for the perceived betterment of millions only to die that way, if he lived he might of seen his family one day when peace came
Please do not tell my daughters that their "cold and unemotional" father tears up whenever he hears Admiral Jarok vowing to change the world upon seeing the first smile of his baby girl. Happy Father's Day to all good dads changing the world for their children.
“Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god. Thoughts of a Biologist” ― Jean Rostand
Jarok starts a speech Picard: yeah well im the one who makes speeches, shut up Jarok gives a passionate speech Picard: im gonna do a MLG move: Nope, not helping you
For me the end is the best moment in Captain Picards career. The then you shall have it Mr Worf, and the Kilingons decloak. I lost it when I first saw that and still smile as he makes the Rumulans blink all the arrogance is gone. Picard is shrewd man and a great Captain.
James Sloyan played in multiple trek roles and as different species. He told pat stewart "star trek is the last place you can do shakespeare on tv."
Fantastic actor. I always knew it was gonna be a great episode when I saw his name in the credits.
You can Shake a Spear on Television ! 😲 I am so humerous !
Not anymore. Kiss of Death Kirtzman saw to that.
Also hes on Buck Rogers in the 25th century as Barney in first season "The plot to kill a city" 2 parter. He a bit like Erin Grey in that after she did this series and Silver spoons, she guest stared a lot in shows like Magnum and Fantasy island
He is so good. theatrical but very convincing at the same time.
" You already betrayed you people Admiral. You made your choices Sir". Love that dialog.
Yeah...that was some kind of special. Particularly when he said he wouldn't risk his people "Because you think you can dance on the edge of the neutral zone."
"There comes a time in a man's life... when he looks down at the first smile of his baby girl and realises: he must change the world for her - for all children."
I think this will stay with me forever.
That baby girl would go on to captain the Liesete.
As a new dad (of a daughter) watching this for the first time, that brought me to tears immediately. I still come back to watch this scene.
2:49 - "You've already betrayed your people, Admiral! You've made your choices, Sir! You're a traitor!"
I love that line. Despite Picard believing he's from "the good side", he still points out the obvious fact to the defector that he went over to his government's acknowledged enemy and warn them of a military buildup that appears to be a prelude to war. Picard put it into Jarok's face that despite his good intentions, holding back vital information after he already successfully defected, seems to indicate he was a plant to draw the Federation into starting the war (Picard was right that he was a plant, but Jarok was truly motivated to prevent war and didn't know he had been set up).
set the picard speech to KILL
@@djargus Picard was incorrect though. It's like calling Snowden a traitor. I think Picard was just trying to inflame him. I think Picard was still operating under the presumption that the admiral was a double agent. And so Picard was antagonizing him. I dont think Picard yet understood that this dude was a man of conscience.
When Snowden's passport was cancelled by the U.S.G., he was in transit from hong Kong to Latin America. He got stuck in russia. And the Russians surely reacted just as Picard did, wondering why snowden wouldn't give them intelligence
@@stevencoardvenice By definition, Edward Snowden is a traitor. He revealed secrets of his government that he was entrusted and sworn to keep confidential. You can certainly argue that his actions were justified, even necessary, to serve a greater good than national loyalty. But that doesn't change his legal culpability.
@@danieldickson8591 statist fascist nutter. What the u.s. government did was illegal, violating our 4th amendment rights. Maybe you should move to the romulan empire if you want to live under a criminal authoritarian regime. That's not what america was founded for
What I love about James Sloyan's performance here is the incredible tension in his face, his voice, his eyes. He's clearly seething with anger, grief, desperation, just barely restraining it, because what he's trying to do is too important to him. He seems ready to explode at any moment, and I wouldn't want to be opposite him if he did.
I like him in his other Star Trek roles as well.
All of his Star Trek roles are so well played , tremendous actor
I did not much like Captain "Picky" Picard in this case 😳 Admiral Alidar Jarok had many great points.
@@carminemurray6624 How is he being picky?
@@carminemurray6624 Picard was presented with a situation that could shatter peace between the Romulans and the federation. Billions of lives could be at stake if everything isnt considered and carefully thought over. Hes a diplomat.
4:45 This is what I appreciate about Picard. Even though the Admiral's speech was emotional, Picard wasn't going to allow emotion alone to change his mind. He stood his ground and insisted on full cooperation.
words werent going to change anything
This is the Picard we needed for "Star Trek: Picard" all we got was the emotional and political Picard
@@TheMidnightStreets also an old shell of his former self sadly.
Well Romulans arent exactly known for there trustworthiness. Most races have done some of there own lies for there gain but the "peace" with the Romulans is more of a cold war situation then anything. I suppose u could say the same with the Klingons but with them u can trust that they will honor there word once an agreement finally has been reached. As far as the Romulans an agreement only remains valid in the exact moment they get something out of it. After they get what they want then in there eyes nothing stops them from blowing u up the first chans they get. Thats why when dealing with Romulans u typically se the Federation taking some major precautions they normally otherwise wouldent do.
@TheMidnightStreets Writing fits the times. These days a significant part of the population seems to genuinely believe emotions are a good indicator of truth, righteousness, and are at least equal to objective facts in importance.
"one world's butcher is another one's hero"- a line that would come back again and again, particularly in DS9 later on.
"Sometimes, one must betray their government to save their country." -- John le Carré
"What's Walmart? Is that where they sell wall stuff?"
Paris Hilton
Said Liz Cheney...Mitt Romney...Martin Luther King, Jr...Prince Harry...
@@yvettemarshallTWN Sad only one of those people actually did that. The other three ARE the establishment.
@@jonathanmcelveen9569 Depends on how you look at it: Reverend King, Jr. had as his base the long established Southern Baptist Church and not all in the ranks supported his radical protests and marches; Ms. Cheney is evolving before our eyes (hell she might even defect to the Dems!), Mr. Romney is church Elder that backs ethics and he did all to stand and Prince Harry, well, I’m not sure what he’s doing! But he could learn from his late mother, Princess Diana on how to go about saving a country and it’s people. Courageous compassion! Her statue is beautiful, formed from her immortal essence, the original #YouthWhisperer. 👑🌹💚✝️
"Convince me you are telling a truth." Is there an crew member named Troy on board? She took day off?
Yeah really, where was she. Some fans argue that Troy was a useless character, doesn't help much when shes missing alltogether
@@lander77477 Counselor Troi was only a useless character because the writers just didn't seem to know how to really utilize her most times. Sometimes she had actual helpful moments, sometimes her character seemed to have a decent position in the plot.
But all too often she just seemed to state the obvious, and there's still the massive problem of her mother being written into the show. Now, when sitting back from the show and not taking it too seriously? Lwaxana Troi was fun to watch screw around with people. When doing serious evaluations of plot or characters... 'Dark Page' was probably the only time they did something good with her. (On TNG - there was the time she visited DS9 and it wasn't quite as bad... but it still was kinda bad. I blame that on early-season weirdness though.)
I will always sigh at the writers for including an empath... and then either forgetting her or avoiding using her. If you're going to introduce something with some interesting potential... please use it! There is a precedent for Captain Picard hesitating to use her after a point due to character continuity ("The Drumhead") but TNG played kind of loose with that at times anyway.
The frustrating part is how seven seasons let the writers explore a lot of potential facets and implicationms of what they gave other characters (dear GOD they used Worf and Data so much, it's a good thing those actors could handle it) ... but Troi just seemed to get short-changed on not having the implications explored.
@@kereminde she was probably just there for sex appeal.
Captain, I sense that he has pointy ears.
*Enterprise crashes into an asteroid*
@@kereminde Can't recall where this was -- but Troi (Marina Sirtis) was interviewed and actually took some of the blame for this. Other actors would come to the writers with ideas to develop their characters on the show. When they asked her too, she didn't really have any clear ideas for them.
To her credit again though, she was used as a sort of sex appeal object with the custumes and did advocate to get that changed. So, can see why she was like Eh for a while.
Empath characters as a whole are troublesome to write for. The expectation that they can be true/false living lie detectors isn't realistic. Think they even confront this in an episode. Besides, Troi is half betazoid so she can only sense a person's emotions. Not what they are thinking or internal monolgue like her mother. The fact they can "talk" telepathically is the exception, guess because they are blood related and spent so much time together as family.
Point is, if the person they are trying to "detect" sincerely feels and believes they are telling the truth (Hello Garak my old friend) -- they won't be of much help in that situation.
That is why I love Star Trek. You come for the "pew pew" space stuff but you stay for the deep and awesome dialogs!
@@somedumbozzie1539 Thanks :)
new trek forgot the second part
This was actually a rarity. A lot of TNG episodes had Picard going up against parodies of races rather than moral dilemmas. The best episodes are the ones where Picard does _not_ know what to do and must consult others to come to a conclusion.
Or at least you used to. Modern Trek is absolute garbage unfortunately. :( Damn shame.
3:15 to the end is very possibly the most touching and heartfelt parental responsibility speech ever. I cry every single time. "...but she WILL grow up..." Wow.
It was one of my favorite parts. It was a moving speech and you could see he was telling the truth and also that Picard believed him. However Picard still didn't crack and made sure he was given all the information he needed before cooperating.
@@Bitchslapper316 You just brought me back to this and I'm going to watch it... and cry... once again. Great acting, great writing, great directing. :-)
@@visitor55555 cheers, it was a great scene, I hope you enjoy (again).
I'm not a parent, and I've never had any desire to be. I also admit that at times I indulge in a bit of casual mockery of some of the ways that parenthood changes people. I don't think I truly understood how being a parent could turn someone into a better person until I watched this scene. It completely bowled me over. 'He must change the world for her, for *all* children.' Incredible writing.
@@rosePetrichor I honestly have no issues with people who say they'd rather not have kids these days considering how uncertain the world is or for any of the other reasons they give. Parenthood DOES change people, some for the better and unfortunately, some for the worse. However GOOD parents do feel like this and should feel the need to improve the world, at least their local part of it, for their kid(s). 3 people I work with have recently had their first child arrive and each one I told to prepare themselves for that first time of holding them in their arms. Not one of the later replies disappointed. :-)
"One worlds butcher is another worlds hero" that really stuck with me
It is a sentiment that plays out in greater detail with Gul Dukat in DS9. For all his villainy, he sees himself as a hero and savior of his people; an egomaniac who earnestly believed that he was a friend to Bajor, who Bajor foolishly rebuffed and regrettably suffered the consequences of. Even as he loses his mind due to the death of his daughter, in "The Waltz," it is still clear that he needs his enemies - particularly Sisko - to acknowledge that he is a good and honorable man, when he is anything but.
Sounds like hitler
This is the earliest example of this kind of world view observation I know of. And Jean pokes fun by going even further with it. “Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.
Thoughts of a Biologist”
― Jean Rostand
@@dhunter1133 we have heard that story so many times. One whom is so delusional in the society that they created, that even in total loss, they still consider themselves to be in the right. In all his infamous glory to himself, Saddam Hussein still insisted he was President of Iraq. After he had lost his country, his palaces, and his two sons!
One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter
And this was followed up in Star Trek Online... as the captain of the Romulan Republic's flagship is his daughter Tiaru Jarok
Nothing in Star Trek Online is canon. All of it is apocrypha content.
@@kxmode It's it officially licensed by CBS / Viacom? Yes? Then it's canon.
Licensed content doesn't mean it is canon. The TV series and films are alpha canon (TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, VOY, DIS, and the 13 films), as per CBS and Paramount official policy. Officially licensed non-TV/movie materials, including Star Trek Online and other games and books, are beta canon.
@@kxmode It's all canon, alpha and beta are irrelevant labels designed to keep people like yourself feeling like you're a know it all.
@@fredcasdensworld If you say so. I won't stop you.
"One world's butcher is another world's hero...
Star Trek was always at it's best when it was reflecting our own reality. And 'The Defector" could have been some random Cold War story here on Earth.
Star trek basically began during cold war, so yeah. In Kirk's crew, there was even a Russian, suggesting the West and East would have eventually make peace and cooperate. Still far from that fiction huh? :D
@@tomcat9727 Sadly. I hope we can all find some common ground before something... drastic occurs.
@@Doc_Fun That's what everybody wishes for on all sides. Nobody from Russia or China is looking forward to fighting us anymore than we them but it's hardly ever that simple. Political, Social, and Cultural differences can not be overcome by the power of positive thought alone.
Oddly enough this episode aired not long after the Berlin Wall came down, which was the beginning of the end for the Cold War.
Although in fairness to the writers, just about everyone was caught off guard by that. Nobody really saw it coming.
That's all the Romulan/Federation dynamic was. The Cold War.
Priceless, how I miss this version Star Trek!
Back then, when Trek was not about special effects and crying.
At least we have the memories, five series, and ten feature films.
This version is nice for the stand-alone version of the episodes. DS9 is best Star Trek
You can have both. I like both this Trek (prefer to be honest). But I also like new trek too. Yes it's different, but it's still good.
I love the use of blocking in this scene. Even though Picard is holding his ground with his words, you can slowly see that he's becoming more open to the idea of believing the General through their physical orientation. The conversation begins with the characters at their farthest point, with the table serving as a physical representation of the divide between them. But after the General's line, "One world's butcher is another world's hero ... perhaps I am neither," Picard circumvents the table, and by the end of the scene, they're sitting next to each other at eye level. It's a great way to visually show some trust being built between the characters. When you hear about how quickly they had to shoot episodes on TNG, it always amazes me to see these well-crafted scenes that they put together under a tight deadline.
And of course, shoutout to the great writing and acting in this scene. "But she will grow up ..." is a moment that still hits me to this day.
This episode is in my top 5. I love this speech by Picard, and the aftermath of the confrontation when the Romulans decloak and force Picards' surprise.
"Shall we die together?" Such a bad ass line. I'll bet even the Klingons listening in were like... "wow this Picard is a real one..."
"what you call a massacre, I call a good days work"....oh wait...wrong startrek series 😞
"I am your Nemesis...I am your nightmare...I am the butcher of the Norkan Outpost!"
"What you call a massacre, I call a Tuesday"....oh wait...wrong... er everything.
Ben Richards: I am the Butcher of Bakersfield (apparently).
@@Nymaz still applies though xD
@@takerdust You're Aamin Marritza, his filing clerk.
Listen to the transition of his voice at 1:47. That, changed the entire nature of that conversation. He went from a frantic and desperate logistics clerk to a Romulan Admiral. As a practitioner of combat tactics realized he made a tactical error and had to readjust his strategy. He has to understand how Picard thinks in a nano-second and attempt to "attack" him from a different angle in order to get his message across. He realized Picard is as adept at this game as he is and will see any disingenuous actions on his part. Which is why I personally believed he came clean as to his motivations, to save his beloved daughter and his people. Picard respects truth and only the truth and would most likely be enraged if he tried to stroke his ego or any blistering bravado. Yes, me beloved TNG, giving us a beautiful lesson on how Shakespeare still lives on in the 24th century.
oh wow I've always wondered why Jarok would be "tested" in the first place. Turns out I missed the passing line where he says he was trying to convince the council not to go to war.
Little did he know in a few years there would be no neutral zone against the dominion
@@ronanwaring3408 reminds me of all the dead soldiers from Vietnam and other cold war engangements. Just a few years later political leaders would be drooling at the opportunity to send jobs over to adversaries they denounced.
Yes, this is a key scene.
@@ronanwaring3408 The Dominion War prompted extraordinary cooperation between three of the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant. That could have been the foundation for a future of peace. But the creators of current Star Trek appear not to believe in hope.
The dialogue in this show is incredible
"To believe in an ideal is to be willing to betray it. The difference between a fall and a sacrifice is not one many understand."
--- Kreia, Star Wars
“If you truly believe in something then find it’s opposite to temper it’s weaknesses”
"It is such a quiet thing to fall, but far more terrible is to admit it."
She had some bloody amazing lines...
I think Lincoln understood that as well…
@@jimstanga6390 He did subvert Constitutional rights in order to uphold the Constitution...
Watching this before and after having kids is eye-opening.
Jarok's words about needing to change the world for his daughter seemed like mere platitudes to me years ago. Oh yes, of course. We all have to do our part to make the world a better place, for everyone. That old adage must be what he's referring to.
But, having daughters now...I acutely understand what he means. Every issue with the world feels like it falls directly on my shoulders, because it is the world I'm GIVING my daughters. As it is, right now. It is the world I brought them to.
Not only are they my responsibility, the world is my responsibility to them. I don't just want to make the world a good place for them to live. I need to. I must. Because them living in it is something I made happen. My wife and I brought people into this world and essentially made them experience it. I have to make it better for them.
Still feels like platitudes to me. I have heard such words from so many people, who then continue to make absolutely no concessions to their children - they still abuse drugs/alcohol and live frivolously. People I think of as good people as well.
@@hansolo631It is platitudes when you don't act on it, don't practise what you preach, don't mean what you say. Otherwise it's the truth. The people you know personally who aren't living up to their words are either not being truthful or are too weak in character and substance abuse is both a symptom and cause of that.
Damn fine acting.
unfortunately, nowadays everyone seems to have forgotten how to act convincingly like real people. even Steward himself.
".....but she will grow up"
Let me tell you about a little old supernova 15 years in her future....
But she DOES grow up, Commander Tiaru Jarok is an officer in the Romulan Republic, commanding their flagship the R.R.W. Lleiset.
I'm pretty damn sure he'd be proud of her like she is of him.
@@DeltaSpartan198 Star Trek Online though-never happened.
More canon than most things that aren't tv/movie as storylines and such have to be approved by CBS and Paramount.
Besides it's still leagues better than anything that hack Kurtzman could do.
@@DeltaSpartan198 Amen, mate.
STO is considered non-canon, sadly. But much of its stories reflect older Trek and it will always remain the best new entry to the franchise. It's my headcanon, that's for sure.
@@DeltaSpartan198 Some of the STO stories are a convoluted mess. They have some neat ideas and they make for an interesting game but putting sone of that nonsense on screen would be laughable.
This episode opened with Picard and Data tipping their hats to Kenneth Branagh's film of Shakespeare's Henry V, which was in the theaters around the same time that this episode was first aired. There were a lot of trained Shakespearian actors in NextGen, many of them in Klingon roles.
Picard taught Shakespear in my college. He didn't know if how his Star trek gig would go.
I could watch this episode a million times. The acting, pacing, tension, intrigue, dialogue, and the beautiful shots of the new 4-foot model are all so amazing. The writing in S3 was on another level.
Unreal acting. Such an amazing and touching sequence, as all TNG encounters are.
2:49 "You already betrayed your people Admiral, you've made your choices sir!" Picard using his best Quarterdeck voice!~
This show just had perfect dialogue. Perfect.
1:28 I do love the Neville Chamberlain reference, and Picard's rightful scorn of it.
Yup, don't judge people by their empty words... look at their actions. Hitler promised peace while arming for war and invading his neighbors. Rome promised 'peace' but only after subjugation and taxation. The US made numerous 'peace' treaties with native peoples, but time and again committed heinous acts of aggression and violence upon them when they became inconvenient.
It wasnt scorn for Chamberlain. It was scorn for the romulan and his talk of peace. Picard has no respect or trust
The Defector is by far my most favourite Star Trek episode followed by "Who watches the watchers". Masterclass acting performances by Sir Patrick Stewart and James Sloane, almost shakespearean level of acting. This is how I love my Trek. Thoughtful, great dialogues, intelligent stories.
Not "who desintegrates the most men by forgetting how to set phasers on stun..." or "Cry me a river" Michael Burnham.
Such great dialogue. Wonderfully written, and brilliantly performed. CBS Picard writers could take a few notes from TNG.
Great dialog. Excellent acting.
By both Patrick Stewart and James Sloyan
@@samsignorelli definitely. Such a great scene.
@@tc2006driver Something about how Picard delivers at 2:49....just drops the hammer on Jarok.
@@samsignorelli "You've made your choices sir!"
"You've crossed over, Admiral. You make yourself comfortable with that."
This was the Picard so many of us were hoping to see in the new show. Instead we got a Picard who’s lost and has no idea what’s happening around him. I get that Patrick Stewart didn’t want to just redo TNG and be back on the bridge of the Enterprise. But they seem to have forgotten what made the character so great.
That's what people were hoping to see, but it's not realistic. No one is the same person 30+ years on, not a single one of us.
@@Raja1938 which is why it would’ve been better not to bring the character back.
His acting is decidedly different on the new show, almost like he's playing a guy who is playing his own interpretation of Picard, lol. This Picard is much more measured stern and striking.
@@blppt Age also has a lot to do with it, unfortunately.
@@Raja1938 Yeah but you chat that a bit when a big character on tv. or else you get . . . Picard
Written by Ron Moore, this is the episode that got him aboard the Star Trek franchise. This is how Picard should converse. If only Moore were writing dialogue for Star Trek: Picard.
Imagine if THIS scene, and not some vague plot threads of the Android and Kelvin storyline, was the premise for Star Trek Picard.
An empire, once united in its shroud of mystery and paranoia, is now visibly divided against itself in the midst of a civil war. One side, clinging desperately to Romulan tradition, honor and the notions of supremacy that have guided their civilizations since their ancestors’ arrival, wages terrible and brutal war against any that would try to change the doctrines that have always guided them.
The other, a united, diverse assembly of Romulans, Remans, Vulcans and dozens of other formerly subjugated species all working together to achieve an ideal of peace and prosperity, an ideal inspired by and benevolently supported by the United Federation of Planets. The future that Admiral Jarok envisioned, battles for its very life against the future that he most dreaded.
That requires talent and imagination. Two things obviously lacking from current trek writers.
Shaka, when the walls fell
Da40kOrks current writers think special effects. Stock footage from editing programs, and screaming and killing is good. People loved star trek tng and ds9 because of the amazing plot and characters and dialogue. The action was a cherry on top
Sounds very much like the Romulans in STO, doesn’t it? If only the writers of Picard would’ve looked at the available soft canon and built on it...
Ironically PICARD almost sounds like he's talking to Trump, tour a traitor you've already crossed the line! You credibility is stretched Beyond belief!
Incredible how a single scene manages to be better than anything else they've made in the name of star trek in years.
"One world's butcher is another world's hero. Perhaps I am neither one."
Could someone make Patrick Stewart re-watch this before he sits down with Kurtzman and his edgelord acolytes to plan PIC Season 2?
so they could make it a different kind of edgy lmao.
@@jhwheuer I mean this clip lmao.
Even before Kurtzman got involved, Patrick Stewart was quoted saying dumb shit like, “I think Star Trek fans want it to be like an action movie!” He slowly forgot why this show was loved so dearly, what made it so popular and poignant... It was never about the action or explosions or awesome special effects... It was always about the interpersonal drama and the THOUGHTFUL scripts. ST:P is to Star Trek as The Phantom Menace was to Star Wars... Dumbed down drivel that nobody really enjoys all that much.
@@JanoyCresvaZero Yeah, Stewart pushed Action Picard in First Contact (it sort of made sense there), Insurrection and Nemesis. But even then he wasn't going with the actively miserable universe full of damaged people approach that we have now.
To be honest Stewart has never really understood the character of Jean-Luc Picard. Which is funny cause he played him for 7 long seasons straight. All Stewart really did was read from the scripts from writers that actually did shape the character. Hell even after TNG and they jumped into the movies didn't understand the character of Picard. RedLetterMedia's Plinkett gives a good break-down over how different movie Picard is to his television counterpart in his old TNG movie reviews.
The actor playing the romulan was in Voyager as the scientist who invented the metrion cascade that decimated talax, nelixs home planet.
Also the scientist who raised Odo in DS9, a truly excellent actor
@@WarCriminalPhlox dr Mora in ds9
The actor is James Sloyan
@@WarCriminalPhlox he was also K'mtar (adult Alexander from an alternate future) in the episode "Firstborn".
@@WarCriminalPhlox I KNEW I recognised that voice!
Everytime he fixes his uniform, he means business.
Well written , well acted. The Defector is indeed one Star Trek TNG 's best episodes. Powerful scene ! Bravo !👏💯
"One world's butcher is another world's hero. Perhaps I am neither one."
You can tell that comment hit Picard.
I don't interpret it like that at all. He looks subtly frustrated and resigned. Jarok is trying to convince him he's telling the truth about preventing war, but then starts defending Romulan imperialism instead? It just makes the situation less clear.
He managed to bring certain scenes to a height of acting Star Trek hadn't seen before. They had their corny moments as well but he made the most of his scenes.
Definitely one of my all-time favorite Trek episodes.
"We must stop this war before it even begins."
I think that Quark would admire Jarok for being a very good adherent to the Third Rule of Acquisition.
I too have felt that feeling of seeing my daughter and knowing that I want a better future for her and everyone else. Family gives meaning to life.
"Bring him in." A verbal death knell.
5 minutes of this is more entertaining than the entire season 1 of STD.
it's not even close. STD was barely watchable when Jason Isaacs was there , but without him it was trash.
Fukkin shitstorm
@@celticspike2522 They really made a mistake not planning on having him on for more than 1 season. His character was the most interesting one on the show. And now Michelle Yeoh's character is gone, the 2nd most interesting character. At least she's getting her own series.
Beautigully written and performed!
The way Picard just dismisses Jarok's talk of sacrificing family for career is deeply ironic in this scene.
The little speech at 2:49 is just so good. Patrick Stewart really knew how to turn it up at just the right moments in just the right amounts.
Fun Fact: In Star Trek Online, Admiral Jarok's daughter became the captain of the Romulan Republic's flagship, the RRW Lleiset.
"The day my people graced that planet with their presence was the most important day of the inhabitants' lives, but for was Tuesday."
Very emotional! He risked everything and lost everything! A true hero
There are so many great performances on this show. I didn’t appreciate it enough when it was on. But then again I was a teenager.
You know Picard is serious when he uses not one, but TWO Maneuvers in one conversation!
'But I will not risk my crew, because you think you can dance on the edge of the Neutral Zone'.
Jeez this is such a good episode . It's the people who stand up for injustice that make the differences in the world
When its the Romulan displaying humanity, you kind of have to listen.
Wonderful energy in this scene. Even dispite one person wearing more shoulderpads and fringe than an 80's synth group
I never noticed before now, but that ensign is wearing a season 1 uniform.
They are not long for this World...
Through seasons 3 and 4 there were several times crewmen who were not part of the regular cast used original TNG uniforms. I always found it odd though they wouldn’t go with one standard.
@@princeofhavoc It all comes down to money. Creating new uniforms for every extra would eat away from the already constrained budget that they had to deal with, so it made sense to use what they already had.
zero5440 Yeah. I forget where I heard this mentioned. But I guess inform budget was tighter than one would think.
By the middle of the fourth season, they had enough uniforms for all the extras. They had just changed over to the new two-piece design for season three and of course put priority on the uniforms for the main cast members. Took a while to catch up on the inventory. Meantime, they just used what they had.
Jarok is like the Commander in Balance of Terror, war weary, and a man of honor.
Yet still has the Romulan arrogance.
0:10 Picard really should have heeded the Star Fleet admiral's advice.
The real Star Trek.
I like how Picard appears to get defensive and even slightly hostile because Jarok pointed out his decision of Career over Family...and if i remember correctly,Picard often reacts similar if this topic comes up
Gods the writing was strong then
This was THE defining moment for TNG. this episode made TNG. And denied the Emmy it deserved.
Yes indeed. I come back to scenes like this from time to time to refresh my memory of just how damn good the writing and acting in TNG was. So much better than a lot of what is in modern TV shows. We all loved the science fiction aspects of the show but what really made TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY and even ENT so special was the thoughtful drama and issues that they presented
2:30 That's some Shakespearean level dialog right there!
Yes, yes, yes, yes peace in our galaxy.
No peasant dog of a captain from any ship is going to talk that way to any Admiral...period.
Arguably the best Romulan episode in all of Star Trek looking at you PIC ...
I sure do miss the days when television was good.
@@MatthewHolevinski Go back into your hole, old man. Plenty of excellent television these days, open your eyes.
@@shamsham1229 how 'bout you get off my lawn bruh :-)
Right, no one cried or had an intense emotional epiphany that left them sobbing, yet the story is great. I like Disco, but too many episodes have to end with intense pathos and crying... my god the crying!
@@tbirdguy1 dewd right.... or that overwhelming amount of *intense looking off into the distance* ... it's like speak you idiot thats what you are paid to do. now to be fair Riker did a ton of that crap, but nowadays its like every 5 seconds on every show. man I hate that, when every other sentence is just a zoom in on someones face looking at something in intense whatever the hell emotion they are trying to convey.
"Sometimes the need of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one." - Spock
Remember when Star Trek didn't suck? Remember when Jean-Luc Picard wasn't a doddering old fool who was simply along for the ride?
I member!
Yes, I remember.
And it makes me even sadder.
@Hawker75 underrated comment
STNG at (or near) it's best, IMO.
Thank you for posting this.
Consider this. As you watch this scene, at the edge of your seat, with bated breath, tension high. This is two men in a small room talking with each other. Now THAT is what good Star Trek is supposed to be about.
This! Most definitely
I feel bad for Jarok, he gave it all for the perceived betterment of millions only to die that way, if he lived he might of seen his family one day when peace came
I just noticed he was the actor in DS9 playing Odo's Doctor when Odo was found.
He's channeling George C. Scott
This is the Picard we need.
Please do not tell my daughters that their "cold and unemotional" father tears up whenever he hears Admiral Jarok vowing to change the world upon seeing the first smile of his baby girl.
Happy Father's Day to all good dads changing the world for their children.
Those shoulder pads
Can damn near play football in them.
A byproduct of the '80s.
Considering what big chips most Romulans carry around on their shoulders, they need the padding.
@@Vesnicie Absolutely agree.
There is more weight and gravitas in this one scene than in anything Alex Kurtzman has shat out and called "Star Trek".
Two wonderful actors in a great episode.
I appreciate these old clips all the more, after seeing ST : Picard
I have a funny feeling that this romulan would probably be pretty decent at teaching a newborn changeling how to shapeshift.
“Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a god.
Thoughts of a Biologist”
― Jean Rostand
Can someone call Patrick Stewart, and remind him what this character is meant to be. This episode would be a good starting point.
This 5 minute scene was more interesting than all of Discovery and Picard combined
That moment when you re-remember that TNG basically had its era's Laurence Olivier as the captain.
- He's concealing informations...
- What ?
- I don't know, he's concealing them.
Michael Burnham pontificating about love and family would really take this scene to the next level.
Only if she committed mutiny for about the 30th time, only to be promoted to King of Starfleet in the next episode.
The Shakespeare is strong with these two.
Had to laugh when I saw his outfit. All squares, patched together to make square shoulders.
Jarok starts a speech
Picard: yeah well im the one who makes speeches, shut up
Jarok gives a passionate speech
Picard: im gonna do a MLG move: Nope, not helping you
superb acting!
For me the end is the best moment in Captain Picards career. The then you shall have it Mr Worf, and the Kilingons decloak. I lost it when I first saw that and still smile as he makes the Rumulans blink all the arrogance is gone. Picard is shrewd man and a great Captain.
This is an excellent episode. 10/10
Careful, Picard - he's trying to sell you a Lexus.